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Last active April 20, 2019 04:44
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Start your minecraft with a batch file(command line interface; CLI)
@echo off
if not defined PIL (
set PIL=1
start /min "" %~0
exit /b
Title ...... Loading
echo The Time Now is %DATE%
echo "Hey, thanks for using WingateXL CLI" && pause
Title Hang on a moment.....
timeout 5 && echo Be sure to visit our Pro Builders Server at && timeout 3
echo Enjoy your game Builder! && echo Keep this window open to view the output when the game starts or just minimize it
java -jar launcher.jar --server --port 25567 -Xms1G -Xmx3G -d64 -jar minecraft_server.1.13.2.jar nogui
echo Thanks for playing!!!!
timeout 3
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