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Created January 3, 2022 17:18
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A small ball game
#lang sketching
(require racket/list)
(class Player Object
(init-field x y x-vel y-vel attached)
;direction is whether we're rotating clockwise or anti clockwise around the ball.
;either -1 or 1
(define-values (direction) (values 1))
;saving the previous values
(define-values (trail-len) (values 30))
(define-values (trail-x trail-y) (values (make-vector trail-len)
(make-vector trail-len)))
(define/public (get-x) x)
(define/public (get-y) y)
(define/public (render)
(stroke 255)
(unless (equal? 'empty attached)
(define/public (update!)
;apply velocity
(set! x (+ x x-vel))
(set! y (+ y y-vel))
;gradual deacceleration
(set! x-vel (* x-vel 0.999))
(set! y-vel (* y-vel 0.999))
;bounce the ball of the walls
(when (or (> x width) (< x 0))
(set! x-vel (- x-vel)))
(when (or (> y height) (< y 0))
(set! y-vel (- y-vel)))
;when attached, set velocity to the tangent vector of the player and the ball
(unless (equal? attached 'empty)
(let-values ([(neo-x-vel neo-y-vel) (perp 20)])
(set! x-vel (* direction neo-x-vel))
(set! y-vel (* direction neo-y-vel))
;cap velocity
(let* ([vel-mag (mag x-vel y-vel)]
[vel-norm-x (/ x-vel vel-mag)]
[vel-norm-y (/ y-vel vel-mag)])
(when (> vel-mag 60)
(set! x-vel (* vel-norm-x 40))
(set! y-vel (* vel-norm-y 40))))))
;store previous positions to render a trail
(let ([trail-idx (remainder frame-count trail-len)])
(vector-set! trail-x trail-idx x)
(vector-set! trail-y trail-idx y)))
(define (get-direction)
;Decides if we should be rotating clockwise or anti-clockwise
(let* ([v1-x (- (attached.get-x) x)]
[v1-y (- (attached.get-y) y)]
[det (- (* v1-x y-vel)
(* v1-y x-vel))])
(if (> det 0) -1 1)))
(define/public (attach! point-lst)
(set! attached (nearest point-lst))
(set! direction (get-direction)))
(define/public (detach!)
(set! attached 'empty)
;if we detach and find ourselves out of bounds teleport back in
(cond [(> x width) (set! x 10)]
[(< x 0) (set! x (- width 10))])
(cond [(> y height) (set! y 10)]
[(< y 0) (set! y (- height 10))]))
(define (render-trail)
;3.3.7 Storing Input
(for ([i trail-len])
(define start (modulo frame-count trail-len))
(define idx (modulo (+ start 1 i) trail-len))
(circle (trail-x.ref idx)
(trail-y.ref idx)
(/ i 2))))
(define (perp mult)
;returns the tangent vector of Player and Ball
(let* ([x-diff (- x (attached.get-x))]
[y-diff (- y (attached.get-y))]
[d (dist x y (attached.get-x) (attached.get-y))]
;Recompute distance every frame because the radius slowly increases.
;Saving it on attach produces a cool effect where the ball speeds up quickly though.
[x-norm (/ x-diff d)]
[y-norm (/ y-diff d)]
[x (* mult x-norm)]
[y (* mult y-norm)])
(values (- y) x)))
(define (nearest point-lst)
(argmin (λ (p) (dist x y (p.get-x) (p.get-y)))
(define/public (render-attachment)
(let* ([att-x (attached.get-x)]
[att-y (attached.get-y)]
[att-r (attached.get-r)]
[a (atan2 (- y att-y) (- x att-x))]
[x1 (+ att-x (* (/ att-r 2) (cos a)))]
[y1 (+ att-y (* (/ att-r 2) (sin a)))])
(line x1 y1 x y))))
(class Ball Object
(init-field x y r)
(define/public (get-x) x)
(define/public (get-y) y)
(define/public (get-r) r)
(define/public (render)
(stroke 0 255 0)
(circle x y r)))
(class Ball-List Object
(init-field n [ball-lst (list)])
;call this after creating the object
(define/public (init-lst)
(set! ball-lst
(for/list ([i (in-range n)])
(define x (* width (random)))
(define y (* height (random)))
(make-object Ball x y 20))))
(define/public (get)
(define/public (render)
(for ([ball ball-lst])
(class Target Object
(define-values (x y r) (values (* width (random))
(* height (random))
(define-values (times-teleported) 0)
(define/public (get-score)
(define/public (update! player-x player-y)
(when (inside? player-x player-y)
(set! times-teleported (add1 times-teleported))
(define (inside? x2 y2)
(let ([x-diff^2 (sq (- x2 x))]
[y-diff^2 (sq (- y2 y))])
(< (+ x-diff^2 y-diff^2) (sq (/ r 2)))))
(define/public (teleport!)
(set! x (* width (random)))
(set! y (* height (random))))
(define/public (render)
;Archery target looking thing
(stroke 255)
(fill 255)
(circle x y r)
(stroke 255 0 0)
(fill 255 0 0)
(circle x y (* r 0.75))
(stroke 255)
(fill 255)
(circle x y (* r 0.5))
(stroke 255 0 0)
(fill 255 0 0)
(circle x y (* r 0.25))))
(class Timer Object
(init-field end)
(define-values (start) 0)
(define/public (reset!)
(set! start (floor (/ (millis) 1000))))
(define/public (current)
(- (floor (/ (millis) 1000)) start))
(define/public (over?)
(>= (current) end))
(define/public (render)
(define secs
(max 0 (- end (current))))
(text-size 10)
(fill 255)
(text (format "~a s" (number->string secs)) 10 10)))
(define me
(make-object Player 300 300 5 3 'empty))
(define them
(make-object Ball-List 7))
(define targ
(make-object Target))
(define timer
(make-object Timer 30))
(define (reset-game!)
(set! them (make-object Ball-List 7))
(set! targ (make-object Target)))
(define (setup)
;Teleporting, because when we initally create the object, the class doesn't have knowledge of width or height.
;Which results in it always spawning in top right corner.
;If we teleport now, it'll spawn somewhere on the screen
(background 0)
(set-frame-rate! 100))
(define (draw)
(background 0)
(cond [(timer.over?)
(fill 255)
(text-size 20)
(text "Game over!" (/ width 2) (/ height 2))
(text (format "Score: ~a" (targ.get-score))
(/ width 2) (+ 40 (/ height 2)))
(text "Press any button to restart" (/ width 2) (+ 80 (/ height 2)))]
(targ.update! (me.get-x) (me.get-y))
(define (on-key-pressed)
(when (timer.over?)
(me.attach! (them.get)))
(define (on-key-released)
(unless (timer.over?)
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