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Last active November 26, 2021 18:10
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An Example Theme for Jetpack Compose that uses the built-in Material Theme, but adds a single extra color, "Tertiary".
import androidx.compose.material.*
import androidx.compose.runtime.*
private val DarkColorPalette = AppColors(
materialColors = darkColors(
primary = purple200,
primaryVariant = purple700,
secondary = teal200),
tertiary = Color.Black,
onTertiary = Color.White
private val LightColorPalette = AppColors(
primary = purple500,
primaryVariant = purple700,
secondary = teal200
tertiary = Color.Blue,
onTertiary = Color.Black
fun MyApplicationTheme(darkTheme: Boolean = isSystemInDarkTheme(), content: @Composable() () -> Unit) {
val colors: AppColors = if (darkTheme) {
} else {
ProvideAppColors(colors = colors) {
colors = colors.materialColors,
typography = typography,
shapes = shapes) {
object MyApplicationTheme {
val colors: AppColors
get() = AmbientAppColors.current
class AppColors(
materialColors: Colors,
tertiary: Color,
onTertiary: Color
) {
var tertiary by mutableStateOf(tertiary)
private set
var onTertiary by mutableStateOf(onTertiary)
private set
// I wish the material [Colors] class would expose it's `updateFrom()`
// method. I think this would not be necessary if it did, or if it
// provided some way to be able to update it's colors. But I (kindof)
// understand why they don't.
var materialColors by mutableStateOf(materialColors)
private set
fun update(otherColors: AppColors) {
materialColors = otherColors.materialColors
tertiary = otherColors.tertiary
onTertiary = otherColors.tertiary
@Composable fun ProvideAppColors(colors: AppColors, content: @Composable () -> Unit) {
val colorPalette = remember { colors }
Providers(AmbientAppColors provides colorPalette, children = content)
internal val AmbientAppColors = staticAmbientOf{ LightColorPalette }
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