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Last active August 29, 2015 14:27
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Information needed for Rekall memory forensics work

ntkrnlmp.pdb for Windows 8.1 on Rig: GUID = 3BAEE2762F6442089EF8B926DDC8DBA61 Offset = 0x00014ccceb48

###Creating Profile for Windows kernel:###

Scan for GUID of kernel rekal -f [image name] version_scan --name_regex ntkrnl

Download .pdb symbols for kernel

Convert .pdb into .json for rekal

  • rekal parse_pdb --output ntkrnlmp.json --profile_class [used Win8SP1x64 for Win 8.1 x64] ntkrnlmp.pdb

Run commands

  • rekal --profile ./ntkrnlmp.json -f [filename] [plugin]


Above applies when using the python version of Rekall, try the .exe? Installs to C:\Program Files\Rekall.

c:\Program Files\Rekall\rekall.exe -f [*image file path*]

On 8.1 VM in lab, this successfully autodetected the profile required and seems to be detecting contents appropriately.


Basic introduction to Winpmem -

How to use Winpmem driver in custom python scripts -

  • winpmem.exe -l - loads device driver
  • Creates \.\pmem device which can be reused in some python code
  • win32file.CreateFile(r"\\.\pmem",win32file.GENERIC_READ | win32file.GENERIC_WRITE,win32file.FILE_SHARE_READ | win32file.FILE_SHARE_WRITE,None,win32file.OPEN_EXISTING,win32file.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL,None) - creates handle
  • win32file.SetFilePointer(*handle*,*start address*,*FILE_BEGIN* or *FILE_CURRENT* or *FILE_END*) - point to address to be read
  • win32file.ReadFile() - read bytes from location


###Code from links above to read memory sections and search for string###

from winpmem import *

def readmem(fd, start, size):
    win32file.SetFilePointer(fd, start, 0 )
    x,data = win32file.ReadFile(fd, size)
    return data

def memsrch(fd, srchstr,start, end, numtofind=1, margins=20,verbose=False,includepython=False):
    for curloc in range(start, end, 1024*1024):
        x=readmem(fd, curloc,1024*1024)
        if srchstr in x and (includepython or not "msrch(" in x):
            if verbose:print curloc+offset,str(x[offset-margins:offset+len(srchstr)+margins])
        if srchstr.encode("utf-16le") in x and (includepython or not "msrch(".encode("utf-16le") in
            if verbose:print curloc+offset,str(x[offset-margins:offset+(len(srchstr)*2)+margins])
        if srchstr.encode("utf-16be") in x and (includepython or not "msrch(".encode("utf-16be") in
            if verbose:print curloc+offset,str(x[offset-margins:offset+(len(srchstr)*2)+margins])
        if len(srchres)>=numtofind:
    return srchres

fd = win32file.CreateFile(r"\\.\pmem",win32file.GENERIC_READ |
win32file.GENERIC_WRITE,win32file.FILE_SHARE_READ |



##Laptop Info##

4 memory ranges:

  • Start 0x00001000 - Length 0x0009C000
  • Start 0x00200000 - Length 0x00002000
  • Start 0x00103000 - Length 0xB753C000
  • Start 0xB77FF000 - Length 0x00001000
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