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Created August 22, 2019 03:12
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# Python program to get a set of
# places according to your search
# query using Google Places API
# importing required modules
import requests, json
# enter your api key here
api_key = 'AIzaSyCCBj4ANTOBqfLZ94oPkqkqqXQRiTrHM3o'
# url variable store url
url = ""
# The text string on which to search
query = input('Search query: ')
# get method of requests module
# return response object
r = requests.get(url + 'query=' + query +
'&key=' + api_key)
# json method of response object convert
# json format data into python format data
x = r.json()
# now x contains list of nested dictionaries
# we know dictionary contain key value pair
# store the value of result key in variable y
y = x['results']
f = open("out.csv", "w")
f.write("name, city, state, lat, long")
# keep looping upto lenght of y
for d in y:
f.write(d['name'] + ","
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