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Forked from max-mapper/
Created November 12, 2018 19:06
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generate ES512 and RS256 elliptic curve keypairs for JWT JWK (JSON Web Token JSON Web Key) using openssl
# RS256
# private key
openssl genrsa -out rs256-4096-private.rsa 4096
# public key
openssl rsa -in rs256-4096-private.rsa -pubout > rs256-4096-public.pem
# ES512
# private key
openssl ecparam -genkey -name secp521r1 -noout -out ecdsa-p521-private.pem
# public key
openssl ec -in ecdsa-p521-private.pem -pubout -out ecdsa-p521-public.pem
// from shout out to brianloveswords
const fs = require('fs');
const jwa = require('jwa');
const privateKey = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/ecdsa-p521-private.pem');
const publicKey = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/ecdsa-p521-public.pem');
const ecdsa = jwa('ES512');
const input = 'very important stuff';
const signature = ecdsa.sign(input, privateKey);
console.log('signature', signature)
console.log('verify', ecdsa.verify(input, signature, publicKey))
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