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Script to alert you if a campaign's spend has changed dramatically
* Change in Campaign Spending Alert
* This script uses the current hour to calculate how much has been spent on
* individual campaigns on the day of running. The average spend up to the
* current hour in a specified numbers of days previously is averaged. If the
* spend today is higher by a specified percentage threshold an alert email
* is sent.
* There is a 20 minute delay between events occurring and the data being
* available in AdWords. This script should be scheduled to run after 20
* past the hour.
* Version: 1.0
* Google AdWords Script maintained on
function main() {
// Options
var campaignNameDoesNotContain = [];
// Use this if you want to exclude some campaigns.
// For example ["Display"] would ignore any campaigns with 'Display' in the name,
// while ["Display","Shopping"] would ignore any campaigns with 'Display' or
// 'Shopping' in the name.
// Leave as [] to not exclude any campaigns.
var campaignNameContains = [];
// Use this if you only want to look at some campaigns.
// For example ["Brand"] would only look at campaigns with 'Brand' in the name,
// while ["Brand","Generic"] would only look at campaigns with 'Brand' or 'Generic'
// in the name.
// Leave as [] to include all campaigns.
var addressesToNotify = [];
// An array of email addresses to send alerts to, example usage:
// ['', '']
// ['']
// Thresholds
var percentageDifferenceSpend = 10;
// The positive or negative percentage change in spend must be greater than
// this number for an alert to be sent. eg 10 means greater than a positive or negative
// 10% change. The variable must be positive.
var averageSpendMinimumThreshold = 100.00;
// This value sets a minimum value that the average historic spend should be
// for it to be compared to today's spend. This number must be greater than 0.
var earliestHour = 7;
// Restricts the script to run only after a certain hour of the day so that a
// significant amount of data can be gathered. This number should be 0 - 23.
// Advanced settings
var timePeriod = 7;
// The default time period averages the previous 7 days of spending. This number
// must be greater than 0.
// The actual code starts here
// Validate input
var validated = validateInput(
if (validated !== true) {
throw validated;
// Create date strings for AWQL query and data comparison
var dates = makeDates(timePeriod);
// Check if it's too early to run the script or not
if (dates.currentHour < earliestHour) {
Logger.log('Too early for code, need coffee.');
// Get the IDs of the campaigns to look at
var ignorePausedCampaigns = true;
var activeCampaignIds = getCampaignIds(campaignNameDoesNotContain, campaignNameContains, ignorePausedCampaigns);
// Construct the AWQL query using the campaign IDs and dates
var query = constructQuery(activeCampaignIds, dates);
var queryReport =;
// Calculate sum of spend today and historically by campaign ID
var costs = calculateCostByCampaign(queryReport, dates);
Logger.log("Got the costs for all campaigns");
// Generate a dictionary of overspending campaigns
var overSpendingCampaigns = checkPercentageChange(costs, averageSpendMinimumThreshold, timePeriod, percentageDifferenceSpend);
// Do nothing if there are no overspending campaigns
if (Object.keys(overSpendingCampaigns).length === 0) {
Logger.log('No overspending campaigns.');
Logger.log('Overspending campaigns: ' + JSON.stringify(overSpendingCampaigns));
// Notify contacts if there are overspending campaigns
notifyContact(addressesToNotify, overSpendingCampaigns, averageSpendMinimumThreshold);
Logger.log("Email sent.");
function validateInput(addressesToNotify,
) {
if (addressesToNotify.length === 0) {
return 'Please provide at least one email address to notify.';
if (percentageDifferenceSpend <= 0) {
return 'Please provide a positive percentage difference spend.';
if (averageSpendMinimumThreshold <= 0) {
return 'Please provide a positive average spend minimum threshold.';
if (earliestHour > 23 | earliestHour < 0) {
return 'Please provide an earliest hour between 0 and 23 inclusive.'
if (timePeriod < 1) {
return 'Please provide a time period of at least one day.'
return true;
function notifyContact(addresses, overSpendingCampaigns, threshold) {
var accountName = AdWordsApp.currentAccount().getName();
var subject = accountName + ' | Spend Checker Script | Campaigns have exceeded your spend change threshold.';
var body = 'The following campaigns have exceeded the ' + threshold + '% spend threshold:\n\n';
var campaignIds = Object.keys(overSpendingCampaigns);
for (var i = 0; i < campaignIds.length; i++) {
var campaignId = campaignIds[i];
var campaign = overSpendingCampaigns[campaignId];
var campaignName = campaign.campaignName;
var percentageChange = campaign.percentageChange.toFixed(2);
var spendToday =;
body += (i+1) + '. \nName: ' + campaignName + '\n' +
'ID: ' + campaignId + '\n' +
'Change(%): ' + percentageChange + '\n' +
'Spend today (£): ' + spendToday + '\n\n';
MailApp.sendEmail(addresses.join(','), subject, body);
function checkPercentageChange(costs, spendThreshold, timePeriod, percentageThreshold) {
var campaignIds = Object.keys(costs);
return campaignIds.reduce(function(overspendingCampaigns, campaignId){
var campaign = costs[campaignId];
var averageSpend = campaign.sumTimePeriod / timePeriod;
var spendToday =;
if(averageSpend < spendThreshold){
return overspendingCampaigns;
var percentageChange = ((spendToday - averageSpend) / averageSpend) * 100;
if (Math.abs(percentageChange) > percentageThreshold) {
campaign['percentageChange'] = percentageChange;
overspendingCampaigns[campaignId] = campaign;
return overspendingCampaigns;
}, {});
function makeDates(timePeriod) {
var millisPerDay = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24;
var timeZone = AdWordsApp.currentAccount().getTimeZone();
var now = new Date();
var dateInPast = new Date(now - ((timePeriod + 1) * millisPerDay));
var todayHyphenated = Utilities.formatDate(now, timeZone, 'yyyy-MM-dd');
var todayFormatted = todayHyphenated.replace(/-/g, '');
var currentHour = Utilities.formatDate(now, timeZone, 'H');
var dateInPastFormatted = Utilities.formatDate(dateInPast, timeZone, 'yyyyMMdd');
return {
'todayHyphenated': todayHyphenated,
'todayFormatted': todayFormatted,
'dateInPastFormatted': dateInPastFormatted,
'currentHour': currentHour,
function constructQuery(activeCampaignIds, dates) {
var currentHour = dates.currentHour;
var todayFormatted = dates.todayFormatted;
var dateInPastFormatted = dates.dateInPastFormatted;
var query =
'SELECT CampaignName, CampaignId, Cost, HourOfDay, Date ' +
'WHERE CampaignId IN [' + activeCampaignIds.join(',') + '] ' +
'AND CampaignStatus = ENABLED ' +
'AND HourOfDay < ' + currentHour + ' ' +
'DURING ' + dateInPastFormatted + ',' + todayFormatted;
Logger.log('AWQL Query: ' + query);
return query;
function calculateCostByCampaign(report, dates) {
var reportRows = report.rows();
var costs = {};
while(reportRows.hasNext()) {
var row =;
var cost = parseFloat(row.Cost);
var campaignId = row.CampaignId;
if (costs[campaignId] === undefined) {
costs[campaignId] = {
'today': 0,
'sumTimePeriod': 0,
'campaignName': row.CampaignName,
if (row.Date === dates.todayHyphenated) {
costs[campaignId].today += cost;
} else {
costs[campaignId].sumTimePeriod += cost;
return costs;
function getCampaignIds(campaignNameDoesNotContain, campaignNameContains, ignorePausedCampaigns) {
var whereStatement = "WHERE ";
var whereStatementsArray = [];
var campaignIds = [];
if (ignorePausedCampaigns) {
whereStatement += "CampaignStatus = ENABLED ";
} else {
whereStatement += "CampaignStatus IN ['ENABLED','PAUSED'] ";
for (var i=0; i<campaignNameDoesNotContain.length; i++) {
whereStatement += "AND CampaignName DOES_NOT_CONTAIN_IGNORE_CASE '" + campaignNameDoesNotContain[i].replace(/"/g,'\\\"') + "' ";
if (campaignNameContains.length == 0) {
whereStatementsArray = [whereStatement];
} else {
for (var i=0; i<campaignNameContains.length; i++) {
whereStatementsArray.push(whereStatement + 'AND CampaignName CONTAINS_IGNORE_CASE "' + campaignNameContains[i].replace(/"/g,'\\\"') + '" ');
for (var i=0; i<whereStatementsArray.length; i++) {
var campaignReport =
"SELECT CampaignId " +
whereStatementsArray[i] +
var rows = campaignReport.rows();
while (rows.hasNext()) {
var row =;
if (campaignIds.length == 0) {
throw("No campaigns found with the given settings.");
Logger.log(campaignIds.length + " campaigns found");
return campaignIds;
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