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Last active September 29, 2023 00:07
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  • Save BrandonDyer64/963fa652ae5c8b4c8b91a0079b18a346 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
"Language" "English"
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
"GameUI_MainMenuMovieScene" "Main Menu Background Scenery"
"GameUI_MainMenuMovieScene_Vanity" "Change Background Scenery"
"GameUI_MainMenuMovieScene_Tooltip" "This setting allows you to customize the main menu background scenery which sets the mood for visual experience of your entire game."
"GameUI_DisplayMode" "Color Mode"
"GameUI_DisplayMonitor" "Computer Monitor"
"GameUI_DisplayTV" "Television"
"GameUI_Brightness" "Brightness"
"GameUI_CrosshairBehavior" "Crosshair Behavior"
"GameUI_CrosshairBehaviorStatic" "Static"
"GameUI_CrosshairBehaviorDynamic" "Dynamic"
"GameUI_FriendlyWarning" "Friendly Fire Reticle Warning"
"GameUI_FriendlyWarning_Desc" "Display a warning on the reticle when aiming at a friendly."
"GameUI_CrosshairStyle" "Crosshair Style"
"GameUI_CrosshairStyleDefault" "Default"
"GameUI_CrosshairStyleDefaultStatic" "Default Static"
"GameUI_CrosshairStyleClassic" "Classic"
"GameUI_CrosshairStyleClassicDyn" "Classic Dynamic"
"GameUI_CrosshairStyleClassicStatic" "Classic Static"
"GameUI_CrosshairStyleLegacy" "Legacy"
"GameUI_CrosshairStyle_Friendly" "Friendly Fire Warning"
"GameUI_CrosshairFriendlyWarning_Off" "Always Off"
"GameUI_CrosshairFriendlyWarning_Default" "Only on Default Crosshair"
"GameUI_CrosshairFriendlyWarning_On" "Always On"
"GameUI_CrosshairIFF" "Crosshair Target ID"
"GameUI_CrosshairIFFOn" "On"
"GameUI_CrosshairIFFOff" "Off"
"GameUI_CrosshairCode" "Crosshair Code:"
"GameUI_CrosshairLength" "Length"
"GameUI_CrosshairDot" "Center Dot"
"GameUI_CrosshairRecoil" "Follow Recoil"
"GameUI_CrosshairRecoil_Desc" "Crosshair will leave the center of the screen to follow the weapon recoil pattern."
"GameUI_CrosshairThickness" "Thickness"
"GameUI_CrosshairGap" "Gap"
"GameUI_CrosshairOutline" "Outline"
"GameUI_CrosshairAlpha" "Alpha"
"GameUI_CrosshairSize" "Crosshair Size"
"GameUI_CrosshairColor" "Crosshair Color"
"GameUI_ColorSliders" "Colors"
"GameUI_ColorQuality" "Color Quality"
"GameUI_ColorGreen" "Green"
"GameUI_ColorRed" "Red"
"GameUI_ColorBlue" "Blue"
"GameUI_ColorYellow" "Yellow"
"GameUI_ColorLtBlue" "Lt Blue"
"GameUI_SplitDist" "Split Distance"
"GameUI_SplitInnerAlpha" "Inner Split Alpha"
"GameUI_SplitOuterAlpha" "Outer Split Alpha"
"GameUI_SplitRatio" "Split Size Ratio"
"GameUI_TStyle" "T Style"
"GameUI_ShowWeaponGap" "Deployed Weapon Gap"
"GameUI_ShowWeaponGap_Tooltip" "Crosshair gap will update dynamically based on which weapon is currently equipped."
"GameUI_ShowObserverCrosshair" "Show Player Crosshairs"
"GameUI_ShowObserverCrosshair_Tooltip" "Show the crosshair of other players while spectating."
"GameUI_Everyone" "Everyone"
"GameUI_ShowObserverCrosshair_Friends" "Friends and Party"
"GameUI_ObservedBotCrosshair_Tooltip" "Control which crosshair you see while spectating bots."
"GameUI_ObservedBotCrosshair" "Show my crosshair when spectating bots"
"GameUI_Always" "Always"
"GameUI_ObservedBotCrosshair_Takeover" "When I can take over bot"
"GameUI_ObservedBotCrosshair_Default" "Never"
"GameUI_Xhair_Reset_Tooltip" "Reset all crosshair values to defaults."
"GameUI_Xhair_Undo_Tooltip" "Undo recent changes to crosshair."
"GameUI_Xhair_CopyCode_Tooltip" "Share or import a crosshair code."
"GameUI_Xhair_Code_Popup" "Share or Import"
"GameUI_Xhair_Code_Invalid" "Invalid or old crosshair code"
"GameUI_Xhair_Import_Code" "Import"
"GameUI_Xhair_ImportCSGO_Tooltip" "Import crosshair from last time you played CS:GO."
"GameUI_Xhair_ImportCSGO" "Import from CS:GO"
"tooltip_copycrosshair" "Copy Crosshair"
"GameUI_Xhair_Copy_Code_Confirm" "Replace current crosshair?"
"GameUI_Language_English" "English"
"GameUI_Language_Esperanto" "Esperanto"
"GameUI_Language_German" "German"
"GameUI_Language_French" "French"
"GameUI_Language_Italian" "Italian"
"GameUI_Language_Korean" "Korean"
"GameUI_Language_Spanish" "Spanish"
"GameUI_Language_Simplified_Chinese" "Simplified_Chinese"
"GameUI_Language_Traditional_Chinese" "Traditional_Chinese"
"GameUI_Language_Russian" "Russian"
"GameUI_Language_Thai" "Thai"
"GameUI_Language_Japanese" "Japanese"
"GameUI_Language_Portuguese" "Portuguese"
"GameUI_Language_Polish" "Polish"
"GameUI_Language_Danish" "Danish"
"GameUI_Language_Dutch" "Dutch"
"GameUI_Language_Finnish" "Finnish"
"GameUI_Language_Norwegian" "Norwegian"
"GameUI_Language_Swedish" "Swedish"
"GameUI_Map" "Mapo"
"GameUI_Close" "Close"
"GameUI_Load" "Load"
"GameUI_Save" "Save"
"GameUI_SaveAs" "Save As..."
"GameUI_Refresh" "Refresh"
"GameUI_OpenFile" "Open File"
"GameUI_ClaimRewards" "Claim Rewards"
"GameUI_Category_HudOptions" "HUD OPTIONS"
"GameUI_Category_TeamOptions" "TEAM OPTIONS"
"GameUI_Category_ItemOptions" "ITEM OPTIONS"
"GameUI_Category_RadarOptions" "RADAR OPTIONS"
"GameUI_Category_KeyBindings" "BINDINGS"
"GameUI_Category_ControllerBindings" "BINDINGS"
"GameUI_Category_AdvancedVideo" "ADVANCED VIDEO OPTIONS"
"GameUI_Category_MyMusic" "MUSIC OPTIONS"
"GameUI_Disconnect_DifferentClassTables" "Server uses different class tables."
"GameUI_Disconnect_User" "Disconnected by user."
"GameUI_Disconnect_Server" "Disconnected from Server."
"GameUI_Disconnect_ConnectionLost" "Connection lost."
"GameUI_Disconnect_ConnectionOverflow" "Overflow error."
"GameUI_Disconnect_NoSpectators" "Match does not allow spectators."
"GameUI_Disconnect_DisconnectByUser" "Disconnect by user"
"GameUI_Disconnect_DisconnectByServer" "Disconnect by server"
"GameUI_Disconnect_HLTVDirect" "SourceTV can not connect to game directly."
"GameUI_Disconnect_PureServer_ClientExtra" "Pure server: client has loaded extra file(s)."
"GameUI_Disconnect_PureServer_Mismatch" "Pure server: client file does not match server.\n\n"
"GameUI_Disconnect_UserCmd" "Error in parsing user commands."
"GameUI_Disconnect_RejectedByGame" "Connection rejected by game."
"GameUI_Disconnect_MessageParseError" "Failed to parse message."
"GameUI_Disconnect_InvalidMessageError" "Message is invalid."
"GameUI_Disconnect_Kicked" "Kicked by server."
"GameUI_Disconnect_DeltaEntMessage" "Too many entities on the server."
"GameUI_Disconnect_TempEntMessage" "Too many temporary entities on the server."
"GameUI_Disconnect_TickMessage" "Server failed to write client tick message."
"GameUI_Disconnect_ConnectionTimedout" "Unable to establish a connection with the gameserver."
"GameUI_Disconnect_TimedOut" "Unable to establish a connection with the gameserver."
"GameUI_Disconnect_LocalProblem_ManyRelays" "Lost connection, even after trying several relays in different geographic locations. The most likely cause is a problem with your Internet connection."
"GameUI_Disconnect_LocalProblem_HostedServerPrimaryRelay" "Gameserver has lost connectivity with the primary relay the client was using."
"GameUI_Disconnect_LocalProblem_NetworkConfig" "Check your Internet connection. Unable to download the network configuration from CDN."
"GameUI_Disconnect_LocalProblem_Other" "Disconnected. It looks like there may be problem with your Internet connection."
"GameUI_Disconnect_RemoteProblem_Timeout" "The game stopped receiving communications from the remote host."
"GameUI_Disconnect_RemoteProblem_TimeoutConnecting" "After several attempts to connect, the server did not respond."
"GameUI_Disconnect_RemoteProblem_Other" "Problem communicating with the remote host."
"GameUI_Disconnect_RemoteProblem_BadCrypt" "The remote host presented a bad certificate or is misconfigured."
"GameUI_Disconnect_RemoteProblem_BadCert" "The remote host presented a certificate that could not be used for authentication."
"GameUI_Disconnect_Disconnected" "The remote host closed the connection."
"GameUI_Disconnect_Unusual" "Disconnected. The console might have more details."
"GameUI_Disconnect_InternalError" "Disconnected due to an internal error. The console might have more details."
"GameUI_ServerRejectBadChallenge" "Bad challenge packet rejected by server."
"GameUI_ServerNoLobby" "Server is not hosting a game lobby."
"Valve_Reject_Background_Map" "Server is running a background map."
"Valve_Reject_Single_Player" "Server is running a single player game."
"Valve_Reject_Hidden_Game" "Server is running a hidden game."
"GameUI_ServerRejectLANRestrict" "Server is restricted to LAN games only."
"GameUI_ServerRejectBadPassword" "Bad password rejected by server."
"GameUI_ServerRejectServerFull" "Server is full."
"GameUI_ServerRejectInvalidReservation" "Server reservation is invalid."
"GameUI_ServerRejectFailedChannel" "Bad network channel rejected by server."
"Valve_Reject_Connect_From_Lobby" "Server requires clients to connect from a game lobby."
"Valve_Reject_Reserved_For_Lobby" "Server is reserved for a game lobby."
"GameUI_ServerReject_InvalidKeyLength" "Invalid key rejected by server."
"GameUI_ServerRejectOldProtocol" "Your client is out of date."
"GameUI_ServerRejectNewProtocol" "Server is out of date."
"GameUI_ServerRejectInvalidConnection" "Invalid connection rejected by server."
"GameUI_ServerRejectInvalidCertLen" "Invalid client certificate rejected by server."
"GameUI_ServerRejectInvalidSteamCertLen" "Invalid Steam certificate rejected by server."
"GameUI_ServerRejectSteam" "Steam rejected your connection to server."
"GameUI_ServerAuthDisabled" "Server authentication is disabled."
"GameUI_ServerCDKeyAuthInvalid" "CD key authentication rejected by server."
"GameUI_ServerRejectBanned" "Your client is not allowed to join this server."
"GameUI_Disconnect_ExitingEngine" "Shutting down game."
"GameUI_Disconnect_LoopShutdown" "Loop shutdown."
"GameUI_Disconnect_LoopDeactivate" "Loop deactivated."
"GameUI_Disconnect_Host_EndGame" "Game ended by host."
"GameUI_Disconnect_LoopLevelLoadActivate" "Loop level loading activated."
"GameUI_Disconnect_CreateServerFailed" "Failed to create server."
"GameUI_Disconnect_Request_HSIdle" "Host is idle."
"GameUI_Disconnect_Request_HLTVRelay" "Host is a relay."
"GameUI_ClientConsistencyFail" "Client consistency check failed."
"GameUI_ClientUnableToCRCMap" "Client map verification failed."
"GameUI_ClientNoMap" "Required map is missing on your client."
"GameUI_ClientDifferentMap" "Your map version differs from the server."
"GameUI_ServerRequireSteams" "Client and server must be connected to Steam."
"GameUI_Disconnect_SteamDeny_Misc" "Connection to server denied by Steam."
"GameUI_Disconnect_SteamDeny_BadAntiCheat" "Connection to server denied by VAC."
"GameUI_Disconnect_BadClientDeltaTick" "Client delta ticks out of order"
"GameUI_Disconnect_NoMoreSplits" "No more split slots available"
"GameUI_Disconnect_LeavingSplit" "Split slot disconnected"
"GameUI_Disconnect_BadRelayPassword" "Bad relay password"
"GameUI_Disconnect_BadServerPassword" "Bad server password"
"GameUI_Disconnect_BadSpectatorPassword" "Bad spectator password"
"GameUI_Disconnect_ConnectionFailure" "Connection failure"
"GameUI_Disconnect_NoPeerGroupHandlers" "Connection peer group missing"
"GameUI_Disconnect_BanAdded" "Added to banned list"
"GameUI_Disconnect_KickBanAdded" "Kicked and banned"
"GameUI_Disconnect_HLTVRestricted" "SourceTV server is restricted to local spectators (class C)"
"GameUI_Disconnect_HLTVUnavailable" "No SourceTV relay available"
"GameUI_Disconnect_HLTVStop" "SourceTV stop"
"GameUI_Disconnect_ReliableOverflow" "Error reliable buffer overflow"
"GameUI_Disconnect_ReplayIncompatible" "Replay is not compatible."
"GameUI_Disconnect_ServerIncompatible" "Server version is not compatible."
"GameUI_Disconnect_ServerInfoOverflow" "Info data overflow"
"GameUI_Disconnect_ServerShutdown" "Disconnected from gameserver. The gameserver is shutting down."
"GameUI_Disconnect_SnapshotOverflow" "Error reliable snapshot overflow"
"GameUI_Disconnect_SnapshotError" "Error sending snapshot"
"GameUI_Disconnect_SteamDropped" "Steam authorization failed. You must be connected to Steam to make the initial connection to the game server."
"GameUI_Disconnect_SteamIDBanned" "STEAM UserID is banned"
"GameUI_Disconnect_SteamIDInUse" "STEAM UserID is already in use on this server"
"GameUI_Disconnect_SteamTicket" "STEAM UserID ticket is invalid"
"GameUI_Disconnect_SteamLogon" "No Steam logon"
"GameUI_Disconnect_SteamInUse" "This Steam account is being used in another location"
"GameUI_Disconnect_SteamOwnership" "This Steam account does not own this game.\nPlease login to the correct Steam account"
"GameUI_Disconnect_SteamVAC" "VAC banned from secure server"
"GameUI_Disconnect_SteamTimeOut" "Valve Anti-Cheat challenge timed out. Please ensure that you are not using any programs that may interfere with VAC, and confirm that Steam is correctly installed."
"GameUI_Disconnect_StringTableMessage" "Error writing string table update message"
"Workshop_Preview_ShowStatTrak" "Show StatTrak™"
"Workshop_Preview_ShowNameTag" "Show Name Tag"
"Workshop_Preview_Dialog_Title" "Workshop Workbench"
"Workshop_Preview_Workbench" "Workbench"
"Workshop_Preview_Hold" "Hold"
"Workshop_Preview_GreenScreen" "Green Screen"
"Workshop_Preview_SideView" "Side View"
"Workshop_Preview_Inspect" "Inspect"
"Workshop_Preview_Variant" "Variant"
"Workshop_Preview_Discard" "Discard"
"Workshop_Preview_Warning" "Warning!"
"Workshop_Preview_Unsaved" "You have unsaved changes!"
"Workshop_Preview_Roll" "Roll:"
"Workshop_Preview_RangeParams" "Random Range Parameters:"
"Workshop_Preview_CurrentXOffset" "Current X offset:"
"Workshop_Preview_CurrentYOffset" "Current Y offset:"
"Workshop_Preview_CurrentRotation" "Current Rotation:"
"Workshop_Preview_X_Offset" "X Offset"
"Workshop_Preview_Y_Offset" "Y Offset"
"Workshop_Preview_Rotation" "Rotation"
"Workshop_Preview_Wear" "Wear"
"Workshop_Preview_CurrentWear" "Current Wear:"
"Workshop_Preview_Submit" "Submit"
"Workshop_Preview_UVChart" "UV Chart"
"Workshop_Preview_Pattern" "Pattern"
"Workshop_Preview_Guide" "Guide"
"Workshop_Preview_Resources" "Resources"
"Workshop_Preview_FAQ" "FAQ"
"Workshop_Preview_Import" "Import TGA"
"Workshop_Preview_Import_Success_Title" "Import Success"
"Workshop_Preview_Import_Success" "VTF file created in source file directory."
"Workshop_Preview_Import_Error_Title" "Import Failed"
"Workshop_Preview_Import_Error_Memory" "Unable to allocate enough memory for conversion. Image file possibly corrupt."
"Workshop_Preview_Import_Error_Reading_Image" "Error reading source image. Image file is possibly corrupt or improperly formated"
"Workshop_Preview_Import_Error_Image_File_Corrupt" "Image file is corrupt."
"Workshop_Preview_Import_Error_TGA_Format_Not_Supported" "This file's TGA format is not supported. Supported TGA formats are 24-bit RGB and 32-bit RGBA."
"Workshop_Preview_Import_Error_Writing_Temp_Output" "Error creating temporary file."
"Workshop_Preview_Import_Error_Unexpected" "Encountered an unexpected error."
// Published File Browser Dialog
"Browse_Published_Files" "Browse Published Files"
"Published_Files" "Published Files:"
"Button_Add" "Add"
"Button_Delete" "Delete"
"Button_Edit_nodots" "Edit"
"Button_Refresh" "Refresh"
"Button_Weapon_Finish" "Weapon Finish"
"Button_Sticker" "Sticker"
"Button_Spray" "Graffiti"
"Button_Map" "Map"
"Button_Model" "Model"
"Button_Musickit" "Musickit"
"Button_All" "All"
// Publish File Dialog
"Frame_Untitled" " "
"Button_Edit" "Edit..."
"Button_Remove" "Remove"
"Label_Name" "Name"
"Label_Directory" "Directory"
"ShowFAQ" "More Info..."
"Note" "Note"
"Button_Search" "Browse..."
"Warning" "Warning"
"OK" "OK"
"Cancel_Button" "Cancel"
"Publish_Button" "Publish"
"Update_Button" "Update"
"Preview_Image" "Preview Image:"
"Title_Heading" "Title:"
"Description_Heading" "Description:"
"Workshop_Agreement" "I have read the Workshop FAQ and accept the terms of the Steam Workshop Contribution Agreement"
"Workshop_Contest" "Enter this item into CS:GO's 10th anniversary workshop contest"
"Copyrighted_Art" "I understand that all workshop submissions and associated artwork must be original to me and my co-contributors.\nIf not, the contribution will be removed, I will forfeit any sales, and I could face a ban from the Workshop and/or Steam.\nType \"I Understand\" in the box, then click the ok button to continue."
"View_Agreement" "View Agreement"
"Workshop_FAQ" "Counter-Strike Workshop FAQ"
"Update_Desc" "Changes this update:"
// Map
"Map_Frame_Title" "Map Publish"
// Model
"Model_Frame_Title" "Model Publish"
"MDLFile" "MDL File"
"ModelSource" "Model Source Files"
"Button_Weapon" "Weapon"
"Button_Prop" "Prop"
"Button_Other" "Other"
// Weapon Publish
"Frame_Title" "Weapon Finish Publish"
"Workbench_Files" "Workbench (.txt) File:"
"Image_Files" "Source Image (.tga) file:"
"VTF_Files" "Valve Texture Format (.vtf) file:"
"NormalVTF_Files" "Valve Texture Format (.vtf) normal:"
"NormalImage_Files" "Source Normal (.tga) file:"
// Sticker Publish
"Sticker_Frame_Title" "Sticker Publish"
"BaseVTF" "Base VTF"
"ExponentVTF" "Exponent VTF [optional]"
"NormalMapVTF" "Normal Map VTF"
"HologramMaskVTF" "Hologram Mask VTF"
"HologramSpectrumVTF" "Hologram Spectrum VTF"
"BaseSource" "Base Source Image"
"ExponentSource" "Exponent Source Image [optional]"
"NormalMapSource" "Normal Map Source Image"
"HologramMaskSource" "Hologram Mask Source Image"
"HologramSpectrumSource" "Hologram Spectrum Source Image"
// Music kit
"Musickit_Frame_Title" "Music Kit Publish"
"Zipfile" "Zip File"
"CSGO_Cfg_Items" "Items"
"CSGO_Cfg_Items_Description" "Press the button below to launch the tools to create workshop item submissions. From here you can create and edit items, preview them in game, and submit them to the Counter-Strike 2 Workshop."
"CSGO_Cfg_Edit_Items" "Launch Workshop Item Tools"
"CSGO_Cfg_Maps" "Maps"
"CSGO_Cfg_CreateAddonFileFailed" "\nFailed to create content Addon file '%1'.\n\n%2"
"GameUI_CDKey" "CD Key"
"GameUI_EnterCDKey" "Please enter your CD Key, which can be\nfound printed on your CD jewel case."
"GameUI_OK" "OK"
"GameUI_Quit" "Quit game"
"GameUI_QuitConfirmationTitle" "QUIT GAME"
"GameUI_QuitConfirmationText" "Do you wish to stop playing now?"
"GameUI_ChangeGame" "Change game"
"GameUI_NoOtherGamesAvailable" "There are no other games available to play."
"GameUI_DownloadFilter_Title" "When a game server tries to download\ncustom content to your computer"
"GameUI_DownloadFilter_ALL" "Allow all custom files from server"
"GameUI_DownloadFilter_NoSounds" "Do not download custom sounds"
"GameUI_DownloadFilter_None" "Do not download any custom files"
"LoadingProgress_SpawningServer" "Starting local game server..."
"LoadingProgress_Changelevel" "Changing map..."
"LoadingProgress_LoadMap" "Loading world..."
"LoadingProgress_PrecacheWorld" "Initializing world..."
"LoadingProgress_LoadResources" "Loading resources..."
"LoadingProgress_SignonLocal" "Initializing resources..."
"LoadingProgress_SignonDataLocal" "Initializing game data..."
"LoadingProgress_CompilingShaders" "Compiling shaders..."
"LoadingProgress_BeginConnect" "Establishing connection to server..."
"LoadingProgress_Connecting" "Connecting to server..."
"LoadingProgress_ProcessServerInfo" "Retrieving server info..."
"LoadingProgress_SendClientInfo" "Sending client info..."
"LoadingProgress_SignonData" "Retrieving game data..."
"LoadingProgress_CSFunLoading0" "Aligning headshots..."
"LoadingProgress_CSFunLoading1" "Reloading magazines..."
"LoadingProgress_CSFunLoading2" "Priming grenades..."
"LoadingProgress_CSFunLoading3" "Filling molotovs..."
"LoadingProgress_CSFunLoading4" "Stocking ammo..."
"LoadingProgress_CSFunLoading5" "Gathering bullets..."
"LoadingProgress_CSFunLoading6" "Dusting off armor..."
"LoadingProgress_CSFunLoading7" "Repairing helmets..."
"LoadingProgress_CSFunLoading8" "Locking and loading..."
"LoadingProgress_CSFunLoading9" "Lining up smokes..."
"LoadingProgress_CSFunLoading10" "Recoil compensating..."
"LoadingProgress_CSFunLoading11" "Equipping loadouts..."
"LoadingProgress_CSFunLoading12" "Spray transferring..."
"LoadingProgress_CSFunLoading13" "Calculating sightlines..."
"LoadingProgress_CSFunLoading14" "Securing positions..."
"LoadingProgress_CSFunLoading15" "Counting entry frags..."
"LoadingProgress_CSFunLoading16" "Preparing to clutch..."
"LoadingProgress_CSFunLoading17" "Analyzing flickshots..."
"LoadingProgress_CSFunLoading18" "Marking bombsites..."
"LoadingProgress_CSFunLoading19" "Calibrating sniper scopes..."
"LoadingProgress_CSFunLoading20" "Counter-strafing..."
"LoadingProgress_CSFunLoading21" "Practicing bunny-hops..."
"LoadingProgress_CSFunLoading22" "Going sneaky-beaky-like..."
"LoadingProgress_CSFunLoading23" "Running and gunning..."
"LoadingProgress_CSFunLoading24" "Holding an angle..."
"LoadingProgress_CSFunLoading25" "Calling strats..."
"LoadingProgress_CSFunLoading26" "Hatching chickens..."
"LoadingProgress_CSFunLoading27" "Rushing B..."
"LoadingProgress_CSFunLoading28" "Squeezing lemons..."
"LoadingProgress_CSFunLoading29" "Going on a windy walk..."
"LoadingProgress_CSFunLoading30" "Planting for cat..."
"LoadingProgress_CSFunLoading31" "Incrementing StatTraks..."
"LoadingProgress_CSFunLoading32" "Memorizing callouts..."
"LoadingProgress_CSFunLoading33" "Peeking mid..."
"LoadingProgress_CSFunLoading34" "Picking up shell casings..."
"LoadingProgress_CSFunLoading35" "Flashing in..."
"LoadingProgress_CSFunLoading36" "Taking hostages..."
"LoadingProgress_CSFunLoading37" "Striking-counters..."
"LoadingProgress_CSFunLoading38" "Adjusting crosshairs..."
"LoadingProgress_CSFunLoading39" "Inspecting weapons..."
"LoadingProgress_CSFunLoading40" "Accepting..."
"LoadingProgress_CSFunLoading41" "Dropping for teammates..."
"LoadingProgress_CSFunLoading42" "Making friends..."
"LoadingProgress_CSFunLoading43" "Scrubbing graffiti..."
"LoadingProgress_CSFunLoading44" "Closing squeaky doors..."
"LoadingProgress_CSFunLoading45" "Replacing windows..."
"LoadingProgress_CSFunLoading46" "Demarcating buy zones..."
"LoadingProgress_CSFunLoading47" "Attaching suppressors..."
"LoadingProgress_CSFunLoading48" "One bullet left..."
"LoadingProgress_CSFunLoading49" "Watching Major highlights..."
"loadingscreen_title_de_ancient" "Ancient"
"loadingscreen_title_de_ancient_1" "Bomb Site A"
"loadingscreen_title_de_ancient_2" "Bomb Site B"
"loadingscreen_title_de_ancient_3" "Mid"
"loadingscreen_title_de_ancient_4" "Donut"
"loadingscreen_title_de_anubis" "Anubis"
"loadingscreen_title_de_anubis_1" "Water"
"loadingscreen_title_de_anubis_2" "Bomb Site A"
"loadingscreen_title_de_anubis_3" "Bomb Site B"
"loadingscreen_title_de_anubis_4" "Mid"
"loadingscreen_title_de_anubis_5" "Window"
"loadingscreen_title_de_dust2" "Dust II"
"loadingscreen_title_de_dust2_1" "Mid"
"loadingscreen_title_de_dust2_2" "Bomb Site A"
"loadingscreen_title_de_dust2_3" "Bomb Site B"
"loadingscreen_title_de_inferno" "Inferno"
"loadingscreen_title_de_inferno_1" "Bomb Site A"
"loadingscreen_title_de_inferno_2" "Bomb Site B"
"loadingscreen_title_de_inferno_3" "Banana"
"loadingscreen_title_de_inferno_4" "Church"
"loadingscreen_title_de_mirage" "Mirage"
"loadingscreen_title_de_mirage_1" "Bomb Site A"
"loadingscreen_title_de_mirage_2" "Bomb Site B"
"loadingscreen_title_de_mirage_3" "Sniper's Window"
"loadingscreen_title_de_mirage_4" "Palace"
"loadingscreen_title_de_nuke" "Nuke"
"loadingscreen_title_de_nuke_1" "Bomb Site A"
"loadingscreen_title_de_nuke_2" "Bomb Site B"
"loadingscreen_title_de_nuke_3" "Ramp"
"loadingscreen_title_de_nuke_4" "Garage"
"loadingscreen_title_de_overpass" "Overpass"
"loadingscreen_title_de_overpass_1" "Bomb Site A"
"loadingscreen_title_de_overpass_2" "Bomb Site B"
"loadingscreen_title_de_overpass_3" "Connector"
"loadingscreen_title_de_overpass_4" "Party"
"loadingscreen_title_de_overpass_5" "Monster"
"loadingscreen_title_de_vertigo" "Vertigo"
"loadingscreen_title_de_vertigo_1" "Bomb Site A"
"loadingscreen_title_de_vertigo_2" "Bomb Site B"
"loadingscreen_title_de_vertigo_3" "Mid"
"loadingscreen_title_de_vertigo_4" "T Spawn"
"loadingscreen_title_cs_office" "Office"
"loadingscreen_title_cs_office_1" "CT Spawn"
"loadingscreen_title_cs_office_2" "Back Courtyard"
"loadingscreen_title_cs_office_3" "T Spawn"
"loadingscreen_title_cs_office_4" "Kitchen"
"loadingscreen_title_cs_italy" "Italy"
"loadingscreen_title_cs_italy_0" "Left Alley"
"loadingscreen_title_cs_italy_1" "Long Hall"
"loadingscreen_title_cs_italy_2" "Upstairs"
"loadingscreen_title_cs_italy_3" "Market"
"GameUI_Settings_ShowLocation" "Show Location"
"GameUI_Settings_ShowLocationAndEquipment" "Show Location and Equipment"
"GameUI_ReportBug" "REPORT BUG"
"GameUI_Bug_Successful" "Bug successfully submitted!"
"GameUI_Bug_Submitting" "Submitting bug..."
"GameUI_Bug_TakeScreenshot" "Take screenshot"
"GameUI_Bug_AttachSavedGame" "Attach saved game"
"GameUI_Bug_ClearForm" "Clear Form"
"GameUI_Bug_Title" "Title:"
"GameUI_Bug_Description" "Description:"
"GameUI_Bug_Position" "Position:"
"GameUI_Bug_Map" "Map:"
"GameUI_Bug_Orientation" "Orientation:"
"GameUI_Bug_ReportType" "Report type:"
"GameUI_Bug_EmailAddress" "Email Address:"
"GameUI_Bug_PrivacyPolicy" "Valve's Privacy Policy"
"GameUI_Bug_Optional" "(optional)"
"GameUI_Bug_AccountName" "Account Name:"
"GameUI_Bug_EngineBuild" "SOURCE ENGINE BUILD:"
"GameUI_Bug_Submit" "Submit"
"GameUI_Bug_ClearFiles" "Clear files"
"GameUI_Bug_BSP_File" ".bsp file"
"GameUI_Bug_VMF_File" ".vmf file"
"GameUI_Bug_Include_BSP" "Include .bsp"
"GameUI_Bug_Include_VMF" "Include .vmf"
"GameUI_Bug_IncludeFile" "Include file..."
// Stat Display Text
"GAMEUI_Stat_NumShots" "Shots Fired"
"GAMEUI_Stat_NumHits" "Shots Hit"
"GAMEUI_Stat_NumKills" "Enemy Players Killed"
"GAMEUI_Stat_NumDeaths" "Player Deaths"
"GAMEUI_Stat_TimePlayed" "Time Played"
"GAMEUI_Stat_NumPlantedBombs" "Bombs Planted"
"GAMEUI_Stat_NumDefusedBombs" "Bombs Defused"
"GAMEUI_Stat_TotalWins" "Rounds Won"
"GAMEUI_Stat_TotalRounds" "Rounds Played"
"GAMEUI_Stat_DamageDone" "Damage Done to Enemies"
"GAMEUI_Stat_MoneyEarned" "Money Earned"
"GAMEUI_Stat_NumRescuedHostages" "Hostages Rescued"
"GAMEUI_Stat_KnifeKills" "Knife Kills"
"GAMEUI_Stat_HEGrenadeKills" "HE Grenade Kills"
"GAMEUI_Stat_GlockKills" "Glock-18 Kills"
"GAMEUI_Stat_DeagleKills" "Desert Eagle Kills"
"GAMEUI_Stat_EliteKills" "Dual Berettas Kills"
"GAMEUI_Stat_FiveSevenKills" "Five-SeveN Kills"
"GAMEUI_Stat_XM1014Kills" "XM1014 Kills"
"GAMEUI_Stat_MAC10Kills" "MAC-10 Kills"
"GAMEUI_Stat_UMP45Kills" "UMP-45 Kills"
"GAMEUI_Stat_P90Kills" "P90 Kills"
"GAMEUI_Stat_AWPKills" "AWP Kills"
"GAMEUI_Stat_AK47Kills" "AK-47 Kills"
"GAMEUI_Stat_M4A1Kills" "M4 AR Kills"
"GAMEUI_Stat_AUGKills" "AUG Kills"
"GAMEUI_Stat_GALILKills" "Galil AR Kills"
"GAMEUI_Stat_FAMASKills" "FAMAS Kills"
"GAMEUI_Stat_G3SG1Kills" "G3SG1 Kills"
"GAMEUI_Stat_M249Kills" "M249 Kills"
"GAMEUI_Stat_GlockShots" "Glock-18 Shots"
"GAMEUI_Stat_DeagleShots" "Desert Eagle Shots"
"GAMEUI_Stat_EliteShots" "Dual Berettas Shots"
"GAMEUI_Stat_FiveSevenShots" "Five-SeveN Shots"
"GAMEUI_Stat_XM1014Shots" "XM1014 Shots"
"GAMEUI_Stat_MAC10Shots" "MAC-10 Shots"
"GAMEUI_Stat_UMP45Shots" "UMP-45 Shots"
"GAMEUI_Stat_P90Shots" "P90 Shots"
"GAMEUI_Stat_AWPShots" "AWP Shots"
"GAMEUI_Stat_AK47Shots" "AK-47 Shots"
"GAMEUI_Stat_M4A1Shots" "M4 AR Shots"
"GAMEUI_Stat_AUGShots" "AUG Shots"
"GAMEUI_Stat_GALILShots" "Galil AR Shots"
"GAMEUI_Stat_FAMASShots" "FAMAS Shots"
"GAMEUI_Stat_G3SG1Shots" "G3SG1 Shots"
"GAMEUI_Stat_M249Shots" "M249 Shots"
"GAMEUI_Stat_Glockhits" "Glock-18 Hits"
"GAMEUI_Stat_Deaglehits" "Desert Eagle Hits"
"GAMEUI_Stat_Elitehits" "Dual Berettas Hits"
"GAMEUI_Stat_FiveSevenhits" "Five-SeveN Hits"
"GAMEUI_Stat_XM1014hits" "XM1014 Hits"
"GAMEUI_Stat_MAC10hits" "MAC-10 Hits"
"GAMEUI_Stat_UMP45hits" "UMP-45 Hits"
"GAMEUI_Stat_P90hits" "P90 Hits"
"GAMEUI_Stat_AWPhits" "AWP Hits"
"GAMEUI_Stat_AK47hits" "AK-47 Hits"
"GAMEUI_Stat_M4A1hits" "M4 AR Hits"
"GAMEUI_Stat_AUGhits" "AUG Hits"
"GAMEUI_Stat_GALILhits" "Galil AR Hits"
"GAMEUI_Stat_FAMAShits" "FAMAS Hits"
"GAMEUI_Stat_G3SG1hits" "G3SG1 Hits"
"GAMEUI_Stat_M249hits" "M249 Hits"
"GAMEUI_Stat_HeadshotKills" "Headshots"
"GAMEUI_Stat_EnemyWeaponKills" "Kills with Enemy Weapons"
"GAMEUI_Stat_PistolRoundWins" "Pistol Rounds Won"
"GAMEUI_Stat_DecalSprays" "Graffiti Applied"
"GAMEUI_Stat_WinsMapCSAssault" "CS Assault Map Wins"
"GAMEUI_Stat_WinsMapCSCompound" "CS Compound Map Wins"
"GAMEUI_Stat_WinsMapCSHavana" "CS Havana Map Wins"
"GAMEUI_Stat_WinsMapCSItaly" "CS Italy Map Wins"
"GAMEUI_Stat_WinsMapCSMilitia" "CS Militia Map Wins"
"GAMEUI_Stat_WinsMapCSOffice" "CS Office Map Wins"
"GAMEUI_Stat_WinsMapDEAztec" "DE Aztec Map Wins"
"GAMEUI_Stat_WinsMapDECbble" "DE Cobblestone Map Wins"
"GAMEUI_Stat_WinsMapDEChateau" "DE Chateau Map Wins"
"GAMEUI_Stat_WinsMapDEDust2" "DE Dust2 Map Wins"
"GAMEUI_Stat_WinsMapDEDust" "DE Dust Map Wins"
"GAMEUI_Stat_WinsMapDEInferno" "DE Inferno Map Wins"
"GAMEUI_Stat_WinsMapDENuke" "DE Nuke Map Wins"
"GAMEUI_Stat_WinsMapDEPiranesi" "DE Piranesi Map Wins"
"GAMEUI_Stat_WinsMapDEPort" "DE Port Map Wins"
"GAMEUI_Stat_WinsMapDEProdigy" "DE Prodigy Map Wins"
"GAMEUI_Stat_WinsMapDETides" "DE Tides Map Wins"
"GAMEUI_Stat_WinsMapDETrain" "DE Train Map Wins"
"GAMEUI_Stat_WinsMapDEBoathouse" "DE Boathouse Map Wins"
"GAMEUI_Stat_WinsMapDEHouse" "DE House Map Wins"
"GAMEUI_Stat_WinsMapDEMill" "DE Mill Map Wins"
"GAMEUI_Stat_WinsMapDEShacks" "DE Shacks Map Wins"
"GAMEUI_Stat_WinsMapDEBank" "DE Bank Map Wins"
"GAMEUI_Stat_WinsMapDEAlleyway" "DE Alleyway Map Wins"
"GAMEUI_Stat_WinsMapDEDepot" "DE Depot Map Wins"
"GAMEUI_Stat_RoundsMapCSAssault" "CS Assault Map Rounds"
"GAMEUI_Stat_RoundsMapCSCompound" "CS Compound Map Rounds"
"GAMEUI_Stat_RoundsMapCSHavana" "CS Havana Map Rounds"
"GAMEUI_Stat_RoundsMapCSItaly" "CS Italy Map Rounds"
"GAMEUI_Stat_RoundsMapCSMilitia" "CS Militia Map Rounds"
"GAMEUI_Stat_RoundsMapCSOffice" "CS Office Map Rounds"
"GAMEUI_Stat_RoundsMapDEAztec" "DE Aztec Map Rounds"
"GAMEUI_Stat_RoundsMapDECbble" "DE Cobblestone Map Rounds"
"GAMEUI_Stat_RoundsMapDEChateau" "DE Chateau Map Rounds"
"GAMEUI_Stat_RoundsMapDEDust2" "DE Dust2 Map Rounds"
"GAMEUI_Stat_RoundsMapDEDust" "DE Dust Map Rounds"
"GAMEUI_Stat_RoundsMapDEInferno" "DE Inferno Map Rounds"
"GAMEUI_Stat_RoundsMapDENuke" "DE Nuke Map Rounds"
"GAMEUI_Stat_RoundsMapDEPiranesi" "DE Piranesi Map Rounds"
"GAMEUI_Stat_RoundsMapDEPort" "DE Port Map Rounds"
"GAMEUI_Stat_RoundsMapDEProdigy" "DE Prodigy Map Rounds"
"GAMEUI_Stat_RoundsMapDETides" "DE Tides Map Rounds"
"GAMEUI_Stat_RoundsMapDETrain" "DE Train Map Rounds"
"GAMEUI_Stat_RoundsMapDEBoathouse" "DE Boathouse Map Rounds"
"GAMEUI_Stat_RoundsMapDEHouse" "DE House Map Rounds"
"GAMEUI_Stat_RoundsMapDEMill" "DE Mill Map Rounds"
"GAMEUI_Stat_RoundsMapDEShacks" "DE Shacks Map Rounds"
"GAMEUI_Stat_RoundsMapDEBank" "DE Bank Map Rounds"
"GAMEUI_Stat_RoundsMapDEAlleyway" "DE Alleyway Map Rounds"
"GAMEUI_Stat_RoundsMapDEDepot" "DE Depot Map Rounds"
"GAMEUI_Stat_WeaponsDonated" "Weapons Donated"
"GAMEUI_Stat_NumBrokenWindows" "Windows Broken"
"GAMEUI_Stat_BlindedEnemyKills" "Blind Enemies Killed"
"GAMEUI_Stat_KnifeFightKills" "Knife Fights Won"
"GAMEUI_Stat_ZoomedSniperKills" "Zoomed Snipers Killed"
"GAMEUI_Stat_NightvisionDamage" "Damage During Nightvision"
"GAMEUI_Stat_Dominations" "Dominations"
"GAMEUI_Stat_DominationOverkills" "Domination Overkills"
"GAMEUI_Stat_Revenges" "Revenges"
"GAMEUI_Stat_MVPs" "Stars"
"GameUI_Stat_LastMatch" "Last Match"
"GameUI_Stat_LastMatch_TWins" "Terrorist Wins Last Match"
"GameUI_Stat_LastMatch_CTWins" "Counter-Terrorist Wins Last Match"
"GameUI_Stat_LastMatch_RoundsWon" "Rounds Won Last Match"
"GameUI_Stat_LastMatch_MaxPlayers" "Max Players in Last Match"
"GameUI_Stat_LastMatch_Kills" "Kills Last Match"
"GameUI_Stat_LastMatch_Deaths" "Deaths Last Match"
"GameUI_Stat_LastMatch_MVPS" "Stars Won Last Match"
"GameUI_Stat_LastMatch_FavWeapon" "Favorite Weapon Last Match"
"GameUI_Stat_LastMatch_FavWeaponShots" "Favorite Weapon Shots Last Match"
"GameUI_Stat_LastMatch_FavWeaponHits" "Favorite Weapon Hits Last Match"
"GameUI_Stat_LastMatch_FavWeaponKills" "Favorite Weapon Kills Last Match"
"GameUI_Stat_LastMatch_Damage" "Damage Last Match"
"GameUI_Stat_LastMatch_MoneySpent" "Money Spend Last Match"
"GameUI_Stat_LastMatch_Dominations" "Dominations Last Match"
"GameUI_Stat_LastMatch_Revenges" "Revenges Last Match"
"GameUI_Stats_KillHistory" "Kill History"
"GameUI_Stats_RoundsPlayed" "Rounds Played"
"GameUI_Stats_RoundsWon" "Rounds Won"
"GameUI_Stats_WinRatio" "Win Ratio"
"GameUI_Stats_ShotsFired" "Shots Fired"
"GameUI_Stats_ShotsHit" "Shots Hit"
"GameUI_Stats_HitRatio" "Hit Ratio"
"GameUI_Stats_Kills" "Kills"
"GameUI_Stats_KillRatio" "Kill Ratio"
"GameUI_Stats_DeathsRatio" "Deaths"
"GameUI_Stats_KillDeathRatio" "Kill:Death Ratio"
"GameUI_Stats_FavoriteWeapon" "Favorite Weapon"
"GameUI_Stats_WeaponShotsFired" "Shots: %s1"
"GameUI_Stats_WeaponShotsHit" "Hits: %s1"
"GameUI_Stats_WeaponKills" "Kills: %s1"
"GameUI_Stats_WeaponKillRatio" "Kills Per Shot: %s1"
"GameUI_Stats_FavoriteMap" "Favorite Map"
"GameUI_Stats_MapPlayed" "Played: %s1"
"GameUI_Stats_MapWins" "Wins: %s1"
"GameUI_Stats_MapWinRatio" "Win Ratio: %s1"
"GameUI_Stats_FunFactTime" "%s1-%s2-%s3 %s4:%s5"
"GameUI_Stats_RecentAchievements" "Recent Achievements"
"GameUI_Stats_LastMatch_TWins" "Terrorist Wins: %s1"
"GameUI_Stats_LastMatch_CTWins" "Counter-Terrorists: %s1"
"GameUI_Stats_LastMatch_RoundsWon" "Rounds Won: %s1"
"GameUI_Stats_LastMatch_MaxPlayers" "Max Players: %s1"
"GameUI_Stats_LastMatch_Deaths" "Deaths: %s1"
"GameUI_Stats_LastMatch_KDRatio" "Kill:Death Ratio: %s1"
"GameUI_Stats_LastMatch_MVPS" "Steloj: %s1"
"GameUI_Stats_LastMatch_FavWeaponAccuracy" "Accuracy: %s1"
"GameUI_Stats_LastMatch_Damage" "Damaĝo: %s1"
"GameUI_Stats_LastMatch_MoneySpentPerKill" "Cost/Kill: $%s1"
"GameUI_Stats_LastMatch_Dominations" "Dominations: %s1"
"GameUI_Stats_LastMatch_Revenges" "Revenges: %s1"
"GameUI_Stats_LastMatch_NoFavWeapon" "No Favorite"
"GameUI_Stats_LastMatch_Teams" "Teamo"
"GameUI_Stats_LastMatch_Performance" "Performance"
"GameUI_Stats_LastMatch_Miscellaneous" "Miscellaneous"
"GameUI_Stat_NumKills_GGProgressive" "Progressive Kills %s1"
"GameUI_Stat_NumKills_GGSelect" "Select Kills %s1"
"GameUI_Stat_NumKills_GGBomb" "Bomb Kills %s1"
"GAMEUI_Stat_TR_NumPlantedBombs" "Gun Game Bombs Planted: %s1"
"GAMEUI_Stat_TR_NumDefusedBombs" "Gun Game Bombs Defused: %s1"
"GameUI_NumSuffix_E3" "K"
"GameUI_NumSuffix_E6" "M"
"GameUI_NumSuffix_E9" "B"
"GameUI_NumSuffix_E12" "T"
"GameUI_Yes" "Jes"
"GameUI_No" "Ne"
"GameUI_On" "Aktiva"
"GameUI_Off" "Malaktiva"
"GameUI_Clock_Format" "Calendar Time Format"
"GameUI_Clock_12hr" "12 Hora"
"GameUI_Clock_24hr" "24 Hora"
"GameUI_NotOnlineEnabled" "You must be signed into a gamer profile with multiplayer privileges to play online."
"GameUI_Dlg_NotOnlineSignedIn" "You must be signed into Xbox LIVE to access this feature. Would you like to sign in now?"
"GameUI_LeaveInviteConf" "Join another game?"
"GameUI_LeaveInviteConfTxt" "Press \x00A2 to confirm that you would like to leave this game and join another."
"GameUI_MakeGamePublicConf" "Make game public?"
"GameUI_MakeGamePublicConfTxt" "Press \x00A2 to confirm that you would like to change this private game to a public game that anyone can join."
"GameUI_JoinRefused" "This game is no longer accepting players."
"GameUI_GameFull" "This game is full."
"GameUI_JoinFailed" "Failed to join the game."
"GameUI_CreateFailed" "Failed to create a game."
"GameUI_ClientKicked" "You have been kicked from this game."
"GameUI_LostHost" "Connection to the host was lost."
"GameUI_LostServer" "Connection to the game server was lost."
"GameUI_LostServerXLSP" "The %s1 server is not available at this time. Please try again later."
"GameUI_ModifyingSession" "Modifying session..."
"GameUI_LostConnectionToLive" "The connection to Xbox LIVE was lost."
"GameUI_Leaderboards_Not_Signed_In" "You must be signed into Xbox LIVE in order to post your scores to the leaderboard. Do you want to continue?"
"GameUI_Leaderboards_Lost_Connection" "Press the Xbox Guide button and connect to Xbox LIVE now in order to post your scores to the leaderboards."
"Menu_Dlg_Leaderboards_Lost_Connection" "You must be connected to Steam to view Leaderboards. Please check your connection and try again."
"GameUI_DedicatedSearchFailed" "Failed to find a dedicated server."
"GameUI_ProfileReadFailed" "Your profile data could not be loaded. Your progress, award medals, achievements, and leaderboard entries will not be saved if you choose to continue. Do you want to continue?"
"GameUI_ProfileReadFailedCRC" "Your profile data is corrupt. Your progress, award medals, achievements, and leaderboard entries will not be saved if you choose to continue. Do you want to continue?"
"GameUI_ProfileWriteFailed" "Your profile data could not be saved. You will now be returned to the Main Menu."
"GameUI_ProfileResetTitle" "Reset Profile?"
"GameUI_ProfileReset" "Are you sure you want to reset your profile? This will delete all your medal and achievement progress."
"GameUI_ProfileResetConfirm" "Are you really sure you want to delete your profile data? This can not be undone."
"GameUI_Reset_Profile" "Reset Profile"
"GameUI_DisconnectConfirmationText" "Are you sure you want to leave this game?"
"GameUI_DisconnectHostConfirmationText" "Disconnecting will kick all players. Are you sure you want to leave this game?"
"GameUI_Console_NoUserProfileSelectedTitle" "No Gamer Profile Selected"
"GameUI_Console_NoUserProfileSelectedBody" "Would you like to select a gamer profile?\nChoosing 'No' will let you play the game, but you will not be able to save your progress."
"GameUI_Console_UserProfileRequiredBody" "This action requires that you be signed in.\nWould you like to select a gamer profile?"
// Xbox 360
"GameUI_A_BUTTON" "A Button"
"GameUI_B_BUTTON" "B Button"
"GameUI_X_BUTTON" "X Button"
"GameUI_Y_BUTTON" "Y Button"
"GameUI_L_TRIGGER" "Left Trigger"
"GameUI_R_TRIGGER" "Right Trigger"
"GameUI_L_SHOULDER" "Left Shoulder"
"GameUI_R_SHOULDER" "Right Shoulder"
"GameUI_Icons_UP" "U"
"GameUI_Icons_DOWN" "D"
"GameUI_Icons_LEFT" "L"
"GameUI_Icons_RIGHT" "R"
"GameUI_Icons_DPAD" "C"
"GameUI_Icons_START" "5"
"GameUI_Icons_BACK" "4"
"GameUI_Icons_STICK1" "6"
"GameUI_Icons_STICK2" "7"
"GameUI_Icons_S1_UP" "6"
"GameUI_Icons_S2_UP" "7"
"GameUI_Icons_LSTICK" "6"
"GameUI_Icons_RSTICK" "7"
"GameUI_Icons_A_BUTTON" "A"
"GameUI_Icons_B_BUTTON" "B"
"GameUI_Icons_X_BUTTON" "X"
"GameUI_Icons_Y_BUTTON" "Y"
"GameUI_Icons_L_SHOULDER" "2"
"GameUI_Icons_R_SHOULDER" "3"
"GameUI_Icons_L_TRIGGER" "0"
"GameUI_Icons_R_TRIGGER" "1"
"GameUI_Icons_LEFTCURSOR" "8"
"GameUI_Icons_RIGHTCURSOR" "9"
"GameUI_Icons_UPCURSOR" "<"
"GameUI_Icons_DOWNCURSOR" ">"
"GameUI_Icons_NONE" "< not assigned >"
"GameUI_KeyNames_UP" "D-pad up"
"GameUI_KeyNames_DOWN" "D-pad down"
"GameUI_KeyNames_LEFT" "D-pad left"
"GameUI_KeyNames_RIGHT" "D-pad right"
"GameUI_KeyNames_START" "START button"
"GameUI_KeyNames_BACK" "BACK button"
"GameUI_KeyNames_STICK1" "left stick button"
"GameUI_KeyNames_STICK2" "right stick button"
"GameUI_KeyNames_S1_UP" "left stick"
"GameUI_KeyNames_S2_UP" "right stick"
"GameUI_KeyNames_LSTICK" "left stick"
"GameUI_KeyNames_RSTICK" "right stick"
"GameUI_KeyNames_A_BUTTON" "A button"
"GameUI_KeyNames_B_BUTTON" "B button"
"GameUI_KeyNames_X_BUTTON" "X button"
"GameUI_KeyNames_Y_BUTTON" "Y button"
"GameUI_KeyNames_L_SHOULDER" "left bumper"
"GameUI_KeyNames_R_SHOULDER" "right bumper"
"GameUI_KeyNames_L_TRIGGER" "left trigger"
"GameUI_KeyNames_R_TRIGGER" "right trigger"
// Steam controller font mappings
"GameUI_Icons_SC_None" "< not assigned >"
"GameUI_Icons_SC_A_Button" "A"
"GameUI_Icons_SC_B_Button" "B"
"GameUI_Icons_SC_X_Button" "X"
"GameUI_Icons_SC_Y_Button" "Y"
"GameUI_Icons_SC_L_Shoulder" "2"
"GameUI_Icons_SC_R_Shoulder" "3"
"GameUI_Icons_SC_L_Grip" "("
"GameUI_Icons_SC_R_Grip" ")"
"GameUI_Icons_SC_Start_Button" "5"
"GameUI_Icons_SC_Back_Button" "4"
"GameUI_Icons_SC_Left_Pad_Touch" "q"
"GameUI_Icons_SC_Left_Pad_Swipe" "w"
"GameUI_Icons_SC_Left_Pad_Click" "e"
"GameUI_Icons_SC_Left_Pad_DPad_N" "a"
"GameUI_Icons_SC_Left_Pad_DPad_S" "s"
"GameUI_Icons_SC_Left_Pad_DPad_W" "d"
"GameUI_Icons_SC_Left_Pad_DPad_E" "f"
"GameUI_Icons_SC_Right_Pad_Touch" "y"
"GameUI_Icons_SC_Right_Pad_Swipe" "u"
"GameUI_Icons_SC_Right_Pad_Click" "i"
"GameUI_Icons_SC_Right_Pad_DPad_N" "h"
"GameUI_Icons_SC_Right_Pad_DPad_S" "j"
"GameUI_Icons_SC_Right_Pad_DPad_W" "k"
"GameUI_Icons_SC_Right_Pad_DPad_E" "l"
"GameUI_Icons_SC_L_Trigger_Pull" "z"
"GameUI_Icons_SC_L_Trigger_Click" "x"
"GameUI_Icons_SC_R_Trigger_Pull" "n"
"GameUI_Icons_SC_R_Trigger_Click" "m"
"GameUI_Icons_SC_L_Stick_Move" "C"
"GameUI_Icons_SC_L_Stick_Click" "V"
"GameUI_Icons_SC_Gyro_Move" "6"
"GameUI_Icons_SC_Gyro_Pitch" "7"
"GameUI_Icons_SC_Gyro_Yaw" "8"
"GameUI_Icons_SC_Gyro_Roll" "9"
"GameUI_KeyNames_SC_None" "< not assigned >"
"GameUI_KeyNames_SC_A_Button" "A button"
"GameUI_KeyNames_SC_B_Button" "B button"
"GameUI_KeyNames_SC_X_Button" "X button"
"GameUI_KeyNames_SC_Y_Button" "Y button"
"GameUI_KeyNames_SC_L_Shoulder" "left bumper"
"GameUI_KeyNames_SC_R_Shoulder" "right bumper"
"GameUI_KeyNames_SC_L_Grip" "left grip button"
"GameUI_KeyNames_SC_R_Grip" "right grip button"
"GameUI_KeyNames_SC_Start_Button" "START button"
"GameUI_KeyNames_SC_Back_Button" "BACK button"
"GameUI_KeyNames_SC_Left_Pad_Touch" "left pad touch"
"GameUI_KeyNames_SC_Left_Pad_Swipe" "left pad move"
"GameUI_KeyNames_SC_Left_Pad_Click" "left pad click"
"GameUI_KeyNames_SC_Left_Pad_DPad_N" "left D-pad up"
"GameUI_KeyNames_SC_Left_Pad_DPad_S" "left D-pad down"
"GameUI_KeyNames_SC_Left_Pad_DPad_W" "left D-pad left"
"GameUI_KeyNames_SC_Left_Pad_DPad_E" "left D-pad right"
"GameUI_KeyNames_SC_Right_Pad_Touch" "right pad touch"
"GameUI_KeyNames_SC_Right_Pad_Swipe" "right pad move"
"GameUI_KeyNames_SC_Right_Pad_Click" "right pad click"
"GameUI_KeyNames_SC_Right_Pad_DPad_N" "right D-pad up"
"GameUI_KeyNames_SC_Right_Pad_DPad_S" "right D-pad down"
"GameUI_KeyNames_SC_Right_Pad_DPad_W" "right D-pad left"
"GameUI_KeyNames_SC_Right_Pad_DPad_E" "right D-pad right"
"GameUI_KeyNames_SC_L_Trigger_Pull" "left trigger pull"
"GameUI_KeyNames_SC_L_Trigger_Click" "left trigger click"
"GameUI_KeyNames_SC_R_Trigger_Pull" "right trigger pull"
"GameUI_KeyNames_SC_R_Trigger_Click" "right trigger click"
"GameUI_KeyNames_SC_L_Stick_Move" "stick move"
"GameUI_KeyNames_SC_L_Stick_Click" "stick click"
"GameUI_KeyNames_SC_Gyro_Move" "gyro move"
"GameUI_KeyNames_SC_Gyro_Pitch" "gyro pitch"
"GameUI_KeyNames_SC_Gyro_Yaw" "gyro yaw"
"GameUI_KeyNames_SC_Gyro_Roll" "gyro roll"
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
"chat_filterbutton" "Filters"
"filter_joinleave" "Joins/Leaves"
"filter_namechange" "Name Changes"
"filter_publicchat" "Public Chat"
"filter_servermsg" "Server Messages"
"filter_teamchange" "Team Changes"
"filter_achievement" "Achievement Announce"
"chat_say" "Say :"
"chat_say_team" "Say (TEAM) :"
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// vgui_english.txt
"Console_Title" "Console"
"Console_Submit" "Submit"
"FileOpenDialog_Open" "Open"
"FileOpenDialog_Save" "Save"
"FileOpenDialog_Select" "Select"
"FileOpenDialog_Cancel" "Cancel"
"FileOpenDialog_Look_in" "Look in:"
"FileOpenDialog_File_Name" "File name:"
"FileOpenDialog_Directory_Name" "Directory name:"
"FileOpenDialog_File_Type" "File type:"
"FileOpenDialog_Icon" " "
"FileOpenDialog_Name" "Name"
"FileOpenDialog_Type" "Type"
"FileOpenDialog_Col_Name" "Name"
"FileOpenDialog_Col_Size" "Size"
"FileOpenDialog_Col_Type" "Type"
"FileOpenDialog_Col_DateModified" "Date Modified"
"FileOpenDialog_Col_DateCreated" "Date Created"
"FileOpenDialog_Col_Attributes" "Attributes"
"FileOpenDialog_FileType_Folder" "File Folder"
"FileOpenDialog_ToolTip_Up" "Up"
"FileOpenDialog_ToolTip_NewFolder" "New Folder"
"FileOpenDialog_NewFolder_InputTitle" "New Folder"
"FileOpenDialog_NewFolderPrompt" "Name:"
"FileOpenDialog_NewFolder_DefaultName" "New Folder"
"FileOpenDialog_ToolTip_OpenInExplorerButton" "Open In Explorer"
"vgui_ok" "OK"
"vgui_close" "Close"
"vgui_Cancel" "Cancel"
"vgui_select" "Select"
// vgui_english.txt
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
"Cstrike_Automatic_Weapon_Switch" "Automatically switch to picked up weapons (if more powerful)"
"Cstrike_Switch_Weapon_on_Pick_Up" "Switch Weapon on Pick Up"
"Cstrike_Auto_Apply_Graffiti" "Quick Graffiti (Apply With Key Release)"
"Cstrike_Auto_Apply_Graffiti_Info" "When enabled, allows you to apply graffiti quickly by pressing and releasing the graffiti menu key.\n\nWhen disabled, graffiti is applied only after the 'Fire' key is pressed while in the graffiti menu."
"Cstrike_Delay_Unzoom_Sniper" "Delay Sniper Rifle Un-Scope after Shot"
"Cstrike_Auto_Rezoom_Sniper" "Auto Re-Zoom Sniper Rifle after Shot"
"Cstrike_Fiddle_With_Silencers" "Detach Silencer on M4A1-S and USP-S"
"Cstrike_Fiddle_With_Silencers_Desc" "Allow or disallow the removal of silencers on the M4A1-S and USP-S."
"Cstrike_Already_Own_Weapon" "You already own that weapon."
"Cstrike_Not_Available" "This selection is not available for purchase on this map."
// Titles.txt strings
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Accept_All_Messages" "Now accepting all text messages"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Accept_Radio" "Now accepting radio messages"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Affirmative" "Affirmative."
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Alias_Not_Avail" "The \"%s1\"\nis not available for your team to buy"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_All_Hostages_Rescued" "Hostage has been rescued"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_All_Teams_Full" "All teams are full"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_All_VIP_Slots_Full" "All 5 VIP slots have been filled up.\nPlease try again later"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Already_Have_Kevlar" "You already have Kevlar"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Already_Have_Kevlar_Helmet" "You already have Kevlar and a helmet"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Already_Have_Kevlar_Bought_Helmet" "You already have Kevlar. Helmet purchased"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Already_Have_Helmet_Bought_Kevlar" "You already have Helmet. Replenished Kevlar"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Already_Have_One" "You already have one"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Auto_Select" "Auto-Select"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Auto_Team_Balance_Next_Round" "Auto-team balance next round"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Player_Balanced" "You have been moved to the other team for game balance"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Teams_Balanced" "The teams have been balanced"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_BOMB" "BOMB"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Banned_For_Killing_Teammates" "You have been banned from the server for killing too many teammates"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Bomb_Defusal_Kit" "Bomb Defusal Kit"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Bomb_Defused" "The bomb has been defused"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Bomb_Planted" "The bomb has been planted\n%s1 seconds till detonation"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Hostage_Being_Taken" "A hostage is being taken"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_C4_Activated_At_Bomb_Spot" "C4 must be activated at a bomb target"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_C4_Arming_Cancelled" "Arming sequence canceled\nC4 can only be placed at a bomb target"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_C4_Defuse_Must_Be_On_Ground" "You must be on the ground\nto defuse the bomb"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_C4_Plant_At_Bomb_Spot" "C4 must be planted at a bomb site"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_C4_Plant_Must_Be_On_Ground" "You must be standing on\nthe ground to plant the C4"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_CAM_OPTIONS" "Camera Options"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_CLASS" "Class"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_CT_Forces" "CT Forces"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_CT_cant_buy" "CTs aren't allowed to buy\nanything on this map"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_CTs_Full" "The CT team is full"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_CTs_PreventEscape" "The CTs have prevented most\nof the terrorists from escaping"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_CTs_Win" "Counter-Terrorists Win"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Cannot_Be_Spectator" "You cannot become a spectator"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Cannot_Buy_This" "You cannot buy this item"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Cannot_Carry_Anymore" "You cannot carry any more"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Cannot_Switch_From_VIP" "You are the VIP\nYou cannot switch roles now"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Cannot_Vote_Map" "You cannot vote within 3 minutes of a new map"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Cannot_Vote_Need_More_People" "You can't vote for a map by yourself"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Cannot_Vote_With_Less_Than_Three" "You can't vote with less than three people on your team"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Cant_buy" "%s1 seconds have passed.\nYou can't buy anything now"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Class_descr_not_avail" "Class description not available"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Command_Not_Available" "This command is not available to you at this point"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Cover_me" "Cover Me!"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Regroup_team" "Regroup Team."
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_You_take_the_point" "You take the point."
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Taking_fire" "Taking fire...need assistance!"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Team_fall_back" "Team, fall back!"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Stick_together_team" "Stick together, team."
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Storm_the_front" "Storm the front!"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Cheer" "Cheer!"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Thanks" "Thanks!"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Compliment" "Nice!"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Got_Hostages" "I've got the hostage."
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Defusing_Bomb" "I'm defusing the bomb."
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Planting_Bomb" "I'm planting the bomb."
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Report_in_team" "Report in, team."
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Roger_that" "Roger that."
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Need_backup" "Need backup."
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Reporting_in" "Reporting in."
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Negative" "Negative."
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Cstrike_Already_Own_Weapon" "You already own that weapon."
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Sector_clear" "Sector clear."
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_DEAD" "DEAD"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_DEATHS" "DEATHS"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Defusal_Kit" "Defusal Kit"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Defusing_Bomb_With_Defuse_Kit" "Defusing bomb WITH defuse kit."
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Defusing_Bomb_Without_Defuse_Kit" "Defusing bomb WITHOUT defuse kit."
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Bomb_Already_Being_Defused" "The bomb is already being defused."
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Enemy" "Enemy"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Enemy_down" "Enemy down."
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Enemy_spotted" "Enemy spotted."
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Equipment" "Equipment"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Escaping_Terrorists_Neutralized" "Escaping terrorists have\nall been neutralized."
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Fire_in_the_hole" "Fire in the hole!"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Flashbang" "Flashbang"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Follow_me" "Follow Me."
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_Commencing" "Game Commencing"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_added_position" "You have been added to position %s1 of 5"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_bomb_drop" "%s1 dropped the bomb"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_afk_bomb_drop" "I dropped the bomb."
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_bomb_pickup" "%s1 picked up the bomb"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_connected" "%s1 connected"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_disconnected" "%s1 has left the game"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_idle_kick" "%s1 has been idle for too long and has been kicked"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_in_position" "You are already in position %s1 of 5"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_join_ct" "%s1 is joining the Counter-Terrorist force"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_join_ct_auto" "%s1 is joining the Counter-Terrorist force (auto)"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_join_terrorist" "%s1 is joining the Terrorist force"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_join_terrorist_auto" "%s1 is joining the Terrorist force (auto)"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_kicked" "Kicked %s1"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_last_round" "* Last Round *"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_no_timelimit" "* No Time Limit *"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_radio" "%s1 (RADIO): %s2"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_required_votes" "Required number of votes for a new map = %s1"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_scoring" "Scoring will not start until both teams have players"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_teammate_attack" "%s1 attacked a teammate"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_teammate_kills" "Teammate kills: %s1 of 3"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_timelimit" "Time Remaining: %s1:%s2"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_unknown_command" "Unknown command: %s1"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_vote_cast" "Vote cast against player # %s1"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_vote_not_yourself" "You can't vote to kick yourself"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_vote_player_not_found" "Player # %s1 was not found"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_vote_players_on_your_team" "You can only vote for players on your team"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_vote_usage" "Usage: vote <id>"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_voted_for_map" "You voted for map # %s1"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_votemap_usage" "Usage: votemap <id>"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_will_restart_in" "The game will restart in %s1 %s2"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Get_in_position_and_wait" "Thanks"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Get_out_of_there" "Get out of there, it's gonna blow!"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Go_go_go" "Go go go!"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Got_bomb" "You picked up the bomb"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Got_defuser" "You picked up a defuse kit"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Weapon_Pickup" "You picked up a %s1"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_HE_Grenade" "HE Grenade"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Health" "Health"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_High_Explosive_Grenade" "High-Explosive Grenade"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Hint_cannot_play_because_tk" "You're not allowed to play this\nround because you TK'd last round"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Hint_careful_around_hostages" "Be careful around hostages\nYou will lose money if you harm a hostage"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Hint_careful_around_teammates" "Careful\nKilling teammates will not be tolerated"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Hint_warning_team_damage_start" " WARNING: If you damage your team at the start of another round, you will be kicked"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Hint_warning_team_damage" " WARNING: Doing more team damage will cause you to be kicked"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Hint_ct_vip_zone" "You are in a VIP escape zone\nEscort the VIP to any one of these zones"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Hint_hostage_rescue_zone" "You are in a hostage rescue zone"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Hint_lead_hostage_to_rescue_point" "Carry the hostage to the rescue point"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Hint_lost_money" "You have lost money for harming a hostage"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Hint_lost_a_level" "%s1 stole a level from you by killing you with their knife"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Hint_lost_a_level_generic" "You have lost a weapon level"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Hint_out_of_ammo" "You are out of ammunition\nReturn to a buy zone to get more"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Hint_prevent_hostage_rescue" "Prevent the Counter-Terrorists from rescuing the hostages"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Hint_removed_for_next_hostage_killed" "If you kill one more hostage you will be removed from the server"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Hint_rescue_the_hostages" "Rescue the hostages for money"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Hint_reward_for_killing_vip" "You have been rewarded $2500 for killing the VIP"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Hint_spotted_a_friend" "You have spotted a friend"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Hint_spotted_an_enemy" "You have spotted an enemy"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Hint_terrorist_escape_zone" "You are in a terrorist escape zone\nPrevent the terrorists from getting here"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Hint_terrorist_vip_zone" "You are in a VIP escape zone\nPrevent the VIP from reaching any one of these zones"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Hint_DZPartner" "Your squad teammate is %s1"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Hint_try_not_to_injure_teammates" "Try not to injure your teammates"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Hint_use_nightvision" "Press the NIGHTVISION key to turn on/off nightvision goggles\nNightvision can be adjusted by typing: +nvgadjust -nvgadjust at the console"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Hint_win_round_by_killing_enemy" "You killed an enemy\nWin the round by eliminating the opposing force"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Hold_this_position" "Hold This Position."
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Hostage" "Hostage"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Hostage_down" "Hostage down."
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Hostages_Not_Rescued" "Hostages have not been rescued!"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Ignore_All_Messages" "Now ignoring ALL messages"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Ignore_Broadcast_Messages" "Now ignoring BROADCAST messages"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Ignore_Broadcast_Team_Messages" "Now ignoring TEAM/BROADCAST messages"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Ignore_Radio" "Now ignoring RADIO messages"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_In_position" "I'm in position."
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Injured_Hostage" "You injured a hostage!"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Kevlar" "Kevlar"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Kevlar_Helmet" "Kevlar+Helmet"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Kevlar_Vest" "Kevlar Vest"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Kevlar_Vest_Ballistic_Helmet" "Kevlar Vest + Ballistic Helmet"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Killed_Hostage" "You killed a hostage"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Killed_Teammate" "You killed a teammate"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Map_Description_not_available" "Map description not available"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Map_Vote_Extend" "Map has been extended for 30 minutes"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Map_descr_not_avail" "Map description not available"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Muted" "You have muted %s1"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Name_change_at_respawn" "Your name will be changed after your next respawn"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Name_change_limit_exceeded" "Name change denied (rate exceeded)"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Not_Enough_Money" "You have insufficient funds"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Not_Enough_Money_NextRound" "You have insufficient funds\n$%s1 that you just earned cannot be spent this round"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_OBS_CHASE_FREE" "Free Chase Cam"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_OBS_CHASE_LOCKED" "Locked Chase Cam"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_OBS_IN_EYE" "First Person"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_OBS_MAP_CHASE" "Chase Overview"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_OBS_MAP_FREE" "Free Overview"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_OBS_NONE" "Camera Options"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_OBS_ROAMING" "Free Look"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Only_1_Team_Change" "Only one team change is allowed"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Cannot_Move_Hostages_Warmup" "Hostages cannot be rescued during warmup"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Only_CT_Can_Move_Hostages" "Only Counter-Terrorists can move the hostages"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_CanOnlyCarryOneHostage" "You can only carry one hostage at a time"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_SomeonePickingUpHostage" "Someone is already picking up that hostage"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_CarryingHostage" "You're carrying a hostage, take them to the rescue zone"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_CarryingHostageReward" "Earn <font color='#45b512'>$%s1</font> by taking the hostage to a rescue zone"
"SFUI_Notice_Hostage_Pickup_Must_Be_On_Ground" "You must be on the ground to pick up a hostage"
"SFUI_Notice_Hostage_Pickup_Must_Be_On_Ground_Survival" "You must be on the ground to pick up the hostage"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Sorry" "Sorry!"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Go_A" "Bombsite A!"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Go_B" "Bombsite B!"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Need_Drop" "Need a drop, please."
"CS_ChatTab_Social" "SOCIAL"
"CS_ChatTab_Requests" "REQUESTS"
"CS_ChatTab_Team" "TEAM"
"Cstrike_WaitScreen_SearchingForGame" "Searching for Game..."
"Cstrike_WaitScreen_SearchingForDedicatedServer" "Searching for Dedicated Server..."
"Cstrike_WaitScreen_StoppingSearch" "Cancelling Search..."
"Cstrike_WaitScreen_JoiningInvite" "Joining Game..."
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Switch_To_BurstFire" "Switched to burst-fire mode"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Switch_To_FullAuto" "Switched to automatic"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Switch_To_SemiAuto" "Switched to semi-automatic"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Silencer_Disabled" "Toggling the silencer is disabled.\nEnable it in settings."
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_TRAINING1" "Use Your BUY key to purchase:
- Sub Machine Gun
- Primary Ammo"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_TRAINING2" "Use your BUY key to purchase:
- Magnum Sniper Rifle"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_TRAINING3" "Use your BUY key to purchase:
- Smoke Grenade"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_TRAINING4" "Collect the C4 from the bench."
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_TRAINING5" "Place C4 then retreat to safety."
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_TRAINING6" "Defuse the bomb by aiming at bomb and holding ${use}."
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_TRAINING7" "Locate and rescue hostages."
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Terrorists_Full" "The Terrorist team is full"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Terrorists_Not_Escaped" "Terrorists have not escaped."
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Terrorists_Win" "Terrorists Win"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Too_Many_CTs" "There are too many CTs"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Too_Many_Terrorists" "There are too many Terrorists"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Unassigned" "Unassigned"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Unmuted" "You have unmuted %s1"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_VOICE" "VOICE"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Voice_Properties" "Voice Properties"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Vote" "%s1 : %s2 (%s3 vote)"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Votes" "%s1 : %s2 (%s3 votes)"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_WINS" "WINS"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Wait_3_Seconds" "Please wait 3 seconds"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Weapon_Cannot_Be_Dropped" "This weapon cannot be dropped"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Weapon_Not_Available" "This weapon is not available to you"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Humans_Join_Team_CT" "Humans can only be CTs"
"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Humans_Join_Team_T" "Humans can only be Terrorists"
// New CZ strings start here and extend through the end of the file
// Place names used in bot chatter, and in location strings for player chat
"BombsiteA" "Bombejo A"
"BombsiteB" "Bombejo B"
"BombsiteC" "Bombejo C"
"Hostages" "Ostaĝoj"
"HostageRescueZone" "Hostage Rescue Zone"
"VipRescueZone" "VIP Rescue Zone"
"CTSpawn" "Aperejo de KT"
"TSpawn" "Aperejo de T"
"Bridge" "Ponto"
"Middle" "Mezo"
"House" "Domo"
"Apartment" "Apartamento"
"Apartments" "Apartamentoj"
"Market" "Bazaro"
"Sewers" "Kloako"
"Tunnel" "Tunelo"
"Ducts" "Ducts"
"Village" "Vilaĝo"
"Roof" "Tegmento"
"Upstairs" "Upstairs"
"Downstairs" "Downstairs"
"Basement" "Subteretaĝo"
"Crawlspace" "Crawlspace"
"Kitchen" "Kuirejo"
"Inside" "Inside"
"Outside" "Ekstere"
"Tower" "Turo"
"WineCellar" "Vinkelo"
"Garage" "Garaĝo"
"Courtyard" "Korto"
"Water" "Akvo"
"FrontDoor" "Front Door"
"BackDoor" "Back Door"
"SideDoor" "Side Door"
"BackWay" "Back Way"
"FrontYard" "Front Yard"
"BackYard" "Back Yard"
"SideYard" "Side Yard"
"Lobby" "Lobby"
"Vault" "Vault"
"Elevator" "Elevator"
"DoubleDoors" "Double Doors"
"SecurityDoors" "Security Doors"
"LongHall" "Long Hall"
"SideHall" "Side Hall"
"FrontHall" "Front Hall"
"BackHall" "Back Hall"
"MainHall" "Main Hall"
"FarSide" "Far Side"
"Windows" "Windows"
"Window" "Window"
"Attic" "Attic"
"StorageRoom" "Storage Room"
"ProjectorRoom" "Projector Room"
"MeetingRoom" "Meeting Room"
"ConferenceRoom" "Conference Room"
"ComputerRoom" "Computer Room"
"BigOffice" "Big Office"
"LittleOffice" "Little Office"
"Dumpster" "Dumpster"
"Airplane" "Airplane"
"Underground" "Underground"
"Bunker" "Bunker"
"Mines" "Mines"
"Front" "Front"
"Back" "Back"
"Rear" "Rear"
"Side" "Side"
"Ramp" "Ramp"
"Underpass" "Underpass"
"Overpass" "Overpass"
"Stairs" "Stairs"
"Ladder" "Ladder"
"Gate" "Gate"
"GateHouse" "Gate House"
"LoadingDock" "Loading Dock"
"GuardHouse" "Guard House"
"Entrance" "Entrance"
"VendingMachines" "Vending Machines"
"Loft" "Loft"
"Balcony" "Balcony"
"Alley" "Alley"
"BackAlley" "Back Alley"
"SideAlley" "Side Alley"
"FrontRoom" "Front Room"
"BackRoom" "Back Room"
"SideRoom" "Side Room"
"Crates" "Crates"
"Truck" "Truck"
"Bedroom" "Bedroom"
"FamilyRoom" "Family Room"
"Bathroom" "Bathroom"
"LivingRoom" "Living Room"
"Den" "Den"
"Office" "Office"
"Atrium" "Atrium"
"Entryway" "Entryway"
"Foyer" "Foyer"
"Stairwell" "Stairwell"
"Fence" "Fence"
"Deck" "Deck"
"Porch" "Porch"
"Patio" "Patio"
"Wall" "Wall"
"BoatBar" "Boat Bar"
"BoatStorage" "Boat Storage"
"CTBar" "CT Bar"
"UpperCatwalks" "Upper Catwalks"
"LowerCatwalks" "Lower Catwalks"
"GroundLevel" "Ground Level"
"LockerRoom" "Locker Room"
"BackEntrance" "Back Entrance"
"FrontEntrance" "Front Entrance"
"SnipersNest" "Sniper's Nest"
"BodyShop" "Body Shop"
"BankInterior" "Bank Interior"
"BombSite" "Bomb Site"
"BankExterior" "Bank Exterior"
"Street" "Street"
"GasStation" "Gas Station"
"SideEntrance" "Side Entrance"
"PalaceInterior" "Palace Interior"
"BackAlleys" "Back Alleys"
"CTSideUpper" "CT Side Upper"
"CTSideLower" "CT Side Lower"
"TSideUpper" "T Side Upper"
"TSideLower" "T Side Lower"
"UpperCarousel" "Upper Carousel"
"MidCarousel" "Mid Carousel"
"LowerCarousel" "Lower Carousel"
"CTCorridorDown" "CT Corridor Down"
"CTCorridorUp" "CT Corridor Up"
"TCorridorDown" "T Corridor Down"
"TCorridorUp" "T Corridor Up"
"LeftAlley" "Left Alley"
"RightAlley" "Right Alley"
"BackCourtyard" "Back Courtyard"
"FrontCourtyard" "Front Courtyard"
"MidArch" "Mid Arch"
"OutsideLong" "Outside Long"
"LongDoors" "Long Doors"
"AbovePit" "Above Pit"
"Pit" "Pit"
"APlatform" "A Platform"
"LongA" "Long A"
"ARamp" "A Ramp"
"BackofA" "Back of A"
"Bricks" "Bricks"
"ShortStairs" "Short Stairs"
"Short" "Short"
"Catwalk" "Catwalk"
"Mid" "Mid"
"TopofMid" "Top of Mid"
"MidDoors" "Mid Doors"
"ExtendedA" "Extended A"
"BDoors" "B Doors"
"Hole" "Hole"
"BPlatform" "B Platform"
"BackofB" "Back of B"
"UpperTunnel" "Upper Tunnel"
"TunnelStairs" "Tunnel Stairs"
"LowerTunnel" "Lower Tunnel"
"OutsideTunnel" "Outside Tunnel"
"UnderA" "Under A"
"TRamp" "T Ramp"
"HutRoof" "Hut Roof"
"Secret" "Secret"
"Crane" "Crane"
"Vents" "Vents"
"Decon" "Decon"
"Observation" "Observation"
"Admin" "Admin"
"Toxic" "Toxic"
"Mini" "Mini"
"Control" "Control Room"
"Heaven" "Heaven"
"Hell" "Hell"
"Vending" "Vending"
"Trophy" "Trophy"
"Silo" "Silo"
"SniperBox" "Sniper Box"
"Radio" "Radio"
"Hut" "Hut"
"Crows" "Crows"
"Squeaky" "Squeaky"
"Yellow" "Yellow"
"Main" "Main"
"CTRed" "CT Red"
"Red" "Red"
"Warehouse" "Warehouse"
"BackStairs" "Back Stairs"
"Rafters" "Rafters"
"Forklift" "Forklift"
"Garden" "Garden"
"Ruins" "Ruins"
"Banana" "Banana"
"Logs" "Logs"
"TStairs" "T Stairs"
"SecondMid" "Second Mid"
"Hay" "Hay"
"Quad" "Quad"
"Arch" "Arch"
"Library" "Library"
"Graveyard" "Graveyard"
"LowerMid" "Lower Mid"
"Floor50" "50th Floor"
"Floor51" "51st Floor"
"LadderBottom" "Ladder Bottom"
"LadderTop" "Ladder Top"
"River" "River"
"Shed" "Shed"
"Barn" "Barn"
"Cart" "Cart"
"PalaceAlley" "Palace Alley"
"PalaceTunnel" "Palace Tunnel"
"Shop" "Shop"
"Scaffolding" "Scaffolding"
"Connector" "Connector"
"TicketBooth" "Ticket Booth"
"Jungle" "Jungle"
"LowerPark" "Lower Park"
"UpperPark" "Upper Park"
"Fountain" "Fountain"
"Playground" "Playground"
"Restroom" "Restroom"
"Construction" "Construction"
"Canal" "Canal"
"Tunnels" "Tunnels"
"Pipe" "Pipe"
"Walkway" "Walkway"
// Insertion
"Rafts" "Rafts"
"MotorBoats" "Motorboats"
"SeaRock" "Sea Rock"
"BoatHouse" "Boathouse"
"SeaCliff" "Sea Cliff"
"Beach" "Beach"
"YellowHouse" "Yellow House"
"RedHouse" "Red House"
"Villa1stFloor" "Villa 1st Floor"
"Villa2ndFloor" "Villa 2nd Floor"
"DirtRoad" "Dirt Road"
"Road" "Road"
"BackRoad" "Back Road"
"SmallForest" "Small Forest"
"BigForest" "Big Forest"
"EastForest" "East Forest"
"WestForest" "West Forest"
"Glade" "Glade"
"DeadTrees" "Dead Trees"
"BarnRoof" "Barn Roof"
"PowerLines" "Power Lines"
"Helicopter" "Helicopter"
"Helicopters" "Helicopters"
"SidePath" "Side Path"
"Field" "Field"
"InsertionA" "Insertion A"
"InsertionB" "Insertion B"
"InsertionC" "Insertion C"
"InsertionD" "Insertion D"
"DriveWay" "Driveway"
"Ivy" "Ivy"
"PopDog" "Popdog"
"TMain" "T Main"
"Tunnel1" "Tunnel 1"
"Tunnel2" "Tunnel 2"
"ElectricalBox" "Electrical Box"
// coop_cementplant
"Gravelpit" "Gravel Pit"
"Forest" "Forest"
"Tents" "Tents"
"Dock" "Dock"
"Game_radio" "%s1 (RADIO): %s2"
"Game_radio_location" "%s1 @ %s2 (RADIO): %s3"
"Cstrike_Chat_CT_Loc" "(Counter-Terrorist) %s1 @ %s3 :  %s2"
"Cstrike_Chat_CT" "(Counter-Terrorist) %s1 :  %s2"
"Cstrike_Chat_T_Loc" "(Terrorist) %s1 @ %s3 :  %s2"
"Cstrike_Chat_T" "(Terrorist) %s1 :  %s2"
"Cstrike_Chat_CT_Dead" "*DEAD*(Counter-Terrorist) %s1 :  %s2"
"Cstrike_Chat_T_Dead" "*DEAD*(Terrorist) %s1 :  %s2"
"Cstrike_Chat_Spec" "(Spectator) %s1 :  %s2"
"Cstrike_Chat_All" "%s1 : %s2"
"Cstrike_Chat_AllDead" "*DEAD* %s1 : %s2"
"Cstrike_Chat_AllSpec" "*SPEC* %s1 : %s2"
"Cstrike_Name_Change" "* %s1 changed name to %s2"
"CSGO_Coach_Join_CT" " * %s1 is now coaching the COUNTER-TERRORISTS."
"CSGO_Coach_Join_T" " * %s1 is now coaching the TERRORISTS."
"CSGO_No_Longer_Coach" " * %s1 is no longer coaching."
"Chat_SavePlayer_Savior" "  You just saved %s1 by killing %s2!"
"Chat_SavePlayer_Saved" "  %s1 just saved you by killing %s2!"
"Chat_SavePlayer_Spectator" "  %s1 just saved %s2 by killing %s3!"
"Pet_Killed" " Your chicken has been killed. She was yours for %s1 seconds."
"Cstrike_game_join_spectators" "%s1 is joining the Spectators\n"
"Cstrike_game_join_terrorist" "%s1 is joining the Terrorist force\n"
"Cstrike_game_join_ct" "%s1 is joining the Counter-Terrorist force\n"
"item_cooldown_rounds" "%s1 (Resupply in %s2 rounds)"
"item_cooldown_minutes" "%s1 (Resupply in %s2 minutes)"
"SFUI_WPNHUD_Pistol" "Pistol"
"SFUI_WPNHUD_Rifle" "Rifle"
"SFUI_WPNHUD_Heavy" "Heavy"
"SFUI_WPNHUD_Grenade" "Grenade"
"SFUI_WPNHUD_SniperRifle" "Sniper Rifle"
"SFUI_WPNHUD_Sniper" "Sniper"
"SFUI_WPNHUD_Shotgun" "Shotgun"
"SFUI_WPNHUD_DesertEagle" "Desert Eagle"
"SFUI_WPNHUD_Deagle" "Desert Eagle"
"SFUI_WPNHUD_Elites" "Dual Berettas"
"SFUI_WPNHUD_Elite" "Dual Berettas"
"SFUI_WPNHUD_FiveSeven" "Five-SeveN"
"SFUI_WPNHUD_Flashbang" "Flashbang"
"SFUI_WPNHUD_GalilAR" "Galil AR"
"SFUI_WPNHUD_Glock18" "Glock-18"
"SFUI_WPNHUD_HE_Grenade" "High Explosive Grenade"
"SFUI_WPNHUD_HEGrenade" "High Explosive Grenade"
"SFUI_WPNHUD_Knife" "Knife"
"SFUI_WPNHUD_Knife_T" "Knife"
"SFUI_WPNHUD_Knife_GG" "Gold Knife"
"SFUI_WPNHUD_Knife_Ghost" "Spectral Shiv"
"SFUI_WPNHUD_M249" "M249"
"SFUI_WPNHUD_M4A1_silencer" "M4A1-S"
"SFUI_WPNHUD_Smoke_Grenade" "Smoke Grenade"
"SFUI_WPNHUD_SmokeGrenade" "Smoke Grenade"
"SFUI_WPNHUD_xm1014" "XM1014"
"SFUI_WPNHUD_C4" "C4 Explosive"
"SFUI_WPNHUD_Bizon" "PP-Bizon"
"SFUI_WPNHUD_Negev" "Negev"
"SFUI_WPNHUD_Sawedoff" "Sawed-Off"
"SFUI_WPNHUD_Tec9" "Tec-9"
"SFUI_WPNHUD_Taser" "Zeus x27"
"SFUI_WPNHUD_Molotov" "Molotov"
"SFUI_WPNHUD_IncGrenade" "Incendiary Grenade"
"SFUI_WPNHUD_Decoy" "Decoy Grenade"
"SFUI_WPNHUD_HKP2000" "P2000"
"SFUI_WPNHUD_Nova" "Nova"
"SFUI_WPNHUD_P250" "P250"
"SFUI_WPNHUD_CZ75" "CZ75-Auto"
"SFUI_WPNHUD_SG556" "SG 553"
"SFUI_WPNHUD_KnifeBayonet" "Bayonet"
"SFUI_WPNHUD_KnifeFlip" "Flip Knife"
"SFUI_WPNHUD_KnifeGut" "Gut Knife"
"SFUI_WPNHUD_KnifeCSS" "Classic Knife"
"SFUI_WPNHUD_KnifeM9" "M9 Bayonet"
"SFUI_WPNHUD_KnifeKaram" "Karambit"
"SFUI_WPNHUD_KnifeTactical" "Huntsman Knife"
"SFUI_WPNHUD_Knife_Butterfly" "Butterfly Knife"
"SFUI_WPNHUD_PartyPopper" "Party Popper!"
"SFUI_WPNHUD_knife_falchion_advanced" "Falchion Knife"
"SFUI_WPNHUD_knife_push" "Shadow Daggers"
"SFUI_WPNHUD_knife_survival_bowie" "Bowie Knife"
"SFUI_WPNHUD_Healthshot" "Medi-Shot"
"SFUI_WPNHUD_TAGrenade" "Tactical Awareness Grenade"
"SFUI_WPNHUD_Exploding_Barrel" "Exploding Barrel"
"SFUI_WPNHUD_Snowball" "Snowball"
"SFUI_WPNHUD_StompDamageKillString" "crushed your skull"
"SFUI_WPNHUD_DangerZone" "Danger Zone"
"SFUI_WPNHUD_AutoSentry" "Automated Sentry"
"SFUI_WPNHUD_Fists" "Bare Hands"
"SFUI_WPNHUD_Tablet" "Tablet"
"SFUI_WPNHUD_BreachCharge" "Breach Charge"
"SFUI_WPNHUD_BumpMine" "Bump Mine"
"SFUI_WPNHUD_Hammer" "Hammer"
"SFUI_WPNHUD_Spanner" "Wrench"
"SFUI_WPNHUD_TripWireFire" "TrapFire"
"SFUI_WPNHUD_knife_cord" "Paracord Knife"
"SFUI_WPNHUD_knife_canis" "Survival Knife"
"SFUI_WPNHUD_knife_ursus" "Ursus Knife"
"SFUI_WPNHUD_knife_gypsy_jackknife" "Navaja Knife"
"SFUI_WPNHUD_knife_outdoor" "Nomad Knife"
"SFUI_WPNHUD_knife_widowmaker" "Talon Knife"
"SFUI_WPNHUD_knife_stiletto" "Stiletto Knife"
"SFUI_WPNHUD_knife_skeleton" "Skeleton Knife"
"SFUI_WPNHUD_Firebomb" "Fire Bomb"
"SFUI_WPNHUD_Diversion" "Diversion Device"
"SFUI_WPNHUD_frag_Grenade" "Frag Grenade"
"SFUI_WPNHUD_Shield" "Riot Shield"
"SFUI_Shield_Destroyed" "Your riot shield was destroyed!"
"SFUI_WPNHUD_Zone_Repulsor" "Repulsor Device"
"CSGO_Item_Desc_Zone_Repulsor" "Prototype Radial Emission Particulate Shielding Device"
"SFUI_ArmorEquipped" "Armor equipped."
"SFUI_HeavyArmorEquipped" "Heavy Armor equipped."
"SFUI_HelmetEquipped" "Helmet equipped."
"SFUI_ArmorAndHelmetEquipped" "Armor and Helmet equipped."
"SFUI_FullArmor" "You cannot equip any more armor."
"SFUI_AlreadyHaveExoJump" "You already have the ExoJump equipped."
"SFUI_ExoJumpEquipped" "ExoJump equipped."
"SFUI_NeedToDropPrimaryWepForHeavy" "You need to drop your primary weapon in order to equip the Heavy Armor."
"SFUI_LockingStartingPositions" "Locking starting positions..."
"SFUI_PositionsLocked" "Positions locked! Prepare to deploy!"
"SFUI_ClickTheMapToChooseDeploy" "Click the map to choose your deploy position."
"SFUI_SmokeBeaconReady_Others" "Helicopters are en-route, watch for paradrop supplies incoming."
"SFUI_DroneDeliveryStolen" "Your delivery was stolen en-route! No refunds."
"SFUI_ContractKillStart" "<font color='#45b512'>$%s1</font> to eliminate the <font color='#e58816'>High Value Target</font>."
"SFUI_ContractKillComplete" "High Value Target successfully eliminated: <font color='#45b512'>$%s1</font> reward!"
"SFUI_ContractKillAlreadyOpen" "You already have an active High Value Target mission."
"SFUI_HostageApproachPayout" "You got the hostage closer: <font color='#45b512'>$%s1</font> progress bonus!"
"SFUI_HostageRescuedFullPayout" "Hostage successfully rescued: <font color='#45b512'>$%s1</font> reward!"
"SFUI_ReturnToPlayArea" "Return to the safe area!"
"SFUI_IsTheWinner" "<font color='#45b512'>%s1</font> is the Winner!"
"SFUI_Deployed" "%s1 deployed!"
"SFUI_TabletHighres" "This tablet tracks enemies with higher precision."
"SFUI_TabletZoneIntel" "This tablet predicts the danger zone."
"SFUI_TabletDroneIntel" "This tablet tracks ALL delivery drones."
"SFUI_AmmoExtracted" "Ammo extracted."
"SFUI_AmmoExtract_OwnFull" "Your weapon reserve ammo is full."
"SFUI_AmmoExtract_Empty" "That weapon has no ammo."
"SFUI_AmmoExtract_Fail" "Failed to extract ammo."
"SFUI_SurvivalHostageName" "<font color='#e5da25'>Hostage</font>"
"SFUI_SpawnSelectPrepare" "Prepare for deployment."
"SFUI_SpawnSelectBegin" "Select your insertion point."
"SFUI_SurvivalSectorAlreadyPaid" "Entered a previously explored sector."
"SFUI_SurvivalSectorScanBegin" "Entered an unexplored sector."
"SFUI_SurvivalSectorPayment" "Exploration payment: $%s1"
"SFUI_SurvivalSectorPaymentBonus" "Exploration payment: $%s1 + bonus of $%s2"
"SFUI_SurvivalSectorWaveBonus" "Wave payment: $%s1 + bonus of $%s2"
"SFUI_ParachuteAlreadyEquipped" "You already have a parachute equipped."
"SFUI_TabletUpgradeHighres" "Tablet upgraded: tracks enemies with higher precision."
"SFUI_TabletUpgradeZoneIntel" "Tablet upgraded: predicts the danger zone."
"SFUI_TabletUpgradeDroneIntel" "Tablet upgraded: tracks ALL delivery drones and faster item delivery."
"SFUI_TabletUpgradeNoTablet" "A tablet is required to equip this upgrade"
"SFUI_TabletUpgradeAlreadyUpgraded" "You already have this tablet upgrade."
"SFUI_TabletPromptBuymenu" "Press [%s1] to access the buymenu.\n%s2 can be delivered to you via drone."
"SFUI_TabletPromptBuymenuAll" "Press [%s1] to access the buymenu.\nAll items are available for purchase now."
"SFUI_TableBuymenuCategory0" "Weapons"
"SFUI_TableBuymenuCategory1" "Supplies"
"SFUI_TableBuymenuCategory2" "Utility"
"SFUI_TableBuymenuCategory3" "Tablet"
"SFUI_TeammateRespawnIncoming" "Standby! Squad Reinforcement Inbound."
"SFUI_NoMoreTeammateRespawns" "Squad reinforcement no longer available."
"TabletNotification_Spacer" " %s1 "
"TabletNotification_UpgradeHighRes" "Upgraded: High-Res"
"TabletNotification_UpgradeDrone" "Upgraded: DroneTracking"
"TabletNotification_UpgradeZone" "Upgraded: ZonePrediction"
"TabletNotification_HostageTransit" "Alert: Hostage in Transit"
"TabletNotification_IncomingDelivery" "Alert: Incoming Delivery"
"TabletNotification_AccessBuymenu" "Reminder: Access the Buy Menu"
"TabletNotification_ReturnToSafeArea" "Warning: Return to safe area!"
"TabletNotification_SatelliteSignalLost" "Warning: Satellite signal lost"
"TabletNotification_HighlightedSectors" "SECTOR HIGHLIGHT indicates YOU OR ENEMY"
"TabletNotification_ExplorationPayment" "Exploration payment: ${d:exploreprice}"
"TabletNotification_ExplorationPayment_Bonus" "Exploration payment: ${d:exploreprice} + ${d:explorebonus}"
"TabletNotification_BombWaveMoney" "Reward for surviving: ${d:surviveprice}"
"TabletNotification_BombWaveMoney_Bonus" "Reward for surviving: ${d:surviveprice} + ${d:survivebonus}"
"TabletNotification_ParadropsAllowed" "Paradrop supplies incoming"
"TabletNotification_BombPlanted" "Alert: Vault C4 armed..."
"TabletNotification_BombDetonated" "Alert: Vault C4 detonated!"
"TabletNotification_PurchaseConfirmation" "Purchased: {s:lastpurchase}"
"TabletNotification_UpgradeDronePilotNone" "Upgraded: Press {s:bind_attack} to summon Scout Drone"
"TabletNotification_UpgradeDronePilotReady" "Upgraded: Press {s:bind_attack} to pilot Drone"
"TabletNotification_EndControlScoutDrone" "[%s1] Leave Controls [%s2] Self-Destruct [%s3] Cargo Pickup/Drop"
"TabletNotification_DroneJammed" "Drone signal is being jammed!"
"TabletNotification_NoDronesToControl" "No drones are currently available for remote piloting."
"TabletNotification_RespawnInbound" "Alert: Redeployment Package Inbound"
"TabletNotification_NearbyCrate" "Intel Alert: Nearest weapon crate located"
"SurvivalWarning_FirstBombIncoming" "First wave artillery incoming. Tablet updated."
"TabletBuyMenu" "Tablet Automated Delivery"
"TabletAvailableFunds" "Available Funds"
"TabletTopText" "Purchase delivery by drone courier:"
"TabletKnife" "Knife"
"TabletKnife_Tooltip" "1 Knife Delivered"
"TabletUtility" "Tactical Package"
"TabletUtility_Tooltip" "3 Tactical Grenades Delivered:<br><br>Flashbang<br>Smoke Grenade<br>Diversion Device"
"TabletRespawnDrone" "Redeploy Teammate"
"TabletRespawnDrone_Tooltip" "1 Teammate Redeployment Crate Delivered."
"TabletMobility" "Mobility Package"
"TabletMobility_Tooltip" "3 Mobility Devices Delivered:<br><br>Parachute<br>ExoJump<br>BumpMine"
"TabletDmgNades" "Offensive Utility"
"TabletDmgNades_Tooltip" "2 Offensive Grenades Delivered:<br><br>Frag Grenade<br>Fire Bomb"
"TabletArmorHelmet" "Armor + Helmet"
"TabletArmorHelmet_Tooltip" "Armor and Helmet Delivered"
"TabletShield" "Riot Shield"
"TabletShield_Tooltip" "1 Riot Shield Delivered"
"TabletJammer" "Radar Jammer"
"TabletJammer_Tooltip" "1 Radar Jammer Delivered<br><br>Radar Jammer blocks other tablet's radar in the vicinity"
"TabletPistol" "Pistol"
"TabletPistol_Tooltip" "1 Pistol Delivered"
"TabletPistolPremium" "Premium Pistol"
"TabletPistolPremium_Tooltip" "1 Premium Pistol Delivered"
"TabletAmmo" "Ammo"
"TabletAmmo_Tooltip" "1 Ammo Pack Delivered"
"TabletMedical" "MediShot"
"TabletMedical_Tooltip" "1 MediShot Delivered"
"TabletSMG" "SMG"
"TabletSMG_Tooltip" "1 SMG Delivered"
"TabletLargeAmmo" "Ammo 3x Multipack"
"TabletLargeAmmo_Tooltip" "3 Ammo Packs Delivered"
"TabletRifle" "Rifle"
"TabletRifle_Tooltip" "1 Rifle Delivered"
"TabletHeavyArmor" "Heavy Armor"
"TabletHeavyArmor_Tooltip" "1 Heavy Armor Delivered"
"TabletSniper" "Sniper Rifle"
"TabletSniper_Tooltip" "1 Sniper Rifle Delivered"
"TabletAwp" "AWP"
"TabletAwp_Tooltip" "1 AWP Delivered"
"TabletSSG08" "SSG 08"
"TabletSSG08_Tooltip" "1 SSG 08 Delivered"
"TabletUpgradeHighres" "High Res Upgrade"
"TabletUpgradeHighres_Tooltip" "High Res shows more detailed sections on tablet"
"TabletUpgradeDroneIntel" "Drone Upgrade"
"TabletUpgradeDroneIntel_Tooltip" "Drone upgrade speeds up drone deliveries and shows drone activity"
"TabletUpgradeZoneIntel" "Zone Intel Upgrade"
"TabletUpgradeZoneIntel_Tooltip" "Zone Intel shows next safe area"
"TabletUpgradeDronePilot" "Drone Pilot Upgrade"
"TabletUpgradeDronePilot_Tooltip" "Take control and remotely pilot nearest drone"
"TabletClose" "Close"
"TabletPurchaseText" "Order for %s1 confirmed: %s2."
"TabletHostageInfo" "Show hostage info"
"TabletPrice" "${d:itemprice}"
"TabletAccount" "${d:playermoney}"
"TabletHintMap" "[{s:bind_teammenu}] Map"
"TabletHintBuy" "[{s:bind_buymenu}] Buy Menu"
"TabletHintClose" "[{s:bind_showscores}] Close"
// Guardian special weapon strings
"SFUI_Inferno" "fire"
"Player_You_Are_Now_Dominating" "You are now dominating %s1"
"Player_You_Are_Still_Dominating" "You are still dominating %s1"
"Player_On_Killing_Spree" " %s1 is on a killing spree with %s2 kills in a row"
"Player_Killing_Spree_2" "Double Kill!"
"Player_Killing_Spree_3" "Triple Kill!!"
"Player_Killing_Spree_4" "Quadruple kill!!"
"Player_Killing_Spree_more" "Killing spree!!! x%s1"
"Player_Killed_Enemy_Leader" "You killed the enemy leader!"
"SFUI_PlayerCount_Alive" "ALIVE"
"hostagerescuetime" "The CTs have earned more time by reaching a hostage"
// Cash award reasons
//  = 0x06 - Use color reserved for awards from this point forward. Most likely a green.
//  = 0x07 - Use color reserved for penalties from this point forward. Most likely a red.
//  = 0x01 (SOH) - Use normal color from this point forward
"Player_Cash_Award_Kill_Teammate" " -$%s1: Penalty for killing a friendly"
"Player_Cash_Award_Killed_VIP" " +$%s1: Award for neutralizing the VIP"
"Player_Cash_Award_Killed_Enemy_Generic" " +$%s1: Award for neutralizing an enemy"
"Player_Cash_Award_Killed_Enemy" " +$%s1: Award for neutralizing an enemy with the %s2"
"Player_Cash_Award_Bomb_Planted" " +$%s1: Award for planting the C4"
"Player_Cash_Award_Bomb_Defused" " +$%s1: Award for defusing the C4"
"Player_Cash_Award_Rescued_Hostage" " +$%s1: Award for extracting a hostage"
"Player_Cash_Award_Interact_Hostage" " +$%s1: Award for reaching a hostage"
"Player_Cash_Award_Respawn" " +$%s1: Award for respawning"
"Player_Cash_Award_Get_Killed" " +$%s1: Award for being eliminated"
"Player_Cash_Award_Damage_Hostage" " -$%s1: Penalty for wounding a hostage"
"Player_Cash_Award_Kill_Hostage" " -$%s1: Penalty for killing a hostage"
"Player_Point_Award_Killed_Enemy" " %s1 point for neutralizing an enemy with the %s2"
"Player_Point_Award_Killed_Enemy_Plural" " %s1 points for neutralizing an enemy with the %s2"
"Player_Point_Award_Killed_Enemy_NoWeapon" " %s1 point for neutralizing an enemy"
"Player_Point_Award_Killed_Enemy_NoWeapon_Plural" " %s1 points for neutralizing an enemy"
"Player_Point_Award_Assist_Enemy" " %s1 point for assisting in neutralizing %s2"
"Player_Point_Award_Assist_Enemy_Plural" " %s1 points for assisting in neutralizing %s2"
"Player_Point_Award_Picked_Up_Dogtag" " %s1 point for picking up %s2's dogtags"
"Player_Point_Award_Picked_Up_Dogtag_Plural" " %s1 points for picking up %s2's dogtags"
"Player_Team_Award_Killed_Enemy" " %s1 victory point for neutralizing %s2"
"Player_Team_Award_Killed_Enemy_Plural" " %s1 victory points for neutralizing %s2"
"Player_Team_Award_Bonus_Weapon" " %s1 victory point for neutralizing %s2 with the %s3"
"Player_Team_Award_Bonus_Weapon_Plural" " %s1 victory points for neutralizing %s2 with the %s3"
"Player_Team_Award_Picked_Up_Dogtag" " %s1 victory point for picking up %s2's dogtags"
"Player_Team_Award_Picked_Up_Dogtag_Plural" " %s1 victory points for picking up %s2's dogtags"
"Player_Team_Award_Picked_Up_Dogtag_Friendly" " You recovered %s1's dogtags"
"Player_Cash_Award_ExplainSuicide_YouGotCash" "(You were awarded +$%s2 compensation for the suicide of %s1)"
"Player_Cash_Award_ExplainSuicide_TeammateGotCash" "Your teammate %s3 was awarded +$%s2 compensation for the suicide of %s1"
"Player_Cash_Award_ExplainSuicide_EnemyGotCash" "An enemy player was awarded compensation for the suicide of %s1"
"Player_Cash_Award_ExplainSuicide_Spectators" " %s3 was awarded +$%s2 compensation for the suicide of %s1"
"Team_Cash_Award_T_Win_Bomb" " +$%s1: Team award for detonating bomb"
"Team_Cash_Award_Elim_Hostage" " +$%s1: Team award for eliminating the enemy team"
"Team_Cash_Award_Elim_Bomb" " +$%s1: Team award for eliminating the enemy team"
"Team_Cash_Award_Win_Time" " +$%s1: Team award for winning by running down the clock"
"Team_Cash_Award_Win_Defuse_Bomb" " +$%s1: Team award for winning by defusing the C4"
"Team_Cash_Award_Win_Hostages_Rescue" " +$%s1: Team award for winning by rescuing the hostages"
"Team_Cash_Award_Win_Hostage_Rescue" " +$%s1: Team award for winning by rescuing a hostage"
"Team_Cash_Award_Loser_Bonus" " +$%s1: Income for losing"
"Team_Cash_Award_Bonus_Shorthanded" " +$%s1: Income for being short-handed"
"Team_Cash_Award_Loser_Bonus_Neg" " -$%s1: Income for losing"
"Team_Cash_Award_Loser_Zero" " -$%s1: Income for dead players on losing team"
"Team_Cash_Award_Rescued_Hostage" " +$%s1: Team award for rescuing a hostage"
"Team_Cash_Award_Hostage_Interaction" " +$%s1: Team award for reaching a hostage"
"Team_Cash_Award_Hostage_Alive" " +$%s1: Team award for surviving hostages"
"Team_Cash_Award_Planted_Bomb_But_Defused" " +$%s1: Team award for planting the bomb"
"Team_Cash_Award_Survive_GuardianMode_Wave" " +$%s1: Team award for surviving the wave"
"Team_Cash_Award_CT_VIP_Escaped" " +$%s1: Team award for evac'ing the VIP"
"Team_Cash_Award_T_VIP_Killed" " +$%s1: Team award for neutralizing the VIP"
"Team_Cash_Award_no_income" " 0: No income for running out of time and surviving"
"Team_Cash_Award_no_income_suicide" " 0: No income for suiciding"
"Team_Cash_Award_Generic" " +$%s1: Team award"
"Team_Cash_Award_Custom" " +$%s1: %s2"
"Notice_Bonus_Shorthanded_Eligibility" " Your team will be eligible for short-handed income in %s1 rounds"
"Notice_Bonus_Shorthanded_Eligibility_Single" " Your team will be eligible for short-handed income in 1 round"
"Notice_Bonus_Enemy_Team" "Each enemy has received $%s1 short-handed income"
"Notice_Teammate_Death_Location" "%s1 died @ %s2"
// Round Win Panel
"CTs_win" "Counter-Terrorists Win"
"Ts_win" "Terrorists Win"
"winpanel_t_win" "Terrorists Win"
"winpanel_ct_win" "Counter-Terrorists Win"
"winpanel_draw" "Round Draw"
"winpanel_mvp_award" "MVP: %s1"
"winpanel_mvp_award_kills" "MVP: %s1 for most eliminations"
"winpanel_mvp_award_ace" "MVP: %s1 for an ACE round"
"winpanel_mvp_award_bombplant" "MVP: %s1 for planting the bomb"
"winpanel_mvp_award_bombdefuse" "MVP: %s1 for defusing the bomb"
"winpanel_mvp_award_rescue" "MVP: %s1 for extracting a hostage"
"winpanel_mvp_award_score" "MVP: %s1 for highest score"
"winpanel_mvp_award_gungame" "Arms Race Winner: %s1"
"winpanel_mvp_survivor" "%s1 is the winner and sole survivor!"
"winpanel_former_player" "A Former Player"
"winpanel_end_target_bombed" "Bomb detonated"
"winpanel_end_vip_assassinated" "VIP assassinated"
"winpanel_end_terrorists_escaped" "Terrorists escaped"
"winpanel_end_terrorists__kill" "CTs eliminated"
"winpanel_end_hostages_not_rescued" "Hostage Rescue failed"
"winpanel_end_vip_not_escaped" "VIP escape failed"
"winpanel_end_cts_surrender" "CTs surrender"
"winpanel_end_vip_escaped" "VIP escaped"
"winpanel_end_cts_prevent_escape" "CTs prevented escape"
"winpanel_end_escaping_terrorists_neutralized" "Escaping terrorists neutralized"
"winpanel_end_bomb_defused" "Bomb defused"
"winpanel_end_cts_win" "Terrorists eliminated"
"winpanel_end_all_hostages_rescued" "Hostage extracted"
"winpanel_end_target_saved" "Bombing failed"
"winpanel_end_terrorists_not_escaped" "Terrorist escape failed"
"winpanel_end_terrorists_surrender" "Terrorists surrender"
"winpanel_end_cts_reach_hostage" "CTs have reached a hostage"
"winpanel_end_terrorists_planted_bomb" "Terrorists planted the bomb"
//Round fun facts
"funfact_damage_no_kills:p{funfact-d1}" "{s:funfact-player} had no kills, but did {d:funfact-d1} damage.#|#{s:funfact-player} had no kills, but did {d:funfact-d1} damage."
"funfact_kills_with_single_grenade:p{funfact-d1}" "{s:funfact-player} hit {d:funfact-d1} enemy with one grenade.#|#{s:funfact-player} hit {d:funfact-d1} enemies with one grenade."
"funfact_kill_defuser" "{s:funfact-player} successfully stopped the bomb defuser."
"funfact_kill_rescuer" "{s:funfact-player} killed the hostage extractor."
"funfact_killed_enemies:p{funfact-d1}" "{s:funfact-player} killed {d:funfact-d1} opponent.#|#{s:funfact-player} killed {d:funfact-d1} opponents."
"funfact_first_kill:p{funfact-d1}" "{d:funfact-d1} second into the round, {s:funfact-player} got the first kill.#|#{d:funfact-d1} seconds into the round, {s:funfact-player} got the first kill."
"funfact_first_blood:p{funfact-d1}" "{s:funfact-player} drew first blood {d:funfact-d1} second into the round.#|#{s:funfact-player} drew first blood {d:funfact-d1} seconds into the round."
"funfact_short_round:p{funfact-d1}" "That round took only {d:funfact-d1} second!#|#That round took only {d:funfact-d1} seconds!"
"funfact_best_accuracy:p{funfact-d1}" "{s:funfact-player} had an accuracy of {d:funfact-d1}%.#|#{s:funfact-player} had an accuracy of {d:funfact-d1}%."
"funfact_knife_kills:p{funfact-d1}" "{s:funfact-player} killed an enemy with the knife.#|#{s:funfact-player} had {d:funfact-d1} knife kills this round."
"funfact_damage_with_grenade:p{funfact-d1}" "{s:funfact-player} did {d:funfact-d1} total damage with grenades.#|#{s:funfact-player} did {d:funfact-d1} total damage with grenades."
"funfact_kills_grenades:p{funfact-d1}" "{s:funfact-player} killed {d:funfact-d1} enemy with grenades.#|#{s:funfact-player} killed {d:funfact-d1} enemies with grenades."
"funfact_blind_kills:p{funfact-d1}" "{s:funfact-player} killed an enemy while flashbanged.#|#{s:funfact-player} killed {d:funfact-d1} enemies while flashbanged."
"funfact_kills_with_last_round:p{funfact-d1}" "{s:funfact-player} killed an enemy with their last bullet.#|#On {d:funfact-d1} occasions with only one bullet left, {s:funfact-player} killed an enemy."
"funfact_kills_headshots:p{funfact-d1}" "{s:funfact-player} killed {d:funfact-d1} enemy with headshots that round.#|#{s:funfact-player} killed {d:funfact-d1} enemies with headshots that round."
"funfact_kills_with_stattrak_weapon:p{funfact-d1}" "{s:funfact-player} added {d:funfact-d1} kill to their StatTrak™ weapons that round.#|#{s:funfact-player} added {d:funfact-d1} kills to their StatTrak™ weapons that round."
"funfact_donated_weapons:p{funfact-d1}" "{s:funfact-player} donated {d:funfact-d1} weapon that round.#|#{s:funfact-player} donated {d:funfact-d1} weapons that round."
"funfact_posthumous_kills_with_grenade:p{funfact-d1}" "{s:funfact-player} killed an enemy with a grenade after dying.#|#{s:funfact-player} got {d:funfact-d1} grenade kills while dead."
"funfact_knife_in_gunfight" "{s:funfact-player} brought a knife to a gunfight."
"funfact_num_times_jumped:p{funfact-d1}" "{s:funfact-player} jumped {d:funfact-d1} time during the round.#|#{s:funfact-player} jumped {d:funfact-d1} times during the round."
"funfact_fall_damage:p{funfact-d1}" "{s:funfact-player} took {d:funfact-d1} damage... from the earth.#|#{s:funfact-player} took {d:funfact-d1} damage... from the earth."
"funfact_items_purchased:p{funfact-d1}" "{s:funfact-player} bought {d:funfact-d1} item.#|#{s:funfact-player} bought {d:funfact-d1} items."
"funfact_won_as_last_member:p{funfact-d1}" "As the last member alive, {s:funfact-player} killed {d:funfact-d1} enemy and won.#|#As the last member alive, {s:funfact-player} killed {d:funfact-d1} enemies and won."
//"%s1 had an accuracy of %s2, while the rest of the Counter-Terrorists had an accuracy of %s2." // <<<< LONGEST STRING!
"funfact_number_of_overkills:p{funfact-d1}" "{s:funfact-player} killed {d:funfact-d1} player they were already dominating.#|#{s:funfact-player} killed {d:funfact-d1} players they were already dominating."
"funfact_shots_fired:p{funfact-d1}" "{d:funfact-d1} shot was fired that round.#|#{d:funfact-d1} shots were fired that round."
"funfact_money_spent:p{funfact-d1}" "{s:funfact-player} spent ${d:funfact-d1} that round.#|#{s:funfact-player} spent ${d:funfact-d1} that round."
"funfact_grenades_thrown:p{funfact-d1}" "{s:funfact-player} threw {d:funfact-d1} grenade that round.#|#{s:funfact-player} threw {d:funfact-d1} grenades that round."
"funfact_used_all_ammo" "{s:funfact-player} went completely dry on ammo."
"funfact_survived_multiple_attackers:p{funfact-d1}" "{s:funfact-player} survived attacks from {d:funfact-d1} enemy.#|#{s:funfact-player} survived attacks from {d:funfact-d1} different enemies."
"funfact_died_from_multiple_attackers:p{funfact-d1}" "{s:funfact-player} took damage from {d:funfact-d1} enemy before dying.#|#{s:funfact-player} took damage from {d:funfact-d1} enemies before dying."
"funfact_defended_bomb:p{funfact-d1}" "{s:funfact-player} defended the planted bomb from {d:funfact-d1} enemy.#|#{s:funfact-player} defended the planted bomb from {d:funfact-d1} enemies."
"funfact_items_dropped_value:p{funfact-d1}" "{s:funfact-player} threw away ${d:funfact-d1} worth of supplies.#|#{s:funfact-player} threw away ${d:funfact-d1} worth of supplies."
"funfact_kill_wounded_enemies:p{funfact-d1}" "{s:funfact-player} finished off {d:funfact-d1} wounded enemy.#|#{s:funfact-player} finished off {d:funfact-d1} wounded enemies."
"funfact_damage_multiple_enemies:p{funfact-d1}" "{s:funfact-player} did damage to {d:funfact-d1} enemy.#|#{s:funfact-player} did damage to {d:funfact-d1} enemies."
"funfact_used_multiple_weapons:p{funfact-d1}" "{s:funfact-player} used {d:funfact-d1} firearm.#|#{s:funfact-player} used {d:funfact-d1} different firearms."
"funfact_terrorist_accuracy:p{funfact-d1}" "Terrorists had the best accuracy with {d:funfact-d1}%.#|#Terrorists had the best accuracy with {d:funfact-d1}%."
"funfact_ct_accuracy:p{funfact-d1}" "Counter-Terrorists had the best accuracy with {d:funfact-d1}%.#|#Counter-Terrorists had the best accuracy with {d:funfact-d1}%."
"funfact_ct_win_no_kills" "Counter-Terrorists won without killing any Terrorists."
"funfact_t_win_no_kills" "Terrorists won without killing any Counter-Terrorists."
"funfact_t_win_no_casualties" "Terrorists won without taking any casualties."
"funfact_ct_win_no_casualties" "Counter-Terrorists won without taking any casualties."
"funfact_best_terrorist_accuracy:p{funfact-d1}" "{s:funfact-player} had an accuracy of {d:funfact-d1}%, while their team's was {d:funfact-d2}%.#|#{s:funfact-player} had an accuracy of {d:funfact-d1}%, while their team's was {d:funfact-d2}%."
"funfact_best_counterterrorist_accuracy:p{funfact-d1}" "{s:funfact-player} had an accuracy of {d:funfact-d1}%, while their team's was {d:funfact-d2}%.#|#{s:funfact-player} had an accuracy of {d:funfact-d1}%, while their team's was {d:funfact-d2}%."
"funfact_fallback1" "The cake is a lie."
"funfact_fallback2" "Yawn."
"funfact_draw" "Match was restarted based on player votes."
"funfact_broke_windows:p{funfact-d1}" "{s:funfact-player} shattered {d:funfact-d1} window.#|#{s:funfact-player} shattered {d:funfact-d1} windows."
"funfact_nightvision_damage:p{funfact-d1}" "{s:funfact-player} did {d:funfact-d1} damage while wearing nightvision.#|#{s:funfact-player} did {d:funfact-d1} damage while wearing nightvision."
"funfact_defused_with_dropped_kit" "{s:funfact-player} defused the bomb with a dropped defuse kit."
"funfact_killed_half_of_enemies:p{funfact-d1}" "{s:funfact-player} killed {d:funfact-d1}% of the enemy team.#|#{s:funfact-player} killed {d:funfact-d1}% of the enemy team."
"funfact_knife_level_reached:p{funfact-d1}" "{d:funfact-d1} player reached gold knife level.#|#{d:funfact-d1} players reached gold knife level."
"funfact_killed_before_dying:p{funfact-d1}" "{s:funfact-player} killed {d:funfact-d1} player before dying.#|#{s:funfact-player} killed {d:funfact-d1} players before dying."
"funfact_respawned:p{funfact-d1}" "{s:funfact-player} respawned {d:funfact-d1} time during the match.#|#{s:funfact-player} respawned {d:funfact-d1} times during the match."
"funfact_default_weapon" "{s:funfact-player} won the round without picking up any weapons."
"funfact_rounds_without_dying:p{funfact-d1}" "{s:funfact-player} lasted {d:funfact-d1} consecutive round without dying.#|#{s:funfact-player} lasted {d:funfact-d1} consecutive rounds without dying."
"funfact_taser_kill:p{funfact-d1}" "{s:funfact-player} tased {d:funfact-d1} player.#|#{s:funfact-player} tased {d:funfact-d1} players."
"funfact_ticking_time:p{funfact-d1}" "Terrorists won despite {d:funfact-d1} CT trying to defuse the bomb.#|#Terrorists won despite {d:funfact-d1} CTs trying to defuse the bomb."
"funfact_ct_win_time:p{funfact-d1}" "The CT team eliminated the T team in {d:funfact-d1} second.#|#The CT team eliminated the T team in {d:funfact-d1} seconds."
"funfact_ter_win_time:p{funfact-d1}" "The Terrorist team eliminated the CT team in {d:funfact-d1} second.#|#The Terrorist team eliminated the CT team in {d:funfact-d1} seconds."
"funfact_bots_assumed:p{funfact-d1}" "{s:funfact-player} assumed control of {d:funfact-d1} bot that round.#|#{s:funfact-player} assumed control of {d:funfact-d1} bots that round."
"funfact_domination" "{s:funfact-player} dominated the most players."
"funfact_revenge:p{funfact-d1}" "{s:funfact-player} got revenge on {d:funfact-d1} player.#|#{s:funfact-player} got revenge on {d:funfact-d1} players."
"funfact_steps_taken:p{funfact-d1}" "{s:funfact-player} ran {d:funfact-d1} step during the match.#|#{s:funfact-player} ran {d:funfact-d1} steps during the match."
"funfact_quarter_health:p{funfact-d1}" "{s:funfact-player} killed {d:funfact-d1} player while under 25 health.#|#{s:funfact-player} killed {d:funfact-d1} players while under 25 health."
"funfact_empty_guns:p{funfact-d1}" "{s:funfact-player} ran out of ammo using {d:funfact-d1} gun.#|#{s:funfact-player} ran out of ammo using {d:funfact-d1} guns."
"funfact_slow_trigger:p{funfact-d1}" "{s:funfact-player} died without firing a shot using {d:funfact-d1} gun.#|#{s:funfact-player} died without firing a shot using {d:funfact-d1} guns."
"funfact_pickup_bomb:p{funfact-d1}" "{s:funfact-player} planted bomb after being owned by {d:funfact-d1} teammate.#|#{s:funfact-player} planted bomb after being owned by {d:funfact-d1} teammates."
"funfact_bomb_carriers:p{funfact-d1}" "{s:funfact-player} killed {d:funfact-d1} bomb carrier in the last round.#|#{s:funfact-player} killed {d:funfact-d1} separate bomb carriers in the last round."
"funfact_knife_bomb_planter" "{s:funfact-player} won on knife Level by killing the bomb planter."
"funfact_bomb_planted_before_kill" "No players were killed prior to the bomb being planted."
"funfact_failed_bomb_plants:p{funfact-d1}" "{d:funfact-d1} Terrorist tried planting the bomb that round.#|#{d:funfact-d1} Terrorists tried planting the bomb that round."
"funfact_knife_without_ammo:p{funfact-d1}" "{s:funfact-player} got {d:funfact-d1} knife kill after running out of ammo.#|#{s:funfact-player} got {d:funfact-d1} knife kills after running out of ammo."
"funfact_molotov_burns:p{funfact-d1}" "{s:funfact-player} torched {d:funfact-d1} player with fire.#|#{s:funfact-player} torched {d:funfact-d1} players with fire."
"funfact_survival_time:p{funfact-d1}" "{s:funfact-player} survived the longest: {d:funfact-d1} second.#|#{s:funfact-player} survived the longest: {d:funfact-d1} seconds."
"funfact_pulled_trigger:p{funfact-d1}" "{s:funfact-player} pulled the trigger {d:funfact-d1} time that match.#|#{s:funfact-player} pulled the trigger {d:funfact-d1} times that match."
"funfact_ace" "Ace! {s:funfact-player} killed the entire enemy team."
"funfact_defuse_was_close_call_tenths:p{funfact-d1}" "{s:funfact-player} defused the bomb with 0.{d:funfact-d1} seconds remaining.#|#{s:funfact-player} defused the bomb with 0.{d:funfact-d1} seconds remaining."
"funfact_defuse_was_close_call_hundredths:p{funfact-d1}" "{s:funfact-player} defused the bomb with 0.0{d:funfact-d1} seconds remaining.#|#{s:funfact-player} defused the bomb with 0.0{d:funfact-d1} seconds remaining."
"funfact_defuse_was_close_call_thousandths:p{funfact-d1}" "{s:funfact-player} defused the bomb with 0.00{d:funfact-d1} seconds remaining.#|#{s:funfact-player} defused the bomb with 0.00{d:funfact-d1} seconds remaining."
// Medal ranking progress messages
"medalrank_earned_medal" "You earned the '%s1' medal! You are %s2 medals away from your next %s3 rank."
"medalrank_medal_progress" "You made progress toward '%s1'! You need %s2 more."
"medalrank_rank_up" "Congratulations! You earned a new rank!"
//"medalrank_elo_up" "You have risen to the %s1 percentile Elo bracket."
//"medalrank_elo_down" "You have dropped to the %s1 percentile Elo bracket."
// Match Win Panel
"T_Results" "Terrorist Results"
"CT_Results" "Counter-Terrorist Results"
//Death Panel
"DeathPanel_NewNemesis1" "IS DOMINATING YOU"
"DeathPanel_NewNemesis2" ""
"DeathPanel_OldNemesis1" "IS STILL DOMINATING YOU"
"DeathPanel_OldNemesis2" ""
"DeathPanel_Revenge1" "HAS GOTTEN REVENGE"
"DeathPanel_Revenge2" ""
"DeathPanel_KilledSelf" "YOU KILLED YOURSELF"
"DeathPanel_KilledByDangerZone" "You succumbed to the Danger Zone"
"DeathPanel_KilledByAutoSentry" "You were killed by the Automated Sentry"
"DeathPanel_KilledByExplodingBarrel" "You were killed by the Exploding Barrel"
"DeathPanel_KilledByOwnGrenade" "You were killed by your own grenade"
"DeathPanel_KilledByFire" "You burned to death"
"DeathPanel_KilledByOwnBreachCharge" "You were killed by your own Breach Charge"
"DeathPanel_KilledByC4" "You were killed by the C4 explosion"
"DeathPanel_Killer1_KillerWeapon" "killed you with their %s1"
"DeathPanel_Killer1_OthersWeapon" "killed you with <font color='#adadad'>%s2's</font> %s1"
"DeathPanel_Killer1_YourWeapon" "killed you with your own %s1"
"DeathPanel_Killer1_Weapon" "killed you with the %s1"
"DeathPanel_Killer1_Weapon_Plural" "killed you with %s1"
"DeathPanel_FinalKillOfTheRound" "FINAL KILL of the round"
"CSGO_Weapon_Possessive" "<span class=\"possessive-player-name\">%s1's</span> %s2"
"CSGO_Weapon_Possessive_T" "<span class=\"possessive-player-name\">T %s1's</span> %s2"
"CSGO_Weapon_Possessive_CT" "<span class=\"possessive-player-name\">CT %s1's</span> %s2"
"DeathPanel_Killer2" ""
"DeathPanel_HappyHolidays" "WISHES YOU HAPPY HOLIDAYS"
"DeathPanel_ScreenShot" "[{s:bind_jpeg}] Save this moment"
"DeathPanel_DamageTaken" "<font color='#A0A0A0'>Damage taken: </font><font color='#FFFFFF'><b>%s1</b></font> <font color='#A0A0A0'> in</font> <font color='#FFFFFF'><b>%s2 hit </b></font> <font color='#A0A0A0'>from %s3</font>"
"DeathPanel_DamageGiven" "<font color='#A0A0A0'>Damage given: </font><font color='#FFFFFF'><b>%s1</b></font> <font color='#A0A0A0'> in</font> <font color='#FFFFFF'><b>%s2 hit </b></font> <font color='#A0A0A0'>to %s3</font>"
"DeathPanel_DamageTaken_Multi" "<font color='#A0A0A0'>Damage taken: </font><font color='#FFFFFF'><b>%s1</b></font> <font color='#A0A0A0'> in</font> <font color='#FFFFFF'><b>%s2 hits </b></font> <font color='#A0A0A0'>from %s3</font>"
"DeathPanel_DamageGiven_Multi" "<font color='#A0A0A0'>Damage given: </font><font color='#FFFFFF'><b>%s1</b></font> <font color='#A0A0A0'> in</font> <font color='#FFFFFF'><b>%s2 hits </b></font> <font color='#A0A0A0'>to %s3</font>"
"CS_DeathNemesis" "Nemesis"
"CS_DeathNewNemesis" "New Nemesis"
"CS_DeathRevenge" "Revenge"
// Game Instructor Messages
// - flashbangs will blind anyone looking at them when they detonate
// - defuse kits reduce the time it takes to defuse a bomb
// - only one player on your team has a defuse kit
// - headshots do the most damage
// - Your enemy killed you by penetrating your cover
// - Soften enemies up with a grenade first before engaging
// - reload your gun when enemies aren't around
"csgo_instr_explain_zoom" "Use the scope"
"csgo_instr_explain_silencer" "Detach or attach the silencer"
"csgo_instr_explain_inspect" "Hold to inspect your weapon" // not 'gun', could be knife or tool
"csgo_instr_explain_reload" "Reload your gun"
"csgo_instr_explain_use_door" "Use door"
"csgo_instr_explain_follow_bomber" "Protect the bomber!"
"csgo_instr_explain_bomb_carrier" "You are the bomber!"
"csgo_instr_nav_bomb_siteA" "Bomb Site A"
"csgo_instr_nav_bomb_siteB" "Bomb Site B"
"csgo_instr_explain_buymenu" "Open the Buy Menu"
"csgo_instr_explain_buyarmor" "Hint: Buy armor and helmet"
"csgo_instr_explain_plant_bomb" "Hold to Plant Bomb"
"csgo_instr_explain_pickup_bomb" "Pick up the bomb!"
"csgo_instr_explain_prevent_bomb_pickup" "Guard the dropped bomb!"
"csgo_instr_explain_defend_bomb" "Guard the bomb!"
"csgo_instr_explain_defuse_kit_carrier" "You have the defuse kit. You defuse bombs fastest."
"csgo_instr_explain_ammo_refill" "Hold to refill ammo"
"csgo_instr_explain_ammo_refill_select_gun" "Select your gun to refill ammo"
"csgo_instr_explain_ammo_refill_failed" "You need a gun to refill ammo"
"csgo_cycle_weapons_kb" "Cycle weapons"
"csgo_cycle_weapons_gp" "Cycle primary weapons"
"csgo_switch_to_items_gp" "Switch to an item"
"csgo_cycle_items_gp" "Cycle secondary items"
"csgo_instr_nav_bomb_site_a" "Bomb site A"
"csgo_instr_nav_bomb_site_b" "Bomb site B"
"csgo_instr_defuse_planted_bomb" "Defuse the bomb!"
"csgo_instr_find_planted_bomb" "Find the planted bomb!"
"csgo_instr_notify_level" "You advanced to the next weapon"
"csgo_instr_notify_earned_nade" "You earned a grenade for getting extra kills"
"csgo_instr_notify_amd_knife" "Earn your team 2 points by getting the knife kill"
"csgo_instr_notify_amar_knife" "Win the match by getting a knife kill"
"csgo_prevent_hostage_rescue" "Don't let the CTs extract this hostage"
"csgo_use_hostage_follow" "Extract the hostages"
"csgo_use_hostage_follow_stop" "Make the hostage wait"
"csgo_instr_rescue_zone" "Hostage Rescue Zone"
"csgo_hostage_lead_to_hrz" "Take the hostage to the Rescue Zone"
"csgo_instr_use_tablet_to_track_enemy" "The tablet tracks enemy-occupied zones"
"csgo_instr_parachute" "in mid-air to deploy parachute"
"csgo_instr_avoid_or_destroy_dronegun" "Avoid or destroy automated sentries"
"csgo_instr_drone_delivery" "Your item will be delivered to you via drone"
"csgo_instr_view_spply_crate" "Open supply crates to gather tools and weapons"
"csgo_instr_open_spply_crate" "Damage the crate to open it!"
"csgo_instr_open_metal_crate" "Reinforced crates require tools or weapons to open"
"csgo_instr_open_paradrop_crate" "Paradrop supplies require tools or weapons to open"
"csgo_instr_smoke_beacon_paradrop" "Incoming Paradrop"
"csgo_instr_use_healthshot" "Use your healthshot"
"csgo_instr_pickup_healthshot" "You can only carry %s1 healthshots"
"csgo_instr_pickup_grenade" "You can only carry %s1 grenades"
"csgo_instr_drone_delivered" "Your delivered item"
"csgo_instr_drone_killed" "Drone destroyed! Item dropped here"
"csgo_instr_teammate_respawn" "Stay alive! Teammate reinforcement inbound."
"csgo_instr_drone_above_roof" "Your delivery is arriving above."
"csgo_instr_explain_dont_move_and_shoot" "Stand still when shooting a rifle."
"csgo_instr_explain_weapon_drop" "Drop your current weapon"
"csgo_instr_avoid_teams_fire" "Avoid your teammate's line of fire!"
"csgo_instr_dont_shoot_team" "Don't shoot your teammates!"
"csgo_instr_grenade_hurt_team" "You hurt a teammate! Be careful where you throw your grenades!"
"csgo_instr_notify_crouch_accuracy" "Crouch improves accuracy"
"csgo_instr_notify_crouch_tactic" "crouching tactic"
"csgo_instr_walking_is_silent" "Walking makes no sound, enemies hear you when you run"
"csgo_instr_fire_hurts_and_slows" "Fire hurts and slows you down!"
"csgo_instr_brings_up_scoreboard" "Bring up the scoreboard"
"csgo_instr_nav_hostages" "Where are the hostages"
"csgo_instr_explain_ct_in_bomb_zone" "In bomb zone as CT"
"csgo_instr_explain_kill_new_round" "You advanced to the next weapon"
"TR_Grab_ToStartTest" "Pick up to start"
"TR_Grab_ToRestartTest" "Pick up to restart"
"TR_Grab_ToStartAgain" "Pick up"
"TR_UnloadIntoTarget" "Empty your magazine into this target"
"TR_UnloadIntoTarget2" "Empty your magazine into this target"
"TR_CounterTerrorist" "Don't shoot your team!"
"TR_Terrorist" "Shoot the enemy!"
"TR_HitEnemyTeam" "Hit 5 enemy targets"
"TR_HitBurstTarget" "Hit the target 15 times"
"TR_BulletsPenetrate" "Hit the target 15 more times"
"TR_SwitchWeapons" "Switch to your last weapon"
"TR_OutOfAmmo" "You ran out of ammo. Try again."
"TR_OutOfTime" "You took too long. Try again."
"TR_OpenDoor" "Open door"
"TR_LOOKSPIN" "Quick spin 180"
"TR_StartRevisitExit" "Go to timed course"
"TR_FinishBurstTraining" "Proceed to the next building"
"TR_FinishFlashTraining" "Proceed through the exit"
"TR_Dam_KillAllTargets" "Eliminate all enemy targets"
"TR_CrouchMoreAccurate" "Crouching makes your shots more accurate"
"TR_HiCalBulletsPenetrate" "High caliber bullets can penetrate light materials"
"TR_ShootHead" "Shoot head for maximum damage"
"TR_ShootBody" "Shoot body for medium damage"
"TR_ShootLegs" "Shoot legs for low damage"
"TR_PickUpGrenade" "Take a frag grenade"
"TR_BounceGrenade" "Bounce grenade off this wall"
"TR_EliminateGrenTargs" "Throw your grenade at the targets"
"TR_PickupExplosives" "Pick up the explosives"
"TR_PlantBombAtA" "Plant the bomb at Site A. Bomb site locations are marked on your radar."
"TR_DefuseBombAtB" "Defuse the bomb at Site B. Hurry!"
"TR_BombBExplode_30" "The bomb will explode in less than 30 seconds!"
"TR_ThisBombSiteA" "This is Bomb Site A"
"TR_UseToDefuseBomb" "Hold to Defuse Bomb"
"TR_DefuseFailTryAgain" "Try again"
"TR_Tmd_SelectPrimary" "Select a primary weapon"
"TR_Tmd_TakeGrenade" "Take a frag grenade"
"TR_Tmd_TakeKnifePist" "Take the knife and pistol"
"TR_Tmd_Jump" "Jump"
"TR_Tmd_DowntimeReload" "Reload during down time"
"TR_Tmd_SelGrenThrow" "Select grenade and throw here"
"TR_Tmd_Duck" "Crouch"
"TR_Tmd_RunFasterKnife" "With your knife selected, you run faster"
"TR_Tmd_ResupplyAmmo" "Resupply your ammo first"
"TR_PayAttentionToAmmo" "Pay attention to your ammo"
"TR_CycleThroughWeapons" "Cycle through your weapons"
"TR_Tmd_RestartTimedCourse" "Restart if you'd like to try for a better time!"
"TR_ExitDoor_MsgBox_Title" "Ready to exit?"
"TR_ExitDoor_MsgBox_Body" "Clicking OK will end your training session and take you back to the Main Menu."
"TR_Finish_All_MsgBox_Title" "So What's Next?"
"TR_Finish_All_MsgBox_Body" "Not ready to play against humans yet? We recommend practicing OFFLINE WITH BOTS in casual mode. Good luck!"
"INPUT_DEVICE_GAMEPAD" "GAMEPAD <img src = 'XBoxA.png' width='20' height='20'/>"
"INPUT_DEVICE_GAMEPAD_XBOX" "GAMEPAD <img src = 'XBoxA.png' width='20' height='20'/>"
"INPUT_DEVICE_GAMEPAD_PS3" "wireless controller <img src = 'x.png' width='20' height='20'/>"
"INPUT_DEVICE_PSMOVE" "PlayStation®Move <img src = 'move_trigger.png' width='20' height='20'/>"
"INPUT_DEVICE_HYDRA" "HYDRA <img src = 'right-2-shoulder.png' width='20' height='20'/>"
"INPUT_DEVICE_SHARPSHOOTER" "PlayStation®Move sharp shooter <img src = 'ss_trigger.png' width='20' height='20'/>"
"INPUT_DEVICE_MOVE_NAV_CONTROLLER" "Navigation controller"
"INPUT_DEVICE_GAMEPAD_PS3_NOGLYPH" "wireless controller"
"INPUT_DEVICE_SHARPSHOOTER_NOGLYPH" "PlayStation®Move sharp shooter"
// Econ date formatting supports the following tokens:
// %year%, %monthshort%, %monthlong%, %mmday% (01-31), %mday% (1-31), %day% (legacy unlocalized "Jul 30" shouldn't be used), %hour%, %min%, %sec%
"Econ_DateFormat" "%monthshort% %mmday%, %year% (%hour%:%min%:%sec%)"
"Econ_DateFormat_GMT" "%monthshort% %mmday%, %year% (%hour%:%min%:%sec%) GMT"
"Econ_DateFormat_DateOnly" "%monthshort% %mmday%, %year%"
"Econ_DateFormat_GMT_DateOnly" "%monthshort% %mmday%, %year% GMT"
"Econ_Loot_List_Sticker_ProPlayerSignatures" "Sticker can be autographed by one of the following professional players:"
"Econ_Loot_List_Sticker_ProPlayerSignatures_AndSomeMore" "... and %s1 other professional players"
"Econ_Loot_List_Sticker_ProOrgsStickers" "Sticker can represent one of the following organizations:"
"Econ_Loot_List_Sticker_ProOrgsPatches" "Patch can represent one of the following organizations:"
"Econ_Loot_List_Sticker_ProOrgs_AndSomeMore" "... and %s1 other organizations"
"Econ_Loot_List_AndSomeMoreItems" "... and %s1 more"
"Econ_Revolving_Loot_List" "Contains one of the following:"
"Econ_Revolving_Loot_List_Rare_Item" "or an Exceedingly Rare Special Item!"
"Exceedingly_Rare_Item" "★ Rare Special Item ★"
"MonthName01_Short" "Jan"
"MonthName01_Long" "January"
"MonthName02_Short" "Feb"
"MonthName02_Long" "February"
"MonthName03_Short" "Mar"
"MonthName03_Long" "March"
"MonthName04_Short" "Apr"
"MonthName04_Long" "April"
"MonthName05_Short" "May"
"MonthName05_Long" "May"
"MonthName06_Short" "Jun"
"MonthName06_Long" "June"
"MonthName07_Short" "Jul"
"MonthName07_Long" "July"
"MonthName08_Short" "Aug"
"MonthName08_Long" "August"
"MonthName09_Short" "Sep"
"MonthName09_Long" "September"
"MonthName10_Short" "Oct"
"MonthName10_Long" "October"
"MonthName11_Short" "Nov"
"MonthName11_Long" "November"
"MonthName12_Short" "Dec"
"MonthName12_Long" "December"
"Econ_Quest_Reward_Loot_List" "Rewards one of the following:"
"Econ_Quest_Reward_Loot_List_Singular" "Rewards the following:"
"Item_Found" " %s1 has found: %s2"
"Item_Crafted" " %s1 has fulfilled a contract and received: %s2"
"Item_Traded" " %s1 has received in trade: %s2"
"Item_Purchased" " %s1 has purchased: %s2"
"Item_FoundInCrate" " %s1 has opened a container and found: %s2"
"Item_Gifted" " %s1 has accepted a gift: %s2"
"Item_Earned" " %s1 has earned: %s2"
"Item_Refunded" " %s1 has been refunded: %s2"
"Item_GiftWrapped" " %s1 has wrapped a gift: %s2"
"Item_PeriodicScoreReward" " %s1 has earned: %s2"
"Item_Named" " %s1 has renamed their %s2 to %s3"
"Item_GiftsSent1Anon" " %s1 has given out a gift!"
"Item_GiftsSent1Name" " %s1 has given out a gift, delivered to %s2!"
"Item_GiftsSentMany" " %s1 has given out %s2 gifts!"
"Item_GiftsYouSentGift" " Your gift was delivered to %s1!"
"Item_GiftsYouGotGift" " You got a gift from %s1! The gift is now in your inventory waiting to be acknowledged."
"Item_NotConnected" "You must be in a match to use this item!"
"Item_Need2Players" "There must be other players in your match to use this item!"
"Item_NeedSpectators" "There must be viewers watching your match to use this item!"
"Item_GiftNoPlayers" "There are no other players present in your current game to receive your gift!"
"Item_GiftedItems" "%s1 has given a gift to %s2!"
"Item_GifterText_Random" "%recipient% was selected at random to receive a gift from %giver%!"
"Item_GifterText_All" "%giver% has given out a bunch of gifts!"
"Item_GifterText_SelfOpen" "%giver% has opened a package!"
"Item_Received_Event_Local" " You have received: %s1!"
// These pickup strings have control characters embedded to set colors.
// The control characters can be copied and pasted in notepad.
//  = 0x01 (SOH) - Use default color from this point forward
//  = 0x02 (STX) - Use a highlight color from this point forward
"NewItemMethod_Dropped" "You Found:"
"NewItemMethod_Crafted" "You Received:"
"NewItemMethod_Traded" "You Traded for:"
"NewItemMethod_Purchased" "You Purchased:"
"NewItemMethod_FoundInCrate" "You Unboxed:"
"NewItemMethod_Gifted" "You Received a Gift:"
"NewItemMethod_Promotion" "You Received a Store Promotion Item:"
"NewItemMethod_Earned" "You Earned:"
"NewItemMethod_Refunded" "You Were Refunded:"
"NewItemMethod_Support" "Customer Support Granted You:"
"NewItemMethod_PreviewItemPurchased" "You Purchased:"
"NewItemMethod_PeriodicScoreReward" "You Earned:"
"NewItemMethod_CommunityMarketPurchase" "You Received from the Community Market:"
"ItemHistory_ActionWithTime" "%s1 on %s2"
"ItemHistory_Action_GenericAdd" "Added"
"ItemHistory_Action_GenericRemove" "Removed or modified"
"ItemHistory_Action_Traded" "Traded"
"ItemHistory_Action_Delete" "You deleted this"
"ItemHistory_Action_Banned" "Banned"
"ItemHistory_Action_CraftDestroy" "Used in Trade Up Contract"
"ItemHistory_Action_LimitExceeded" "Destroyed by backpack limit"
"ItemHistory_Action_SupportDelete" "Deleted by Steam Support"
"ItemHistory_Action_SupportDeletedByUndo" "Deleted by Steam Support"
"ItemHistory_Action_DeletedAccountTerminated" "Deleted by Steam Support"
"ItemHistory_Action_NameChanged_Remove" "Name Tag applied"
"ItemHistory_Action_RemoveItemName_Remove" "Name Tag removed"
"ItemHistory_Action_StickerApply_Remove" "Sticker applied"
"ItemHistory_Action_StickerRemove_Remove" "Sticker removed"
"ItemHistory_Action_UnlockCrate_Remove" "Used to unlock container"
"ItemHistory_Action_SwapStatTrak_Remove" "Used to swap StatTrak™ values"
"ItemHistory_Action_ItemTraded_Remove" "Traded"
"ItemHistory_Action_UseItem" "Used"
"ItemHistory_Action_SupportRename_Remove" "Renamed by Steam Support"
"ItemHistory_Action_UnpackItemBundle" "Unpacked"
"ItemHistory_Action_Unpurchase" "Refunded"
"ItemHistory_Action_PackageItem_Revoked" "Revoked"
"ItemHistory_Action_CafeOrSchoolItem_Remove" "Cafe or school removal"
"ItemHistory_Action_VACBanned_Remove" "Deleted due to VAC ban"
"ItemHistory_Action_UpgradeThirdPartyPromo" "Third-party promo upgrade"
"ItemHistory_Action_Expired" "Expired"
"ItemHistory_Action_TradeRollback_Remove" "Trade was rolled back"
"ItemHistory_Action_CDKeyRevoke" "CD key revoked"
"ItemHistory_Action_PurchaseConsumedAsNonItem" "Consumed at purchase time"
"ItemHistory_Action_EconSetUnowned" "Traded"
"ItemHistory_Action_EconConvertGameLicense" "Converted to Game License"
"ItemHistory_Action_EconActivatedRecurringSubscription" "Activated Subscription Service"
"ItemHistory_Action_GiftDelivery_Add" "Received as Gift"
"ItemHistory_Action_GiftDelivery_Remove" "Sent as Gift"
"ItemHistory_Action_PaintKitItem_Remove" "Painted"
"ItemHistory_Action_GrantQuestReward_Remove" "Mission reward"
"ItemHistory_Action_ApplyQuestProgress_Remove" "Mission progress"
"ItemHistory_Action_PurchaseUnlockCrate_Remove" "Container unlocked at purchase time"
"ItemHistory_Action_Market_Remove" "Listed on the Steam Community Market"
"ItemHistory_Action_AwardAchievement" "Earned from unlocking an achievement"
"ItemHistory_Action_QuantityChanged" "Used"
"ItemHistory_Action_AwardTime" "Got an item drop"
"ItemHistory_Action_Drop" "Earned a new rank and got a drop"
"ItemHistory_Action_ManualCreate" "Created by Counter-Strike Support"
"ItemHistory_Action_Purchase" "Purchased from the store"
"ItemHistory_Action_AutoGrantItem" "Earned"
"ItemHistory_Action_CrossGameAchievement" "Earned from unlocking an achievement in a different game"
"ItemHistory_Action_AwardGift_Receiver" "Received a gift"
"ItemHistory_Action_AwardStorePromotionItem" "Purchased from the store"
"ItemHistory_Action_EarnedItem" "Earned"
"ItemHistory_Action_AwardThirdPartyPromo" "Earned a promotional item"
"ItemHistory_Action_SteamWorkshopContributor" "Earned by being a Counter-Strike Workshop contributor"
"ItemHistory_Action_StickerApply_Add" "Sticker applied"
"ItemHistory_Action_StickerRemove_Add" "Sticker removed"
"ItemHistory_Action_GrantQuestReward_Add" "Mission reward"
"ItemHistory_Action_PackageItem" "Earned a promotional item"
"ItemHistory_Action_Casket_MovedIntoStorage" "Moved to Storage Unit"
"ItemHistory_Action_CDKeyGrant" "Received by entering product code"
"ItemHistory_Action_TournamentDrop" "Earned a souvenir drop"
"ItemHistory_Action_TemplateItemGrant" "Earned"
"ItemHistory_Action_Market_Add" "Received from the Community Market"
"ItemHistory_Transaction_Delete" "You deleted"
"ItemHistory_Transaction_Craft" "Crafted"
"ItemHistory_Transaction_UnlockCrate" "Unlocked a container"
"ItemHistory_Transaction_UnsealGraffiti" "Unsealed"
"ItemHistory_Transaction_SupportUndo" "Counter-Strike Support undid one or more of your prior actions"
"ItemHistory_Transaction_UpgradeChallengeCoin" "Leveled up a challenge coin"
"ItemHistory_Transaction_SwapStatTrak" "Swapped StatTrak™ values"
"ItemHistory_Transaction_Autographed" "Attached autograph"
"ItemHistory_ItemIsInInventory" "In your inventory"
"ItemOkClose" "OK"
"NextItem" "NEXT ITEM &#62;"
"PreviousItem" "&#60; PREV ITEM"
"CloseItemPanel" "OK, RESUME GAME"
"OpenSpecificLoadout" "OPEN %s1 LOADOUT..."
"OpenBackpack" "OPEN INVENTORY..."
"CancelDeleteItem" "CANCEL"
"YesDeleteItem" "YES, TRASH IT!"
// Rarities
"normal" "Normal"
"unique" "Unique"
"vintage" "Vintage"
"community" "Community"
"developer" "Valve"
"selfmade" "Prototype"
"customized" "Customized"
"unusual" "★"
"tournament" "Souvenir"
"genuine" "Genuine"
"rarity3" "Well-Designed"
"rarity4" "Unusual"
"strange" "StatTrak™"
"completed" "Completed"
// Team Usability
"noteam" "Non-Team"
"terrorists" "Teroristoj"
"counter-terrorists" "Kontraŭ-Teroristoj"
// Loadout slots
"LoadoutSlot_All" "Ĉiuj Eroj"
"LoadoutSlot_Melee" "Mane"
"LoadoutSlot_C4" "Bombo"
"LoadoutSlot_Secondary" "Pistoloj"
"LoadoutSlot_Default_Secondary" "Komenca Pistolo"
"LoadoutSlot_Other_Secondary" "Aliaj Pistoloj"
"LoadoutSlot_SMG" "Mez-Nivelaj"
"LoadoutSlot_Rifle" "Fusiloj"
"LoadoutSlot_Heavy" "Pezaj"
"LoadoutSlot_Grenade" "Grenadoj"
"LoadoutSlot_Equipment" "Ekipaĵo"
"LoadoutSlot_clothing" "Gantoj"
"LoadoutSlot_clothing_hands" "Gantoj"
"LoadoutSlot_Flair" "Pompo"
"LoadoutSlot_Spray" "Grafitio"
"LoadoutSlot_Spray0" "Grafitio"
"LoadoutSlot_customplayer" "Agento"
"LoadoutSlot_MusicKit" "Muzikaĵo"
// Weapon Rarity Names
"Rarity_Default_Weapon" "Stock"
"Rarity_Common_Weapon" "Consumer Grade"
"Rarity_Uncommon_Weapon" "Industrial Grade"
"Rarity_Rare_Weapon" "Mil-Spec Grade"
"Rarity_Mythical_Weapon" "Restricted"
"Rarity_Legendary_Weapon" "Classified"
"Rarity_Ancient_Weapon" "Covert"
"Rarity_Contraband_Weapon" "Contraband"
"Rarity_Arcana_Weapon" "UNNAMED"
"CSGO_FilterRarity" "All Rarities"
"Rarity_Default_Character" "Default"
"Rarity_Common_Character" ""
"Rarity_Uncommon_Character" ""
"Rarity_Rare_Character" "Distinguished"
"Rarity_Mythical_Character" "Exceptional"
"Rarity_Legendary_Character" "Superior"
"Rarity_Ancient_Character" "Master"
"Rarity_Contraband_Character" "Contraband"
"Rarity_Arcana_Character" ""
// General Rarity Names
"Rarity_Default" "Default"
"Rarity_Common" "Base Grade"
"Rarity_Uncommon" "Medium Grade"
"Rarity_Rare" "High Grade"
"Rarity_Mythical" "Remarkable"
"Rarity_Legendary" "Exotic"
"Rarity_Ancient" "Extraordinary"
"Rarity_Contraband" "Contraband"
"Rarity_Arcana" "Unique"
// Item types
"Unknown_Item_Type" "Unknown"
"CSGO_Type_Equipment" "Equipment"
"CSGO_Type_Knife" "Knife"
"CSGO_Type_Melee" "Melee"
"CSGO_Type_DisplayItem" "Display"
"CSGO_Type_GraphicArt" "Graphic Art"
"CSGO_Type_Ticket" "Bileto"
"CSGO_Type_Grenade" "Grenado"
"CSGO_Type_C4" "Bombo"
"CSGO_Type_Pistol" "Pistolo"
"CSGO_Type_Rifle" "Fusilo"
"CSGO_Type_SniperRifle" "Tiraljor-Fusilo"
"CSGO_Type_Shotgun" "Shotgun"
"CSGO_Type_Machinegun" "Machinegun"
"CSGO_Type_Collectible" "Collectible"
"CSGO_Type_MapToken" "Map Stamp"
"CSGO_Type_Tool" "Tool"
"CSGO_Type_ContainerAndTools" "Containers and Tools"
"CSGO_Type_Spray" "Graffiti"
"CSGO_Type_WeaponCase" "Container"
"CSGO_Type_Paint" "Paint"
"CSGO_Type_Recipe" "Contract"
"CSGO_Type_Weapon" "Weapon"
"CSGO_Type_StoreBundle" "Bundle"
"CSGO_Type_MusicKit" "Muzikaĵo"
"CSGO_Type_Quest" "Mission"
"Type_Hands" "Gloves"
"Type_CustomPlayer" "Agent"
"Container_StickerCapsule" "Sticker Capsule"
"Container_WeaponCase" "Weapon Case"
"Container_SouvenirCase" "Souvenir Case"
"Container_GraffitiBox" "Graffiti Box"
"ContainerType" "Container Type"
"ToolType" "Tool Type"
"SupplySeries" "Supply Series"
"SealedState_Sealed" "Sealed"
"SealedState_Unsealed" "Unsealed"
"SealedState" "Sealed State"
// Atributes
"Attrib_Marketable" "Can be listed on the Steam Community Market."
"Attrib_Renamed" "This item has been renamed.\nOriginal name: \"%s1\""
"Attrib_CustomDesc" "This item has a user written description."
"Attrib_NameWithCustomNameTag" "Name Tag: ''%s1''"
"Attrib_UseAfterDate" "Can Be Used After %s1"
"Attrib_NeverTradableButHasAfterDate1" "This item is not tradable and is not marketable."
"Attrib_NeverTradableButHasAfterDate2" "After use, items received will have a trade restriction until %s1"
"Attrib_TradableAfterDate" "Tradable After %s1"
"Attrib_TradableMarketableAfterDate" "Tradable/Marketable After %s1"
"Attrib_MarketableWithRestrictions" "Sellable Immediately on the Steam Community Market"
"Attrib_CannotTrade" "Cannot Be Traded"
"Attrib_AlwaysTradable" "Always Tradable"
"Attrib_MinutesPlayedAsHrs" "Operation Time Logged: %s1"
"Attrib_MatchWins" "Competitive Wins in Operation Maps: %s1"
"Attrib_HasSilencer" "Silencer"
"Attrib_HasBurstMode" "3 Round Burst Option"
"Attrib_SupplyCrateSeries" "Container Series #%s1"
"Attrib_KillEater" "This item features StatTrak™ technology, which tracks certain statistics when equipped by its owner."
"Attrib_ReferencedItem" "Contains: %s1"
"Attrib_TimeLocalization_Hours" "%s1 Hours"
"Attrib_TimeLocalization_Minutes" "%s1 Minutes"
"Attrib_CompetitiveMinutesPlayedAsHrs" "Competitive Time Logged: %s1"
"Attrib_CompetitiveWins" "Competitive Match Wins: %s1"
"Attrib_CompetitiveKills" "Competitive Kills: %s1"
"Attrib_CompetitiveHSP" "Competitive HSP: %s1%"
"Attrib_Competitive3k" "Competitive 3-Kill Rounds: %s1"
"Attrib_Competitive4k" "Competitive 4-Kill Rounds: %s1"
"Attrib_Competitive5k" "Competitive 5-Kill Rounds: %s1"
"Attrib_CompetitiveMVPs" "Competitive MVPs: %s1"
"Attrib_OperationMinutesPlayedAsHrs" "Operation Time Logged: %s1"
"Attrib_OperationWins" "Operation Match Wins: %s1"
"Attrib_OperationKills" "Operation Kills: %s1"
"Attrib_OperationHSP" "Operation HSP: %s1%"
"Attrib_Operation3k" "Operation 3-Kill Rounds: %s1"
"Attrib_Operation4k" "Operation 4-Kill Rounds: %s1"
"Attrib_Operation5k" "Operation 5-Kill Rounds: %s1"
"Attrib_OperationMVPs" "Operation MVPs: %s1"
"Attrib_ItemsCount" "Number of Items: %s1"
"Attrib_StarsAttained" "Operation Stars Attained: %s1"
"Attrib_QuestsComplete" "Operation Campaign Missions Fulfilled: %s1"
"Attrib_EventsComplete" "Operation Blitz Missions Fulfilled: %s1"
"Attrib_DeploymentDate" "Deployment Date: %s1"
"Attrib_ModificationDate" "Modification Date: %s1"
"Attrib_OperationBonusXP" "Operation Bonus Earned: +%s1 XP"
"Attrib_IssueDate" "Date of Issue: %s1"
"Attrib_SpraysRemaining" "Charges Remaining: %s1"
"Attrib_SpraysRemaining_Unlimited" "Unlimited Graffiti"
"Attrib_SprayTintID" "Graffiti Color"
"Attrib_SpraysHint" "${+attack} To Apply Graffiti"
"Attrib_SpraysHint_Auto" "Release <b>${+spray_menu}</b> To Apply Graffiti"
"CSGO_Spray_Cursor_Hint" "<img src='info_icon.png' width='14' height='14' vspace='-13'/><b>%s1</b> to enable cursor"
"CSGO_No_Sprays" "You do not have any opened graffiti\n You can get graffiti as an item drop, from an Offer, or from the Market"
"CSGO_No_Spray_Equipped" "You do not have any graffiti equipped"
"CSGO_Spray_Auto_Toggle" "Quick Graffiti (apply graffiti with key release)"
"Attrib_SprayTintValue_0" "Multicolor"
"Attrib_SprayTintValue_1" "Brick Red"
"Attrib_SprayTintValue_2" "Blood Red"
"Attrib_SprayTintValue_3" "Tiger Orange"
"Attrib_SprayTintValue_4" "Dust Brown"
"Attrib_SprayTintValue_5" "Desert Amber"
"Attrib_SprayTintValue_6" "Tracer Yellow"
"Attrib_SprayTintValue_7" "Battle Green"
"Attrib_SprayTintValue_8" "Jungle Green"
"Attrib_SprayTintValue_9" "Frog Green"
"Attrib_SprayTintValue_10" "Cash Green"
"Attrib_SprayTintValue_11" "Wire Blue"
"Attrib_SprayTintValue_12" "Monarch Blue"
"Attrib_SprayTintValue_13" "SWAT Blue"
"Attrib_SprayTintValue_14" "Violent Violet"
"Attrib_SprayTintValue_15" "Monster Purple"
"Attrib_SprayTintValue_16" "Bazooka Pink"
"Attrib_SprayTintValue_17" "Princess Pink"
"Attrib_SprayTintValue_18" "War Pig Pink"
"Attrib_SprayTintValue_19" "Shark White"
"CSGO_Operation_Scorecard_Title" "Competitive Scorecard"
// pre-breakout
"CSGO_Operation_Scorecard_NotActive" "This is a record of your Competitive performance during this Operation. Complete a competitive match to activate the Scorecard."
"CSGO_Operation_Scorecard_Desc" "This is a record of your Competitive performance during this Operation. It records stats from all Official Competitive Matches, including, but not limited to, current Operation maps."
// breakout
"CSGO_Scorecard_Title_Active" "Active Duty Scorecard"
"CSGO_Scorecard_Title_Operation" "Operation Scorecard"
"CSGO_Operation_Scorecard_NotStats_Operation" "Complete a competitive match on an Operation map to activate the Scorecard."
"CSGO_Operation_Scorecard_NotStats_Active" "Complete a competitive match on an Active Duty map to activate the Scorecard."
"CSGO_Operation_scorecard_play" "Play Competitive"
"CSGO_Operation_scorecard_TimePlayed" "Time Played"
"CSGO_Operation_scorecard_TitleActive" "COMPETITIVE SCORECARDS"
"CSGO_Operation_Scorecard_Desc_Operation" "This is a record of your official competitive matchmaking performance in <b>Operation</b> maps during this Operation."
"CSGO_Operation_Scorecard_Desc_Tournament" "This is a record of your official competitive matchmaking performance in <b>Active Duty</b> maps during this Operation."
"CSGO_Operation_Maps_Season_3_Active" "Maps in the Active Duty Group are Dust II, Nuke, Mirage, Inferno, Cobblestone, Overpass, Cache."
"CSGO_Operation_Maps_Season_3_Operation" "Maps in the Operation Group are Castle, Overgrown, Black Gold, Mist, Rush, and Insertion."
"CSGO_competitive_minutes_played" "Time*"
"CSGO_competitive_wins" "Match Wins"
"CSGO_competitive_kills" "Kills"
"CSGO_competitive_hsp" "Headshot Percentage"
"CSGO_competitive_3k" "3-Kill Rounds"
"CSGO_competitive_4k" "4-Kill Rounds"
"CSGO_competitive_5k" "5-Kill Rounds"
"CSGO_competitive_mvps" "MVPs"
"CSGO_competitive_Time_Played" "%s1 hr %s2 min"
"CSGO_operation_minutes_played" "Time*"
"CSGO_operation_wins" "Match Wins"
"CSGO_operation_kills" "Kills"
"CSGO_operation_hsp" "Headshot Percentage"
"CSGO_operation_3k" "3-Kill Rounds"
"CSGO_operation_4k" "4-Kill Rounds"
"CSGO_operation_5k" "5-Kill Rounds"
"CSGO_operation_mvps" "MVPs"
"CSGO_competitive_private" "*These statistics are private and not exposed to other players"
"CSGO_Operation_Leaderboard_TitleActive" "FRIENDS LEADERBOARDS"
"CSGO_Operation_Leaderboard_Title_WarGames" "WAR GAMES: FRIENDS LEADERBOARDS"
"CSGO_Operation_Leaderboard_Desc_Active" "Leaderboards use data from your and your friends' <b>competitive performance</b> in <b>Active Duty maps</b> on official competitive matchmaking during this Operation."
"CSGO_Operation_Leaderboard_Desc_Op" "Leaderboards use data from your and your friends' <b>competitive performance</b> in <b>Operation maps</b> on official competitive matchmaking during this Operation."
"CSGO_Operation_Leaderboard_Desc_2v2" "Leaderboards use data from your and your friends' <b>Wingman performance</b> on official competitive matchmaking during this Operation."
"CSGO_Operation_Leaderboard_Desc_5v5" "Leaderboards use data from your and your friends' <b>Weapons Expert performance</b> on official competitive matchmaking during this Operation."
"CSGO_Operation_Leaderboard_Desc_Xp" "Leaderboards use data from your and your friends' performance on official matchmaking during this Operation."
"CSGO_Operation_Leaderboard_Total_Xp" "<b>%s1:</b> Total XP Earned"
"CSGO_Operation_Leaderboard_Total_Stars" "<b>%s1:</b> Total Challenge Stars Earned"
"CSGO_Operation_Leaderboard_Skill_2v2" "Your Wingman Skill Group"
"CSGO_Operation_Leaderboard_Skill_5v5" "Your Weapons Expert Skill Group"
"CSGO_Operation_Leaderboard_Friends" "Name"
"CSGO_Operation_Leaderboard_Type" "Leaderboards"
"CSGO_Operation_Leaderboard_Prev" "Previous"
"CSGO_Operation_Leaderboard_Next" "Next"
"CSGO_Operation_Leaderboard_Active" "Friends Competitive Leaderboards"
"CSGO_Operation_Leaderboard_Op" "Friends Leaderboards: Operation Maps"
"CSGO_Operation_Leaderboard_2v2" "Friends Wingman Leaderboards"
"CSGO_Operation_Leaderboard_5v5" "Friends Weapons Expert Leaderboards"
"CSGO_Operation_Leaderboard_xp" "Earned XP Leaderboards"
"CSGO_Operation_Leaderboard_Pickem" "Cologne 2014 Pick'Em Challenge Leaderboard"
"CSGO_Operation_Leaderboard_Pickem_Friends" "AMIKOJ"
"CSGO_Operation_Leaderboard_Pickem_Points" "POENTOJ"
"CSGO_Operation_Leaderboard_Pickem_Percent" "MONDA RANGO"
"CSGO_official_leaderboard_season_3_hours_cm" "Hours Played"
"CSGO_official_leaderboard_season_3_wins_cm" "Matches Won"
"CSGO_official_leaderboard_season_3_kills_cm" "Kills"
"CSGO_official_leaderboard_season_3_hsp_cm" "Headshot Percentage"
"CSGO_official_leaderboard_season_3_mvps_cm" "MVPs"
"CSGO_official_leaderboard_season_3_points" "Missions Completed*"
"CSGO_official_leaderboard_season_3_hours_op" "Hours Played"
"CSGO_official_leaderboard_season_3_wins_op" "Matches Won"
"CSGO_official_leaderboard_season_3_kills_op" "Kills"
"CSGO_official_leaderboard_season_3_hsp_op" "Headshot Percentage"
"CSGO_official_leaderboard_season_3_mvps_op" "MVPs"
"CSGO_official_leaderboard_pickem_eslcologne2014" "Pick'Em Challenge"
"CSGO_official_leaderboard_pickem_dhw2014" "DreamHack 2014 Pick'Em Challenge"
"CSGO_official_leaderboard_pickem_kat2015" "Katowice 2015 Pick'Em Challenge"
"CSGO_official_leaderboard_pickem_eslcologne2015" "Cologne 2015 Pick'Em Challenge"
"CSGO_official_leaderboard_pickem_cluj2015_fantasy" "Cluj-Napoca 2015 Fantasy Team Game"
"CSGO_official_leaderboard_pickem_cluj2015_team" "Cluj-Napoca 2015 Pick'Em Challenge"
"CSGO_official_leaderboard_pickem_columbus2016_fantasy" "Columbus 2016 Fantasy Team Game"
"CSGO_official_leaderboard_pickem_columbus2016_team" "Columbus 2016 Pick'Em Challenge"
"CSGO_official_leaderboard_pickem_cologne2016_fantasy" "Cologne 2016 Fantasy Team Game"
"CSGO_official_leaderboard_pickem_cologne2016_team" "Cologne 2016 Pick'Em Challenge"
"CSGO_official_leaderboard_pickem_atlanta2017_team" "Atlanta 2017 Pick'Em Challenge"
"CSGO_official_leaderboard_pickem_krakow2017_team" "Krakow 2017 Pick'Em Challenge"
"CSGO_official_leaderboard_pickem_boston2018_team" "Boston 2018 Pick'Em Challenge"
"CSGO_official_leaderboard_pickem_london2018_team" "London 2018 Pick'Em Challenge"
"CSGO_official_leaderboard_pickem_katowice2019_team" "Katowice 2019 Pick'Em Challenge"
"CSGO_official_leaderboard_pickem_berlin2019_team" "Berlin 2019 Pick'Em Challenge"
"CSGO_official_leaderboard_pickem_stockh2021_team" "Stockholm 2021 Pick'Em Challenge"
"CSGO_official_leaderboard_pickem_antwerp2022_team" "Antwerp 2022 Pick'Em Challenge"
"CSGO_official_leaderboard_pickem_rio2022_team" "Rio 2022 Pick'Em Challenge"
"CSGO_official_leaderboard_pickem_paris2023_team" "Paris 2023 Pick'Em Challenge"
"CSGO_official_leaderboard_season_3_points_desc" "*Missions Completed counts all missions completed during Operation Breakout."
"CSGO_official_leaderboard_season_4_points_desc" "*Missions Completed counts all missions completed during Operation Vanguard."
"CSGO_official_leaderboard_season_5_points_desc" "*Missions Completed counts all missions completed during Operation Bloodhound."
"CSGO_official_leaderboard_season_6_points_desc" "*Missions Completed counts all missions completed during Operation Wildfire."
"CSGO_official_leaderboard_season_7_points_desc" "*Missions Completed counts all missions completed during Operation Hydra."
"CSGO_Operation_Leaderboard_Loading" "Loading Leaderboard..."
"CSGO_Operation_Leaderboard_Loading_Type" "Loading %s1 Leaderboard..."
"CSGO_Operation_Leaderboard_NoData" "No Data Found For\n%s1 Leaderboard"
"CSGO_Operation_Leaderboard_NoPicksLoaded" "No data found for this leaderboard"
"CSGO_official_leaderboard_season_4_hours_cm" "Hours Played"
"CSGO_official_leaderboard_season_4_wins_cm" "Matches Won"
"CSGO_official_leaderboard_season_4_kills_cm" "Kills"
"CSGO_official_leaderboard_season_4_hsp_cm" "Headshot Percentage"
"CSGO_official_leaderboard_season_4_mvps_cm" "MVPs"
"CSGO_official_leaderboard_season_4_points" "Missions Completed*"
"CSGO_official_leaderboard_season_4_hours_op" "Hours Played"
"CSGO_official_leaderboard_season_4_wins_op" "Matches Won"
"CSGO_official_leaderboard_season_4_kills_op" "Kills"
"CSGO_official_leaderboard_season_4_hsp_op" "Headshot Percentage"
"CSGO_official_leaderboard_season_4_mvps_op" "MVPs"
"CSGO_official_leaderboard_season_5_hours_cm" "Hours Played"
"CSGO_official_leaderboard_season_5_wins_cm" "Matches Won"
"CSGO_official_leaderboard_season_5_kills_cm" "Kills"
"CSGO_official_leaderboard_season_5_hsp_cm" "Headshot Percentage"
"CSGO_official_leaderboard_season_5_mvps_cm" "MVPs"
"CSGO_official_leaderboard_season_5_points" "Missions Completed*"
"CSGO_official_leaderboard_season_5_hours_op" "Hours Played"
"CSGO_official_leaderboard_season_5_wins_op" "Matches Won"
"CSGO_official_leaderboard_season_5_kills_op" "Kills"
"CSGO_official_leaderboard_season_5_hsp_op" "Headshot Percentage"
"CSGO_official_leaderboard_season_5_mvps_op" "MVPs"
"CSGO_official_leaderboard_season_6_hours_cm" "Hours Played"
"CSGO_official_leaderboard_season_6_wins_cm" "Matches Won"
"CSGO_official_leaderboard_season_6_kills_cm" "Kills"
"CSGO_official_leaderboard_season_6_hsp_cm" "Headshot Percentage"
"CSGO_official_leaderboard_season_6_mvps_cm" "MVPs"
"CSGO_official_leaderboard_season_6_points" "Missions Completed*"
"CSGO_official_leaderboard_season_6_hours_op" "Hours Played"
"CSGO_official_leaderboard_season_6_wins_op" "Matches Won"
"CSGO_official_leaderboard_season_6_kills_op" "Kills"
"CSGO_official_leaderboard_season_6_hsp_op" "Headshot Percentage"
"CSGO_official_leaderboard_season_6_mvps_op" "MVPs"
"CSGO_official_leaderboard_season_7_hours_cm" "Hours Played"
"CSGO_official_leaderboard_season_7_wins_cm" "Matches Won"
"CSGO_official_leaderboard_season_7_kills_cm" "Kills"
"CSGO_official_leaderboard_season_7_hsp_cm" "Headshot Percentage"
"CSGO_official_leaderboard_season_7_mvps_cm" "MVPs"
"CSGO_official_leaderboard_season_7_points" "Missions Completed*"
"CSGO_official_leaderboard_season_7_hours_op" "Hours Played"
"CSGO_official_leaderboard_season_7_wins_op" "Matches Won"
"CSGO_official_leaderboard_season_7_kills_op" "Kills"
"CSGO_official_leaderboard_season_7_hsp_op" "Headshot Percentage"
"CSGO_official_leaderboard_season_7_mvps_op" "MVPs"
"CSGO_official_leaderboard_season_7_2v2_wins" "Wingman Wins"
"CSGO_official_leaderboard_season_7_2v2_rank" "Wingman Rank"
"CSGO_official_leaderboard_season_7_5v5_wins" "Weapons Expert Wins"
"CSGO_official_leaderboard_season_7_5v5_rank" "Weapons Expert Rank"
"CSGO_official_leaderboard_season_7_xp_guardian" "Guardian XP Earned"
"CSGO_official_leaderboard_season_7_xp_events" "Events XP Earned"
"CSGO_official_leaderboard_season_7_2v2_wins" "Wingman Wins"
// premier 1
"official_leaderboard_premier_season1_name" "Sezono Unu"
"CSGO_official_leaderboard_mission_embedded" "Mission Leaderboard"
"CSGO_official_leaderboard_survival_solo" "Friends Solo Leaderboard"
"CSGO_official_leaderboard_survival_solo_next" "Show Squads"
"CSGO_official_leaderboard_survival_squads" "Friends Squads Leaderboard"
"CSGO_official_leaderboard_survival_squads_next" "Show Solos"
"CSGO_official_leaderboard_survival_title" "Danger Zone Friends Leaderboards"
"CSGO_official_leaderboard_survival_solo_tab" "Solo"
"CSGO_official_leaderboard_survival_squads_tab" "Squad"
"leaderboard_namelock_title" "Leaderboard Name Registration"
"leaderboard_namelock_text" "Congratulations!<br/><br/>You're now one of the best! To show up on the leaderboards, you are required to register a Counter-Strike Leaderboard Name."
"leaderboard_namelock_text2" "Once approved, your leaderboard name will be displayed on the leaderboards."
"leaderboard_namelock_click_submit" "Click SUBMIT to <b>lock in your current Steam Profile Name</b> for the entire season:"
"leaderboard_namelock_guidelines" "Your leaderboard name will need to conform to the <span class=\"TextSpan\">Counter-Strike Leaderboard Name Guidelines</span>."
"leaderboard_namelock_button_hasname" "Leaderboard Name: {s:leaderboard-name}"
"leaderboard_namelock_button_needsname" "Submit a leaderboard name"
"leaderboard_namelock_button_tooltip_submitted" "Approval is pending"
"leaderboard_namelock_button_tooltip_approved" "Locked in for the season"
"leaderboard_namelock_submission_timeout" "The server has timed out. Please try again later."
"leaderboard_namelock_submission_success" "Your leaderboard name has been submitted and is pending approval."
"leaderboard_column_rank" "Rango"
"leaderboard_column_name" "Ludanto"
"leaderboard_column_wins" "Venkoj"
"leaderboard_column_winrate" "% Venkoj"
"leaderboard_column_percentile" "% Rango"
"leaderboard_column_rating" "CS Rango"
"leaderboard_column_region" "LB"
"leaderboard_title_general" "Leaderboards"
"leaderboard_title_party" "Via Partio"
"leaderboard_goto_self" "Iri al mi"
"leaderboard_goto_top" "Iri al alteco"
"leaderboard_region_Friends" "Amikoj"
"leaderboard_region_World" "Mondo"
"leaderboard_region_Europe" "Eŭropo (EU)"
"leaderboard_region_Asia" "Azio (AS)"
"leaderboard_region_Australia" "Aŭstralio (AU)"
"leaderboard_region_Africa" "Afriko (AF)"
"leaderboard_region_NorthAmerica" "Nordameriko (NA)"
"leaderboard_region_SouthAmerica" "Sudameriko (SA)"
"leaderboard_region_China" "Chinio (CN)"
"leaderboard_region_abbr_Europe" "<font color=\"#FFDD00\">EU</font>"
"leaderboard_region_abbr_Asia" "<font color=\"#fc8200\">AS</font>"
"leaderboard_region_abbr_Australia" "<font color=\"#008bfc\">AU</font>"
"leaderboard_region_abbr_Africa" "<font color=\"#19bf00\">AF</font>"
"leaderboard_region_abbr_NorthAmerica" "<font color=\"#d281fc\">NA</font>"
"leaderboard_region_abbr_SouthAmerica" "<font color=\"#02c1e3\">SA</font>"
"leaderboard_region_abbr_China" "<font color=\"#ff5959\">CN</font>"
"mapwinrecord_graph_title:p" "Most Recent Win#|#Most Recent Wins"
"CSGO_Operation_Maps_Season_4_Active" "Maps in the Active Duty Group are Dust II, Nuke, Mirage, Inferno, Cobblestone, Overpass, Cache."
"CSGO_Operation_Maps_Season_4_Operation" "Maps in the Operation Group are Workout, Back Alley, Marquis, Facade, Season, and Bazaar."
"CSGO_Operation_Maps_Season_5_Active" "Maps in the Active Duty Group are Dust II, Train, Mirage, Inferno, Cobblestone, Overpass, Cache."
"CSGO_Operation_Maps_Season_5_Operation" "Maps in the Operation Group are Zoo, Resort, Log, Rails, Season, and Agency."
"CSGO_Operation_Maps_Season_6_Active" "Maps in the Active Duty Group are Dust II, Train, Mirage, Inferno, Cobblestone, Overpass, Cache."
"CSGO_Operation_Maps_Season_6_Operation" "Maps in the Operation Group are Coast, Cruise, Empire, Nuke, Mikla, Royal, Santorini, and Tulip."
"CSGO_Operation_Maps_Season_7_Active" "Maps in the Active Duty Group are Inferno, Train, Mirage, Nuke, Cobblestone, Overpass, Cache."
"CSGO_Operation_Maps_Season_7_Operation" "Maps in the Operation Group are Austria, Shipped, Lite, Thrill, Blackgold, Agency, and Insertion."
"CSGO_Event_Desc" "This item commemorates the %s1."
"CSGO_Event_Details_Desc" "It was dropped during the %s1 match between %s2 and %s3."
"CSGO_Event_Details_MvpDesc" "It was dropped during the %s1 match between %s2 and %s3, and autographed by %s4 who was the most valuable player in that round."
"CSGO_Event_Details_MvpDesc_UnknownPlayer" "It was dropped during the %s1 match between %s2 and %s3, and autographed by the professional player who was the most valuable player in that round."
"CSGO_Special_Event_Desc_1" "This item commemorates the initial release of Danger Zone. It was dropped during the opening weeks of Danger Zone matches on Blacksite."
"StickerKit_dz_blacksite_foil" "Blacksite (Foil)"
"StickerKit_desc_dz_blacksite_foil" ""
// Economy
"RarityTypeDesc" "%s1 %s2"
"ItemTypeDesc" "Level %s1 %s2" // s1 is the level number, s2 is the item type. Example: "Level 4 Medigun"
"ItemTypeDescNoLevel" "Level %s1" // s1 is the level number. Example: "Level 12"
"ItemTypeDescKillEater_GCNoTransfer" "*Stats for this item will reset when used in Steam Trading or Community Market"
"ItemTypeDescKillEater" "%s1 %s2 %s3" // s1 is the quality, s2 is the rarity, s3 is the item type
"ItemTypeDescKillEaterAlt" "%s2: %s1" // "Kills: 123"
"ItemNameUniqueFormat" "%s1%s2%s3" // will turn into "The Battalion's Backup #1"; foreign languages that have gender/declension can change this to be "Shotgun #1" or whatever
"ItemNameWithQualityFormat" "%s1 %s2%s3" // will turn into "Strange Shotgun #1"; foreign languages that have gender for adjectives can change this to be "Shotgun #1 (Strange)" or whatever
"ItemNameCraftNumberFormat" " #%s1"
"TF_Tag_Category_Misc" ""
"TF_Tag_Category_Quality" "Category"
"Tag_Category_Rarity" "Quality"
"Tag_Category_Weapon_Rarity" "Weapon Quality"
"TF_Tag_Category_Class" "Team"
"TF_Tag_Category_Type" "Type"
"TF_Tag_Crate" "Container"
"Attrib_Selfmade_Description" "Awarded to Counter-Strike Steam Workshop Contributor."
"Attrib_Community_Description" "Awarded to Counter-Strike Community Contributor."
"KillEaterDescriptionNotice_Kills" "This item tracks Confirmed Kills."
"KillEaterDescriptionNotice_OCMVPs" "This item tracks Official Competitive MVPs."
"KillEaterEventType_Kills" "StatTrak™ Confirmed Kills"
"KillEaterEventType_OCMVPs" "StatTrak™ Official Competitive MVPs"
"CSGO_EconAction_Preview" "Inspect in Game..."
"CSGO_KillEater_Hud" "StatTrak™"
"KillEaterRank0" "StatTrak™"
"KillEaterRank1" "StatTrak™"
"KillEaterRank2" "StatTrak™"
"KillEaterRank3" "StatTrak™"
"KillEaterRank4" "StatTrak™"
"KillEaterRank5" "StatTrak™"
"KillEaterRank6" "StatTrak™"
"KillEaterRank7" "StatTrak™"
"KillEaterRank8" "StatTrak™"
"KillEaterRank9" "StatTrak™"
"KillEaterRank10" "StatTrak™"
"KillEaterRank11" "StatTrak™"
"KillEaterRank12" "StatTrak™"
// Item names/descriptions
"CSGO_Ticket_CommunitySeasonOneSpring2013" "Operation Payback Pass"
"CSGO_Ticket_CommunitySeasonOneSpring2013_Desc" "The Operation Payback event ran from April 25th to September 2nd, 2013 and rewarded community map makers with over $180,000. This pass no longer grants access to an Operation, but may be redeemed for a commemorative Operation Payback Coin."
"CSGO_Collectible_CommunitySeasonOneSpring2013_Coin1" "Operation Payback Challenge Coin"
"CSGO_Collectible_CommunitySeasonOneSpring2013_Coin1_Desc" "Participated in Operation Payback to support community map makers."
"CSGO_Collectible_CommunitySeasonOneSpring2013_Coin2" "Silver Operation Payback Coin"
"CSGO_Collectible_CommunitySeasonOneSpring2013_Coin2_Desc" "Participated in Operation Payback for 10 hours to support community map makers."
"CSGO_Collectible_CommunitySeasonOneSpring2013_Coin3" "Gold Operation Payback Coin"
"CSGO_Collectible_CommunitySeasonOneSpring2013_Coin3_Desc" "Participated in Operation Payback for 50 hours to support community map makers."
"CSGO_Ticket_CommunitySeasonTwoAutumn2013" "Operation Bravo Pass"
"CSGO_Ticket_CommunitySeasonTwoAutumn2013_Desc" "The Operation Bravo event ran from September 19th, 2013 to February 5th, 2014. This pass no longer grants access to an Operation, but may be redeemed for a commemorative Operation Bravo Coin."
"CSGO_Collectible_CommunitySeasonTwoAutumn2013_Coin1" "Operation Bravo Challenge Coin"
"CSGO_Collectible_CommunitySeasonTwoAutumn2013_Coin1_Desc" "Participated in Operation Bravo."
"CSGO_Collectible_CommunitySeasonTwoAutumn2013_Coin2" "Silver Operation Bravo Coin"
"CSGO_Collectible_CommunitySeasonTwoAutumn2013_Coin2_Desc" "Participated in Operation Bravo."
"CSGO_Collectible_CommunitySeasonTwoAutumn2013_Coin3" "Gold Operation Bravo Coin"
"CSGO_Collectible_CommunitySeasonTwoAutumn2013_Coin3_Desc" "Participated in Operation Bravo."
"CSGO_Ticket_CommunitySeasonThreeSpring2014" "Operation Phoenix Pass"
"CSGO_Ticket_CommunitySeasonThreeSpring2014_Desc" "The Operation Phoenix event ran from February 20th, 2014 to June 11th, 2014. This pass no longer grants access to an Operation, but may be redeemed for a commemorative Operation Phoenix Coin."
"CSGO_Collectible_CommunitySeasonThreeSpring2014_Coin1" "Operation Phoenix Challenge Coin"
"CSGO_Collectible_CommunitySeasonThreeSpring2014_Coin1_Desc" "Participated in Operation Phoenix."
"CSGO_Collectible_CommunitySeasonThreeSpring2014_Coin2" "Silver Operation Phoenix Coin"
"CSGO_Collectible_CommunitySeasonThreeSpring2014_Coin2_Desc" "Participated in Operation Phoenix."
"CSGO_Collectible_CommunitySeasonThreeSpring2014_Coin3" "Gold Operation Phoenix Coin"
"CSGO_Collectible_CommunitySeasonThreeSpring2014_Coin3_Desc" "Participated in Operation Phoenix."
"CSGO_Ticket_CommunitySeasonFourSummer2014" "Operation Breakout All Access Pass"
"CSGO_Ticket_CommunitySeasonFourSummer2014_Desc" "The Operation Breakout event ran from July 2nd, 2014 to October 2nd, 2014. This pass no longer grants access to an Operation, but may be redeemed for a commemorative Operation Breakout Coin."
"CSGO_Collectible_CommunitySeasonFourSummer2014_Coin1" "Operation Breakout Challenge Coin"
"CSGO_Collectible_CommunitySeasonFourSummer2014_Coin1_Desc" "Participated in Operation Breakout."
"CSGO_Collectible_CommunitySeasonFourSummer2014_Coin2" "Silver Operation Breakout Coin"
"CSGO_Collectible_CommunitySeasonFourSummer2014_Coin2_Desc" "Participated in Operation Breakout."
"CSGO_Collectible_CommunitySeasonFourSummer2014_Coin3" "Gold Operation Breakout Coin"
"CSGO_Collectible_CommunitySeasonFourSummer2014_Coin3_Desc" "Participated in Operation Breakout."
"CSGO_Ticket_CommunitySeasonFiveSummer2014" "Operation Vanguard Access Pass"
"CSGO_Ticket_CommunitySeasonFiveSummer2014_Desc" "The Operation Vanguard event ran from November 11th, 2014 to March 31st, 2015. This pass no longer grants access to an Operation, but may be redeemed for a commemorative Operation Vanguard Coin."
"CSGO_Collectible_CommunitySeasonFiveSummer2014_Coin1" "Operation Vanguard Challenge Coin"
"CSGO_Collectible_CommunitySeasonFiveSummer2014_Coin1_Desc" "Participated in Operation Vanguard."
"CSGO_Collectible_CommunitySeasonFiveSummer2014_Coin2" "Silver Operation Vanguard Coin"
"CSGO_Collectible_CommunitySeasonFiveSummer2014_Coin2_Desc" "Participated in Operation Vanguard."
"CSGO_Collectible_CommunitySeasonFiveSummer2014_Coin3" "Gold Operation Vanguard Coin"
"CSGO_Collectible_CommunitySeasonFiveSummer2014_Coin3_Desc" "Participated in Operation Vanguard."
"CSGO_Ticket_CommunitySeasonSix2015" "Operation Bloodhound Access Pass"
"CSGO_Ticket_CommunitySeasonSix2015_Desc" "The Operation Bloodhound event ran from May 26th, 2015 to October 1st, 2015. This pass no longer grants access to an Operation, but may be redeemed for a commemorative Operation Bloodhound Coin."
"CSGO_Collectible_CommunitySeasonSix2015_Coin1" "Operation Bloodhound Challenge Coin"
"CSGO_Collectible_CommunitySeasonSix2015_Coin1_Desc" "Participated in Operation Bloodhound."
"CSGO_Collectible_CommunitySeasonSix2015_Coin2" "Silver Operation Bloodhound Coin"
"CSGO_Collectible_CommunitySeasonSix2015_Coin2_Desc" "Participated in Operation Bloodhound."
"CSGO_Collectible_CommunitySeasonSix2015_Coin3" "Gold Operation Bloodhound Coin"
"CSGO_Collectible_CommunitySeasonSix2015_Coin3_Desc" "Participated in Operation Bloodhound."
"CSGO_Ticket_CommunitySeasonSeven2016" "Operation Wildfire Access Pass"
"CSGO_Ticket_CommunitySeasonSeven2016_Desc" "The Operation Wildfire event ran from February 17th, 2016 to July 13th, 2016. This pass no longer grants access to an Operation, but may be redeemed for a commemorative Operation Wildfire Coin."
"CSGO_Collectible_CommunitySeasonSeven2016_Coin1" "Operation Wildfire Challenge Coin"
"CSGO_Collectible_CommunitySeasonSeven2016_Coin1_Desc" "Participated in Operation Wildfire."
"CSGO_Collectible_CommunitySeasonSeven2016_Coin2" "Silver Operation Wildfire Coin"
"CSGO_Collectible_CommunitySeasonSeven2016_Coin2_Desc" "Participated in Operation Wildfire."
"CSGO_Collectible_CommunitySeasonSeven2016_Coin3" "Gold Operation Wildfire Coin"
"CSGO_Collectible_CommunitySeasonSeven2016_Coin3_Desc" "Participated in Operation Wildfire."
"CSGO_Ticket_CommunitySeasonEight2017" "Operation Hydra Access Pass"
"CSGO_Ticket_CommunitySeasonEight2017_Desc" "The Operation Hydra event ran from May 23rd, 2017 to November 14th, 2017. This pass no longer grants access to an Operation, but may be redeemed for a commemorative Operation Hydra Coin."
"CSGO_Collectible_CommunitySeasonEight2017_Coin1" "Operation Hydra Challenge Coin"
"CSGO_Collectible_CommunitySeasonEight2017_Coin1_Desc" "Participated in Operation Hydra."
"CSGO_Collectible_CommunitySeasonEight2017_Coin2" "Silver Operation Hydra Coin"
"CSGO_Collectible_CommunitySeasonEight2017_Coin2_Desc" "Participated in Operation Hydra."
"CSGO_Collectible_CommunitySeasonEight2017_Coin3" "Gold Operation Hydra Coin"
"CSGO_Collectible_CommunitySeasonEight2017_Coin3_Desc" "Participated in Operation Hydra."
"CSGO_Collectible_CommunitySeasonEight2017_Coin4" "Diamond Operation Hydra Coin"
"CSGO_Collectible_CommunitySeasonEight2017_Coin4_Desc" "Completed Operation Hydra."
"CSGO_Ticket_CommunitySeasonNine2019" "Operation Shattered Web Premium Pass"
"CSGO_Ticket_CommunitySeasonNine2019_Desc" "The Operation Shattered Web event ran from November 18th, 2019 to March 31st, 2020. This pass no longer grants access to an Operation, but may be redeemed for a commemorative Operation Shattered Web Coin."
"CSGO_Collectible_CommunitySeasonNine2019_Coin1" "Operation Shattered Web Challenge Coin"
"CSGO_Collectible_CommunitySeasonNine2019_Coin1_Desc" "Participated in Operation Shattered Web."
"CSGO_Collectible_CommunitySeasonNine2019_Coin2" "Silver Operation Shattered Web Coin"
"CSGO_Collectible_CommunitySeasonNine2019_Coin2_Desc" "Participated in Operation Shattered Web."
"CSGO_Collectible_CommunitySeasonNine2019_Coin3" "Gold Operation Shattered Web Coin"
"CSGO_Collectible_CommunitySeasonNine2019_Coin3_Desc" "Participated in Operation Shattered Web."
"CSGO_Collectible_CommunitySeasonNine2019_Coin4" "Diamond Operation Shattered Web Coin"
"CSGO_Collectible_CommunitySeasonNine2019_Coin4_Desc" "Completed Operation Shattered Web."
"CSGO_Collectible_CommunitySeasonNine2019_PlusStars1" "1 Star for Operation Shattered Web"
"CSGO_Collectible_CommunitySeasonNine2019_PlusStars1_Desc" "This purchasable Operation Star Upgrade grants <b>1 Operation Star</b> when activated.\n\nThis Operation Star Upgrade is only available to players who own the Operation Coin."
"CSGO_Collectible_CommunitySeasonNine2019_PlusStars10" "10 Stars for Operation Shattered Web"
"CSGO_Collectible_CommunitySeasonNine2019_PlusStars10_Desc" "This purchasable Operation Star Upgrade grants <b>10 Operation Stars</b> when activated.\n\nThis Operation Star Upgrade is only available to players who own the Operation Coin."
"CSGO_Collectible_CommunitySeasonNine2019_PlusStars100" "100 Stars for Operation Shattered Web"
"CSGO_Collectible_CommunitySeasonNine2019_PlusStars100_Desc" "This purchasable Operation Star Upgrade grants <b>100 Operation Stars</b> when activated.\n\nThis Operation Star Upgrade is only available to players who own the Operation Coin."
"CSGO_Ticket_CommunitySeasonTen2020" "Operation Broken Fang Premium Pass"
"CSGO_Ticket_CommunitySeasonTen2020_Desc" "The Operation Broken Fang event ran from December 3rd, 2020 to April 30th, 2021. This pass no longer grants access to an Operation, but may be redeemed for a commemorative Operation Broken Fang Coin."
"CSGO_Collectible_CommunitySeasonTen2020_Coin1" "Operation Broken Fang Challenge Coin"
"CSGO_Collectible_CommunitySeasonTen2020_Coin1_Desc" "Participated in Operation Broken Fang."
"CSGO_Collectible_CommunitySeasonTen2020_Coin2" "Silver Operation Broken Fang Coin"
"CSGO_Collectible_CommunitySeasonTen2020_Coin2_Desc" "Participated in Operation Broken Fang."
"CSGO_Collectible_CommunitySeasonTen2020_Coin3" "Gold Operation Broken Fang Coin"
"CSGO_Collectible_CommunitySeasonTen2020_Coin3_Desc" "Participated in Operation Broken Fang."
"CSGO_Collectible_CommunitySeasonTen2020_Coin4" "Diamond Operation Broken Fang Coin"
"CSGO_Collectible_CommunitySeasonTen2020_Coin4_Desc" "Completed Operation Broken Fang."
"CSGO_Collectible_CommunitySeasonTen2020_PlusStars1" "1 Star for Operation Broken Fang"
"CSGO_Collectible_CommunitySeasonTen2020_PlusStars1_Desc" "This purchasable Operation Star Upgrade grants <b>1 Operation Star</b> when activated."
"CSGO_Collectible_CommunitySeasonTen2020_PlusStars10" "10 Stars for Operation Broken Fang"
"CSGO_Collectible_CommunitySeasonTen2020_PlusStars10_Desc" "This purchasable Operation Star Upgrade grants <b>10 Operation Stars</b> when activated."
"CSGO_Collectible_CommunitySeasonTen2020_PlusStars100" "100 Stars for Operation Broken Fang"
"CSGO_Collectible_CommunitySeasonTen2020_PlusStars100_Desc" "This purchasable Operation Star Upgrade grants <b>100 Operation Stars</b> when activated."
"CSGO_Ticket_CommunitySeasonEleven2021" "Operation Riptide Premium Pass"
"CSGO_Ticket_CommunitySeasonEleven2021_Desc" "The Operation Riptide Premium Pass grants a commemorative upgradeable Operation Riptide Coin, weekly missions, and access to exclusive items in the Operation Shop."
"CSGO_Collectible_CommunitySeasonEleven2021_Coin1" "Operation Riptide Challenge Coin"
"CSGO_Collectible_CommunitySeasonEleven2021_Coin1_Desc" "Participated in Operation Riptide."
"CSGO_Collectible_CommunitySeasonEleven2021_Coin2" "Silver Operation Riptide Coin"
"CSGO_Collectible_CommunitySeasonEleven2021_Coin2_Desc" "Participated in Operation Riptide."
"CSGO_Collectible_CommunitySeasonEleven2021_Coin3" "Gold Operation Riptide Coin"
"CSGO_Collectible_CommunitySeasonEleven2021_Coin3_Desc" "Participated in Operation Riptide."
"CSGO_Collectible_CommunitySeasonEleven2021_Coin4" "Diamond Operation Riptide Coin"
"CSGO_Collectible_CommunitySeasonEleven2021_Coin4_Desc" "Completed Operation Riptide."
"CSGO_Collectible_CommunitySeasonEleven2021_PlusStars1" "1 Star for Operation Riptide"
"CSGO_Collectible_CommunitySeasonEleven2021_PlusStars1_Desc" "This purchasable Operation Star Upgrade grants <b>1 Operation Star</b> when activated."
"CSGO_Collectible_CommunitySeasonEleven2021_PlusStars10" "10 Stars for Operation Riptide"
"CSGO_Collectible_CommunitySeasonEleven2021_PlusStars10_Desc" "This purchasable Operation Star Upgrade grants <b>10 Operation Stars</b> when activated."
"CSGO_Collectible_CommunitySeasonEleven2021_PlusStars100" "100 Stars for Operation Riptide"
"CSGO_Collectible_CommunitySeasonEleven2021_PlusStars100_Desc" "This purchasable Operation Star Upgrade grants <b>100 Operation Stars</b> when activated."
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenMuseum" "Museum Map Coin"
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenMuseum_Desc" ""
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenDowntown" "Downtown Map Coin"
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenDowntown_Desc" ""
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenThunder" "Thunder Map Coin"
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenThunder_Desc" ""
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenFavela" "Favela Map Coin"
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenFavela_Desc" ""
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenMotel" "Motel Map Coin"
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenMotel_Desc" ""
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenSeaside" "Seaside Map Coin"
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenSeaside_Desc" ""
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenLibrary" "Library Map Coin"
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenLibrary_Desc" ""
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenAgency" "Agency Map Coin"
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenAgency_Desc" ""
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenAli" "Ali Map Coin"
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenAli_Desc" ""
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenCache" "Cache Map Coin"
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenCache_Desc" ""
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenChinatown" "Chinatown Map Coin"
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenChinatown_Desc" ""
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenGwalior" "Gwalior Map Coin"
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenGwalior_Desc" ""
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenRuins" "Ruins Map Coin"
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenRuins_Desc" ""
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenSiege" "Siege Map Coin"
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenSiege_Desc" ""
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenCastle" "Castle Map Coin"
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenCastle_Desc" ""
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenInsertion" "Insertion Map Coin"
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenInsertion_Desc" ""
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenOvergrown" "Overgrown Map Coin"
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenOvergrown_Desc" ""
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenBlackgold" "Black Gold Map Coin"
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenBlackgold_Desc" ""
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenRush" "Rush Map Coin"
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenRush_Desc" ""
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenMist" "Mist Map Coin"
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenMist_Desc" ""
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenSubzero" "Subzero Map Coin"
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenSubzero_Desc" ""
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenBiome" "Biome Map Coin"
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenBiome_Desc" ""
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenMarquis" "Marquis Map Coin"
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenMarquis_Desc" ""
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenWorkout" "Workout Map Coin"
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenWorkout_Desc" ""
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenRuby" "Ruby Map Coin"
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenRuby_Desc" ""
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenBreach" "Breach Map Coin"
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenBreach_Desc" ""
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenStudio" "Studio Map Coin"
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenStudio_Desc" ""
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenFrostbite" "Frostbite Map Coin"
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenFrostbite_Desc" ""
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenJungle" "Jungle Map Coin"
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenJungle_Desc" ""
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenAnubis" "Anubis Map Coin"
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenAnubis_Desc" ""
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenChlorine" "Chlorine Map Coin"
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenChlorine_Desc" ""
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenCalavera" "Calavera Map Coin"
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenCalavera_Desc" ""
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenPitstop" "Pitstop Map Coin"
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenPitstop_Desc" ""
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenGrind" "Grind Map Coin"
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenGrind_Desc" ""
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenMocha" "Mocha Map Coin"
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenMocha_Desc" ""
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenGuard" "Guard Map Coin"
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenGuard_Desc" ""
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenElysion" "Elysion Map Coin"
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenElysion_Desc" ""
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenIris" "Iris Map Coin"
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenIris_Desc" ""
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenClimb" "Climb Map Coin"
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenClimb_Desc" ""
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenCrete" "Crete Map Coin"
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenCrete_Desc" ""
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenHive" "Hive Map Coin"
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenHive_Desc" ""
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenVineyard" "Vineyard Map Coin"
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenVineyard_Desc" ""
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenEmber" "Ember Map Coin"
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenEmber_Desc" ""
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenBasalt" "Basalt Map Coin"
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenBasalt_Desc" ""
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenInsertion2" "Insertion II Map Coin"
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenInsertion2_Desc" ""
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenRavine" "Ravine Map Coin"
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenRavine_Desc" ""
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenExtraction" "Extraction Map Coin"
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenExtraction_Desc" ""
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenCounty" "County Map Coin"
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenCounty_Desc" ""
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenEngage" "Engage Map Coin"
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenEngage_Desc" ""
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenApollo" "Apollo Map Coin"
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenApollo_Desc" ""
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenMutiny" "Mutiny Map Coin"
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenMutiny_Desc" ""
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenSwamp" "Swamp Map Coin"
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenSwamp_Desc" ""
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenBackalley" "Backalley Map Coin"
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenBackalley_Desc" ""
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenSeason" "Season Map Coin"
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenSeason_Desc" ""
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenBazaar" "Bazaar Map Coin"
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenBazaar_Desc" ""
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenFacade" "Facade Map Coin"
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenFacade_Desc" ""
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenLog" "Log Map Coin"
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenLog_Desc" ""
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenRails" "Rails Map Coin"
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenRails_Desc" ""
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenResort" "Resort Map Coin"
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenResort_Desc" ""
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenZoo" "Zoo Map Coin"
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenZoo_Desc" ""
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenSantorini" "Santorini Map Coin"
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenSantorini_Desc" ""
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenCoast" "Coast Map Coin"
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenCoast_Desc" ""
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenMikla" "Mikla Map Coin"
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenMikla_Desc" ""
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenRoyal" "Royal Map Coin"
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenRoyal_Desc" ""
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenEmpire" "Empire Map Coin"
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenEmpire_Desc" ""
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenTulip" "Tulip Map Coin"
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenTulip_Desc" ""
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenCruise" "Cruise Map Coin"
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenCruise_Desc" ""
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenAbbey" "Abbey Map Coin"
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenAbbey_Desc" ""
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenTuscan" "Tuscan Map Coin"
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenTuscan_Desc" ""
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenPrime" "Cascade Map Coin"
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenPrime_Desc" ""
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenBlagai" "Blagai Map Coin"
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenBlagai_Desc" ""
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenBoyard" "Boyard Map Coin"
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenBoyard_Desc" ""
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenChalice" "Chalice Map Coin"
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenChalice_Desc" ""
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_FortiusQuoFidelius" "Loyalty Badge"
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_FortiusQuoFidelius_Desc" "This badge commemorates loyal membership in the Counter-Strike community prior to the Danger Zone update.\n\n<i>Strength through loyalty.</i>"
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_FiveYearService" "5 Year Veteran Coin"
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_FiveYearService_Desc" "Has been a member of the Counter-Strike community for over 5 years."
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_TenYearService" "10 Year Veteran Coin"
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_TenYearService_Desc" "Has been a member of the Counter-Strike community for over 10 years."
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_CsgoTenYearAnniversaryMemorabilia" "10 Year Birthday Coin"
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_CsgoTenYearAnniversaryMemorabilia_Desc" "Celebrated CS:GO's 10th birthday with the CS:GO community.\n\n<i>Celebrating ten years of headshots, clutches, and the community. Happy 10th birthday, CS:GO!</i>"
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_CoinCsgo" "Global Offensive Badge"
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_CoinCsgo_Desc" "This badge commemorates loyal membership in the Counter-Strike: Global Offensive community prior to the release of Counter-Strike 2. \n\n<i>Legends never die.</i>"
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_DH2013_Champion" "Champion at DreamHack 2013"
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_DH2013_Champion_Desc" "This championship trophy was awarded to the Champion at The 2013 DreamHack SteelSeries CS:GO Championship."
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_DH2013_Finalist" "Finalist at DreamHack 2013"
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_DH2013_Finalist_Desc" "This championship trophy was awarded to the Finalist at The 2013 DreamHack SteelSeries CS:GO Championship."
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_DH2013_SemiFinalist" "Semifinalist at DreamHack 2013"
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_DH2013_SemiFinalist_Desc" "This championship trophy was awarded to the Semifinalist at The 2013 DreamHack SteelSeries CS:GO Championship."
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_DH2013_QuarterFinalist" "Quarterfinalist at DreamHack 2013"
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_DH2013_QuarterFinalist_Desc" "This championship trophy was awarded to the Quarterfinalist at The 2013 DreamHack SteelSeries CS:GO Championship."
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Kat2014_Champion" "Champion at EMS One Katowice 2014"
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Kat2014_Champion_Desc" "This championship trophy was awarded to the Champion at The 2014 EMS One Katowice CS:GO Championship."
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Kat2014_Finalist" "Finalist at EMS One Katowice 2014"
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Kat2014_Finalist_Desc" "This championship trophy was awarded to the Finalist at The 2014 EMS One Katowice CS:GO Championship."
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Kat2014_SemiFinalist" "Semifinalist at EMS One Katowice 2014"
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Kat2014_SemiFinalist_Desc" "This championship trophy was awarded to the Semifinalist at The 2014 EMS One Katowice CS:GO Championship."
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Kat2014_QuarterFinalist" "Quarterfinalist at EMS One Katowice 2014"
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Kat2014_QuarterFinalist_Desc" "This championship trophy was awarded to the Quarterfinalist at The 2014 EMS One Katowice CS:GO Championship."
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Cologne2014_Champion" "Champion at ESL One Cologne 2014"
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Cologne2014_Champion_Desc" "This championship trophy was awarded to the Champion at The ESL One Cologne 2014 CS:GO Championship."
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Cologne2014_Finalist" "Finalist at ESL One Cologne 2014"
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Cologne2014_Finalist_Desc" "This championship trophy was awarded to the Finalist at The ESL One Cologne 2014 CS:GO Championship."
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Cologne2014_SemiFinalist" "Semifinalist at ESL One Cologne 2014"
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Cologne2014_SemiFinalist_Desc" "This championship trophy was awarded to the Semifinalist at The ESL One Cologne 2014 CS:GO Championship."
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Cologne2014_QuarterFinalist" "Quarterfinalist at ESL One Cologne 2014"
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Cologne2014_QuarterFinalist_Desc" "This championship trophy was awarded to the Quarterfinalist at The ESL One Cologne 2014 CS:GO Championship."
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Cologne2014_PickEmBronze" "Bronze Cologne 2014 Pick'Em Trophy"
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Cologne2014_PickEmBronze_Desc" "This bronze trophy was awarded during the ESL One Cologne 2014 Pick'Em Challenge."
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Cologne2014_PickEmSilver" "Silver Cologne 2014 Pick'Em Trophy"
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Cologne2014_PickEmSilver_Desc" "This silver trophy was awarded during the ESL One Cologne 2014 Pick'Em Challenge."
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Cologne2014_PickEmGold" "Gold Cologne 2014 Pick'Em Trophy"
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Cologne2014_PickEmGold_Desc" "This gold trophy was awarded during the ESL One Cologne 2014 Pick'Em Challenge."
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_DHW2014_Champion" "Champion at DreamHack Winter 2014"
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_DHW2014_Champion_Desc" "This championship trophy was awarded to the Champion at The DreamHack Winter 2014 CS:GO Championship."
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_DHW2014_Finalist" "Finalist at DreamHack Winter 2014"
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_DHW2014_Finalist_Desc" "This championship trophy was awarded to the Finalist at The DreamHack Winter 2014 CS:GO Championship."
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_DHW2014_SemiFinalist" "Semifinalist at DreamHack Winter 2014"
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_DHW2014_SemiFinalist_Desc" "This championship trophy was awarded to the Semifinalist at The DreamHack Winter 2014 CS:GO Championship."
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_DHW2014_QuarterFinalist" "Quarterfinalist at DreamHack Winter 2014"
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_DHW2014_QuarterFinalist_Desc" "This championship trophy was awarded to the Quarterfinalist at The DreamHack Winter 2014 CS:GO Championship."
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_DHW2014_PickEmBronze" "Bronze DreamHack 2014 Pick'Em Trophy"
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_DHW2014_PickEmBronze_Desc" "This bronze trophy was awarded during the DreamHack Winter 2014 Pick'Em Challenge."
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_DHW2014_PickEmSilver" "Silver DreamHack 2014 Pick'Em Trophy"
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_DHW2014_PickEmSilver_Desc" "This silver trophy was awarded during the DreamHack Winter 2014 Pick'Em Challenge."
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_DHW2014_PickEmGold" "Gold DreamHack 2014 Pick'Em Trophy"
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_DHW2014_PickEmGold_Desc" "This gold trophy was awarded during the DreamHack Winter 2014 Pick'Em Challenge."
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Kat2015_Champion" "Champion at ESL One Katowice 2015"
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Kat2015_Champion_Desc" "This championship trophy was awarded to the Champion at The ESL One Katowice 2015 CS:GO Championship."
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Kat2015_Finalist" "Finalist at ESL One Katowice 2015"
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Kat2015_Finalist_Desc" "This championship trophy was awarded to the Finalist at The ESL One Katowice 2015 CS:GO Championship."
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Kat2015_SemiFinalist" "Semifinalist at ESL One Katowice 2015"
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Kat2015_SemiFinalist_Desc" "This championship trophy was awarded to the Semifinalist at The ESL One Katowice 2015 CS:GO Championship."
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Kat2015_QuarterFinalist" "Quarterfinalist at ESL One Katowice 2015"
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Kat2015_QuarterFinalist_Desc" "This championship trophy was awarded to the Quarterfinalist at The ESL One Katowice 2015 CS:GO Championship."
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Kat2015_PickEmBronze" "Bronze Katowice 2015 Pick'Em Trophy"
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Kat2015_PickEmBronze_Desc" "This bronze trophy was awarded during the ESL One Katowice 2015 Pick'Em Challenge."
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Kat2015_PickEmSilver" "Silver Katowice 2015 Pick'Em Trophy"
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Kat2015_PickEmSilver_Desc" "This silver trophy was awarded during the ESL One Katowice 2015 Pick'Em Challenge."
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Kat2015_PickEmGold" "Gold Katowice 2015 Pick'Em Trophy"
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Kat2015_PickEmGold_Desc" "This gold trophy was awarded during the ESL One Katowice 2015 Pick'Em Challenge."
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Cologne2015_Champion" "Champion at ESL One Cologne 2015"
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Cologne2015_Champion_Desc" "This championship trophy was awarded to the Champion at The ESL One Cologne 2015 CS:GO Championship."
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Cologne2015_Finalist" "Finalist at ESL One Cologne 2015"
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Cologne2015_Finalist_Desc" "This championship trophy was awarded to the Finalist at The ESL One Cologne 2015 CS:GO Championship."
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Cologne2015_SemiFinalist" "Semifinalist at ESL One Cologne 2015"
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Cologne2015_SemiFinalist_Desc" "This championship trophy was awarded to the Semifinalist at The ESL One Cologne 2015 CS:GO Championship."
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Cologne2015_QuarterFinalist" "Quarterfinalist at ESL One Cologne 2015"
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Cologne2015_QuarterFinalist_Desc" "This championship trophy was awarded to the Quarterfinalist at The ESL One Cologne 2015 CS:GO Championship."
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Cologne2015_PickEmBronze" "Bronze Cologne 2015 Pick'Em Trophy"
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Cologne2015_PickEmBronze_Desc" "This bronze trophy was awarded during the ESL One Cologne 2015 Pick'Em Challenge."
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Cologne2015_PickEmSilver" "Silver Cologne 2015 Pick'Em Trophy"
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Cologne2015_PickEmSilver_Desc" "This silver trophy was awarded during the ESL One Cologne 2015 Pick'Em Challenge."
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Cologne2015_PickEmGold" "Gold Cologne 2015 Pick'Em Trophy"
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Cologne2015_PickEmGold_Desc" "This gold trophy was awarded during the ESL One Cologne 2015 Pick'Em Challenge."
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Cluj2015_PickEmBronze" "Bronze Cluj-Napoca 2015 Pick'Em Trophy"
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Cluj2015_PickEmBronze_Desc" "This bronze trophy was awarded during the DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015 Pick'Em Challenge."
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Cluj2015_PickEmSilver" "Silver Cluj-Napoca 2015 Pick'Em Trophy"
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Cluj2015_PickEmSilver_Desc" "This silver trophy was awarded during the DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015 Pick'Em Challenge."
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Cluj2015_PickEmGold" "Gold Cluj-Napoca 2015 Pick'Em Trophy"
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Cluj2015_PickEmGold_Desc" "This gold trophy was awarded during the DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015 Pick'Em Challenge."
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Cluj2015_FantasyBronze" "Bronze Cluj-Napoca 2015 Fantasy Trophy"
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Cluj2015_FantasyBronze_Desc" "This bronze trophy was awarded during the DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015 Fantasy Team Challenge."
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Cluj2015_FantasySilver" "Silver Cluj-Napoca 2015 Fantasy Trophy"
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Cluj2015_FantasySilver_Desc" "This silver trophy was awarded during the DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015 Fantasy Team Challenge."
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Cluj2015_FantasyGold" "Gold Cluj-Napoca 2015 Fantasy Trophy"
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Cluj2015_FantasyGold_Desc" "This gold trophy was awarded during the DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015 Fantasy Team Challenge."
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Cluj2015_Champion" "Champion at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Cluj2015_Champion_Desc" "This championship trophy was awarded to the Champion at the DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015 CS:GO Championship."
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Cluj2015_Finalist" "Finalist at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Cluj2015_Finalist_Desc" "This championship trophy was awarded to the Finalist at the DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015 CS:GO Championship."
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Cluj2015_Semifinalist" "Semifinalist at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Cluj2015_Semifinalist_Desc" "This championship trophy was awarded to the Semifinalist at the DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015 CS:GO Championship."
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Cluj2015_Quarterfinalist" "Quarterfinalist at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Cluj2015_Quarterfinalist_Desc" "This championship trophy was awarded to the Quarterfinalist at the DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015 CS:GO Championship."
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Columbus2016_PickEmBronze" "Bronze Columbus 2016 Pick'Em Trophy"
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Columbus2016_PickEmBronze_Desc" "This bronze trophy was awarded during the MLG Columbus 2016 Pick'Em Challenge."
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Columbus2016_PickEmSilver" "Silver Columbus 2016 Pick'Em Trophy"
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Columbus2016_PickEmSilver_Desc" "This silver trophy was awarded during the MLG Columbus 2016 Pick'Em Challenge."
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Columbus2016_PickEmGold" "Gold Columbus 2016 Pick'Em Trophy"
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Columbus2016_PickEmGold_Desc" "This gold trophy was awarded during the MLG Columbus 2016 Pick'Em Challenge."
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Columbus2016_FantasyBronze" "Bronze Columbus 2016 Fantasy Trophy"
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Columbus2016_FantasyBronze_Desc" "This bronze trophy was awarded during the MLG Columbus 2016 Fantasy Team Challenge."
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Columbus2016_FantasySilver" "Silver Columbus 2016 Fantasy Trophy"
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Columbus2016_FantasySilver_Desc" "This silver trophy was awarded during the MLG Columbus 2016 Fantasy Team Challenge."
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Columbus2016_FantasyGold" "Gold Columbus 2016 Fantasy Trophy"
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Columbus2016_FantasyGold_Desc" "This gold trophy was awarded during the MLG Columbus 2016 Fantasy Team Challenge."
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Columbus2016_Champion" "Champion at MLG Columbus 2016"
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Columbus2016_Champion_Desc" "This championship trophy was awarded to the Champion at the MLG Columbus 2016 CS:GO Championship."
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Columbus2016_Finalist" "Finalist at MLG Columbus 2016"
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Columbus2016_Finalist_Desc" "This championship trophy was awarded to the Finalist at the MLG Columbus 2016 CS:GO Championship."
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Columbus2016_Semifinalist" "Semifinalist at MLG Columbus 2016"
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Columbus2016_Semifinalist_Desc" "This championship trophy was awarded to the Semifinalist at the MLG Columbus 2016 CS:GO Championship."
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Columbus2016_Quarterfinalist" "Quarterfinalist at MLG Columbus 2016"
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Columbus2016_Quarterfinalist_Desc" "This championship trophy was awarded to the Quarterfinalist at the MLG Columbus 2016 CS:GO Championship."
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Cologne2016_PickEmBronze" "Bronze Cologne 2016 Pick'Em Trophy"
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Cologne2016_PickEmBronze_Desc" "This bronze trophy was awarded during the ESL One Cologne 2016 Pick'Em Challenge."
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Cologne2016_PickEmSilver" "Silver Cologne 2016 Pick'Em Trophy"
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Cologne2016_PickEmSilver_Desc" "This silver trophy was awarded during the ESL One Cologne 2016 Pick'Em Challenge."
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Cologne2016_PickEmGold" "Gold Cologne 2016 Pick'Em Trophy"
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Cologne2016_PickEmGold_Desc" "This gold trophy was awarded during the ESL One Cologne 2016 Pick'Em Challenge."
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Cologne2016_FantasyBronze" "Bronze Cologne 2016 Fantasy Trophy"
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Cologne2016_FantasyBronze_Desc" "This bronze trophy was awarded during the ESL One Cologne 2016 Fantasy Team Challenge."
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Cologne2016_FantasySilver" "Silver Cologne 2016 Fantasy Trophy"
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Cologne2016_FantasySilver_Desc" "This silver trophy was awarded during the ESL One Cologne 2016 Fantasy Team Challenge."
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Cologne2016_FantasyGold" "Gold Cologne 2016 Fantasy Trophy"
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Cologne2016_FantasyGold_Desc" "This gold trophy was awarded during the ESL One Cologne 2016 Fantasy Team Challenge."
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Cologne2016_Champion" "Champion at ESL One Cologne 2016"
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Cologne2016_Champion_Desc" "This championship trophy was awarded to the Champion at the ESL One Cologne 2016 CS:GO Championship."
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Cologne2016_Finalist" "Finalist at ESL One Cologne 2016"
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Cologne2016_Finalist_Desc" "This championship trophy was awarded to the Finalist at the ESL One Cologne 2016 CS:GO Championship."
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Cologne2016_Semifinalist" "Semifinalist at ESL One Cologne 2016"
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Cologne2016_Semifinalist_Desc" "This championship trophy was awarded to the Semifinalist at the ESL One Cologne 2016 CS:GO Championship."
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Cologne2016_Quarterfinalist" "Quarterfinalist at ESL One Cologne 2016"
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Cologne2016_Quarterfinalist_Desc" "This championship trophy was awarded to the Quarterfinalist at the ESL One Cologne 2016 CS:GO Championship."
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Atlanta2017_PickEmBronze" "Bronze Atlanta 2017 Pick'Em Trophy"
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Atlanta2017_PickEmBronze_Desc" "This bronze trophy was awarded during the ELEAGUE Atlanta 2017 Pick'Em Challenge."
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Atlanta2017_PickEmSilver" "Silver Atlanta 2017 Pick'Em Trophy"
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Atlanta2017_PickEmSilver_Desc" "This silver trophy was awarded during the ELEAGUE Atlanta 2017 Pick'Em Challenge."
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Atlanta2017_PickEmGold" "Gold Atlanta 2017 Pick'Em Trophy"
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Atlanta2017_PickEmGold_Desc" "This gold trophy was awarded during the ELEAGUE Atlanta 2017 Pick'Em Challenge."
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Atlanta2017_Champion" "Champion at ELEAGUE Atlanta 2017"
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Atlanta2017_Champion_Desc" "This championship trophy was awarded to the Champion at the ELEAGUE Atlanta 2017 CS:GO Championship."
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Atlanta2017_Finalist" "Finalist at ELEAGUE Atlanta 2017"
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Atlanta2017_Finalist_Desc" "This championship trophy was awarded to the Finalist at the ELEAGUE Atlanta 2017 CS:GO Championship."
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Atlanta2017_Semifinalist" "Semifinalist at ELEAGUE Atlanta 2017"
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Atlanta2017_Semifinalist_Desc" "This championship trophy was awarded to the Semifinalist at the ELEAGUE Atlanta 2017 CS:GO Championship."
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Atlanta2017_Quarterfinalist" "Quarterfinalist at ELEAGUE Atlanta 2017"
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Atlanta2017_Quarterfinalist_Desc" "This championship trophy was awarded to the Quarterfinalist at the ELEAGUE Atlanta 2017 CS:GO Championship."
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Krakow2017_PickEmBronze" "Bronze Krakow 2017 Pick'Em Trophy"
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Krakow2017_PickEmBronze_Desc" "This bronze trophy was awarded during the PGL Krakow 2017 Pick'Em Challenge."
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Krakow2017_PickEmSilver" "Silver Krakow 2017 Pick'Em Trophy"
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Krakow2017_PickEmSilver_Desc" "This silver trophy was awarded during the PGL Krakow 2017 Pick'Em Challenge."
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Krakow2017_PickEmGold" "Gold Krakow 2017 Pick'Em Trophy"
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Krakow2017_PickEmGold_Desc" "This gold trophy was awarded during the PGL Krakow 2017 Pick'Em Challenge."
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Krakow2017_Champion" "Champion at PGL Krakow 2017"
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Krakow2017_Champion_Desc" "This championship trophy was awarded to the Champion at the PGL Krakow 2017 CS:GO Championship."
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Krakow2017_Finalist" "Finalist at PGL Krakow 2017"
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Krakow2017_Finalist_Desc" "This championship trophy was awarded to the Finalist at the PGL Krakow 2017 CS:GO Championship."
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Krakow2017_Semifinalist" "Semifinalist at PGL Krakow 2017"
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Krakow2017_Semifinalist_Desc" "This championship trophy was awarded to the Semifinalist at the PGL Krakow 2017 CS:GO Championship."
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Krakow2017_Quarterfinalist" "Quarterfinalist at PGL Krakow 2017"
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Krakow2017_Quarterfinalist_Desc" "This championship trophy was awarded to the Quarterfinalist at the PGL Krakow 2017 CS:GO Championship."
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Boston2018_PickEmBronze" "Bronze Boston 2018 Pick'Em Trophy"
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Boston2018_PickEmBronze_Desc" "This bronze trophy was awarded during the ELEAGUE Boston 2018 Pick'Em Challenge."
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Boston2018_PickEmSilver" "Silver Boston 2018 Pick'Em Trophy"
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Boston2018_PickEmSilver_Desc" "This silver trophy was awarded during the ELEAGUE Boston 2018 Pick'Em Challenge."
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Boston2018_PickEmGold" "Gold Boston 2018 Pick'Em Trophy"
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Boston2018_PickEmGold_Desc" "This gold trophy was awarded during the ELEAGUE Boston 2018 Pick'Em Challenge."
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Boston2018_Champion" "Champion at ELEAGUE Boston 2018"
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Boston2018_Champion_Desc" "This championship trophy was awarded to the Champion at the ELEAGUE Boston 2018 CS:GO Championship."
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Boston2018_Finalist" "Finalist at ELEAGUE Boston 2018"
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Boston2018_Finalist_Desc" "This championship trophy was awarded to the Finalist at the ELEAGUE Boston 2018 CS:GO Championship."
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Boston2018_Semifinalist" "Semifinalist at ELEAGUE Boston 2018"
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Boston2018_Semifinalist_Desc" "This championship trophy was awarded to the Semifinalist at the ELEAGUE Boston 2018 CS:GO Championship."
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Boston2018_Quarterfinalist" "Quarterfinalist at ELEAGUE Boston 2018"
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Boston2018_Quarterfinalist_Desc" "This championship trophy was awarded to the Quarterfinalist at the ELEAGUE Boston 2018 CS:GO Championship."
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_London2018_PickEmBronze" "Bronze London 2018 Pick'Em Trophy"
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_London2018_PickEmBronze_Desc" "This bronze trophy was awarded during the FACEIT London 2018 Pick'Em Challenge."
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_London2018_PickEmSilver" "Silver London 2018 Pick'Em Trophy"
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_London2018_PickEmSilver_Desc" "This silver trophy was awarded during the FACEIT London 2018 Pick'Em Challenge."
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_London2018_PickEmGold" "Gold London 2018 Pick'Em Trophy"
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_London2018_PickEmGold_Desc" "This gold trophy was awarded during the FACEIT London 2018 Pick'Em Challenge."
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_London2018_Champion" "Champion at FACEIT London 2018"
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_London2018_Champion_Desc" "This championship trophy was awarded to the Champion at the FACEIT London 2018 CS:GO Championship."
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_London2018_Finalist" "Finalist at FACEIT London 2018"
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_London2018_Finalist_Desc" "This championship trophy was awarded to the Finalist at the FACEIT London 2018 CS:GO Championship."
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_London2018_Semifinalist" "Semifinalist at FACEIT London 2018"
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_London2018_Semifinalist_Desc" "This championship trophy was awarded to the Semifinalist at the FACEIT London 2018 CS:GO Championship."
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_London2018_Quarterfinalist" "Quarterfinalist at FACEIT London 2018"
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_London2018_Quarterfinalist_Desc" "This championship trophy was awarded to the Quarterfinalist at the FACEIT London 2018 CS:GO Championship."
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Katowice2019_Champion" "Champion at IEM Katowice 2019"
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Katowice2019_Champion_Desc" "This championship trophy was awarded to the Champion at the IEM Katowice 2019 CS:GO Championship."
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Katowice2019_Finalist" "Finalist at IEM Katowice 2019"
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Katowice2019_Finalist_Desc" "This championship trophy was awarded to the Finalist at the IEM Katowice 2019 CS:GO Championship."
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Katowice2019_Semifinalist" "Semifinalist at IEM Katowice 2019"
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Katowice2019_Semifinalist_Desc" "This championship trophy was awarded to the Semifinalist at the IEM Katowice 2019 CS:GO Championship."
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Katowice2019_Quarterfinalist" "Quarterfinalist at IEM Katowice 2019"
"CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Katowice2019_Quarterfinalist_Desc" "This championship trophy was awarded to the Quarterfinalist at the IEM Katowice 2019 CS:GO Championship."
/// Purchasable game license
"CSGO_Purchasable_Game_License_Short" "Game License"
"CSGO_Purchasable_Game_License" "Counter-Strike Game License"
"CSGO_Purchasable_Game_License_Desc" "This is a purchased game license for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive"
"CSGO_Purchasable_Game_License_Desc_PW" "Counter-Strike is available for free to Perfect World customers who complete identity verification on their account. Perfect World accounts with identity verification also get instant Counter-Strike Prime status.\n\nThis game license allows customers, who are unable to complete identity verification and get the game for free, to purchase a Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Perfect World game license for 8800 点. This license provides access to low-latency official game servers in China and ability to play with friends using the Perfect World Counter-Strike Launcher."
"CSGO_Purchasable_Game_License_BannedInChina" "This account is not allowed to play Counter-Strike: Global Offensive using the Perfect World CS:GO game license."
/// Collectible pins
"CSGO_Collectible_Pin_DustII" "Dust II Pin"
"CSGO_Collectible_Pin_DustII_Desc" "This is a Series 1 collectible pin. It can be displayed on your profile."
"CSGO_Collectible_Pin_GuardianElite" "Guardian Elite Pin"
"CSGO_Collectible_Pin_GuardianElite_Desc" "This is a Series 1 collectible pin. It can be displayed on your profile."
"CSGO_Collectible_Pin_Mirage" "Mirage Pin"
"CSGO_Collectible_Pin_Mirage_Desc" "This is a Series 1 collectible pin. It can be displayed on your profile."
"CSGO_Collectible_Pin_Inferno" "Inferno Pin"
"CSGO_Collectible_Pin_Inferno_Desc" "This is a Series 1 collectible pin. It can be displayed on your profile."
"CSGO_Collectible_Pin_Italy" "Italy Pin"
"CSGO_Collectible_Pin_Italy_Desc" "This is a Series 1 collectible pin. It can be displayed on your profile."
"CSGO_Collectible_Pin_Victory" "Victory Pin"
"CSGO_Collectible_Pin_Victory_Desc" "This is a Series 1 collectible pin. It can be displayed on your profile."
"CSGO_Collectible_Pin_Militia" "Militia Pin"
"CSGO_Collectible_Pin_Militia_Desc" "This is a Series 1 collectible pin. It can be displayed on your profile."
"CSGO_Collectible_Pin_Nuke" "Nuke Pin"
"CSGO_Collectible_Pin_Nuke_Desc" "This is a Series 1 collectible pin. It can be displayed on your profile."
"CSGO_Collectible_Pin_Train" "Train Pin"
"CSGO_Collectible_Pin_Train_Desc" "This is a Series 1 collectible pin. It can be displayed on your profile."
"CSGO_Collectible_Pin_Guardian" "Guardian Pin"
"CSGO_Collectible_Pin_Guardian_Desc" "This is a Series 1 collectible pin. It can be displayed on your profile."
"CSGO_Collectible_Pin_Tactics" "Tactics Pin"
"CSGO_Collectible_Pin_Tactics_Desc" "This is a Series 1 collectible pin. It can be displayed on your profile."
"CSGO_Collectible_Pin_guardian_2" "Guardian 2 Pin"
"CSGO_Collectible_Pin_guardian_2_desc" "This is a Series 2 collectible pin. It can be displayed on your profile."
"CSGO_Collectible_Pin_bravo" "Bravo Pin"
"CSGO_Collectible_Pin_bravo_desc" "This is a Series 2 collectible pin. It can be displayed on your profile."
"CSGO_Collectible_Pin_baggage" "Baggage Pin"
"CSGO_Collectible_Pin_baggage_desc" "This is a Series 2 collectible pin. It can be displayed on your profile."
"CSGO_Collectible_Pin_phoenix" "Phoenix Pin"
"CSGO_Collectible_Pin_phoenix_desc" "This is a Series 2 collectible pin. It can be displayed on your profile."
"CSGO_Collectible_Pin_office" "Office Pin"
"CSGO_Collectible_Pin_office_desc" "This is a Series 2 collectible pin. It can be displayed on your profile."
"CSGO_Collectible_Pin_cobblestone" "Cobblestone Pin"
"CSGO_Collectible_Pin_cobblestone_desc" "This is a Series 2 collectible pin. It can be displayed on your profile."
"CSGO_Collectible_Pin_overpass" "Overpass Pin"
"CSGO_Collectible_Pin_overpass_desc" "This is a Series 2 collectible pin. It can be displayed on your profile."
"CSGO_Collectible_Pin_bloodhound" "Bloodhound Pin"
"CSGO_Collectible_Pin_bloodhound_desc" "This is a Series 2 collectible pin. It can be displayed on your profile."
"CSGO_Collectible_Pin_cache" "Cache Pin"
"CSGO_Collectible_Pin_cache_desc" "This is a Series 2 collectible pin. It can be displayed on your profile."
"CSGO_Collectible_Pin_valeria" "Valeria Phoenix Pin"
"CSGO_Collectible_Pin_valeria_desc" "This is a Series 2 collectible pin. It can be displayed on your profile."
"CSGO_Collectible_Pin_chroma" "Chroma Pin"
"CSGO_Collectible_Pin_chroma_desc" "This is a Series 2 collectible pin. It can be displayed on your profile."
"CSGO_Collectible_Pin_guardian_3" "Guardian 3 Pin"
"CSGO_Collectible_Pin_guardian_3_desc" "This is a Series 3 collectible pin. It can be displayed on your profile."
"CSGO_Collectible_Pin_canals" "Canals Pin"
"CSGO_Collectible_Pin_canals_desc" "This is a Series 3 collectible pin. It can be displayed on your profile."
"CSGO_Collectible_Pin_welcome_to_the_clutch" "Welcome to the Clutch Pin"
"CSGO_Collectible_Pin_welcome_to_the_clutch_desc" "This is a Series 3 collectible pin. It can be displayed on your profile."
"CSGO_Collectible_Pin_death_sentence" "Death Sentence Pin"
"CSGO_Collectible_Pin_death_sentence_desc" "This is a Series 3 collectible pin. It can be displayed on your profile."
"CSGO_Collectible_Pin_inferno_2" "Inferno 2 Pin"
"CSGO_Collectible_Pin_inferno_2_desc" "This is a Series 3 collectible pin. It can be displayed on your profile."
"CSGO_Collectible_Pin_wildfire" "Wildfire Pin"
"CSGO_Collectible_Pin_wildfire_desc" "This is a Series 3 collectible pin. It can be displayed on your profile."
"CSGO_Collectible_Pin_easy_peasy" "Easy Peasy Pin"
"CSGO_Collectible_Pin_easy_peasy_desc" "This is a Series 3 collectible pin. It can be displayed on your profile."
"CSGO_Collectible_Pin_aces_high" "Aces High Pin"
"CSGO_Collectible_Pin_aces_high_desc" "This is a Series 3 collectible pin. It can be displayed on your profile."
"CSGO_Collectible_Pin_hydra" "Hydra Pin"
"CSGO_Collectible_Pin_hydra_desc" "This is a Series 3 collectible pin. It can be displayed on your profile."
"CSGO_Collectible_Pin_howl" "Howl Pin"
"CSGO_Collectible_Pin_howl_desc" "This is a Series 3 collectible pin. It can be displayed on your profile."
"CSGO_Collectible_Pin_brigadier_general" "Brigadier General Pin"
"CSGO_Collectible_Pin_brigadier_general_desc" "This is a Series 3 collectible pin. It can be displayed on your profile."
// Half-Life: Alyx Collectible pins
"CSGO_Collectible_Pin_alyx_01" "Lambda Pin"
"CSGO_Collectible_Pin_alyx_01_desc" "This is a collectible pin commemorating Half-Life: Alyx, Valve's VR return to the Half-Life series. It can be displayed on your profile."
"CSGO_Collectible_Pin_alyx_02" "Copper Lambda Pin"
"CSGO_Collectible_Pin_alyx_02_desc" "This is a collectible pin commemorating Half-Life: Alyx, Valve's VR return to the Half-Life series. It can be displayed on your profile."
"CSGO_Collectible_Pin_alyx_03" "CMB Pin"
"CSGO_Collectible_Pin_alyx_03_desc" "This is a collectible pin commemorating Half-Life: Alyx, Valve's VR return to the Half-Life series. It can be displayed on your profile."
"CSGO_Collectible_Pin_alyx_04" "Civil Protection Pin"
"CSGO_Collectible_Pin_alyx_04_desc" "This is a collectible pin commemorating Half-Life: Alyx, Valve's VR return to the Half-Life series. It can be displayed on your profile."
"CSGO_Collectible_Pin_alyx_05" "Headcrab Glyph Pin"
"CSGO_Collectible_Pin_alyx_05_desc" "This is a collectible pin commemorating Half-Life: Alyx, Valve's VR return to the Half-Life series. It can be displayed on your profile."
"CSGO_Collectible_Pin_alyx_06" "Black Mesa Pin"
"CSGO_Collectible_Pin_alyx_06_desc" "This is a collectible pin commemorating Half-Life: Alyx, Valve's VR return to the Half-Life series. It can be displayed on your profile."
"CSGO_Collectible_Pin_alyx_07" "Sustenance! Pin"
"CSGO_Collectible_Pin_alyx_07_desc" "This is a collectible pin commemorating Half-Life: Alyx, Valve's VR return to the Half-Life series. It can be displayed on your profile."
"CSGO_Collectible_Pin_alyx_08" "Combine Helmet Pin"
"CSGO_Collectible_Pin_alyx_08_desc" "This is a collectible pin commemorating Half-Life: Alyx, Valve's VR return to the Half-Life series. It can be displayed on your profile."
"CSGO_Collectible_Pin_alyx_09" "Vortigaunt Pin"
"CSGO_Collectible_Pin_alyx_09_desc" "This is a collectible pin commemorating Half-Life: Alyx, Valve's VR return to the Half-Life series. It can be displayed on your profile."
"CSGO_Collectible_Pin_alyx_10" "Alyx Pin"
"CSGO_Collectible_Pin_alyx_10_desc" "This is a collectible pin commemorating Half-Life: Alyx, Valve's VR return to the Half-Life series. It can be displayed on your profile."
"CSGO_Collectible_Pin_alyx_11" "City 17 Pin"
"CSGO_Collectible_Pin_alyx_11_desc" "This is a collectible pin commemorating Half-Life: Alyx, Valve's VR return to the Half-Life series. It can be displayed on your profile."
"CSGO_Collectible_Pin_alyx_12" "Health Pin"
"CSGO_Collectible_Pin_alyx_12_desc" "This is a collectible pin commemorating Half-Life: Alyx, Valve's VR return to the Half-Life series. It can be displayed on your profile."
"coupon_pins_hlalyx" "Half-Life: Alyx Collectible Pins Capsule"
"CSGO_crate_pins_hlalyx" "Half-Life: Alyx Collectible Pins Capsule"
"CSGO_crate_pins_hlalyx_desc" "This capsule contains a single collectible pin commemorating Half-Life: Alyx, Valve's VR return to the Half-Life series. Collectible pins can be displayed on your profile."
// Half-Life: Alyx Collectible Stickers
"StickerKit_last_vance" "Last Vance"
"StickerKit_desc_last_vance" "Half-Life: Alyx Commemorative Sticker"
"StickerKit_art_vort" "Vortigaunt the Painter"
"StickerKit_desc_art_vort" "Half-Life: Alyx Commemorative Sticker"
"StickerKit_big_hugs" "Big Hugs"
"StickerKit_desc_big_hugs" "Half-Life: Alyx Commemorative Sticker"
"StickerKit_combine_mask_broken" "Combine Helmet"
"StickerKit_desc_combine_mask_broken" "Half-Life: Alyx Commemorative Sticker"
"StickerKit_gnome_mercy" "Gnome Mercy"
"StickerKit_desc_gnome_mercy" "Half-Life: Alyx Commemorative Sticker"
"StickerKit_greetings" "Greetings"
"StickerKit_desc_greetings" "Half-Life: Alyx Commemorative Sticker"
"StickerKit_lambda" "Lambda"
"StickerKit_desc_lambda" "Half-Life: Alyx Commemorative Sticker"
"StickerKit_vortigaunt_holo" "Vortigaunt (Holo)"
"StickerKit_desc_vortigaunt_holo" "Half-Life: Alyx Commemorative Sticker"
"StickerKit_big_hugs_holo" "Big Hugs (Holo)"
"StickerKit_desc_big_hugs_holo" "Half-Life: Alyx Commemorative Sticker"
"StickerKit_combine_mask_broken_holo" "Combine Helmet (Holo)"
"StickerKit_desc_combine_mask_broken_holo" "Half-Life: Alyx Commemorative Sticker"
"StickerKit_lambda_holo" "Lambda (Holo)"
"StickerKit_desc_lambda_holo" "Half-Life: Alyx Commemorative Sticker"
"StickerKit_last_vance_gold" "Last Vance (Gold)"
"StickerKit_desc_last_vance_gold" "Half-Life: Alyx Commemorative Sticker"
"StickerKit_health_foil" "Health (Gold)"
"StickerKit_desc_health_foil" "Half-Life: Alyx Commemorative Sticker"
"coupon_hlalyx_sticker_capsule" "Half-Life: Alyx Sticker Capsule"
"CSGO_crate_sticker_pack_hlalyx_capsule" "Half-Life: Alyx Sticker Capsule"
"CSGO_crate_sticker_pack_hlalyx_capsule_desc" "This capsule contains a variety of stickers commemorating Half-Life: Alyx, Valve's VR return to the Half-Life series."
"CSGO_LoadingScreen_Overwatch" "Overwatch Mission\n\nAt the end of the replay you will be\nasked to decide whether the suspect\ncheated or griefed in any way.\n\nYour Overwatch score is determined\nby how accurate your verdict is\ncompared to other investigators.\n\nThank you for your service as an\nOverwatch investigator."
"CSGO_LoadingScreen_CommunityMapCredits" "A community map created by:"
"CSGO_MessageBox_CommunitySeasonTwoAutumn2013_Desc" "8 top-rated community maps playable in three Official Matchmaking modes\n StatTrak Coin that records your Official Competitive Match stats\n Exclusive access to 15 new weapon finishes\n Accelerated Item drop rate"
"CSGO_MessageBox_CommunitySeasonThreeSpring2014_Desc" "8 top-voted community maps playable in three Official Matchmaking modes\n StatTrak™ Coin that records your Official Competitive Match stats\n Exclusive Operation Phoenix Case drops"
"CSGO_MessageBox_CommunitySeasonFourSummer2014_Desc" "- The Operation Breakout coin, upgradeable through mission completion\n- Mission drops\n- 45 new weapons as potential mission rewards\n- Operation Breakout Case drops\n- Active Duty Scorecard, Operation Breakout Scorecard, and Friends leaderboard"
"CSGO_MessageBox_CommunitySeasonFiveSummer2014_Desc" "- The Operation Vanguard coin, upgradeable through campaign completion\n- Two Operation Campaigns, choose from 44 playable missions\n- Operation Vanguard Case drops\n- Active Duty Scorecard, Operation Vanguard Scorecard, and Friends leaderboard"
"CSGO_MessageBox_CommunitySeasonSix2015_desc" "- The Operation Bloodhound coin, upgradeable through mission completion\n- Two Operation Campaigns, choose from over 60 missions\n- Earn additional XP by completing missions\n- Operation Bloodhound Case and weapon drops\n- Active Duty Scorecard, Operation Bloodhound Scorecard, and Friends leaderboard"
"CSGO_MessageBox_More_Info_Button" "More Info"
"csgo_item_usage_desc_glock" "• Deadly up close, just a nuisance at range<br>• Consider in the first round of the half<br><i>• Difficulty: <font color=\"#BFBF40\">★★</font></i>"
"csgo_item_usage_desc_hkp2000" "• Accurate at range, spammable up close<br>• Consider in the first round of the half<br><i>• Difficulty: <font color=\"#BFBF40\">★★</font></i>"
"csgo_item_usage_desc_usp_silencer" "• Precise, silent, and (somewhat) deadly<br>• Consider in the first round of the half<br><i>• Difficulty: <font color=\"#BFBF40\">★★</font></i>"
"csgo_item_usage_desc_elite" "• Two rapid-fire pistols for the price of one<br>• Consider in the first round of the half<br><i>• Difficulty: <font color=\"#BFBF40\">★★</font></i>"
"csgo_item_usage_desc_p250" "• A popular, if modest, damage upgrade<br>• Consider in eco rounds<br><i>• Difficulty: <font color=\"#40BF40\"`>★</font></i>"
"csgo_item_usage_desc_fiveseven" "• Power, speed, and precision for a price<br>• Consider in eco rounds<br><i>• Difficulty: <font color=\"#BFBF40\">★★</font></i>"
"csgo_item_usage_desc_cz75a" "• A burst of firepower to steal enemy weapons<br>• Consider in eco rounds<br><i>• Difficulty: <font color=\"#BF4040\">★★★★</font></i>"
"csgo_item_usage_desc_tec9" "• Highly mobile, effective at range and up close<br>• Consider in eco rounds<br><i>• Difficulty: <font color=\"#BF9240\">★★★</font></i>"
"csgo_item_usage_desc_revolver" "• Deals massive damage after a short delay<br>• Consider in eco rounds<br><i>• Difficulty: <font color=\"#BF4040\">★★★★</font></i>"
"csgo_item_usage_desc_deagle" "• A lethal headshot at any range<br>• Consider in eco rounds<br><i>• Difficulty: <font color=\"#BF4040\">★★★★</font></i>"
"csgo_item_usage_desc_taser" "• A single-use one shot kill at short range<br>• Attempt at your own risk<br><i>• Difficulty: <font color=\"#BF4040\">★★★★</font></i>"
"csgo_item_usage_desc_bizon" "• A hail of bullets to mow down unarmored enemies<br>• Consider in the first three rounds of the half<br><i>• Difficulty: <font color=\"#BFBF40\">★★</font></i>"
"csgo_item_usage_desc_mac10" "• A run and gun tool for breaching bombsites<br>• Consider in the first three rounds of the half<br><i>• Difficulty: <font color=\"#40BF40\">★</font></i>"
"csgo_item_usage_desc_mp9" "• A burst of damage to deny an enemy rush<br>• Consider in the first three rounds of the half<br><i>• Difficulty: <font color=\"#40BF40\">★</font></i>"
"csgo_item_usage_desc_mp7" "• Easy to control for reliable mid-range damage<br>• Consider in force buy rounds<br><i>• Difficulty: <font color=\"#BFBF40\">★★</font></i>"
"csgo_item_usage_desc_mp5sd" "• Nimble and stealthy for mid-range damage<br>• Consider in force buy rounds<br><i>• Difficulty: <font color=\"#BFBF40\">★★</font></i>"
"csgo_item_usage_desc_ump45" "• Good armor penetration for mid-range fights<br>• Consider in force buy rounds<br><i>• Difficulty: <font color=\"#BF9240\">★★★</font></i>"
"csgo_item_usage_desc_p90" "• An endless bullet hose bested only by rifles<br>• Consider in full buy rounds<br><i>• Difficulty: <font color=\"#40BF40\">★</font></i>"
"csgo_item_usage_desc_galilar" "• Cheap but effective against armored enemies<br>• Consider in force buy rounds<br><i>• Difficulty: <font color=\"#BF9240\">★★★</font></i>"
"csgo_item_usage_desc_famas" "• Cheap but effective against armored enemies<br>• Consider in force buy rounds<br><i>• Difficulty: <font color=\"#BF9240\">★★★</font></i>"
"csgo_item_usage_desc_ak47" "• The classic, accurate, and deadly workhorse<br>• Consider in full buy rounds<br><i>• Difficulty: <font color=\"#BF4040\">★★★★</font></i>"
"csgo_item_usage_desc_m4a1" "• Good accuracy, with ammo to spare<br>• Consider in full buy rounds<br><i>• Difficulty: <font color=\"#BF9240\">★★★</font></i>"
"csgo_item_usage_desc_m4a1_silencer" "• Precise, silent, tracer-free<br>• Consider in full buy rounds<br><i>• Difficulty: <font color=\"#BF9240\">★★★</font></i>"
"csgo_item_usage_desc_aug" "• An optional scope for exceptional accuracy<br>• Consider in full buy rounds<br><i>• Difficulty: <font color=\"#BF9240\">★★★</font></i>"
"csgo_item_usage_desc_sg556" "• A lethal weapon made deadlier with a scope<br>• Consider in full buy rounds<br><i>• Difficulty: <font color=\"#BF9240\">★★★</font></i>"
"csgo_item_usage_desc_awp" "• Devastating power for the confident sniper<br>• Consider in full buy rounds<br><i>• Difficulty: <font color=\"#BF9240\">★★★</font></i>"
"csgo_item_usage_desc_g3sg1" "• High risk/reward automatic sniper rifle<br>• Consider only under special circumstances<br><i>• Difficulty: <font color=\"#BF9240\">★★★</font></i>"
"csgo_item_usage_desc_scar20" "• A potent (if risky) tool to hold a position<br>• Consider only under special circumstances<br><i>• Difficulty: <font color=\"#BF9240\">★★★</font></i>"
"csgo_item_usage_desc_ssg08" "• Light and powerful long-distance damage dealer<br>• Consider in force buy rounds<br><i>• Difficulty: <font color=\"#BF4040\">★★★★</font></i>"
"csgo_item_usage_desc_mag7" "• Take the enemy by surprise, reload, repeat!<br>• Consider in force buy rounds<br><i>• Difficulty: <font color=\"#BFBF40\">★★</font></i>"
"csgo_item_usage_desc_nova" "• Versatile shotgun for close quarter combat<br>• Consider in force buy rounds<br><i>• Difficulty: <font color=\"#BFBF40\">★★</font></i>"
"csgo_item_usage_desc_sawedoff" "• High powered shotgun for close engagements<br>• Consider in force buy rounds<br><i>• Difficulty: <font color=\"#BFBF40\">★★</font></i>"
"csgo_item_usage_desc_xm1014" "• A full-auto rapid-fire monster<br>• Consider in force buy rounds<br><i>• Difficulty: <font color=\"#40BF40\">★</font></i>"
"csgo_item_usage_desc_m249" "• At least you won't have to reload...<br>• Consider only under special circumstances<br><i>• Difficulty: <font color=\"#BF9240\">★★★</font></i>"
"csgo_item_usage_desc_negev" "• Pin-point suppressive fire to buy some time<br>• Consider in force buy rounds<br><i>• Difficulty: <font color=\"#BF4040\">★★★★</font></i>"
"csgo_item_usage_desc_hegrenade" "• Deal damage or clear smoke grenades<br>• Use with discretion<br><i>• Difficulty: <font color=\"#BF9240\">★★★</font></i>"
"csgo_item_usage_desc_flashbang" "• Blinds/deafens nearby players<br>• Throw prior to an attack<br><i>• Difficulty: <font color=\"#BF4040\">★★★★</font></i>"
"csgo_item_usage_desc_smokegrenade" "• Creates a large smoke cloud<br>• Throw to cut off enemy line of sight<br><i>• Difficulty: <font color=\"#BF9240\">★★★</font></i>"
"csgo_item_usage_desc_decoy" "• Mimics a weapon firing sound<br>• Throw early to confuse the enemy<br><i>• Difficulty: <font color=\"#BF9240\">★★★</font></i>"
"csgo_item_usage_desc_molotov" "• Clears out hiding spots with fire<br>• Throw before attacking a bombsite<br><i>• Difficulty: <font color=\"#BF9240\">★★★</font></i>"
"csgo_item_usage_desc_incgrenade" "• Stifles enemy attacks with fire<br>• Throw at the first sign of trouble<br><i>• Difficulty: <font color=\"#BF9240\">★★★</font></i>"
"csgo_item_usage_desc_assaultsuit" "• Survive all but the most lethal bullets<br>• Consider in full buy and force buy rounds<br><i>• Difficulty: <font color=\"#40BF40\">★</font></i>"
"csgo_item_usage_desc_kevlar" "• Protects everything but your head<br>• Consider in the first round of the half<br><i>• Difficulty: <font color=\"#40BF40\">★</font></i>"
"csgo_item_usage_desc_defuser" "• Cut your defusing time in half<br>• Don't be a loser, buy a defuser!<br><i>• Difficulty: <font color=\"#40BF40\">★</font></i>"
"csgo_item_usage_desc_cutters" "• Pick up hostages in a fraction of the time<br>• Consider when you have extra funds<br><i>• Difficulty: <font color=\"#40BF40\">★</font></i>"
"CSGO_Item_Desc_HKP2000" "Accurate and controllable, the German-made P2000 is a serviceable first-round pistol that works best against unarmored opponents."
"CSGO_Item_Desc_AK47" "Powerful and reliable, the AK-47 is one of the most popular assault rifles in the world. It is most deadly in short, controlled bursts of fire."
"CSGO_Item_Desc_Glock18" "The Glock 18 is a serviceable first-round pistol that works best against unarmored opponents and is capable of firing three-round bursts."
"CSGO_Item_Desc_DesertEagle" "As expensive as it is powerful, the Desert Eagle is an iconic pistol that is difficult to master but surprisingly accurate at long range."
"CSGO_Item_Desc_Elites" "Firing two large-mag Berettas at once will lower accuracy and increase load times. On the bright side, you'll get to fire two large-mag Berettas at once."
"CSGO_Item_Desc_FiveSeven" "Highly accurate and armor-piercing, the pricy Five-Seven is a slow-loader that compensates with a generous 20-round magazine and forgiving recoil."
"CSGO_Item_Desc_P250" "A low-recoil firearm with a high rate of fire, the P250 is a relatively inexpensive choice against armored opponents."
"CSGO_Item_Desc_CZ75a" "A fully automatic variant of the CZ75, the CZ75-Auto is the ideal short-term choice for turning the tables and gaining your opponents weapon. But with very little ammo in the magazine, strong trigger discipline is required."
"CSGO_Item_Desc_Tec9" "An ideal pistol for the Terrorist on the move, the Tec-9 is lethal in close quarters and features a high magazine capacity."
"CSGO_Item_Desc_Taser" "Perfect for close-range ambushes and enclosed area encounters, the single-shot x27 Zeus is capable of incapacitating an enemy in a single hit."
"CSGO_Item_Desc_Bizon" "The Bizon SMG is low-damage, but offers a uniquely designed high-capacity drum magazine that reloads quickly."
"CSGO_Item_Desc_Mac10" "Essentially a box that bullets come out of, the MAC-10 SMG boasts a high rate of fire, with poor spread accuracy and high recoil as trade-offs."
"CSGO_Item_Desc_MP7" "Versatile but expensive, the German-made MP7 SMG is the perfect choice for high-impact close-range combat."
"CSGO_Item_Desc_MP5SD" "Often imitated but never equaled, the iconic MP5 is perhaps the most versatile and popular SMG in the world. This SD variant features an integrated silencer, making an already formidable weapon whisper-quiet."
"CSGO_Item_Desc_MP9" "Manufactured in Switzerland, the cutting-edge MP9 SMG is an ergonomic polymer weapon favored by private security firms."
"CSGO_Item_Desc_P90" "Easily recognizable for its unique bullpup design, the P90 is a great weapon to shoot on the move due to its high-capacity magazine and low recoil."
"CSGO_Item_Desc_UMP45" "The misunderstood middle child of the SMG family, the UMP45's small magazine is the only drawback to an otherwise versatile close-quarters automatic."
"CSGO_Item_Desc_Aug" "Powerful and accurate, the AUG scoped assault rifle compensates for its long reload times with low spread and a high rate of fire."
"CSGO_Item_Desc_GalilAR" "A less expensive option among the terrorist-exclusive assault rifles, the Galil AR is a serviceable weapon in medium to long-range combat."
"CSGO_Item_Desc_Famas" "A cheap option for cash-strapped players, the FAMAS effectively fills the niche between more expensive rifles and the less-effective SMGs."
"CSGO_Item_Desc_M4A4" "More accurate but less damaging than its AK-47 counterpart, the M4A4 is the full-auto assault rifle of choice for CTs."
"CSGO_Item_Desc_SG553" "The terrorist-exclusive SG553 is a premium scoped alternative to the AK47 for effective long-range engagement."
"CSGO_Item_Desc_AWP" "High risk and high reward, the infamous AWP is recognizable by its signature report and one-shot, one-kill policy."
"CSGO_Item_Desc_G3SG1" "The pricy G3SG1 lowers movement speed considerably but compensates with a higher rate of fire than other sniper rifles."
"CSGO_Item_Desc_SCAR20" "The SCAR-20 is a semi-automatic sniper rifle that trades a high rate of fire and powerful long-distance damage for sluggish movement speed and big price tag."
"CSGO_Item_Desc_SSG08" "The SSG08 bolt-action is a low-damage but very cost-effective sniper rifle, making it a smart choice for early-round long-range marksmanship."
"CSGO_Item_Desc_Mag7" "The CT-exclusive Mag-7 delivers a devastating amount of damage at close range. Its rapid magazine-style reloads make it a great tactical choice."
"CSGO_Item_Desc_Nova" "The Nova's rock-bottom price tag makes it a great ambush weapon for a cash-strapped team."
"CSGO_Item_Desc_SawedOff" "The classic Sawed-Off deals very heavy close-range damage, but with its low accuracy, high spread and slow rate of fire, you'd better kill what you hit."
"CSGO_Item_Desc_XM1014" "The XM1014 is a powerful fully automatic shotgun that justifies its heftier price tag with the ability to paint a room with lead fast."
"CSGO_Item_Desc_M249" "A strong open-area LMG, the M249 is the perfect choice for players willing to trade a slow fire rate for increased accuracy and a high ammo capacity."
"CSGO_Item_Desc_Negev" "The Negev is a beast that can keep the enemy at bay with its pin-point supressive fire, provided you have the luxury of time to gain control over it."
"CSGO_Item_Desc_C4" "Stable and resistant to most physical shocks, this improvised plastic explosive has a detonation velocity of over 8,000 meters per second when ignited."
"CSGO_Item_Desc_HE_Grenade" "The high explosive fragmentation grenade administers high damage through a wide area, making it ideal for clearing out hostile rooms."
"CSGO_Item_Desc_Flashbang" "The non-lethal flashbang grenade temporarily blinds anybody within its concussive blast, making it perfect for flushing out closed-in areas. Its loud explosion also temporarily masks the sound of footsteps."
"CSGO_Item_Desc_Smoke_Grenade" "The smoke grenade creates a medium-area smoke screen. It can effectively hide your team from snipers, or even just create a useful distraction."
"CSGO_Item_Desc_Decoy_Grenade" "When thrown, the decoy grenade emulates the sound of the most powerful weapon you are carrying, creating the illusion of additional supporting forces."
"CSGO_Item_Desc_Diversion" "When thrown, the diversion device will highlight sectors on tablets, creating the illusion of additional enemies."
"CSGO_Item_Desc_Frag_Grenade" "The experimental fragmentation grenade can output extreme amounts of highly explosive damage in a wider area, making it ideal for both attacking and defensive strategies."
"CSGO_Item_Desc_Firebomb" "The Fire Bomb is a powerful experimental weapon that bursts into high-temperature flames when thrown on the ground, chemically burning any player in its wide spread radius."
"CSGO_Item_Desc_Molotov" "The Molotov is a powerful and unpredictable area denial weapon that bursts into flames when thrown on the ground, injuring any player in its radius."
"CSGO_Item_Desc_Incindiary_Grenade" "When thrown, the incendiary grenade releases a high-temperature chemical reaction capable of burning anyone within its wide blast radius."
"CSGO_Item_desc_Knife" "Quiet and always available, the knife has a fast, low-damage primary attack and a slow, high-damage secondary attack. A backstab will earn quiet players an instant kill."
"CSGO_Item_desc_Knife_T" "Quiet and always available, the knife has a fast, low-damage primary attack and a slow, high-damage secondary attack. A backstab will earn quiet players an instant kill."
"CSGO_Item_desc_Knife_Ghost" "Ghosts love ghost knives. When they get their hands on one, look out! They'll try stab you first chance they get. Too bad they are a ghost and ghost knives can't hurt people...."
"CSGO_Item_desc_m4a1_silencer" "With a smaller magazine than its unmuffled counterpart, the silenced M4A1 provides quieter shots with less recoil and better accuracy."
"CSGO_Item_Desc_usp_silencer" "A fan favorite from Counter-Strike Source, the Silenced USP Pistol has a detachable silencer that gives shots less recoil while suppressing attention-getting noise."
"CSGO_Item_Desc_Revolver" "The R8 Revolver delivers a highly accurate and powerful round at the expense of a lengthy trigger-pull. Firing rapidly by fanning the hammer may be the best option when point-blank stopping power is required."
"CSGO_Item_Desc_Knife_Bayonet" "Relatively unchanged in its design since World War II, the bayonet still retains a place in modern military strategy. Bayonet charges have continued to be effective as recently as the second Gulf War and the war in Afghanistan."
"CSGO_Item_Desc_Knife_Flip" "Flip knives sport a Persian-style back-swept blade with an acute point. While the point itself may be fragile, the overall design of the flip knife's design is surprisingly durable."
"CSGO_Item_Desc_Knife_Gut" "The most notable feature of a gut knife is the gut hook on the spine of the blade. Originally popularized as an aid for field dressing game, the gut hook is also effective at cutting through fibrous materials like rope, webbing, or safety belts with ease."
"CSGO_Item_Desc_Knife_CSS" "A classic of the Counter-Strike series, the edge of this knife is press-fit Stellite perfectly held in place due to its precise fit with the titanium on the blade's cheek and spine. The handle is fossilized mastodon ivory held in a carbon fibre pocket."
"CSGO_Item_Desc_KnifeM9" "This is the M-9 bayonet. Originally intended to be mounted on a rifle, it is also well suited to close-quarters combat."
"CSGO_Item_Desc_Knife_Karam" "With its curved blade mimicking a tiger's claw, the karambit was developed as part of the southeast Asian martial discipline of silat. The knife is typically used with a reverse grip, with the finger ring on the index finger."
"CSGO_Item_Desc_KnifeTactical" "A knife designed for modern tactical uses, the blade is well suited for a range of both combat and utilitarian needs. The unique Tanto point allows for maximum penetration through even the toughest of surfaces."
"CSGO_Item_Desc_Knife_Butterfly" "This is a custom-designed balisong, commonly known as a butterfly knife. The defining characteristic of this weapon is the fan-like opening of a freely pivoting blade, allowing rapid deployment or concealment. As a result, butterfly knives are outlawed in many countries."
"CSGO_Item_Desc_Knife_Falchion_Advanced" "A modern homage to a falchion sword, this clip point blade has a curved edge."
"CSGO_Item_Desc_knife_push" "Designed for efficient brutality, using a push dagger is as simple as throwing a punch or two."
"CSGO_Item_Desc_knife_survival_bowie" "This full-tang sawback Bowie knife is designed for heavy use in brutal survival situations."
"CSGO_Item_Desc_knife_cord" "This fixed-blade survival knife is designed to withstand being used as both a weapon and a tool, such as for setting traps, hunting animals or cutting foliage. The handle is wrapped in a length of multi-purpose paracord."
"CSGO_Item_Desc_knife_canis" "This multi-purpose tactical knife features a serrated edge for ripping through coarse material like bone or fiber, plus a sharp gutting hook. The composite material handle is bolted to the blade with hex nuts."
"CSGO_Item_Desc_knife_ursus" "This tanto-style survival knife features a faceted blade and full tang, complete with impact pommel. No fuss, no moving parts - just a reliable blade that's ready to work."
"CSGO_Item_Desc_knife_outdoor" "This ergonomic tactical hunting lock-blade knife features composite handle inserts and a broad, sturdy blade, useful for cutting and prying apart material."
"CSGO_Item_Desc_knife_widowmaker" "This ivory-handled karambit features brass rivets and saw-tooth ridges, so it cuts on the way in, and tears on the way out."
"CSGO_Item_Desc_knife_gypsy_jackknife" "This marble-enamel-handled flip knife conceals a small but viciously tapered blade."
"CSGO_Item_Desc_knife_stiletto" "Historically a focal point of contention and even regulation, this Italian-style stiletto switchblade knife features a spring-loaded blade that can be deployed almost instantly with the push of a release catch."
"CSGO_Item_Desc_knife_skeleton" "This skeletonized-tang knife has been taped at the handle for improved grip. The hole allows a finger to be threaded through for stability and safety."
"CSGO_Item_desc_Axe" "Heavy and always available, the axe has a sharp side and a dull side. Swing it for low-damage primary attack or throw it for a high-damage secondary attack. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck?"
"CSGO_Item_desc_Hammer" "The hammer is available for fixing things and breaking things. Swing it for low-damage primary attack or throw it for a high-damage secondary attack. If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail."
"CSGO_Item_desc_Spanner" "A wrench is typically used to apply torque when turning objects, but you can hit anything with it for low-damage primary attack or throw it for a high-damage secondary attack. Bringing a wrench to a firefight is a recipe for screwing up."
"CSGO_Item_Desc_Survival_Taser" "Extremely short range weapon capable of killing in one shot. Can also be used to open weapon crates."
"CSGO_Item_Desc_Survival_Healthshot" "Restores a portion of your health and provides a brief speed boost."
"CSGO_Item_Desc_Survival_VestHelm" "Provides resistance to damage."
"CSGO_Item_Desc_Survival_Shield" "A ballistic riot shield which can block a large amount of damage before being destroyed."
"CSGO_Item_Desc_Survival_Parachute" "Can be deployed when falling to prevent fall damage."
"CSGO_Item_Desc_Survival_Exojump" "Significantly increases jump height."
"CSGO_Item_Desc_Survival_C4" "Plant anywhere in the map to cause a large explosion. Can be used to open safes."
"CSGO_Item_Desc_Survival_DronePilot" "Grants the ability to take control of drones. Use the tablet to select a drone to take over."
"CSGO_Item_Desc_Survival_Exploremoney" "Grants extra money for each hex explored."
"CSGO_Item_Desc_Survival_Wavemoney" "Grants extra money for each danger zone expansion wave survived."
"CSGO_SrvlSpawnEquipAlert_spawn_equip_taser" "You are equipped with a Taser."
"CSGO_SrvlSpawnEquipAlert_spawn_equip_healthshot" "You are carrying an extra Healthshot."
"CSGO_SrvlSpawnEquipAlert_spawn_equip_armorhelmet" "You have equipped armor and a helmet."
"CSGO_SrvlSpawnEquipAlert_spawn_equip_shield" "You are carrying a riot shield."
"CSGO_SrvlSpawnEquipAlert_spawn_equip_parachute" "You have deployed with a parachute."
"CSGO_SrvlSpawnEquipAlert_spawn_equip_exojump" "You have been equipped with an ExoJump."
"CSGO_SrvlSpawnEquipAlert_spawn_equip_c4" "You are carrying C4 explosives."
"CSGO_SrvlSpawnEquipAlert_spawn_equip_dronepilot" "Your tablet is upgraded with Drone Pilot capability."
"CSGO_SrvlSpawnEquipAlert_spawn_equip_firebomb" "You are carrying extra Firebombs."
"CSGO_SrvlSpawnEquipAlert_spawn_equip_exploremoney" "You earn bonus money for exploring hexes."
"CSGO_SrvlSpawnEquipAlert_spawn_equip_wavemoney" "You earn bonus money for surviving each Zone wave."
"CSGO_crate_valve_1" "CS:GO Weapon Case"
"CSGO_base_crate_key" "CS:GO Case Key"
"CSGO_base_crate_key_desc" "This key will open any Valve Series Weapon Case. Non-Valve Series cases (e.g. The eSports Weapon Case) require their own key to open."
"CSGO_crate_esports_2013" "eSports 2013 Case"
"CSGO_crate_esports_2013_desc" "A portion of the proceeds from the key used to unlock this will help support CS:GO professional tournament prize pools."
"CSGO_esports_crate_key_1" "eSports Key"
"CSGO_esports_crate_key_1_desc" "This key opens any eSports Case.\n\nA portion of the proceeds from the sale of this key will go towards one of the established community-run CS:GO tournaments. Stay tuned for further announcements."
"CSGO_crate_operation_ii" "Operation Bravo Case"
"CSGO_crate_valve_2" "CS:GO Weapon Case 2"
"CSGO_crate_esports_2013_winter" "eSports 2013 Winter Case"
"CSGO_crate_esports_2013_winter_desc" "A portion of the proceeds from the key used to unlock this will help support CS:GO professional tournament prize pools."
"CSGO_crate_esports_2014_summer" "eSports 2014 Summer Case"
"CSGO_crate_esports_2014_summer_desc" "A portion of the proceeds from the key used to unlock this will help support CS:GO professional tournament prize pools."
"CSGO_crate_dhw13_promo" "DreamHack 2013 Souvenir Package"
"CSGO_crate_valve_3" "CS:GO Weapon Case 3"
"CSGO_crate_ems14_promo" "EMS One 2014 Souvenir Package"
"CSGO_crate_esl14_promo_de_dust2" "ESL One Cologne 2014 Dust II Souvenir Package"
"CSGO_crate_esl14_promo_de_inferno" "ESL One Cologne 2014 Inferno Souvenir Package"
"CSGO_crate_esl14_promo_de_mirage" "ESL One Cologne 2014 Mirage Souvenir Package"
"CSGO_crate_esl14_promo_de_nuke" "ESL One Cologne 2014 Nuke Souvenir Package"
"CSGO_crate_esl14_promo_de_cache" "ESL One Cologne 2014 Cache Souvenir Package"
"CSGO_crate_esl14_promo_de_cbble" "ESL One Cologne 2014 Cobblestone Souvenir Package"
"CSGO_crate_esl14_promo_de_overpass" "ESL One Cologne 2014 Overpass Souvenir Package"
"CSGO_crate_dhw14_promo_de_dust2" "DreamHack 2014 Dust II Souvenir Package"
"CSGO_crate_dhw14_promo_de_inferno" "DreamHack 2014 Inferno Souvenir Package"
"CSGO_crate_dhw14_promo_de_mirage" "DreamHack 2014 Mirage Souvenir Package"
"CSGO_crate_dhw14_promo_de_nuke" "DreamHack 2014 Nuke Souvenir Package"
"CSGO_crate_dhw14_promo_de_cache" "DreamHack 2014 Cache Souvenir Package"
"CSGO_crate_dhw14_promo_de_cbble" "DreamHack 2014 Cobblestone Souvenir Package"
"CSGO_crate_dhw14_promo_de_overpass" "DreamHack 2014 Overpass Souvenir Package"
"CSGO_crate_eslkatowice2015_promo_de_dust2" "ESL One Katowice 2015 Dust II Souvenir Package"
"CSGO_crate_eslkatowice2015_promo_de_inferno" "ESL One Katowice 2015 Inferno Souvenir Package"
"CSGO_crate_eslkatowice2015_promo_de_mirage" "ESL One Katowice 2015 Mirage Souvenir Package"
"CSGO_crate_eslkatowice2015_promo_de_nuke" "ESL One Katowice 2015 Nuke Souvenir Package"
"CSGO_crate_eslkatowice2015_promo_de_cache" "ESL One Katowice 2015 Cache Souvenir Package"
"CSGO_crate_eslkatowice2015_promo_de_cbble" "ESL One Katowice 2015 Cobblestone Souvenir Package"
"CSGO_crate_eslkatowice2015_promo_de_overpass" "ESL One Katowice 2015 Overpass Souvenir Package"
"CSGO_crate_eslcologne2015_promo_de_dust2" "ESL One Cologne 2015 Dust II Souvenir Package"
"CSGO_crate_eslcologne2015_promo_de_inferno" "ESL One Cologne 2015 Inferno Souvenir Package"
"CSGO_crate_eslcologne2015_promo_de_mirage" "ESL One Cologne 2015 Mirage Souvenir Package"
"CSGO_crate_eslcologne2015_promo_de_train" "ESL One Cologne 2015 Train Souvenir Package"
"CSGO_crate_eslcologne2015_promo_de_cache" "ESL One Cologne 2015 Cache Souvenir Package"
"CSGO_crate_eslcologne2015_promo_de_cbble" "ESL One Cologne 2015 Cobblestone Souvenir Package"
"CSGO_crate_eslcologne2015_promo_de_overpass" "ESL One Cologne 2015 Overpass Souvenir Package"
"CSGO_community_crate_key_1" "Winter Offensive Case Key"
"CSGO_community_crate_key_1_desc" "This key only opens Winter Offensive Cases"
"CSGO_crate_community_1" "Winter Offensive Weapon Case"
"CSGO_community_crate_key_2" "Operation Phoenix Case Key"
"CSGO_community_crate_key_2_desc" "This key only opens Operation Phoenix Cases"
"CSGO_crate_community_2" "Operation Phoenix Weapon Case"
"CSGO_community_crate_key_3" "Huntsman Case Key"
"CSGO_community_crate_key_3_desc" "This key only opens Huntsman Cases"
"CSGO_crate_community_3" "Huntsman Weapon Case"
"CSGO_community_crate_key_4" "Operation Breakout Case Key"
"CSGO_community_crate_key_4_desc" "This key only opens Operation Breakout Cases"
"CSGO_crate_community_4" "Operation Breakout Weapon Case"
"CSGO_community_crate_key_5" "Operation Vanguard Case Key"
"CSGO_community_crate_key_5_desc" "This key only opens Operation Vanguard Cases"
"CSGO_crate_community_5" "Operation Vanguard Weapon Case"
"CSGO_community_crate_key_6" "Chroma Case Key"
"CSGO_community_crate_key_6_desc" "This key only opens Chroma Cases"
"CSGO_crate_community_6" "Chroma Case"
"CSGO_crate_community_6_desc" ""
"CSGO_community_crate_key_7" "Chroma 2 Case Key"
"CSGO_community_crate_key_7_desc" "This key only opens Chroma 2 Cases"
"CSGO_crate_community_7" "Chroma 2 Case"
"CSGO_crate_community_7_desc" ""
"CSGO_community_crate_key_8" "Falchion Case Key"
"CSGO_community_crate_key_8_desc" "This key only opens Falchion Cases"
"CSGO_crate_community_8" "Falchion Case"
"CSGO_crate_community_8_desc" ""
"CSGO_community_crate_key_9" "Shadow Case Key"
"CSGO_community_crate_key_9_desc" "This key only opens Shadow Cases"
"CSGO_crate_community_9" "Shadow Case"
"CSGO_crate_community_9_desc" ""
"CSGO_crate_sticker_pack01" "Sticker Capsule"
"CSGO_crate_sticker_pack02" "Sticker Capsule 2"
"CSGO_crate_sticker_pack_enfu_capsule" "Enfu Sticker Capsule"
"CSGO_crate_sticker_pack_enfu_capsule_desc" "This capsule contains a variety of stickers from the community artist ENFU."
"coupon_enfu_sticker_capsule" "Enfu Sticker Capsule"
"CSGO_crate_sticker_pack_team_roles_capsule" "Team Roles Capsule"
"CSGO_crate_sticker_pack_team_roles_capsule_desc" "This capsule contains a variety of stickers from the community artist ThePolymath."
"coupon_team_roles_sticker_capsule" "Team Roles Sticker Capsule"
"CSGO_crate_sticker_pack_slid3_capsule" "Slid3 Capsule"
"CSGO_crate_sticker_pack_slid3_capsule_desc" "This capsule contains a variety of stickers from the community artist Slid3."
"coupon_slid3_sticker_capsule" "Slid3 Sticker Capsule"
"CSGO_crate_sticker_pack_pinups_capsule" "Pinups Capsule"
"CSGO_crate_sticker_pack_pinups_capsule_desc" "This capsule contains a variety of stickers from the community artist ninjasia."
"coupon_pinups_sticker_capsule" "Pinups Sticker Capsule"
"CSGO_crate_sticker_pack_sugarface_capsule" "Sugarface Capsule"
"CSGO_crate_sticker_pack_sugarface_capsule_desc" "This capsule contains a variety of stickers from the community artist Guardian Gear."
"coupon_sugarface_sticker_capsule" "Sugarface Sticker Capsule"
"CSGO_crate_sticker_pack_comm2018_01_capsule" "Community Capsule 2018"
"CSGO_crate_sticker_pack_comm2018_01_capsule_desc" "This capsule contains a variety of stickers from the community Workshop."
"coupon_comm2018_01_sticker_capsule" "Community Capsule 2018"
"CSGO_crate_sticker_pack_skillgroup_capsule" "Skill Groups Capsule"
"CSGO_crate_sticker_pack_skillgroup_capsule_desc" "This capsule contains a variety of stickers from the community artist daniDem."
"coupon_skillgroup_sticker_capsule" "Skill Groups Capsule"
"CSGO_crate_sticker_pack_warhammer" "Warhammer 40,000 Sticker Capsule"
"CSGO_crate_sticker_pack_warhammer_desc" "This capsule contains a variety of stickers from the Warhammer 40,000 series."
"coupon_warhammer_sticker_capsule" "Warhammer 40,000 Sticker Capsule"
"CSGO_crate_sticker_pack_poorly_drawn_capsule" "Poorly Drawn Capsule"
"CSGO_crate_sticker_pack_poorly_drawn_capsule_desc" "This capsule contains a variety of poorly drawn stickers from community artists HH110011HH and Hoxton."
"coupon_poorly_drawn_sticker_capsule" "Poorly Drawn Sticker Capsule"
"CSGO_crate_sticker_pack_chicken_capsule" "Chicken Capsule"
"CSGO_crate_sticker_pack_chicken_capsule_desc" "This capsule contains a variety of stickers from the community artist Slid3."
"coupon_chicken_sticker_capsule" "Chicken Capsule"
"CSGO_crate_sticker_pack_bestiary_capsule" "Bestiary Capsule"
"CSGO_crate_sticker_pack_bestiary_capsule_desc" "This capsule contains a variety of stickers from the community artist apёl7."
"coupon_bestiary_sticker_capsule" "Bestiary Sticker Capsule"
"CSGO_crate_sticker_pack_kat2014_01" "EMS Katowice 2014 Challengers"
"CSGO_crate_sticker_pack_kat2014_02" "EMS Katowice 2014 Legends"
"CSGO_crate_sticker_pack_kat2014_desc" "This capsule contains a single EMS One Katowice 2014 participant sticker. A portion of the proceeds is shared equally among the included organizations."
"CSGO_crate_sticker_pack_cologne2014_01" "ESL One Cologne 2014 Legends"
"CSGO_crate_sticker_pack_cologne2014_02" "ESL One Cologne 2014 Challengers"
"CSGO_crate_sticker_pack_cologne2014_desc" "This capsule contains a single ESL Cologne 2014 participant sticker. A portion of the proceeds is shared equally among the included organizations."
"CSGO_sticker_crate_key_community01" "Community Sticker Capsule 1 Key"
"CSGO_sticker_crate_key_community01_desc" "This key opens the Community Sticker Capsule 1.\n\nA portion of the proceeds from the sale of this key will go to the sticker creators."
"CSGO_crate_sticker_pack_community01" "Community Sticker Capsule 1"
"CSGO_crate_sticker_pack_community01_desc" "This capsule contains a single community-designed sticker. A portion of the proceeds is shared equally among the included creators."
"CSGO_sticker_crate_key_1" "CS:GO Capsule Key"
"CSGO_sticker_crate_key_1_desc" "This key will open any Valve Series Capsule."
"CSGO_crate_sticker_pack_cologne2014_desc01" "This capsule contains a single ESL One Cologne 2014 participant sticker. A portion of the proceeds is shared equally among the included organizations."
"CSGO_crate_sticker_pack_cologne2014_desc02" "This capsule contains a single ESL One Cologne 2014 participant sticker. A portion of the proceeds is shared equally among the included organizations."
"CSGO_crate_sticker_pack_dhw2014_01_tag" "DreamHack 2014 Legends"
"CSGO_crate_sticker_pack_dhw2014_01" "DreamHack 2014 Legends (Holo/Foil)"
"CSGO_crate_sticker_pack_dhw2014_desc" "This capsule contains a single DreamHack 2014 participant Holo or Foil sticker. A portion of the proceeds is shared equally among the included organizations."
"CSGO_crate_sticker_pack_dhw2014_02_tag" "DreamHack 2014 Challengers"
"CSGO_crate_sticker_pack_eslkatowice2015_01_tag" "ESL One Katowice 2015 Legends"
"CSGO_crate_sticker_pack_eslkatowice2015_01" "ESL One Katowice 2015 Legends (Holo/Foil)"
"CSGO_crate_sticker_pack_eslkatowice2015_desc01" "This capsule contains a single ESL One Katowice 2015 participant Holo or Foil sticker. A portion of the proceeds is shared equally among the included organizations."
"CSGO_crate_sticker_pack_eslkatowice2015_02_tag" "ESL One Katowice 2015 Challengers"
"CSGO_crate_sticker_pack_eslkatowice2015_02" "ESL One Katowice 2015 Challengers (Holo/Foil)"
"CSGO_crate_sticker_pack_eslkatowice2015_desc02" "This capsule contains a single ESL One Katowice 2015 participant Holo or Foil sticker. A portion of the proceeds is shared equally among the included organizations."
"CSGO_crate_operation_vanguard" "Operation Vanguard Weapon Case"
"CSGO_crate_operation_vanguard_desc" ""
"CSGO_crate_community_10" "Revolver Case"
"CSGO_crate_community_10_desc" ""
"CSGO_crate_community_10_key" "Revolver Case Key"
"CSGO_crate_community_10_key_desc" "This key only opens Revolver Cases"
"CSGO_crate_community_11" "Operation Wildfire Case"
"CSGO_crate_community_11_desc" ""
"CSGO_crate_key_community_11" "Operation Wildfire Case Key"
"CSGO_crate_key_community_11_desc" "This key only opens Operation Wildfire Cases"
"CSGO_crate_community_12" "Chroma 3 Case"
"CSGO_crate_community_12_desc" ""
"CSGO_crate_key_community_12" "Chroma 3 Case Key"
"CSGO_crate_key_community_12_desc" "This key only opens Chroma 3 cases"
"coupon_pins_series_1" "Collectible Pins Capsule Series 1"
"CSGO_crate_pins_series_1" "Collectible Pins Capsule Series 1"
"CSGO_crate_pins_series_1_desc" "This capsule contains a single Series 1 collectible pin. Collectible pins can be displayed on your profile."
"coupon_pins_series_2" "Collectible Pins Capsule Series 2"
"CSGO_crate_pins_series_2" "Collectible Pins Capsule Series 2"
"CSGO_crate_pins_series_2_desc" "This capsule contains a single Series 2 collectible pin. Collectible pins can be displayed on your profile."
"coupon_pins_series_3" "Collectible Pins Capsule Series 3"
"CSGO_crate_pins_series_3" "Collectible Pins Capsule Series 3"
"CSGO_crate_pins_series_3_desc" "This capsule contains a single Series 3 collectible pin. Collectible pins can be displayed on your profile."
"coupon_crate_xray_p250" "X-Ray P250 Package"
"CSGO_crate_xray_p250" "X-Ray P250 Package"
"CSGO_crate_xray_p250_desc" "This package contains a single custom painted P250 showing its internals with an X-Ray. P250 is a low-recoil firearm with a high rate of fire, which is a relatively inexpensive choice against armored opponents."
"CSGO_crate_sprays_community_1" "Community Graffiti Box 1"
"CSGO_crate_sprays_community_1_desc" "This box contains a single community-designed graffiti pattern. A portion of the proceeds is shared equally among the included creators."
"CSGO_crate_community_13" "Gamma Case"
"CSGO_crate_community_13_desc" ""
"CSGO_crate_key_community_13" "Gamma Case Key"
"CSGO_crate_key_community_13_desc" "This key only opens Gamma cases"
"CSGO_crate_Gamma_2" "Gamma 2 Case"
"CSGO_crate_Gamma_2_desc" ""
"CSGO_crate_key_Gamma_2" "Gamma 2 Case Key"
"CSGO_crate_key_Gamma_2_desc" "This key only opens Gamma 2 cases"
"coupon_crate_sprays_community_1" "Community Graffiti Box 1"
"CSGO_crate_musickit_radicals_capsule" "Radicals Box"
"CSGO_crate_musickit_radicals_capsule_desc" "This box contains a variety of music kits from \"Radicals\" artists."
"coupon_radicals_musickit_capsule" "Radicals Music Kit Box"
"CSGO_crate_musickit_radicals_stattrak_capsule" "StatTrak™ Radicals Box"
"CSGO_crate_musickit_radicals_stattrak_capsule_desc" "This box contains a variety of StatTrak™ music kits from \"Radicals\" artists."
"coupon_radicals_stattrak_musickit_capsule" "StatTrak™ Radicals Music Kit Box"
"CSGO_crate_musickit_masterminds_capsule" "Masterminds Music Kit Box"
"CSGO_crate_musickit_masterminds_capsule_desc" "This box contains a variety of music kits from various composers."
"coupon_masterminds_musickit_capsule" "Masterminds Music Kit Box"
"CSGO_crate_musickit_masterminds_stattrak_capsule" "StatTrak™ Masterminds Music Kit Box"
"CSGO_crate_musickit_masterminds_stattrak_capsule_desc" "This box contains a variety of StatTrak™ music kits from various composers."
"coupon_masterminds_stattrak_musickit_capsule" "StatTrak™ Masterminds Music Kit Box"
"CSGO_crate_musickit_tacticians_capsule" "Tacticians Music Kit Box"
"CSGO_crate_musickit_tacticians_capsule_desc" "This box contains a variety of music kits from \"Tacticians\" artists."
"coupon_tacticians_musickit_capsule" "Tacticians Music Kit Box"
"CSGO_crate_musickit_tacticians_stattrak_capsule" "StatTrak™ Tacticians Music Kit Box"
"CSGO_crate_musickit_tacticians_stattrak_capsule_desc" "This box contains a variety of StatTrak™ music kits from \"Tacticians\" artists."
"coupon_tacticians_stattrak_musickit_capsule" "StatTrak™ Tacticians Music Kit Box"
"CSGO_crate_musickit_initiators_capsule" "Initiators Music Kit Box"
"CSGO_crate_musickit_initiators_capsule_desc" "This box contains a variety of music kits from \"Initiators\" artists."
"coupon_initiators_musickit_capsule" "Initiators Music Kit Box"
"CSGO_crate_musickit_initiators_stattrak_capsule" "StatTrak™ Initiators Music Kit Box"
"CSGO_crate_musickit_initiators_stattrak_capsule_desc" "This box contains a variety of StatTrak™ music kits from \"Initiators\" artists."
"coupon_initiators_stattrak_musickit_capsule" "StatTrak™ Initiators Music Kit Box"
"CSGO_crate_sticker_pack_illuminate_capsule_01" "Perfect World Sticker Capsule 1"
"CSGO_crate_sticker_pack_illuminate_capsule_01_desc" "This capsule contains a variety of stickers from Perfect World to commemorate the launch of Counter-Strike: Global Offensive in mainland China."
"coupon_illuminate_capsule_01" "Perfect World Sticker Capsule 1"
"CSGO_crate_sticker_pack_illuminate_capsule_02" "Perfect World Sticker Capsule 2"
"CSGO_crate_sticker_pack_illuminate_capsule_02_desc" "This capsule contains a variety of stickers from Perfect World to commemorate the launch of Counter-Strike: Global Offensive in mainland China."
"coupon_illuminate_capsule_02" "Perfect World Sticker Capsule 2"
"CSGO_crate_sprays_illuminate1" "Perfect World Graffiti Box"
"CSGO_crate_sprays_illuminate1_desc" "This capsule contains a variety of graffiti from Perfect World to commemorate the launch of Counter-Strike: Global Offensive in mainland China."
"coupon_illuminate_sprays_capsule_01" "Perfect World Graffiti Box"
// Sprays capsule vcap1
"coupon_crate_sprays_vcap1" "CS:GO Graffiti Box"
"CSGO_crate_sprays_vcap1" "CS:GO Graffiti Box"
"CSGO_crate_sprays_vcap1_desc" ""
"CSGO_crate_community_15" "Glove Case"
"CSGO_crate_community_15_desc" ""
"CSGO_crate_key_community_15" "Glove Case Key"
"CSGO_crate_key_community_15_desc" "This key only opens Glove cases"
"CSGO_crate_community_16" "Spectrum Case"
"CSGO_crate_community_16_desc" ""
"CSGO_crate_key_community_16" "Spectrum Case Key"
"CSGO_crate_key_community_16_desc" "This key only opens Spectrum cases"
"CSGO_crate_community_17" "Operation Hydra Case"
"CSGO_crate_community_17_desc" ""
"CSGO_crate_key_community_17" "Operation Hydra Case Key"
"CSGO_crate_key_community_17_desc" "This key only opens Operation Hydra cases"
"CSGO_crate_community_18" "Spectrum 2 Case"
"CSGO_crate_community_18_desc" ""
"CSGO_crate_key_community_18" "Spectrum 2 Case Key"
"CSGO_crate_key_community_18_desc" "This key only opens Spectrum 2 cases"
"CSGO_crate_community_19" "Clutch Case"
"CSGO_crate_community_19_desc" ""
"CSGO_crate_key_community_19" "Clutch Case Key"
"CSGO_crate_key_community_19_desc" "This key only opens Clutch cases"
"CSGO_crate_community_20" "Horizon Case"
"CSGO_crate_community_20_desc" ""
"CSGO_crate_key_community_20" "Horizon Case Key"
"CSGO_crate_key_community_20_desc" "This key only opens Horizon cases"
"CSGO_crate_community_21" "Danger Zone Case"
"CSGO_crate_community_21_desc" ""
"CSGO_crate_key_community_21" "Danger Zone Case Key"
"CSGO_crate_key_community_21_desc" "This key only opens Danger Zone cases"
"CSGO_crate_community_22" "Prisma Case"
"CSGO_crate_community_22_desc" ""
"CSGO_crate_key_community_22" "Prisma Case Key"
"CSGO_crate_key_community_22_desc" "This key only opens Prisma cases"
"CSGO_crate_sticker_pack_feral_predators_capsule" "Feral Predators Capsule"
"CSGO_crate_sticker_pack_feral_predators_capsule_desc" "This capsule contains a variety of stickers from community artists 2Minds, OniLolz, and Zaphk."
"CSGO_crate_sticker_pack_shattered_web" "Shattered Web Sticker Collection"
"CSGO_crate_sticker_pack_shattered_web_desc" "This collection contains a variety of stickers celebrating Operation Shattered Web."
"CSGO_crate_sticker_pack_broken_fang" "Broken Fang Sticker Collection"
"CSGO_crate_sticker_pack_broken_fang_desc" "This collection contains a variety of stickers celebrating Operation Broken Fang."
"CSGO_crate_community_23" "Shattered Web Case"
"CSGO_crate_community_23_desc" ""
"CSGO_crate_key_community_23" "Shattered Web Case Key"
"CSGO_crate_key_community_23_desc" "This key only opens Shattered Web cases"
"coupon_feral_predators_sticker_capsule" "Feral Predators Sticker Capsule"
"CSGO_crate_spray_std2_1" "CS:GO Graffiti #2 Collection"
"CSGO_crate_spray_std2_1_desc" ""
"CSGO_crate_spray_std2_2" "Trolling Graffiti Collection"
"CSGO_crate_spray_std2_2_desc" ""
"CSGO_crate_community_24" "CS20 Case"
"CSGO_crate_community_24_desc" "Celebrating the 20th Anniversary of Counter-Strike, this weapon case contains a variety of weapon finishes from Steam Community Workshop and features the Classic Knife as the rare special item, a classic of the Counter-Strike series."
"CSGO_crate_key_community_24" "CS20 Case Key"
"CSGO_crate_key_community_24_desc" "This key only opens CS20 cases"
"CSGO_crate_sticker_pack_cs20_capsule" "CS20 Sticker Capsule"
"CSGO_crate_sticker_pack_cs20_capsule_desc" "Celebrating the 20th Anniversary of Counter-Strike, this capsule contains a variety of stickers from Steam Community Workshop."
"coupon_cs20_sticker_capsule" "CS20 Sticker Capsule"
"CSGO_crate_sticker_pack_halo_capsule" "Halo Capsule"
"CSGO_crate_sticker_pack_halo_capsule_desc" "This capsule contains a variety of stickers from 343 Industries."
"coupon_halo_sticker_capsule" "Halo Sticker Capsule"
"CSGO_crate_patch_pack01" "CS:GO Patch Pack"
"CSGO_crate_patch_pack01_desc" "This pack contains a variety of embroidered patches. Patches can be applied to any agent you own."
"coupon_crate_patch_pack01" "CS:GO Patch Pack"
"CSGO_crate_patch_pack02" "Metal Skill Group Patch Collection"
"CSGO_crate_patch_pack02_desc" "This patch collection contains a variety of embroidered patches. Patches can be applied to any agent you own."
"coupon_crate_patch_pack02" "Metal Skill Group Patch Collection"
"CSGO_crate_patch_pack03" "Operation Riptide Patch Collection"
"CSGO_crate_patch_pack03_desc" "This patch collection contains a variety of embroidered patches commemorating Operation Riptide. Patches can be applied to any agent you own."
"coupon_crate_patch_pack03" "Operation Riptide Patch Collection"
"CSGO_crate_patch_pack_hlalyx" "Half-Life: Alyx Patch Pack"
"CSGO_crate_patch_pack_hlalyx_desc" "This pack contains a variety of embroidered patches commemorating Half-Life: Alyx, Valve's VR return to the Half-Life series. Patches can be applied to any agent you own."
"CSGO_crate_community_25" "Prisma 2 Case"
"CSGO_crate_community_25_desc" ""
"CSGO_crate_key_community_25" "Prisma 2 Case Key"
"CSGO_crate_key_community_25_desc" "This key only opens Prisma 2 cases"
"CSGO_crate_community_26" "Fracture Case"
"CSGO_crate_community_26_desc" ""
"CSGO_crate_key_community_26" "Fracture Case Key"
"CSGO_crate_key_community_26_desc" "This key only opens Fracture cases"
"coupon_crate_patch_pack_hlalyx" "Half-Life: Alyx Patch Pack"
"CSGO_crate_spray_std3" "CS:GO Graffiti #3 Collection"
"CSGO_crate_spray_std3_desc" ""
"CSGO_crate_community_27" "Operation Broken Fang Case"
"CSGO_crate_community_27_desc" ""
"CSGO_crate_key_community_27" "Operation Broken Fang Case Key"
"CSGO_crate_key_community_27_desc" "This key only opens Operation Broken Fang cases"
"CSGO_crate_sticker_pack_recoil" "Recoil Sticker Collection"
"CSGO_crate_sticker_pack_recoil_desc" ""
"CSGO_crate_community_28" "Snakebite Case"
"CSGO_crate_community_28_desc" ""
"CSGO_crate_key_community_28" "Snakebite Case Key"
"CSGO_crate_key_community_28_desc" "This key only opens Snakebite cases"
"CSGO_crate_sticker_pack_riptide_surfshop" "Riptide Surf Shop Sticker Collection"
"CSGO_crate_sticker_pack_riptide_surfshop_desc" ""
"CSGO_crate_sticker_pack_community2021_capsule" "2021 Community Sticker Capsule"
"CSGO_crate_sticker_pack_community2021_capsule_desc" "This capsule contains a variety of stickers from Steam Workshop artists."
"coupon_community2021_sticker_capsule" "2021 Community Sticker Capsule"
"CSGO_crate_sticker_pack_bf2042_capsule" "Battlefield 2042 Sticker Capsule"
"CSGO_crate_sticker_pack_bf2042_capsule_desc" "This capsule contains a variety of stickers from Electronic Arts."
"CSGO_crate_community_29" "Operation Riptide Case"
"CSGO_crate_community_29_desc" ""
"CSGO_crate_key_community_29" "Operation Riptide Case Key"
"CSGO_crate_key_community_29_desc" "This key only opens Operation Riptide cases"
"coupon_bf2042_sticker_capsule" "Battlefield 2042 Sticker Capsule"
"CSGO_crate_sticker_pack_op_riptide_capsule" "Operation Riptide Sticker Collection"
"CSGO_crate_sticker_pack_op_riptide_capsule_desc" "This collection contains a variety of stickers celebrating Operation Riptide."
"CSGO_crate_community_30" "Dreams & Nightmares Case"
"CSGO_crate_community_30_desc" ""
"CSGO_crate_key_community_30" "Dreams & Nightmares Case Key"
"CSGO_crate_key_community_30_desc" "This key only opens Dreams & Nightmares cases"
"CSGO_crate_key_community_30_contestwinner" "Dreams & Nightmares Contest Winner"
"CSGO_crate_key_community_30_contestwinner_desc" "Awarded to winners of the CS:GO Dreams & Nightmares art contest."
"CSGO_crate_sticker_pack_spring2022_capsule" "The Boardroom Sticker Capsule"
"CSGO_crate_sticker_pack_spring2022_capsule_desc" "This capsule contains a variety of stickers from Steam Workshop artists and was released in February 2022."
"coupon_spring2022_sticker_capsule" "The Boardroom Sticker Capsule"
"CSGO_crate_sticker_pack_community2022_capsule" "Espionage Sticker Capsule"
"CSGO_crate_sticker_pack_community2022_capsule_desc" "This capsule contains a variety of stickers from Steam Workshop artists and was released in February 2023."
"coupon_community2022_sticker_capsule" "Espionage Sticker Capsule"
"CSGO_crate_community_31" "Recoil Case"
"CSGO_crate_community_31_desc" ""
"CSGO_crate_key_community_31" "Recoil Case Key"
"CSGO_crate_key_community_31_desc" "This key only opens Recoil cases"
"CSGO_crate_sticker_pack_csgo10_capsule" "10 Year Birthday Sticker Capsule"
"CSGO_crate_sticker_pack_csgo10_capsule_desc" "This capsule contains a variety of stickers from Steam Workshop artists celebrating CS:GO's 10th birthday."
"coupon_csgo10_sticker_capsule" "10 Year Birthday Sticker Capsule"
"CSGO_crate_community_32" "Revolution Case"
"CSGO_crate_community_32_desc" ""
"CSGO_crate_key_community_32" "Revolution Case Key"
"CSGO_crate_key_community_32_desc" "This key only opens Revolution cases"
"SprayKit_vcap1_ace_01" "Ace"
"SprayKit_desc_vcap1_ace_01" ""
"SprayKit_vcap1_banana" "Banana"
"SprayKit_desc_vcap1_banana" ""
"SprayKit_vcap1_cerberus" "Cerberus"
"SprayKit_desc_vcap1_cerberus" ""
"SprayKit_vcap1_clutch_01" "Clutch King"
"SprayKit_desc_vcap1_clutch_01" ""
"SprayKit_vcap1_crown" "Crown"
"SprayKit_desc_vcap1_crown" ""
"SprayKit_vcap1_ct" "Guardian"
"SprayKit_desc_vcap1_ct" ""
"SprayKit_vcap1_ez_02" "EZ"
"SprayKit_desc_vcap1_ez_02" ""
"SprayKit_vcap1_fireserpent" "Fire Serpent"
"SprayKit_desc_vcap1_fireserpent" ""
"SprayKit_vcap1_howling_dawn" "Howling Dawn"
"SprayKit_desc_vcap1_howling_dawn" ""
"SprayKit_vcap1_kisses" "Kisses"
"SprayKit_desc_vcap1_kisses" ""
"SprayKit_vcap1_lemon_squeeze" "Easy Peasy"
"SprayKit_desc_vcap1_lemon_squeeze" ""
"SprayKit_vcap1_nice_shot_color" "Nice Shot"
"SprayKit_desc_vcap1_nice_shot_color" ""
"SprayKit_vcap1_phoenix" "Phoenix"
"SprayKit_desc_vcap1_phoenix" ""
"SprayKit_vcap1_realmvp_02" "Real MVP"
"SprayKit_desc_vcap1_realmvp_02" ""
"SprayKit_vcap1_ripip" "R.I.P.I.P."
"SprayKit_desc_vcap1_ripip" ""
"SprayKit_vcap1_target_02" "Skull n' Crosshairs"
"SprayKit_desc_vcap1_target_02" ""
"SprayKit_vcap1_welcome_clutch" "Welcome to the Clutch"
"SprayKit_desc_vcap1_welcome_clutch" ""
"SprayKit_vcap1_wings" "Wings"
"SprayKit_desc_vcap1_wings" ""
// Std sprays
"SprayKit_std_axes_crossed" "X-Axes"
"SprayKit_desc_std_axes_crossed" ""
"SprayKit_std_bubble_dead" "Death Sentence"
"SprayKit_desc_std_bubble_dead" ""
"SprayKit_std_chess_king" "Chess King"
"SprayKit_desc_std_chess_king" ""
"SprayKit_std_crown" "King Me"
"SprayKit_desc_std_crown" ""
"SprayKit_std_dollar" "Keep the Change"
"SprayKit_desc_std_dollar" ""
"SprayKit_std_double_kill" "Double"
"SprayKit_desc_std_double_kill" ""
"SprayKit_std_eco_pistol" "Eco"
"SprayKit_desc_std_eco_pistol" ""
"SprayKit_std_emo_angry" "Tilt"
"SprayKit_desc_std_emo_angry" ""
"SprayKit_std_emo_brainless" "Speechless"
"SprayKit_desc_std_emo_brainless" ""
"SprayKit_std_emo_despair" "QQ"
"SprayKit_desc_std_emo_despair" ""
"SprayKit_std_emo_happy" "Mr. Teeth"
"SprayKit_desc_std_emo_happy" ""
"SprayKit_std_emo_ninja" "Ninja"
"SprayKit_desc_std_emo_ninja" ""
"SprayKit_std_emo_worry" "Worry"
"SprayKit_desc_std_emo_worry" ""
"SprayKit_std_evil_eye" "Rage Mode"
"SprayKit_desc_std_evil_eye" ""
"SprayKit_std_eyeball" "Eye Spy"
"SprayKit_desc_std_eyeball" ""
"SprayKit_std_gg_01" "GGEZ"
"SprayKit_desc_std_gg_01" ""
"SprayKit_std_gg_02" "GGWP"
"SprayKit_desc_std_gg_02" ""
"SprayKit_std_glhf" "GLHF"
"SprayKit_desc_std_glhf" ""
"SprayKit_std_gunsmoke" "Quickdraw"
"SprayKit_desc_std_gunsmoke" ""
"SprayKit_std_hand_butterfly" "Backstab"
"SprayKit_desc_std_hand_butterfly" ""
"SprayKit_std_hand_loser" "Loser"
"SprayKit_desc_std_hand_loser" ""
"SprayKit_std_hat_sherif" "Sheriff"
"SprayKit_desc_std_hat_sherif" ""
"SprayKit_std_headstone_rip" "Tombstone"
"SprayKit_desc_std_headstone_rip" ""
"SprayKit_std_heart" "Heart"
"SprayKit_desc_std_heart" ""
"SprayKit_std_hl_eightball" "8-Ball"
"SprayKit_desc_std_hl_eightball" ""
"SprayKit_std_hl_lambda" "Lambda"
"SprayKit_desc_std_hl_lambda" ""
"SprayKit_std_hl_smiley" "Still Happy"
"SprayKit_desc_std_hl_smiley" ""
"SprayKit_std_jump_shot" "Jump Shot"
"SprayKit_desc_std_jump_shot" ""
"SprayKit_std_karambit" "Karambit"
"SprayKit_desc_std_karambit" ""
"SprayKit_std_knives_crossed" "X-Knives"
"SprayKit_desc_std_knives_crossed" ""
"SprayKit_std_moly" "Toasted"
"SprayKit_desc_std_moly" ""
"SprayKit_std_necklace_dollar" "Bling"
"SprayKit_desc_std_necklace_dollar" ""
"SprayKit_std_no_scope" "Noscope"
"SprayKit_desc_std_no_scope" ""
"SprayKit_std_piggles" "Piggles"
"SprayKit_desc_std_piggles" ""
"SprayKit_std_popdog" "Popdog"
"SprayKit_desc_std_popdog" ""
"SprayKit_std_rooster" "Cocky"
"SprayKit_desc_std_rooster" ""
"SprayKit_std_salty" "NaCl"
"SprayKit_desc_std_salty" ""
"SprayKit_std_sorry" "Sorry"
"SprayKit_desc_std_sorry" ""
"SprayKit_std_tongue" "Eat It"
"SprayKit_desc_std_tongue" ""
"SprayKit_std_wings" "Take Flight"
"SprayKit_desc_std_wings" ""
"SprayKit_std_gtg" "GTG"
"SprayKit_desc_std_gtg" ""
// Overwatch localized names
"CSGO_Overwatch_TheSuspect" "The Suspect"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Albatross" "Albatross"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Alpha" "Alpha"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Anchor" "Anchor"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Banjo" "Banjo"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Bell" "Bell"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Beta" "Beta"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Blackbird" "Blackbird"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Bulldog" "Bulldog"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Canary" "Canary"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Cat" "Cat"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Calf" "Calf"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Cyclone" "Cyclone"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Daisy" "Daisy"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Dalmatian" "Dalmatian"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Dart" "Dart"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Delta" "Delta"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Diamond" "Diamond"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Donkey" "Donkey"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Duck" "Duck"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Emu" "Emu"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Eclipse" "Eclipse"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Flamingo" "Flamingo"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Flute" "Flute"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Frog" "Frog"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Goose" "Goose"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Hatchet" "Hatchet"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Heron" "Heron"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Husky" "Husky"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Hurricane" "Hurricane"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Iceberg" "Iceberg"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Iguana" "Iguana"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Kiwi" "Kiwi"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Kite" "Kite"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Lamb" "Lamb"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Lily" "Lily"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Macaw" "Macaw"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Manatee" "Manatee"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Maple" "Maple"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Mask" "Mask"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Nautilus" "Nautilus"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Ostrich" "Ostrich"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Octopus" "Octopus"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Pelican" "Pelican"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Puffin" "Puffin"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Pyramid" "Pyramid"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Rattle" "Rattle"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Robin" "Robin"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Rose" "Rose"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Salmon" "Salmon"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Shark" "Shark"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Sheep" "Sheep"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Snake" "Snake"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Sonar" "Sonar"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Stump" "Stump"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Sparrow" "Sparrow"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Toaster" "Toaster"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Toucan" "Toucan"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Torus" "Torus"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Violet" "Violet"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Vortex" "Vortex"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Vulture" "Vulture"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Wagon" "Wagon"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Whale" "Whale"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Woodpecker" "Woodpecker"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Zebra" "Zebra"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Zigzag" "Zigzag"
// Coop and guardian bots localized names
"CSGO_FakePlayer_GOTV" "CSTV"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Heavy" "Heavy"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Elite" "Elite"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Expert" "Expert"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Phoenix" "Phoenix"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Attacker" "Attacker"
// Bot profiles localized names
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Muhlik" "Muhlik"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Shamat" "Shamat"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Crusher" "Crusher"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Osiris" "Osiris"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Rock" "Rock"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Wolf" "Wolf"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Gunner" "Gunner"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Rebel" "Rebel"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Crew" "Crew"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Steel" "Steel"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Stone" "Stone"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Ava" "Ava"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Syfers" "Syfers"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Delrow" "Delrow"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Operator" "Operator"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Soldier" "Soldier"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_McCoy" "McCoy"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Buckshot" "Buckshot"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Commando" "Commando"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Rip" "Rip"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Ricksaw" "Ricksaw"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Seal" "Seal"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Cavalry" "Cavalry"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Farlow" "Farlow"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Kask" "Kask"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Specialist" "Specialist"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Sarge" "Sarge"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Lieutenant" "Lieutenant"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Maximus" "Maximus"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Dragomir" "Dragomir"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Romanov" "Romanov"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Rezan" "Rezan"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Blackwolf" "Blackwolf"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Officer" "Officer"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Sas" "Sas"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Enforcer" "Enforcer"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Mae" "Mae"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Slingshot" "Slingshot"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Darryl" "Darryl"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Bank" "Bank"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Skullhead" "Skullhead"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Solman" "Solman"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Strapper" "Strapper"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Voltzmann" "Voltzmann"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Mangos" "Mangos"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_K" "K"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Kev" "Kev"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Squad" "Squad"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Getaway" "Getaway"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Aspirant" "Aspirant"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Rouchard" "Rouchard"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Jaques" "Jaques"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Goggles" "Goggles"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Rex" "Rex"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Sox" "Sox"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Baroud" "Baroud"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Krikey" "Krikey"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Trapper" "Trapper"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Hugg" "Hugg"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Crasswater" "Crasswater"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Arno" "Arno"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Dabisi" "Dabisi"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Chris" "Frank"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Vypa" "Vypa"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Aggressor" "Aggressor"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Guerrilla" "Guerrilla"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Sal" "Sal"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Litmow" "Litmow"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Striker" "Striker"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Juuvy" "Juuvy"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Akani" "Akani"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Imaru" "Imaru"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Bluefish" "Bluefish"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Masthead" "Masthead"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Doc" "Doc"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Feliz" "Feliz"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Wiscar" "Wiscar"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Boxcar" "Boxcar"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Francis" "Francis"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Severn" "Severn"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Hood" "Hood"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Luiro" "Luiro"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Hau" "Hau"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Reaper" "Reaper"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Kong" "Kong"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Han" "Han"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Kao" "Kao"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Akutan" "Akutan"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Sails" "Sails"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Longwa" "Longwa"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Shaur" "Shaur"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Gustov" "Gustov"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Milenski" "Milenski"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Orlow" "Orlow"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Heave" "Heave"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Orlo" "Orlo"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Hogarth" "Hogarth"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Marlin" "Marlin"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Tom" "Tom"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Orin" "Orin"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Sam" "Sam"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Faultline" "Faultline"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Comb" "Comb"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Kadeem" "Kadeem"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Shadow" "Shadow"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Terrington" "Terrington"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Hobart" "Hobart"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Firwood" "Firwood"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Pines" "Pines"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Rivers" "Rivers"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Dios" "Dios"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Azul" "Azul"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Miguel" "Miguel"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Clarence" "Clarence"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Colin" "Colin"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Panama" "Panama"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Vox" "Vox"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Tony" "Tony"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Frank" "Frank"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Mayer" "Mayer"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Bassey" "Bassey"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_York" "York"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Efe" "Efe"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Harvey" "Harvey"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Irwin" "Irwin"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Larry" "Larry"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Dayo" "Dayo"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Dashen" "Dashen"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Conleth" "Conleth"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Niles" "Niles"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Oli" "Oli"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Opie" "Opie"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Hastings" "Hastings"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Greymouth" "Greymouth"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Toby" "Toby"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Ulric" "Ulric"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Ulysses" "Ulysses"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Uri" "Uri"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Waldo" "Waldo"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Maru" "Maru"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Walt" "Walt"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Wesley" "Wesley"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Yanni" "Yanni"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Adonis" "Adonis"
"CSGO_FakePlayer_Yuri" "Yuri"
// Events announcements
// Localization warning: these strings contain special characters to control color-coding and care should be taken when localizing
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_AnnouncementChat1" "%event% %stage% match is now starting"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_AnnouncementChat2" " %team0% -vs- %team1% on %map%"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_AnnouncementChat3" "Watch the match from the main menu WATCH tab"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_AnnouncementLobby" "\n<font color=\"#40FF40\">%event% %stage% match is now starting</font>\n<font color=\"#5e98d9\">%team0%</font><font color=\"#40FF40\"> -vs- </font><font color=\"#e4ae39\">%team1%</font><font color=\"#40FF40\"> on %map%\nWatch the match from the main menu WATCH tab</font>\n"
// Authentication keys
"CSGO_SupportGameAuthKey_Type_9" "2016 MLG Columbus Pick'Em and Fantasy Management"
"CSGO_SupportGameAuthKey_Desc_9" "Third-party websites and applications can use this authentication code to access your 2016 MLG Columbus Pick'Em Challenge predictions and Fantasy game lineups, and help you place tournament team stickers and tournament player autographs that you own as your predictions and fantasy roster picks during 2016 MLG Columbus CS:GO Championship.<br/><br/>Using your tournament sticker to make your Pick'Em predictions will lock that sticker to be unusable and untradable until the end of the match day. Using your player autograph for your fantasy roster pick will lock that sticker to be unusable and untradable until the end of the tournament. Removing predictions at a later time will not undo the lock."
"CSGO_SupportGameAuthKey_Type_10" "2016 Cologne Pick'Em and Fantasy Management"
"CSGO_SupportGameAuthKey_Desc_10" "Third-party websites and applications can use this authentication code to access your 2016 Cologne Pick'Em Challenge predictions and Fantasy game lineups, and help you place tournament team stickers and tournament player autographs that you own as your predictions and fantasy roster picks during 2016 Cologne CS:GO Championship.<br/><br/>Using your tournament sticker to make your Pick'Em predictions will lock that sticker to be unusable and untradable until the end of the match day. Using your player autograph for your fantasy roster pick will lock that sticker to be unusable and untradable until the end of the tournament. Removing predictions at a later time will not undo the lock."
"CSGO_SupportGameAuthKey_Type_11" "2017 Atlanta Pick'Em Management"
"CSGO_SupportGameAuthKey_Desc_11" "Third-party websites and applications can use this authentication code to access your 2017 Atlanta Pick'Em Challenge predictions, and help you place tournament team stickers that you own as your predictions during 2017 Atlanta CS:GO Championship.<br/><br/>Using your tournament sticker to make your Pick'Em predictions will lock that sticker to be unusable and untradable until the end of the tournament stage. Removing predictions at a later time will not undo the lock."
"CSGO_SupportGameAuthKey_Type_12" "2017 Krakow Pick'Em Management"
"CSGO_SupportGameAuthKey_Desc_12" "Third-party websites and applications can use this authentication code to access your 2017 Krakow Pick'Em Challenge predictions, and help you place tournament team stickers that you own as your predictions during 2017 Krakow CS:GO Championship.<br/><br/>Using your tournament sticker to make your Pick'Em predictions will lock that sticker to be unusable and untradable until the end of the tournament stage. Removing predictions at a later time will not undo the lock."
"CSGO_SupportGameAuthKey_Type_13" "2018 Boston Pick'Em Management"
"CSGO_SupportGameAuthKey_Desc_13" "Third-party websites and applications can use this authentication code to access your 2018 Boston Pick'Em Challenge predictions, and help you place tournament team stickers that you own as your predictions during 2018 Boston CS:GO Championship.<br/><br/>Using your tournament sticker to make your Pick'Em predictions will lock that sticker to be unusable and untradable until the end of the tournament stage. Removing predictions at a later time will not undo the lock."
"CSGO_SupportGameAuthKey_Type_14" "2018 London Pick'Em Management"
"CSGO_SupportGameAuthKey_Desc_14" "Third-party websites and applications can use this authentication code to access your 2018 London Pick'Em Challenge predictions, and help you place tournament team stickers that you own as your predictions during 2018 London CS:GO Championship.<br/><br/>Using your tournament sticker to make your Pick'Em predictions will lock that sticker to be unusable and untradable until the end of the tournament stage. Removing predictions at a later time will not undo the lock."
"CSGO_SupportGameAuthKey_Type_15" "2019 Katowice Pick'Em Management"
"CSGO_SupportGameAuthKey_Desc_15" "Third-party websites and applications can use this authentication code to access your 2019 Katowice Pick'Em Challenge predictions, and help you place your predictions during 2019 Katowice CS:GO Championship."
"CSGO_SupportGameAuthKey_Type_16" "2019 Berlin Pick'Em Management"
"CSGO_SupportGameAuthKey_Desc_16" "Third-party websites and applications can use this authentication code to access your 2019 Berlin Pick'Em Challenge predictions, and help you place your predictions during 2019 Berlin CS:GO Championship."
"CSGO_SupportGameAuthKey_Type_18" "2021 Stockholm Pick'Em Management"
"CSGO_SupportGameAuthKey_Desc_18" "Third-party websites and applications can use this authentication code to access your 2021 Stockholm Pick'Em Challenge predictions, and help you place your predictions during 2021 Stockholm CS:GO Championship."
"CSGO_SupportGameAuthKey_Type_19" "2022 Antwerp Pick'Em Management"
"CSGO_SupportGameAuthKey_Desc_19" "Third-party websites and applications can use this authentication code to access your 2022 Antwerp Pick'Em Challenge predictions, and help you place your predictions during 2022 Antwerp CS:GO Championship."
"CSGO_SupportGameAuthKey_Type_20" "2022 Rio Pick'Em Management"
"CSGO_SupportGameAuthKey_Desc_20" "Third-party websites and applications can use this authentication code to access your 2022 Rio Pick'Em Challenge predictions, and help you place your predictions during 2022 Rio CS:GO Championship."
"CSGO_SupportGameAuthKey_Type_21" "2023 Paris Pick'Em Management"
"CSGO_SupportGameAuthKey_Desc_21" "Third-party websites and applications can use this authentication code to access your 2023 Paris Pick'Em Challenge predictions, and help you place your predictions during 2023 Paris CS:GO Championship."
"CSGO_SupportGameAuthKey_Type_1000001" "Access to Your Match History"
"CSGO_SupportGameAuthKey_Desc_1000001" "Third-party websites and applications can use this authentication code to access your match history, your overall performance in those matches, download replays of your matches, and analyze your gameplay."
"CSGO_SupportGameAuthKey_MatchShareCode" "Your most recently completed match token:"
// Events strings
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Name_1" "The 2013 DreamHack SteelSeries CS:GO Championship"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_NameShort_1" "2013 DreamHack Winter"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Location_1" "Jönköping 2013"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Name_2" "The Valve Test Championship"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_NameShort_2" "The Valve Test Championship"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Location_2" "Seattle 2012"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Name_3" "The 2014 EMS One Katowice CS:GO Championship"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_NameShort_3" "2014 EMS One Katowice"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Location_3" "Katowice 2014"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Name_4" "ESL One Cologne 2014 CS:GO Championship"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_NameShort_4" "2014 ESL One Cologne"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Location_4" "Cologne 2014"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Name_5" "The 2014 DreamHack CS:GO Championship"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_NameShort_5" "2014 DreamHack Winter"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Location_5" "Jönköping 2014"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Name_6" "2015 ESL One Katowice CS:GO Championship"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_NameShort_6" "2015 ESL One Katowice"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Location_6" "Katowice 2015"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Name_7" "2015 ESL One Cologne CS:GO Championship"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_NameShort_7" "2015 ESL One Cologne"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Location_7" "Cologne 2015"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Name_8" "2015 DreamHack Cluj-Napoca CS:GO Championship"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_NameShort_8" "2015 DreamHack Cluj-Napoca"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Location_8" "Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Name_9" "2016 MLG Columbus CS:GO Championship"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_NameShort_9" "2016 MLG Columbus"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Location_9" "Columbus 2016"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Name_10" "2016 ESL One Cologne CS:GO Championship"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_NameShort_10" "2016 ESL One Cologne"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Location_10" "Cologne 2016"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Name_11" "2017 ELEAGUE Atlanta CS:GO Championship"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_NameShort_11" "2017 ELEAGUE Atlanta"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Location_11" "Atlanta 2017"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Name_12" "2017 PGL Krakow CS:GO Championship"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_NameShort_12" "2017 PGL Krakow"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Location_12" "Krakow 2017"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Name_13" "2018 ELEAGUE Boston CS:GO Championship"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_NameShort_13" "2018 ELEAGUE Boston"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Location_13" "Boston 2018"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Name_14" "2018 FACEIT London CS:GO Championship"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_NameShort_14" "2018 FACEIT London"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Location_14" "London 2018"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Name_15" "2019 IEM Katowice CS:GO Championship"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_NameShort_15" "2019 IEM Katowice"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Location_15" "Katowice 2019"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Name_16" "2019 StarLadder Berlin CS:GO Championship"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_NameShort_16" "2019 StarLadder Berlin"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Location_16" "Berlin 2019"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Name_17" "2020 CS:GO Regional Major Rankings"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_NameShort_17" "2020 RMR"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Location_17" "RMR 2020"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Name_18" "2021 PGL Stockholm CS:GO Championship"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_NameShort_18" "2021 PGL Stockholm"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Location_18" "Stockholm 2021"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Name_19" "2022 PGL Antwerp CS:GO Championship"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_NameShort_19" "2022 PGL Antwerp"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Location_19" "Antwerp 2022"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Name_20" "IEM Rio 2022 CS:GO Championship"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_NameShort_20" "IEM Rio 2022"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Location_20" "Rio 2022"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Name_21" " Paris 2023 CS:GO Championship"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_NameShort_21" " Paris 2023"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Location_21" "Paris 2023"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Stage_1" "Exhibition"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Stage_2" "Group Stage"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Stage_3" "BYOC"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Stage_4" "Valve Pre-Event Test"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Stage_5" "Quarterfinal"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Stage_6" "Quarterfinal"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Stage_7" "Quarterfinal"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Stage_8" "Semifinal"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Stage_9" "Semifinal"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Stage_10" "Semifinal"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Stage_11" "Grand Final"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Stage_12" "Grand Final"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Stage_13" "Grand Final"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Stage_14" "All-Star"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Stage_15" "Group Stage"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Stage_16" "Group Stage"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Stage_17" "Group Stage"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Stage_18" "Qualification"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Stage_19" "Qualification"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Stage_20" "Qualification"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Stage_21" "Group Stage"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Stage_22" "Group Stage"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Stage_23" "Group Stage"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Stage_24" "Group Stage"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Stage_25" "Group Stage"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Stage_26" "Group Stage"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Stage_27" "Challengers Stage"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Stage_28" "Challengers Stage"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Stage_29" "Challengers Stage"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Stage_30" "Challengers Stage"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Stage_31" "Challengers Stage"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Stage_32" "Challengers Stage"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Stage_33" "Challengers Stage"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Stage_34" "Challengers Stage"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Stage_35" "Challengers Stage"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Stage_36" "Challengers Stage"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Stage_37" "Challengers Stage"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Stage_38" "Challengers Stage"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Stage_39" "Challengers Stage"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Stage_40" "Challengers Stage"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Stage_41" "Challengers Stage"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Stage_42" "Challengers Stage"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Stage_43" "Group Stage"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Stage_44" "Group Stage"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Stage_45" "Group Stage"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Stage_46" "Group Stage"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Stage_47" "Group Stage"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Stage_48" "Group Stage"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Stage_Display_1" "Exhibition"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Stage_Display_2" "Group Stage | First Stage"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Stage_Display_3" "BYOC"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Stage_Display_4" "Valve Pre-Event Test"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Stage_Display_5" "Quarterfinal | Match 1 of 3"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Stage_Display_6" "Quarterfinal | Match 2 of 3"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Stage_Display_7" "Quarterfinal | Decider Match"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Stage_Display_8" "Semifinal | Match 1 of 3"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Stage_Display_9" "Semifinal | Match 2 of 3"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Stage_Display_10" "Semifinal | Decider Match"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Stage_Display_11" "Grand Final | Match 1 of 3"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Stage_Display_12" "Grand Final | Match 2 of 3"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Stage_Display_13" "Grand Final | Decider Match"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Stage_Display_14" "All-Star"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Stage_Display_15" "Group Stage | Winners Match"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Stage_Display_16" "Group Stage | Elimination Match"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Stage_Display_17" "Group Stage | Decider Match"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Stage_Display_18" "Qualification | Match 1 of 3"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Stage_Display_19" "Qualification | Match 2 of 3"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Stage_Display_20" "Qualification | Decider Match"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Stage_Display_21" "Group Stage | Decider Match 1 of 3"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Stage_Display_22" "Group Stage | Decider Match 2 of 3"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Stage_Display_23" "Group Stage | Decider Match"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Stage_Display_24" "Group Stage | Upper Group"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Stage_Display_25" "Group Stage | Lower Group"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Stage_Display_26" "Group Stage | Middle Group"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Stage_Display_27" "Challengers Stage | First Stage"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Stage_Display_28" "Challengers Stage | Winners Match"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Stage_Display_29" "Challengers Stage | Elimination Match"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Stage_Display_30" "Challengers Stage | Decider Match"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Stage_Display_31" "Challengers Stage | Upper Pool"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Stage_Display_32" "Challengers Stage | Lower Pool"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Stage_Display_33" "Challengers Stage | Middle Group"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Stage_Display_34" "Challengers Stage | Decider Match 1 of 3"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Stage_Display_35" "Challengers Stage | Decider Match 2 of 3"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Stage_Display_36" "Challengers Stage | Decider Match"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Stage_Display_37" "Challengers Stage | Winners Match 1 of 3"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Stage_Display_38" "Challengers Stage | Winners Match 2 of 3"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Stage_Display_39" "Challengers Stage | Winners Match"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Stage_Display_40" "Challengers Stage | Elimination Match 1 of 3"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Stage_Display_41" "Challengers Stage | Elimination Match 2 of 3"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Stage_Display_42" "Challengers Stage | Elimination Match"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Stage_Display_43" "Group Stage | Winners Match 1 of 3"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Stage_Display_44" "Group Stage | Winners Match 2 of 3"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Stage_Display_45" "Group Stage | Winners Match"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Stage_Display_46" "Group Stage | Elimination Match 1 of 3"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Stage_Display_47" "Group Stage | Elimination Match 2 of 3"
"CSGO_Tournament_Event_Stage_Display_48" "Group Stage | Elimination Match"
// Match global stats stage names
"CSGO_MatchInfo_Stage_Group" "Group Stage"
"CSGO_MatchInfo_Stage_GroupStage" "Group Stage"
"CSGO_MatchInfo_Stage_Groups" "Group Stages"
"CSGO_MatchInfo_Stage_GroupA" "Group A"
"CSGO_MatchInfo_Stage_GroupB" "Group B"
"CSGO_MatchInfo_Stage_GroupC" "Group C"
"CSGO_MatchInfo_Stage_GroupD" "Group D"
"CSGO_MatchInfo_Stage_GroupE" "Group E"
"CSGO_MatchInfo_Stage_GroupF" "Group F"
"CSGO_MatchInfo_Stage_GroupG" "Group G"
"CSGO_MatchInfo_Stage_GroupH" "Group H"
"CSGO_MatchInfo_Stage_GroupStage|Day1" "Group Stage | Day 1"
"CSGO_MatchInfo_Stage_GroupStage|Day2" "Group Stage | Day 2"
"CSGO_MatchInfo_Stage_GroupStage|Day3" "Group Stage | Day 3"
"CSGO_MatchInfo_Stage_Prelim" "Challengers Stage"
"CSGO_MatchInfo_Stage_PreliminaryStage" "Challengers Stage"
"CSGO_MatchInfo_Stage_Prelims" "Challengers Stage"
"CSGO_MatchInfo_Stage_Qualification" "Qualification"
"CSGO_MatchInfo_Stage_Qualifications" "Qualifications"
"CSGO_MatchInfo_Stage_Quarterfinal" "Quarterfinal"
"CSGO_MatchInfo_Stage_Quarterfinals" "Quarterfinals"
"CSGO_MatchInfo_Stage_Semifinal" "Semifinal"
"CSGO_MatchInfo_Stage_Semifinals" "Semifinals"
"CSGO_MatchInfo_Stage_GrandFinal" "Grand Final"
"CSGO_MatchInfo_Stage_SemifinalsandFinal" "Semifinals and Finals"
"CSGO_MatchInfo_Stage_AllStar" "All-Star"
"CSGO_Tournament_Matches_Allstar" "All-Star"
// Group stage global match stats
"CSGO_MatchInfoTxt_Group0" "%name% | First Stage"
"CSGO_MatchInfoTxt_GroupSwRnd2" "%name% | Second Stage"
"CSGO_MatchInfoTxt_GroupSwRnd3" "%name% | Third Stage"
"CSGO_MatchInfoTxt_Group1W" "%name% | Winners Match"
"CSGO_MatchInfoTxt_Group1WSeries" "%name% | Winners Match %idx% of %count%"
"CSGO_MatchInfoTxt_Group1L" "%name% | Elimination Match"
"CSGO_MatchInfoTxt_Group1LSeries" "%name% | Elimination Match %idx% of %count%"
"CSGO_MatchInfoTxt_Group2" "%name% | Decider Match"
"CSGO_MatchInfoTxt_Group2Series2" "%name% | Decider Match %idx% of %count%"
"CSGO_MatchInfoTeam_WinVs" "Defeated %team%"
"CSGO_MatchInfoTeam_LossVs" "Lost against %team%"
"CSGO_MatchInfoTxt_BracketDecider" "%name% | Decider Match"
// Bracket best-of-N match (e.g. usage "#CSGO_MatchInfoTxt_Series2{name=#CSGO_Tournament_Event_Stage_5}{idx=2}{count=3}")
"CSGO_MatchInfoTxt_Series1" "Match %idx% of %count%"
"CSGO_MatchInfoTxt_Series2" "%name% | Match %idx% of %count%"
"CSGO_MatchInfoTxt_PreviouslyIn" "Previously in %name%"
"CSGO_MatchInfoTxt_JustPlayedMap" "Previous Match in Best of %count% Series" // %numtowin% can be used as an alternative for a "2 To Win" style string in place of "Best of 3"
"CSGO_MatchInfoTxt_JustPlayedMaps" "Previous Matches in Best of %count% Series" // %numtowin% can be used as an alternative for a "2 To Win" style string in place of "Best of 3"
"CSGO_MatchInfoTeam_QualPos1" "Winner of %name%"
"CSGO_MatchInfoTeam_QualPos2" "Runner-up of %name%"
"CSGO_MatchInfoTeam_QualPos3" "Qualified from %name%"
"CSGO_MatchInfoTeam_WinAdvan" "Advances with win"
"CSGO_MatchInfoTeam_LossElim" "Eliminated with loss"
"CSGO_MatchInfoTeam_WinPrevMap" "Won on %map%"
"CSGO_MatchInfoTeam_LossPrevMap" "Lost on %map%"
"CSGO_MatchInfoTeam_WinScore" "Won %high%:%low%"
"CSGO_MatchInfoTeam_Loss" "Lost"
"CSGO_MatchInfoTeam_LossScore" "Lost %low%:%high%"
"CSGO_MatchInfoTeam_WinScoreMap" "Won %map% %high%:%low%"
"CSGO_MatchInfoTeam_LossScoreMap" "Lost %map% %low%:%high%"
// Team names
"CSGO_TeamID_1" "Ninjas in Pyjamas"
"CSGO_TeamID_2" "Astana Dragons"
"CSGO_TeamID_3" "compLexity Gaming"
"CSGO_TeamID_4" "VeryGames"
"CSGO_TeamID_6" "Fnatic"
"CSGO_TeamID_7" "Clan-Mystik"
"CSGO_TeamID_8" "We got game"
"CSGO_TeamID_9" "LGB eSports"
"CSGO_TeamID_10" "Copenhagen Wolves"
"CSGO_TeamID_11" "Universal Soldiers"
"CSGO_TeamID_12" "Natus Vincere"
"CSGO_TeamID_13" "n!faculty"
"CSGO_TeamID_14" "SK Gaming"
"CSGO_TeamID_15" "Xapso"
"CSGO_TeamID_16" "[R]eason Gaming"
"CSGO_TeamID_17" "Valve Squad Alpha"
"CSGO_TeamID_18" "Valve Squad Bravo"
"CSGO_TeamID_20" "NiP Team A"
"CSGO_TeamID_21" "NiP Team B"
"CSGO_TeamID_22" "Team Tomi"
"CSGO_TeamID_23" "Team Duncan"
"CSGO_TeamID_24" "Team Dignitas"
"CSGO_TeamID_25" "HellRaisers"
"CSGO_TeamID_26" "Team"
"CSGO_TeamID_27" "Titan"
"CSGO_TeamID_28" "3DMAX"
"CSGO_TeamID_29" "mousesports"
"CSGO_TeamID_30" "Reason Gaming"
"CSGO_TeamID_31" "Virtus.Pro"
"CSGO_TeamID_32" "Vox Eminor"
"CSGO_TeamID_33" "Cloud9"
"CSGO_TeamID_34" "dAT team"
"CSGO_TeamID_35" "Epsilon eSports"
"CSGO_TeamID_36" "London Conspiracy"
"CSGO_TeamID_37" "MTS GameGod Wolf"
"CSGO_TeamID_38" "myXMG"
"CSGO_TeamID_39" "PENTA Sports"
"CSGO_TeamID_40" "Bravado Gaming"
"CSGO_TeamID_41" "Planetkey Dynamics"
"CSGO_TeamID_42" "ESC Gaming"
"CSGO_TeamID_43" "Flipsid3 Tactics"
"CSGO_TeamID_44" "x6tence"
"CSGO_TeamID_45" "Team Orbit"
"CSGO_TeamID_46" "Team EnVyUs"
"CSGO_TeamID_47" "Vexed Gaming"
"CSGO_TeamID_48" "Team Liquid"
"CSGO_TeamID_49" "Counter Logic Gaming"
"CSGO_TeamID_50" "Keyd Stars"
"CSGO_TeamID_51" "TSM Kinguin"
"CSGO_TeamID_52" "Cloud9 G2A"
"CSGO_TeamID_53" "Renegades"
"CSGO_TeamID_54" "Team Immunity"
"CSGO_TeamID_55" "Team Kinguin"
"CSGO_TeamID_56" "Team eBettle"
"CSGO_TeamID_57" "Luminosity Gaming"
"CSGO_TeamID_58" "Team SoloMid"
"CSGO_TeamID_59" "G2 Esports"
"CSGO_TeamID_60" "Astralis"
"CSGO_TeamID_61" "FaZe Clan"
"CSGO_TeamID_62" "Splyce"
"CSGO_TeamID_63" "Gambit Esports"
"CSGO_TeamID_64" "All-Star Team America"
"CSGO_TeamID_65" "All-Star Team Europe"
"CSGO_TeamID_66" "OpTic Gaming"
"CSGO_TeamID_68" "North"
"CSGO_TeamID_69" "BIG"
"CSGO_TeamID_70" "Vega Squadron"
"CSGO_TeamID_71" "Immortals"
"CSGO_TeamID_72" "Sprout Esports"
"CSGO_TeamID_73" "Space Soldiers"
"CSGO_TeamID_74" "Tyloo"
"CSGO_TeamID_75" "Avangar"
"CSGO_TeamID_76" "Quantum Bellator Fire"
"CSGO_TeamID_77" "Misfits Gaming"
"CSGO_TeamID_78" "100 Thieves"
"CSGO_TeamID_79" "Flash Gaming"
"CSGO_TeamID_80" "MIBR"
"CSGO_TeamID_81" "Team Spirit"
"CSGO_TeamID_82" "Rogue"
"CSGO_TeamID_83" "Winstrike Team"
"CSGO_TeamID_84" "ENCE"
"CSGO_TeamID_85" "FURIA"
"CSGO_TeamID_86" "Grayhound Gaming"
"CSGO_TeamID_87" "NRG"
"CSGO_TeamID_88" "ViCi Gaming"
"CSGO_TeamID_89" "Vitality"
"CSGO_TeamID_90" "forZe eSports"
"CSGO_TeamID_91" "CR4ZY"
"CSGO_TeamID_92" "Syman Gaming"
"CSGO_TeamID_93" "DreamEaters"
"CSGO_TeamID_95" "Heroic"
"CSGO_TeamID_96" "OG"
"CSGO_TeamID_98" "Evil Geniuses"
"CSGO_TeamID_99" "Gen.G Esports"
"CSGO_TeamID_100" "Boom Esports"
"CSGO_TeamID_101" "Copenhagen Flames"
"CSGO_TeamID_102" "paiN Gaming"
"CSGO_TeamID_103" "Movistar Riders"
"CSGO_TeamID_104" "Sharks Esports"
"CSGO_TeamID_105" "Entropiq"
"CSGO_TeamID_106" "MOUZ"
"CSGO_TeamID_107" "Nemiga"
"CSGO_TeamID_108" "IHC Esports"
"CSGO_TeamID_109" "Outsiders"
"CSGO_TeamID_110" "Eternal Fire"
"CSGO_TeamID_111" "Complexity Gaming"
"CSGO_TeamID_112" "9z Team"
"CSGO_TeamID_113" "Imperial Esports"
"CSGO_TeamID_114" "Bad News Eagles"
"CSGO_TeamID_115" "GamerLegion"
"CSGO_TeamID_116" "00 Nation"
"CSGO_TeamID_117" "Apeks"
"CSGO_TeamID_118" "Into The Breach"
"CSGO_TeamID_119" "Monte"
"CSGO_TeamID_120" "9INE"
"CSGO_TeamID_121" "Fluxo"
"CSGO_TeamID_122" "The MongolZ"
"Place_Name_1st" "Champions"
"Place_Name_2nd" "Grand Finalist"
"Place_Name_3rd-4th" "Semifinalist"
"Place_Name_5th-8th" "Quarterfinalist"
"Place_Name_9th-12th" "9th-12th"
"Place_Name_13th-16th" "13th-16th"
"Place_Name_9th-11th" "9th-11th"
"Place_Name_12th-14th" "12th-14th"
"Place_Name_15th-16th" "15th-16th"
"Place_Name_17th" "17th"
"Place_Name_18th" "18th"
"Place_Name_19th-21st" "19th-21st"
"Place_Name_22nd-24th" "22nd-24th"
"Place_Name_09" "9th"
"Place_Name_10" "10th"
"Place_Name_11" "11th"
"Place_Name_12" "12th"
"Place_Name_13" "13th"
"Place_Name_14" "14th"
"Place_Name_15" "15th"
"Place_Name_16" "16th"
"Place_Name_17" "17th"
"Place_Name_18" "18th"
"Place_Name_19" "19th"
"Place_Name_20" "20th"
"Place_Name_21" "21st"
"Place_Name_22" "22nd"
"Place_Name_23" "23rd"
"Place_Name_24" "24th"
"CSGO_set_dust" "The Dust Collection"
"CSGO_set_dust_desc" ""
"CSGO_set_aztec" "The Aztec Collection"
"CSGO_set_aztec_desc" ""
"CSGO_set_vertigo" "The Vertigo Collection"
"CSGO_set_vertigo_desc" ""
"CSGO_set_inferno" "The Inferno Collection"
"CSGO_set_inferno_desc" ""
"CSGO_set_militia" "The Militia Collection"
"CSGO_set_militia_desc" ""
"CSGO_set_nuke" "The Nuke Collection"
"CSGO_set_nuke_desc" ""
"CSGO_set_office" "The Office Collection"
"CSGO_set_office_desc" ""
"CSGO_set_assault" "The Assault Collection"
"CSGO_set_assault_desc" ""
"CSGO_set_dust_2" "The Dust 2 Collection"
"CSGO_set_dust_2_desc" ""
"CSGO_set_train" "The Train Collection"
"CSGO_set_train_desc" ""
"CSGO_set_mirage" "The Mirage Collection"
"CSGO_set_mirage_desc" ""
"CSGO_set_italy" "The Italy Collection"
"CSGO_set_italy_desc" ""
"CSGO_set_lake" "The Lake Collection"
"CSGO_set_lake_desc" ""
"CSGO_set_safehouse" "The Safehouse Collection"
"CSGO_set_safehouse_desc" ""
"CSGO_set_esports" "The eSports 2013 Collection"
"CSGO_set_esports_desc" ""
"CSGO_set_weapons_i" "The Arms Deal Collection"
"CSGO_set_weapons_i_desc" ""
"CSGO_set_bravo_i" "The Bravo Collection"
"CSGO_set_bravo_i_desc" "This item was granted during Operation Bravo to celebrate the Operation's community maps."
"CSGO_set_bravo_ii" "The Alpha Collection"
"CSGO_set_bravo_ii_desc" "This item was granted during Operation Bravo to an Operation Bravo Coin owner."
"CSGO_set_weapons_ii" "The Arms Deal 2 Collection"
"CSGO_set_weapons_ii_desc" ""
"CSGO_set_esports_ii" "The eSports 2013 Winter Collection"
"CSGO_set_esports_ii_desc" ""
"CSGO_set_esports_iii" "The eSports 2014 Summer Collection"
"CSGO_set_esports_iii_desc" ""
"CSGO_set_community_1" "The Winter Offensive Collection"
"CSGO_set_community_1_desc" ""
"CSGO_set_weapons_iii" "The Arms Deal 3 Collection"
"CSGO_set_weapons_iii_desc" ""
"CSGO_set_community_2" "The Phoenix Collection"
"CSGO_set_community_2_desc" ""
"CSGO_set_community_3" "The Huntsman Collection"
"CSGO_set_community_3_desc" ""
"CSGO_set_community_4" "The Breakout Collection"
"CSGO_set_community_4_desc" ""
"CSGO_set_community_5" "The Vanguard Collection"
"CSGO_set_community_5_desc" ""
"CSGO_set_community_6" "The Chroma Collection"
"CSGO_set_community_6_desc" ""
"CSGO_set_community_7" "The Chroma 2 Collection"
"CSGO_set_community_7_desc" ""
"CSGO_set_community_8" "The Falchion Collection"
"CSGO_set_community_8_desc" ""
"CSGO_set_community_9" "The Shadow Collection"
"CSGO_set_community_9_desc" ""
"CSGO_set_bank" "The Bank Collection"
"CSGO_set_bank_desc" ""
"CSGO_set_baggage" "The Baggage Collection"
"CSGO_set_baggage_desc" ""
"CSGO_set_cobblestone" "The Cobblestone Collection"
"CSGO_set_cobblestone_desc" ""
"CSGO_set_overpass" "The Overpass Collection"
"CSGO_set_overpass_desc" ""
"CSGO_set_cache" "The Cache Collection"
"CSGO_set_cache_desc" ""
"CSGO_set_gods_and_monsters" "The Gods and Monsters Collection"
"CSGO_set_gods_and_monsters_desc" ""
"CSGO_set_chopshop" "The Chop Shop Collection"
"CSGO_set_chopshop_desc" ""
"CSGO_set_kimono" "The Rising Sun Collection"
"CSGO_set_kimono_desc" ""
"CSGO_set_community_10" "The Revolver Case Collection"
"CSGO_set_community_10_desc" ""
"CSGO_set_community_11" "The Wildfire Collection"
"CSGO_set_community_11_desc" ""
"CSGO_set_community_12" "The Chroma 3 Collection"
"CSGO_set_community_12_desc" ""
"CSGO_set_community_13" "The Gamma Collection"
"CSGO_set_community_13_desc" ""
"CSGO_set_Gamma_2" "The Gamma 2 Collection"
"CSGO_set_Gamma_2_desc" ""
"CSGO_set_community_15" "The Glove Collection"
"CSGO_set_community_15_desc" ""
"CSGO_set_community_16" "The Spectrum Collection"
"CSGO_set_community_16_desc" ""
"CSGO_set_community_17" "The Operation Hydra Collection"
"CSGO_set_community_17_desc" ""
"CSGO_set_community_18" "The Spectrum 2 Collection"
"CSGO_set_community_18_desc" ""
"CSGO_set_community_19" "The Clutch Collection"
"CSGO_set_community_19_desc" ""
"CSGO_set_community_20" "The Horizon Collection"
"CSGO_set_community_20_desc" ""
"CSGO_set_canals" "The Canals Collection"
"CSGO_set_canals_short" "Canals"
"CSGO_set_canals_desc" ""
"CSGO_set_stmarc" "The St. Marc Collection"
"CSGO_set_stmarc_short" "St. Marc"
"CSGO_set_stmarc_desc" ""
"CSGO_set_inferno_2" "The 2018 Inferno Collection"
"CSGO_set_inferno_2_desc" ""
"CSGO_set_norse" "The Norse Collection"
"CSGO_set_norse_short" "Norse"
"CSGO_set_norse_desc" ""
"CSGO_set_nuke_2" "The 2018 Nuke Collection"
"CSGO_set_nuke_2_desc" ""
"CSGO_set_community_21" "The Danger Zone Collection"
"CSGO_set_community_21_desc" ""
"CSGO_set_xraymachine" "The X-Ray Collection"
"CSGO_set_xraymachine_desc" ""
"CSGO_set_blacksite" "The Blacksite Collection"
"CSGO_set_blacksite_desc" ""
"CSGO_set_community_22" "The Prisma Collection"
"CSGO_set_community_22_desc" ""
"CSGO_set_community_23" "The Shattered Web Collection"
"CSGO_set_community_23_desc" ""
"CSGO_set_community_24" "The CS20 Collection"
"CSGO_set_community_24_desc" ""
"CSGO_set_dust_2_2021" "The 2021 Dust 2 Collection"
"CSGO_set_dust_2_2021_short" "Dust2 2021"
"CSGO_set_dust_2_2021_desc" ""
"CSGO_set_mirage_2021" "The 2021 Mirage Collection"
"CSGO_set_mirage_2021_short" "Mirage 2021"
"CSGO_set_mirage_2021_desc" ""
"CSGO_set_community_25" "The Prisma 2 Collection"
"CSGO_set_community_25_desc" ""
"CSGO_set_community_26" "The Fracture Collection"
"CSGO_set_community_26_desc" ""
"CSGO_set_community_27" "The Operation Broken Fang Collection"
"CSGO_set_community_27_desc" ""
"CSGO_set_op10_ct" "The Control Collection"
"CSGO_set_op10_ct_short" "Control"
"CSGO_set_op10_ct_desc" ""
"CSGO_set_op10_t" "The Havoc Collection"
"CSGO_set_op10_t_short" "Havoc"
"CSGO_set_op10_t_desc" ""
"CSGO_set_op10_ancient" "The Ancient Collection"
"CSGO_set_op10_ancient_short" "Ancient"
"CSGO_set_op10_ancient_desc" ""
"CSGO_set_community_28" "The Snakebite Collection"
"CSGO_set_community_28_desc" ""
"CSGO_set_train_2021" "The 2021 Train Collection"
"CSGO_set_train_2021_short" "Train 2021"
"CSGO_set_train_2021_desc" ""
"CSGO_set_vertigo_2021" "The 2021 Vertigo Collection"
"CSGO_set_vertigo_2021_short" "Vertigo 2021"
"CSGO_set_vertigo_2021_desc" ""
"CSGO_set_community_29" "The Operation Riptide Collection"
"CSGO_set_community_29_desc" ""
"CSGO_set_community_30" "The Dreams & Nightmares Collection"
"CSGO_set_community_30_desc" ""
"CSGO_set_community_31" "The Recoil Collection"
"CSGO_set_community_31_desc" ""
"CSGO_set_community_32" "The Revolution Collection"
"CSGO_set_community_32_desc" ""
"CSGO_set_anubis" "The Anubis Collection"
"CSGO_set_anubis_desc" ""
"coupon_crate_anubis_storepromo" "Anubis Collection Package"
"CSGO_set_anubis_storepromo" "Anubis Collection Package"
"CSGO_set_anubis_storepromo_key_contestwinner" "Anubis Collection Workshop Contributor"
"CSGO_set_anubis_storepromo_key_contestwinner_desc" "Awarded to Workshop Contributors of the Anubis Collection."
// lootlist override strings
"lootlist_1" "Contains an item from <b>The Arms Deal Collection</b>:"
"lootlist_2" "Contains an item from <b>The eSports 2013 Collection</b>:"
"lootlist_3" "Contains an item from <b>The Bravo Collection</b>:"
"lootlist_4" "Contains an item from <b>The Arms Deal 2 Collection</b>:"
"lootlist_5" "Contains an item from <b>The eSports 2013 Winter Collection</b>:"
// "lootlist_6"
"lootlist_7" "Contains an item from <b>Winter Offensive Weapon Case</b>:"
// "lootlist_8"
// "lootlist_9"
"lootlist_10" "Contains an item from <b>The Arms Deal 3 Collection</b>:"
"lootlist_11" "Contains an item from <b>The Phoenix Collection</b>:"
// "lootlist_12"
// "lootlist_13"
// "lootlist_14"
// "lootlist_15"
// "lootlist_16"
"lootlist_17" "Contains an item from <b>The Huntsman Collection</b>:"
"lootlist_18" "Contains an item from <b>The Breakout Collection</b>:"
"lootlist_19" "Contains an item from <b>The eSports 2014 Summer Collection</b>:"
// "lootlist_20"
// "lootlist_21"
"lootlist_22" "Contains a souvenir from <b>The Dust 2 Collection</b>:"
"lootlist_23" "Contains a souvenir from <b>The Inferno Collection</b>:"
"lootlist_24" "Contains a souvenir from <b>The Mirage Collection</b>:"
"lootlist_25" "Contains a souvenir from <b>The Nuke Collection</b>:"
"lootlist_26" "Contains a souvenir from <b>The Cache Collection</b>:"
"lootlist_27" "Contains a souvenir from <b>The Cobblestone Collection</b>:"
"lootlist_28" "Contains a souvenir from <b>The Overpass Collection</b>:"
// Season/Operation Challenge coin level up chat text
"SEASON1_Coin_LevelUp_Silver" " %s1 has leveled up their Operation Bravo Challenge Coin to SILVER!"
"SEASON1_Coin_LevelUp_Gold" " %s1 has leveled up their Operation Bravo Challenge Coin to GOLD!!"
"SEASON3_Coin_LevelUp_Silver" " %s1 has leveled up their Operation Phoenix Challenge Coin to SILVER!"
"SEASON3_Coin_LevelUp_Gold" " %s1 has leveled up their Operation Phoenix Challenge Coin to GOLD!!"
"SEASONX_Coin_LevelUp_Silver" " %s1 has leveled up their Operation Challenge Coin to SILVER!"
"SEASONX_Coin_LevelUp_Gold" " %s1 has leveled up their Operation Challenge Coin to GOLD!!"
"SEASONX_Coin_LevelUp_Platinum" " %s1 has leveled up their Operation Challenge Coin to DIAMOND!!!"
// Music Kits
"CSGO_musickit_desc" "This Music Kit will replace all of the music in the game and is shareable with anyone you are playing with. It also includes an MVP Anthem that plays for everyone in the match when you are MVP.\n\nThe Music Kit replaces the following music:\n- Main Menu\n- Round Start and End\n- Map Objective\n- Ten Second Warning\n- Death Camera"
"musickit_valve_csgo_01" "Valve, CS:GO"
"musickit_valve_csgo_01_desc" "The default CS:GO music kit, introduced with the launch of CS:GO in 2012."
"musickit_valve_cs2_01" "Valve, Counter-Strike 2"
"musickit_valve_cs2_01_desc" "The official music kit of Counter-Strike 2."
"musickit_danielsadowski_01" "Daniel Sadowski, Crimson Assault"
"musickit_danielsadowski_01_desc" "Video Game Composer Daniel Sadowski delivers Edgy Action mixed with CRAZY FAT beats in this pulsating, exhilarating Music Pack."
"coupon_danielsadowski_01" "Music Kit | Daniel Sadowski, Crimson Assault"
"coupon_danielsadowski_01_stattrak""StatTrak™ Music Kit | Daniel Sadowski, Crimson Assault"
"musickit_noisia_01" "Noisia, Sharpened"
"musickit_noisia_01_desc" "Dutch Electronic Trio Noisia brings a tough, cinematic feel with a unique blend of tradition and progression."
"coupon_noisia_01" "Music Kit | Noisia, Sharpened"
"coupon_noisia_01_stattrak" "StatTrak™ Music Kit | Noisia, Sharpened"
"musickit_robertallaire_01" "Robert Allaire, Insurgency"
"musickit_robertallaire_01_desc" "Music to crush your enemies see them driven before you from award winning composer Robert Allaire."
"coupon_robertallaire_01" "Music Kit | Robert Allaire, Insurgency"
"coupon_robertallaire_01_stattrak" "StatTrak™ Music Kit | Robert Allaire, Insurgency"
"musickit_seanmurray_01" "Sean Murray, A*D*8"
"musickit_seanmurray_01_desc" "From the composer of two of the world's biggest war games, comes a sonic loadout that will bring your enemies to Hell's Gate!!"
"coupon_seanmurray_01" "Music Kit | Sean Murray, A*D*8"
"coupon_seanmurray_01_stattrak" "StatTrak™ Music Kit | Sean Murray, A*D*8"
"musickit_dren_01" "Dren, Death's Head Demolition"
"musickit_dren_01_desc" "From game music composer Dren, this cinematic, superhero-metal inspired music pack puts the 'ill' into KILL!"
"coupon_dren_01" "Music Kit | Dren, Death's Head Demolition"
"coupon_dren_01_stattrak" "StatTrak™ Music Kit | Dren, Death's Head Demolition"
"musickit_dren_02" "Dren, Gunman Taco Truck"
"musickit_dren_02_desc" "The apocalyptic mariachi soundtrack from the indie game hit, Gunman Taco Truck, comes to CS:GO with intense Mexican flavored tunes like Pollo Diablo and Persecución de Helltain!"
"coupon_dren_02" "Music Kit | Dren, Gunman Taco Truck"
"coupon_dren_02_stattrak" "StatTrak™ Music Kit | Dren, Gunman Taco Truck"
"musickit_feedme_01" "Feed Me, High Noon"
"musickit_feedme_01_desc" "Renowned elecronic musician Feed Me, brings a western corral showdown into a modern electronic space."
"coupon_feedme_01" "Music Kit | Feed Me, High Noon"
"coupon_feedme_01_stattrak" "StatTrak™ Music Kit | Feed Me, High Noon"
"musickit_austinwintory_01" "Austin Wintory, Desert Fire"
"musickit_austinwintory_01_desc" "Grammy nominated game composer Austin Wintory asks, why bother hunting your enemies when you can lure them in with a deadly, admittedly insane, tango?"
"coupon_austinwintory_01" "Music Kit | Austin Wintory, Desert Fire"
"coupon_austinwintory_01_stattrak" "StatTrak™ Music Kit | Austin Wintory, Desert Fire"
"musickit_austinwintory_02" "Austin Wintory, Bachram"
"musickit_austinwintory_02_desc" "Austin Wintory mixes Celtic fantasy with sizzling electronics and a generous helping of Peter Hollens' vocals in this genre-bending Music Kit."
"coupon_austinwintory_02" "Music Kit | Austin Wintory, Bachram"
"coupon_austinwintory_02_stattrak" "StatTrak™ Music Kit | Austin Wintory, Bachram"
"musickit_sasha_01" "Sasha, LNOE"
"musickit_sasha_01_desc" "Immerse yourself in this cinematic soundtrack full of soaring strings, pulsating melodies and driving drums from the world renowned DJ / Producer Sasha"
"coupon_sasha_01" "Music Kit | Sasha, LNOE"
"coupon_sasha_01_stattrak" "StatTrak™ Music Kit | Sasha, LNOE"
"musickit_skog_01" "Skog, Metal"
"musickit_skog_01_desc" "A lesson in aggression from Metal producer, Skog."
"coupon_skog_01" "Music Kit | Skog, Metal"
"coupon_skog_01_stattrak" "StatTrak™ Music Kit | Skog, Metal"
"musickit_midnightriders_01" "Midnight Riders, All I Want for Christmas"
"musickit_midnightriders_01_desc" "\"HAPPY HOLIDAYS, ****ERS!\"\n -Midnight Riders"
"coupon_midnightriders_01" "Music Kit | Midnight Riders, All I Want for Christmas"
"coupon_midnightriders_01_stattrak""StatTrak™ Music Kit | Midnight Riders, All I Want for Christmas"
"musickit_mattlange_01" "Matt Lange, IsoRhythm"
"musickit_mattlange_01_desc" "Indulge your aural senses in a collection of cinematic, glitchy atmospheres and hard-hitting throbbing rhythms by electronic producer and innovator Matt Lange."
"coupon_mattlange_01" "Music Kit | Matt Lange, IsoRhythm"
"coupon_mattlange_01_stattrak" "StatTrak™ Music Kit | Matt Lange, IsoRhythm"
"musickit_mateomessina_01" "Mateo Messina, For No Mankind"
"musickit_mateomessina_01_desc" "Own your enemies. Pure intensity by Grammy winning composer, Mateo Messina."
"coupon_mateomessina_01" "Music Kit | Mateo Messina, For No Mankind"
"coupon_mateomessina_01_stattrak" "StatTrak™ Music Kit | Mateo Messina, For No Mankind"
"musickit_hotlinemiami_01" "Various Artists, Hotline Miami"
"musickit_hotlinemiami_01_desc" "A multitude of electronic artists deliver brutal beats in this exhilarating Music Pack from the iconic Hotline Miami."
"coupon_hotlinemiami_01" "Music Kit | Various Artists, Hotline Miami"
"coupon_hotlinemiami_01_stattrak" "StatTrak™ Music Kit | Various Artists, Hotline Miami"
"musickit_danielsadowski_02" "Daniel Sadowski, Total Domination"
"musickit_danielsadowski_02_desc" "Composer Daniel Sadowski raises the bar with aggressive electronic beats, creative sound fx and an exhilerating, driving, futuristic vibe. \"Warning: Will cause a rise in adrenaline!\""
"coupon_danielsadowski_02" "Music Kit | Daniel Sadowski, Total Domination"
"coupon_danielsadowski_02_stattrak""StatTrak™ Music Kit | Daniel Sadowski, Total Domination"
"musickit_damjanmravunac_01" "Damjan Mravunac, The Talos Principle"
"musickit_damjanmravunac_01_desc" "Composer Damjan Mravunac blends energetic cinematic grooves with epic choirs in this music pack featuring music from Croteam's critically acclaimed title \"The Talos Principle\"."
"coupon_damjanmravunac_01" "Music Kit | Damjan Mravunac, The Talos Principle"
"coupon_damjanmravunac_01_stattrak""StatTrak™ Music Kit | Damjan Mravunac, The Talos Principle"
"musickit_proxy_01" "Proxy, Battlepack"
"musickit_proxy_01_desc" "Russian Heavy Electronica Artist PROXY brings his own Unique heavy artillery to Counter Strike. Hybrid audio Weaponry fused with the finest studio technology makes this pack unique."
"coupon_proxy_01" "Music Kit | Proxy, Battlepack"
"coupon_proxy_01_stattrak" "StatTrak™ Music Kit | Proxy, Battlepack"
"musickit_kitheory_01" "Ki:Theory, MOLOTOV"
"musickit_kitheory_01_desc" "Recording artist and DOTA TI4 performer, Ki:Theory drops BOMBS with this searing set of razor edge dark electronic rock."
"coupon_kitheory_01" "Music Kit | Ki:Theory, MOLOTOV"
"coupon_kitheory_01_stattrak" "StatTrak™ Music Kit | Ki:Theory, MOLOTOV"
"musickit_troelsfolmann_01" "Troels Folmann, Uber Blasto Phone"
"musickit_troelsfolmann_01_desc" "Triumphant Blastophones combine with contemporary Uberpulse in this explosive collection by ultra award winning composer Troels Folmann."
"coupon_troelsfolmann_01" "Music Kit | Troels Folmann, Uber Blasto Phone"
"coupon_troelsfolmann_01_stattrak" "StatTrak™ Music Kit | Troels Folmann, Uber Blasto Phone"
"musickit_kellybailey_01" "Kelly Bailey, Hazardous Environments"
"musickit_kellybailey_01_desc" "Kelly Bailey, composer of Valve's Half-Life series, creates an arsenal of apocalyptic new music inspired by the darker side of the Half-Life universe."
"coupon_kellybailey_01" "Music Kit | Kelly Bailey, Hazardous Environments"
"coupon_kellybailey_01_stattrak" "StatTrak™ Music Kit | Kelly Bailey, Hazardous Environments"
"musickit_skog_02" "Skog, II-Headshot"
"musickit_skog_02_desc" "Metal composer and producer Jocke Skog returns with an all new, hard hitting metal kit, turning the rest of the CS:GO Music Kits into something cute, warm and fuzzy. Now go become MVP so everyone can hear your awesomeness!"
"coupon_skog_02" "Music Kit | Skog, II-Headshot"
"coupon_skog_02_stattrak" "StatTrak™ Music Kit | Skog, II-Headshot"
"musickit_danielsadowski_03" "Daniel Sadowski, The 8-Bit Kit"
"musickit_danielsadowski_03_desc" "Daniel Sadowski creates the first ever 8-bit Music Kit for Counter-Strike complete with authentic 8-bit sounds."
"coupon_danielsadowski_03" "Music Kit | Daniel Sadowski, The 8-Bit Kit"
"coupon_danielsadowski_03_stattrak""StatTrak™ Music Kit | Daniel Sadowski, The 8-Bit Kit"
"musickit_danielsadowski_04" "Daniel Sadowski, Eye of the Dragon"
"musickit_danielsadowski_04_desc" "From the composer who brought you \"Total Domination\", \"The 8-Bit Kit\" and \"Crimson Assault\", comes \"Eye Of The Dragon\". Music composer Daniel Sadowski mixes Ninjas + Guns + Hip-Hop + Techno to create an action-packed Music Kit. <i>Ninjas are known for their fast and precise attacks, yet they can be invisible to their enemy.</i>"
"coupon_danielsadowski_04" "Music Kit | Daniel Sadowski, Eye of the Dragon"
"coupon_danielsadowski_04_stattrak" "StatTrak™ Music Kit | Daniel Sadowski, Eye of the Dragon"
"musickit_awolnation_01" "AWOLNATION, I Am"
"musickit_awolnation_01_desc" "AWOLNATION Alternative Rocker AWOLNATION brings you a music kit for the ages. This kit is jam-packed with an eclectic selection of tunes and includes cuts from singles 'I Am' and multi-platinum hit 'Sail'."
"coupon_awolnation_01" "Music Kit | AWOLNATION, I Am"
"coupon_awolnation_01_stattrak" "StatTrak™ Music Kit | AWOLNATION, I Am"
"musickit_mordfustang_01" "Mord Fustang, Diamonds"
"musickit_mordfustang_01_desc" "Diamonds. They are forever. Dive into the arpeggiotron of Mord Fustang with this fresh set of grooves and atmospheres."
"coupon_mordfustang_01" "Music Kit | Mord Fustang, Diamonds"
"coupon_mordfustang_01_stattrak" "StatTrak™ Music Kit | Mord Fustang, Diamonds"
"musickit_michaelbross_01" "Michael Bross, Invasion!"
"musickit_michaelbross_01_desc" "Michael Bross conjures epic / cinematic techno-grunge to make you feel like a true badass in battle."
"coupon_michaelbross_01" "Music Kit | Michael Bross, Invasion!"
"coupon_michaelbross_01_stattrak" "StatTrak™ Music Kit | Michael Bross, Invasion!"
"musickit_ianhultquist_01" "Ian Hultquist, Lion's Mouth"
"musickit_ianhultquist_01_desc" "Mixing pulsating strings and synths with pounding war drums, prepare yourself for battle with this thunderous soundtrack from composer Ian Hultquist."
"coupon_ianhultquist_01" "Music Kit | Ian Hultquist, Lion's Mouth"
"coupon_ianhultquist_01_stattrak" "StatTrak™ Music Kit | Ian Hultquist, Lion's Mouth"
"musickit_newbeatfund_01" "New Beat Fund, Sponge Fingerz"
"musickit_newbeatfund_01_desc" "Sunny surf rock with elements of hip-hop, punk and garage pop. Keep it real and get headshots."
"coupon_newbeatfund_01" "Music Kit | New Beat Fund, Sponge Fingerz"
"coupon_newbeatfund_01_stattrak" "StatTrak™ Music Kit | New Beat Fund, Sponge Fingerz"
"musickit_beartooth_01" "Beartooth, Disgusting"
"musickit_beartooth_01_desc" "Beartooth brings an agressive back-to-basics hardcore stomp that gets crowds moving and breaking stuff. A perfect soundtrack for your no-scope scout frags. Rock 'till you're dead."
"coupon_beartooth_01" "Music Kit | Beartooth, Disgusting"
"coupon_beartooth_01_stattrak" "StatTrak™ Music Kit | Beartooth, Disgusting"
"musickit_lenniemoore_01" "Lennie Moore, Java Havana Funkaloo"
"musickit_lenniemoore_01_desc" "Game Composer Lennie Moore serves an aromatic, spicy blend of Jazzy Funk. Delicious when served cold, like the corpses of your enemies after you're done with them."
"coupon_lenniemoore_01" "Music Kit | Lennie Moore, Java Havana Funkaloo"
"coupon_lenniemoore_01_stattrak" "StatTrak™ Music Kit | Lennie Moore, Java Havana Funkaloo"
"musickit_darude_01" "Darude, Moments CSGO"
"musickit_darude_01_desc" "Yield freely in the soundscapes of Finnish producer Darude's familiar musical flavours and tones. Enriching yourself with access to a heavy fusion of progressive overtones and scores of tingling melodic structure from the sounds banks of one of dance music's most renowned pioneers."
"coupon_darude_01" "Music Kit | Darude, Moments CS:GO"
"coupon_darude_01_stattrak" "StatTrak™ Music Kit | Darude, Moments CS:GO"
"musickit_beartooth_02" "Beartooth, Aggressive"
"musickit_beartooth_02_desc" "Beartooth is back for round two. This new music kit hits harder and is even more aggressive. We've also made the MVP anthem extra heavy so your opponents feel really bad after they've lost to you."
"coupon_beartooth_02" "Music Kit | Beartooth, Aggressive"
"coupon_beartooth_02_stattrak" "StatTrak™ Music Kit | Beartooth, Aggressive"
"musickit_blitzkids_01" "Blitz Kids, The Good Youth"
"musickit_blitzkids_01_desc" "British Pop/Punk band Blitz Kids brings you the perfect music kit for rushing B while thinking about those night drives you had with your friends in High School. This kit is for going fast and feeling young."
"coupon_blitzkids_01" "Music Kit | Blitz Kids, The Good Youth"
"coupon_blitzkids_01_stattrak" "StatTrak™ Music Kit | Blitz Kids, The Good Youth"
"musickit_hundredth_01" "Hundredth, FREE"
"musickit_hundredth_01_desc" "Hundredth is bringing heavy to the world with their unique take on melodic hardcore. Break free or return to Dust with this perfect soundtrack for fragging the unworthy."
"coupon_hundredth_01" "Music Kit | Hundredth, FREE"
"coupon_hundredth_01_stattrak" "StatTrak™ Music Kit | Hundredth, FREE"
"musickit_neckdeep_01" "Neck Deep, Life's Not Out To Get You"
"musickit_neckdeep_01_desc" "Sometimes you just need some Pop Punk to get you through the day. Whether it is dealing with campers or losing a massive kill streak, Neck Deep is here to prove that Life's Not Out To Get You, but the other team still is."
"coupon_neckdeep_01" "Music Kit | Neck Deep, Life's Not Out To Get You"
"coupon_neckdeep_01_stattrak" "StatTrak™ Music Kit | Neck Deep, Life's Not Out To Get You"
"musickit_roam_01" "Roam, Backbone"
"musickit_roam_01_desc" "Roam delivers fast, straight-forward Pop Punk that gets crowd and players alike moving. Prove you have a Backbone with this perfect soundtrack for rushing in and obliterating the other team before they even realize they're deadweight."
"coupon_roam_01" "Music Kit | Roam, Backbone"
"coupon_roam_01_stattrak" "StatTrak™ Music Kit | Roam, Backbone"
"musickit_twinatlantic_01" "Twin Atlantic, GLA"
"musickit_twinatlantic_01_desc" "Heavier, rowdier, and louder than ever, Twin Atlantic comes to CS:GO ready to help you melt the faces with the firepower of Scottish rock."
"coupon_twinatlantic_01" "Music Kit | Twin Atlantic, GLA"
"coupon_twinatlantic_01_stattrak" "StatTrak™ Music Kit | Twin Atlantic, GLA"
"musickit_skog_03" "Skog, III-Arena"
"musickit_skog_03_desc" "Skog is back with a third crushing metal kit. This time with an electro-organic twist to the music, combining massive guitar riffs with equally massive drops, loop elements and drones."
"coupon_skog_03" "Music Kit | Skog, III-Arena"
"coupon_skog_03_stattrak" "StatTrak™ Music Kit | Skog, III-Arena"
"musickit_theverkkars_01" "The Verkkars, EZ4ENCE"
"musickit_theverkkars_01_desc" "The Verkkars rise through the Finnish charts with a heart-pounding tribute to ENCE. Can it really be so EZ?"
"coupon_theverkkars_01" "Music Kit | The Verkkars, EZ4ENCE"
"coupon_theverkkars_01_stattrak" "StatTrak™ Music Kit | The Verkkars, EZ4ENCE"
"musickit_halo_01" "Halo, The Master Chief Collection"
"musickit_halo_01_desc" "Give your Counter Strike auditory experience a legendary makeover with the Master Chief Collection Music Pack, featuring iconic musical moments from the Halo universe. © 2019 343 Industries. All rights reserved. Used with permission from 343 Industries. Halo: The Master Chief Collection and the Halo logo are trademarks of the Microsoft group of companies."
"musickit_hlalyx_01" "Half-Life: Alyx, Anti-Citizen"
"musickit_hlalyx_01_desc" "This music kit commemorates Half-Life: Alyx, Valve's VR return to the Half-Life series. You are humanity's only chance for survival, and your immersive environmental interactions continue in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive."
"musickit_scarlxrd_01" "Scarlxrd: King, Scar"
"musickit_scarlxrd_01_desc" "Scarlxrd blends heavy trap beats with a flow and delivery that creates his own unique subgenre. With this exciting blend his live shows capture the attention of everyone in the crowd."
"coupon_scarlxrd_01" "Music Kit | Scarlxrd: King, Scar"
"coupon_scarlxrd_01_stattrak" "StatTrak™ Music Kit | Scarlxrd: King, Scar"
"musickit_timhuling_01" "Tim Huling, Neo Noir"
"musickit_timhuling_01_desc" "Composer Tim Huling delivers classic film-noir style tracks blended with contemporary grooves and beats."
"coupon_timhuling_01" "Music Kit | Tim Huling, Neo Noir"
"coupon_timhuling_01_stattrak" "StatTrak™ Music Kit | Tim Huling, Neo Noir"
"musickit_sammarshall_01" "Sam Marshall, Bodacious"
"musickit_sammarshall_01_desc" "Inspired by the funky video game music of the early 90s, composer Sam Marshall cooks up some classic game nostalgia with a spicy modern sauce."
"coupon_sammarshall_01" "Music Kit | Sam Marshall, Bodacious"
"coupon_sammarshall_01_stattrak" "StatTrak™ Music Kit | Sam Marshall, Bodacious"
"musickit_mattlevine_01" "Matt Levine, Drifter"
"musickit_mattlevine_01_desc" "Composer Matt Levine delivers raw swagger in this gritty homage to the Spaghetti Western. It has never felt better to say, \"go ahead, make my day...\""
"coupon_mattlevine_01" "Music Kit | Matt Levine, Drifter"
"coupon_mattlevine_01_stattrak" "StatTrak™ Music Kit | Matt Levine, Drifter"
"musickit_treeadams_benbromfield_01" "Tree Adams and Ben Bromfield, M.U.D.D. FORCE"
"musickit_treeadams_benbromfield_01_desc" "Alchemists of a powerful chaos that is M.U.D.D. FORCE - composers Tree Adams and Ben Bromfield weld epic battle motifs and grinding synths into a Maelstrom of full throttle destruction."
"coupon_treeadams_benbromfield_01" "Music Kit | Tree Adams and Ben Bromfield, M.U.D.D. FORCE"
"coupon_treeadams_benbromfield_01_stattrak" "StatTrak™ Music Kit | Tree Adams and Ben Bromfield, M.U.D.D. FORCE"
"musickit_amontobin_01" "Amon Tobin, All for Dust"
"musickit_amontobin_01_desc" "Legendary producer Amon Tobin lends his unique aesthetic to CS:GO. This time through tube amplifiers."
"coupon_amontobin_01" "Music Kit | Amon Tobin, All for Dust"
"coupon_amontobin_01_stattrak" "StatTrak™ Music Kit | Amon Tobin, All for Dust"
"musickit_hades_01" "Darren Korb, Hades Music Kit"
"musickit_hades_01_desc" "Sure, you might miss a shot from time to time, but what never misses is this blood-pumping Music Kit straight from the Underworld of Hades, Supergiant's rogue-like dungeon crawler."
"musickit_neckdeep_02" "Neck Deep, The Lowlife Pack"
"musickit_neckdeep_02_desc" "Prove you are not a normie (and better than everyone else on the map) with Neck Deep's new music kit, which includes songs from the band's album All Distortions Are Intentional."
"coupon_neckdeep_02" "Music Kit | Neck Deep, The Lowlife Pack"
"coupon_neckdeep_02_stattrak" "StatTrak™ Music Kit | Neck Deep, The Lowlife Pack"
"musickit_scarlxrd_02" "Scarlxrd, CHAIN$AW.LXADXUT."
"coupon_scarlxrd_02" "Music Kit | Scarlxrd, CHAIN$AW.LXADXUT."
"coupon_scarlxrd_02_stattrak" "StatTrak™ Music Kit | Scarlxrd, CHAIN$AW.LXADXUT."
"musickit_austinwintory_03" "Austin Wintory, Mocha Petal"
"musickit_austinwintory_03_desc" "Austin Wintory answers the question humanity has asked for ages: what happens if you merge beer garden accordion polka music with grungy heavy metal?"
"coupon_austinwintory_03" "Music Kit | Austin Wintory, Mocha Petal"
"coupon_austinwintory_03_stattrak" "StatTrak™ Music Kit | Austin Wintory, Mocha Petal"
"musickit_chipzel_01" "Chipzel, ~Yellow Magic~"
"musickit_chipzel_01_desc" "Video game composer and chiptune legend Chipzel brings a glitchy Speak & Spell inspired mashup of hybrid styles packed with fun, funk and flavour."
"coupon_chipzel_01" "Music Kit | Chipzel, ~Yellow Magic~"
"coupon_chipzel_01_stattrak" "StatTrak™ Music Kit | Chipzel, ~Yellow Magic~"
"musickit_freakydna_01" "Freaky DNA, Vici"
"musickit_freakydna_01_desc" "Opera. 8-bit sounds. Analogue synths. What's not to love? Chiptune specialist Freaky DNA and soprano Leanne Koch team up for some heavy beats and good times!"
"coupon_freakydna_01" "Music Kit | Freaky DNA, Vici"
"coupon_freakydna_01_stattrak" "StatTrak™ Music Kit | Freaky DNA, Vici"
"musickit_jesseharlin_01" "Jesse Harlin, Astro Bellum"
"musickit_jesseharlin_01_desc" "Composer Jesse Harlin delivers bombastic space opera drama inspired by classic sci-fi of the 70s, 80s, and beyond."
"coupon_jesseharlin_01" "Music Kit | Jesse Harlin, Astro Bellum"
"coupon_jesseharlin_01_stattrak" "StatTrak™ Music Kit | Jesse Harlin, Astro Bellum"
"musickit_laurashigihara_01" "Laura Shigihara: Work Hard, Play Hard"
"musickit_laurashigihara_01_desc" "Video game composer and developer Laura Shigihara will help you tell everyone loudly and proudly that you're the MVP. Have fun with this unique blend of 90s dance, retro video game synth, and just a hint of Plants vs. Zombies."
"coupon_laurashigihara_01" "Music Kit | Laura Shigihara: Work Hard, Play Hard"
"coupon_laurashigihara_01_stattrak" "StatTrak™ Music Kit | Laura Shigihara: Work Hard, Play Hard"
"musickit_sarahschachner_01" "Sarah Schachner, KOLIBRI"
"musickit_sarahschachner_01_desc" "Brought to you by Sarah Schachner, a dystopian goth choir of self-aware, Scandinavian robots decide that humanity must be eliminated."
"coupon_sarahschachner_01" "Music Kit | Sarah Schachner, KOLIBRI"
"coupon_sarahschachner_01_stattrak" "StatTrak™ Music Kit | Sarah Schachner, KOLIBRI"
"musickit_bbnos_01" "bbno$, u mad!"
"musickit_bbnos_01_desc" "bbno$ formulates 'the' toxic gamer anthem, u mad! Are u mad? LOL get good scrub. Research shows if you play with this Music Kit equipped you'll immediately go from Silver to Global."
"coupon_bbnos_01" "Music Kit | bbno$, u mad!"
"coupon_bbnos_01_stattrak" "StatTrak™ Music Kit | bbno$, u mad!"
"musickit_theverkkars_02" "The Verkkars & n0thing, Flashbang Dance"
"musickit_theverkkars_02_desc" "From sunny California to frigid Lapland, Counter-Strike legend n0thing and The Verkkars combine powers to create the smash hit, Flashbang Dance! 3, 2, 1 you’re blind!"
"coupon_theverkkars_02" "Music Kit | The Verkkars & n0thing, Flashbang Dance"
"coupon_theverkkars_02_stattrak" "StatTrak™ Music Kit | The Verkkars & n0thing, Flashbang Dance"
"musickit_3kliksphilip_01" "3kliksphilip, Heading for the Source"
"musickit_3kliksphilip_01_desc" "On a quest to go pro, or unintentionally going low? Let this kit’s 80’s synths and dreamy melodies take you back. Back, back, back... to the good old days."
"coupon_3kliksphilip_01" "Music Kit | 3kliksphilip, Heading for the Source"
"coupon_3kliksphilip_01_stattrak" "StatTrak™ Music Kit | 3kliksphilip, Heading for the Source"
"musickit_hlb_01" "Humanity's Last Breath, Void"
"musickit_hlb_01_desc" "Swedish Band Humanity's Last Breath drops in heavy with their Void Music Kit. Pounding drums, colossal riffs and an atmosphere to send shivers up your spine."
"coupon_hlb_01" "Music Kit | Humanity's Last Breath, Void"
"coupon_hlb_01_stattrak" "StatTrak™ Music Kit | Humanity's Last Breath, Void"
"musickit_juelz_01" "Juelz, Shooters"
"musickit_juelz_01_desc" "Neo trap synths, gritty 808s, an epic piano riff, and a plethora of gunfire sound effects. The OG trap anthem \"Shooters\" by Juelz makes for a truly elite Music Kit. Suitable for MVPs only."
"coupon_juelz_01" "Music Kit | Juelz, Shooters"
"coupon_juelz_01_stattrak" "StatTrak™ Music Kit | Juelz, Shooters"
"musickit_knock2_01" "Knock2, dashstar*"
"musickit_knock2_01_desc" "dashstar*, the iconic bass house anthem from Knock2, provides non-stop energy that captures the young San Diego native’s mantra, \"no limit\"."
"coupon_knock2_01" "Music Kit | Knock2, dashstar*"
"coupon_knock2_01_stattrak" "StatTrak™ Music Kit | Knock2, dashstar*"
"musickit_meechydarko_01" "Meechy Darko, Gothic Luxury"
"musickit_meechydarko_01_desc" "Grab a Glock and equip this music kit to be transported to the center of New York's underground hip-hop scene."
"coupon_meechydarko_01" "Music Kit | Meechy Darko, Gothic Luxury"
"coupon_meechydarko_01_stattrak" "StatTrak™ Music Kit | Meechy Darko, Gothic Luxury"
"musickit_sullivanking_01" "Sullivan King, Lock Me Up"
"musickit_sullivanking_01_desc" "Love the chase? Love the hunt? Hard rock, metal, and dubstep collide in Sullivan King's soundtrack for becoming unstoppable."
"coupon_sullivanking_01" "Music Kit | Sullivan King, Lock Me Up"
"coupon_sullivanking_01_stattrak" "StatTrak™ Music Kit | Sullivan King, Lock Me Up"
"musickit_perfectworld_01" "Perfect World, 花脸 Hua Lian (Painted Face)"
"musickit_perfectworld_01_desc" "Celebrate the 5th anniversary of CS:GO's release in China with a one of a kind music kit, 花脸 Hua Lian (Painted Face). This kit combines folk Qinqiang opera (the earliest Chinese style Rock 'n' Roll) and modern Rock 'n' Roll. Whether you are engulfed in smoke or blinded by a flashbang, don't get lost!"
"coupon_perfectworld_01" "Music Kit | Perfect World, 花脸 Hua Lian (Painted Face)"
"coupon_perfectworld_01_stattrak" "StatTrak™ Music Kit | Perfect World, 花脸 Hua Lian (Painted Face)"
"musickit_denzelcurry_01" "Denzel Curry, ULTIMATE"
"musickit_denzelcurry_01_desc" "Denzel brings his signature energy to CS:GO as he traverses trap, jazz, and drum and bass beats. This kit features Denzel's hits \"Walkin\", \"ULTIMATE\", and more, so break out the nickel-plated chrome Berettas and crank up the intensity with the ULTIMATE music kit."
"coupon_denzelcurry_01" "Music Kit | Denzel Curry, ULTIMATE"
"coupon_denzelcurry_01_stattrak" "StatTrak™ Music Kit | Denzel Curry, ULTIMATE"
"csgo_thousands_separator" "," // Note: This only supports , and .
// Quests!
"quest" "Mission"
"quest_desc" ""
"quest_totalgoal_points_desc" "Total %actions% required: <b>%points%</b>" // special non-breaking space characters in this string, edit carefully!
"quest_attrremaining_points_desc" "Remaining %actions%: <b>%points%</b>" // special non-breaking space characters in this string, edit carefully!
"quest_uncommitted_points_desc" "Remaining %actions%: <b>%points%</b> (<b>%points uncommitted%</b> earned this match)" // special non-breaking space characters in this string, edit carefully!
"quest_uncommitted_points_warn" " * <i>%actions% will be recorded at end of match</i>"
"quest_uncommitted_points_chat_one" " Mission fulfilled: %action% scored."
"quest_uncommitted_points_chat_singular" " Mission progress: +%points% %action% scored."
"quest_uncommitted_points_chat_plural" " Mission progress: +%points% %actions% scored."
"quest_uncommitted_points_chat_event" " Blitz Mission: %action% scored."
"quest_reward_desc" "This mission rewards from\n<b>%s1</b>:"
"quest_reward_xp" "Mission Reward: <b>%s1</b> XP"
"quest_event_totalgoal_points_desc" "Earn boosted XP for every <b>%action%</b> during this event."
"quest_bonus_desc" "Bonus: +<b>%xpperbonusaction%</b> XP per %action%—<i>%xpbonuscondition%.</i>"
"quest_bonus_fractional_desc" "Bonus: +<b>%xpperbonusactions%</b> XP per <b>%n_actions%</b> %actions%—<i>%xpbonuscondition%.</i>"
"quest_bonus_single_desc" "Bonus: +<b>%xpperbonusaction%</b> XP—<i>%xpbonuscondition%.</i>"
"quest_target_chicken" "chicken"
"quest_target_human_or_chicken" "human or chicken"
"quest_target_hostagerescuer" "hostage rescuer"
"quest_target_armsraceleader" "arms race leader"
"quest_target_headshot" "headshot"
"quest_target_airborne" "airborne"
"quest_target_pistolround" "pistol"
"quest_target_lockeddoor" "locked doors"
"quest_target_explodingbarrel" "exploding barrels"
"quest_target_glasspane" "glass panes"
"quest_target_enemydrone" "enemy drones"
"quest_target_shotgun" "shotgun"
"quest_target_sniperrifle" "sniper rifle"
"quest_target_utility" "utility"
"quest_target_defaultctpistol" "default CT pistol"
"quest_target_defaultpistol" "default pistol"
"quest_target_knife" "knife"
"quest_action_plural_act_kill_human" "kills"
"quest_action_singular_act_kill_human" "kill"
"quest_action_plural_act_kill_chicken" "kills"
"quest_action_singular_act_kill_chicken" "kill"
"quest_action_plural_act_kill_other" ""
"quest_action_singular_act_kill_other" ""
"quest_action_plural_act_protect_chicken" "seconds protecting a chicken"
"quest_action_singular_act_protect_chicken" "second protecting a chicken"
"quest_action_plural_act_kill_target" "assassinations"
"quest_action_singular_act_kill_target" "assassination"
"quest_action_plural_act_damage" "damage"
"quest_action_singular_act_damage" "damage point inflicted"
"quest_action_plural_act_win_match" "wins"
"quest_action_singular_act_win_match" "win"
"quest_action_plural_act_dz_game_end_placement" "placements"
"quest_action_singular_act_dz_game_end_placement" "placement"
"quest_action_plural_act_dz_purchase_item" "purchases"
"quest_action_singular_act_dz_purchase_item" "purchase"
"quest_action_plural_act_win_round" "round wins"
"quest_action_singular_act_win_round" "round win"
"quest_action_plural_act_round_end" ""
"quest_action_singular_act_round_end" ""
"quest_action_plural_act_round_mvp" "MVPs"
"quest_action_singular_act_round_mvp" "MVP"
"quest_action_plural_act_dm_bonus_points" "points"
"quest_action_singular_act_dm_bonus_points" "point"
"quest_action_plural_act_armsrace_level" "levels"
"quest_action_singular_act_armsrace_level" "level"
"quest_action_plural_act_gg_weapon_upgrade" "upgrades"
"quest_action_singular_act_gg_weapon_upgrade" "upgrade"
"quest_action_plural_act_gg_upgrade_to_knifegg" "upgrades"
"quest_action_singular_act_gg_upgrade_to_knifegg" "upgrade"
"quest_action_plural_act_flashbang_enemy" "enemy flashes"
"quest_action_singular_act_flashbang_enemy" "enemy flash"
"quest_action_plural_act_pick_up_hostage" "hostage pick ups"
"quest_action_singular_act_pick_up_hostage" "hostage pick up"
"quest_action_plural_act_rescue_hostage" "hostage rescues"
"quest_action_singular_act_rescue_hostage" "hostage rescue"
"quest_action_plural_act_defuse_bomb" "bomb defusals"
"quest_action_singular_act_defuse_bomb" "bomb defusal"
"quest_action_plural_act_plant_bomb" "bomb plants"
"quest_action_singular_act_plant_bomb" "bomb plant"
"quest_action_singular_act_income" "dollar"
"quest_action_plural_act_income" "cash"
"quest_action_singular_act_survivalincome" "dollar"
"quest_action_plural_act_survivalincome" "cash"
"quest_action_singular_act_spend" "dollar"
"quest_action_plural_act_spend" "cash"
"quest_action_singular_act_parachute_landed" "second gliding in a parachute"
"quest_action_plural_act_parachute_landed" "seconds gliding in a parachute"
"quest_action_singular_act_bumpmine_launch" "bumpmine launch"
"quest_action_plural_act_bumpmine_launch" "bumpmine launches"
"quest_action_singular_headshot_kill" "headshot kill"
"quest_action_plural_headshot_kill" "headshot kills"
"quest_action_singular_multikill" "multi-kill round"
"quest_action_plural_multikill" "multi-kill rounds"
"quest_action_singular_act_apply_graffiti" "graffiti"
"quest_action_plural_act_apply_graffiti" "graffiti"
"quest_action_singular_act_detonate_smokegrenade" "smoke grenade"
"quest_action_plural_act_detonate_smokegrenade" "smoke grenades"
"quest_action_singular_act_detonate_molotov" "molotov"
"quest_action_plural_act_detonate_molotov" "molotovs"
"quest_action_singular_act_use_healthshot" "healthshot"
"quest_action_plural_act_use_healthshot" "healthshots"
"quest_action_singular_act_retakes_picked_enemy_card" "enemy card selection"
"quest_action_plural_act_retakes_picked_enemy_card" "enemy card selections"
"quest_action_singular_act_retakes_picked_mvp_card" "MVP card selection"
"quest_action_plural_act_retakes_picked_mvp_card" "MVP card selections"
"quest_action_plural_bomb_plants_or_defuses" "bomb plants or defusals"
"quest_action_singular_bomb_plants_or_defuses" "bomb plant or defusal"
"quest_action_plural_rescue_or_kill_hostages" "hostage rescues or rescuers killed"
"quest_action_singular_rescue_or_kill_hostages" "hostage rescue or rescuer kill"
"quest_action_plural_damage_burn" "burn damage"
"quest_action_singular_damage_burn" "points of burn damage"
"quest_commandverb_default" "Get"
"quest_commandverb_defaultCT" "As a CT, get"
"quest_commandverb_defaultT" "As a T, get"
"quest_commandverb_deal" "Deal"
"quest_commandverb_earn" "Earn"
"quest_commandverb_earnT" "As a T, earn"
"quest_commandverb_spend" "Spend"
"quest_commandverb_execute" "Execute"
"quest_commandverb_destroy" "Destroy"
"quest_commandverb_apply" "Apply"
"quest_commandverb_throw" "Land"
"emptystring" ""
"quest_condition_item_own" "your own"
"quest_condition_item_borrowed" "someone else's"
"quest_condition_item_borrowed_teammate" "teammate's"
"quest_condition_item_borrowed_enemy" "enemy's"
"quest_condition_item_borrowed_victim" "victim's own"
"quest_condition_item_nondefault" "pretty"
"quest_LoadoutSlot_Melee" "knife"
"quest_LoadoutSlot_Secondary" "pistol"
"quest_LoadoutSlot_SMG" "SMG"
"quest_LoadoutSlot_Rifle" "rifle"
"quest_LoadoutSlot_Heavy" "heavy weapon"
"quest_LoadoutSlot_Grenade" "grenade"
"quest_item_default" "weapon"
"quest_event_ending" "Ends in %s1 minutes"
"quest_event_soon_hours" "Starts in %s1 hours"
"quest_event_soon_hms" "Starts in %s1:%s2:%s3"
"quest_event_today" "Today %s1:%s2"
"quest_event_future" "Starts %s1 %s2 %s3:%s4"
"quest_event_timer" "Starts in %s1"
////////////////////////// generalized quest strings //////////////////////////////
/// Use these if applicable. If not, use this pattern to create new ones.
"quest_default_0_items_desc" "%commandverb% %target% %actions% in <b>%gamemode%: %location%</b> matches."
"quest_default_1_items_desc" "%commandverb% %target% %actions% with any <i>%item_quality%</i> <b>%item1%</b> in <b>%gamemode%: %location%</b> matches."
"quest_default_2_items_desc" "%commandverb% %target% %actions% with any <i>%item_quality%</i> <b>%item1%</b> or <b>%item2%</b> in <b>%gamemode%: %location%</b> matches."
"quest_default_3_items_desc" "%commandverb% %target% %actions% with any <i>%item_quality%</i> <b>%item1%</b>, <b>%item2%</b>, or <b>%item3%</b> %item_quality% in <b>%gamemode%: %location%</b> matches."
"quest_default_4_items_desc" "%commandverb% %target% %actions% with any <i>%item_quality%</i> <b>%item1%</b>, <b>%item2%</b>, <b>%item3%</b>, or <b>%item4%</b> in <b>%gamemode%: %location%</b> matches."
"quest_default_hud_0_items_desc" "%commandverb% %target% %actions%"
"quest_default_hud_1_items_desc" "%commandverb% %target% %actions%: <i>%item_quality%</i> <b>%item1%</b>"
"quest_default_hud_2_items_desc" "%commandverb% %target% %actions%: <i>%item_quality%</i> <b>%item1%</b>/<b>%item2%</b>"
"quest_default_hud_3_items_desc" "%commandverb% %target% %actions%: <i>%item_quality%</i> <b>%item1%</b>/<b>%item2%</b>/<b>%item3%</b>"
"quest_default_hud_4_items_desc" "%commandverb% %target% %actions%: <i>%item_quality%</i> <b>%item1%</b>/<b>%item2%</b>/<b>%item3%</b>/<b>%item4%</b>"
/////////////////////////////// Quest Strings via Dialog Vars //////
/// Used starting with Op09 - the default descriptions should handle most "Perform X Action in GameMode: Location" quests.
"quest_default_var_desc" "{s:commandverb} {d:points} {s:target} {s:actions} in <b>{s:gamemode}: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_single_var_desc" "{s:commandverb} {d:points} {s:target} {s:actions} in a <i>single</i> <b>{s:gamemode}: {s:location}</b> match."
"quest_default_no_map_var_desc" "{s:commandverb} {d:points} {s:target} {s:actions} in <b>{s:gamemode}</b>."
"quest_single_no_map_var_desc" "{s:commandverb} {d:points} {s:target} {s:actions} in a <i>single</i> <b>{s:gamemode}</b> match."
"quest_weapon_var_desc" "{s:commandverb} {d:points} {s:target} {s:actions} with the {s:weapon} in <b>{s:gamemode}: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_weapon_single_var_desc" "{s:commandverb} {d:points} {s:target} {s:actions} with the {s:weapon} in a <i>single</i> <b>{s:gamemode}: {s:location}</b> match."
"quest_weapon_no_map_var_desc" "{s:commandverb} {d:points} {s:target} {s:actions} with the {s:weapon} in <b>{s:gamemode}</b>."
"quest_weapon_category_no_map_var_desc" "{s:commandverb} {d:points} {s:target} {s:actions} with any {s:weapon} weapon in <b>{s:gamemode}</b>."
"quest_flyingscoutsman_var_desc" "{s:commandverb} {d:points} {s:target} {s:actions} in <b>Flying Scoutsman: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_flyingscoutsman_no_map_var_desc" "{s:commandverb} {d:points} {s:target} {s:actions} in <b>Flying Scoutsman</b>."
"quest_retakes_var_desc" "{s:commandverb} {d:points} {s:target} {s:actions} in <b>Retakes: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_retakes_no_map_var_desc" "{s:commandverb} {d:points} {s:target} {s:actions} in <b>Retakes</b>."
"quest_armsrace_var_desc" "{s:commandverb} {d:points} {s:target} {s:actions} in <b>Arms Race</b>."
"quest_armsrace_weapon_var_desc" "{s:commandverb} {d:points} {s:target} {s:actions} with any {s:weapon} in <b>Arms Race</b>."
// quest exceptions:
"quest_931_var_desc" "Get {d:points} kills with the {s:weapon} in <b>{s:gamemode}: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_932_var_desc" "Get {d:points} kills while you are airborne in <b>Flying Scoutsman</b>."
"quest_933_var_desc" "Get {d:points} round wins in <b>{s:gamemode}: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_934_var_desc" "Get {s:kills} {s:weapon} kills in <b>Guardian: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_935_var_desc" "Get {d:points} {s:weapon} kills in a <i>single</i> <b>{s:gamemode}: {s:location}</b> match."
"quest_936_var_desc" "Get {d:points} {s:weapon} kills in <b>{s:gamemode}</b>."
"quest_937_var_desc" "Apply {d:points} graffiti in enemy territory in <b>{s:gamemode}: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_938_var_desc" "Get {d:points} arms race leader kills in <b>{s:gamemode}</b>."
"quest_939_var_desc" "Get {s:kills} {s:weapon} kills in <b>Guardian: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_940_var_desc" "Get {d:points} round wins in <b>{s:gamemode}: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_941_var_desc" "Get {d:points} pistol round wins in <b>{s:gamemode}: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_942_var_desc" "Get {d:points} {s:weapon} kills in a <i>single</i> <b>{s:gamemode}: {s:location}</b> match."
"quest_943_var_desc" "Get {d:points} kills in <b>Flying Scoutsman</b>."
"quest_944_var_desc" "Spend {d:points} cash in a <i>single</i> <b>{s:gamemode}</b> match."
"quest_945_var_desc" "Get {s:kills} kills in <b>Guardian: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_946_var_desc" "Get {d:points} round wins in <b>{s:gamemode}: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_947_var_desc" "Get {d:points} round wins in <b>{s:gamemode}: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_948_var_desc" "Get {d:points} hostage rescues, or kill {d:points} hostage rescuers in <b>{s:gamemode}: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_949_var_desc" "Get {d:points} kills with the {s:weapon} in <b>{s:gamemode}: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_950_var_desc" "Get {d:points} kills with any Heavy Weapon in <b>{s:gamemode}</b>."
"quest_951_var_desc" "Get {s:kills} {s:weapon} kills in <b>Guardian: {s:location}</b>. Players start with <b>{s:extraequip0}</b>."
"quest_952_var_desc" "Get {d:points} round wins in <b>{s:gamemode}: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_953_var_desc" "Get {d:points} round wins in <b>{s:gamemode}: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_954_var_desc" "Get {d:points} {s:target} kills in a <i>single</i> <b>{s:gamemode}: {s:location}</b> match."
"quest_955_var_desc" "Befriend chickens for {d:points} seconds in <b>{s:gamemode}: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_956_var_desc" "Use a parachute for {d:points} seconds in <b>{s:gamemode}</b>."
"quest_957_var_desc" "Get {d:points} kills with the {s:weapon} in <b>{s:gamemode}: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_958_var_desc" "Get {d:points} round wins in <b>{s:gamemode}: {s:location}</b> (Scrimmage)."
"quest_959_var_desc" "Get {d:points} kills in <b>{s:gamemode}: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_960_var_desc" "Get {s:kills} {s:weapon} kills in <b>Guardian: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_961_var_desc" "Get {d:points} pistol kills in <b>{s:gamemode}: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_962_var_desc" "Get {d:points} kills without spending any money in a <i>single</i> <b>{s:gamemode}</b> match."
"quest_963_var_desc" "Get {s:kills} {s:weapon} kills in <b>Guardian: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_964_var_desc" "Get {d:points} pistol round wins in <b>{s:gamemode}</b>."
"quest_965_var_desc" "Get {s:kills} {s:weapon} kills in <b>Guardian: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_966_var_desc" "Earn ${d:points} in <b>{s:gamemode}: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_967_var_desc" "Get {d:points} kills with the {s:weapon} in <b>{s:gamemode}: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_968_var_desc" "Get {d:points} sniper rifle kills in <b>{s:gamemode}</b>."
"quest_969_var_desc" "Get {s:kills} unscoped {s:weapon} kills in <b>Guardian: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_970_var_desc" "Get {d:points} round wins in <b>{s:gamemode}: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_971_var_desc" "Get {s:kills} {s:weapon} kills in <b>Guardian: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_972_var_desc" "Get {d:points} headshot kills in a <i>single</i> <b>{s:gamemode}: {s:location}</b> match."
"quest_973_var_desc" "Get {d:points} kills in <b>{s:gamemode}: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_974_var_desc" "Get {d:points} headshot kills in <b>{s:gamemode}: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_975_var_desc" "Get {s:kills} kills with CT weapons in <b>Guardian: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_976_var_desc" "Get {d:points} round wins in <b>{s:gamemode}: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_977_var_desc" "Get {d:points} round wins in <b>{s:gamemode}: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_978_var_desc" "Get {d:points} kills with the {s:weapon} in <b>{s:gamemode}: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_979_var_desc" "Get a kill streak of four or more in <b>{s:gamemode}: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_980_var_desc" "Place fourth or better in <b>{s:gamemode}</b>."
"quest_981_var_desc" "Get {s:kills} {s:weapon} headshot kills in <b>Guardian: {s:location}</b> <i>with no armor</i>."
"quest_982_var_desc" "Get {d:points} headshot kills with the {s:weapon} in a <i>single</i> <b>{s:gamemode}: {s:location}</b> match."
"quest_983_var_desc" "Get {d:points} headshot kills in <b>{s:gamemode}</b>."
"quest_984_var_desc" "Earn {d:points} MVPs in <b>{s:gamemode}</b> matches."
"quest_985_var_desc" "Get {d:points} default pistol kills in <b>{s:gamemode}: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_986_var_desc" "Get {s:kills} {s:weapon} kills in <b>Guardian: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_987_var_desc" "Get {d:points} kills with an enemy's primary rifle in <b>{s:gamemode}: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_988_var_desc" "Get {d:points} knife kills in <b>Arms Race</b>."
"quest_989_var_desc" "Deal {d:points} utility damage in <b>{s:gamemode}</b>."
"quest_990_var_desc" "Earn {d:points} aces in <b>{s:gamemode}</b>."
"quest_991_var_desc" "Get {d:points} kills with the <b>Tec-9 or Five-Seven</b> in <b>{s:gamemode}: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_992_var_desc" "Get {s:kills} {s:weapon} kills in <b>Guardian: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_993_var_desc" "Deal {d:points} utility damage in <b>{s:gamemode}: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_994_var_desc" "Get {d:points} kills in <b>{s:gamemode}</b>."
"quest_995_var_desc" "Get {d:points} round wins in <b>{s:gamemode}: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_996_var_desc" "Get {d:points} kills in <b>{s:gamemode}: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_997_var_desc" "Get {d:points} kills with the Galil AR or FAMAS in <b>{s:gamemode}: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_998_var_desc" "Get {s:kills} {s:weapon} kills in <b>Guardian: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_999_var_desc" "Get {d:points} kill with the {s:weapon} in <b>{s:gamemode}: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_1000_var_desc" "Destroy {d:points} enemy drones {s:actions} in <b>{s:gamemode}</b>."
"quest_1001_var_desc" "Earn {d:points} MVPs in a <i>single</i> <b>{s:gamemode}: {s:location}</b> match."
"quest_1002_var_desc" "Get a kill streak of 2 or more in {d:points} rounds in <b>{s:gamemode}: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_1003_var_desc" "Get {d:points} kills with the {s:weapon} in <b>{s:gamemode}: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_1004_var_desc" "Get {s:kills} {s:weapon} kills in <b>Guardian: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_1005_var_desc" "Get {d:points} round wins in <b>{s:gamemode}: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_1006_var_desc" "Get {d:points} kills in <b>Arms Race</b>."
"quest_1007_var_desc" "Destroy {d:points} locked doors {s:actions} with the {s:weapon} in <b>{s:gamemode}</b>."
"quest_1008_var_desc" "Get {d:points} kills with the AK-47 or M4A4 in <b>{s:gamemode}: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_1009_var_desc" "Get {d:points} round wins in <b>{s:gamemode}: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_1010_var_desc" "Get {d:points} kills with the {s:weapon} in <b>{s:gamemode}: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_1011_var_desc" "Win 5 or more rounds in a single half of a <b>{s:gamemode}: {s:location}</b> match."
"quest_1012_var_desc" "Step on {d:points} bumpmines in <b>{s:gamemode}</b>."
"quest_1013_var_desc" "Get {d:points} {s:weapon} kill in <b>{s:gamemode}</b>."
"quest_1014_var_desc" "Get {s:kills} {s:weapon} kills in <b>Guardian: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_1015_var_desc" "Get {d:points} kills without spending over $2000 in <b>{s:gamemode}: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_1016_var_desc" "Hold $3000 or more in <b>{s:gamemode}</b>."
"quest_1017_var_desc" "Get {d:points} round wins in <b>{s:gamemode}: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_1018_var_desc" "Get {s:kills} {s:weapon} kills in <b>Guardian: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_1019_var_desc" "Get {d:points} kills with any {s:weapon} in <b>Arms Race</b>."
"quest_1020_var_desc" "Get {d:points} kills with the {s:weapon} in <b>{s:gamemode}: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_1021_var_desc" "Massacre {d:points} chickens in <b>{s:gamemode}: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_1022_var_desc" "Blow up {d:points} explosive barrels in <b>{s:gamemode}</b>."
"quest_1023_var_desc" "Get {d:points} round wins in <b>{s:gamemode}: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_1024_var_desc" "Break {d:points} panes of glass in <b>{s:gamemode}: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_1025_var_desc" "Get {d:points} round wins in <b>{s:gamemode}: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_1027_var_desc" "Apply {d:points} graffiti in the opponent's starting area in <b>{s:gamemode}: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_1028_var_desc" "Get {d:points} kills from <i>Banana</i> or <i>Apartments</i> in <b>{s:gamemode}: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_1029_var_desc" "Throw {d:points} strategic smoke grenades in <b>{s:gamemode}: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_1030_var_desc" "Recover a sample of the Danger Zone virus from the Phoenix laboratory."
"quest_1031_var_desc" "Destroy the Phoenix production facility and eliminate Franz Kriegeld."
"quest_1098_var_desc" "Win rounds in <b>{s:location}</b>."
"quest_1032_var_desc" "Win rounds in <b>{s:gamemode}: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_1033_var_desc" "Get {s:kills} kills in <b>Guardian: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_1034_var_desc" "The Phoenix have been spotted! Find out what they are planning."
"quest_1035_var_desc" "Get AK47, M4A4, or M4A1-S kills in <b>{s:gamemode}: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_1036_var_desc" "Win rounds in <b>{s:location}</b>."
"quest_1037_var_desc" "Get kills in <b>{s:gamemode}: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_1099_var_desc" "Earn MVPs in <b>{s:location}</b>."
"quest_1038_var_desc" "Win rounds in <b>{s:gamemode}: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_1039_var_desc" "Get kills with all {s:kills} pistols in <b>Guardian: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_1040_var_desc" "Get {s:weapon} kills in <b>{s:location}</b>."
"quest_1041_var_desc" "Get {s:weapon} kills in <b>{s:gamemode}: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_1042_var_desc" "Win rounds in <b>{s:gamemode}: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_1043_var_desc" "Get {s:kills} kills with {s:weapon} in <b>Guardian: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_1044_var_desc" "Get kills at a range of at least 15 meters in <b>{s:gamemode}: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_1045_var_desc" "Get kills with any sniper rifle in <b>{s:location}</b>."
"quest_1046_var_desc" "Get headshot kills in <b>{s:gamemode}: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_1047_var_desc" "Get {s:kills} kills with the {s:weapon} in <b>Guardian: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_1048_var_desc" "Deal grenade damage in <b>{s:location}</b>."
"quest_1049_var_desc" "Earn money in <b>{s:gamemode}: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_1050_var_desc" "Win rounds in <b>{s:gamemode}: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_1051_var_desc" "Get {s:kills} kills in <b>Guardian: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_1052_var_desc" "Select an enemy card in <b>{s:location}</b>."
"quest_1053_var_desc" "Detonate smoke grenades at specific locations in <b>{s:gamemode}: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_1054_var_desc" "Win rounds in <b>{s:gamemode}: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_1055_var_desc" "Get {s:kills} kills with Terrorist weapons in <b>Guardian: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_1056_var_desc" "Get kills from Tunnel or Palace in <b>{s:gamemode}: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_1057_var_desc" "Get kills in <b>{s:location}</b>."
"quest_1058_var_desc" "Win rounds in <b>{s:gamemode}: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_1059_var_desc" "Get {s:kills} SMG kills in <b>Guardian: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_1060_var_desc" "Get SMG kills in <b>{s:gamemode}: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_1061_var_desc" "Get SMG kills in <b>{s:location}</b>."
"quest_1062_var_desc" "Win rounds in <b>{s:gamemode}: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_1063_var_desc" "Get {s:kills} Shotgun kills in <b>Guardian: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_1064_var_desc" "Select an MVP card in <b>{s:location}</b>."
"quest_1065_var_desc" "Apply Graffiti at specific locations in <b>{s:gamemode}: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_1100_var_desc" "Win rounds in <b>{s:location}</b>."
"quest_1066_var_desc" "Win rounds in <b>{s:gamemode}: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_1067_var_desc" "Get {s:kills} headshot kills with the AUG in <b>Guardian: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_1068_var_desc" "Blind an enemy with a flashbang in <b>{s:location}</b>."
"quest_1069_var_desc" "Apply Graffiti at specific locations in <b>{s:gamemode}: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_1101_var_desc" "Win rounds in <b>{s:location}</b>."
"quest_1070_var_desc" "Win rounds in <b>{s:gamemode}: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_1071_var_desc" "Get {s:kills} kills at a range closer than 10 meters in <b>Guardian: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_1072_var_desc" "Get kills at a range closer than 10 meters in <b>{s:gamemode}: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_1073_var_desc" "Get kills in <b>{s:location}</b>."
"quest_1074_var_desc" "Win rounds in <b>{s:gamemode}: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_1075_var_desc" "Get {s:kills} kills in <b>Guardian: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_1076_var_desc" "Get headshot kills in <b>{s:gamemode}: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_1077_var_desc" "Get Heavy weapon kills in <b>{s:gamemode}: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_1102_var_desc" "Win rounds in <b>{s:location}</b>."
"quest_1078_var_desc" "Win rounds in <b>{s:gamemode}: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_1079_var_desc" "Get {s:kills} SSG08 kills in <b>Guardian: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_1080_var_desc" "Get chicken kills in <b>{s:gamemode}: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_1081_var_desc" "Get kills in <b>{s:location}</b>."
"quest_1082_var_desc" "Win rounds in <b>{s:gamemode}: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_1083_var_desc" "Get {s:kills} MAG-7 kills in <b>Guardian: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_1084_var_desc" "Get kills in <b>{s:location}</b>."
"quest_1085_var_desc" "Deal grenade damage in <b>{s:gamemode}: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_1085_v2_var_desc" "Deal grenade damage in <b>{s:gamemode}: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_1086_var_desc" "Win rounds in <b>{s:gamemode}: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_1087_var_desc" "Get {s:kills} kills with enemy weapons in <b>Guardian: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_1088_var_desc" "Get kills from specific locations in <b>{s:gamemode}: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_1089_var_desc" "Get scoped kills in <b>{s:gamemode}: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_1089_v2_var_desc" "Get scoped kills in <b>{s:gamemode}: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_1090_var_desc" "Win rounds in <b>{s:gamemode}: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_1091_var_desc" "Get {s:kills} kills in <b>Guardian: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_1092_var_desc" "Score points with the bonus weapon in <b>{s:gamemode}: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_1092_v2_var_desc" "Score points with the bonus weapon in <b>{s:gamemode}: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_1093_var_desc" "Spend money in <b>{s:gamemode}</b>."
"quest_1094_var_desc" "Win rounds in <b>{s:gamemode}: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_1095_var_desc" "Get {s:kills} kills in <b>Guardian: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_1095_v2_var_desc" "Get {s:kills} UMP-45 kills in <b>Guardian: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_1096_var_desc" "Win rounds in <b>{s:location}</b>."
"quest_1097_var_desc" "Complete the Mission."
"quest_1097_v2_var_desc" "<i>...the retina quickly adapts to the bright stimulus, creating temporary blindness.</i>"
"quest_1103_var_desc" "Blind the enemy with flashbangs in <b>{s:gamemode}: {s:location}</b>."
// OP11 Week 1 Missions
"quest_1106_var_desc" "Survive an aerial assault in <b>Guardian: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_1107_var_desc" "Complete a variety of tasks in <b>Danger Zone: {s:location}</b>"
"quest_1108_var_desc" "Get kills in a series of different radar locations"
// OP11 Week 2 Missions
"quest_1111_var_desc" "Get kills in <b>Guardian: {s:location}</b>."
// OP11 Week 3 Missions
"quest_1115_var_desc" "Get sniper rifle kills in <b>Guardian: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_1117_var_desc" "Apply graffiti in different locations"
// OP11 Week 4 Missions
"quest_1119_var_desc" "Get shotgun kills in <b>Guardian: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_1120_var_desc" "Get kills in a series of different radar locations"
// OP11 Week 5 Missions
"quest_1123_var_desc" "Get SMG kills in <b>Guardian: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_1125_var_desc" "Complete a variety of tasks"
// OP11 Week 6 Missions
"quest_1127_var_desc" "Get rifle kills in <b>Guardian: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_1128_var_desc" "Get a killstreak in <b>Deathmatch: {s:location}</b>."
// OP11 Week 7 Missions
"quest_1131_var_desc" "Get kills in <b>Guardian: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_1132_var_desc" "Get kills in a series of different radar locations"
// OP11 Week 8 Missions
"quest_1135_var_desc" "Get shotgun kills in <b>Guardian: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_1137_var_desc" "Complete a variety of tasks with utility"
// OP11 Week 9 Missions
"quest_1139_var_desc" "Get pistol kills in <b>Guardian: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_1140_var_desc" "Apply graffiti to various locations"
// OP11 Week 10 Missions
"quest_1143_var_desc" "Get AUG kills in <b>Guardian: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_1144_var_desc" "Get kills in a series of different radar locations"
// OP11 Week 11 Missions
"quest_1147_var_desc" "Get MP9 kills in <b>Guardian: {s:location}</b>."
// OP11 Week 12 Missions
"quest_1151_var_desc" "Get SMG kills in <b>Guardian: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_1152_var_desc" "Get kill streaks"
// OP11 Week 13 Missions
"quest_1155_var_desc" "Get enemy weapon kills in <b>Guardian: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_1156_var_desc" "Get kills in a series of different radar locations"
"quest_1157_var_desc" "Apply graffiti to various locations"
// OP11 Week 14 Missions
"quest_1159_var_desc" "Get Breach Charge kills in <b>Guardian: {s:location}</b>."
// OP11 Week 15 Missions
"quest_1163_var_desc" "Get Heavy Weapon kills in <b>Guardian: {s:location}</b>."
// OP11 Week 16 Missions
"quest_1167_var_desc" "Get kills in <b>Guardian: {s:location}</b>."
"quest_1169_var_desc" "Get kills using weapons from one of the four Operation Riptide collections"
// OP11 Week 1 Sub-Missions
"quest_1200_var_desc" "Win {d:points} match"
"quest_1201_var_desc" "Win {d:points} rounds"
"quest_1202_var_desc" "Deal {d:points} utility damage in a <i>single match</i>"
"quest_1203_var_desc" "Deal {d:points} utility damage"
"quest_1204_var_desc" "Destroy an enemy drone"
"quest_1205_var_desc" "Explode a barrel"
"quest_1206_var_desc" "Destroy some glass"
"quest_1207_var_desc" "Bump mine launch off the top of the Water Tower"
"quest_1208_var_desc" "Rescue a hostage"
"quest_1209_var_desc" "Get a kill from T Start"
"quest_1210_var_desc" "Get a kill from T Ramp"
"quest_1211_var_desc" "Get a kill from Bombsite A"
"quest_1212_var_desc" "Get a kill from CT Start"
"quest_1213_var_desc" "Get a kill from Shop"
"quest_1214_var_desc" "Get a kill from Bombsite B"
"quest_1215_var_desc" "Get a kill from Catwalk"
"quest_1216_var_desc" "Get a kill from Mid"
"quest_1217_var_desc" "Get a kill from Stairs"
"quest_1218_var_desc" "Get a kill from Bombsite A (Again)!"
"quest_1219_var_desc" "Get {d:points} multi-kill rounds in a <i>single match</i>"
"quest_1220_var_desc" "Get {d:points} kills"
// OP11 Week 2 Sub-Missions
"quest_1221_var_desc" "Win {d:points} match"
"quest_1222_var_desc" "Win {d:points} rounds"
"quest_1223_var_desc" "Get {d:points} headshot kills in a <i>single match</i>"
"quest_1224_var_desc" "Get {d:points} headshot kills"
"quest_1225_var_desc" "Deal grenade damage"
"quest_1226_var_desc" "Get {d:points} kills"
// OP11 Week 3 Sub-Missions
"quest_1227_var_desc" "Win {d:points} match"
"quest_1228_var_desc" "Win {d:points} rounds"
"quest_1229_var_desc" "Deal {d:points} damage in a <i>single match</i>"
"quest_1230_var_desc" "Deal {d:points} damage"
"quest_1231_var_desc" "Apply graffiti at CT Start"
"quest_1232_var_desc" "Apply graffiti at Bombsite A"
"quest_1233_var_desc" "Apply graffiti at Pit"
"quest_1234_var_desc" "Apply graffiti at Bombsite B"
"quest_1235_var_desc" "Apply graffiti at Mid Doors"
"quest_1236_var_desc" "Apply graffiti at T Start"
"quest_1237_var_desc" "Apply graffiti at Catwalk"
"quest_1238_var_desc" "Apply graffiti at Upper Tunnel"
"quest_1239_var_desc" "Apply graffiti at Long Doors"
"quest_1240_var_desc" "Apply graffiti at Middle"
// OP11 Week 4 Sub-Missions
"quest_1241_var_desc" "Win {d:points} match"
"quest_1242_var_desc" "Win {d:points} rounds"
"quest_1243_var_desc" "Get a kill from Outside"
"quest_1244_var_desc" "Get a kill from Bombsite A"
"quest_1245_var_desc" "Get a kill from Lobby"
"quest_1246_var_desc" "Get a kill from Ramp"
"quest_1247_var_desc" "Get a kill from Bombsite B"
"quest_1248_var_desc" "Get a kill from Secret"
"quest_1249_var_desc" "Get a kill from Outside (again!)"
"quest_1250_var_desc" "Get a kill from T Start"
"quest_1251_var_desc" "Get a kill from the top of Silo"
"quest_1252_var_desc" "Get a kill from CT Start"
"quest_1253_var_desc" "Do {d:points} times in a <i>single match</i>: Kill with one of your first 5 bullets of the round."
"quest_1254_var_desc" "Get {d:points} kills"
// OP11 Week 5 Sub-Missions
"quest_1255_var_desc" "Get {d:points} MVPs in a <i>single match</i>"
"quest_1256_var_desc" "Win {d:points} rounds"
"quest_1257_var_desc" "Get {d:points} headshot kills in a <i>single match</i>"
"quest_1258_var_desc" "Get {d:points} headshot kills"
"quest_1259_var_desc" "Earn money while your tablet has lost reception"
"quest_1260_var_desc" "Purchase the high res tablet upgrade"
"quest_1261_var_desc" "Destroy an automated sentry gun turret"
"quest_1262_var_desc" "Plant C4 at Tourist"
"quest_1263_var_desc" "Damage an enemy while standing on a rock"
// OP11 Week 6 Sub-Missions
"quest_1264_var_desc" "Win {d:points} match"
"quest_1265_var_desc" "Win {d:points} rounds"
"quest_1266_var_desc" "Get a streak of 3 kills"
"quest_1267_var_desc" "Get a streak of 5 kills"
"quest_1268_var_desc" "Get a streak of 7 kills"
"quest_1269_var_desc" "Get {d:points} kills with someone else's gun in a <i>single match</i>"
"quest_1270_var_desc" "Get {d:points} kills with someone else's gun"
// OP11 Week 7 Sub-Missions
"quest_1271_var_desc" "Win {d:points} match"
"quest_1272_var_desc" "Win {d:points} rounds"
"quest_1273_var_desc" "Get a kill from Mid Doors"
"quest_1274_var_desc" "Get a kill from Catwalk"
"quest_1275_var_desc" "Get a kill from Top of Mid"
"quest_1276_var_desc" "Get a kill from Pit"
"quest_1277_var_desc" "Get a kill from Bombsite A"
"quest_1278_var_desc" "Get a kill from Mid Doors (again!)"
"quest_1279_var_desc" "Get a kill from Bombsite B"
"quest_1280_var_desc" "Get a kill from Tunnels"
"quest_1281_var_desc" "Get a kill from T Ramp"
"quest_1282_var_desc" "Get a kill from T Start"
"quest_1283_var_desc" "Deal {d:points} damage while airborne in a <i>single match</i>"
"quest_1284_var_desc" "Deal {d:points} damage while airborne"
// OP11 Week 8 Sub-Missions
"quest_1285_var_desc" "Win {d:points} match"
"quest_1286_var_desc" "Win {d:points} rounds"
"quest_1287_var_desc" "Get to the knife level"
"quest_1288_var_desc" "Upgrade your weapon {d:points} times"
"quest_1289_var_desc" "Land a smoke at Top of Mid"
"quest_1290_var_desc" "Land a smoke at Banana"
"quest_1291_var_desc" "Land a molotov at Banana"
"quest_1292_var_desc" "Blind 3 enemies in a single match"
"quest_1293_var_desc" "Deal {d:points} grenade damage in a single match"
// OP11 Week 9 Sub-Missions
"quest_1294_var_desc" "Get {d:points} headshots in a <i>single match</i>"
"quest_1295_var_desc" "Get {d:points} headshot kills"
"quest_1296_var_desc" "Apply graffiti at the top of Water Tower"
"quest_1297_var_desc" "Apply graffiti at the anchor at the Pier"
"quest_1298_var_desc" "Apply graffiti at the Crane"
"quest_1299_var_desc" "Apply graffiti at the rooftop at Radio"
"quest_1300_var_desc" "Apply graffiti in the market at Hotel"
"quest_1301_var_desc" "Apply graffiti on the grills at Picnic"
"quest_1302_var_desc" "Apply graffiti at the Lighthouse"
"quest_1303_var_desc" "Apply graffiti on the Bridge"
"quest_1304_var_desc" "Apply graffiti at Construction Site"
"quest_1305_var_desc" "Get {d:points} Deagle kills in a <i>single match</i>"
"quest_1306_var_desc" "Upgrade your weapon {d:points} times"
// OP11 Week 10 Sub-Missions
"quest_1307_var_desc" "Win {d:points} match"
"quest_1308_var_desc" "Win {d:points} rounds"
"quest_1309_var_desc" "Get a kill from Playground"
"quest_1310_var_desc" "Get a kill from Upper Park"
"quest_1311_var_desc" "Get a kill from Bombsite A"
"quest_1312_var_desc" "Get a kill from Sniper's Nest"
"quest_1313_var_desc" "Get a kill from Bombsite B"
"quest_1314_var_desc" "Get a kill from T Start"
"quest_1315_var_desc" "Get a kill in Tunnels"
"quest_1316_var_desc" "Get a kill from Playground (again!)"
"quest_1317_var_desc" "Get a kill from Fountain"
"quest_1318_var_desc" "Get a kill from Restroom"
"quest_1319_var_desc" "Get {d:points} headshot kills in a <i>single match</i>"
"quest_1320_var_desc" "Get {d:points} headshot kills"
// OP11 Week 11 Sub-Missions
"quest_1321_var_desc" "Win {d:points} match"
"quest_1322_var_desc" "Win {d:points} rounds"
"quest_1323_var_desc" "Use the Healthshot {d:points} times in a <i>single match</i>"
"quest_1324_var_desc" "Use the Healthshot {d:points} times"
"quest_1325_var_desc" "Deal {d:points} grenade damage in a <i>single match</i>"
"quest_1326_var_desc" "Deal {d:points} grenade damage"
// OP11 Week 12 Sub-Missions
"quest_1327_var_desc" "Win {d:points} match"
"quest_1328_var_desc" "Win {d:points} rounds"
"quest_1329_var_desc" "Get a streak of 3 kills"
"quest_1330_var_desc" "Get a streak of 4 kills"
"quest_1331_var_desc" "Get a streak of 5 kills"
"quest_1332_var_desc" "Get kills with {d:points} different weapons in a <i>single match</i>"
"quest_1333_var_desc" "Get kills with {d:points} different weapons (can repeat across matches)"
// OP11 Week 13 Sub-Missions
"quest_1334_var_desc" "Win {d:points} match"
"quest_1335_var_desc" "Win {d:points} rounds"
"quest_1336_var_desc" "Get a kill from Middle"
"quest_1337_var_desc" "Get a kill from Bombsite A"
"quest_1338_var_desc" "Get a kill from CT Start"
"quest_1339_var_desc" "Get a kill from House"
"quest_1340_var_desc" "Get a kill from Bombsite B"
"quest_1341_var_desc" "Get a kill from Ruins"
"quest_1342_var_desc" "Get a kill from T Start"
"quest_1343_var_desc" "Get a kill from Main Hall"
"quest_1344_var_desc" "Get a kill from Bombsite A (again!)"
"quest_1345_var_desc" "Get a kill from Middle (again!)"
"quest_1346_var_desc" "Spray graffiti at the arch West of Kasbah"
"quest_1347_var_desc" "Spray graffiti in spiral staircase by Kasbah"
"quest_1348_var_desc" "Spray graffiti at the Dome"
"quest_1349_var_desc" "Spray graffiti in the helipad circle at Base"
"quest_1350_var_desc" "Spray graffiti while on a barge at Floatilla"
"quest_1351_var_desc" "Spray graffiti inside Hotel Aurore in Town"
"quest_1352_var_desc" "Spray graffiti on Silo 3 at Tanks"
"quest_1353_var_desc" "Spray graffiti at the Lighthouse Tower"
"quest_1354_var_desc" "Spray graffiti at the pier at Fishing"
// OP11 Week 14 Sub-Missions
"quest_1355_var_desc" "Win {d:points} match"
"quest_1356_var_desc" "Win {d:points} rounds"
"quest_1357_var_desc" "Get {d:points} scoped kills in a <i>single match</i>"
"quest_1358_var_desc" "Get {d:points} scoped kills"
"quest_1359_var_desc" "Get kills in the first 30 seconds of a round {d:points} times"
"quest_1360_var_desc" "Get {d:points} kills"
// OP11 Week 15 Sub-Missions
"quest_1361_var_desc" "Win {d:points} match"
"quest_1362_var_desc" "Win {d:points} rounds"
"quest_1363_var_desc" "Kill the Arms Race Leader {d:points} times in a <i>single match</i>"
"quest_1364_var_desc" "Get {d:points} kills"
"quest_1365_var_desc" "Deal {d:points} damage in a <i>single match</i>"
"quest_1366_var_desc" "Deal {d:points} damage"
// OP11 Week 16 Sub-Missions
"quest_1367_var_desc" "Win {d:points} match"
"quest_1368_var_desc" "Win {d:points} rounds"
"quest_1369_var_desc" "Get {d:points} kills with one of the Operation Riptide Agents in a <i>single match</i>"
"quest_1370_var_desc" "Get {d:points} kills"
"quest_1371_var_desc" "Get {d:points} kills with a weapon from one of the Operation Riptide Collections"
"quest_1372_var_desc" "Get {d:points} kills"
"quest_default_hud_var_desc" "{s:commandverb} {s:target} {s:actions}"
"quest_weapon_hud_var_desc" "{s:commandverb} {s:actions}: {s:weapon}"
"quest_single_hud_var_desc" "{s:commandverb} {s:target} {s:actions}<br> by end of match"
"quest_weapon_single_hud_var_desc" "{s:commandverb} {s:actions}: {s:weapon}<br> by end of match"
//hud exceptions:
"quest_931_hud_var_desc" "Get Kills: {s:weapon}"
"quest_932_hud_var_desc" "Get kills while airborne"
"quest_933_hud_var_desc" "Get Round Wins"
"quest_934_hud_var_desc" "Get Kills: {s:weapon}"
"quest_935_hud_var_desc" "Get {s:weapon} kills<br> by end of match"
"quest_936_hud_var_desc" "Get Kills: {s:weapon}"
"quest_937_hud_var_desc" "Apply Graffiti"
"quest_937_hud_var_desc_CT" "Apply Graffiti at Silo or Vending"
"quest_937_hud_var_desc_T" "Apply Graffiti at Heaven or Garage"
"quest_938_hud_var_desc" "Get arms race leader kills"
"quest_939_hud_var_desc" "Get Kills: {s:weapon}"
"quest_940_hud_var_desc" "Get Round Wins"
"quest_941_hud_var_desc" "Get Pistol Round Wins"
"quest_942_hud_var_desc" "Get {s:weapon} kills<br> by end of match"
"quest_943_hud_var_desc" "Get Kills"
"quest_944_hud_var_desc" "Spend Cash"
"quest_945_hud_var_desc" "Get Kills"
"quest_946_hud_var_desc" "Get Round Wins"
"quest_947_hud_var_desc" "Get Round Wins"
"quest_948_hud_var_desc" "Rescue or Prevent Rescue"
"quest_948_hud_var_desc_CT" "Rescue Hostages"
"quest_948_hud_var_desc_T" "Kill Hostage Rescuer"
"quest_949_hud_var_desc" "Get Kills: {s:weapon}"
"quest_950_hud_var_desc" "Get Heavy Weapon Kills"
"quest_951_hud_var_desc" "Get Kills: {s:weapon}"
"quest_952_hud_var_desc" "Get Round Wins"
"quest_953_hud_var_desc" "Get Round Wins"
"quest_954_hud_var_desc" "Get {s:target} kills by end of match"
"quest_955_hud_var_desc" "Befriend chickens with [{s:bind_use}] <br> for {d:points} seconds"
"quest_956_hud_var_desc" "Get seconds gliding in a parachute"
"quest_957_hud_var_desc" "Get kills: {s:weapon}"
"quest_958_hud_var_desc" "Get round wins"
"quest_959_hud_var_desc" "Get kills"
"quest_960_hud_var_desc" "Get Kills: {s:weapon}"
"quest_961_hud_var_desc" "Get pistol kills"
"quest_962_hud_var_desc" "Get kills without spending money<br> by end of match"
"quest_963_hud_var_desc" "Get Kills: {s:weapon}"
"quest_964_hud_var_desc" "Get pistol round wins"
"quest_965_hud_var_desc" "Get Kills"
"quest_966_hud_var_desc" "Earn money"
"quest_967_hud_var_desc" "Get kills: {s:weapon}"
"quest_968_hud_var_desc" "Get sniper rifle kills"
"quest_969_hud_var_desc" "Get unscoped {s:weapon} kills"
"quest_970_hud_var_desc" "Get round wins"
"quest_971_hud_var_desc" "Get kills"
"quest_972_hud_var_desc" "Get headshot kills<br> by end of match"
"quest_973_hud_var_desc" "Get kills"
"quest_974_hud_var_desc" "Get headshot kills"
"quest_975_hud_var_desc" "Get kills with CT Weapons"
"quest_976_hud_var_desc" "Get round wins"
"quest_977_hud_var_desc" "Get round wins"
"quest_978_hud_var_desc" "Get kills: {s:weapon}"
"quest_979_hud_var_desc" "Get a kill streak of 4"
"quest_980_hud_var_desc" "Place fourth or better"
"quest_981_hud_var_desc" "Get headshot kills: {s:weapon}"
"quest_982_hud_var_desc" "Get {s:weapon} headshot kills <br> by end of match"
"quest_983_hud_var_desc" "Get headshot kills"
"quest_984_hud_var_desc" "Earn MVPs"
"quest_985_hud_var_desc" "Get default pistol kills"
"quest_986_hud_var_desc" "Get kills: {s:weapon}"
"quest_987_hud_var_desc" "Get kills"
"quest_987_hud_var_desc_CT" "Get kills: AK-47"
"quest_987_hud_var_desc_T" "Get kills: M4A4 or M4A1-S"
"quest_988_hud_var_desc" "Get knife kills"
"quest_989_hud_var_desc" "Deal utility damage"
"quest_990_hud_var_desc" "Get Aces"
"quest_991_hud_var_desc_CT" "Get kills: Five-Seven"
"quest_991_hud_var_desc_T" "Get kills: Tec-9"
"quest_991_hud_var_desc" "Get kills: Tec-9 or Five-Seven"
"quest_992_hud_var_desc" "Get kills: Breach Charge"
"quest_993_hud_var_desc" "Deal utility damage"
"quest_994_hud_var_desc" "Get kills"
"quest_995_hud_var_desc" "Get round wins"
"quest_996_hud_var_desc" "Get kills"
"quest_997_hud_var_desc_CT" "Get kills: FAMAS"
"quest_997_hud_var_desc_T" "Get kills: Galil AR"
"quest_997_hud_var_desc" "Get kills: Galil AR or FAMAS"
"quest_998_hud_var_desc" "Get kills: {s:weapon}"
"quest_999_hud_var_desc" "Get kills: {s:weapon}"
"quest_1000_hud_var_desc" "Destroy enemy drones"
"quest_1001_hud_var_desc" "Earn MVPs<br> by end of match"
"quest_1002_hud_var_desc" "Get multi-kill rounds"
"quest_1003_hud_var_desc" "Get kills: {s:weapon}"
"quest_1004_hud_var_desc" "Get kills: {s:weapon}"
"quest_1005_hud_var_desc" "Get round wins"
"quest_1006_hud_var_desc" "Get kills"
"quest_1007_hud_var_desc" "Destroy locked doors"
"quest_1008_hud_var_desc_CT" "Get kills: M4A4 or M4A1-S"
"quest_1008_hud_var_desc_T" "Get kills: AK-47"
"quest_1008_hud_var_desc" "Get kills: AK-47 or M4A4"
"quest_1009_hud_var_desc" "Get round wins"
"quest_1010_hud_var_desc" "Get kills: {s:weapon}"
"quest_1011_hud_var_desc" "Get 5 round wins in one half"
"quest_1012_hud_var_desc" "Step on bumpmines"
"quest_1013_hud_var_desc" "Get kills: {s:weapon}"
"quest_1014_hud_var_desc" "Get kills: {s:weapon}"
"quest_1015_hud_var_desc" "Get kills while spending under $2000"
"quest_1016_hud_var_desc" "Hold $3000"
"quest_1017_hud_var_desc" "Get round wins"
"quest_1018_hud_var_desc" "Get kills"
"quest_1019_hud_var_desc" "Get SMG kills"
"quest_1020_hud_var_desc" "Get kills: {s:weapon}"
"quest_1021_hud_var_desc" "Massacre chickens"
"quest_1022_hud_var_desc" "Blow up barrels"
"quest_1023_hud_var_desc" "Get round wins"
"quest_1024_hud_var_desc" "Break panes of glass"
"quest_1025_hud_var_desc" "Get round wins"
"quest_1027_hud_var_desc" "Apply graffiti<br> in enemy starting area"
"quest_1028_hud_var_desc" "Get kills from<br> Banana or Apartments"
"quest_1029_hud_var_desc" "Land smoke grenades"
"quest_1029_hud_var_desc_CT" "Land smoke grenades:<br> Apartments or T Ramp"
"quest_1029_hud_var_desc_T" "Land smoke grenades:<br> Sniper's Nest or Stairs"
"quest_1030_hud_var_desc" ""
"quest_1031_hud_var_desc" ""
"quest_1098_hud_var_desc" "Get Round Wins"
"quest_1032_hud_var_desc" "Get Round Wins"
"quest_1033_hud_var_desc" "Get Kills"
"quest_1034_hud_var_desc" "Investigate the Phoenix"
"quest_1035_hud_var_desc" "Get Kills: AK-47, M4A4, or M4A1-S"
"quest_1036_hud_var_desc" "Get Round Wins"
"quest_1037_hud_var_desc" "Get Kills"
"quest_1099_hud_var_desc" "Earn MVPs"
"quest_1038_hud_var_desc" "Get Round Wins"
"quest_1039_hud_var_desc" "Get Kills: Different Pistols"
"quest_1040_hud_var_desc" "Get Kills: Pistol"
"quest_1041_hud_var_desc" "Get Kills: Desert Eagle"
"quest_1042_hud_var_desc" "Get Round Wins"
"quest_1043_hud_var_desc" "Get Kills"
"quest_1044_hud_var_desc" "Get Kills at least 15 meters away"
"quest_1045_hud_var_desc" "Get Kills: any sniper rifle"
"quest_1046_hud_var_desc" "Get Headshot Kills"
"quest_1047_hud_var_desc" "Get Kills: M249"
"quest_1048_hud_var_desc" "Deal Grenade Damage"
"quest_1049_hud_var_desc" "Earn Money"
"quest_1050_hud_var_desc" "Get Round Wins"
"quest_1051_hud_var_desc" "Get Kills"
"quest_1052_hud_var_desc" "Choose the Enemy Card"
"quest_1053_hud_var_desc" "Land Smoke Grenades"
"quest_1053_hud_var_desc_T" "Land Smoke Grenades at Garage or Mini"
"quest_1053_hud_var_desc_CT" "Land Smoke Grenades at Control Room or Hut"
"quest_1054_hud_var_desc" "Get Round Wins"
"quest_1055_hud_var_desc" "Get Kills"
"quest_1056_hud_var_desc" "Get Kills from Tunnel or Palace"
"quest_1057_hud_var_desc" "Get Kills"
"quest_1058_hud_var_desc" "Get Round Wins"
"quest_1059_hud_var_desc" "Get Kills"
"quest_1060_hud_var_desc" "Get Kills: {s:weapon}"
"quest_1061_hud_var_desc" "Get Kills: {s:weapon}"
"quest_1062_hud_var_desc" "Get Round Wins"
"quest_1063_hud_var_desc" "Get Kills"
"quest_1064_hud_var_desc" "Choose the MVP Card"
"quest_1065_hud_var_desc" "Apply Graffiti"
"quest_1065_hud_var_desc_T" "Apply Graffiti at Middle"
"quest_1065_hud_var_desc_CT" "Apply Graffiti at T Side Upper or Outside"
"quest_1100_hud_var_desc" "Get Round Wins"
"quest_1066_hud_var_desc" "Get Round Wins"
"quest_1067_hud_var_desc" "AUG Headshots"
"quest_1068_hud_var_desc" "Blind an Enemy with a Flashbang"
"quest_1069_hud_var_desc" "Apply Graffiti"
"quest_1069_hud_var_desc_T" "Apply Graffiti at Catwalk or Upper Tunnel"
"quest_1069_hud_var_desc_CT" "Apply Graffiti at Lower Tunnel or Short Stairs"
"quest_1101_hud_var_desc" "Get Round Wins"
"quest_1070_hud_var_desc" "Get Round Wins"
"quest_1071_hud_var_desc" "Closer than 10 meters away"
"quest_1072_hud_var_desc" "Get Kills closer than 10 meters away"
"quest_1073_hud_var_desc" "Get Kills"
"quest_1074_hud_var_desc" "Get Round Wins"
"quest_1075_hud_var_desc" "Get Kills"
"quest_1076_hud_var_desc" "Get Headshot Kills"
"quest_1077_hud_var_desc" "Get Kills: {s:weapon}"
"quest_1102_hud_var_desc" "Get Round Wins"
"quest_1078_hud_var_desc" "Get Round Wins"
"quest_1079_hud_var_desc" "Get Kills: {s:weapon}"
"quest_1080_hud_var_desc" "Get Chicken Kills"
"quest_1081_hud_var_desc" "Get Kills"
"quest_1082_hud_var_desc" "Get Round Wins"
"quest_1083_hud_var_desc" "Get Kills"
"quest_1084_hud_var_desc" "Get Kills"
"quest_1085_hud_var_desc" "Deal Grenade Damage"
"quest_1085_v2_hud_var_desc" "Deal Grenade Damage"
"quest_1086_hud_var_desc" "Get Round Wins"
"quest_1087_hud_var_desc" "Get Kills"
"quest_1088_hud_var_desc" "Get Kills from Specific Locations"
"quest_1088_hud_var_desc_T" "Kill Enemies Positioned at Bombsite A or B"
"quest_1088_hud_var_desc_CT" "Get Kills from Bombsite A or B"
"quest_1089_hud_var_desc" "Get Scoped Kills"
"quest_1089_v2_hud_var_desc" "Get Scoped Kills"
"quest_1090_hud_var_desc" "Get Round Wins"
"quest_1091_hud_var_desc" "Get Kills"
"quest_1092_hud_var_desc" "Score Points with the Bonus Weapon"
"quest_1092_v2_hud_var_desc" "Score Points with the Bonus Weapon"
"quest_1093_hud_var_desc" "Spend Money"
"quest_1094_hud_var_desc" "Get Round Wins"
"quest_1095_hud_var_desc" "Get Kills"
"quest_1095_v2_hud_var_desc" "Get UMP-45 Kills"
"quest_1096_hud_var_desc" "Get Round Wins"
"quest_1097_hud_var_desc" "Complete the mission"
"quest_1097_v2_hud_var_desc" "Delve deeper into the Phoenix Compound"
"quest_1103_hud_var_desc" "Blind enemies with flashbangs"
// win quests
"Quest_Win_a_Mode" "Threat Neutralized: <b>%gamemode%</b>"
"Quest_Win_a_Mode_desc" "Win one match of <b>%gamemode%</b>."
"Quest_Win_a_Mapgroup" "End Game: <b>%gamemode%, %mapgroup%</b>"
"Quest_Win_a_Mapgroup_desc" "Score <b>%gamemode%</b> %actions% in matches of <b>%mapgroup%</b>."
"Quest_Win_a_Map" "End Game: <b>%gamemode%, %map%</b>"
"Quest_Win_a_Map_desc" "Score <b>%gamemode%</b> %actions% in matches of <b>%map%</b>."
"Quest_Win_Rounds_Map" "Engagement: <b>%gamemode%, %mapgroup%</b>"
"Quest_Win_Rounds_Map_desc" "Score <b>%gamemode%</b> %actions% in matches on <b>%mapgroup%</b>."
"Quest_Win_Rounds_Map_Short" "Round Wins"
// equipment quests
"Quest_Weapon_Mode" "Equipment Proficiency: <b>%gamemode%</b>, <b>%weapon%</b>"
"Quest_Weapon_Mode_desc" "Score <b>%weapon%</b> %optional_target%%actions% in <b>%gamemode%</b> matches."
"Quest_Weapon_Mode_single_desc" "Score a <b>%weapon%</b> kill in a <b>%gamemode%</b> match."
// equipment + mapgroup quests
"Quest_Weapon_Mapgroup" "Equipment Proficiency: <b>%mapgroup%</b>, <b>%weapon%</b>"
"Quest_Weapon_Mapgroup_desc" "Score <b>%weapon%</b> %optional_target%%actions% in <b>%gamemode%: %mapgroup%</b> matches."
"Quest_WeaponDamage_Mapgroup_desc" "Deal <b>%weapon%</b> %optional_target%%actions% to enemies in <b>%gamemode%: %mapgroup%</b> matches."
"Quest_Weapon_Within_3_Mapgroup" "Graduation: <b>%mapgroup%</b>, <b>%weapon%</b>"
"Quest_Weapon_Within_3_Mapgroup_desc" "Score <b>%weapon%</b> %optional_target%%actions%<i> within your first 3 shots of the round,</i> in <b>%gamemode%: %mapgroup%</b> matches."
"Quest_Weapon_Map" "Equipment Proficiency: <b>%map%</b>, <b>%weapon%</b>"
"Quest_Weapon_Map_desc" "Score <b>%weapon%</b> %optional_target%%actions% in <b>%gamemode%: %map%</b> matches."
"Quest_Weapon_Map_Team_desc" "As a <b>%team%</b>, score <b>%weapon%</b> %optional_target%%actions% in <b>%gamemode%: %map%</b> matches."
"Quest_Weapon_Mapgroup_Team_desc" "As a <b>%team%</b>, score <b>%weapon%</b> %optional_target%%actions% in <b>%gamemode%: %mapgroup%</b> matches."
"Quest_WepUpgrade_Mapgroup" "Weapon Upgrade: <b>%mapgroup%</b>"
"Quest_Unique_Weapon_Mapgroup" "Weapons Expert: <b>%mapgroup%</b>"
"Quest_Unique_Weapon_Mapgroup_desc" "Within <b>%gamemode%: %mapgroup%</b> matches, earn mission progress for each %action% <i>accomplished with a unique weapon</i>."
"Quest_Unique_Weapon_Mapgroup_Team_desc" "As a <b>%team%</b> in <b>%gamemode%: %mapgroup%</b> matches, earn mission progress for each %action% <i>accomplished with a unique weapon</i>."
"Quest_Defend_Bomb_Mapgroup_desc" "Score %actions% <i>after the bomb has been planted</i> in <b>%gamemode%: %mapgroup%</b> matches."
// Hostage quests
"Quest_Rescue_Map" "Hostage Extraction: <b>%map%</b>"
"Quest_Rescue_Map_Desc" "Score %actions% in <b>%gamemode%: %map%</b> matches."
// Plant bomb quests
"Quest_PlantBomb_Mapgroup" "Explosives Expert: <b>%mapgroup%</b>"
"Quest_PlantBomb_Mapgroup_Desc" "Execute %actions% in <b>%gamemode%: %mapgroup%</b> matches."
// Assassination
"Quest_Assassination" "%victim_team% Assassination: <b>%target%</b>"
"Quest_Assassination_desc" "Find and kill the %victim_team% <b>%target%</b> in <b>%gamemode%: %map%</b> matches."
"quest_target_turner" "Turner"
"quest_target_jackson" "Jackson"
"quest_target_chapel" "Chapel"
"quest_target_sergei" "Sergei"
"quest_assassination_you_are_target" "You are an Assassination Target.\nYou are %s1."
"quest_assassination_target_on_server" "A player is trying to kill Assassination Target: %s1"
"quest_assassination_target_on_server_has_quest" "You are trying to kill Assassination Target: %s1"
"quest_assassination_target_killed" "%s1 has been assassinated!"
"quest_assassination_no_longer_target" "You are no longer %s1."
// Income
"Quest_Income_Mapgroup" "Gross Income: <b>$1,000,000</b>"
"Quest_Income_Mapgroup_desc" "Earn a total of $1,000,000 in <b>%gamemode%: %mapgroup%</b> matches."
"Quest_Income_Mapgroup_Team_desc" "As a <b>%team%</b>, earn a total of $1,000,000 in <b>%gamemode%: %mapgroup%</b> matches."
"Quest_Spend_Mapgroup_Team_desc" "As a <b>%team%</b>, spend a total of $1,000,000 in <b>%gamemode%: %mapgroup%</b> matches."
// deathmatch bonus points
"Quest_DMBonusPoints_Mapgroup" "Master of Arms: <b>%mapgroup%</b>"
"Quest_DMBonusPoints_Mapgroup_desc" "Earn points using the Bonus Weapon in <b>Deathmatch: %mapgroup%</b> matches."
"Quest_DMBonusPoints_Map" "Master of Arms: <b>%map%</b>"
"Quest_DMBonusPoints_Map_desc" "Earn points using the Bonus Weapon in <b>Deathmatch: %map%</b> matches."
// play quests
"Quest_Kills_Mapgroup" "Threat Recon: <b>%gamemode%</b>, <b>%mapgroup%</b>"
"Quest_Kills_Mapgroup_desc" "Score %optional_target%%actions% in <b>%gamemode%: %mapgroup%</b> matches."
"Quest_Kills_Mapgroup_cond_desc" "Score %optional_target%%actions%—<i>%condition%</i>—in <b>%gamemode%: %mapgroup%</b> matches."
"Quest_Kills_Mapgroup_Team_desc" "As a <b>%team%</b>, score %optional_target%%actions% in <b>%gamemode%: %mapgroup%</b> matches."
"Quest_Kills_Mapgroup_Victim_Team_desc" "As a <b>%team%</b>, score %victim_team% %actions% in <b>%gamemode%: %mapgroup%</b> matches."
"Quest_Flashbang_Mapgroup_Team_desc" "As a <b>%team%</b>, score %optional_target%%actions% in <b>%gamemode%: %mapgroup%</b> matches."
"Quest_Burn_Mapgroup_desc" "Deal <i>burn</i> %actions% to enemies in <b>%gamemode%: %mapgroup%</b> matches."
"Quest_Headshots_Mapgroup" "Headshot: <b>%gamemode%</b>, <b>%mapgroup%</b>"
"Quest_Headshots_Mapgroup_desc" "Score headshot %actions% in <b>%gamemode%: %mapgroup%</b> matches."
"Quest_Kills_Map" "Threat Recon: <b>%gamemode%</b>, <b>%map%</b>"
"Quest_Kills_Map_desc" "Score %optional_target%%actions% in <b>%gamemode%: %map%</b> matches."
"Quest_Kills_Mode" "<b>%gamemode%</b> Threat Recon"
"Quest_Kills_Mode_desc" "Score %optional_target%%actions% in <b>%gamemode%</b> matches."
// chicken quests
"Quest_Chicken_Kills_Mapgroup" "Supply Run: <b>%gamemode%</b>, <b>%mapgroup%</b>"
"Quest_Chicken_Kills_Map" "Supply Run: <b>%gamemode%</b>, <b>%map%</b>"
"Quest_Chicken_Kills" "Supply Run"
// generic string tokens
"quest_team_ct" "Counter-Terrorist"
"quest_team_terrorist" "Terrorist"
"quest_complete_the_match" "Finish the match to complete your mission"
"quest_complete_the_match_uncommitted" "<img src='file://{images}/icons/ui/info.svg' class=''/>Finish the match to save your mission progress"
// Coop quests
"Quest_Guardian_Bomb" "Guardian Co-op Challenge: <b>%map%</b>, <b>%weapon%</b>"
"Quest_Guardian_Bomb_Desc" "Guardian Co-op Challenge: Play as a <b>%team%</b> with a partner and protect the bombsite from enemies on <b>%map%</b>.<br><br>Score a <b>%action%</b> by getting <b>%kills%</b> enemy kills with <b>%weapon%</b>. <b>%extradetails%</b>"
"Quest_Guardian_Desc_op08" "Guardian Co-op Challenge: Play as a <b>%team%</b> with a partner and protect the bombsite from enemies on <b>%map%</b>.<br><br>Score a <b>%action%</b> by getting <b>%kills%</b> %killtype% with <b>%weapon%</b>. <b>%extradetails%</b>%presence%"
"Quest_Guardian_Desc_op09" "{s:commandverb} {s:kills} {s:weapon} {s:killtype} in <b>Guardian: {s:location}</b>."
"Quest_CoopMission_Desc_op09" "<b>Co-op Strike</b>: complete the objective with a partner in <b>{s:location}</b>."
"Quest_Guardian_Desc_op09_extra_equip_1_var_desc" "{s:commandverb} {s:kills} {s:weapon} {s:killtype} in <b>Guardian: {s:location}</b>. Players start with <b>{s:extraequip0}</b>."
"Quest_Guardian_Desc_op09_extra_equip_2_var_desc" "{s:commandverb} {s:kills} {s:weapon} {s:killtype} in <b>Guardian: {s:location}</b>. Players start with <b>{s:extraequip0}</b> and <b>{s:extraequip1}</b>."
"Quest_Guardian_Desc_op10" "{s:commandverb} {s:kills} {s:weapon} {s:killtype} in <b>Guardian: {s:location}</b>."
"Quest_CoopMission_Desc_op10" "<b>Co-op Strike</b>: complete the objective with a partner in <b>{s:location}</b>."
"Quest_Guardian_Desc_op10_extra_equip_1_var_desc" "{s:commandverb} {s:kills} {s:weapon} {s:killtype} in <b>Guardian: {s:location}</b>. Players start with <b>{s:extraequip0}</b>."
"Quest_Guardian_Desc_op10_extra_equip_2_var_desc" "{s:commandverb} {s:kills} {s:weapon} {s:killtype} in <b>Guardian: {s:location}</b>. Players start with <b>{s:extraequip0}</b> and <b>{s:extraequip1}</b>."
"Quest_Coop_Desc_Rescue" "Co-op Strike: Play as a <b>%team%</b> with a partner and <b>rescue the hostage</b> from <b>%map%</b>.<br><br><b>%extradetails%</b>"
"Quest_Coop_Desc_Recon" "Co-op Strike: Play as a <b>%team%</b> with a partner and <b>gather intel</b> from <b>%map%</b>.<br><br><b>%extradetails%</b>"
"Quest_Coop_Desc_Bomb" "Co-op Strike: Play as a <b>%team%</b> with a partner and <b>Blow up</b> the <b>%map%</b>.<br><br><b>%extradetails%</b>"
"Quest_op09_coopmission" "Recover a sample of the Danger Zone virus from the Phoenix laboratory."
"Quest_op10_coopmission" "The Phoenix have been spotted at an old farm. Investigate the area and find out what they are planning."
"Quest_Guardian_Hostage" "Guardian Co-op Challenge: <b>%map%</b>, <b>%weapon%</b>"
"Quest_Guardian_Hostage_Desc" "Guardian Co-op Challenge: Play as a <b>%team%</b> with a partner and prevent the Counter-Terrorists from reaching the Hostages on <b>%map%</b>.<br><br>Score a <b>%action%</b> by getting <b>%kills%</b> enemy kills with <b>%weapon%</b>. <b>%extradetails%</b>"
"quest_guardian_kills_5" "5"
"quest_guardian_kills_10" "10"
"quest_guardian_kills_15" "15"
"quest_guardian_kills_20" "20"
"quest_guardian_kills_25" "25"
"quest_guardian_kills_30" "30"
"quest_guardian_kills_35" "35"
"quest_guardian_kills_40" "40"
"quest_guardian_kills_45" "45"
"quest_guardian_kills_50" "50"
// Guardian kill types
"quest_killtype_normal" "kills"
"quest_killtype_headshot" "<b>headshot</b> kills"
"quest_killtype_blind" "<b>blinded</b> kills"
"quest_killtype_unscoped" "<b>unscoped</b> kills"
"quest_enemy_weapon" "Enemy Weapon"
"quest_weapon_CZ75a_or_enemy_weapon" "CZ75-Auto or any enemy weapon"
"quest_weapon_sniperrifle" "any sniper rifle"
"quest_weapon_any_rifle" "any rifle"
"quest_weapon_m4" "any M4 rifle"
"quest_weapon_starter_ct" "any default CT pistol"
"quest_weapon_ct" "Counter-Terrorist weapon"
"quest_weapon_t" "Terrorist weapon"
"quest_weapon_any_pistol" "any pistol"
"quest_weapon_any_weapon" "any weapon"
"quest_weapon_any_shotgun" "any shotgun"
"quest_weapon_any_smg" "any smg"
"quest_weapon_ssg08_or_mag7" "SSG 08 or MAG-7"
"quest_weapon_awp_or_p90" "AWP or P90"
"quest_weapon_unique_pistol" "Different Pistols"
"quest_presence_empty" ""
"quest_presence_heavy" "<br><br><b>ADVISORY</b>: Expect <i>heavy</i> resistance in the area!"
"quest_guardian_empty" ""
"quest_guardian_cantbuy" "<i>Cannot buy on this mission.</i>"
"quest_guardian_maxmoneylimit" "<i>Max money is limited on this mission.</i>"
"quest_guardian_killrewardsonly" "<i>Can only earn money from kill rewards.</i>"
"quest_guardian_moneyreset" "<i>Money is reset after mission failure.</i>"
"quest_guardian_heavyarmor" "<i>Heavy Assault Suit is available.</i>"
"quest_guardian_noarmor" "<i>Armor is not available.</i>"
"quest_guardian_heavyarmorresetmoney" "<i>Heavy Assault Suit is available. Money is reset after mission failure.</i>"
//"quest_guardian_maxmoney_16000" "$16000"
//"quest_guardian_maxmoney_10000" "$10000"
//"quest_guardian_maxmoney_6000" "$6000"
//"quest_guardian_maxmoney_3200" "$3200"
//"quest_guardian_maxmoney_0" "$0"
// "Get [headshot] kills: [unscoped] [AWP]"
// Double spaces will automatically be removed.
"guardian_mission_type_kills" "Get kills: {s:weapon}"
"guardian_mission_type_headshots" "Get headshots: {s:weapon}"
"guardian_mission_type_unscoped" "Get unscoped kills: {s:weapon}"
"guardian_mission_type_enemy_weapon" "Get kills with enemy's {s:weapon}"
"guardian_mission_type_enemy_airborne" "Get airborne kills: {s:weapon}"
"guardian_mission_type_flashbang" "Kill blinded enemies"
"guardian_mission_type_ct_weapons" "Get kills with Counter-Terrorist weapons"
// bonus tokens
"quest_bonus_headshot" "if also a headshot"
"quest_bonus_zoomed" "while scoped"
"quest_bonus_not_zoomed" "while unscoped"
"quest_bonus_chickens" "when target is a chicken"
"quest_bonus_taser" "when with a Zeus x27"
"quest_bonus_bomb_planted" "when the bomb is planted"
"quest_bonus_melee" "when with a melee weapon"
"quest_bonus_killstreak_2" "when in a kill streak of 2 or more"
"quest_bonus_killstreak_3" "when in a kill streak of 3 or more"
"quest_bonus_chickenstreak_2" "when in a chicken kill streak of 2 or more"
"quest_bonus_chickenstreak_3" "when in a chicken kill streak of 3 or more"
"quest_bonus_borrowed_gun" "when using someone else's gun"
"quest_bonus_borrowed_gun_enemy" "when using an enemy's gun"
"quest_bonus_borrowed_gun_own" "when using the target's own gun"
"quest_bonus_victim_rescuing" "when the target is rescuing a hostage"
"quest_bonus_bulletcount_1" "when accomplished with your first shot of the round"
"quest_bonus_totalrounds_2" "if within the first 2 rounds"
"quest_bonus_totalrounds_3" "if within the first 3 rounds"
"quest_bonus_totalrounds_4" "if within the first 4 rounds"
"quest_bonus_totalrounds_5" "if within the first 5 rounds"
"quest_bonus_weapon_elite" "when with Dual Berettas"
"quest_bonus_weapon_ssg08" "when with SSG08"
"quest_bonus_weapon_revolver" "when with R8 Revolver"
"quest_bonus_weapon_glock_hkp2000_usp_silencer" "when with P2000, USP-S, or Glock-18"
"quest_bonus_set_dust" "when the weapon is from the Dust Collection"
"quest_bonus_set_aztec" "when the weapon is from the Aztec Collection"
"quest_bonus_set_vertigo" "when the weapon is from the Vertigo Collection"
"quest_bonus_set_inferno" "when the weapon is from the Inferno Collection"
"quest_bonus_set_militia" "when the weapon is from the Militia Collection"
"quest_bonus_set_nuke" "when the weapon is from the Nuke Collection"
"quest_bonus_set_office" "when the weapon is from the Office Collection"
"quest_bonus_set_assault" "when the weapon is from the Assault Collection"
"quest_bonus_set_dust_2" "when the weapon is from the Dust 2 Collection"
"quest_bonus_set_train" "when the weapon is from the Train Collection"
"quest_bonus_set_mirage" "when the weapon is from the Mirage Collection"
"quest_bonus_set_italy" "when the weapon is from the Italy Collection"
"quest_bonus_set_lake" "when the weapon is from the Lake Collection"
"quest_bonus_set_safehouse" "when the weapon is from the Safehouse Collection"
"quest_bonus_set_esports" "when the weapon is from the eSports 2013 Collection"
"quest_bonus_set_weapons_i" "when the weapon is from the Arms Deal Collection"
"quest_bonus_set_bravo_i" "when the weapon is from the Bravo Collection"
"quest_bonus_set_bravo_ii" "when the weapon is from the Alpha Collection"
"quest_bonus_set_weapons_ii" "when the weapon is from the Arms Deal 2 Collection"
"quest_bonus_set_esports_ii" "when the weapon is from the eSports 2013 winter Collection"
"quest_bonus_set_esports_2014_summer" "when the weapon is from the eSports 2014 Summer Collection"
"quest_bonus_set_community_1" "when the weapon is from the Winter Offensive Collection"
"quest_bonus_set_weapons_iii" "when the weapon is from the Arms Deal 3 Collection"
"quest_bonus_set_community_2" "when the weapon is from the Phoenix Collection"
"quest_bonus_set_community_3" "when the weapon is from the Huntsman Collection"
"quest_bonus_set_community_4" "when the weapon is from the Breakout Collection"
"quest_bonus_set_community_5" "when the weapon is from the Vanguard Collection"
"quest_bonus_set_community_6" "when the weapon is from the Chroma Collection"
"quest_bonus_set_community_7" "when the weapon is from the Chroma 2 Collection"
"quest_bonus_set_community_11" "when the weapon is from the Wildfire Collection"
"quest_bonus_set_bank" "when the weapon is from the Bank Collection"
"quest_bonus_set_baggage" "when the weapon is from the Baggage Collection"
"quest_bonus_set_cobblestone" "when the weapon is from the Cobblestone Collection"
"quest_bonus_set_overpass" "when the weapon is from the Overpass Collection"
"quest_bonus_set_cache" "when the weapon is from the Cache Collection"
"quest_bonus_set_kimono" "when the weapon is from the Rising Sun Collection"
"quest_bonus_cs_assault" "when the map is Assault"
"quest_bonus_cs_italy" "when the map is Italy"
"quest_bonus_cs_militia" "when the map is Militia"
"quest_bonus_cs_office" "when the map is Office"
"quest_bonus_de_aztec" "when the map is Aztec"
"quest_bonus_de_dust" "when the map is Dust"
"quest_bonus_de_dust2" "when the map is Dust II"
"quest_bonus_de_mirage" "when the map is Mirage"
"quest_bonus_de_overpass" "when the map is Overpass"
"quest_bonus_de_cbble" "when the map is Cobblestone"
"quest_bonus_de_train" "when the map is Train"
"quest_bonus_de_inferno" "when the map is Inferno"
"quest_bonus_de_nuke" "when the map is Nuke"
"quest_bonus_de_shorttrain" "when the map is Shorttrain"
"quest_bonus_de_shortdust" "when the map is Shortdust"
"quest_bonus_de_vertigo" "when the map is Vertigo"
"quest_bonus_de_balkan" "when the map is Balkan"
"quest_bonus_ar_baggage" "when the map is Baggage"
"quest_bonus_ar_monastery" "when the map is Monastery"
"quest_bonus_ar_shoots" "when the map is Shoots"
"quest_bonus_de_embassy" "when the map is Embassy"
"quest_bonus_de_bank" "when the map is Bank"
"quest_bonus_de_lake" "when the map is Lake"
"quest_bonus_de_depot" "when the map is Depot"
"quest_bonus_de_safehouse" "when the map is Safehouse"
"quest_bonus_de_sugarcane" "when the map is Sugarcane"
"quest_bonus_de_stmarc" "when the map is St. Marc"
"quest_bonus_cs_museum" "when the map is Museum"
"quest_bonus_cs_thunder" "when the map is Thunder"
"quest_bonus_de_favela" "when the map is Favela"
"quest_bonus_cs_downtown" "when the map is Downtown"
"quest_bonus_de_seaside" "when the map is Seaside"
"quest_bonus_de_library" "when the map is Library"
"quest_bonus_cs_motel" "when the map is Motel"
"quest_bonus_de_cache" "when the map is Cache"
"quest_bonus_de_ali" "when the map is Ali"
"quest_bonus_de_ruins" "when the map is Ruins"
"quest_bonus_de_ruby" "when the map is Ruby"
"quest_bonus_de_chinatown" "when the map is Chinatown"
"quest_bonus_de_gwalior" "when the map is Gwalior"
"quest_bonus_cs_agency" "when the map is Agency"
"quest_bonus_cs_siege" "when the map is Siege"
"quest_bonus_de_castle" "when the map is Castle"
"quest_bonus_de_overgrown" "when the map is Overgrown"
"quest_bonus_de_blackgold" "when the map is Black Gold"
"quest_bonus_cs_rush" "when the map is Rush"
"quest_bonus_de_mist" "when the map is Mist"
"quest_bonus_cs_insertion" "when the map is Insertion"
"quest_bonus_cs_workout" "when the map is Workout"
"quest_bonus_cs_backalley" "when the map is Back Alley"
"quest_bonus_de_marquis" "when the map is Marquis"
"quest_bonus_de_facade" "when the map is Facade"
"quest_bonus_de_season" "when the map is Season"
"quest_bonus_de_bazaar" "when the map is Bazaar"
"quest_bonus_de_santorini" "when the map is Santorini"
"quest_bonus_de_subzero" "when the map is Subzero"
"quest_bonus_de_biome" "when the map is Biome"
// OperationalPoints
"Quest_OperationalPoints_Template" "Challenge Award: %s1"
"Quest_OperationalPoints_1" "★"
"Quest_OperationalPoints_2" "★★"
"Quest_OperationalPoints_3" "<font color=\"#ff0000\">★★★★</font>"
// Hud Message
"Quest_ProgressMadeMessage1" " Mission points to be credited at match end: +%s1."
// Campaigns
"csgo_campaign_eurasia" "Campaign Eurasia"
"csgo_campaign_eurasia_desc" ""
"csgo_campaign_vanguard" "Campaign Vanguard"
"csgo_campaign_vanguard_desc" ""
"csgo_campaign_maghreb" "Campaign Maghreb"
"csgo_campaign_maghreb_desc" ""
"csgo_campaign_weapons" "Campaign Weapons Specialist"
"csgo_campaign_weapons_desc" ""
"csgo_campaign_marksman" "Campaign Marksman"
"csgo_campaign_marksman_desc" ""
"csgo_campaign_revolution" "Campaign Revolution"
"csgo_campaign_revolution_desc" ""
"csgo_campaign_7" "Wildfire Campaign"
"csgo_campaign_7_desc" "Wildfire missions feature Casual, Arms Race, Demolition, and Deathmatch game modes. Earn Mission XP when you execute the specified mission action."
"csgo_campaign_8" "Gemini Campaign"
"csgo_campaign_8_desc" "Gemini missions require you to play with a friend. Complete Guardian and Strike missions to earn Mission XP."
"csgo_campaign_9" "Hydra Campaign"
"csgo_campaign_9_desc" "Guardian missions require you to play with a friend. Complete missions to earn Guardian XP."
"campaign" "Campaign"
"campaign_add_explained" "<b>Purchasing this campaign gives you:</b>\n - Access to these missions for the duration of the operation\n - One accessible mission immediately\n - Allows you to complete one additional mission a week"
"campaign_no_price" "This Campaign is no longer available for purchase"
// Mission Objectives
"Op_bloodhound_Sebastien_501" "<b>Sebastien Hennequet</b>: Hello, my name is Sebastien Hennequet, and I'll be your CO for Operation Bloodhound. Our purpose? Track down one of the most dangerous operators working for The Phoenix. Under my training you will become more than a soldier... you'll become a hunter. But before we begin our work with a rifle, you have to learn how to live long enough to get one. Become an expert with your sidearm, it's the fastest way to get the resources you'll need."
"Op_bloodhound_Sebastien_502" "<b>Sebastien Hennequet</b>: Until he betrayed us all, Chase Turner was a decorated member of the Coalition Taskforce. It's suicide to engage him one on one, but with the right coordination we can kill him before he knows he's in your crosshairs. The AWP is reliable and deadly, and the first tool of the trade you need to master."
"Op_bloodhound_Sebastien_503" "<b>Sebastien Hennequet</b>: Despite what Lt. Sabri may think, our victory depends on teamwork, not individual performance. You're not alone out there: so even if you can't get a kill shot, sometimes wounding the enemy can be enough to tip the scales. Use the SSG08 to support your allies."
"Op_bloodhound_Sebastien_504" "<b>Sebastien Hennequet</b>: Since aligning himself with Valeria, Turner does whatever he can to keep us off balance... forcing us to panic and lose focus. But precision is the hallmark of a great operator... it's easy to wield an Aug like a cudgel, but can you use it as a scalpel?"
"Op_bloodhound_Sebastien_505" "<b>Sebastien Hennequet</b>: We've launched 5 unsuccessful attempts on Turners life... he evaded us twice by using bad intel to trap us: if that happens to you, you need to be prepared for anything."
"Op_bloodhound_Sebastien_510" "<b>Sebastien Hennequet</b>: The success or failure of our missions hinge on brief moments: looking around the right corner... pulling the trigger at the right time... I'm giving you three shots to kill your target... you should need only one."
"Op_bloodhound_Sebastien_511" "<b>Sebastien Hennequet</b>: It's graduation day. We've identified the location of Sergei, one of Valeria's low ranking lieutenants. Find him. Kill him...and prove to me that you're ready to hunt Turner."
"Op_bloodhound_Sebastien_512" "<b>Sebastien Hennequet</b>: We received word that Turner's terrorist cell has mobilized, this our last chance for weapons training before we go on the hunt."
"Op_bloodhound_Sebastien_513" "<b>Sebastien Hennequet</b>: This doesn't make any sense... The Phoenix are raiding Season, but that target doesn't fit in Turner's MO... the target's not political, and the battlefield is too claustrophobic. Be careful when you're leaving bombsite A... there a ladder that leads you to a perfect sniping roost: Turner might be waiting for you."
"Op_bloodhound_Sebastien_514" "<b>Sebastien Hennequet</b>: Turner's greatest blow against us came when he assassinated Lord William, one of the Coalition Taskforce's biggest political and financial supporters. By holding control of a tower he was able to pick off every operator we sent to Rescue Lord William... we can never let history repeat itself."
"Op_bloodhound_Sebastien_515" "<b>Sebastien Hennequet</b>: We noticed Phoenix activity at an abandoned rail yard... be careful as you secure the area: It may look like you're surrounded by cover but there are plenty of places that overlook the yard, particularly at bombsite B."
"Op_bloodhound_Sebastien_516" "<b>Sebastien Hennequet</b>: We tracked Turner's men to a shopping district the Maghreb region: tread softly when moving down side alleys to bombsite B. There's a house with excellent visibility where Turner's men can plan an ambush. "
"Op_bloodhound_Sebastien_517" "<b>Sebastien Hennequet</b>: Turner knows we're getting close: he's making a move on various soft targets all around the globe... he wants to use these hostage scenarios to divide the Coalition's resources and pick us off one at a time."
"Op_bloodhound_Sebastien_506" "<b>Sebastien Hennequet</b>: The man we hunt is Chase Turner. He was a friend to many of us, and a protégé of mine... the most gifted sniper I ever trained. Valeria's words have twisted him beyond recognition, and when the time comes it will fall on us to put him down. Let's begin your training with the SSG08."
"Op_bloodhound_Sebastien_507" "<b>Sebastien Hennequet</b>: There's a reason why the AWP is the bread and butter for many a marksman. I've seen firsthand how one pull of the trigger can change the world... perfect your aim, and you might do the same one day."
"Op_bloodhound_Sebastien_508" "<b>Sebastien Hennequet</b>: Let's see if you have the discipline to learn what Lt. Sabri couldn't. Not all precision instruments come with a scope. In the right hands, a Desert Eagle is still effective at long range and is a fraction of the cost of an AWP. And as you know... early success can shape the rest of the battle."
"Op_bloodhound_Sebastien_509" "<b>Sebastien Hennequet</b>: We can't always control the terms of a skirmish, and the unfortunate reality of war is that rifles aren't cheap. If Turner comes for you, you might not have your preferred rifle, and if that happens you have to be prepared to use whatever is on hand."
"Op_bloodhound_Sebastien_518" "<b>Sebastien Hennequet</b>: Before Turner became a traitor he was a world class operator. With his instincts and ability to control sightlines he was once able to single handedly stop a terrorist plot to destroy the bay area zoo. The way he told the story, he said he was able to kill The Phoenix and enjoy a dolphin show at the same time."
"Op_bloodhound_Sebastien_519" "<b>Sebastien Hennequet</b>: The seeds of Turner's betrayal began after a routine operation in the Maghreb region. Valeria's agents were looking to bomb a shopping district, and we moved to stop them. He must have killed a dozen men from the palace interior, but after the skirmish he came home changed... Valeria had reached out to him: and he was swayed by her silver tongue."
"Op_bloodhound_Sebastien_520" "<b>Sebastien Hennequet</b>: Turner's forces are bearing down on you. Remember your training and use the AWP to control the bombsite. It's just the two of you out there, so be smart and cover each other's backs. "
"Op_bloodhound_Sebastien_521" "<b>Sebastien Hennequet</b>: Valeria sent Turner on a mission to prove his devotion to the cause - the hijacking and transport of weapons grade plutonium. One of his favorite tactics was taking control of offices overlooking the train yard, converting them to effective sniper's nests."
"Op_bloodhound_Sebastien_522" "<b>Sebastien Hennequet</b>: His place in The Phoenix secured, Turner spearheaded an assault on one of Lord William's estates... the battle was long and brutal. Turner raced to hold control of a tower on the property, holding off our forces while his new allies sought to complete their mission. In the end we failed: Lord William was dead."
"Op_bloodhound_Sebastien_523" "<b>Sebastien Hennequet</b>: We sought Turner out more aggressively, but it didn't matter: he didn't just have knowledge of our tactics... he knew how to exploit every operator leading the Taskforce. He launched a plot to kill Kotaro Izaki... using his hatred of Elliott Kingsman to lure him to the Season Corporation."
"Op_bloodhound_Sebastien_524" "<b>Sebastien Hennequet</b>: The death of Lord William sent ripples across Europe. Soon Anarchists spouting the propaganda of The Phoenix took to the streets. The only reason we held them off was because we were able to maintain the upper park."
"Op_bloodhound_Sebastien_525" "<b>Sebastien Hennequet</b>: Our last encounter with Turner was our most chilling. He was using the rafters at bombsite B to pick us off one by one. We drove them off... but not before they were able to destroy information regarding their cell: all we know for sure is that The Phoenix are preparing to hit a new civilian target."
"Op_bloodhound_Sebastien_526" "<b>Sebastien Hennequet</b>: This is the moment we've been waiting for: We've confirmed that Turner is among the operators at this hostage situation. If you see him in the engagement, don't hesitate to take him out."
"Op_bloodhound_Sebastien_521_new" "<b>Sebastien Hennequet</b>: Turner's cell is licking its wounds, but we can't afford to be complacent. It's time for another weapons training exercise... when Turner peeks his head out, we'll be ready to take it off."
"Op_bloodhound_Sebastien_526_new" "<b>Sebastien Hennequet</b>: Turner's men are spreading across the Maghreb, looking to destroy villages that are unsympathetic to The Phoenix's cause. In order to protect these people, we need to split up. Take another operator and guard the bombsite. Remember, this isn't a standard mission: do not. Leave. The bombsite."
"Op_bloodhound_Sebastien_527" "<b>Sebastien Hennequet</b>: In the field we always have to reassess our surroundings and improvise. This exercise is about not relying on Coalition resources... take out the enemy, then use their own weapons against them."
"Op_bloodhound_Sebastien_528" "<b>Sebastien Hennequet</b>: I received word that your transport chopper was shot down over the Maghreb. Evac is coming, but it's going to take time. The two of you can survive this, just stick together and remember what I've taught you."
"Op_Bloodhound_booth_529" "<b>Booth</b>: So you're the operator everyone's all in a fuss about. I'm sure helping out Mr. Hennequet on his vengeance quest is fun, but if you're interested in being more than an old man's catspaw, we should talk. The name's Booth... and I'm always looking for talented individuals to make money with."
"Op_Bloodhound_booth_530" "<b>Booth</b>: What do you say we do a little Zen exercise? While you're on the field, hunt some chickens for me. Naturally I'm sure you're wondering why I'd ask for something so ludicrous. Maybe I'm looking for you to test my wares... perhaps I'm judging how well you follow instructions... or maybe I just really hate chickens. Either way, do what I ask and you will be rewarded."
"Op_Bloodhound_booth_531" "<b>Booth</b>: As much as I like to believe that people respect my business practices, the reality is that I sell guns to people who like to use them.... And eventually they might want to use them on me. Show me that you can take whatever the world throws at you, and let the bodies of your enemies tell the story of your victory. Do this... and I will happily put you on retainer."
"Op_Bloodhound_booth_531_turner" "<b>Booth</b>: Chase Turner was a man of conviction and talent... it's a shame that you killed him. But there's no point in dwelling on the past, we need to move forward. Killing Turner puts you into a very special tier of operators... and I have a special task for someone with your skillset."
"Op_bloodhound_Sebastien_502_Turner" "<b>Sebastien Hennequet</b>: Until he betrayed us all, Chase Turner was a decorated member of the Coalition Taskforce. Seeing as you're the one who put him down... it's only fitting you carry on his legacy with the AWP."
"Op_bloodhound_Sebastien_504_turner" "<b>Sebastien Hennequet</b>: There's someone I'd like to meet, a defector from the Coalition Taskforce named Chase Turner. But before you do, I have a final test for you. Stand with your new brothers and sisters against your old ones... don't let our hostages be taken from us."
"Op_bloodhound_Sebastien_505_turner" "<b>Sebastien Hennequet</b>: With Turner dead, you can bet Valeria will be looking for vengeance... being able to adapt will be key to your survival."
"Op_bloodhound_Sebastien_512_turner" "<b>Sebastien Hennequet</b>: Turner may be dead, but his cell is still out there. We must stay vigilant and keep our skills sharp."
"Op_bloodhound_Sebastien_513_turner" "<b>Sebastien Hennequet</b>: The Phoenix are raiding the Season Corporation, we need to deploy now!"
"Op_bloodhound_Sebastien_516_turner" "<b>Sebastien Hennequet</b>: An anonymous tip reported Phoenix activity in a small town in the Maghreb. Something about this doesn't feel right... be careful when moving down the side alleys... there may be an ambush."
"Op_bloodhound_Sebastien_517_turner" "<b>Sebastien Hennequet</b>: The Phoenix are making a move on various soft targets all around the globe... get out there and save those hostages!"
"Op_bloodhound_Sebastien_506_turner" "<b>Sebastien Hennequet</b>: Chase Turner was a friend to many of us, and a protégé of mine... I take no joy in his death, but he had to be put down. Ah, we mustn't dwell in the past... but look towards the future."
"Op_bloodhound_Sebastien_509_turner" "<b>Sebastien Hennequet</b>: We can't always control the terms of a skirmish, and the unfortunate reality of war is that rifles aren't cheap. If Valeria comes for you, you might not have your preferred rifle, and if that happens you have to be prepared to use whatever is on hand."
"Op_bloodhound_Sebastien_520_turner" "<b>Sebastien Hennequet</b>: Phoenix forces are bearing down on you. Remember your training and use the AWP to control the bombsite. It's just the two of you out there, so be smart and cover each other's backs."
"Op_bloodhound_Sebastien_521_new_turner" "<b>Sebastien Hennequet</b>: Turner's cell is licking it's wounds, but we can't afford to be complacent. It's time for another weapons training exercise..."
"Op_bloodhound_Sebastien_525_turner" "<b>Sebastien Hennequet</b>: We once encountered Turner in a compound like this one... He was using the rafters at bombsite B to pick us off one by one. We drove them off... but not before they were able to destroy information regarding their cell: all we know for sure is that the Phoenix are preparing to hit a new civilian target."
"Op_bloodhound_Valeria_Two_Sides_sub" "<b>Valeria Jenner</b>: Evil. Criminal. Terrorist. The reality is that I am none of these things. My name is Valeria Jenner, and I am the voice of The Phoenix... and The Phoenix... is the voice of freedom. It's said that you have talents that can be of use to The Struggle. It's time for you to prove you have the skills you claim to have. "
"Op_bloodhound_Valeria_spark_sub" "<b>Valeria Jenner</b>: You're not the first person whose eyes were opened to the hypocrisy that surrounds us. To understand that for freedom to truly reign, we must burn down governments. Burn down religion. Burn down the bourgeoisie... and only from those ashes can mankind rise pure and clean. It's your turn to follow the path of The Phoenix... it's your turn to light the spark of revolution."
"Op_bloodhound_Valeria_Flames_sub" "<b>Valeria Jenner</b>: Fire is the weapon of the revolution. Like us, fire breathes. Like us, fire spreads. Yes it takes lives, but without fire we would sit in darkness and die in the cold. Do not be afraid of fire... master it."
"Op_bloodhound_Valeria_tyrants_sub" "<b>Valeria Jenner</b>: We fight to unseat tyrants with resources superior to our own. That's why we need to leverage surprise; striking fast and hard. Lie in wait with your shotgun... then act decisively."
"Op_bloodhound_Valeria_booth_sub" "<b>Valeria Jenner</b>: Like it or not, the Arms Dealer named Booth plays a pivotal role in The Struggle. Yes, he plays both sides but without his wares we wouldn't be able to topple tyrants. Work with him. Use him. But never trust him."
"Op_bloodhound_Valeria_meet_mentor_sub" "<b>Valeria Jenner</b>: There's someone I'd like you to meet, a defector from the Coalition Taskforce named Chase Turner. But before you do, I have a final test for you. Stand with your new brothers and sisters against your old ones... don't let our hostages be taken from us."
"Op_bloodhound_Valeria_labels_turner" "<b>Valeria Jenner</b>: The media loves to label everything. Civilian Casualties... Military Casualties... when the reality is that a life is a life. Everyone on this Earth plays a role in The Struggle... and we all are culpable for our actions. The men and women we capture are not random people, caught in the wrong place at the wrong time. They are targeted for a reason... and we must never let them be taken from us."
"Op_bloodhound_Valeria_dead_turner_sub" "<b>Valeria Jenner</b>: Turner is dead. Struck down by a father who couldn't bear to see his son outshine him. A reckoning will be coming for Mr. Hennequet... but for now I want him to hurt like we do. I've located one of his star pupils, an operator named Jackson. Find him. Kill him. And bring justice for The Phoenix."
"Op_bloodhound_Valeria_loyalty_sub" "<b>Valeria Jenner</b>: Your loyalty has been proven... and now The Phoenix has special need of you. A nuclear facility we aim to take over has recently remodeled its toxic room. I'm sending you and a fellow brother to secure the engineers responsible for the re-design. We need to know what changes are coming."
"Op_bloodhound_Valeria_resources_sub" "<b>Valeria Jenner</b>: We never know what resources we'll have available in the field, so it's important to be able to fight with a variety of weapons... not just the ones you're familiar with."
"Op_bloodhound_Valeria_conflict_sub" "<b>Valeria Jenner</b>: Some conflicts feel never ending. The same dance that continues over and over. Lesser men look to this and see futility, but The Phoenix sees hope. As long as people are willing to die for what they believe is right, the cause is not lost. We are not defined by our failures until the moment we refuse to stand back up."
"Op_bloodhound_Valeria_role_turner_sub" "<b>Valeria Jenner</b>: Turner played an important role in The Struggle, and it now falls on you to walk in his footsteps. Master the AWP... carry on a great man's legacy."
"Op_bloodhound_Valeria_message_sub" "<b>Valeria Jenner</b>: The world is not yet ready for our message, but that doesn't mean our message does not need to be spread. In time, fear will give way to understanding, and The Phoenix will be regarded as the heroes we are."
"Op_bloodhound_Valeria_pollock_turner_sub" "<b>Valeria Jenner</b>: Comparing Javier and Turner's technique is like comparing Pollock and Kandinsky ... both are masters, but one is significantly more messy. Not every assassination calls for a bloodbath. When I call on you, I expect your kills to be clean and precise."
"Op_bloodhound_Valeria_blunt_turner_sub" "<b>Valeria Jenner</b>: Marcus Chapel is Sebastien Hennequet's best friend. Loyal. Courageous. And an expert marksman. He's also insanely predictable which is why I was able to lure him here. Stalk him and end his life... so that Hennequet will live out the rest of his in sorrow and misery."
"Op_bloodhound_Valeria_smg_sub" "<b>Valeria Jenner</b>: The Phoenix has no need of cowards. Often our victories hinge on relentless aggression... that's where SMGs come in. Light enough to move swiftly, but a fast enough rate of fire to keep our enemies pinned down."
"Op_bloodhound_Valeria_knife_sub" "<b>Valeria Jenner</b>: If you want to fight for change, there's something I need you to do. Kill a man with a knife. Feel his blood on your hands, Do not ignore it, Do not sugar coat it, Accept it. For The Phoenix does not lie... not to the sleeping world... nor to ourselves."
"Op_bloodhound_Valeria_open_house_sub" "<b>Valeria Jenner</b>: Booth is hosting another one of his open houses... go and try out his wares... there may be a weapon you've overlooked that could suit you."
"Op_bloodhound_Valeria_rebirth_sub" "<b>Valeria Jenner</b>: The Phoenix is the symbol of rebirth... every skirmish we engage in, whether it is our fifth or our fiftieth is a new beginning. Seize that opportunity and strike our oppressors down... then break their morale by turning their own weapons against them."
"Op_bloodhound_Valeria_underhill_turner_sub" "<b>Valeria Jenner</b>: People want to believe that change comes from within the system, but you and I both know better. The system protects corporate stooges like Underhill and Murphy as they line their pockets promoting industries that cripple the common man. Today their ivory tower begins to fall."
"Op_bloodhound_Valeria_maghreb_turner_sub" "<b>Valeria Jenner</b>: Felix launched a campaign against us in the Maghreb... Operation Vanguard he called it. It was a killing field. One by one Turner executed our brothers and sisters as they valiantly tried to place an explosive device. It was in that moment a question took root in his mind. What cause could motivate these people to throw their lives away with such determination. He sought me out... and I provided answers."
"Op_bloodhound_Valeria_bank_turner_sub" "<b>Valeria Jenner</b>: I don't know how, but Felix learned about our bank heist and his jack-booted thugs are en route. It falls on you two to steel your resolve and cut the oppressors down."
"Op_bloodhound_Valeria_fruitless_turner_sub" "<b>Valeria Jenner</b>: We have shown the world that the struggle is not fruitless... now anarchists have spread throughout Europe... eager to break the government's gilded cage."
"Op_bloodhound_Valeria_fear_turner_sub" "<b>Valeria Jenner</b>: Fear is a construct of the mind, and it's something our enemies wield with alarming grace. You see; when people are scared, they turn to those with authority for solutions, because they're conditioned to feel powerless. That's why engaging with nuclear options is critical: Once we show that the ivory tower can do nothing to save them...they will rise to help themselves."
"Op_bloodhound_Valeria_elysee_turner_sub" "<b>Valeria Jenner</b>: Titans of industry all flocked to the Elysee resort - a temple of excess designed to coddle CEOs who made their fortunes on the backs of laborers. They'd laugh as they clinked glasses full champagne... each flute filled with one month's salary of their employees. But soon they would stop laughing."
"Op_bloodhound_Valeria_history_turner_sub" "<b>Valeria Jenner</b>: History may be written by the victors, but that doesn't mean we have to buy the book. We lost the battle in Maghreb, but we gained the loyalty of Turner. Now, Turner is dead, but we have gained you. The Coalition believes that they've struck a blow against us, but like the story of Turner's defection, like the story of our namesake... defeat is never the end. The Phoenix can never die."
"Op_bloodhound_Valeria_cobble_turner_sub" "<b>Valeria Jenner</b>: The capture of Lord William is one of The Phoenix's greatest triumphs. Turner lead a small unit to William's estate, dragging that sniveling worm out from his ivory tower. The Coalition Taskforce tried in vain to save him... but Turner laid them low with the SSG08."
"Op_bloodhound_Valeria_journalist_turner_sub" "<b>Chase Turner</b>: That journalist we captured during operation Vanguard seems to have more friends we thought. Our safehouse has been compromised, and Felix's thugs are coming in force. Support isn't coming. It's up to you two to hold the line."
"Op_Bloodhound_Turner_intro" "<b>Chase Turner</b>: Nice to meet you, I'm Chase Turner. I wish I had time to give a fancy speech but we got a problem. Sebastien Hennequet has sent an Operator named Jackson to assassinate Valeria. Nothing is more important than her survival."
"Op_Bloodhound_Turner_headshot" "<b>Chase Turner</b>: Our battles are fought in the streets. In businesses. In people's homes. And for that reason it's critical that when we send a bullet downfield it hits its intended target. We're not butchers. We're surgeons."
"Op_Bloodhound_Turner_prodigy" "<b>Chase Turner</b>: Before I became a freedom fighter I was a sniper... trained by the best. Sebastien called me a prodigy, but I'm not so sure that being able to reliably kill a man who doesn't even know you're there is something to be proud of... regardless, the skills I learned have kept me alive. When securing Underhill and Murphy, be sure to maintain sightlines on the room with the metal detector... you're asking to be flanked if you don't."
"Op_Bloodhound_Turner_hero" "<b>Chase Turner</b>: I hate this part of the world... too many bad memories. Back when I was in the Taskforce they heralded me as a hero because I was able to hold bombsite A single handedly. Hero... I just posted up by some barrels with good visibility and killed anyone with the courage to think for themselves. I was no hero... I was a monster."
"Op_Bloodhound_Turner_cobble" "<b>Chase Turner</b>: Lord William was one of the major backers of the Coalition Taskforce, but his money was as dirty as it came. Abducting William was easy. Waiting for evac... now that was the hard part."
"Op_Bloodhound_Turner_chaos" "<b>Chase Turner</b>: We're trained at a young age that chaos is wrong. That we need order for society to survive... but the reality is that order doesn't serve the common man... order serves those in power. The ones that get to tell people's children to fight their battles... who impose their laws and faith unto others for a nebulous greater good with impossible standards. It's a con job. We shouldn't fear people thinking for themselves."
"Op_Bloodhound_Turner_valeria" "<b>Chase Turner</b>: When Valeria first asked me to steal nuclear materials, I balked: if I was wrong about her... if my trust was misplaced.... I would be giving a mad woman the ability to kill millions. But my faith was rewarded. Valeria doesn't want to destroy world. She wants to save it."
"Op_Bloodhound_Turner_underhill" "<b>Chase Turner</b>: Underhill and Murphy is gathering their clients for an all-paid bacchanal at the Elysee Resort. Those men and women care about profit margins, not people... but soon they won't be rewarded for their avarice."
"Op_Bloodhound_Turner_shame" "<b>Chase Turner</b>: I'm ashamed of the things that I've done in the name of my country... but I can't wallow in that misery. All I can do now is try to change the world for the better. And yes, our new world will be built atop the bodies of the fallen but change isn't easy. We aren't fighting soldiers... we aren't fighting peace keepers... we're fighting learned helplessness. And when this sleeping world awakes... it will thank us."
"Op_Bloodhound_Turner_blunt" "<b>Chase Turner</b>: Well, we must be doing something right... The Taskforce is sending a top notch sniper to kill us. Chapel trained with me under Sebastien Hennequet; he's one the best... but it won't be good enough. Find him and put him down before he does the same to you."
"Op_Bloodhound_Turner_booth" "<b>Chase Turner</b>: Someone sold us out, and now a simple bank job's about to turn into a standoff. Hang tight. I'm bringing a cell to pull you and your partner out. I'm not leaving one of our own behind."
"Op_Bloodhound_Turner_journalist" "<b>Chase Turner</b>: When I defected during Operation Vanguard, I took something with me... a journalist named Alex Kincaide. We thought Kincaide was secure at one of our safehouses but the Coalition Taskforce has compromised the location. Valeria needs that journalist. Take a friend for backup and make sure no one touches Kincaide."
"op_bloodhound_turner_AWP" "<b>Chase Turner</b>: Hennequet was wrong about a lot of things, but had one thing right: one bullet can change the world. I want you to get comfortable with the AWP. Yes it's expensive, but sniper rifles don't come more blue chip. Let's stick with the basics here... Rome wasn't built in a day."
"op_bloodhound_booth_Spend_sub" "<b>Booth</b>: I've been waiting for you... Valeria said she was sending someone new to pick up her latest shipment of goodies. I'm dying to see what you're going to buy for her."
"op_bloodhound_booth_flash_sub" "<b>Booth</b>: Flashbangs are wonderful little things: They can buy you time for an escape or they can create an opportunity for a kill... and fortunately for you, I happen to have a surplus I'm dying to unload."
"op_bloodhound_booth_bomb_sub" "<b>Booth</b>: A farmer would never plant a seed and walk away. No... he nurtures his crops, protecting them from being nicked by nasty little creatures. So it is with plastic explosives. Show me that you can be a reliable demolitionist, and you'll be rewarded."
"op07_subtitle_701" "<b>Felix Riley:</b> Operation Bloodhound was a success. Turner is dead, and the Phoenix are still recovering from their loss. Now is the time to put on the pressure… to hit multiple Phoenix operations at once… to spread like wildfire. My name is Major Felix Riley, and together we're going to stop Valeria."
"op07_subtitle_702" "<b>Felix Riley:</b> Ladies and Gentlemen, the Phoenix have occupied a cruise ship and it falls on us to stop them. Remember, just because you're engaging enemies on the lido deck doesn't mean there's time for short-poured mai tais. Good luck."
"op07_subtitle_703" "<b>Felix Riley:</b> The Phoenix have dug into the ship and are holding hostages. I want every passenger, every crew member, every second rate entertainer accounted for. I won't stand for another Vanguard incident."
"op07_subtitle_704" "<b>Felix Riley:</b> I'll make no excuses or pretenses: I hate chickens. Hate them. I want them off my battlefield."
"op07_subtitle_705" "<b>Felix Riley:</b> We just received word that the Phoenix have made a play in Turkey. Resolve the situation."
"op07_subtitle_706" "<b>Felix Riley:</b> Keep your shoes on. Ignore the metal detectors. And give those bastards hell."
"op07_subtitle_707" "<b>Felix Riley:</b> Serenity is a lie: a security blanket that lulls you into complacency: stay alert… stay vigilant… and stay alive."
"op07_subtitle_708" "<b>Felix Riley:</b> Jungle Warfare has always been chaotic, and this exercise will be no exception."
"op07_subtitle_709" "<b>Felix Riley:</b> Valeria didn't send her goons to Italy for a gelato run. Find them and eliminate them."
"op07_subtitle_710" "<b>Felix Riley:</b> One of Booth's rivals has set up shop underneath Empire Taxi's fleet garage. We can't let the Phoenix gain control of the compound."
"op07_subtitle_711" "<b>Felix Riley:</b> Santorini is the gem of the Greek isles… we won't let it be tarnished by the Phoenix."
"op07_subtitle_712" "<b>Felix Riley:</b> A sniper rifle in the right hands can entirely change the direction of a battle… it's Sebastien's weapon of choice."
"op07_subtitle_713" "<b>Felix Riley:</b> These are the least expensive assault rifles you can buy: they're not flashy, but they're perfect for an Operator on a budget."
"op07_subtitle_714" "<b>Felix Riley:</b> Stop the Phoenix: and reclaim Santorini for its people."
"op07_subtitle_715" "<b>Felix Riley:</b> In the wake of Turners death, maintaining our marksman advantage over the Phoenix is imperative."
"op07_subtitle_716" "<b>Felix Riley:</b> A quaint Dutch village has turned into a battleground: protect the village and stop The Phoenix."
"op07_subtitle_717" "<b>Felix Riley:</b> Time to see how you handle CQC scenarios."
"op07_subtitle_718" "<b>Felix Riley:</b> With the exception of us controlling the weapons you'll be using, this is about as close to the real thing as you're going to get."
"op07_subtitle_719" "<b>Felix Riley:</b> This is the heart of what we do. The Phoenix will stop at nothing to plant their explosives… we have to be as committed to defusing them."
"op07_subtitle_720" "<b>Felix Riley:</b> A disoriented enemy is an enemy that is not murdering you or your teammates. Get proficient with flashbangs, and use them to gain position on your opponents."
"op07_subtitle_721" "<b>Felix Riley:</b> Some people, like Sebastien, like to keep their distance… some people, like Kotaro, like to be up close and personal… this exercise is more up Kotaro's alley."
"op07_subtitle_722" "<b>Felix Riley:</b> Take on the role of sniper, and give your team the support they need. Be patient and precise… your fellow operators are counting on you."
"op07_subtitle_723" "<b>Felix Riley:</b> You're a part of a team… if you need something and don't have enough money, don't be afraid to ask your allies to provide you with a weapon."
"op07_subtitle_724" "<b>Felix Riley:</b> If you want to fight the Phoenix, you need to learn how to think like them. Their strategies are always evolving, and ours should follow suit."
"op07_subtitle_725" "<b>Felix Riley:</b> Molotovs are a great way to lock down an area and control enemy movement, so get used to carrying petrol in a beer bottle."
"op07_subtitle_726" "<b>Felix Riley:</b> If you want to survive, it's important that you look to your team for support when you need it. Use an ally's weapon to stop The Phoenix."
"op07_subtitle_727" "<b>Felix Riley:</b> The pistol can be a challenging weapon, but if you can master it you will be able to get an early advantage on your opponents."
"op07_subtitle_728" "<b>Felix Riley:</b> Time to put together everything you've learned: good luck, and make us all proud."
"op07_subtitle_729" "<b>Felix Riley:</b> We don't always have the luxury of buying the weapons we want… use whatever weapon you can find."
"op07_subtitle_730" "<b>Felix Riley:</b> Sidearms are reliable, lethal, and above all: cheap. The more comfortable you are with them, the sooner you can afford a quality rifle."
"op07_subtitle_731" "<b>Felix Riley:</b> No more restraints. No more rules. All that matters in combat is victory. Do not fail."
"op07_subtitle_801" "<b>Kotaro Izaki:</b> Hello. I'm Kotaro Izaki, and this is Carmen Cocinero.\n\n<b>Carmen Cocinero:</b> Hey.\n\n<b>Kotaro Izaki:</b> It's my pleasure to inform you that you've been selected to join a special branch of the Coalition Taskforce.\n\n<b>Carmen Cocinero:</b> Lucky you.\n\n<b>Kotaro Izaki:</b> Our missions do not follow the standard rules of engagement. We work in pairs, relying on teamwork to take out overwhelming force.\n\n<b>Carmen Cocinero:</b> Let's see what you got."
"op07_subtitle_802" "<b>Carmen Cocinero:</b> Felix likes to trumpet the success of Operation Bloodhound, but he still has egg on his face after Alex Kincaide got captured during Vanguard. Once we get you two up to speed we're going to clean up his mess."
"op07_subtitle_803" "<b>Kotaro Izaki:</b> When we go after Kincaide you'll have very little support in the field… get comfortable with using the weapons of our enemies against them."
"op07_subtitle_804" "<b>Kotaro Izaki:</b> Alex Kincaide has been a Phoenix captive since Operation Vanguard…. that ends today. It took months, but I was able to get intel on Kincaide's location: a cement factory owned by industrialist and Phoenix sympathizer Franz Kriegeld.\n\n<b>Carmen Cocinero:</b> Get in the factory, and extract Kincaide - once he's safe we'll find a way to nail Kriegeld."
"op07_subtitle_805" "<b>Alex Kincaide:</b> Franz and Valeria would argue all the time; but one thing they both agreed on was that the Empire Taxi Company had to go - I don't know what a bunch of New York cabbies did to piss off The Phoenix, but they're going to hit there next."
"op07_subtitle_806" "<b>Alex Kincaide:</b> In one of our interviews, Valeria told me The Phoenix weren't finished destroying Lord William's legacy - they're looking to attack all of his estates."
"op07_subtitle_807" "<b>Alex Kincaide:</b> Kriegeld is wielding The Phoenix like a sword, using them to target industries that he's competing with."
"op07_subtitle_808" "<b>Kotaro Izaki:</b> Great job extracting Kincaide, Carmen couldn't have done it better.\n\n<b>Carmen Cocinero:</b> Now that he's safe: let's focus on Kriegeld.\n\n<b>Kotaro Izaki:</b> We'll get to that… I had something else in mind."
"op07_subtitle_809" "<b>Booth:</b> Now I may be mistaken, but you strike me as an enterprising individual with an eye for opportunity... The name's Booth, and I think we can help each other out. You need guns for your war, and I need money for single malt scotch. If you showcase some of my weapons on the battlefield I'll make sure something nice falls off the truck for you."
"op07_subtitle_810" "<b>Booth:</b> Conflict has been around ever since the first caveman learned how to pick up a rock... it's human nature that drives us to war. And seeing as you can't fight human nature it seems like I might as well make a little money out of it, right? <i>Right</i>."
"op07_subtitle_811" "<b>Kotaro Izaki:</b> My source just informed me of another Operation being spearheaded by some of Valeria's hired thugs. Let's move."
"op07_subtitle_812" "<b>Carmen Cocinero:</b> Kotaro, Felix wants to talk to us…\n\n<b>Kotaro Izaki:</b> It can wait. There's still work to do."
"op07_subtitle_813" "<b>Booth:</b> Some bleeding hearts question the ethics of arming two sides of the same conflict but people like you and me understand the way the world works. There are no <i>good guys</i> and <i>bad guys</i>, everyone is a hero in their own story. Don't get me wrong, I don't subscribe to that whole load of bollocks that Valeria Jenner is peddling; but at the end of the day it's a bit like having a great aunt that pinches your cheeks every time you see her. Does she annoy the piss out of you? Yes. Do you turn down her birthday present? Fuck no."
"op07_subtitle_814" "<b>Felix Riley:</b> Kotaro, I need your people stateside: we have an opportunity to catch Kriegeld red handed.\n\n<b>Kotaro Izaki:</b> But sir, we're just starting to see results here in Europe, I need more ti-\n\n<b>Felix Riley:</b> After you finish this op you're going back to the States…that's an order Kotaro.\n\n<b>Kotaro Izaki:</b> Yes sir."
"op07_subtitle_815" "<b>Booth:</b> If you're feeling any pangs of guilt about working with me I wouldn't worry too much about it. People in our lines of work don't tend to live long, so I say just enjoy the ride as long as you can."
"op07_subtitle_816" "<b>Felix Riley:</b> We just got the full debrief from Kincaide. Franz Kriegeld is using his business as a front to help finance the Phoenix... but if we're going to start freezing his assets we're going to need proof. I don't like sending you back into the lion's den, but this is our chance to deal some lasting damage to The Phoenix."
"op07_subtitle_817" "<b>Carmen Cocinero:</b> Kotaro, what are you doing?\n\n<b>Kotaro Izaki:</b> Following the money.\n\n<b>Carmen Cocinero:</b> We're not authorized to-\n\n<b>Kotaro Izaki:</b> You of all people don't get to lecture me on procedure. Valeria has been using Elliot Kingsman's goons to bolster her numbers and now we have proof. I'm going after Kingsman… are you with me or not?\n\n<b>Carmen Cocinero:</b> *sigh* I'm with you."
"op07_subtitle_818" "<b>Carmen Cocinero:</b> I still think this is a terrible idea.\n\n<b>Kotaro Izaki:</b> It's for posterity.\n\n<b>Carmen Cocinero:</b> It's for our court martial. \n\n<b>Kotaro Izaki:</b> Just say your damn name.\n\n<b>Carmen Cocinero:</b> *sigh* I'm Carmen Cocinero\n\n<b>Kotaro Izaki:</b> and I'm Kotaro Izaki. In the event that we fail, this recording is proof that we are operating as individuals, not as sanctioned members of the Coalition Taskforce.\n\n<b>Carmen Cocinero:</b> But we wouldn't mind a pardon…\n\n<b>Kotaro Izaki:</b> Carmen...\n\n<b>Carmen Cocinero:</b> <i>I</i> wouldn't mind a pardon."
"op07_subtitle_819" "<b>Felix Riley:</b> Carmen and Kotaro may be AWOL, but our focus can't change: we need to stop The Phoenix."
"op07_subtitle_820" "<b>Felix Riley:</b> The financials you stole from Kriegeld aren't just going to help us freeze his assets… they're a road map for future Phoenix Operations."
"op07_subtitle_821" "<b>Kotaro Izaki:</b> We're getting close to Kingsman: I can feel it.\n\n<b>Carmen Cocinero:</b> Kotaro: they're baiting us… Kingsman didn't show at the last two jobs… it's a trap.\n\n<b>Kotaro Izaki:</b> Of course it's a trap - but someone has to be there to spring it.\n\n<b>Carmen Cocinero:</b> This is insane.\n\n<b>Kotaro Izaki:</b> You're free to go whenever you want Carmen.\n\n<b>Carmen Cocinero:</b> No… we're in this together."
"op07_subtitle_822" "<b>Felix Riley:</b> We just received word that Valeria is en route to the cement factory: Finish up your business in the Maghreb and return to the states: this could be our best chance to take her out."
"op07_subtitle_823" "<b>Booth:</b> Hello again, it's your old friend Booth. Now obviously as a businessman I make it a point not to choose sides, and as such I would never reveal critical information to either the Coalition Taskforce or The Phoenix. My daughter however, does not seem to share my love of discretion and is now marked for death by Valeria. Again, it would be inappropriate of me to interfere or ask for any favors; however, I imagine if you helped extract Imogen from the Phoenix base she is now hiding in, she would be quite grateful for your assistance."
"op07_subtitle_824" "<b>Imogen:</b> Thank you for saving me… I owe you, and I always repay my debts. Now, a little birdie told me Valeria survived our fireworks show, but her blood is in the water and sharks are circling. Different cells are stepping up activity to prove that they are strong enough to lead The Phoenix. You push back these splinter groups, and The Phoenix will remain leaderless until Valeria recovers."
"op07_subtitle_825" "<b>Imogen:</b> Franz Kriegeld was Valeria's heir apparent - it's his money that helped finance the operation and he felt he should be in charge… however now that his assets are being frozen he's looking to prove he has other skills that are useful to The Phoenix."
"op07_subtitle_826" "<b>Imogen:</b> While Valeria recovers, it falls on Naomi to maintain the status quo and show that the powerbase of The Phoenix has not eroded. She's a zealot who truly believes in her cause."
"op07_subtitle_827" "<b>Imogen:</b> Since Turner's death, Valeria had sought to find his replacement… she found him in Mikha Biton: a mossad operative who has crossed over to The Phoenix. He's still a relative unknown, but there's few things more dangerous than someone looking to prove themselves."
"op07_comic_part_0_desc" "Valeria awakens to discover that everything may not be going according to plan."
"op07_comic_part_1_desc" "Franz confronts Valeria with a new problem facing the Phoenix: betrayal."
"op07_comic_part_2_desc" "We meet Imogen; an arms dealer who has been marked for death by Valeria."
"op07_comic_part_3_desc" "Felix sends a pair of operators to follow up on the success of the Gemini Campaign."
// Mission Names
"Op_bloodhound_501" "The Hunt Begins"
"Op_bloodhound_502" "Training Day"
"Op_bloodhound_503" "Team Player"
"Op_bloodhound_504" "A Lesson In Restraint"
"Op_bloodhound_505" "Versatility Is The Key"
"Op_bloodhound_506" "The Prodigal Son"
"Op_bloodhound_507" "Tools Of The Trade"
"Op_bloodhound_508" "No Scope, No Problem"
"Op_bloodhound_509" "Finders Keepers"
"Op_bloodhound_510" "The Berenger Technique"
"Op_bloodhound_511" "Graduation Day"
"Op_bloodhound_512" "War Games"
"Op_bloodhound_513" "Turn, Turn, Turn"
"Op_bloodhound_514" "Honoring Lord William"
"Op_bloodhound_515" "Punching Tickets"
"Op_bloodhound_516" "Sand Storm"
"Op_bloodhound_517" "Guardian Angel"
"Op_bloodhound_518" "Shooting Safari"
"Op_bloodhound_519" "Scene Of The Crime"
"Op_bloodhound_520" "Tag Team, Back Again"
"Op_bloodhound_521" "Practice Makes Perfect"
"Op_bloodhound_522" "Nuclear Options"
"Op_bloodhound_523" "Ripples Across The Pond"
"Op_bloodhound_524" "Things To Come"
"Op_bloodhound_525" "Hunts End"
"Op_bloodhound_526" "The Buddy System"
"Op_bloodhound_527" "From Their Cold Dead Hands"
"Op_bloodhound_528" "Once I Was Afraid"
"Op_bloodhound_529" "An Independent Contractor"
"Op_bloodhound_530" "Fowl Play"
"Op_bloodhound_531" "A Most Violent Job Interview"
"Op_bloodhound_Valeria_Two_Sides" "Two Sides To Every Story"
"Op_bloodhound_Valeria_spark" "The Spark Of Revolution"
"Op_bloodhound_Valeria_Flames" "Flames Of The Phoenix"
"Op_bloodhound_Valeria_tyrants" "Calling Shotgun"
"Op_bloodhound_Valeria_booth" "The Curious Case Of Booth"
"Op_bloodhound_Valeria_meet_mentor" "Captive Audience"
"Op_bloodhound_Valeria_dead_turner" "The Best Defense"
"Op_bloodhound_Valeria_loyalty" "Planning Ahead"
"Op_bloodhound_Valeria_resources" "Demolition Derby"
"Op_bloodhound_Valeria_conflict" "The Price Of Conviction"
"Op_bloodhound_Valeria_role_turner" "A New Legacy"
"Op_bloodhound_Valeria_message" "Don't Kill The Messenger"
"Op_bloodhound_Valeria_pollock_turner" "The Art Of The Headshot"
"Op_bloodhound_Valeria_blunt_turner" "A Time To Reap"
"Op_bloodhound_Valeria_smg" "Forward Assault"
"Op_bloodhound_Valeria_knife" "Up Close And Personal"
"Op_bloodhound_Valeria_open_house" "The Open House"
"Op_bloodhound_Valeria_rebirth" "The Will To Fight"
"Op_bloodhound_Valeria_underhill_turner" "Underhill and Murphy"
"Op_bloodhound_Valeria_maghreb_turner" "Ghost Of Vanguard's Past"
"Op_bloodhound_Valeria_bank_turner" "Routing Number"
"Op_bloodhound_Valeria_fruitless_turner" "Wildfire"
"Op_bloodhound_Valeria_fear_turner" "A Minute To Midnight"
"Op_bloodhound_Valeria_elysee_turner" "Last Holiday"
"Op_bloodhound_Valeria_history_turner" "A Time To Sow"
"Op_bloodhound_Valeria_cobble_turner" "Turner Vs William"
"Op_bloodhound_Valeria_journalist_turner" "Valeria's Secret Weapon"
"op_bloodhound_booth_Spend" "Spend Money To Make Money"
"op_bloodhound_booth_flash" "In The Pan"
"op_bloodhound_booth_bomb" "Scarecrows"
"op07_quest_name_701" "Fanning The Flames"
"op07_quest_name_702" "Cruise Control"
"op07_quest_name_703" "Stern Words"
"op07_quest_name_704" "Operation: Falling Sky"
"op07_quest_name_705" "Turkish Delight"
"op07_quest_name_706" "Quart Bag Not Included"
"op07_quest_name_707" "R&R"
"op07_quest_name_708" "King Of The Jungle"
"op07_quest_name_709" "Tourist Trap"
"op07_quest_name_710" "Taxi Cab Confessions"
"op07_quest_name_711" "Blue Domes, Red Streets"
"op07_quest_name_712" "Scouting Party"
"op07_quest_name_713" "Basic Economics"
"op07_quest_name_714" "Mayhem In The Mediterranean"
"op07_quest_name_715" "Sniper Superiority"
"op07_quest_name_716" "Come For The Wooden Shoes, Stay For The Firefight"
"op07_quest_name_717" "Never Withdraw"
"op07_quest_name_718" "Weekend Retreat"
"op07_quest_name_719" "Find The Red Wire"
"op07_quest_name_720" "Blinded By The Light"
"op07_quest_name_721" "Up Close And Personal"
"op07_quest_name_722" "Precision Instruments"
"op07_quest_name_723" "Sharing Is Caring"
"op07_quest_name_724" "Hurt Locker"
"op07_quest_name_725" "Who Likes Fire?"
"op07_quest_name_726" "They Don't Need It Anymore"
"op07_quest_name_727" "Gunslinger"
"op07_quest_name_728" "Helmets Won't Save Them"
"op07_quest_name_729" "YOINK!"
"op07_quest_name_730" "Wild West Show"
"op07_quest_name_731" "Gone Streaking"
"op07_quest_name_801" "The Elite Of The Elite"
"op07_quest_name_802" "Teamwork Makes The Dream Work"
"op07_quest_name_803" "Final Exam"
"op07_quest_name_804" "The Extraction"
"op07_quest_name_805" "Empire State Of Mind"
"op07_quest_name_806" "Salting The Earth"
"op07_quest_name_807" "Hostile Takeover"
"op07_quest_name_808" "One Track Mind"
"op07_quest_name_809" "Quid Pro Quo"
"op07_quest_name_810" "Just Reporting The Weather"
"op07_quest_name_811" "Professional Courtesy"
"op07_quest_name_812" "Stay The Course"
"op07_quest_name_813" "Perspective"
"op07_quest_name_814" "Benched"
"op07_quest_name_815" "Enjoy The Ride"
"op07_quest_name_816" "Once More Into The Breach"
"op07_quest_name_817" "Taking A Personal Day"
"op07_quest_name_818" "Of Pardons And Deniability"
"op07_quest_name_819" "Eyes On The Prize"
"op07_quest_name_820" "Fruits Of Your Labor"
"op07_quest_name_821" "A Man Possessed"
"op07_quest_name_822" "Loose Ends"
"op07_quest_name_823" "The Enemy Of My Enemy..."
"op07_quest_name_824" "Blood In The Water"
"op07_quest_name_825" "The Heir Apparent"
"op07_quest_name_826" "1 Minute To Midnight"
"op07_quest_name_827" "Here Comes A New Challenger"
"cp8_comicsection_title_0" "Valeria's Wakeup Call"
"cp8_comicsection_title_1" "Enter Kriegeld"
"cp8_comicsection_title_2" "A Change In Plans"
"cp8_comicsection_title_3" "Aftermath"
"op_wildfilre_comic_1" "View the Operation Wildfire comic"
"op_wildfilre_comic_2" "Continue the Operation Wildfire comic"
"op08_quest_name_901" "Come For The Terrorists, Stay For The Quiche"
"op08_subtitle_901" "<b>Rona Sabri:</b> Alright, first stop: Austria. Felix will probably tell you there's no time for sightseeing... that's why you're going to use a P90 and throw as much copper down field as you can. The sooner you can kill the bad guys, the sooner you can get a quiche at Hotel Post."
"op08_quest_name_902" "Up Close And Personal"
"op08_subtitle_902" "<b>Rona Sabri:</b> Okay, lets see what's next... shotgun training. I'll be honest, shotguns were always more of Kotaro's thing, so I don't have a whole lot to offer in terms of combat advice, but I will say this: next time you go on leave, don't text your CO at 3AM explaining why you deserve a promotion. It is the road that leads to desk duty."
"op08_quest_name_903" "Lite It Up"
"op08_subtitle_903" "<b>Rona Sabri:</b> The UMP isn't a flashy gun, but when you're on a budget—and let's be honest, we always are—it's a reliable option."
"op08_quest_name_904" "Thrill Kill"
"op08_subtitle_904" "<b>Rona Sabri:</b> A theme park <i>and</i> wetwork? You're basically living out my dream vacation. I'm not even going to pretend I'm not jealous."
"op08_quest_name_905" "Run And Gun"
"op08_subtitle_905" "<b>Rona Sabri:</b> Felix wants you light and mobile so you're going to be focusing on the MP9. Also important: if you bring me back some prosecco I will owe you big time. I mean sure, it's contraband but if you get caught what's the worst that can happen, a court-martial? You know, on second thought, skip the prosecco."
"op08_quest_name_906" "Blood And Oil"
"op08_subtitle_906" "<b>Rona Sabri:</b> We can't let that oil refinery go up in flames, use the Bizon to secure the area."
"op08_quest_name_907" "Keep It Professional"
"op08_subtitle_907" "<b>Rona Sabri:</b> You know I just wanted to put it out there that you are doing a great job and I will feel personally responsible if you don't come home, so please don't let me live with crippling guilt. I get enough of that from my parents for not having kids and wow this got real personal real fast, so... just go kill some terrorists and forget this brief ever happened."
"op08_quest_name_908" "Rigged"
"op08_subtitle_908" "<b>Rona Sabri:</b> I know it's not as picturesque as Austria but we're not letting those bastards create an ecological disaster. Get to work."
"op08_quest_name_909" "Blood In The Water"
"op08_subtitle_909" "<b>Rona Sabri:</b> You are headed to my favorite place to make poor life decisions. Have fun... lord knows I would."
"op08_quest_name_910" "Bridging The Gap"
"op08_subtitle_910" "<b>Rona Sabri:</b> The Phoenix are trying to take out the Rialto bridge—you stopping them will go a long way to getting me off of Felix's shit list. And save innocent lives. I probably should have led with that one, that's probably more motivating. Let's just pretend I said something appropriately heroic."
"op08_quest_name_911" "Manifest Destiny"
"op08_subtitle_911" "<b>Rona Sabri:</b> Hey I know it's no cruise liner, but look on the bright side: you get to play with heavy firepower and there's no soft targets."
"op08_quest_name_912" "One For Each Of You..."
"op08_subtitle_912" "<b>Rona Sabri:</b> If something's worth doing it's worth doing with panache. Two-fist your way to victory, and when you come home dinner will be on me. Good luck Operators."
"op08_quest_name_913" "Boom."
"op08_subtitle_913" "<b>Rona Sabri:</b> Listen, I'm not sadist. I'm not. But man, I would be lying if I didn't say using deagles to paint a room was satisfying."
"op08_quest_name_914" "Scavengers"
"op08_subtitle_914" "<b>Rona Sabri:</b> Time to turn the tables and use the enemy's weapon against them."
"op08_quest_name_915" "The Phillippe Gambit"
"op08_subtitle_915" "<b>Rona Sabri:</b> That oil refinery is one stray bullet away from going up in flames, so you're gonna want to keep things precise."
"op08_quest_name_916" "BURN IT ALL!"
"op08_subtitle_916" "<b>Rona Sabri:</b> So it says here that we want the cargo intact... looks like frags are out, but since shipping containers don't really catch fire I'd say incendiary grenades are fair game."
"op08_quest_name_917" "Phoenix Rising"
"op08_subtitle_917" "<b>Rona Sabri:</b> Looks like the Phoenix brought in some big boys. Be careful and use range to your advantage."
"op08_quest_name_918" "Lead In The Water"
"op08_subtitle_918" "<b>Rona Sabri:</b> Heavy Phoenix are on site. Just promise me you won't leave them rotting in the canals."
"op08_quest_name_919" "My Kind Of Holiday"
"op08_subtitle_919" "<b>Rona Sabri:</b> We're the wild west now boys... have some fun."
"op08_quest_name_920" "Beauty Shots"
"op08_subtitle_920" "<b>Rona Sabri:</b> Fun fact: Felix is a total coaster junkie—when you're done with the mission pick him up an Event Horizon hoodie and he'll love you forever. Um, he may not love you forever but he'll probably smile and say thank you. Okay, he might not say \"thank you\" but inside... <i>deep</i> inside that British heart of stone he's saying \"Eh. I may wear that.\""
"op08_quest_name_921" "Small Arms, Big Problems"
"op08_subtitle_921" "<b>Rona Sabri:</b> So the bad news is that heavy Phoenix have been spotted on an oil rig. The good news is that dumping the bodies is gonna be super easy."
"op08_quest_name_922" "Killer Views"
"op08_subtitle_922" "<b>Rona Sabri:</b> Good news Operator: this is your last mission. When I'm done with desk detail it will be an honor to be on the field with you. Good hunting. Oh, and seriously, get the quiche at Hotel Post. That wasn't a joke earlier—it's awesome."
"op08_quest_name_923" "Scouting Mission"
"op08_subtitle_923" "<b>Rona Sabri:</b> Alright, I got orders from Sebastien here, let's see what the old man has in store for you... [In a bad French accent] \"Your rifle may come with a scope, but a true sniper does not need one.\" Yeah, we're just going to pretend this memo got lost in the mail. Forget the no-scope, just use the Scout and take those bastards out."
"op08_quest_name_924" "Blinded By The Light"
"op08_subtitle_924" "<b>Rona Sabri:</b> Alright, word from on high is that we want to minimize damage to the cargo. Blind your targets before taking them out... the less they're shooting, the better."
"op08_quest_name_925" "Dressed For The Occasion"
"op08_subtitle_925" "<b>Rona Sabri:</b> Good job securing that cargo ship. It gave us intel on their next move: attacking the Rialto bridge. They're coming in force so be careful."
"op08_quest_name_926" "Shocking Developments"
"op08_subtitle_926" "<b>Rona Sabri:</b> I'm getting a report that saying your supply drop got delayed. You're going to have to go in with a—you have gotta be kidding me—they're um... they're giving you a taser. At least we have enough money for body armor, so that's something."
"op08_quest_name_927" "Pro-Tip: Don't Get Shot"
"op08_subtitle_927" "<b>Rona Sabri:</b> Surprise, surprise: they're cutting more of our funding. The bad news is that means you're going in without body armor. The good news is... look, I'll be real; there's really not a whole lot of good news here. Don't die."
"op08_quest_name_928" "Desperate Times"
"op08_subtitle_928" "<b>Rona Sabri:</b> We're still under a spending freeze, you're gonna have to improvise."
"op08_quest_name_929" "Head Of The Class"
"op08_subtitle_929" "<b>Rona Sabri:</b> So, Sebastien was less than thrilled about me having you ignore his little sniper challenge. Let's meet him halfway and go for headshots only on this sortie."
"op08_quest_name_930" "Continental Etiquette"
"op08_subtitle_930" "<b>Rona Sabri:</b> Your tour is almost up, but the Phoenix are making another move on the Rialto bridge. Keep working like you have been and tomorrow we're going to be celebrating your victory, not your memory. Good luck Operators, I'll see you soon."
"op08_intro_name" "Good Morning Operators"
"op08_intro_subtitle" "<b>Rona Sabri:</b> Good morning operators, this is lieutenant Rona Sabri. The Phoenix have been dormant for about a year, which while good for the world at large, has been a real drag for me personally because you know I like shooting them. Fortunately, it looks like Valeria's merry band of psychopaths is back in business, and that means so are we. Felix will be coordinating the ops on the ground, and I've been asked slash told to be on briefing duty until I learn some humility. I got my coffee, some mission briefings, and a text from Felix saying if I screw this up I'll be looking for work, so I'd say we're ready to go. Welcome to operation Hydra… I'll try to not get you killed."
"op09_quest_name_931" "Scope It Out"
"op09_quest_name_932" "Take an Off-Angle"
"op09_quest_name_933" "Heaven Help Us"
"op09_quest_name_934" "Tower Defense"
"op09_quest_name_935" "Through the Looking Glass"
"op09_quest_name_936" "Scouting Mission"
"op09_quest_name_937" "Spray and Pray"
"op09_quest_name_938" "Follow the Leader"
"op09_quest_name_939" "In and out Without a Sound"
"op09_quest_name_940" "What Does the Dosimeter Say?"
"op09_quest_name_941" "Did You Hear Something?"
"op09_quest_name_942" "Silent but Deadly"
"op09_quest_name_943" "Punching in"
"op09_quest_name_944" "File It Away"
"op09_quest_name_945" "Clerical Error"
"op09_quest_name_946" "Hostile Takeover"
"op09_quest_name_947" "All in a Day's Work"
"op09_quest_name_948" "Punching out"
"op09_quest_name_949" "Face Time"
"op09_quest_name_950" "Charge"
"op09_quest_name_951" "OMG CQB"
"op09_quest_name_952" "Mobile Hotspot"
"op09_quest_name_953" "Rude Awakening"
"op09_quest_name_954" "Delete All Contacts"
"op09_quest_name_955" "Feed the Birds"
"op09_quest_name_956" "Scenic Tour"
"op09_quest_name_957" "Stop and Smell the Roses"
"op09_quest_name_958" "A Walk on the Breach"
"op09_quest_name_959" "Take the Long Way Home"
"op09_quest_name_960" "Behold the Sites"
"op09_quest_name_961" "Talk Is Cheap"
"op09_quest_name_962" "Penny Pincher"
"op09_quest_name_963" "Pocket Change"
"op09_quest_name_964" "Early Investor"
"op09_quest_name_965" "Raising Capital"
"op09_quest_name_966" "Long Term Profits"
"op09_quest_name_967" "Pace Yourself"
"op09_quest_name_968" "They Never Stood a Chance"
"op09_quest_name_969" "<i>That's Not Allowed!</i>"
"op09_quest_name_970" "How Hard Can It Be?"
"op09_quest_name_971" "Coordinated Attack"
"op09_quest_name_972" "Target Acquired"
"op09_quest_name_973" "Start Your Engines"
"op09_quest_name_974" "Hit The Gas"
"op09_quest_name_975" "Switching Gears"
"op09_quest_name_976" "<i>You're Only Supposed to Blow the Bloody Doors Off!</i>"
"op09_quest_name_977" "Rooftop Getaway"
"op09_quest_name_978" "A Close Scrape"
"op09_quest_name_979" "On a Roll"
"op09_quest_name_980" "On the Podium...ish"
"op09_quest_name_981" "One Taps"
"op09_quest_name_982" "Qué Ota?"
"op09_quest_name_983" "Take Your Time"
"op09_quest_name_984" "Overachiever"
"op09_quest_name_985" "Practice Makes Perfect"
"op09_quest_name_986" "Solid Fundamentals"
"op09_quest_name_987" "Pick-Up Game"
"op09_quest_name_988" "Man-To-Man"
"op09_quest_name_989" "Dropping Bombs"
"op09_quest_name_990" "There's Only I in Team"
"op09_quest_name_991" "No Sweat"
"op09_quest_name_992" "Watch Your Fingers"
"op09_quest_name_993" "Preheat Oven to 300 Degrees"
"op09_quest_name_994" "A Hot Desert Wind"
"op09_quest_name_995" "The Heat Is On"
"op09_quest_name_996" "Scorched Earth"
"op09_quest_name_997" "Down and to the Right"
"op09_quest_name_998" "To Scope or Not to Scope"
"op09_quest_name_999" "Choo Choo!"
"op09_quest_name_1000" "<i>How Rude...</i>"
"op09_quest_name_1001" "Plant, or Do It the Hard Way"
"op09_quest_name_1002" "Not so Fast"
"op09_quest_name_1003" "WTB Earplugs"
"op09_quest_name_1004" "Noise Complaints"
"op09_quest_name_1005" "Stop Asking About the Train..."
"op09_quest_name_1006" "Pack a Playlist"
"op09_quest_name_1007" "A Loud Alternative"
"op09_quest_name_1008" "CS:GO Starter Pack"
"op09_quest_name_1009" "You Only Live Twice"
"op09_quest_name_1010" "<i>Son of a Kalashnikov!</i>"
"op09_quest_name_1011" "Gain the Upper Hand"
"op09_quest_name_1012" "Space Race"
"op09_quest_name_1013" "War of Attrition"
"op09_quest_name_1014" "Avtomat Kalashnikova, 1947"
"op09_quest_name_1015" "Frugal and Functional"
"op09_quest_name_1016" "Let's Get This Bread"
"op09_quest_name_1017" "Humble Beginnings"
"op09_quest_name_1018" "Installment Plan"
"op09_quest_name_1019" "At arm's Length"
"op09_quest_name_1020" "Started from the Bottom"
"op09_quest_name_1021" "Feather Dusting"
"op09_quest_name_1022" "Oil Spill"
"op09_quest_name_1023" "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle"
"op09_quest_name_1024" "Shatter Expectations"
"op09_quest_name_1025" "Great Location, Some Explosions"
"op09_quest_name_1027" "Mark Your Territory"
"op09_quest_name_1028" "Closing the Distance"
"op09_quest_name_1029" "Smoke Screen"
"op09_quest_name_1030" "Virus Outbreak"
"op09_quest_name_1031" "Quarantined, Isolated, Eliminated"
"op10_quest_name_1098" "Premium Unleaded"
"op10_quest_name_1032" "Manual Transmission"
"op10_quest_name_1033" "Mass Production"
"op10_quest_name_1034" "Under The Hood"
"op10_quest_name_1035" "Warming Up"
"op10_quest_name_1036" "Clutch Control"
"op10_quest_name_1037" "Ice & Snow, Take It Slow"
"op10_quest_name_1099" "The Right Stuff"
"op10_quest_name_1038" "One Small Step"
"op10_quest_name_1039" "Houston We Have A Problem"
"op10_quest_name_1040" "Low Earth Orbit"
"op10_quest_name_1041" "The Deagle Has Landed"
"op10_quest_name_1042" "Dangerous At Any Range"
"op10_quest_name_1043" "Through The Looking Glass"
"op10_quest_name_1044" "Keep Your Distance"
"op10_quest_name_1045" "Scope The Competition"
"op10_quest_name_1046" "Get A Head Start"
"op10_quest_name_1047" "Spend It All In One Place"
"op10_quest_name_1048" "Short Term Investment"
"op10_quest_name_1049" "Cash Rules Everything Around Me"
"op10_quest_name_1050" "Cups And Balls"
"op10_quest_name_1051" "Smoke Show"
"op10_quest_name_1052" "Pickpocket"
"op10_quest_name_1053" "Keep Your Secrets"
"op10_quest_name_1054" "Rock Is Dead"
"op10_quest_name_1055" "Don't Let Me Down"
"op10_quest_name_1056" "Backstage Pass"
"op10_quest_name_1057" "Home Sweet Home"
"op10_quest_name_1058" "No Plan Survives First Contact"
"op10_quest_name_1059" "When In Doubt, Use More Bullets"
"op10_quest_name_1060" "Keep Your Friends Close..."
"op10_quest_name_1061" "...And Your Enemies Closer"
"op10_quest_name_1062" "Thunder In Paradise"
"op10_quest_name_1063" "If It Bleeds, We Can Kill It"
"op10_quest_name_1064" "You're The Best Around"
"op10_quest_name_1065" "Going Commando"
"op10_quest_name_1100" "All Warfare Is Based On Deception"
"op10_quest_name_1066" "Search And Destroy"
"op10_quest_name_1067" "Evade Detection"
"op10_quest_name_1068" "Never Saw It Coming"
"op10_quest_name_1069" "Deface Off"
"op10_quest_name_1101" "Focus"
"op10_quest_name_1070" "Under Pressure"
"op10_quest_name_1071" "Keep Them Coming"
"op10_quest_name_1072" "Eye Of The Storm"
"op10_quest_name_1073" "Strike Early And Strike Often"
"op10_quest_name_1074" "Keep On Track"
"op10_quest_name_1075" "The Inside Track"
"op10_quest_name_1076" "Tracking Your Location"
"op10_quest_name_1077" "Wrong Side Of The Tracks"
"op10_quest_name_1102" "Expecting A Different Result"
"op10_quest_name_1078" "Melting Down"
"op10_quest_name_1079" "Déjà Vu"
"op10_quest_name_1080" "The Enemy Of My Enemy Is A Chicken"
"op10_quest_name_1081" "Fever Dream"
"op10_quest_name_1082" "Living Life With Guardrails"
"op10_quest_name_1083" "Sky High"
"op10_quest_name_1084" "Who Needs Practice?"
"op10_quest_name_1085" "Stress Testing"
"op10_quest_name_1086" "Expanding Influence"
"op10_quest_name_1087" "Hornet's Nest"
"op10_quest_name_1088" "Deadlock"
"op10_quest_name_1089" "Territorial Dispute"
"op10_quest_name_1090" "Executive Decision"
"op10_quest_name_1091" "Lock It Down"
"op10_quest_name_1092" "Equal Share"
"op10_quest_name_1093" "Finders Keepers"
"op10_quest_name_1094" "Just Scratching The Surface"
"op10_quest_name_1095" "That Belongs In A Museum!"
"op10_quest_name_1096" "Lost And Found"
"op10_quest_name_1097" "A Lasting Impression"
"op10_quest_name_1103" "Keep Your Eyes Shut!"
//Op11 - Week 1
"op11_quest_name_1104" "Competitive - Short Match - Premier"
"op11_quest_name_1105" "Wingman - Extraction"
"op11_quest_name_1106" "Guardian - <i>It's Raining Sharks</i>"
"op11_quest_name_1107" "Danger Zone - Blacksite - <i>Blood In The Water</i>"
"op11_quest_name_1108" "Deathmatch - Mirage - <i>Food Chain</i>"
"op11_quest_name_1109" "Casual - Group Delta - <i>Feeding Frenzy</i>"
//Op11 - Week 2
"op11_quest_name_1110" "Competitive - Short Match - Basalt"
"op11_quest_name_1111" "Guardian - <i>Amphibious Assault</i>"
"op11_quest_name_1112" "Deathmatch - Group Sigma - <i>Aim Above The Flippers</i>"
"op11_quest_name_1113" "Demolition - <i>Explosive Swimmer</i>"
//Op11 - Week 3
"op11_quest_name_1114" "Wingman - Ravine"
"op11_quest_name_1115" "Guardian - <i>Point Break</i>"
"op11_quest_name_1116" "Retakes - <i>Carve Them Up</i>"
"op11_quest_name_1117" "Casual - Dust II - <i>Wipeout</i>"
//Op11 - Week 4
"op11_quest_name_1118" "Competitive - Short Match - Insertion II"
"op11_quest_name_1119" "Guardian - <i>Rock The Kasbah</i>"
"op11_quest_name_1120" "Deathmatch - Nuke - <i>Atomic Punk</i>"
"op11_quest_name_1121" "Casual - Group Sigma - <i>The First Five Cuts Are The Deepest</i>"
//Op11 - Week 5
"op11_quest_name_1122" "Competitive - Short Match - Dust II"
"op11_quest_name_1123" "Guardian - <i>Painkiller</i>"
"op11_quest_name_1124" "Arms Race - <i>Hurricane</i>"
"op11_quest_name_1125" "Danger Zone - County - <i>Scorpion</i>"
//Op11 - Week 6
"op11_quest_name_1126" "Wingman - Nuke"
"op11_quest_name_1127" "Guardian - <i>Hooded Crane</i>"
"op11_quest_name_1128" "Deathmatch - Group Sigma - <i>Red-bellied Piranha</i>"
"op11_quest_name_1129" "Casual - Group Delta - <i>Yellow-crowned Parrot</i>"
//Op11 - Week 7
"op11_quest_name_1130" "Competitive - Short Match - Mirage"
"op11_quest_name_1131" "Guardian - <i>Water Landing</i>"
"op11_quest_name_1132" "Deathmatch - Dust II - <i>Ground Assault</i>"
"op11_quest_name_1133" "Flying Scoutsman - <i>Airdrop</i>"
//Op11 - Week 8
"op11_quest_name_1134" "Competitive - Short Match - Inferno"
"op11_quest_name_1135" "Guardian - <i>Hump Day</i>"
"op11_quest_name_1136" "Arms Race - <i>Bullseye</i>"
"op11_quest_name_1137" "Casual - Inferno - <i>Center Of Mass</i>"
//Op11 - Week 9
"op11_quest_name_1138" "Wingman - Shortdust"
"op11_quest_name_1139" "Guardian - <i>Stern Warning</i>"
"op11_quest_name_1140" "Danger Zone - Blacksite - <i>Hit The Poop Deck</i>"
"op11_quest_name_1141" "Demolition - <i>Take A Bow</i>"
//Op11 - Week 10
"op11_quest_name_1142" "Competitive - Short Match - Nuke"
"op11_quest_name_1143" "Guardian - <i>High Pressure</i>"
"op11_quest_name_1144" "Deathmatch - Overpass - <i>Nitrogen Narcosis</i>"
"op11_quest_name_1145" "Casual - Group Delta - <i>Barotrauma</i>"
//Op11 - Week 11
"op11_quest_name_1146" "Competitive - Short Match - Overpass"
"op11_quest_name_1147" "Guardian - <i>Glacial Lake</i>"
"op11_quest_name_1148" "Deathmatch - Group Delta - <i>Geothermal Springs</i>"
"op11_quest_name_1149" "Retakes - <i>Blast Fishing</i>"
//Op11 - Week 12
"op11_quest_name_1150" "Wingman - Extraction"
"op11_quest_name_1151" "Guardian - <i>Deep Water Blackout</i>"
"op11_quest_name_1152" "Arms Race - <i>Rip Current</i>"
"op11_quest_name_1153" "Casual - Group Sigma - <i>Balanced Regulator</i>"
//Op11 - Week 13
"op11_quest_name_1154" "Competitive - Short Match - Vertigo"
"op11_quest_name_1155" "Guardian - <i>Continental Margin</i>"
"op11_quest_name_1156" "Deathmatch - Ancient - <i>Abyssal Plain</i>"
"op11_quest_name_1157" "Danger Zone - Sirocco - <i>Destructive Interference</i>"
//Op11 - Week 14
"op11_quest_name_1158" "Competitive - Short Match - Ancient"
"op11_quest_name_1159" "Guardian - <i>Finish Fast</i>"
"op11_quest_name_1160" "Deathmatch - Group Delta - <i>Dead Heat</i>"
"op11_quest_name_1161" "Casual - Group Sigma - <i>First Impressions</i>"
//Op11 - Week 15
"op11_quest_name_1162" "Wingman - Ravine"
"op11_quest_name_1163" "Guardian - <i>Current Events</i>"
"op11_quest_name_1164" "Arms Race - <i>Endangered Species</i>"
"op11_quest_name_1165" "Casual - Hostage Group - <i>Shark Culling Policy</i>"
//Op11 - Week 16
"op11_quest_name_1166" "Competitive - Short Match - Basalt"
"op11_quest_name_1167" "Guardian - <i>Overwhelming Current</i>"
"op11_quest_name_1168" "Deathmatch - Group Sigma - <i>Pull Away From The Crowd</i>"
"op11_quest_name_1169" "Casual - Group Delta - <i>Tidal Flow</i>"
"UI_Operation09_MissionCard_01" "Sniper's Den"
"UI_Operation09_MissionCard_02" "Secret Agent Man"
"UI_Operation09_MissionCard_03" "A Day at the Office"
"UI_Operation09_MissionCard_04" "Up Close and Personal"
"UI_Operation09_MissionCard_05" "Field Trip"
"UI_Operation09_MissionCard_06" "Money Isn't Everything"
"UI_Operation09_MissionCard_07" "Hot Shot"
"UI_Operation09_MissionCard_08" "Italian Job"
"UI_Operation09_MissionCard_09" "<i>...Just Having a Good Day</i>"
"UI_Operation09_MissionCard_10" "Raw Athleticism"
"UI_Operation09_MissionCard_11" "A Dry Heat"
"UI_Operation09_MissionCard_12" "Maximum Impact"
"UI_Operation09_MissionCard_13" "Pump up the Volume"
"UI_Operation09_MissionCard_14" "From Russia with Love"
"UI_Operation09_MissionCard_15" "Light Buy"
"UI_Operation09_MissionCard_16" "Time to Take out the Trash"
"UI_Operation10_MissionCard_01" "Start Your Engines"
"UI_Operation10_MissionCard_02" "Moon Shot"
"UI_Operation10_MissionCard_03" "Rangefinder"
"UI_Operation10_MissionCard_04" "Full-Time Job"
"UI_Operation10_MissionCard_05" "Sleight Of Hand"
"UI_Operation10_MissionCard_06" "World Tour"
"UI_Operation10_MissionCard_07" "Improvise"
"UI_Operation10_MissionCard_08" "Welcome To The Jungle"
"UI_Operation10_MissionCard_09" "Keep Your Eyes Open"
"UI_Operation10_MissionCard_10" "Near Sighted"
"UI_Operation10_MissionCard_11" "One Track Mind"
"UI_Operation10_MissionCard_12" "Delirium"
"UI_Operation10_MissionCard_13" "Vertiglobals"
"UI_Operation10_MissionCard_14" "Turf War"
"UI_Operation10_MissionCard_15" "Spare No Expense"
"UI_Operation10_MissionCard_16" "Ancient Danger"
"UI_Operation11_MissionCard_01" "Shark Week"
"UI_Operation11_MissionCard_02" "Seal The Deal"
"UI_Operation11_MissionCard_03" "Surf's Up"
"UI_Operation11_MissionCard_04" "Gendarmerie"
"UI_Operation11_MissionCard_05" "Tropical Paradise"
"UI_Operation11_MissionCard_06" "Rumble In The Jungle"
"UI_Operation11_MissionCard_07" "Land, Sea, and Air"
"UI_Operation11_MissionCard_08" "Midway"
"UI_Operation11_MissionCard_09" "Nautical Mile"
"UI_Operation11_MissionCard_10" "Decompression"
"UI_Operation11_MissionCard_11" "Water, Water, Everywhere"
"UI_Operation11_MissionCard_12" "Remember Your Training"
"UI_Operation11_MissionCard_13" "Practical Oceanography"
"UI_Operation11_MissionCard_14" "A Little Competition"
"UI_Operation11_MissionCard_15" "Barrier Reef"
"UI_Operation11_MissionCard_16" "Riptide!"
// Chat lines with friendly-colorized speaker (Felix Riley:)
"vcd_op09_coopmission_web_felix_mission_broke_radio_01" " Felix Riley: The tunnels are causing interference. I'm going dark until you come back out.\n"
"vcd_op09_coopmission_web_felix_mission_complete_01" " Felix Riley: Once you get home that sample is going to the lab straight away! Time to find out what Kriegeld is up to...\n"
"vcd_op09_coopmission_web_felix_mission_deployed_01" " Felix Riley: My source says the samples are being held in the tunnels beneath the Kasbah. Get in there, take a sample, and get out before anyone knows we were here.\n"
"vcd_op09_coopmission_web_felix_mission_enter_tunnels_01" " Felix Riley: There's the entrance. We don't know what sort of opposition is down there, so stay alert.\n"
"vcd_op09_coopmission_web_felix_mission_find_sample_01" " Felix Riley: Well done, you've secured the sample. Now let's get you home.\n"
"vcd_op09_coopmission_web_felix_mission_find_tunnels_01" " Felix Riley: You don't put this many guards around something that doesn't need defending. The way in has to be around here somewhere.\n"
"vcd_op09_coopmission_web_felix_mission_helicopter_close_01" " Felix Riley: Pick it up! You need to get out of there now!\n"
"vcd_op09_coopmission_web_felix_mission_helicopter_close_02" " Felix Riley: Move it! You need to get out of there now!\n"
"vcd_op09_coopmission_web_felix_mission_intro_01" " Felix Riley: Franz Kriegeld, one of Valeria's top Lieutenants, is operating from a private island in the Mediterranean and dipping his toes into biological warfare. You must breach the facility and get a sample of any biotech he is developing, so pick out your gear and get to the deploy zone. Welcome to Operation Shattered Web.\n"
"vcd_op09_coopmission_web_felix_mission_kasbah_01" " Felix Riley: There's the Kasbah. Secure the area and find a way into the underground tunnels.\n"
"vcd_op09_coopmission_web_felix_mission_leave_tunnels_01" " Felix Riley: Glad you made it out of there in one piece. We have a helicopter standing by for extraction. Get down to the coast and secure a landing zone.\n"
"vcd_op09_coopmission_web_felix_mission_lz_holdout_01" " Felix Riley: Great work, the helicopter has been dispatched. ETA one minute.\n"
"vcd_op09_coopmission_web_felix_mission_missile_01" " Felix Riley: Incoming missile!\n"
"vcd_op09_coopmission_web_felix_mission_new_lz_01" " Felix Riley: Rerouting the helicopter to a new landing zone, follow the coast.\n"
"vcd_op09_coopmission_web_felix_mission_new_lz_02" " Felix Riley: Rerouting the helicopter to a new landing zone, follow the coast.\n"
"vcd_op09_coopmission_web_felix_mission_radar_station_01" " Felix Riley: There is a heli pad nearby, secure it and we'll get you out of there.\n"
"vcd_op09_coopmission_web_m2_felix_all_bombs_planted" " Felix Riley: Good work! Now, head topside so we can start looking for Franz.\n"
"vcd_op09_coopmission_web_m2_felix_attack_heli_01" " Felix Riley: Friendly fire! Focus fire on the boat, not the chopper!\n"
"vcd_op09_coopmission_web_m2_felix_attack_heli_02" " Felix Riley: What are you doing?! The heli's one of ours!\n"
"vcd_op09_coopmission_web_m2_felix_boat_destroy_01" " Felix Riley: Excellent! The fish can deal with whatever's left of him. Get to the helicopter and let's get out of here!\n"
"vcd_op09_coopmission_web_m2_felix_boat_escape_01" " Felix Riley: Damnit, he got away.\n"
"vcd_op09_coopmission_web_m2_felix_boat_nag2_01" " Felix Riley: Down there, by the docks! Light him up!\n"
"vcd_op09_coopmission_web_m2_felix_boat_nag2_alt_01" " Felix Riley: We can't waste any more time! Take out that boat!\n"
"vcd_op09_coopmission_web_m2_felix_briefing_01" " Felix Riley: Hello Operators, and sorry to keep you waiting. We need you to destroy any virus production facilities and capture or kill Franz Kriegeld.\n"
"vcd_op09_coopmission_web_m2_felix_c4_nag_01" " Felix Riley: What are you waiting for? Plant those charges!\n"
"vcd_op09_coopmission_web_m2_felix_c4_nag_alt_01" " Felix Riley: What are you waiting for? Plant the charges!\n"
"vcd_op09_coopmission_web_m2_felix_elevator_01" " Felix Riley: The elevator's out of service. Find another way out of there.\n"
"vcd_op09_coopmission_web_m2_felix_enter_facility_01" " Felix Riley: Quite the operation they had going here.\n"
"vcd_op09_coopmission_web_m2_felix_enter_office_01" " Felix Riley: What?! How did he get away? Search the area, he must be nearby!\n"
"vcd_op09_coopmission_web_m2_felix_find_entrance_01" " Felix Riley: There's the entrance. Proceed with caution. This place has got to be crawling with Phoenix.\n"
"vcd_op09_coopmission_web_m2_felix_find_exit_01" " Felix Riley: That's it, get after him!\n"
"vcd_op09_coopmission_web_m2_felix_find_fire_01" " Felix Riley: Find a way to extinguish that!\n"
"vcd_op09_coopmission_web_m2_felix_find_office_01" " Felix Riley: That must be Franz's office. Get up there and take him out!\n"
"vcd_op09_coopmission_web_m2_felix_find_tunnel_01" " Felix Riley: There's no easy way to say this, but I think you'll have to cross that tunnel.\n"
"vcd_op09_coopmission_web_m2_felix_find_valve_01" " Felix Riley: There we go! That should put it out.\n"
"vcd_op09_coopmission_web_m2_felix_mission_start_01" " Felix Riley: The virus diffuser will keep you safe as long as you stick together. Find a way into the bunker complex and proceed with the mission.\n"
"vcd_op09_coopmission_web_m2_felix_overlook_01" " Felix Riley: He must be trying to get away in that boat. Take him out!\n"
"vcd_op09_coopmission_web_m2_felix_plant_bomb1_01" " Felix Riley: I'm not expert but that looks important. Put that C4 to good use and blow it up.\n"
"vcd_op09_coopmission_web_m2_felix_plant_bomb1_alt_01" " Felix Riley: Here's the plan; if it looks important blow it up. Start planting that C4.\n"
"vcd_op09_coopmission_web_m2_felix_plant_bomb2_01" " Felix Riley: This must be the main storage area. Plant the C4 and get the hell out of there.\n"
"vcd_op09_coopmission_web_m2_felix_reach_heli_01" " Felix Riley: Well done, Operators. The facility and Franz have been neutralized. Get back to the ship for debriefing and some much needed R&R.\n"
"vcd_op09_coopmission_web_m2_felix_use_fan_01" " Felix Riley: That should shut down the fans.\n"
"vcd_op09_coopmission_web_m2_felix_use_smoke_alt_01" " Felix Riley: Nice to see you apply what we do in the field.\n"
"vcd_op09_coopmission_web_m2_felix_use_smoke_early_alt_01" " Felix Riley: Very resourceful! I'm impressed.\n"
"vcd_op09_coopmission_web_m2_felix_use_valve_01" " Felix Riley: That just made it worse. There must be some way to extinguish that fire.\n"
"vcd_op09_coopmission_web_m2_felix_virus_01" " Felix Riley: My God. Just imagine what this virus would do if it were unleashed on a population center.\n"
"vcd_op09_coopmission_web_m2_felix_wakeup_alt_01" " Felix Riley: Operators! Operators, come in!\n"
"vcd_op09_coopmission_web_m2_felix_wakeup2_01" " Felix Riley: Thank God you're alive. I was getting worried there for a minute!\n"
// Chat lines with enemy-colorized speaker (Franz Kriegeld:)
"vcd_op09_coopmission_web_franz_mission_cellblock_post_fight_01" " Franz Kriegeld: Let's see who the lucky winner is."
"vcd_op09_coopmission_web_franz_mission_cellblock_post_fight_02" " Franz Kriegeld: Impressive. Your talent is wasted by serving Felix--you have so much more potential. If you survive perhaps I can show you what you're really capable of."
"vcd_op09_coopmission_web_franz_mission_cellblock_pre_fight_01" " Franz Kriegeld: Attention--whomever brings me the heads of these intruders will be granted their freedom."
"vcd_op09_coopmission_web_franz_mission_coast_run_01" " Franz Kriegeld: Stop them!"
"vcd_op09_coopmission_web_franz_mission_coast_run_02" " Franz Kriegeld: Stop them!"
"vcd_op09_coopmission_web_franz_mission_coast_run_03" " Franz Kriegeld: Stop them!"
"vcd_op09_coopmission_web_franz_mission_enter_cellblock_01" " Franz Kriegeld: It's rare to have visitors here on their own volition. Felix truly has an eye for talent, doesn't he? But, defeating Valeria's ideologues is one thing, surviving against proper killers is quite another."
"vcd_op09_coopmission_web_franz_mission_find_sample_01" " Franz Kriegeld: You found what you were looking for! But consider this--why do you think Felix knows so much about this place? Perhaps you don't have the whole story. Perhaps I am not the demon he is making me out to be."
"vcd_op09_coopmission_web_franz_mission_leave_tunnels_01" " Franz Kriegeld: It's really not in your best interest to leave. Stay! Return the sample. Join my experiments, and if you emerge victorious I will show you how the world truly works. You could be so much more than Felix's cat's-paw."
"vcd_op09_coopmission_web_franz_mission_lz_fight_01" " Franz Kriegeld: If I may have your attention--if you do not stop these intruders, you will find yourself in the next round of experiments."
"vcd_op09_coopmission_web_franz_mission_lz_fight_02" " Franz Kriegeld: Maybe I'm not motivating you properly. This should help."
"vcd_op09_coopmission_web_m2_felix_cleanup_crew_01" " Franz Kriegeld: Attention! Our pest problem has been dealt with. Clean up crews are to report to section Alpha immediately and initiate ventilation purge protocols.\n"
"vcd_op09_coopmission_web_m2_felix_corridor_01" " Franz Kriegeld: Felix has truly trained you well, but in the end it's all for naught. I will not be taken — not today, not ever.\n"
"vcd_op09_coopmission_web_m2_felix_escape_elevator_01" " Franz Kriegeld: My friend, you didn't actually think you were escaping did you? Make no mistake I am still in control here, and this place will be your tomb.\n"
"vcd_op09_coopmission_web_m2_felix_fans_01" " Franz Kriegeld: Who disabled the ventilation purge?! Start it back up again before this place fills up with noxious gas!\n"
"vcd_op09_coopmission_web_m2_felix_outside_office_alt_01" " Franz Kriegeld: Well, look what crawled out of the basement. You are most resilient. Sadly this is where your story comes to a close. Guards — kill them!\n"
"vcd_op09_coopmission_web_m2_felix_taunt_alt_01" " Franz Kriegeld: Oh it's been fun. But it's time for me to say goodbye.\n"
"UI_Operation09_GoToMissions" "Change Mission"
// Chat lines with friendly-colorized speaker for Operation Broken Fang (Felix Riley:)
"vcd_op10_coopmission_felix_broken_fang_mission1_1st_wave_defeated" " Felix Riley: So much for the quiet approach. Move quickly on the farm!\n"
"vcd_op10_coopmission_felix_broken_fang_mission1_alarm" " Felix Riley: Uh oh. That's not good.\n"
"vcd_op10_coopmission_felix_broken_fang_mission1_approach" " Felix Riley: Coming up on the farm now. Stay alert.\n"
"vcd_op10_coopmission_felix_broken_fang_mission1_arrive" " Felix Riley: Coming up on the location now. Get ready to dismount.\n"
"vcd_op10_coopmission_felix_broken_fang_mission1_backtrack_alt_01" " Felix Riley: Time to find out what was hiding behind that door.\n"
"vcd_op10_coopmission_felix_broken_fang_mission1_cant_open" " Felix Riley: Of course, that'd be too easy. We'll have to breach. Did you bring any thermite charges with you?\n"
"vcd_op10_coopmission_felix_broken_fang_mission1_descent_alt_01_tk02" " Felix Riley: What the hell is this place?\n"
"vcd_op10_coopmission_felix_broken_fang_mission1_descent_alt_02_tk01" " Felix Riley: What is Valeria up to down here?\n"
"vcd_op10_coopmission_felix_broken_fang_mission1_descent_tk01" " Felix Riley: This is a bit more advanced than I expected.\n"
"vcd_op10_coopmission_felix_broken_fang_mission1_discover_facility_alt_01_tk01" " Felix Riley: Looks like the Phoenix are better financed than we thought.\n"
"vcd_op10_coopmission_felix_broken_fang_mission1_discover_facility_tk01" " Felix Riley: How can they afford this stuff?\n"
"vcd_op10_coopmission_felix_broken_fang_mission1_elevator_out" " Felix Riley: Keep those fingers crossed.\n"
"vcd_op10_coopmission_felix_broken_fang_mission1_elevator_out_alt_01" " Felix Riley: Let's hope this works!\n"
"vcd_op10_coopmission_felix_broken_fang_mission1_elevator_out_tk01" " Felix Riley: Keep those fingers crossed.\n"
"vcd_op10_coopmission_felix_broken_fang_mission1_end_alt_01" " Felix Riley: Would have been handy if we found this first, now wouldn't it? Let's get you back home and figure out a way to crack that door.\n"
"vcd_op10_coopmission_felix_broken_fang_mission1_evac_tk01" " Felix Riley: Get out of there and get back to the APC. We need to re-think this.\n"
"vcd_op10_coopmission_felix_broken_fang_mission1_fake_wall_alt_01_tk02" " Felix Riley: OK, this is getting absurd.\n"
"vcd_op10_coopmission_felix_broken_fang_mission1_fake_wall_alt_02_tk01" " Felix Riley: How big is this place?\n"
"vcd_op10_coopmission_felix_broken_fang_mission1_find_console_alt_01" " Felix Riley: Well, what do we have here?\n"
"vcd_op10_coopmission_felix_broken_fang_mission1_find_trucks" " Felix Riley: End of the line; there's the trucks.\n"
"vcd_op10_coopmission_felix_broken_fang_mission1_intro_alt_01_tk01" " Felix Riley: Good to see you back, Operators. It's been a while, so let's start with a recon mission. We need you to investigate a farm occupied by Valeria and the Phoenix, take note of anything odd, and get out of there. Welcome to Operation Broken Fang.\n"
"vcd_op10_coopmission_felix_broken_fang_mission1_investigate_farm_alt_01_tk04" " Felix Riley: What the hell are the Phoenix planning?\n"
"vcd_op10_coopmission_felix_broken_fang_mission1_investigate_farm_tk01" " Felix Riley: I'm no expert, but that does not look like regular farm equipment!\n"
"vcd_op10_coopmission_felix_broken_fang_mission1_no_power" " Felix Riley: We need to find a way to power up that console.\n"
"vcd_op10_coopmission_felix_broken_fang_mission1_no_power_alt_01" " Felix Riley: That console has no power.\n"
"vcd_op10_coopmission_felix_broken_fang_mission1_no_power_alt_02" " Felix Riley: How do we get that thing working?\n"
"vcd_op10_coopmission_felix_broken_fang_mission1_no_power_alt_03" " Felix Riley: You're one of those people who hit lit buttons on a lift, aren't you?\n"
"vcd_op10_coopmission_felix_broken_fang_mission1_riverbed" " Felix Riley: Follow the riverbed. Stay low and out of sight.\n"
"vcd_op10_coopmission_felix_broken_fang_mission1_shoot_truck" " Felix Riley: Hope they don't notice the extra speed holes once they've stopped.\n"
"vcd_op10_coopmission_felix_broken_fang_mission1_shoot_truck_alt_01" " Felix Riley: Would it kill you to try to be subtle?\n"
"vcd_op10_coopmission_felix_broken_fang_mission1_survive_ambush" " Felix Riley: Finally some peace and quiet. Let's keep that door open!\n"
"vcd_op10_coopmission_felix_broken_fang_mission1_survive_ambush_alt_01" " Felix Riley: Good work! Now get that door open.\n"
"vcd_op10_coopmission_felix_broken_fang_mission1_use_console" " Felix Riley: Guess we're going underground.\n"
"vcd_op10_coopmission_felix_broken_fang_mission1_use_console_alt_02" " Felix Riley: That's not ominous or anything.\n"
"vcd_op10_coopmission_felix_broken_fang_mission1_vending" " Felix Riley: Nice! That will really annoy them if they want a drink later.\n"
"vcd_op10_coopmission_felix_broken_fang_mission1_vending_alt_03_tk01" " Felix Riley: This is a Counter-Terrorist operation, not a fraternity prank!\n"
"vcd_op10_coopmission_felix_broken_fang_mission1_way_out" " Felix Riley: Excellent! Cross your fingers it leads to an exit.\n"
"vcd_op10_coopmission_felix_broken_fang_pt2_ancient_entry" " Felix Riley: It's another lair; don't recognize it. Could be where the Phoenix are planning to strike next though. Make your way to that control room and see what you can find out.\n"
"vcd_op10_coopmission_felix_broken_fang_pt2_ancient_fight" " Felix Riley: We're close to what Valeria's hiding, I can feel it. Get to that control room and secure as much intel as you can.\n"
"vcd_op10_coopmission_felix_broken_fang_pt2_ancient_intel_picked_up" " Felix Riley: We're out of time! Get the hell out of there!\n"
"vcd_op10_coopmission_felix_broken_fang_pt2_ancient_intel_search" " Felix Riley: Search the room, grab any piece of intel you can find. We'll sort through it later.\n"
"vcd_op10_coopmission_felix_broken_fang_pt2_breach_charge_nag" " Felix Riley: What, are you daft? Pick up the charge and get moving Operator.\n"
"vcd_op10_coopmission_felix_broken_fang_pt2_breach_charge_pickup" " Felix Riley: Do you know what sort of deal I had to make with Booth to get that breach charge? You're not leaving it behind. You're going to use that to blow a hole through a damn door!\n"
"vcd_op10_coopmission_felix_broken_fang_pt2_breach_ready" " Felix Riley: Here's hoping Booth's merchandise works as advertised. Place the breach charge and stand back. It's time we knock on that door and say hello.\n"
"vcd_op10_coopmission_felix_broken_fang_pt2_elevator_down" " Felix Riley: Valeria knows her facility is exposed. Be careful, they're going to be on high alert.\n"
"vcd_op10_coopmission_felix_broken_fang_pt2_end" " Felix Riley: When that tank showed up I was worried I'd have to deliver some bad news tonight. But you kept your wits about you and dealt a hell of a blow to the Phoenix. Now, let's get you home so you can have the celebration heroes like you deserve.\n"
"vcd_op10_coopmission_felix_broken_fang_pt2_exit_blocked" " Felix Riley: Bollocks, this is bad.\n"
"vcd_op10_coopmission_felix_broken_fang_pt2_final_room" " Felix Riley: This isn't some fanatic with a knife and an AK, that's a god damn tank! Don't make your move until you find something that'll actually damage that thing.\n"
"vcd_op10_coopmission_felix_broken_fang_pt2_intro" " Felix Riley: I was hoping to breach the Phoenix facility without asking Booth for a favor but desperate times and blah, blah, blah. We've got the explosives we need to knock Valeria's front door down. It's time to finish Operation Broken Fang.\n"
"vcd_op10_coopmission_felix_broken_fang_pt2_main_hall" " Felix Riley: Alright, let's find a way to get inside and take a look around. Maybe we can see what Valeria's next move is going to be.\n"
"vcd_op10_coopmission_felix_broken_fang_pt2_mirage_area_entry" " Felix Riley: Christ, it's some sort of training facility.\n"
"vcd_op10_coopmission_felix_broken_fang_pt2_mirage_fight_end" " Felix Riley: Brilliant work Operator, now let's keep moving. We bought some time and can't afford to waste it.\n"
"vcd_op10_coopmission_felix_broken_fang_pt2_molotov_hit1" " Felix Riley: That's it!\n"
"vcd_op10_coopmission_felix_broken_fang_pt2_molotov_hit2" " Felix Riley: Keep it up!\n"
"vcd_op10_coopmission_felix_broken_fang_pt2_molotov_hit3" " Felix Riley: Nicely done!\n"
"vcd_op10_coopmission_felix_broken_fang_pt2_molotov_nag" " Felix Riley: Use the Molotovs to take out the tank!\n"
"vcd_op10_coopmission_felix_broken_fang_pt2_molotovs_found" " Felix Riley: I was hoping for a rocket launcher or something but since we can't blow up the tank we're gonna settle for cooking the bastard driving it.\n"
"vcd_op10_coopmission_felix_broken_fang_pt2_nearing_exit" " Felix Riley: I just got reports of inbound vehicle closing in on the farm, and it's not one of ours. If you don't hurry Valeria may be able to cut off your extraction route.\n"
"vcd_op10_coopmission_felix_broken_fang_pt2_second_breach" " Felix Riley: Well, shit. In hindsight billing Booth for one charge was probably not the best idea. That one's on me, sorry mate. Alright, time to improvise and find a way around that door.\n"
"vcd_op10_coopmission_felix_broken_fang_pt2_sim_entry" " Felix Riley: Wow, that looks expensive. Wonder what it does?\n"
"vcd_op10_coopmission_felix_broken_fang_pt2_sim_entry_alt" " Felix Riley: What the hell is this?\n"
// Chat lines with enemy-colorized speaker (Valeria Jenner:)
"vcd_op10_coopmission_valeria_broken_fang_pt2_ancient_fight" " Valeria Jenner: Blood has been spilled in these hallowed halls by the Coalition Taskforce. Our brothers and sisters are dead, and their murderers have advanced to Hall Three. Greet them with the respect these monsters deserve!\n"
"vcd_op10_coopmission_valeria_broken_fang_pt2_facility_intro" " Valeria Jenner: Well, well, well. It would appear that the tyrants have breached our house of learning. But we will not be deterred. This will all be in vain. The Phoenix is the voice of freedom, and freedom cannot be stopped by a bullet.\n"
"vcd_op10_coopmission_valeria_broken_fang_pt2_final_room" " Valeria Jenner: No more games Felix, it's over. Don't let your stupidity masquerade as courage. I'm going to be perfectly clear; your team will die, but how much they suffer is up to you. Surrender.\n"
"vcd_op10_coopmission_valeria_broken_fang_pt2_intel_search" " Valeria Jenner: Feeelix, I know you can hear meee. Your thugs are a long way from home and they will answer for your transgressions here. I promise you. They will be found, and they will suffer on your behalf.\n"
"vcd_op10_coopmission_valeria_broken_fang_pt2_intel_search_alt01" " Valeria Jenner: Felix, I know you can hear me. Your thugs are a long way from home and they will answer for your transgressions here. I promise you they will be found, and they will suffer on your behalf.\n"
"vcd_op10_coopmission_valeria_broken_fang_pt2_lock_down" " Valeria Jenner: Lock it down. No one leaves the facility or the farm!\n"
"vcd_op10_coopmission_valeria_broken_fang_pt2_mirage_wave1" " Valeria Jenner: Recruits! Report to Mirage Sector and show these interlopers what the Phoenix has taught you.\n"
"vcd_op10_coopmission_valeria_broken_fang_pt2_mirage_wave2" " Valeria Jenner: The despots are still in the Mirage Sector. Reinforcements are needed now!\n"
"vcd_op10_coopmission_valeria_broken_fang_pt2_mirage_wave3" " Valeria Jenner: For the love of God, kill them!\n"
"UI_op10_victim_distance_label" "Victim distance:"
// TOURNAMENT: BERLIN 2019 bespoke quest strings.
"CSGO_TournamentChallenge_berlin2019_de_inferno_play" "Win 10 rounds in a single competitive match on Inferno"
"CSGO_TournamentChallenge_berlin2019_de_mirage_play" "Win 10 rounds in a single competitive match on Mirage"
"CSGO_TournamentChallenge_berlin2019_de_dust2_play" "Win 10 rounds in a single competitive match on Dust II"
"CSGO_TournamentChallenge_berlin2019_de_overpass_play" "Win 10 rounds in a single competitive match on Overpass"
"CSGO_TournamentChallenge_berlin2019_de_train_play" "Win 10 rounds in a single competitive match on Train"
"CSGO_TournamentChallenge_berlin2019_de_nuke_play" "Win 10 rounds in a single competitive match on Nuke"
"CSGO_TournamentChallenge_berlin2019_de_vertigo_play" "Win 10 rounds in a single competitive match on Vertigo"
"ToolType_name" "Name Tag"
"ToolType_stattrak_swap" "StatTrak™ Swap Tool"
"ToolType_season_pass" "Pass"
"CSGO_Tool_Casket_Tag" "Storage Unit"
"CSGO_Tool_Casket_Tag_Desc" "The Storage Unit allows you to store up to 1,000 of your surplus items which would otherwise exceed inventory limit. At any time you can move items from your inventory into the Storage Unit, retrieve items back into your inventory, or you can just use it to organize your collectibles."
"CSGO_Tool_Name_TagTag" "Tag"
"CSGO_Tool_Name_Tag" "Name Tag"
"CSGO_Tool_Name_Tag_Desc" "This item will rename a weapon. A custom engraved nameplate will be applied to the weapon and viewable in game."
"CSGO_Tool_Desc_Tag" "Description Tag"
"CSGO_Tool_Desc_Tag_Desc" "Customizes a weapon with a custom description."
"CSGO_Tool_WeaponCase_KeyTag" "Key"
"CSGO_Tool_WeaponCase_Key" "CS:GO Case Key"
"CSGO_Tool_WeaponCase_Key_Desc" "This key will open any Valve Series Weapon Case. Non-Valve Series cases (e.g. eSports Case) require their own key to open."
"CSGO_Tool_GiftTag" "Gift"
"CSGO_Tool_Gift1Player" "Gift Package"
"CSGO_Tool_Gift1Player_desc" "When used, a random player in your match will get a random item as a gift from you."
"CSGO_Tool_Gift9Players" "Pallet of Presents"
"CSGO_Tool_Gift9Players_desc" "When used, up to 9 other players in your match will get a random item as a gift from you."
"CSGO_Tool_Gift25Spectators" "Audience Participation Parcel"
"CSGO_Tool_Gift25Spectators_desc" "When used, up to 25 viewers watching your match will get a random item as a gift from you."
"CSGO_Tool_Sticker" "Sticker"
"CSGO_Tool_Sticker_Desc" "This sticker can be applied to any weapon you own and can be scraped to look more worn. You can scrape the same sticker multiple times, making it a bit more worn each time, until it is removed from the weapon."
"CSGO_Tool_Patch" "Patch"
"CSGO_Tool_Patch_Desc" "This patch can be applied to any agent you own. Once applied, it can be removed but not recovered."
"CSGO_Patch_NoAgent_Title" "Agent MIA"
"CSGO_Patch_NoAgent_Message" "Patches can be applied to any agent you own.\n\nAt this time you don't own an agent in your inventory, so you will not be able to immediately apply the patches. Would you still like to continue?"
"CSGO_Tool_Spray" "Sealed Graffiti"
"CSGO_Tool_Spray_Desc" "This is a sealed container of a graffiti pattern. Once this graffiti pattern is unsealed, it will provide you with enough charges to apply the graffiti pattern <b>50</b> times to the in-game world."
"CSGO_Tool_SprayPaint" "Graffiti"
"CSGO_Tool_SprayPaint_Desc" "This graffiti can be applied to the in-game world. You can apply it until you run out of charges."
"CSGO_tool_xpgrant" "Bonus Rank"
"CSGO_tool_xpgrant_desc" "This item grants you a bonus Rank when used. It does not consume your weekly XP bonus boost and will not affect your weekly item drop eligibility."
"CSGO_tool_xpgrant_title" "Congratulations, you have a new rank!"
"CSGO_tool_subscription1" "Counter-Strike Subscription Service"
"CSGO_tool_subscription1_desc" "This item activates your <b>monthly</b> Counter-Strike Subscription Service. You can cancel your Counter-Strike Subscription Service at any time before the next billing cycle."
"CSGO_tool_stattrak_swap" "StatTrak™ Swap Tool"
"CSGO_tool_stattrak_swap_desc" "This item swaps StatTrak™ values between two of the same item type."
"CSGO_crate_tool_stattrak_swap" "StatTrak™ Swap Tool Two-pack"
"CSGO_desc_crate_tool_stattrak_swap" "This item contains two StatTrak™ Swap Tools. A StatTrak™ Swap Tool swaps StatTrak™ values between two of the same item type."
/// Coupons
"coupon" "Offer"
"coupon_desc" "You have been selected to receive a limited time offer to purchase this item."
"coupon_desc_steam" "This player has been selected to receive a limited time offer to purchase this item."
/// Stickers
"StickerKit_Default" "Sticker Name"
"StickerKit_Desc_Default" "Sticker Description"
"StickerKit_dh_gologo1" "Shooter"
"StickerKit_desc_dh_gologo1" "StickerKit_desc_dh_gologo1"
"StickerKit_dh_gologo1_holo" "Shooter (Foil)"
"StickerKit_desc_dh_gologo1_holo" "StickerKit_desc_dh_gologo1_holo"
"StickerKit_dh_gologo2" "Shooter Close"
"StickerKit_desc_dh_gologo2" "StickerKit_desc_dh_gologo2"
"StickerKit_dh_gologo2_holo" "Shooter Close (Foil)"
"StickerKit_desc_dh_gologo2_holo" "StickerKit_desc_dh_gologo2_holo"
"StickerKit_dh_snowflake2" "Blue Snowflake"
"StickerKit_desc_dh_snowflake2" "StickerKit_desc_dh_snowflake2"
"StickerKit_dh_snowflake3" "Blue Snowflake (Foil)"
"StickerKit_desc_dh_snowflake3" "StickerKit_desc_dh_snowflake3"
"StickerKit_dh_bears" "Polar Bears"
"StickerKit_desc_dh_bears" "StickerKit_desc_dh_bears"
"StickerKit_dh_bears_holo" "Polar Bears (Foil)"
"StickerKit_desc_dh_bears_holo" "StickerKit_desc_dh_bears_holo"
"StickerKit_dh_mountain" "Mountain"
"StickerKit_desc_dh_mountain" "StickerKit_desc_dh_mountain"
"StickerKit_dh_mountain_holo" "Mountain (Foil)"
"StickerKit_desc_dh_mountain_holo" "StickerKit_desc_dh_mountain_holo"
"StickerKit_dh_snowman" "Frosty the Hitman"
"StickerKit_desc_dh_snowman" "StickerKit_desc_dh_snowman"
"StickerKit_dh_snowman_holo" "Frosty the Hitman (Foil)"
"StickerKit_desc_dh_snowman_holo" "StickerKit_desc_dh_snowman_holo"
"StickerKit_std_thirteen" "Lucky 13"
"StickerKit_desc_std_thirteen" ""
"StickerKit_std_aces_high" "Aces High"
"StickerKit_desc_std_aces_high" ""
"StickerKit_std_aces_high_holo" "Aces High (Holo)"
"StickerKit_desc_std_aces_high_holo" ""
"StickerKit_std_conquered" "I Conquered"
"StickerKit_desc_std_conquered" ""
"StickerKit_std_destroy" "Seek & Destroy"
"StickerKit_desc_std_destroy" ""
"StickerKit_std_dispatch" "Black Dog"
"StickerKit_desc_std_dispatch" ""
"StickerKit_std_fearsome" "Fearsome"
"StickerKit_desc_std_fearsome" ""
"StickerKit_std_fearsome_holo" "Fearsome (Holo)"
"StickerKit_desc_std_fearsome_holo" ""
"StickerKit_std_guarding_hell" "Cerberus"
"StickerKit_desc_std_guarding_hell" ""
"StickerKit_std_lemon" "Easy Peasy"
"StickerKit_desc_std_lemon" ""
"StickerKit_std_luck" "Luck Skill"
"StickerKit_desc_std_luck" ""
"StickerKit_std_vigilance" "Vigilance"
"StickerKit_desc_std_vigilance" ""
"StickerKit_std_vigilance_holo" "Vigilance (Holo)"
"StickerKit_desc_std_vigilance_holo" ""
"StickerKit_std_thirteen_foil" "Lucky 13 (Foil)"
"StickerKit_desc_std_thirteen_foil" ""
"StickerKit_std_luck_foil" "Luck Skill (Foil)"
"StickerKit_desc_std_luck_foil" ""
"StickerKit_std2_bish_holo" "Bish (Holo)"
"StickerKit_desc_std2_bish_holo" ""
"StickerKit_std2_bash_holo" "Bash (Holo)"
"StickerKit_desc_std2_bash_holo" ""
"StickerKit_std2_bosh_holo" "Bosh (Holo)"
"StickerKit_desc_std2_bosh_holo" ""
"StickerKit_std2_banana" "Banana"
"StickerKit_desc_std2_banana" ""
"StickerKit_std2_bomb_code" "Bomb Code"
"StickerKit_desc_std2_bomb_code" ""
"StickerKit_std2_chicken_lover" "Chicken Lover"
"StickerKit_desc_std2_chicken_lover" ""
"StickerKit_std_crown_foil" "Crown (Foil)"
"StickerKit_desc_std_crown_foil" ""
"StickerKit_std2_goodgame" "Good Game"
"StickerKit_desc_std2_goodgame" ""
"StickerKit_std2_goodluck" "Good Luck"
"StickerKit_desc_std2_goodluck" ""
"StickerKit_std2_havefun" "Have Fun"
"StickerKit_desc_std2_havefun" ""
"StickerKit_std2_lets_roll_oll" "Let's Roll-oll"
"StickerKit_desc_std2_lets_roll_oll" ""
"StickerKit_std2_lets_roll_oll_holo" "Let's Roll-oll (Holo)"
"StickerKit_desc_std2_lets_roll_oll_holo" ""
"StickerKit_std2_metal" "Metal"
"StickerKit_desc_std2_metal" ""
"StickerKit_std2_nice_shot" "Nice Shot"
"StickerKit_desc_std2_nice_shot" ""
"StickerKit_std2_stupid_banana_foil" "Stupid Banana (Foil)"
"StickerKit_desc_std2_stupid_banana_foil" ""
"StickerKit_std2_welcome_clutch" "Welcome to the Clutch"
"StickerKit_desc_std2_welcome_clutch" ""
"StickerKit_kat2014_3dmax" "3DMAX | Katowice 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_kat2014_3dmax" ""
"StickerKit_kat2014_3dmax_holo" "3DMAX (Holo) | Katowice 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_kat2014_3dmax_holo" ""
"StickerKit_kat2014_3dmax_foil" "3DMAX (Foil) | Katowice 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_kat2014_3dmax_foil" ""
"StickerKit_kat2014_complexity" "compLexity Gaming | Katowice 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_kat2014_complexity" ""
"StickerKit_kat2014_complexity_holo" "compLexity Gaming (Holo) | Katowice 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_kat2014_complexity_holo" ""
"StickerKit_kat2014_complexity_foil" "compLexity Gaming (Foil) | Katowice 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_kat2014_complexity_foil" ""
"StickerKit_kat2014_dignitas" "Team Dignitas | Katowice 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_kat2014_dignitas" ""
"StickerKit_kat2014_dignitas_holo" "Team Dignitas (Holo) | Katowice 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_kat2014_dignitas_holo" ""
"StickerKit_kat2014_dignitas_foil" "Team Dignitas (Foil) | Katowice 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_kat2014_dignitas_foil" ""
"StickerKit_kat2014_fnatic" "Fnatic | Katowice 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_kat2014_fnatic" ""
"StickerKit_kat2014_fnatic_holo" "Fnatic (Holo) | Katowice 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_kat2014_fnatic_holo" ""
"StickerKit_kat2014_fnatic_foil" "Fnatic (Foil) | Katowice 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_kat2014_fnatic_foil" ""
"StickerKit_kat2014_hellraisers" "HellRaisers | Katowice 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_kat2014_hellraisers" ""
"StickerKit_kat2014_hellraisers_holo" "HellRaisers (Holo) | Katowice 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_kat2014_hellraisers_holo" ""
"StickerKit_kat2014_hellraisers_foil" "HellRaisers (Foil) | Katowice 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_kat2014_hellraisers_foil" ""
"StickerKit_kat2014_ibuypower" "iBUYPOWER | Katowice 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_kat2014_ibuypower" ""
"StickerKit_kat2014_ibuypower_holo" "iBUYPOWER (Holo) | Katowice 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_kat2014_ibuypower_holo" ""
"StickerKit_kat2014_ibuypower_foil" "iBUYPOWER (Foil) | Katowice 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_kat2014_ibuypower_foil" ""
"StickerKit_kat2014_ldlc" "Team | Katowice 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_kat2014_ldlc" ""
"StickerKit_kat2014_ldlc_holo" "Team (Holo) | Katowice 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_kat2014_ldlc_holo" ""
"StickerKit_kat2014_ldlc_foil" "Team (Foil) | Katowice 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_kat2014_ldlc_foil" ""
"StickerKit_kat2014_lgb" "LGB eSports | Katowice 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_kat2014_lgb" ""
"StickerKit_kat2014_lgb_holo" "LGB eSports (Holo) | Katowice 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_kat2014_lgb_holo" ""
"StickerKit_kat2014_lgb_foil" "LGB eSports (Foil) | Katowice 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_kat2014_lgb_foil" ""
"StickerKit_kat2014_mousesports" "mousesports | Katowice 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_kat2014_mousesports" ""
"StickerKit_kat2014_mousesports_holo" "mousesports (Holo) | Katowice 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_kat2014_mousesports_holo" ""
"StickerKit_kat2014_mousesports_foil" "mousesports (Foil) | Katowice 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_kat2014_mousesports_foil" ""
"StickerKit_kat2014_mystik" "Clan-Mystik | Katowice 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_kat2014_mystik" ""
"StickerKit_kat2014_mystik_holo" "Clan-Mystik (Holo) | Katowice 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_kat2014_mystik_holo" ""
"StickerKit_kat2014_mystik_foil" "Clan-Mystik (Foil) | Katowice 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_kat2014_mystik_foil" ""
"StickerKit_kat2014_navi" "Natus Vincere | Katowice 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_kat2014_navi" ""
"StickerKit_kat2014_navi_holo" "Natus Vincere (Holo) | Katowice 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_kat2014_navi_holo" ""
"StickerKit_kat2014_navi_foil" "Natus Vincere (Foil) | Katowice 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_kat2014_navi_foil" ""
"StickerKit_kat2014_ninjasinpyjamas" "Ninjas in Pyjamas | Katowice 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_kat2014_ninjasinpyjamas" ""
"StickerKit_kat2014_ninjasinpyjamas_holo" "Ninjas in Pyjamas (Holo) | Katowice 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_kat2014_ninjasinpyjamas_holo" ""
"StickerKit_kat2014_ninjasinpyjamas_foil" "Ninjas in Pyjamas (Foil) | Katowice 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_kat2014_ninjasinpyjamas_foil" ""
"StickerKit_kat2014_reason" "Reason Gaming | Katowice 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_kat2014_reason" ""
"StickerKit_kat2014_reason_holo" "Reason Gaming (Holo) | Katowice 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_kat2014_reason_holo" ""
"StickerKit_kat2014_reason_foil" "Reason Gaming (Foil) | Katowice 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_kat2014_reason_foil" ""
"StickerKit_kat2014_titan" "Titan | Katowice 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_kat2014_titan" ""
"StickerKit_kat2014_titan_holo" "Titan (Holo) | Katowice 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_kat2014_titan_holo" ""
"StickerKit_kat2014_titan_foil" "Titan (Foil) | Katowice 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_kat2014_titan_foil" ""
"StickerKit_kat2014_virtuspro" "Virtus.Pro | Katowice 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_kat2014_virtuspro" ""
"StickerKit_kat2014_virtuspro_holo" "Virtus.Pro (Holo) | Katowice 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_kat2014_virtuspro_holo" ""
"StickerKit_kat2014_virtuspro_foil" "Virtus.Pro (Foil) | Katowice 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_kat2014_virtuspro_foil" ""
"StickerKit_kat2014_voxeminor" "Vox Eminor | Katowice 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_kat2014_voxeminor" ""
"StickerKit_kat2014_voxeminor_holo" "Vox Eminor (Holo) | Katowice 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_kat2014_voxeminor_holo" ""
"StickerKit_kat2014_voxeminor_foil" "Vox Eminor (Foil) | Katowice 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_kat2014_voxeminor_foil" ""
"StickerKit_kat2014_esl1_foil" "ESL Wolf (Foil) | Katowice 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_kat2014_esl1_foil" ""
"StickerKit_kat2014_esl2_foil" "ESL Skull (Foil) | Katowice 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_kat2014_esl2_foil" ""
"StickerKit_kat2014_wolf_esl_gold_foil" "Gold ESL Wolf (Foil) | Katowice 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_kat2014_wolf_esl_gold_foil" ""
"StickerKit_kat2014_wolf_skull_esl_gold_foil" "Gold ESL Skull (Foil) | Katowice 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_kat2014_wolf_skull_esl_gold_foil" ""
"StickerKit_cologne2014_cloud9" "Cloud9 | Cologne 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_cologne2014_cloud9" ""
"StickerKit_cologne2014_cloud9_holo" "Cloud9 (Holo) | Cologne 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_cologne2014_cloud9_holo" ""
"StickerKit_cologne2014_cloud9_foil" "Cloud9 (Foil) | Cologne 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_cologne2014_cloud9_foil" ""
"StickerKit_cologne2014_fnatic" "Fnatic | Cologne 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_cologne2014_fnatic" ""
"StickerKit_cologne2014_fnatic_holo" "Fnatic (Holo) | Cologne 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_cologne2014_fnatic_holo" ""
"StickerKit_cologne2014_fnatic_foil" "Fnatic (Foil) | Cologne 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_cologne2014_fnatic_foil" ""
"StickerKit_cologne2014_hellraisers" "HellRaisers | Cologne 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_cologne2014_hellraisers" ""
"StickerKit_cologne2014_hellraisers_holo" "HellRaisers (Holo) | Cologne 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_cologne2014_hellraisers_holo" ""
"StickerKit_cologne2014_hellraisers_foil" "HellRaisers (Foil) | Cologne 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_cologne2014_hellraisers_foil" ""
"StickerKit_cologne2014_ninjasinpyjamas" "Ninjas in Pyjamas | Cologne 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_cologne2014_ninjasinpyjamas" ""
"StickerKit_cologne2014_ninjasinpyjamas_holo" "Ninjas in Pyjamas (Holo) | Cologne 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_cologne2014_ninjasinpyjamas_holo" ""
"StickerKit_cologne2014_ninjasinpyjamas_foil" "Ninjas in Pyjamas (Foil) | Cologne 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_cologne2014_ninjasinpyjamas_foil" ""
"StickerKit_cologne2014_teamdignitas" "Team Dignitas | Cologne 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_cologne2014_teamdignitas" ""
"StickerKit_cologne2014_teamdignitas_holo" "Team Dignitas (Holo) | Cologne 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_cologne2014_teamdignitas_holo" ""
"StickerKit_cologne2014_teamdignitas_foil" "Team Dignitas (Foil) | Cologne 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_cologne2014_teamdignitas_foil" ""
"StickerKit_cologne2014_teamldlc" "Team | Cologne 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_cologne2014_teamldlc" ""
"StickerKit_cologne2014_teamldlc_holo" "Team (Holo) | Cologne 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_cologne2014_teamldlc_holo" ""
"StickerKit_cologne2014_teamldlc_foil" "Team (Foil) | Cologne 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_cologne2014_teamldlc_foil" ""
"StickerKit_cologne2014_virtuspro" "Virtus.Pro | Cologne 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_cologne2014_virtuspro" ""
"StickerKit_cologne2014_virtuspro_holo" "Virtus.Pro (Holo) | Cologne 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_cologne2014_virtuspro_holo" ""
"StickerKit_cologne2014_virtuspro_foil" "Virtus.Pro (Foil) | Cologne 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_cologne2014_virtuspro_foil" ""
"StickerKit_cologne2014_copenhagenwolves" "Copenhagen Wolves | Cologne 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_cologne2014_copenhagenwolves" ""
"StickerKit_cologne2014_copenhagenwolves_holo" "Copenhagen Wolves (Holo) | Cologne 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_cologne2014_copenhagenwolves_holo" ""
"StickerKit_cologne2014_copenhagenwolves_foil" "Copenhagen Wolves (Foil) | Cologne 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_cologne2014_copenhagenwolves_foil" ""
"StickerKit_cologne2014_datteam" "dAT team | Cologne 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_cologne2014_datteam" ""
"StickerKit_cologne2014_datteam_holo" "dAT team (Holo) | Cologne 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_cologne2014_datteam_holo" ""
"StickerKit_cologne2014_datteam_foil" "dAT team (Foil) | Cologne 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_cologne2014_datteam_foil" ""
"StickerKit_cologne2014_epsilonesports" "Epsilon eSports | Cologne 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_cologne2014_epsilonesports" ""
"StickerKit_cologne2014_epsilonesports_holo" "Epsilon eSports (Holo) | Cologne 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_cologne2014_epsilonesports_holo" ""
"StickerKit_cologne2014_epsilonesports_foil" "Epsilon eSports (Foil) | Cologne 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_cologne2014_epsilonesports_foil" ""
"StickerKit_cologne2014_ibuypower" "iBUYPOWER | Cologne 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_cologne2014_ibuypower" ""
"StickerKit_cologne2014_ibuypower_holo" "iBUYPOWER (Holo) | Cologne 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_cologne2014_ibuypower_holo" ""
"StickerKit_cologne2014_ibuypower_foil" "iBUYPOWER (Foil) | Cologne 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_cologne2014_ibuypower_foil" ""
"StickerKit_cologne2014_londonconspiracy" "London Conspiracy | Cologne 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_cologne2014_londonconspiracy" ""
"StickerKit_cologne2014_londonconspiracy_holo" "London Conspiracy (Holo) | Cologne 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_cologne2014_londonconspiracy_holo" ""
"StickerKit_cologne2014_londonconspiracy_foil" "London Conspiracy (Foil) | Cologne 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_cologne2014_londonconspiracy_foil" ""
"StickerKit_cologne2014_navi" "Natus Vincere | Cologne 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_cologne2014_navi" ""
"StickerKit_cologne2014_navi_holo" "Natus Vincere (Holo) | Cologne 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_cologne2014_navi_holo" ""
"StickerKit_cologne2014_navi_foil" "Natus Vincere (Foil) | Cologne 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_cologne2014_navi_foil" ""
"StickerKit_cologne2014_titan" "Titan | Cologne 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_cologne2014_titan" ""
"StickerKit_cologne2014_titan_holo" "Titan (Holo) | Cologne 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_cologne2014_titan_holo" ""
"StickerKit_cologne2014_titan_foil" "Titan (Foil) | Cologne 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_cologne2014_titan_foil" ""
"StickerKit_cologne2014_voxeminor" "Vox Eminor | Cologne 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_cologne2014_voxeminor" ""
"StickerKit_cologne2014_voxeminor_holo" "Vox Eminor (Holo) | Cologne 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_cologne2014_voxeminor_holo" ""
"StickerKit_cologne2014_voxeminor_foil" "Vox Eminor (Foil) | Cologne 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_cologne2014_voxeminor_foil" ""
"StickerKit_cologne2014_wolf" "MTS GameGod Wolf | Cologne 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_cologne2014_wolf" ""
"StickerKit_cologne2014_wolf_holo" "MTS GameGod Wolf (Holo) | Cologne 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_cologne2014_wolf_holo" ""
"StickerKit_cologne2014_wolf_foil" "MTS GameGod Wolf (Foil) | Cologne 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_cologne2014_wolf_foil" ""
"StickerKit_cologne2014_esl_a" "ESL One Cologne 2014 (Blue)"
"StickerKit_desc_cologne2014_esl_a" ""
"StickerKit_cologne2014_esl_b" "ESL One Cologne 2014 (Red)"
"StickerKit_desc_cologne2014_esl_b" ""
"StickerKit_cologne2014_esl_c" "ESL One Cologne 2014 (Gold)"
"StickerKit_desc_cologne2014_esl_c" ""
"StickerKit_dhw2014_cloud9" "Cloud9 | DreamHack 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_dhw2014_cloud9" ""
"StickerKit_dhw2014_cloud9_holo" "Cloud9 (Holo) | DreamHack 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_dhw2014_cloud9_holo" ""
"StickerKit_dhw2014_cloud9_foil" "Cloud9 (Foil) | DreamHack 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_dhw2014_cloud9_foil" ""
"StickerKit_dhw2014_cloud9_gold" "Cloud9 (Gold) | DreamHack 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_dhw2014_cloud9_gold" ""
"StickerKit_dhw2014_fnatic" "Fnatic | DreamHack 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_dhw2014_fnatic" ""
"StickerKit_dhw2014_fnatic_holo" "Fnatic (Holo) | DreamHack 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_dhw2014_fnatic_holo" ""
"StickerKit_dhw2014_fnatic_foil" "Fnatic (Foil) | DreamHack 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_dhw2014_fnatic_foil" ""
"StickerKit_dhw2014_fnatic_gold" "Fnatic (Gold) | DreamHack 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_dhw2014_fnatic_gold" ""
"StickerKit_dhw2014_ninjasinpyjamas" "Ninjas in Pyjamas | DreamHack 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_dhw2014_ninjasinpyjamas" ""
"StickerKit_dhw2014_ninjasinpyjamas_holo" "Ninjas in Pyjamas (Holo) | DreamHack 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_dhw2014_ninjasinpyjamas_holo" ""
"StickerKit_dhw2014_ninjasinpyjamas_foil" "Ninjas in Pyjamas (Foil) | DreamHack 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_dhw2014_ninjasinpyjamas_foil" ""
"StickerKit_dhw2014_ninjasinpyjamas_gold" "Ninjas in Pyjamas (Gold) | DreamHack 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_dhw2014_ninjasinpyjamas_gold" ""
"StickerKit_dhw2014_teamdignitas" "Team Dignitas | DreamHack 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_dhw2014_teamdignitas" ""
"StickerKit_dhw2014_teamdignitas_holo" "Team Dignitas (Holo) | DreamHack 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_dhw2014_teamdignitas_holo" ""
"StickerKit_dhw2014_teamdignitas_foil" "Team Dignitas (Foil) | DreamHack 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_dhw2014_teamdignitas_foil" ""
"StickerKit_dhw2014_teamdignitas_gold" "Team Dignitas (Gold) | DreamHack 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_dhw2014_teamdignitas_gold" ""
"StickerKit_dhw2014_navi" "Natus Vincere | DreamHack 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_dhw2014_navi" ""
"StickerKit_dhw2014_navi_holo" "Natus Vincere (Holo) | DreamHack 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_dhw2014_navi_holo" ""
"StickerKit_dhw2014_navi_foil" "Natus Vincere (Foil) | DreamHack 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_dhw2014_navi_foil" ""
"StickerKit_dhw2014_navi_gold" "Natus Vincere (Gold) | DreamHack 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_dhw2014_navi_gold" ""
"StickerKit_dhw2014_virtuspro" "Virtus.Pro | DreamHack 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_dhw2014_virtuspro" ""
"StickerKit_dhw2014_virtuspro_holo" "Virtus.Pro (Holo) | DreamHack 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_dhw2014_virtuspro_holo" ""
"StickerKit_dhw2014_virtuspro_foil" "Virtus.Pro (Foil) | DreamHack 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_dhw2014_virtuspro_foil" ""
"StickerKit_dhw2014_virtuspro_gold" "Virtus.Pro (Gold) | DreamHack 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_dhw2014_virtuspro_gold" ""
"StickerKit_dhw2014_hellraisers" "HellRaisers | DreamHack 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_dhw2014_hellraisers" ""
"StickerKit_dhw2014_hellraisers_gold" "HellRaisers (Gold) | DreamHack 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_dhw2014_hellraisers_gold" ""
"StickerKit_dhw2014_teamldlc" "Team | DreamHack 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_dhw2014_teamldlc" ""
"StickerKit_dhw2014_teamldlc_gold" "Team (Gold) | DreamHack 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_dhw2014_teamldlc_gold" ""
"StickerKit_dhw2014_escgaming" "ESC Gaming | DreamHack 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_dhw2014_escgaming" ""
"StickerKit_dhw2014_escgaming_gold" "ESC Gaming (Gold) | DreamHack 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_dhw2014_escgaming_gold" ""
"StickerKit_dhw2014_myxmg" "myXMG | DreamHack 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_dhw2014_myxmg" ""
"StickerKit_dhw2014_myxmg_gold" "myXMG (Gold) | DreamHack 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_dhw2014_myxmg_gold" ""
"StickerKit_dhw2014_pentasports" "PENTA Sports | DreamHack 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_dhw2014_pentasports" ""
"StickerKit_dhw2014_pentasports_gold" "PENTA Sports (Gold) | DreamHack 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_dhw2014_pentasports_gold" ""
"StickerKit_dhw2014_bravadogaming" "Bravado Gaming | DreamHack 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_dhw2014_bravadogaming" ""
"StickerKit_dhw2014_bravadogaming_gold" "Bravado Gaming (Gold) | DreamHack 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_dhw2014_bravadogaming_gold" ""
"StickerKit_dhw2014_planetkeydynamics" "Planetkey Dynamics | DreamHack 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_dhw2014_planetkeydynamics" ""
"StickerKit_dhw2014_planetkeydynamics_gold" "Planetkey Dynamics (Gold) | DreamHack 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_dhw2014_planetkeydynamics_gold" ""
"StickerKit_dhw2014_ibuypower" "iBUYPOWER | DreamHack 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_dhw2014_ibuypower" ""
"StickerKit_dhw2014_ibuypower_gold" "iBUYPOWER (Gold) | DreamHack 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_dhw2014_ibuypower_gold" ""
"StickerKit_dhw2014_3dmax" "3DMAX | DreamHack 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_dhw2014_3dmax" ""
"StickerKit_dhw2014_3dmax_gold" "3DMAX (Gold) | DreamHack 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_dhw2014_3dmax_gold" ""
"StickerKit_dhw2014_copenhagenwolves" "Copenhagen Wolves | DreamHack 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_dhw2014_copenhagenwolves" ""
"StickerKit_dhw2014_copenhagenwolves_gold" "Copenhagen Wolves (Gold) | DreamHack 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_dhw2014_copenhagenwolves_gold" ""
"StickerKit_dhw2014_datteam" "dAT team | DreamHack 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_dhw2014_datteam" ""
"StickerKit_dhw2014_datteam_gold" "dAT team (Gold) | DreamHack 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_dhw2014_datteam_gold" ""
"StickerKit_dhw2014_londonconspiracy" "London Conspiracy | DreamHack 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_dhw2014_londonconspiracy" ""
"StickerKit_dhw2014_londonconspiracy_gold" "London Conspiracy (Gold) | DreamHack 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_dhw2014_londonconspiracy_gold" ""
"StickerKit_dhw2014_mousesports" "mousesports | DreamHack 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_dhw2014_mousesports" ""
"StickerKit_dhw2014_mousesports_gold" "mousesports (Gold) | DreamHack 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_dhw2014_mousesports_gold" ""
"StickerKit_dhw2014_flipsid3" "Flipsid3 Tactics | DreamHack 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_dhw2014_flipsid3" ""
"StickerKit_dhw2014_flipsid3_gold" "Flipsid3 Tactics (Gold) | DreamHack 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_dhw2014_flipsid3_gold" ""
"StickerKit_dhw2014_dhw" "DreamHack Winter 2014"
"StickerKit_desc_dhw2014_dhw" ""
"StickerKit_dhw2014_dhw_foil" "DreamHack Winter 2014 (Foil)"
"StickerKit_desc_dhw2014_dhw_foil" ""
"StickerKit_comm01_backstab" "Backstab"
"StickerKit_desc_comm01_backstab" ""
"StickerKit_comm01_black_king" "King on the Field"
"StickerKit_desc_comm01_black_king" ""
"StickerKit_comm01_howling_dawn" "Howling Dawn"
"StickerKit_desc_comm01_howling_dawn" ""
"StickerKit_comm01_bomb_doge" "Bomb Doge"
"StickerKit_desc_comm01_bomb_doge" ""
"StickerKit_comm01_burn_them_all" "Burn Them All"
"StickerKit_desc_comm01_burn_them_all" ""
"StickerKit_comm01_harp_of_war" "Harp of War (Holo)"
"StickerKit_desc_comm01_harp_of_war" ""
"StickerKit_comm01_flammable_foil" "Flammable (Foil)"
"StickerKit_desc_comm01_flammable_foil" ""
"StickerKit_comm01_headhunter_foil" "Headhunter (Foil)"
"StickerKit_desc_comm01_headhunter_foil" ""
"StickerKit_comm01_llama_cannon" "Llama Cannon"
"StickerKit_desc_comm01_llama_cannon" ""
"StickerKit_comm01_new_sheriff_foil" "New Sheriff (Foil)"
"StickerKit_desc_comm01_new_sheriff_foil" ""
"StickerKit_comm01_other_awp" "My Other Awp"
"StickerKit_desc_comm01_other_awp" ""
"StickerKit_comm01_shavemaster" "Shave Master"
"StickerKit_desc_comm01_shavemaster" ""
"StickerKit_comm01_skull" "Rising Skull"
"StickerKit_desc_comm01_skull" ""
"StickerKit_comm01_sneaky_beaky" "Sneaky Beaky Like"
"StickerKit_desc_comm01_sneaky_beaky" ""
"StickerKit_comm01_swag_foil" "Swag (Foil)"
"StickerKit_desc_comm01_swag_foil" ""
"StickerKit_comm01_teamwork_holo" "Teamwork (Holo)"
"StickerKit_desc_comm01_teamwork_holo" ""
"StickerKit_comm01_to_b_or_not_to_b" "To B or not to B"
"StickerKit_desc_comm01_to_b_or_not_to_b" ""
"StickerKit_comm01_winged_defuser" "Winged Defuser"
"StickerKit_desc_comm01_winged_defuser" ""
"StickerKit_comm01_pocket_bbq" "Pocket BBQ"
"StickerKit_desc_comm01_pocket_bbq" ""
"StickerKit_comm01_death_comes" "Death Comes"
"StickerKit_desc_comm01_death_comes" ""
"StickerKit_comm01_rekt_holo" "Rekt (Holo)"
"StickerKit_desc_comm01_rekt_holo" ""
// comm02
"StickerKit_comm02_bossyburger" "Bossy Burger"
"StickerKit_desc_comm02_bossyburger" ""
"coupon_bossyburger" "Sticker | Bossy Burger"
"StickerKit_comm02_blitzkrieg" "Blitzkrieg"
"StickerKit_desc_comm02_blitzkrieg" ""
"coupon_blitzkrieg" "Sticker | Blitzkrieg"
"StickerKit_comm02_catcall" "Cat Call"
"StickerKit_desc_comm02_catcall" ""
"coupon_catcall" "Sticker | Cat Call"
"StickerKit_comm02_chickenstrike" "Chicken Strike"
"StickerKit_desc_comm02_chickenstrike" ""
"coupon_chickenstrike" "Sticker | Chicken Strike"
"StickerKit_comm02_ctbanana" "CT in Banana"
"StickerKit_desc_comm02_ctbanana" ""
"coupon_ctbanana" "Sticker | CT in Banana"
"StickerKit_comm02_dontworryimpro" "Don't Worry, I'm Pro"
"StickerKit_desc_comm02_dontworryimpro" ""
"coupon_dontworryimpro" "Sticker | Don't Worry, I'm Pro"
"StickerKit_comm02_fightlikeagirl" "Fight like a Girl"
"StickerKit_desc_comm02_fightlikeagirl" ""
"coupon_fightlikeagirl" "Sticker | Fight like a Girl"
"StickerKit_comm02_handmadeflash" "Flashbang"
"StickerKit_desc_comm02_handmadeflash" ""
"coupon_handmadeflash" "Sticker | Flashbang"
"StickerKit_comm02_kawaiikiller" "Kawaii Killer CT"
"StickerKit_desc_comm02_kawaiikiller" ""
"coupon_kawaiikiller" "Sticker | Kawaii Killer CT"
"StickerKit_comm02_neluthebear" "Nelu the Bear"
"StickerKit_desc_comm02_neluthebear" ""
"coupon_neluthebear" "Sticker | Nelu the Bear"
"StickerKit_comm02_oneshotonekill" "One Shot One Kill"
"StickerKit_desc_comm02_oneshotonekill" ""
"coupon_oneshotonekill" "Sticker | One Shot One Kill"
"StickerKit_comm02_pigeonmaster" "Pigeon Master"
"StickerKit_desc_comm02_pigeonmaster" ""
"coupon_pigeonmaster" "Sticker | Pigeon Master"
"StickerKit_comm02_shootingstar" "Shooting Star Return"
"StickerKit_desc_comm02_shootingstar" ""
"coupon_shootingstar" "Sticker | Shooting Star Return"
"StickerKit_comm02_terrorized" "Terrorized"
"StickerKit_desc_comm02_terrorized" ""
"coupon_terrorized" "Sticker | Terrorized"
"StickerKit_comm02_tilldeathdouspart" "Till Death Do Us Part"
"StickerKit_desc_comm02_tilldeathdouspart" ""
"coupon_tilldeathdouspart" "Sticker | Till Death Do Us Part"
"StickerKit_comm02_stayfrosty" "Stay Frosty"
"StickerKit_desc_comm02_stayfrosty" ""
"coupon_stayfrosty" "Sticker | Stay Frosty"
"StickerKit_comm02_warpenguin" "War Penguin"
"StickerKit_desc_comm02_warpenguin" ""
"coupon_warpenguin" "Sticker | War Penguin"
"StickerKit_comm02_windywalking" "Windy Walking Club"
"StickerKit_desc_comm02_windywalking" ""
"coupon_windywalking" "Sticker | Windy Walking Club"
"StickerKit_comm02_toncat" "T On Cat"
"StickerKit_desc_comm02_toncat" ""
"coupon_toncat" "Sticker | T On Cat"
"StickerKit_comm02_doomed" "Doomed"
"StickerKit_desc_comm02_doomed" ""
"coupon_doomed" "Sticker | Doomed"
"StickerKit_comm02_queenofpain" "Queen Of Pain"
"StickerKit_desc_comm02_queenofpain" ""
"coupon_queenofpain" "Sticker | Queen Of Pain"
"StickerKit_comm02_trickortreat" "Trick Or Treat"
"StickerKit_desc_comm02_trickortreat" ""
"coupon_trickortreat" "Sticker | Trick Or Treat"
"StickerKit_comm02_trickorthreat" "Trick Or Threat"
"StickerKit_desc_comm02_trickorthreat" ""
"coupon_trickorthreat" "Sticker | Trick Or Threat"
"StickerKit_comm02_witch" "Witch"
"StickerKit_desc_comm02_witch" ""
"coupon_witch" "Sticker | Witch"
"StickerKit_comm02_zombielover" "Zombie Lover"
"StickerKit_desc_comm02_zombielover" ""
"coupon_zombielover" "Sticker | Zombie Lover"
"StickerKit_comm02_flickshot" "Flickshot"
"StickerKit_desc_comm02_flickshot" ""
"coupon_flickshot" "Sticker | Flickshot"
"StickerKit_comm02_headshot_guarantee" "Headshot Guarantee"
"StickerKit_desc_comm02_headshot_guarantee" ""
"coupon_headshot_guarantee" "Sticker | Headshot Guarantee"
"StickerKit_comm02_eco_rush" "Eco Rush"
"StickerKit_desc_comm02_eco_rush" ""
"coupon_eco_rush" "Sticker | Eco Rush"
"StickerKit_comm02_just_trolling" "Just Trolling"
"StickerKit_desc_comm02_just_trolling" ""
"coupon_just_trolling" "Sticker | Just Trolling"
"StickerKit_comm02_firestarter_holo" "Firestarter (Holo)"
"StickerKit_desc_comm02_firestarter_holo" ""
"coupon_firestarter_holo" "Sticker | Firestarter (Holo)"
"StickerKit_comm02_lucky_cat_foil" "Lucky Cat (Foil)"
"StickerKit_desc_comm02_lucky_cat_foil" ""
"coupon_lucky_cat_foil" "Sticker | Lucky Cat (Foil)"
"StickerKit_comm02_robot_head" "Robo"
"StickerKit_desc_comm02_robot_head" ""
"coupon_robot_head" "Sticker | Robo"
"StickerKit_comm02_witchcraft" "Witchcraft"
"StickerKit_desc_comm02_witchcraft" ""
"coupon_witchcraft" "Sticker | Witchcraft"
"StickerKit_comm02_wanna_fight" "Wanna Fight"
"StickerKit_desc_comm02_wanna_fight" ""
"coupon_wanna_fight" "Sticker | Wanna Fight"
"StickerKit_comm02_hostage_rescue" "Hostage Rescue"
"StickerKit_desc_comm02_hostage_rescue" ""
"coupon_hostage_rescue" "Sticker | Hostage Rescue"
"StickerKit_comm02_hamster_hawk" "Hamster Hawk"
"StickerKit_desc_comm02_hamster_hawk" ""
"coupon_hamster_hawk" "Sticker | Hamster Hawk"
"StickerKit_comm02_headless_chicken" "Headless Chicken"
"StickerKit_desc_comm02_headless_chicken" ""
"coupon_headless_chicken" "Sticker | Headless Chicken"
"StickerKit_comm02_blood_broiler" "Blood Boiler"
"StickerKit_desc_comm02_blood_broiler" ""
"coupon_blood_broiler" "Sticker | Blood Boiler"
"StickerKit_comm02_dinked" "Dinked"
"StickerKit_desc_comm02_dinked" ""
"coupon_dinked" "Sticker | Dinked"
"StickerKit_eslkatowice2015_3dmax" "3DMAX | Katowice 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslkatowice2015_3dmax" ""
"StickerKit_eslkatowice2015_3dmax_foil" "3DMAX (Foil) | Katowice 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslkatowice2015_3dmax_foil" ""
"StickerKit_eslkatowice2015_3dmax_holo" "3DMAX (Holo) | Katowice 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslkatowice2015_3dmax_holo" ""
"StickerKit_eslkatowice2015_3dmax_gold" "3DMAX (Gold) | Katowice 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslkatowice2015_3dmax_gold" ""
"StickerKit_eslkatowice2015_cloud9" "Cloud9 G2A | Katowice 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslkatowice2015_cloud9" ""
"StickerKit_eslkatowice2015_cloud9_foil" "Cloud9 G2A (Foil) | Katowice 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslkatowice2015_cloud9_foil" ""
"StickerKit_eslkatowice2015_cloud9_holo" "Cloud9 G2A (Holo) | Katowice 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslkatowice2015_cloud9_holo" ""
"StickerKit_eslkatowice2015_cloud9_gold" "Cloud9 G2A (Gold) | Katowice 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslkatowice2015_cloud9_gold" ""
"StickerKit_eslkatowice2015_counterlogic" "Counter Logic Gaming | Katowice 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslkatowice2015_counterlogic" ""
"StickerKit_eslkatowice2015_counterlogic_foil" "Counter Logic Gaming (Foil) | Katowice 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslkatowice2015_counterlogic_foil" ""
"StickerKit_eslkatowice2015_counterlogic_holo" "Counter Logic Gaming (Holo) | Katowice 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslkatowice2015_counterlogic_holo" ""
"StickerKit_eslkatowice2015_counterlogic_gold" "Counter Logic Gaming (Gold) | Katowice 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslkatowice2015_counterlogic_gold" ""
"StickerKit_eslkatowice2015_esl_a" "ESL One | Katowice 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslkatowice2015_esl_a" ""
"StickerKit_eslkatowice2015_esl_a_foil" "ESL One (Foil) | Katowice 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslkatowice2015_esl_a_foil" ""
"StickerKit_eslkatowice2015_esl_a_holo" "ESL One (Holo) | Katowice 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslkatowice2015_esl_a_holo" ""
"StickerKit_eslkatowice2015_esl_a_gold" "ESL One (Gold) | Katowice 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslkatowice2015_esl_a_gold" ""
"StickerKit_eslkatowice2015_flipsid3" "Flipsid3 Tactics | Katowice 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslkatowice2015_flipsid3" ""
"StickerKit_eslkatowice2015_flipsid3_foil" "Flipsid3 Tactics (Foil) | Katowice 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslkatowice2015_flipsid3_foil" ""
"StickerKit_eslkatowice2015_flipsid3_holo" "Flipsid3 Tactics (Holo) | Katowice 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslkatowice2015_flipsid3_holo" ""
"StickerKit_eslkatowice2015_flipsid3_gold" "Flipsid3 Tactics (Gold) | Katowice 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslkatowice2015_flipsid3_gold" ""
"StickerKit_eslkatowice2015_fnatic" "Fnatic | Katowice 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslkatowice2015_fnatic" ""
"StickerKit_eslkatowice2015_fnatic_foil" "Fnatic (Foil) | Katowice 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslkatowice2015_fnatic_foil" ""
"StickerKit_eslkatowice2015_fnatic_holo" "Fnatic (Holo) | Katowice 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslkatowice2015_fnatic_holo" ""
"StickerKit_eslkatowice2015_fnatic_gold" "Fnatic (Gold) | Katowice 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslkatowice2015_fnatic_gold" ""
"StickerKit_eslkatowice2015_hellraisers" "HellRaisers | Katowice 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslkatowice2015_hellraisers" ""
"StickerKit_eslkatowice2015_hellraisers_foil" "HellRaisers (Foil) | Katowice 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslkatowice2015_hellraisers_foil" ""
"StickerKit_eslkatowice2015_hellraisers_holo" "HellRaisers (Holo) | Katowice 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslkatowice2015_hellraisers_holo" ""
"StickerKit_eslkatowice2015_hellraisers_gold" "HellRaisers (Gold) | Katowice 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslkatowice2015_hellraisers_gold" ""
"StickerKit_eslkatowice2015_keyd" "Keyd Stars | Katowice 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslkatowice2015_keyd" ""
"StickerKit_eslkatowice2015_keyd_foil" "Keyd Stars (Foil) | Katowice 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslkatowice2015_keyd_foil" ""
"StickerKit_eslkatowice2015_keyd_holo" "Keyd Stars (Holo) | Katowice 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslkatowice2015_keyd_holo" ""
"StickerKit_eslkatowice2015_keyd_gold" "Keyd Stars (Gold) | Katowice 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslkatowice2015_keyd_gold" ""
"StickerKit_eslkatowice2015_lgb" "LGB eSports | Katowice 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslkatowice2015_lgb" ""
"StickerKit_eslkatowice2015_lgb_foil" "LGB eSports (Foil) | Katowice 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslkatowice2015_lgb_foil" ""
"StickerKit_eslkatowice2015_lgb_holo" "LGB eSports (Holo) | Katowice 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslkatowice2015_lgb_holo" ""
"StickerKit_eslkatowice2015_lgb_gold" "LGB eSports (Gold) | Katowice 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslkatowice2015_lgb_gold" ""
"StickerKit_eslkatowice2015_navi" "Natus Vincere | Katowice 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslkatowice2015_navi" ""
"StickerKit_eslkatowice2015_navi_foil" "Natus Vincere (Foil) | Katowice 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslkatowice2015_navi_foil" ""
"StickerKit_eslkatowice2015_navi_holo" "Natus Vincere (Holo) | Katowice 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslkatowice2015_navi_holo" ""
"StickerKit_eslkatowice2015_navi_gold" "Natus Vincere (Gold) | Katowice 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslkatowice2015_navi_gold" ""
"StickerKit_eslkatowice2015_ninjasinpyjamas" "Ninjas in Pyjamas | Katowice 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslkatowice2015_ninjasinpyjamas" ""
"StickerKit_eslkatowice2015_ninjasinpyjamas_foil" "Ninjas in Pyjamas (Foil) | Katowice 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslkatowice2015_ninjasinpyjamas_foil" ""
"StickerKit_eslkatowice2015_ninjasinpyjamas_holo" "Ninjas in Pyjamas (Holo) | Katowice 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslkatowice2015_ninjasinpyjamas_holo" ""
"StickerKit_eslkatowice2015_ninjasinpyjamas_gold" "Ninjas in Pyjamas (Gold) | Katowice 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslkatowice2015_ninjasinpyjamas_gold" ""
"StickerKit_eslkatowice2015_pentasports" "PENTA Sports | Katowice 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslkatowice2015_pentasports" ""
"StickerKit_eslkatowice2015_pentasports_foil" "PENTA Sports (Foil) | Katowice 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslkatowice2015_pentasports_foil" ""
"StickerKit_eslkatowice2015_pentasports_holo" "PENTA Sports (Holo) | Katowice 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslkatowice2015_pentasports_holo" ""
"StickerKit_eslkatowice2015_pentasports_gold" "PENTA Sports (Gold) | Katowice 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslkatowice2015_pentasports_gold" ""
"StickerKit_eslkatowice2015_teamenvyus" "Team EnVyUs | Katowice 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslkatowice2015_teamenvyus" ""
"StickerKit_eslkatowice2015_teamenvyus_foil" "Team EnVyUs (Foil) | Katowice 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslkatowice2015_teamenvyus_foil" ""
"StickerKit_eslkatowice2015_teamenvyus_holo" "Team EnVyUs (Holo) | Katowice 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslkatowice2015_teamenvyus_holo" ""
"StickerKit_eslkatowice2015_teamenvyus_gold" "Team EnVyUs (Gold) | Katowice 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslkatowice2015_teamenvyus_gold" ""
"StickerKit_eslkatowice2015_teamsolomid" "TSM Kinguin | Katowice 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslkatowice2015_teamsolomid" ""
"StickerKit_eslkatowice2015_teamsolomid_foil" "TSM Kinguin (Foil) | Katowice 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslkatowice2015_teamsolomid_foil" ""
"StickerKit_eslkatowice2015_teamsolomid_holo" "TSM Kinguin (Holo) | Katowice 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslkatowice2015_teamsolomid_holo" ""
"StickerKit_eslkatowice2015_teamsolomid_gold" "TSM Kinguin (Gold) | Katowice 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslkatowice2015_teamsolomid_gold" ""
"StickerKit_eslkatowice2015_titan" "Titan | Katowice 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslkatowice2015_titan" ""
"StickerKit_eslkatowice2015_titan_foil" "Titan (Foil) | Katowice 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslkatowice2015_titan_foil" ""
"StickerKit_eslkatowice2015_titan_holo" "Titan (Holo) | Katowice 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslkatowice2015_titan_holo" ""
"StickerKit_eslkatowice2015_titan_gold" "Titan (Gold) | Katowice 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslkatowice2015_titan_gold" ""
"StickerKit_eslkatowice2015_virtuspro" " | Katowice 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslkatowice2015_virtuspro" ""
"StickerKit_eslkatowice2015_virtuspro_foil" " (Foil) | Katowice 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslkatowice2015_virtuspro_foil" ""
"StickerKit_eslkatowice2015_virtuspro_holo" " (Holo) | Katowice 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslkatowice2015_virtuspro_holo" ""
"StickerKit_eslkatowice2015_virtuspro_gold" " (Gold) | Katowice 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslkatowice2015_virtuspro_gold" ""
"StickerKit_eslkatowice2015_voxeminor" "Vox Eminor | Katowice 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslkatowice2015_voxeminor" ""
"StickerKit_eslkatowice2015_voxeminor_foil" "Vox Eminor (Foil) | Katowice 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslkatowice2015_voxeminor_foil" ""
"StickerKit_eslkatowice2015_voxeminor_holo" "Vox Eminor (Holo) | Katowice 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslkatowice2015_voxeminor_holo" ""
"StickerKit_eslkatowice2015_voxeminor_gold" "Vox Eminor (Gold) | Katowice 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslkatowice2015_voxeminor_gold" ""
"StickerKit_enfu_chicken" "Chabo"
"StickerKit_desc_enfu_chicken" ""
"StickerKit_enfu_bombsquad" "Bombsquad"
"StickerKit_desc_enfu_bombsquad" ""
"StickerKit_enfu_bombsquad_foil" "Bombsquad (Foil)"
"StickerKit_desc_bombsquad_foil" ""
"StickerKit_enfu_guru" "The Guru"
"StickerKit_desc_enfu_guru" ""
"StickerKit_enfu_ninja" "Silent Ninja"
"StickerKit_desc_enfu_ninja" ""
"StickerKit_enfu_ninja_foil" "Silent Ninja (Foil)"
"StickerKit_desc_enfu_ninja_foil" ""
"StickerKit_enfu_samurai" "The Samurai"
"StickerKit_desc_enfu_samurai" ""
"StickerKit_enfu_skullfulilboney" "Skull Lil Boney"
"StickerKit_desc_enfu_skullfulilboney" ""
"StickerKit_enfu_skullfuskulltorgeist" "Skulltorgeist"
"StickerKit_desc_enfu_skullfuskulltorgeist" ""
"StickerKit_enfu_skullfutrooop" "Skull Troop"
"StickerKit_desc_enfu_skullfutrooop" ""
"StickerKit_enfu_soldier" "Salute!"
"StickerKit_desc_enfu_soldier" ""
"StickerKit_enfu_spartan" "The Spartan"
"StickerKit_desc_enfu_spartan" ""
"StickerKit_enfu_unicorn" "Unicorn"
"StickerKit_desc_enfu_unicorn" ""
"StickerKit_enfu_unicorn_holo" "Unicorn (Holo)"
"StickerKit_desc_enfu_unicorn_holo" ""
"StickerKit_enfu_zombie" "The Zombie"
"StickerKit_desc_enfu_zombie" ""
"StickerKit_comm02_drugwarveteran" "Drug War Veteran"
"StickerKit_desc_comm02_drugwarveteran" ""
"coupon_drugwarveteran" "Sticker | Drug War Veteran"
"StickerKit_comm02_awp_country" "Awp Country"
"StickerKit_desc_comm02_awp_country" ""
"coupon_awp_country" "Sticker | Awp Country"
"StickerKit_comm02_hohoho" "Ho Ho Ho"
"StickerKit_desc_comm02_hohoho" ""
"coupon_hohoho" "Sticker | Ho Ho Ho"
"StickerKit_comm02_massivepear" "Massive Pear"
"StickerKit_desc_comm02_massivepear" ""
"coupon_massivepear" "Sticker | Massive Pear"
"StickerKit_comm02_chi_bomb" "Chi Bomb"
"StickerKit_desc_comm02_chi_bomb" ""
"coupon_chi_bomb" "Sticker | Chi Bomb"
"StickerKit_comm02_mylittlefriend" "My Little Friend"
"StickerKit_desc_comm02_mylittlefriend" ""
"coupon_mylittlefriend" "Sticker | My Little Friend"
"StickerKit_comm02_fox" "Doru The Fox"
"StickerKit_desc_comm02_fox" ""
"coupon_fox" "Sticker | Doru The Fox"
"StickerKit_comm02_knifeclub" "Knife Club"
"StickerKit_desc_comm02_knifeclub" ""
"coupon_knifeclub" "Sticker | Knife Club"
"StickerKit_comm02_cs_on_the_mind" "CS On The Mind"
"StickerKit_desc_comm02_cs_on_the_mind" ""
"coupon_cs_on_the_mind" "Sticker | CS On The Mind"
"StickerKit_comm02_ninja_defuse" "Ninja Defuse"
"StickerKit_desc_comm02_ninja_defuse" ""
"coupon_ninja_defuse" "Sticker | Ninja Defuse"
"StickerKit_comm02_pros_dont_fake" "Pros Don't Fake"
"StickerKit_desc_comm02_pros_dont_fake" ""
"coupon_pros_dont_fake" "Sticker | Pros Don't Fake"
"StickerKit_comm02_kawaiikiller_t" "Kawaii Killer Terrorist"
"StickerKit_desc_comm02_kawaiikiller_t" ""
"coupon_kawaiikiller_t" "Sticker | Kawaii Killer Terrorist"
"StickerKit_comm02_baackstabber" "Baaa-ckstabber!"
"StickerKit_desc_comm02_baackstabber" ""
"coupon_baackstabber" "Sticker | Baaa-ckstabber!"
"StickerKit_comm02_delicious_tears" "Delicious Tears"
"StickerKit_desc_comm02_delicious_tears" ""
"coupon_delicious_tears" "Sticker | Delicious Tears"
// ESL One Cologne 2015 item names
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_pronax" "pronax | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_pronax" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Markus Wallsten playing for Fnatic at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_pronax_foil" "pronax (Foil) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_pronax_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Markus Wallsten playing for Fnatic at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_pronax_gold" "pronax (Gold) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_pronax_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Markus Wallsten playing for Fnatic at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_flusha" "flusha | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_flusha" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Robin Rönnquist playing for Fnatic at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_flusha_foil" "flusha (Foil) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_flusha_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Robin Rönnquist playing for Fnatic at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_flusha_gold" "flusha (Gold) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_flusha_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Robin Rönnquist playing for Fnatic at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_jw" "JW | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_jw" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Jesper Wecksell playing for Fnatic at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_jw_foil" "JW (Foil) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_jw_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Jesper Wecksell playing for Fnatic at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_jw_gold" "JW (Gold) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_jw_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Jesper Wecksell playing for Fnatic at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_krimz" "KRIMZ | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_krimz" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Lars Freddy Johansson playing for Fnatic at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_krimz_foil" "KRIMZ (Foil) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_krimz_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Lars Freddy Johansson playing for Fnatic at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_krimz_gold" "KRIMZ (Gold) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_krimz_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Lars Freddy Johansson playing for Fnatic at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_olofmeister" "olofmeister | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_olofmeister" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Olof Kajbjer playing for Fnatic at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_olofmeister_foil" "olofmeister (Foil) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_olofmeister_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Olof Kajbjer playing for Fnatic at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_olofmeister_gold" "olofmeister (Gold) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_olofmeister_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Olof Kajbjer playing for Fnatic at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_fallen" "FalleN | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_fallen" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Gabriel Toledo playing for Luminosity Gaming at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_fallen_foil" "FalleN (Foil) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_fallen_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Gabriel Toledo playing for Luminosity Gaming at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_fallen_gold" "FalleN (Gold) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_fallen_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Gabriel Toledo playing for Luminosity Gaming at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_steel" "steel | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_steel" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Lucas Lopes playing for Luminosity Gaming at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_steel_foil" "steel (Foil) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_steel_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Lucas Lopes playing for Luminosity Gaming at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_steel_gold" "steel (Gold) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_steel_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Lucas Lopes playing for Luminosity Gaming at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_fer" "fer | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_fer" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Fernando Alvarenga playing for Luminosity Gaming at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_fer_foil" "fer (Foil) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_fer_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Fernando Alvarenga playing for Luminosity Gaming at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_fer_gold" "fer (Gold) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_fer_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Fernando Alvarenga playing for Luminosity Gaming at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_boltz" "boltz | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_boltz" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Ricardo Prass playing for Luminosity Gaming at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_boltz_foil" "boltz (Foil) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_boltz_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Ricardo Prass playing for Luminosity Gaming at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_boltz_gold" "boltz (Gold) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_boltz_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Ricardo Prass playing for Luminosity Gaming at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_coldzera" "coldzera | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_coldzera" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Marcelo David playing for Luminosity Gaming at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_coldzera_foil" "coldzera (Foil) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_coldzera_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Marcelo David playing for Luminosity Gaming at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_coldzera_gold" "coldzera (Gold) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_coldzera_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Marcelo David playing for Luminosity Gaming at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_guardian" "GuardiaN | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_guardian" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Ladislav Kovács playing for Natus Vincere at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_guardian_foil" "GuardiaN (Foil) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_guardian_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Ladislav Kovács playing for Natus Vincere at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_guardian_gold" "GuardiaN (Gold) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_guardian_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Ladislav Kovács playing for Natus Vincere at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_zeus" "Zeus | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_zeus" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Danylo Teslenko playing for Natus Vincere at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_zeus_foil" "Zeus (Foil) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_zeus_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Danylo Teslenko playing for Natus Vincere at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_zeus_gold" "Zeus (Gold) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_zeus_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Danylo Teslenko playing for Natus Vincere at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_seized" "seized | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_seized" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Denis Kostin playing for Natus Vincere at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_seized_foil" "seized (Foil) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_seized_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Denis Kostin playing for Natus Vincere at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_seized_gold" "seized (Gold) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_seized_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Denis Kostin playing for Natus Vincere at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_edward" "Edward | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_edward" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Ioann Sukhariev playing for Natus Vincere at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_edward_foil" "Edward (Foil) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_edward_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Ioann Sukhariev playing for Natus Vincere at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_edward_gold" "Edward (Gold) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_edward_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Ioann Sukhariev playing for Natus Vincere at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_flamie" "flamie | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_flamie" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Egor Vasilyev playing for Natus Vincere at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_flamie_foil" "flamie (Foil) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_flamie_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Egor Vasilyev playing for Natus Vincere at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_flamie_gold" "flamie (Gold) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_flamie_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Egor Vasilyev playing for Natus Vincere at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_xizt" "Xizt | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_xizt" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Richard Landström playing for Ninjas in Pyjamas at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_xizt_foil" "Xizt (Foil) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_xizt_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Richard Landström playing for Ninjas in Pyjamas at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_xizt_gold" "Xizt (Gold) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_xizt_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Richard Landström playing for Ninjas in Pyjamas at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_forest" "f0rest | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_forest" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Patrik Lindberg playing for Ninjas in Pyjamas at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_forest_foil" "f0rest (Foil) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_forest_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Patrik Lindberg playing for Ninjas in Pyjamas at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_forest_gold" "f0rest (Gold) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_forest_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Patrik Lindberg playing for Ninjas in Pyjamas at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_getright" "GeT_RiGhT | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_getright" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Christopher Alesund playing for Ninjas in Pyjamas at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_getright_foil" "GeT_RiGhT (Foil) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_getright_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Christopher Alesund playing for Ninjas in Pyjamas at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_getright_gold" "GeT_RiGhT (Gold) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_getright_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Christopher Alesund playing for Ninjas in Pyjamas at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_friberg" "friberg | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_friberg" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Adam Friberg playing for Ninjas in Pyjamas at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_friberg_foil" "friberg (Foil) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_friberg_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Adam Friberg playing for Ninjas in Pyjamas at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_friberg_gold" "friberg (Gold) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_friberg_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Adam Friberg playing for Ninjas in Pyjamas at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_allu" "allu | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_allu" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Aleksi Jalli playing for Ninjas in Pyjamas at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_allu_foil" "allu (Foil) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_allu_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Aleksi Jalli playing for Ninjas in Pyjamas at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_allu_gold" "allu (Gold) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_allu_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Aleksi Jalli playing for Ninjas in Pyjamas at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_kennys" "kennyS | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_kennys" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Kenny Schrub playing for Team EnVyUs at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_kennys_foil" "kennyS (Foil) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_kennys_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Kenny Schrub playing for Team EnVyUs at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_kennys_gold" "kennyS (Gold) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_kennys_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Kenny Schrub playing for Team EnVyUs at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_kioshima" "kioShiMa | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_kioshima" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Fabien Fiey playing for Team EnVyUs at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_kioshima_foil" "kioShiMa (Foil) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_kioshima_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Fabien Fiey playing for Team EnVyUs at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_kioshima_gold" "kioShiMa (Gold) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_kioshima_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Fabien Fiey playing for Team EnVyUs at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_happy" "Happy | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_happy" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Vincent Cervoni playing for Team EnVyUs at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_happy_foil" "Happy (Foil) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_happy_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Vincent Cervoni playing for Team EnVyUs at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_happy_gold" "Happy (Gold) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_happy_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Vincent Cervoni playing for Team EnVyUs at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_apex" "apEX | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_apex" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Dan Madesclaire playing for Team EnVyUs at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_apex_foil" "apEX (Foil) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_apex_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Dan Madesclaire playing for Team EnVyUs at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_apex_gold" "apEX (Gold) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_apex_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Dan Madesclaire playing for Team EnVyUs at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_nbk" "NBK- | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_nbk" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Nathan Schmitt playing for Team EnVyUs at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_nbk_foil" "NBK- (Foil) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_nbk_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Nathan Schmitt playing for Team EnVyUs at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_nbk_gold" "NBK- (Gold) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_nbk_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Nathan Schmitt playing for Team EnVyUs at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_karrigan" "karrigan | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_karrigan" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Finn Andersen playing for Team SoloMid at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_karrigan_foil" "karrigan (Foil) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_karrigan_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Finn Andersen playing for Team SoloMid at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_karrigan_gold" "karrigan (Gold) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_karrigan_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Finn Andersen playing for Team SoloMid at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_device" "device | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_device" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Nicolai Reedtz playing for Team SoloMid at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_device_foil" "device (Foil) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_device_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Nicolai Reedtz playing for Team SoloMid at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_device_gold" "device (Gold) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_device_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Nicolai Reedtz playing for Team SoloMid at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_dupreeh" "dupreeh | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_dupreeh" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Peter Rasmussen playing for Team SoloMid at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_dupreeh_foil" "dupreeh (Foil) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_dupreeh_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Peter Rasmussen playing for Team SoloMid at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_dupreeh_gold" "dupreeh (Gold) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_dupreeh_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Peter Rasmussen playing for Team SoloMid at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_xyp9x" "Xyp9x | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_xyp9x" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Andreas Højsleth playing for Team SoloMid at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_xyp9x_foil" "Xyp9x (Foil) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_xyp9x_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Andreas Højsleth playing for Team SoloMid at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_xyp9x_gold" "Xyp9x (Gold) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_xyp9x_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Andreas Højsleth playing for Team SoloMid at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_cajunb" "cajunb | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_cajunb" "This sticker was autographed by professional player René Borg playing for Team SoloMid at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_cajunb_foil" "cajunb (Foil) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_cajunb_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player René Borg playing for Team SoloMid at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_cajunb_gold" "cajunb (Gold) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_cajunb_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player René Borg playing for Team SoloMid at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_neo" "NEO | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_neo" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Filip Kubski playing for Virtus.Pro at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_neo_foil" "NEO (Foil) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_neo_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Filip Kubski playing for Virtus.Pro at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_neo_gold" "NEO (Gold) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_neo_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Filip Kubski playing for Virtus.Pro at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_pasha" "pashaBiceps | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_pasha" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Jarosław Jarząbkowski playing for Virtus.Pro at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_pasha_foil" "pashaBiceps (Foil) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_pasha_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Jarosław Jarząbkowski playing for Virtus.Pro at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_pasha_gold" "pashaBiceps (Gold) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_pasha_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Jarosław Jarząbkowski playing for Virtus.Pro at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_taz" "TaZ | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_taz" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Wiktor Wojtas playing for Virtus.Pro at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_taz_foil" "TaZ (Foil) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_taz_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Wiktor Wojtas playing for Virtus.Pro at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_taz_gold" "TaZ (Gold) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_taz_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Wiktor Wojtas playing for Virtus.Pro at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_snax" "Snax | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_snax" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Janusz Pogorzelski playing for Virtus.Pro at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_snax_foil" "Snax (Foil) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_snax_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Janusz Pogorzelski playing for Virtus.Pro at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_snax_gold" "Snax (Gold) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_snax_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Janusz Pogorzelski playing for Virtus.Pro at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_byali" "byali | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_byali" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Pawel Bielinsky playing for Virtus.Pro at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_byali_foil" "byali (Foil) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_byali_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Pawel Bielinsky playing for Virtus.Pro at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_byali_gold" "byali (Gold) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_byali_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Pawel Bielinsky playing for Virtus.Pro at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_chrisj" "chrisJ | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_chrisj" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Chris de Jong playing for mousesports at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_chrisj_foil" "chrisJ (Foil) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_chrisj_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Chris de Jong playing for mousesports at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_chrisj_gold" "chrisJ (Gold) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_chrisj_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Chris de Jong playing for mousesports at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_gobb" "gob b | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_gobb" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Fatih Dayik playing for mousesports at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_gobb_foil" "gob b (Foil) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_gobb_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Fatih Dayik playing for mousesports at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_gobb_gold" "gob b (Gold) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_gobb_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Fatih Dayik playing for mousesports at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_denis" "denis | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_denis" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Denis Howell playing for mousesports at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_denis_foil" "denis (Foil) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_denis_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Denis Howell playing for mousesports at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_denis_gold" "denis (Gold) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_denis_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Denis Howell playing for mousesports at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_nex" "nex | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_nex" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Johannes Maget playing for mousesports at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_nex_foil" "nex (Foil) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_nex_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Johannes Maget playing for mousesports at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_nex_gold" "nex (Gold) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_nex_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Johannes Maget playing for mousesports at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_spiidi" "Spiidi | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_spiidi" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Timo Richter playing for mousesports at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_spiidi_foil" "Spiidi (Foil) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_spiidi_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Timo Richter playing for mousesports at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_spiidi_gold" "Spiidi (Gold) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_spiidi_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Timo Richter playing for mousesports at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_azr" "AZR | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_azr" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Aaron Ward playing for Renegades at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_azr_foil" "AZR (Foil) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_azr_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Aaron Ward playing for Renegades at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_azr_gold" "AZR (Gold) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_azr_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Aaron Ward playing for Renegades at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_havoc" "Havoc | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_havoc" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Luke Paton playing for Renegades at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_havoc_foil" "Havoc (Foil) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_havoc_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Luke Paton playing for Renegades at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_havoc_gold" "Havoc (Gold) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_havoc_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Luke Paton playing for Renegades at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_jks" "jks | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_jks" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Justin Savage playing for Renegades at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_jks_foil" "jks (Foil) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_jks_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Justin Savage playing for Renegades at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_jks_gold" "jks (Gold) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_jks_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Justin Savage playing for Renegades at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_spunj" "SPUNJ | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_spunj" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Chad Burchill playing for Renegades at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_spunj_foil" "SPUNJ (Foil) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_spunj_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Chad Burchill playing for Renegades at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_spunj_gold" "SPUNJ (Gold) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_spunj_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Chad Burchill playing for Renegades at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_yam" "yam | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_yam" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Yaman Ergenekon playing for Renegades at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_yam_foil" "yam (Foil) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_yam_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Yaman Ergenekon playing for Renegades at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_yam_gold" "yam (Gold) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_yam_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Yaman Ergenekon playing for Renegades at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_ustilo" "USTILO | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_ustilo" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Karlo Pivac playing for Team Immunity at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_ustilo_foil" "USTILO (Foil) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_ustilo_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Karlo Pivac playing for Team Immunity at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_ustilo_gold" "USTILO (Gold) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_ustilo_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Karlo Pivac playing for Team Immunity at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_rickeh" "Rickeh | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_rickeh" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Ricardo Mulholland playing for Team Immunity at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_rickeh_foil" "Rickeh (Foil) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_rickeh_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Ricardo Mulholland playing for Team Immunity at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_rickeh_gold" "Rickeh (Gold) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_rickeh_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Ricardo Mulholland playing for Team Immunity at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_emagine" "emagine | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_emagine" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Chris Rowlands playing for Team Immunity at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_emagine_foil" "emagine (Foil) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_emagine_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Chris Rowlands playing for Team Immunity at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_emagine_gold" "emagine (Gold) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_emagine_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Chris Rowlands playing for Team Immunity at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_snyper" "SnypeR | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_snyper" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Iain Turner playing for Team Immunity at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_snyper_foil" "SnypeR (Foil) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_snyper_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Iain Turner playing for Team Immunity at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_snyper_gold" "SnypeR (Gold) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_snyper_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Iain Turner playing for Team Immunity at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_james" "James | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_james" "This sticker was autographed by professional player James Quinn playing for Team Immunity at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_james_foil" "James (Foil) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_james_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player James Quinn playing for Team Immunity at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_james_gold" "James (Gold) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_james_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player James Quinn playing for Team Immunity at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_markeloff" "markeloff | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_markeloff" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Yegor Markelov playing for Flipsid3 Tactics at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_markeloff_foil" "markeloff (Foil) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_markeloff_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Yegor Markelov playing for Flipsid3 Tactics at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_markeloff_gold" "markeloff (Gold) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_markeloff_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Yegor Markelov playing for Flipsid3 Tactics at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_b1ad3" "B1ad3 | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_b1ad3" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Andrey Gorodenskiy playing for Flipsid3 Tactics at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_b1ad3_foil" "B1ad3 (Foil) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_b1ad3_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Andrey Gorodenskiy playing for Flipsid3 Tactics at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_b1ad3_gold" "B1ad3 (Gold) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_b1ad3_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Andrey Gorodenskiy playing for Flipsid3 Tactics at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_bondik" "bondik | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_bondik" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Vladyslav Nechyporchuk playing for Flipsid3 Tactics at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_bondik_foil" "bondik (Foil) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_bondik_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Vladyslav Nechyporchuk playing for Flipsid3 Tactics at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_bondik_gold" "bondik (Gold) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_bondik_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Vladyslav Nechyporchuk playing for Flipsid3 Tactics at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_worldedit" "WorldEdit | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_worldedit" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Georgy Yaskin playing for Flipsid3 Tactics at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_worldedit_foil" "WorldEdit (Foil) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_worldedit_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Georgy Yaskin playing for Flipsid3 Tactics at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_worldedit_gold" "WorldEdit (Gold) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_worldedit_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Georgy Yaskin playing for Flipsid3 Tactics at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_davcost" "DavCost | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_davcost" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Vadim Vasilyev playing for Flipsid3 Tactics at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_davcost_foil" "DavCost (Foil) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_davcost_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Vadim Vasilyev playing for Flipsid3 Tactics at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_davcost_gold" "DavCost (Gold) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_davcost_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Vadim Vasilyev playing for Flipsid3 Tactics at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_dennis" "dennis | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_dennis" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Dennis Edman playing for Team Kinguin at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_dennis_foil" "dennis (Foil) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_dennis_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Dennis Edman playing for Team Kinguin at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_dennis_gold" "dennis (Gold) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_dennis_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Dennis Edman playing for Team Kinguin at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_scream" "ScreaM | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_scream" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Adil Benrlitom playing for Team Kinguin at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_scream_foil" "ScreaM (Foil) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_scream_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Adil Benrlitom playing for Team Kinguin at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_scream_gold" "ScreaM (Gold) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_scream_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Adil Benrlitom playing for Team Kinguin at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_rain" "rain | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_rain" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Håvard Nygaard playing for Team Kinguin at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_rain_foil" "rain (Foil) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_rain_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Håvard Nygaard playing for Team Kinguin at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_rain_gold" "rain (Gold) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_rain_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Håvard Nygaard playing for Team Kinguin at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_maikelele" "Maikelele | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_maikelele" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Mikail Bill playing for Team Kinguin at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_maikelele_foil" "Maikelele (Foil) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_maikelele_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Mikail Bill playing for Team Kinguin at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_maikelele_gold" "Maikelele (Gold) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_maikelele_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Mikail Bill playing for Team Kinguin at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_fox" "fox | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_fox" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Ricardo Pacheco playing for Team Kinguin at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_fox_foil" "fox (Foil) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_fox_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Ricardo Pacheco playing for Team Kinguin at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_fox_gold" "fox (Gold) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_fox_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Ricardo Pacheco playing for Team Kinguin at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_rallen" "rallen | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_rallen" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Karol Rodowicz playing for Team eBettle at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_rallen_foil" "rallen (Foil) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_rallen_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Karol Rodowicz playing for Team eBettle at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_rallen_gold" "rallen (Gold) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_rallen_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Karol Rodowicz playing for Team eBettle at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_hyper" "Hyper | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_hyper" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Bartosz Wolny playing for Team eBettle at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_hyper_foil" "Hyper (Foil) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_hyper_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Bartosz Wolny playing for Team eBettle at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_hyper_gold" "Hyper (Gold) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_hyper_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Bartosz Wolny playing for Team eBettle at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_peet" "peet | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_peet" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Piotr Ćwikliński playing for Team eBettle at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_peet_foil" "peet (Foil) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_peet_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Piotr Ćwikliński playing for Team eBettle at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_peet_gold" "peet (Gold) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_peet_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Piotr Ćwikliński playing for Team eBettle at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_furlan" "Furlan | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_furlan" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Damian Kislowski playing for Team eBettle at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_furlan_foil" "Furlan (Foil) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_furlan_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Damian Kislowski playing for Team eBettle at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_furlan_gold" "Furlan (Gold) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_furlan_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Damian Kislowski playing for Team eBettle at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_gruby" "GruBy | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_gruby" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Dominik Swiderski playing for Team eBettle at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_gruby_foil" "GruBy (Foil) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_gruby_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Dominik Swiderski playing for Team eBettle at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_gruby_gold" "GruBy (Gold) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_gruby_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Dominik Swiderski playing for Team eBettle at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_maniac" "Maniac | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_maniac" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Mathieu Quiquerez playing for Titan at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_maniac_foil" "Maniac (Foil) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_maniac_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Mathieu Quiquerez playing for Titan at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_maniac_gold" "Maniac (Gold) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_maniac_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Mathieu Quiquerez playing for Titan at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_ex6tenz" "Ex6TenZ | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_ex6tenz" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Kévin Droolans playing for Titan at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_ex6tenz_foil" "Ex6TenZ (Foil) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_ex6tenz_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Kévin Droolans playing for Titan at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_ex6tenz_gold" "Ex6TenZ (Gold) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_ex6tenz_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Kévin Droolans playing for Titan at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_shox" "shox | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_shox" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Richard Papillon playing for Titan at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_shox_foil" "shox (Foil) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_shox_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Richard Papillon playing for Titan at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_shox_gold" "shox (Gold) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_shox_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Richard Papillon playing for Titan at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_smithzz" "SmithZz | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_smithzz" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Edouard Dubourdeaux playing for Titan at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_smithzz_foil" "SmithZz (Foil) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_smithzz_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Edouard Dubourdeaux playing for Titan at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_smithzz_gold" "SmithZz (Gold) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_smithzz_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Edouard Dubourdeaux playing for Titan at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_rpk" "RpK | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_rpk" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Cédric Guipouy playing for Titan at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_rpk_foil" "RpK (Foil) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_rpk_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Cédric Guipouy playing for Titan at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_rpk_gold" "RpK (Gold) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_rpk_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Cédric Guipouy playing for Titan at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_hazed" "hazed | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_hazed" "This sticker was autographed by professional player James Cobb playing for Counter Logic Gaming at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_hazed_foil" "hazed (Foil) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_hazed_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player James Cobb playing for Counter Logic Gaming at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_hazed_gold" "hazed (Gold) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_hazed_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player James Cobb playing for Counter Logic Gaming at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_fns" "FNS | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_fns" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Pujan Mehta playing for Counter Logic Gaming at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_fns_foil" "FNS (Foil) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_fns_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Pujan Mehta playing for Counter Logic Gaming at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_fns_gold" "FNS (Gold) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_fns_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Pujan Mehta playing for Counter Logic Gaming at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_jdm64" "jdm64 | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_jdm64" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Joshua Marzano playing for Counter Logic Gaming at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_jdm64_foil" "jdm64 (Foil) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_jdm64_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Joshua Marzano playing for Counter Logic Gaming at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_jdm64_gold" "jdm64 (Gold) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_jdm64_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Joshua Marzano playing for Counter Logic Gaming at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_reltuc" "reltuC | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_reltuc" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Steven Cutler playing for Counter Logic Gaming at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_reltuc_foil" "reltuC (Foil) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_reltuc_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Steven Cutler playing for Counter Logic Gaming at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_reltuc_gold" "reltuC (Gold) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_reltuc_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Steven Cutler playing for Counter Logic Gaming at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_tarik" "tarik | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_tarik" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Tarik Celik playing for Counter Logic Gaming at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_tarik_foil" "tarik (Foil) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_tarik_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Tarik Celik playing for Counter Logic Gaming at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_tarik_gold" "tarik (Gold) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_tarik_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Tarik Celik playing for Counter Logic Gaming at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_nothing" "n0thing | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_nothing" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Jordan Gilbert playing for Cloud9 G2A at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_nothing_foil" "n0thing (Foil) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_nothing_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Jordan Gilbert playing for Cloud9 G2A at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_nothing_gold" "n0thing (Gold) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_nothing_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Jordan Gilbert playing for Cloud9 G2A at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_sgares" "seang@res | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_sgares" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Sean Gares playing for Cloud9 G2A at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_sgares_foil" "seang@res (Foil) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_sgares_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Sean Gares playing for Cloud9 G2A at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_sgares_gold" "seang@res (Gold) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_sgares_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Sean Gares playing for Cloud9 G2A at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_shroud" "shroud | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_shroud" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Michael Grzesiek playing for Cloud9 G2A at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_shroud_foil" "shroud (Foil) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_shroud_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Michael Grzesiek playing for Cloud9 G2A at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_shroud_gold" "shroud (Gold) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_shroud_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Michael Grzesiek playing for Cloud9 G2A at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_freakazoid" "freakazoid | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_freakazoid" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Ryan Abadir playing for Cloud9 G2A at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_freakazoid_foil" "freakazoid (Foil) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_freakazoid_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Ryan Abadir playing for Cloud9 G2A at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_freakazoid_gold" "freakazoid (Gold) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_freakazoid_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Ryan Abadir playing for Cloud9 G2A at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_skadoodle" "Skadoodle | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_skadoodle" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Tyler Latham playing for Cloud9 G2A at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_skadoodle_foil" "Skadoodle (Foil) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_skadoodle_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Tyler Latham playing for Cloud9 G2A at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_signature_skadoodle_gold" "Skadoodle (Gold) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_signature_skadoodle_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Tyler Latham playing for Cloud9 G2A at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
// ESL One Cologne 2015 team sticker names
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_team_fnatic" "Fnatic | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_team_fnatic" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_team_fnatic_foil" "Fnatic (Foil) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_team_fnatic_foil" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_team_fnatic_gold" "Fnatic (Gold) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_team_fnatic_gold" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_team_virtuspro" "Virtus.Pro | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_team_virtuspro" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_team_virtuspro_foil" "Virtus.Pro (Foil) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_team_virtuspro_foil" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_team_virtuspro_gold" "Virtus.Pro (Gold) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_team_virtuspro_gold" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_team_mousesports" "mousesports | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_team_mousesports" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_team_mousesports_foil" "mousesports (Foil) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_team_mousesports_foil" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_team_mousesports_gold" "mousesports (Gold) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_team_mousesports_gold" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_team_navi" "Natus Vincere | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_team_navi" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_team_navi_foil" "Natus Vincere (Foil) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_team_navi_foil" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_team_navi_gold" "Natus Vincere (Gold) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_team_navi_gold" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_team_renegades" "Renegades | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_team_renegades" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_team_renegades_foil" "Renegades (Foil) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_team_renegades_foil" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_team_renegades_gold" "Renegades (Gold) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_team_renegades_gold" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_team_kinguin" "Team Kinguin | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_team_kinguin" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_team_kinguin_foil" "Team Kinguin (Foil) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_team_kinguin_foil" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_team_kinguin_gold" "Team Kinguin (Gold) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_team_kinguin_gold" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_team_ebettle" "Team eBettle | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_team_ebettle" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_team_ebettle_foil" "Team eBettle (Foil) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_team_ebettle_foil" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_team_ebettle_gold" "Team eBettle (Gold) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_team_ebettle_gold" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_team_cloud9" "Cloud9 G2A | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_team_cloud9" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_team_cloud9_foil" "Cloud9 G2A (Foil) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_team_cloud9_foil" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_team_cloud9_gold" "Cloud9 G2A (Gold) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_team_cloud9_gold" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_team_ninjasinpyjamas" "Ninjas in Pyjamas | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_team_ninjasinpyjamas" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_team_ninjasinpyjamas_foil" "Ninjas in Pyjamas (Foil) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_team_ninjasinpyjamas_foil" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_team_ninjasinpyjamas_gold" "Ninjas in Pyjamas (Gold) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_team_ninjasinpyjamas_gold" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_team_envyus" "Team EnVyUs | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_team_envyus" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_team_envyus_foil" "Team EnVyUs (Foil) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_team_envyus_foil" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_team_envyus_gold" "Team EnVyUs (Gold) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_team_envyus_gold" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_team_luminositygaming" "Luminosity Gaming | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_team_luminositygaming" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_team_luminositygaming_foil" "Luminosity Gaming (Foil) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_team_luminositygaming_foil" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_team_luminositygaming_gold" "Luminosity Gaming (Gold) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_team_luminositygaming_gold" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_team_solomid" "Team SoloMid | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_team_solomid" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_team_solomid_foil" "Team SoloMid (Foil) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_team_solomid_foil" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_team_solomid_gold" "Team SoloMid (Gold) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_team_solomid_gold" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_team_teamimmunity" "Team Immunity | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_team_teamimmunity" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_team_teamimmunity_foil" "Team Immunity (Foil) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_team_teamimmunity_foil" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_team_teamimmunity_gold" "Team Immunity (Gold) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_team_teamimmunity_gold" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_team_flipside" "Flipsid3 Tactics | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_team_flipside" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_team_flipside_foil" "Flipsid3 Tactics (Foil) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_team_flipside_foil" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_team_flipside_gold" "Flipsid3 Tactics (Gold) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_team_flipside_gold" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_team_titan" "Titan | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_team_titan" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_team_titan_foil" "Titan (Foil) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_team_titan_foil" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_team_titan_gold" "Titan (Gold) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_team_titan_gold" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_team_clg" "Counter Logic Gaming | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_team_clg" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_team_clg_foil" "Counter Logic Gaming (Foil) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_team_clg_foil" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_team_clg_gold" "Counter Logic Gaming (Gold) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_team_clg_gold" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_team_esl" "ESL | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_team_esl" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_team_esl_foil" "ESL (Foil) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_team_esl_foil" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included organizations."
"StickerKit_eslcologne2015_team_esl_gold" "ESL (Gold) | Cologne 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_eslcologne2015_team_esl_gold" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included organizations."
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_eslcologne2015_fnatic" "Autograph Capsule | Fnatic | Cologne 2015"
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_eslcologne2015_fnatic_desc" "This capsule contains a single sticker autographed by one of the players from Fnatic at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this capsule support the included players and organizations.\n\nThat sticker can be applied to any weapon you own and can be scraped to look more worn. You can scrape the same sticker multiple times, making it a bit more worn each time, until it is removed from the weapon."
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_eslcologne2015_virtuspro" "Autograph Capsule | Virtus.Pro | Cologne 2015"
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_eslcologne2015_virtuspro_desc" "This capsule contains a single sticker autographed by one of the players from Virtus.Pro at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this capsule support the included players and organizations.\n\nThat sticker can be applied to any weapon you own and can be scraped to look more worn. You can scrape the same sticker multiple times, making it a bit more worn each time, until it is removed from the weapon."
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_eslcologne2015_mousesports" "Autograph Capsule | mousesports | Cologne 2015"
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_eslcologne2015_mousesports_desc" "This capsule contains a single sticker autographed by one of the players from mousesports at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this capsule support the included players and organizations.\n\nThat sticker can be applied to any weapon you own and can be scraped to look more worn. You can scrape the same sticker multiple times, making it a bit more worn each time, until it is removed from the weapon."
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_eslcologne2015_navi" "Autograph Capsule | Natus Vincere | Cologne 2015"
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_eslcologne2015_navi_desc" "This capsule contains a single sticker autographed by one of the players from Natus Vincere at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this capsule support the included players and organizations.\n\nThat sticker can be applied to any weapon you own and can be scraped to look more worn. You can scrape the same sticker multiple times, making it a bit more worn each time, until it is removed from the weapon."
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_eslcologne2015_renegades" "Autograph Capsule | Renegades | Cologne 2015"
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_eslcologne2015_renegades_desc" "This capsule contains a single sticker autographed by one of the players from Renegades at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this capsule support the included players and organizations.\n\nThat sticker can be applied to any weapon you own and can be scraped to look more worn. You can scrape the same sticker multiple times, making it a bit more worn each time, until it is removed from the weapon."
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_eslcologne2015_kinguin" "Autograph Capsule | Team Kinguin | Cologne 2015"
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_eslcologne2015_kinguin_desc" "This capsule contains a single sticker autographed by one of the players from Team Kinguin at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this capsule support the included players and organizations.\n\nThat sticker can be applied to any weapon you own and can be scraped to look more worn. You can scrape the same sticker multiple times, making it a bit more worn each time, until it is removed from the weapon."
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_eslcologne2015_ebettle" "Autograph Capsule | Team eBettle | Cologne 2015"
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_eslcologne2015_ebettle_desc" "This capsule contains a single sticker autographed by one of the players from Team eBettle at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this capsule support the included players and organizations.\n\nThat sticker can be applied to any weapon you own and can be scraped to look more worn. You can scrape the same sticker multiple times, making it a bit more worn each time, until it is removed from the weapon."
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_eslcologne2015_cloud9" "Autograph Capsule | Cloud9 G2A | Cologne 2015"
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_eslcologne2015_cloud9_desc" "This capsule contains a single sticker autographed by one of the players from Cloud9 G2A at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this capsule support the included players and organizations.\n\nThat sticker can be applied to any weapon you own and can be scraped to look more worn. You can scrape the same sticker multiple times, making it a bit more worn each time, until it is removed from the weapon."
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_eslcologne2015_ninjasinpyjamas" "Autograph Capsule | Ninjas in Pyjamas | Cologne 2015"
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_eslcologne2015_ninjasinpyjamas_desc" "This capsule contains a single sticker autographed by one of the players from Ninjas in Pyjamas at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this capsule support the included players and organizations.\n\nThat sticker can be applied to any weapon you own and can be scraped to look more worn. You can scrape the same sticker multiple times, making it a bit more worn each time, until it is removed from the weapon."
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_eslcologne2015_envyus" "Autograph Capsule | Team EnVyUs | Cologne 2015"
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_eslcologne2015_envyus_desc" "This capsule contains a single sticker autographed by one of the players from Team EnVyUs at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this capsule support the included players and organizations.\n\nThat sticker can be applied to any weapon you own and can be scraped to look more worn. You can scrape the same sticker multiple times, making it a bit more worn each time, until it is removed from the weapon."
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_eslcologne2015_luminositygaming" "Autograph Capsule | Luminosity Gaming | Cologne 2015"
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_eslcologne2015_luminositygaming_desc" "This capsule contains a single sticker autographed by one of the players from Luminosity Gaming at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this capsule support the included players and organizations.\n\nThat sticker can be applied to any weapon you own and can be scraped to look more worn. You can scrape the same sticker multiple times, making it a bit more worn each time, until it is removed from the weapon."
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_eslcologne2015_solomid" "Autograph Capsule | Team SoloMid | Cologne 2015"
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_eslcologne2015_solomid_desc" "This capsule contains a single sticker autographed by one of the players from Team SoloMid at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this capsule support the included players and organizations.\n\nThat sticker can be applied to any weapon you own and can be scraped to look more worn. You can scrape the same sticker multiple times, making it a bit more worn each time, until it is removed from the weapon."
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_eslcologne2015_teamimmunity" "Autograph Capsule | Team Immunity | Cologne 2015"
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_eslcologne2015_teamimmunity_desc" "This capsule contains a single sticker autographed by one of the players from Team Immunity at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this capsule support the included players and organizations.\n\nThat sticker can be applied to any weapon you own and can be scraped to look more worn. You can scrape the same sticker multiple times, making it a bit more worn each time, until it is removed from the weapon."
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_eslcologne2015_flipside" "Autograph Capsule | Flipsid3 Tactics | Cologne 2015"
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_eslcologne2015_flipside_desc" "This capsule contains a single sticker autographed by one of the players from Flipsid3 Tactics at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this capsule support the included players and organizations.\n\nThat sticker can be applied to any weapon you own and can be scraped to look more worn. You can scrape the same sticker multiple times, making it a bit more worn each time, until it is removed from the weapon."
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_eslcologne2015_titan" "Autograph Capsule | Titan | Cologne 2015"
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_eslcologne2015_titan_desc" "This capsule contains a single sticker autographed by one of the players from Titan at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this capsule support the included players and organizations.\n\nThat sticker can be applied to any weapon you own and can be scraped to look more worn. You can scrape the same sticker multiple times, making it a bit more worn each time, until it is removed from the weapon."
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_eslcologne2015_clg" "Autograph Capsule | Counter Logic Gaming | Cologne 2015"
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_eslcologne2015_clg_desc" "This capsule contains a single sticker autographed by one of the players from Counter Logic Gaming at ESL One Cologne 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this capsule support the included players and organizations.\n\nThat sticker can be applied to any weapon you own and can be scraped to look more worn. You can scrape the same sticker multiple times, making it a bit more worn each time, until it is removed from the weapon."
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_eslcologne2015_group_1" "Autograph Capsule | Group A (Foil) | Cologne 2015"
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_eslcologne2015_group_1_desc" "This capsule contains a single Foil sticker autographed by one of the players from Group A teams at ESL One Cologne 2015: Ninjas in Pyjamas, Team SoloMid, Renegades, Counter Logic Gaming.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this capsule support the included players and organizations.\n\nThat sticker can be applied to any weapon you own and can be scraped to look more worn. You can scrape the same sticker multiple times, making it a bit more worn each time, until it is removed from the weapon."
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_eslcologne2015_group_2" "Autograph Capsule | Group B (Foil) | Cologne 2015"
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_eslcologne2015_group_2_desc" "This capsule contains a single Foil sticker autographed by one of the players from Group B teams at ESL One Cologne 2015: Team EnVyUs, Luminosity Gaming, Team Kinguin, Flipsid3 Tactics.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this capsule support the included players and organizations.\n\nThat sticker can be applied to any weapon you own and can be scraped to look more worn. You can scrape the same sticker multiple times, making it a bit more worn each time, until it is removed from the weapon."
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_eslcologne2015_group_3" "Autograph Capsule | Group C (Foil) | Cologne 2015"
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_eslcologne2015_group_3_desc" "This capsule contains a single Foil sticker autographed by one of the players from Group C teams at ESL One Cologne 2015: Fnatic, Natus Vincere, Titan, Team eBettle.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this capsule support the included players and organizations.\n\nThat sticker can be applied to any weapon you own and can be scraped to look more worn. You can scrape the same sticker multiple times, making it a bit more worn each time, until it is removed from the weapon."
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_eslcologne2015_group_4" "Autograph Capsule | Group D (Foil) | Cologne 2015"
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_eslcologne2015_group_4_desc" "This capsule contains a single Foil sticker autographed by one of the players from Group D teams at ESL One Cologne 2015: Virtus.Pro, mousesports, Cloud9 G2A, Team Immunity.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this capsule support the included players and organizations.\n\nThat sticker can be applied to any weapon you own and can be scraped to look more worn. You can scrape the same sticker multiple times, making it a bit more worn each time, until it is removed from the weapon."
"CSGO_crate_sticker_pack_eslcologne2015_legends_tag" "ESL One Cologne 2015 Legends"
"CSGO_crate_sticker_pack_eslcologne2015_legends" "ESL One Cologne 2015 Legends (Foil)"
"CSGO_crate_sticker_pack_eslcologne2015_legends_desc" "This capsule contains a single ESL One Cologne 2015 participant Foil sticker.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this capsule support the included organizations.\n\nThat sticker can be applied to any weapon you own and can be scraped to look more worn. You can scrape the same sticker multiple times, making it a bit more worn each time, until it is removed from the weapon."
"CSGO_crate_sticker_pack_eslcologne2015_challengers_tag" "ESL One Cologne 2015 Challengers"
"CSGO_crate_sticker_pack_eslcologne2015_challengers" "ESL One Cologne 2015 Challengers (Foil)"
"CSGO_crate_sticker_pack_eslcologne2015_challengers_desc" "This capsule contains a single ESL One Cologne 2015 participant Foil sticker.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this capsule support the included organizations.\n\nThat sticker can be applied to any weapon you own and can be scraped to look more worn. You can scrape the same sticker multiple times, making it a bit more worn each time, until it is removed from the weapon."
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_eslcologne2015_group_players_tag" "ESL One Cologne 2015 Player Autographs"
// DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_reltuc" "reltuC | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_reltuc" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Steven Cutler playing for Counter Logic Gaming at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_reltuc_foil" "reltuC (Foil) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_reltuc_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Steven Cutler playing for Counter Logic Gaming at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_reltuc_gold" "reltuC (Gold) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_reltuc_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Steven Cutler playing for Counter Logic Gaming at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_fns" "FNS | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_fns" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Pujan Mehta playing for Counter Logic Gaming at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_fns_foil" "FNS (Foil) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_fns_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Pujan Mehta playing for Counter Logic Gaming at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_fns_gold" "FNS (Gold) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_fns_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Pujan Mehta playing for Counter Logic Gaming at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_hazed" "hazed | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_hazed" "This sticker was autographed by professional player James Cobb playing for Counter Logic Gaming at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_hazed_foil" "hazed (Foil) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_hazed_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player James Cobb playing for Counter Logic Gaming at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_hazed_gold" "hazed (Gold) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_hazed_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player James Cobb playing for Counter Logic Gaming at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_jdm64" "jdm64 | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_jdm64" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Joshua Marzano playing for Counter Logic Gaming at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_jdm64_foil" "jdm64 (Foil) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_jdm64_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Joshua Marzano playing for Counter Logic Gaming at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_jdm64_gold" "jdm64 (Gold) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_jdm64_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Joshua Marzano playing for Counter Logic Gaming at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_tarik" "tarik | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_tarik" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Tarik Celik playing for Counter Logic Gaming at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_tarik_foil" "tarik (Foil) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_tarik_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Tarik Celik playing for Counter Logic Gaming at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_tarik_gold" "tarik (Gold) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_tarik_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Tarik Celik playing for Counter Logic Gaming at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_freakazoid" "freakazoid | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_freakazoid" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Ryan Abadir playing for Cloud9 at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_freakazoid_foil" "freakazoid (Foil) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_freakazoid_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Ryan Abadir playing for Cloud9 at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_freakazoid_gold" "freakazoid (Gold) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_freakazoid_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Ryan Abadir playing for Cloud9 at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_sgares" "seang@res | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_sgares" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Sean Gares playing for Cloud9 at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_sgares_foil" "seang@res (Foil) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_sgares_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Sean Gares playing for Cloud9 at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_sgares_gold" "seang@res (Gold) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_sgares_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Sean Gares playing for Cloud9 at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_shroud" "shroud | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_shroud" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Michael Grzesiek playing for Cloud9 at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_shroud_foil" "shroud (Foil) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_shroud_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Michael Grzesiek playing for Cloud9 at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_shroud_gold" "shroud (Gold) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_shroud_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Michael Grzesiek playing for Cloud9 at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_skadoodle" "Skadoodle | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_skadoodle" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Tyler Latham playing for Cloud9 at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_skadoodle_foil" "Skadoodle (Foil) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_skadoodle_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Tyler Latham playing for Cloud9 at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_skadoodle_gold" "Skadoodle (Gold) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_skadoodle_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Tyler Latham playing for Cloud9 at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_nothing" "n0thing | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_nothing" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Jordan Gilbert playing for Cloud9 at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_nothing_foil" "n0thing (Foil) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_nothing_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Jordan Gilbert playing for Cloud9 at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_nothing_gold" "n0thing (Gold) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_nothing_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Jordan Gilbert playing for Cloud9 at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_apex" "apEX | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_apex" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Dan Madesclaire playing for Team EnVyUs at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_apex_foil" "apEX (Foil) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_apex_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Dan Madesclaire playing for Team EnVyUs at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_apex_gold" "apEX (Gold) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_apex_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Dan Madesclaire playing for Team EnVyUs at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_happy" "Happy | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_happy" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Vincent Cervoni playing for Team EnVyUs at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_happy_foil" "Happy (Foil) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_happy_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Vincent Cervoni playing for Team EnVyUs at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_happy_gold" "Happy (Gold) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_happy_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Vincent Cervoni playing for Team EnVyUs at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_kioshima" "kioShiMa | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_kioshima" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Fabien Fiey playing for Team EnVyUs at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_kioshima_foil" "kioShiMa (Foil) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_kioshima_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Fabien Fiey playing for Team EnVyUs at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_kioshima_gold" "kioShiMa (Gold) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_kioshima_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Fabien Fiey playing for Team EnVyUs at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_kennys" "kennyS | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_kennys" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Kenny Schrub playing for Team EnVyUs at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_kennys_foil" "kennyS (Foil) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_kennys_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Kenny Schrub playing for Team EnVyUs at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_kennys_gold" "kennyS (Gold) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_kennys_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Kenny Schrub playing for Team EnVyUs at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_nbk" "NBK- | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_nbk" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Nathan Schmitt playing for Team EnVyUs at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_nbk_foil" "NBK- (Foil) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_nbk_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Nathan Schmitt playing for Team EnVyUs at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_nbk_gold" "NBK- (Gold) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_nbk_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Nathan Schmitt playing for Team EnVyUs at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_b1ad3" "B1ad3 | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_b1ad3" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Andrey Gorodenskiy playing for Flipsid3 Tactics at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_b1ad3_foil" "B1ad3 (Foil) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_b1ad3_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Andrey Gorodenskiy playing for Flipsid3 Tactics at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_b1ad3_gold" "B1ad3 (Gold) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_b1ad3_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Andrey Gorodenskiy playing for Flipsid3 Tactics at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_bondik" "bondik | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_bondik" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Vladyslav Nechyporchuk playing for Flipsid3 Tactics at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_bondik_foil" "bondik (Foil) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_bondik_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Vladyslav Nechyporchuk playing for Flipsid3 Tactics at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_bondik_gold" "bondik (Gold) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_bondik_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Vladyslav Nechyporchuk playing for Flipsid3 Tactics at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_davcost" "DavCost | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_davcost" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Vadim Vasilyev playing for Flipsid3 Tactics at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_davcost_foil" "DavCost (Foil) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_davcost_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Vadim Vasilyev playing for Flipsid3 Tactics at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_davcost_gold" "DavCost (Gold) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_davcost_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Vadim Vasilyev playing for Flipsid3 Tactics at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_markeloff" "markeloff | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_markeloff" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Yegor Markelov playing for Flipsid3 Tactics at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_markeloff_foil" "markeloff (Foil) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_markeloff_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Yegor Markelov playing for Flipsid3 Tactics at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_markeloff_gold" "markeloff (Gold) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_markeloff_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Yegor Markelov playing for Flipsid3 Tactics at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_worldedit" "WorldEdit | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_worldedit" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Georgy Yaskin playing for Flipsid3 Tactics at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_worldedit_foil" "WorldEdit (Foil) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_worldedit_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Georgy Yaskin playing for Flipsid3 Tactics at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_worldedit_gold" "WorldEdit (Gold) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_worldedit_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Georgy Yaskin playing for Flipsid3 Tactics at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_flusha" "flusha | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_flusha" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Robin Rönnquist playing for Fnatic at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_flusha_foil" "flusha (Foil) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_flusha_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Robin Rönnquist playing for Fnatic at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_flusha_gold" "flusha (Gold) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_flusha_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Robin Rönnquist playing for Fnatic at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_jw" "JW | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_jw" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Jesper Wecksell playing for Fnatic at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_jw_foil" "JW (Foil) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_jw_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Jesper Wecksell playing for Fnatic at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_jw_gold" "JW (Gold) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_jw_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Jesper Wecksell playing for Fnatic at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_krimz" "KRIMZ | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_krimz" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Lars Freddy Johansson playing for Fnatic at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_krimz_foil" "KRIMZ (Foil) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_krimz_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Lars Freddy Johansson playing for Fnatic at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_krimz_gold" "KRIMZ (Gold) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_krimz_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Lars Freddy Johansson playing for Fnatic at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_olofmeister" "olofmeister | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_olofmeister" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Olof Kajbjer playing for Fnatic at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_olofmeister_foil" "olofmeister (Foil) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_olofmeister_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Olof Kajbjer playing for Fnatic at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_olofmeister_gold" "olofmeister (Gold) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_olofmeister_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Olof Kajbjer playing for Fnatic at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_pronax" "pronax | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_pronax" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Markus Wallsten playing for Fnatic at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_pronax_foil" "pronax (Foil) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_pronax_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Markus Wallsten playing for Fnatic at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_pronax_gold" "pronax (Gold) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_pronax_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Markus Wallsten playing for Fnatic at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_dennis" "dennis | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_dennis" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Dennis Edman playing for G2 Esports at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_dennis_foil" "dennis (Foil) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_dennis_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Dennis Edman playing for G2 Esports at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_dennis_gold" "dennis (Gold) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_dennis_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Dennis Edman playing for G2 Esports at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_fox" "fox | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_fox" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Ricardo Pacheco playing for G2 Esports at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_fox_foil" "fox (Foil) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_fox_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Ricardo Pacheco playing for G2 Esports at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_fox_gold" "fox (Gold) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_fox_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Ricardo Pacheco playing for G2 Esports at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_maikelele" "Maikelele | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_maikelele" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Mikail Bill playing for G2 Esports at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_maikelele_foil" "Maikelele (Foil) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_maikelele_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Mikail Bill playing for G2 Esports at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_maikelele_gold" "Maikelele (Gold) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_maikelele_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Mikail Bill playing for G2 Esports at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_rain" "rain | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_rain" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Håvard Nygaard playing for G2 Esports at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_rain_foil" "rain (Foil) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_rain_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Håvard Nygaard playing for G2 Esports at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_rain_gold" "rain (Gold) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_rain_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Håvard Nygaard playing for G2 Esports at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_jkaem" "jkaem | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_jkaem" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Joakim Myrbostad playing for G2 Esports at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_jkaem_foil" "jkaem (Foil) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_jkaem_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Joakim Myrbostad playing for G2 Esports at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_jkaem_gold" "jkaem (Gold) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_jkaem_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Joakim Myrbostad playing for G2 Esports at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_boltz" "boltz | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_boltz" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Ricardo Prass playing for Luminosity Gaming at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_boltz_foil" "boltz (Foil) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_boltz_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Ricardo Prass playing for Luminosity Gaming at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_boltz_gold" "boltz (Gold) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_boltz_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Ricardo Prass playing for Luminosity Gaming at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_coldzera" "coldzera | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_coldzera" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Marcelo David playing for Luminosity Gaming at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_coldzera_foil" "coldzera (Foil) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_coldzera_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Marcelo David playing for Luminosity Gaming at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_coldzera_gold" "coldzera (Gold) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_coldzera_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Marcelo David playing for Luminosity Gaming at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_fallen" "FalleN | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_fallen" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Gabriel Toledo playing for Luminosity Gaming at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_fallen_foil" "FalleN (Foil) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_fallen_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Gabriel Toledo playing for Luminosity Gaming at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_fallen_gold" "FalleN (Gold) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_fallen_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Gabriel Toledo playing for Luminosity Gaming at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_fer" "fer | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_fer" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Fernando Alvarenga playing for Luminosity Gaming at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_fer_foil" "fer (Foil) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_fer_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Fernando Alvarenga playing for Luminosity Gaming at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_fer_gold" "fer (Gold) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_fer_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Fernando Alvarenga playing for Luminosity Gaming at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_steel" "steel | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_steel" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Lucas Lopes playing for Luminosity Gaming at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_steel_foil" "steel (Foil) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_steel_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Lucas Lopes playing for Luminosity Gaming at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_steel_gold" "steel (Gold) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_steel_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Lucas Lopes playing for Luminosity Gaming at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_chrisj" "chrisJ | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_chrisj" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Chris de Jong playing for mousesports at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_chrisj_foil" "chrisJ (Foil) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_chrisj_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Chris de Jong playing for mousesports at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_chrisj_gold" "chrisJ (Gold) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_chrisj_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Chris de Jong playing for mousesports at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_denis" "denis | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_denis" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Denis Howell playing for mousesports at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_denis_foil" "denis (Foil) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_denis_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Denis Howell playing for mousesports at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_denis_gold" "denis (Gold) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_denis_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Denis Howell playing for mousesports at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_gobb" "gob b | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_gobb" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Fatih Dayik playing for mousesports at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_gobb_foil" "gob b (Foil) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_gobb_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Fatih Dayik playing for mousesports at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_gobb_gold" "gob b (Gold) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_gobb_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Fatih Dayik playing for mousesports at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_nex" "nex | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_nex" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Johannes Maget playing for mousesports at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_nex_foil" "nex (Foil) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_nex_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Johannes Maget playing for mousesports at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_nex_gold" "nex (Gold) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_nex_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Johannes Maget playing for mousesports at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_niko" "NiKo | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_niko" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Nikola Kovač playing for mousesports at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_niko_foil" "NiKo (Foil) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_niko_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Nikola Kovač playing for mousesports at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_niko_gold" "NiKo (Gold) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_niko_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Nikola Kovač playing for mousesports at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_edward" "Edward | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_edward" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Ioann Sukhariev playing for Natus Vincere at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_edward_foil" "Edward (Foil) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_edward_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Ioann Sukhariev playing for Natus Vincere at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_edward_gold" "Edward (Gold) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_edward_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Ioann Sukhariev playing for Natus Vincere at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_flamie" "flamie | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_flamie" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Egor Vasilyev playing for Natus Vincere at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_flamie_foil" "flamie (Foil) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_flamie_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Egor Vasilyev playing for Natus Vincere at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_flamie_gold" "flamie (Gold) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_flamie_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Egor Vasilyev playing for Natus Vincere at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_guardian" "GuardiaN | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_guardian" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Ladislav Kovács playing for Natus Vincere at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_guardian_foil" "GuardiaN (Foil) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_guardian_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Ladislav Kovács playing for Natus Vincere at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_guardian_gold" "GuardiaN (Gold) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_guardian_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Ladislav Kovács playing for Natus Vincere at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_seized" "seized | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_seized" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Denis Kostin playing for Natus Vincere at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_seized_foil" "seized (Foil) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_seized_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Denis Kostin playing for Natus Vincere at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_seized_gold" "seized (Gold) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_seized_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Denis Kostin playing for Natus Vincere at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_zeus" "Zeus | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_zeus" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Danylo Teslenko playing for Natus Vincere at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_zeus_foil" "Zeus (Foil) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_zeus_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Danylo Teslenko playing for Natus Vincere at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_zeus_gold" "Zeus (Gold) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_zeus_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Danylo Teslenko playing for Natus Vincere at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_allu" "allu | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_allu" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Aleksi Jalli playing for Ninjas in Pyjamas at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_allu_foil" "allu (Foil) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_allu_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Aleksi Jalli playing for Ninjas in Pyjamas at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_allu_gold" "allu (Gold) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_allu_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Aleksi Jalli playing for Ninjas in Pyjamas at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_forest" "f0rest | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_forest" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Patrik Lindberg playing for Ninjas in Pyjamas at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_forest_foil" "f0rest (Foil) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_forest_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Patrik Lindberg playing for Ninjas in Pyjamas at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_forest_gold" "f0rest (Gold) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_forest_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Patrik Lindberg playing for Ninjas in Pyjamas at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_friberg" "friberg | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_friberg" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Adam Friberg playing for Ninjas in Pyjamas at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_friberg_foil" "friberg (Foil) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_friberg_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Adam Friberg playing for Ninjas in Pyjamas at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_friberg_gold" "friberg (Gold) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_friberg_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Adam Friberg playing for Ninjas in Pyjamas at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_getright" "GeT_RiGhT | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_getright" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Christopher Alesund playing for Ninjas in Pyjamas at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_getright_foil" "GeT_RiGhT (Foil) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_getright_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Christopher Alesund playing for Ninjas in Pyjamas at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_getright_gold" "GeT_RiGhT (Gold) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_getright_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Christopher Alesund playing for Ninjas in Pyjamas at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_xizt" "Xizt | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_xizt" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Richard Landström playing for Ninjas in Pyjamas at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_xizt_foil" "Xizt (Foil) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_xizt_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Richard Landström playing for Ninjas in Pyjamas at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_xizt_gold" "Xizt (Gold) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_xizt_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Richard Landström playing for Ninjas in Pyjamas at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_aizy" "aizy | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_aizy" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Philip Aistrup Larsen playing for Team Dignitas at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_aizy_foil" "aizy (Foil) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_aizy_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Philip Aistrup Larsen playing for Team Dignitas at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_aizy_gold" "aizy (Gold) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_aizy_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Philip Aistrup Larsen playing for Team Dignitas at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_kjaerbye" "Kjaerbye | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_kjaerbye" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Markus Kjærbye playing for Team Dignitas at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_kjaerbye_foil" "Kjaerbye (Foil) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_kjaerbye_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Markus Kjærbye playing for Team Dignitas at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_kjaerbye_gold" "Kjaerbye (Gold) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_kjaerbye_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Markus Kjærbye playing for Team Dignitas at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_msl" "MSL | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_msl" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Mathias Sommer Lauridsen playing for Team Dignitas at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_msl_foil" "MSL (Foil) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_msl_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Mathias Sommer Lauridsen playing for Team Dignitas at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_msl_gold" "MSL (Gold) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_msl_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Mathias Sommer Lauridsen playing for Team Dignitas at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_pimp" "Pimp | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_pimp" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Jacob Winneche playing for Team Dignitas at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_pimp_foil" "Pimp (Foil) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_pimp_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Jacob Winneche playing for Team Dignitas at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_pimp_gold" "Pimp (Gold) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_pimp_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Jacob Winneche playing for Team Dignitas at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_tenzki" "tenzki | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_tenzki" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Jesper Mikalski playing for Team Dignitas at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_tenzki_foil" "tenzki (Foil) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_tenzki_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Jesper Mikalski playing for Team Dignitas at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_tenzki_gold" "tenzki (Gold) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_tenzki_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Jesper Mikalski playing for Team Dignitas at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_adren" "adreN | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_adren" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Eric Hoag playing for Team Liquid at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_adren_foil" "adreN (Foil) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_adren_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Eric Hoag playing for Team Liquid at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_adren_gold" "adreN (Gold) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_adren_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Eric Hoag playing for Team Liquid at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_elige" "EliGE | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_elige" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Jonathan Jablonowski playing for Team Liquid at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_elige_foil" "EliGE (Foil) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_elige_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Jonathan Jablonowski playing for Team Liquid at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_elige_gold" "EliGE (Gold) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_elige_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Jonathan Jablonowski playing for Team Liquid at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_fugly" "FugLy | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_fugly" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Jacob Medina playing for Team Liquid at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_fugly_foil" "FugLy (Foil) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_fugly_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Jacob Medina playing for Team Liquid at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_fugly_gold" "FugLy (Gold) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_fugly_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Jacob Medina playing for Team Liquid at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_hiko" "Hiko | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_hiko" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Spencer Martin playing for Team Liquid at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_hiko_foil" "Hiko (Foil) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_hiko_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Spencer Martin playing for Team Liquid at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_hiko_gold" "Hiko (Gold) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_hiko_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Spencer Martin playing for Team Liquid at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_nitro" "nitr0 | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_nitro" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Nicholas Cannella playing for Team Liquid at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_nitro_foil" "nitr0 (Foil) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_nitro_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Nicholas Cannella playing for Team Liquid at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_nitro_gold" "nitr0 (Gold) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_nitro_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Nicholas Cannella playing for Team Liquid at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_ex6tenz" "Ex6TenZ | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_ex6tenz" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Kévin Droolans playing for Titan at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_ex6tenz_foil" "Ex6TenZ (Foil) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_ex6tenz_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Kévin Droolans playing for Titan at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_ex6tenz_gold" "Ex6TenZ (Gold) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_ex6tenz_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Kévin Droolans playing for Titan at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_rpk" "RpK | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_rpk" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Cédric Guipouy playing for Titan at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_rpk_foil" "RpK (Foil) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_rpk_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Cédric Guipouy playing for Titan at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_rpk_gold" "RpK (Gold) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_rpk_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Cédric Guipouy playing for Titan at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_scream" "ScreaM | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_scream" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Adil Benrlitom playing for Titan at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_scream_foil" "ScreaM (Foil) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_scream_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Adil Benrlitom playing for Titan at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_scream_gold" "ScreaM (Gold) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_scream_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Adil Benrlitom playing for Titan at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_shox" "shox | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_shox" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Richard Papillon playing for Titan at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_shox_foil" "shox (Foil) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_shox_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Richard Papillon playing for Titan at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_shox_gold" "shox (Gold) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_shox_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Richard Papillon playing for Titan at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_smithzz" "SmithZz | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_smithzz" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Edouard Dubourdeaux playing for Titan at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_smithzz_foil" "SmithZz (Foil) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_smithzz_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Edouard Dubourdeaux playing for Titan at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_smithzz_gold" "SmithZz (Gold) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_smithzz_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Edouard Dubourdeaux playing for Titan at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_cajunb" "cajunb | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_cajunb" "This sticker was autographed by professional player René Borg playing for Team SoloMid at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_cajunb_foil" "cajunb (Foil) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_cajunb_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player René Borg playing for Team SoloMid at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_cajunb_gold" "cajunb (Gold) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_cajunb_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player René Borg playing for Team SoloMid at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_device" "device | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_device" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Nicolai Reedtz playing for Team SoloMid at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_device_foil" "device (Foil) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_device_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Nicolai Reedtz playing for Team SoloMid at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_device_gold" "device (Gold) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_device_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Nicolai Reedtz playing for Team SoloMid at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_dupreeh" "dupreeh | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_dupreeh" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Peter Rasmussen playing for Team SoloMid at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_dupreeh_foil" "dupreeh (Foil) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_dupreeh_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Peter Rasmussen playing for Team SoloMid at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_dupreeh_gold" "dupreeh (Gold) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_dupreeh_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Peter Rasmussen playing for Team SoloMid at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_karrigan" "karrigan | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_karrigan" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Finn Andersen playing for Team SoloMid at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_karrigan_foil" "karrigan (Foil) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_karrigan_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Finn Andersen playing for Team SoloMid at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_karrigan_gold" "karrigan (Gold) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_karrigan_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Finn Andersen playing for Team SoloMid at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_xyp9x" "Xyp9x | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_xyp9x" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Andreas Højsleth playing for Team SoloMid at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_xyp9x_foil" "Xyp9x (Foil) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_xyp9x_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Andreas Højsleth playing for Team SoloMid at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_xyp9x_gold" "Xyp9x (Gold) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_xyp9x_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Andreas Højsleth playing for Team SoloMid at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_furlan" "Furlan | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_furlan" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Damian Kislowski playing for Vexed Gaming at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_furlan_foil" "Furlan (Foil) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_furlan_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Damian Kislowski playing for Vexed Gaming at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_furlan_gold" "Furlan (Gold) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_furlan_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Damian Kislowski playing for Vexed Gaming at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_gruby" "GruBy | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_gruby" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Dominik Swiderski playing for Vexed Gaming at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_gruby_foil" "GruBy (Foil) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_gruby_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Dominik Swiderski playing for Vexed Gaming at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_gruby_gold" "GruBy (Gold) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_gruby_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Dominik Swiderski playing for Vexed Gaming at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_hyper" "Hyper | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_hyper" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Bartosz Wolny playing for Vexed Gaming at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_hyper_foil" "Hyper (Foil) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_hyper_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Bartosz Wolny playing for Vexed Gaming at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_hyper_gold" "Hyper (Gold) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_hyper_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Bartosz Wolny playing for Vexed Gaming at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_peet" "peet | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_peet" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Piotr Ćwikliński playing for Vexed Gaming at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_peet_foil" "peet (Foil) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_peet_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Piotr Ćwikliński playing for Vexed Gaming at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_peet_gold" "peet (Gold) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_peet_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Piotr Ćwikliński playing for Vexed Gaming at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_rallen" "rallen | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_rallen" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Karol Rodowicz playing for Vexed Gaming at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_rallen_foil" "rallen (Foil) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_rallen_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Karol Rodowicz playing for Vexed Gaming at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_rallen_gold" "rallen (Gold) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_rallen_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Karol Rodowicz playing for Vexed Gaming at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_byali" "byali | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_byali" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Pawel Bielinsky playing for Virtus.Pro at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_byali_foil" "byali (Foil) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_byali_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Pawel Bielinsky playing for Virtus.Pro at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_byali_gold" "byali (Gold) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_byali_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Pawel Bielinsky playing for Virtus.Pro at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_neo" "NEO | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_neo" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Filip Kubski playing for Virtus.Pro at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_neo_foil" "NEO (Foil) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_neo_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Filip Kubski playing for Virtus.Pro at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_neo_gold" "NEO (Gold) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_neo_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Filip Kubski playing for Virtus.Pro at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_pasha" "pashaBiceps | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_pasha" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Jarosław Jarząbkowski playing for Virtus.Pro at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_pasha_foil" "pashaBiceps (Foil) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_pasha_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Jarosław Jarząbkowski playing for Virtus.Pro at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_pasha_gold" "pashaBiceps (Gold) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_pasha_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Jarosław Jarząbkowski playing for Virtus.Pro at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_snax" "Snax | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_snax" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Janusz Pogorzelski playing for Virtus.Pro at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_snax_foil" "Snax (Foil) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_snax_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Janusz Pogorzelski playing for Virtus.Pro at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_snax_gold" "Snax (Gold) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_snax_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Janusz Pogorzelski playing for Virtus.Pro at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_taz" "TaZ | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_taz" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Wiktor Wojtas playing for Virtus.Pro at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_taz_foil" "TaZ (Foil) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_taz_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Wiktor Wojtas playing for Virtus.Pro at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_signature_taz_gold" "TaZ (Gold) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_signature_taz_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Wiktor Wojtas playing for Virtus.Pro at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"CSGO_crate_cluj2015_promo_de_dust2" "DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015 Dust II Souvenir Package"
"CSGO_crate_cluj2015_promo_de_mirage" "DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015 Mirage Souvenir Package"
"CSGO_crate_cluj2015_promo_de_inferno" "DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015 Inferno Souvenir Package"
"CSGO_crate_cluj2015_promo_de_cbble" "DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015 Cobblestone Souvenir Package"
"CSGO_crate_cluj2015_promo_de_overpass" "DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015 Overpass Souvenir Package"
"CSGO_crate_cluj2015_promo_de_cache" "DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015 Cache Souvenir Package"
"CSGO_crate_cluj2015_promo_de_train" "DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015 Train Souvenir Package"
"StickerKit_cluj2015_team_nip" "Ninjas in Pyjamas | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_team_nip" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_team_nip_foil" "Ninjas in Pyjamas (Foil) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_team_nip_foil" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_team_nip_gold" "Ninjas in Pyjamas (Gold) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_team_nip_gold" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_team_dig" "Team Dignitas | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_team_dig" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_team_dig_foil" "Team Dignitas (Foil) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_team_dig_foil" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_team_dig_gold" "Team Dignitas (Gold) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_team_dig_gold" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_team_clg" "Counter Logic Gaming | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_team_clg" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_team_clg_foil" "Counter Logic Gaming (Foil) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_team_clg_foil" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_team_clg_gold" "Counter Logic Gaming (Gold) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_team_clg_gold" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_team_vex" "Vexed Gaming | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_team_vex" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_team_vex_foil" "Vexed Gaming (Foil) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_team_vex_foil" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_team_vex_gold" "Vexed Gaming (Gold) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_team_vex_gold" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_team_flip" "Flipsid3 Tactics | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_team_flip" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_team_flip_foil" "Flipsid3 Tactics (Foil) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_team_flip_foil" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_team_flip_gold" "Flipsid3 Tactics (Gold) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_team_flip_gold" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_team_liq" "Team Liquid | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_team_liq" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_team_liq_foil" "Team Liquid (Foil) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_team_liq_foil" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_team_liq_gold" "Team Liquid (Gold) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_team_liq_gold" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_team_mss" "mousesports | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_team_mss" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_team_mss_foil" "mousesports (Foil) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_team_mss_foil" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_team_mss_gold" "mousesports (Gold) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_team_mss_gold" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_team_navi" "Natus Vincere | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_team_navi" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_team_navi_foil" "Natus Vincere (Foil) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_team_navi_foil" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_team_navi_gold" "Natus Vincere (Gold) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_team_navi_gold" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_team_vp" "Virtus.Pro | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_team_vp" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_team_vp_foil" "Virtus.Pro (Foil) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_team_vp_foil" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_team_vp_gold" "Virtus.Pro (Gold) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_team_vp_gold" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_team_c9" "Cloud9 | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_team_c9" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_team_c9_foil" "Cloud9 (Foil) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_team_c9_foil" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_team_c9_gold" "Cloud9 (Gold) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_team_c9_gold" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_team_g2" "G2 Esports | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_team_g2" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_team_g2_foil" "G2 Esports (Foil) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_team_g2_foil" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_team_g2_gold" "G2 Esports (Gold) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_team_g2_gold" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_team_tit" "Titan | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_team_tit" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_team_tit_foil" "Titan (Foil) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_team_tit_foil" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_team_tit_gold" "Titan (Gold) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_team_tit_gold" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_team_tsolo" "Team SoloMid | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_team_tsolo" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_team_tsolo_foil" "Team SoloMid (Foil) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_team_tsolo_foil" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_team_tsolo_gold" "Team SoloMid (Gold) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_team_tsolo_gold" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_team_nv" "Team EnVyUs | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_team_nv" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_team_nv_foil" "Team EnVyUs (Foil) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_team_nv_foil" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_team_nv_gold" "Team EnVyUs (Gold) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_team_nv_gold" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_team_fntc" "Fnatic | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_team_fntc" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_team_fntc_foil" "Fnatic (Foil) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_team_fntc_foil" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_team_fntc_gold" "Fnatic (Gold) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_team_fntc_gold" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_team_lumi" "Luminosity Gaming | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_team_lumi" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_team_lumi_foil" "Luminosity Gaming (Foil) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_team_lumi_foil" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_team_lumi_gold" "Luminosity Gaming (Gold) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_team_lumi_gold" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_team_dhc" "DreamHack | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_team_dhc" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_team_dhc_foil" "DreamHack (Foil) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_team_dhc_foil" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included organizations."
"StickerKit_cluj2015_team_dhc_gold" "DreamHack (Gold) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"StickerKit_desc_cluj2015_team_dhc_gold" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included organizations."
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_cluj2015_nip" "Autograph Capsule | Ninjas in Pyjamas | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_cluj2015_nip_desc" "This capsule contains a single sticker autographed by one of the players from Ninjas in Pyjamas at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this capsule support the included players and organizations.\n\nThat sticker can be applied to any weapon you own and can be scraped to look more worn. You can scrape the same sticker multiple times, making it a bit more worn each time, until it is removed from the weapon."
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_cluj2015_dig" "Autograph Capsule | Team Dignitas | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_cluj2015_dig_desc" "This capsule contains a single sticker autographed by one of the players from Team Dignitas at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this capsule support the included players and organizations.\n\nThat sticker can be applied to any weapon you own and can be scraped to look more worn. You can scrape the same sticker multiple times, making it a bit more worn each time, until it is removed from the weapon."
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_cluj2015_clg" "Autograph Capsule | Counter Logic Gaming | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_cluj2015_clg_desc" "This capsule contains a single sticker autographed by one of the players from Counter Logic Gaming at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this capsule support the included players and organizations.\n\nThat sticker can be applied to any weapon you own and can be scraped to look more worn. You can scrape the same sticker multiple times, making it a bit more worn each time, until it is removed from the weapon."
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_cluj2015_vex" "Autograph Capsule | Vexed Gaming | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_cluj2015_vex_desc" "This capsule contains a single sticker autographed by one of the players from Vexed Gaming at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this capsule support the included players and organizations.\n\nThat sticker can be applied to any weapon you own and can be scraped to look more worn. You can scrape the same sticker multiple times, making it a bit more worn each time, until it is removed from the weapon."
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_cluj2015_flip" "Autograph Capsule | Flipsid3 Tactics | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_cluj2015_flip_desc" "This capsule contains a single sticker autographed by one of the players from Flipsid3 Tactics at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this capsule support the included players and organizations.\n\nThat sticker can be applied to any weapon you own and can be scraped to look more worn. You can scrape the same sticker multiple times, making it a bit more worn each time, until it is removed from the weapon."
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_cluj2015_liq" "Autograph Capsule | Team Liquid | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_cluj2015_liq_desc" "This capsule contains a single sticker autographed by one of the players from Team Liquid at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this capsule support the included players and organizations.\n\nThat sticker can be applied to any weapon you own and can be scraped to look more worn. You can scrape the same sticker multiple times, making it a bit more worn each time, until it is removed from the weapon."
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_cluj2015_mss" "Autograph Capsule | mousesports | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_cluj2015_mss_desc" "This capsule contains a single sticker autographed by one of the players from mousesports at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this capsule support the included players and organizations.\n\nThat sticker can be applied to any weapon you own and can be scraped to look more worn. You can scrape the same sticker multiple times, making it a bit more worn each time, until it is removed from the weapon."
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_cluj2015_navi" "Autograph Capsule | Natus Vincere | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_cluj2015_navi_desc" "This capsule contains a single sticker autographed by one of the players from Natus Vincere at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this capsule support the included players and organizations.\n\nThat sticker can be applied to any weapon you own and can be scraped to look more worn. You can scrape the same sticker multiple times, making it a bit more worn each time, until it is removed from the weapon."
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_cluj2015_vp" "Autograph Capsule | Virtus.Pro | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_cluj2015_vp_desc" "This capsule contains a single sticker autographed by one of the players from Virtus.Pro at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this capsule support the included players and organizations.\n\nThat sticker can be applied to any weapon you own and can be scraped to look more worn. You can scrape the same sticker multiple times, making it a bit more worn each time, until it is removed from the weapon."
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_cluj2015_c9" "Autograph Capsule | Cloud9 | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_cluj2015_c9_desc" "This capsule contains a single sticker autographed by one of the players from Cloud9 at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this capsule support the included players and organizations.\n\nThat sticker can be applied to any weapon you own and can be scraped to look more worn. You can scrape the same sticker multiple times, making it a bit more worn each time, until it is removed from the weapon."
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_cluj2015_g2" "Autograph Capsule | G2 Esports | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_cluj2015_g2_desc" "This capsule contains a single sticker autographed by one of the players from G2 Esports at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this capsule support the included players and organizations.\n\nThat sticker can be applied to any weapon you own and can be scraped to look more worn. You can scrape the same sticker multiple times, making it a bit more worn each time, until it is removed from the weapon."
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_cluj2015_tit" "Autograph Capsule | Titan | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_cluj2015_tit_desc" "This capsule contains a single sticker autographed by one of the players from Titan at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this capsule support the included players and organizations.\n\nThat sticker can be applied to any weapon you own and can be scraped to look more worn. You can scrape the same sticker multiple times, making it a bit more worn each time, until it is removed from the weapon."
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_cluj2015_tsolo" "Autograph Capsule | Team SoloMid | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_cluj2015_tsolo_desc" "This capsule contains a single sticker autographed by one of the players from Team SoloMid at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this capsule support the included players and organizations.\n\nThat sticker can be applied to any weapon you own and can be scraped to look more worn. You can scrape the same sticker multiple times, making it a bit more worn each time, until it is removed from the weapon."
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_cluj2015_nv" "Autograph Capsule | Team EnVyUs | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_cluj2015_nv_desc" "This capsule contains a single sticker autographed by one of the players from Team EnVyUs at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this capsule support the included players and organizations.\n\nThat sticker can be applied to any weapon you own and can be scraped to look more worn. You can scrape the same sticker multiple times, making it a bit more worn each time, until it is removed from the weapon."
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_cluj2015_fntc" "Autograph Capsule | Fnatic | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_cluj2015_fntc_desc" "This capsule contains a single sticker autographed by one of the players from Fnatic at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this capsule support the included players and organizations.\n\nThat sticker can be applied to any weapon you own and can be scraped to look more worn. You can scrape the same sticker multiple times, making it a bit more worn each time, until it is removed from the weapon."
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_cluj2015_lumi" "Autograph Capsule | Luminosity Gaming | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_cluj2015_lumi_desc" "This capsule contains a single sticker autographed by one of the players from Luminosity Gaming at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this capsule support the included players and organizations.\n\nThat sticker can be applied to any weapon you own and can be scraped to look more worn. You can scrape the same sticker multiple times, making it a bit more worn each time, until it is removed from the weapon."
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_cluj2015_group_1" "Autograph Capsule | Challengers (Foil) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_cluj2015_group_1_desc" "This capsule contains a single Foil sticker autographed by one of the players from Challengers teams at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this capsule support the included players and organizations.\n\nThat sticker can be applied to any weapon you own and can be scraped to look more worn. You can scrape the same sticker multiple times, making it a bit more worn each time, until it is removed from the weapon."
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_cluj2015_group_2" "Autograph Capsule | Legends (Foil) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_cluj2015_group_2_desc" "This capsule contains a single Foil sticker autographed by one of the players from Legends teams at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this capsule support the included players and organizations.\n\nThat sticker can be applied to any weapon you own and can be scraped to look more worn. You can scrape the same sticker multiple times, making it a bit more worn each time, until it is removed from the weapon."
"CSGO_crate_sticker_pack_cluj2015_legends_tag" "DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015 Legends"
"CSGO_crate_sticker_pack_cluj2015_legends" "DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015 Legends (Foil)"
"CSGO_crate_sticker_pack_cluj2015_legends_desc" "This capsule contains a single DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015 participant Foil sticker.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this capsule support the included organizations.\n\nThat sticker can be applied to any weapon you own and can be scraped to look more worn. You can scrape the same sticker multiple times, making it a bit more worn each time, until it is removed from the weapon."
"CSGO_crate_sticker_pack_cluj2015_challengers_tag" "DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015 Challengers"
"CSGO_crate_sticker_pack_cluj2015_challengers" "DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015 Challengers (Foil)"
"CSGO_crate_sticker_pack_cluj2015_challengers_desc" "This capsule contains a single DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015 participant Foil sticker.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this capsule support the included organizations.\n\nThat sticker can be applied to any weapon you own and can be scraped to look more worn. You can scrape the same sticker multiple times, making it a bit more worn each time, until it is removed from the weapon."
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_cluj2015_group_players_tag" "DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015 Player Autographs"
// MLG Columbus 2016 Strings Block Begin
// ======================================
// Strings for all team stickers and capsules for MLG Columbus 2016
"StickerKit_columbus2016_team_mlg" "MLG | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_team_mlg" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_team_mlg_holo" "MLG (Holo) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_team_mlg_holo" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_team_mlg_foil" "MLG (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_team_mlg_foil" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_team_mlg_gold" "MLG (Gold) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_team_mlg_gold" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_team_nip" "Ninjas in Pyjamas | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_team_nip" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_team_nip_holo" "Ninjas in Pyjamas (Holo) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_team_nip_holo" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_team_nip_foil" "Ninjas in Pyjamas (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_team_nip_foil" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_team_nip_gold" "Ninjas in Pyjamas (Gold) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_team_nip_gold" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_team_splc" "Splyce | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_team_splc" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_team_splc_holo" "Splyce (Holo) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_team_splc_holo" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_team_splc_foil" "Splyce (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_team_splc_foil" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_team_splc_gold" "Splyce (Gold) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_team_splc_gold" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_team_clg" "Counter Logic Gaming | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_team_clg" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_team_clg_holo" "Counter Logic Gaming (Holo) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_team_clg_holo" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_team_clg_foil" "Counter Logic Gaming (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_team_clg_foil" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_team_clg_gold" "Counter Logic Gaming (Gold) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_team_clg_gold" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_team_gamb" "Gambit Gaming | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_team_gamb" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_team_gamb_holo" "Gambit Gaming (Holo) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_team_gamb_holo" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_team_gamb_foil" "Gambit Gaming (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_team_gamb_foil" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_team_gamb_gold" "Gambit Gaming (Gold) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_team_gamb_gold" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_team_flip" "Flipsid3 Tactics | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_team_flip" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_team_flip_holo" "Flipsid3 Tactics (Holo) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_team_flip_holo" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_team_flip_foil" "Flipsid3 Tactics (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_team_flip_foil" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_team_flip_gold" "Flipsid3 Tactics (Gold) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_team_flip_gold" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_team_liq" "Team Liquid | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_team_liq" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_team_liq_holo" "Team Liquid (Holo) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_team_liq_holo" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_team_liq_foil" "Team Liquid (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_team_liq_foil" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_team_liq_gold" "Team Liquid (Gold) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_team_liq_gold" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_team_mss" "mousesports | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_team_mss" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_team_mss_holo" "mousesports (Holo) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_team_mss_holo" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_team_mss_foil" "mousesports (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_team_mss_foil" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_team_mss_gold" "mousesports (Gold) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_team_mss_gold" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_team_navi" "Natus Vincere | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_team_navi" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_team_navi_holo" "Natus Vincere (Holo) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_team_navi_holo" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_team_navi_foil" "Natus Vincere (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_team_navi_foil" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_team_navi_gold" "Natus Vincere (Gold) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_team_navi_gold" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_team_vp" "Virtus.Pro | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_team_vp" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_team_vp_holo" "Virtus.Pro (Holo) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_team_vp_holo" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_team_vp_foil" "Virtus.Pro (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_team_vp_foil" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_team_vp_gold" "Virtus.Pro (Gold) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_team_vp_gold" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_team_c9" "Cloud9 | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_team_c9" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_team_c9_holo" "Cloud9 (Holo) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_team_c9_holo" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_team_c9_foil" "Cloud9 (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_team_c9_foil" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_team_c9_gold" "Cloud9 (Gold) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_team_c9_gold" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_team_g2" "G2 Esports | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_team_g2" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_team_g2_holo" "G2 Esports (Holo) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_team_g2_holo" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_team_g2_foil" "G2 Esports (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_team_g2_foil" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_team_g2_gold" "G2 Esports (Gold) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_team_g2_gold" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_team_faze" "FaZe Clan | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_team_faze" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_team_faze_holo" "FaZe Clan (Holo) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_team_faze_holo" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_team_faze_foil" "FaZe Clan (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_team_faze_foil" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_team_faze_gold" "FaZe Clan (Gold) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_team_faze_gold" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_team_astr" "Astralis | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_team_astr" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_team_astr_holo" "Astralis (Holo) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_team_astr_holo" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_team_astr_foil" "Astralis (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_team_astr_foil" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_team_astr_gold" "Astralis (Gold) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_team_astr_gold" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_team_nv" "Team EnVyUs | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_team_nv" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_team_nv_holo" "Team EnVyUs (Holo) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_team_nv_holo" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_team_nv_foil" "Team EnVyUs (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_team_nv_foil" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_team_nv_gold" "Team EnVyUs (Gold) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_team_nv_gold" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_team_fntc" "Fnatic | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_team_fntc" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_team_fntc_holo" "Fnatic (Holo) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_team_fntc_holo" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_team_fntc_foil" "Fnatic (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_team_fntc_foil" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_team_fntc_gold" "Fnatic (Gold) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_team_fntc_gold" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_team_lumi" "Luminosity Gaming | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_team_lumi" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_team_lumi_holo" "Luminosity Gaming (Holo) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_team_lumi_holo" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_team_lumi_foil" "Luminosity Gaming (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_team_lumi_foil" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_team_lumi_gold" "Luminosity Gaming (Gold) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_team_lumi_gold" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_columbus2016_nip" "Autograph Capsule | Ninjas in Pyjamas | MLG Columbus 2016"
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_columbus2016_nip_desc" "This capsule contains a single sticker autographed by one of the players from Ninjas in Pyjamas at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this capsule support the included players and organizations.\n\nThat sticker can be applied to any weapon you own and can be scraped to look more worn. You can scrape the same sticker multiple times, making it a bit more worn each time, until it is removed from the weapon."
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_columbus2016_splc" "Autograph Capsule | Splyce | MLG Columbus 2016"
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_columbus2016_splc_desc" "This capsule contains a single sticker autographed by one of the players from Splyce at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this capsule support the included players and organizations.\n\nThat sticker can be applied to any weapon you own and can be scraped to look more worn. You can scrape the same sticker multiple times, making it a bit more worn each time, until it is removed from the weapon."
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_columbus2016_clg" "Autograph Capsule | Counter Logic Gaming | MLG Columbus 2016"
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_columbus2016_clg_desc" "This capsule contains a single sticker autographed by one of the players from Counter Logic Gaming at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this capsule support the included players and organizations.\n\nThat sticker can be applied to any weapon you own and can be scraped to look more worn. You can scrape the same sticker multiple times, making it a bit more worn each time, until it is removed from the weapon."
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_columbus2016_gamb" "Autograph Capsule | Gambit Gaming | MLG Columbus 2016"
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_columbus2016_gamb_desc" "This capsule contains a single sticker autographed by one of the players from Gambit Gaming at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this capsule support the included players and organizations.\n\nThat sticker can be applied to any weapon you own and can be scraped to look more worn. You can scrape the same sticker multiple times, making it a bit more worn each time, until it is removed from the weapon."
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_columbus2016_flip" "Autograph Capsule | Flipsid3 Tactics | MLG Columbus 2016"
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_columbus2016_flip_desc" "This capsule contains a single sticker autographed by one of the players from Flipsid3 Tactics at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this capsule support the included players and organizations.\n\nThat sticker can be applied to any weapon you own and can be scraped to look more worn. You can scrape the same sticker multiple times, making it a bit more worn each time, until it is removed from the weapon."
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_columbus2016_liq" "Autograph Capsule | Team Liquid | MLG Columbus 2016"
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_columbus2016_liq_desc" "This capsule contains a single sticker autographed by one of the players from Team Liquid at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this capsule support the included players and organizations.\n\nThat sticker can be applied to any weapon you own and can be scraped to look more worn. You can scrape the same sticker multiple times, making it a bit more worn each time, until it is removed from the weapon."
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_columbus2016_mss" "Autograph Capsule | mousesports | MLG Columbus 2016"
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_columbus2016_mss_desc" "This capsule contains a single sticker autographed by one of the players from mousesports at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this capsule support the included players and organizations.\n\nThat sticker can be applied to any weapon you own and can be scraped to look more worn. You can scrape the same sticker multiple times, making it a bit more worn each time, until it is removed from the weapon."
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_columbus2016_navi" "Autograph Capsule | Natus Vincere | MLG Columbus 2016"
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_columbus2016_navi_desc" "This capsule contains a single sticker autographed by one of the players from Natus Vincere at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this capsule support the included players and organizations.\n\nThat sticker can be applied to any weapon you own and can be scraped to look more worn. You can scrape the same sticker multiple times, making it a bit more worn each time, until it is removed from the weapon."
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_columbus2016_vp" "Autograph Capsule | Virtus.Pro | MLG Columbus 2016"
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_columbus2016_vp_desc" "This capsule contains a single sticker autographed by one of the players from Virtus.Pro at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this capsule support the included players and organizations.\n\nThat sticker can be applied to any weapon you own and can be scraped to look more worn. You can scrape the same sticker multiple times, making it a bit more worn each time, until it is removed from the weapon."
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_columbus2016_c9" "Autograph Capsule | Cloud9 | MLG Columbus 2016"
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_columbus2016_c9_desc" "This capsule contains a single sticker autographed by one of the players from Cloud9 at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this capsule support the included players and organizations.\n\nThat sticker can be applied to any weapon you own and can be scraped to look more worn. You can scrape the same sticker multiple times, making it a bit more worn each time, until it is removed from the weapon."
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_columbus2016_g2" "Autograph Capsule | G2 Esports | MLG Columbus 2016"
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_columbus2016_g2_desc" "This capsule contains a single sticker autographed by one of the players from G2 Esports at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this capsule support the included players and organizations.\n\nThat sticker can be applied to any weapon you own and can be scraped to look more worn. You can scrape the same sticker multiple times, making it a bit more worn each time, until it is removed from the weapon."
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_columbus2016_faze" "Autograph Capsule | FaZe Clan | MLG Columbus 2016"
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_columbus2016_faze_desc" "This capsule contains a single sticker autographed by one of the players from FaZe Clan at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this capsule support the included players and organizations.\n\nThat sticker can be applied to any weapon you own and can be scraped to look more worn. You can scrape the same sticker multiple times, making it a bit more worn each time, until it is removed from the weapon."
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_columbus2016_astr" "Autograph Capsule | Astralis | MLG Columbus 2016"
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_columbus2016_astr_desc" "This capsule contains a single sticker autographed by one of the players from Astralis at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this capsule support the included players and organizations.\n\nThat sticker can be applied to any weapon you own and can be scraped to look more worn. You can scrape the same sticker multiple times, making it a bit more worn each time, until it is removed from the weapon."
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_columbus2016_nv" "Autograph Capsule | Team EnVyUs | MLG Columbus 2016"
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_columbus2016_nv_desc" "This capsule contains a single sticker autographed by one of the players from Team EnVyUs at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this capsule support the included players and organizations.\n\nThat sticker can be applied to any weapon you own and can be scraped to look more worn. You can scrape the same sticker multiple times, making it a bit more worn each time, until it is removed from the weapon."
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_columbus2016_fntc" "Autograph Capsule | Fnatic | MLG Columbus 2016"
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_columbus2016_fntc_desc" "This capsule contains a single sticker autographed by one of the players from Fnatic at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this capsule support the included players and organizations.\n\nThat sticker can be applied to any weapon you own and can be scraped to look more worn. You can scrape the same sticker multiple times, making it a bit more worn each time, until it is removed from the weapon."
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_columbus2016_lumi" "Autograph Capsule | Luminosity Gaming | MLG Columbus 2016"
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_columbus2016_lumi_desc" "This capsule contains a single sticker autographed by one of the players from Luminosity Gaming at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this capsule support the included players and organizations.\n\nThat sticker can be applied to any weapon you own and can be scraped to look more worn. You can scrape the same sticker multiple times, making it a bit more worn each time, until it is removed from the weapon."
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_columbus2016_group_1" "Autograph Capsule | Challengers (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_columbus2016_group_1_desc" "This capsule contains a single Foil sticker autographed by one of the players from Challengers teams at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this capsule support the included players and organizations.\n\nThat sticker can be applied to any weapon you own and can be scraped to look more worn. You can scrape the same sticker multiple times, making it a bit more worn each time, until it is removed from the weapon."
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_columbus2016_group_2" "Autograph Capsule | Legends (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_columbus2016_group_2_desc" "This capsule contains a single Foil sticker autographed by one of the players from Legends teams at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this capsule support the included players and organizations.\n\nThat sticker can be applied to any weapon you own and can be scraped to look more worn. You can scrape the same sticker multiple times, making it a bit more worn each time, until it is removed from the weapon."
"CSGO_crate_sticker_pack_columbus2016_challengers_tag" "MLG Columbus 2016 Challengers"
"CSGO_crate_sticker_pack_columbus2016_challengers" "MLG Columbus 2016 Challengers (Holo/Foil)"
"CSGO_crate_sticker_pack_columbus2016_challengers_desc" "This capsule contains a single MLG Columbus 2016 participant Holo or Foil sticker.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this capsule support the included players and organizations.\n\nThat sticker can be applied to any weapon you own and can be scraped to look more worn. You can scrape the same sticker multiple times, making it a bit more worn each time, until it is removed from the weapon."
"CSGO_crate_sticker_pack_columbus2016_legends_tag" "MLG Columbus 2016 Legends"
"CSGO_crate_sticker_pack_columbus2016_legends" "MLG Columbus 2016 Legends (Holo/Foil)"
"CSGO_crate_sticker_pack_columbus2016_legends_desc" "This capsule contains a single MLG Columbus 2016 participant Holo or Foil sticker.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this capsule support the included players and organizations.\n\nThat sticker can be applied to any weapon you own and can be scraped to look more worn. You can scrape the same sticker multiple times, making it a bit more worn each time, until it is removed from the weapon."
"CSGO_crate_signature_pack_columbus2016_group_players_tag" "MLG Columbus 2016 Player Autographs"
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_reltuc" "reltuC | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_reltuc" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Steven Cutler playing for Counter Logic Gaming at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_reltuc_foil" "reltuC (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_reltuc_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Steven Cutler playing for Counter Logic Gaming at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_reltuc_gold" "reltuC (Gold) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_reltuc_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Steven Cutler playing for Counter Logic Gaming at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_fugly" "FugLy | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_fugly" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Jacob Medina playing for Counter Logic Gaming at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_fugly_foil" "FugLy (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_fugly_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Jacob Medina playing for Counter Logic Gaming at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_fugly_gold" "FugLy (Gold) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_fugly_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Jacob Medina playing for Counter Logic Gaming at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_hazed" "hazed | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_hazed" "This sticker was autographed by professional player James Cobb playing for Counter Logic Gaming at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_hazed_foil" "hazed (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_hazed_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player James Cobb playing for Counter Logic Gaming at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_hazed_gold" "hazed (Gold) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_hazed_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player James Cobb playing for Counter Logic Gaming at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_jdm64" "jdm64 | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_jdm64" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Joshua Marzano playing for Counter Logic Gaming at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_jdm64_foil" "jdm64 (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_jdm64_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Joshua Marzano playing for Counter Logic Gaming at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_jdm64_gold" "jdm64 (Gold) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_jdm64_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Joshua Marzano playing for Counter Logic Gaming at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_tarik" "tarik | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_tarik" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Tarik Celik playing for Counter Logic Gaming at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_tarik_foil" "tarik (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_tarik_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Tarik Celik playing for Counter Logic Gaming at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_tarik_gold" "tarik (Gold) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_tarik_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Tarik Celik playing for Counter Logic Gaming at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_freakazoid" "freakazoid | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_freakazoid" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Ryan Abadir playing for Cloud9 at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_freakazoid_foil" "freakazoid (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_freakazoid_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Ryan Abadir playing for Cloud9 at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_freakazoid_gold" "freakazoid (Gold) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_freakazoid_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Ryan Abadir playing for Cloud9 at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_stewie2k" "Stewie2K | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_stewie2k" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Jacky Yip playing for Cloud9 at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_stewie2k_foil" "Stewie2K (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_stewie2k_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Jacky Yip playing for Cloud9 at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_stewie2k_gold" "Stewie2K (Gold) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_stewie2k_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Jacky Yip playing for Cloud9 at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_shroud" "shroud | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_shroud" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Michael Grzesiek playing for Cloud9 at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_shroud_foil" "shroud (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_shroud_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Michael Grzesiek playing for Cloud9 at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_shroud_gold" "shroud (Gold) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_shroud_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Michael Grzesiek playing for Cloud9 at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_skadoodle" "Skadoodle | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_skadoodle" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Tyler Latham playing for Cloud9 at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_skadoodle_foil" "Skadoodle (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_skadoodle_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Tyler Latham playing for Cloud9 at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_skadoodle_gold" "Skadoodle (Gold) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_skadoodle_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Tyler Latham playing for Cloud9 at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_nothing" "n0thing | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_nothing" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Jordan Gilbert playing for Cloud9 at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_nothing_foil" "n0thing (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_nothing_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Jordan Gilbert playing for Cloud9 at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_nothing_gold" "n0thing (Gold) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_nothing_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Jordan Gilbert playing for Cloud9 at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_apex" "apEX | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_apex" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Dan Madesclaire playing for Team EnVyUs at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_apex_foil" "apEX (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_apex_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Dan Madesclaire playing for Team EnVyUs at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_apex_gold" "apEX (Gold) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_apex_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Dan Madesclaire playing for Team EnVyUs at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_happy" "Happy | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_happy" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Vincent Cervoni playing for Team EnVyUs at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_happy_foil" "Happy (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_happy_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Vincent Cervoni playing for Team EnVyUs at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_happy_gold" "Happy (Gold) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_happy_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Vincent Cervoni playing for Team EnVyUs at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_devil" "DEVIL | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_devil" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Timothée Démolon playing for Team EnVyUs at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_devil_foil" "DEVIL (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_devil_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Timothée Démolon playing for Team EnVyUs at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_devil_gold" "DEVIL (Gold) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_devil_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Timothée Démolon playing for Team EnVyUs at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_kennys" "kennyS | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_kennys" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Kenny Schrub playing for Team EnVyUs at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_kennys_foil" "kennyS (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_kennys_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Kenny Schrub playing for Team EnVyUs at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_kennys_gold" "kennyS (Gold) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_kennys_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Kenny Schrub playing for Team EnVyUs at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_nbk" "NBK- | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_nbk" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Nathan Schmitt playing for Team EnVyUs at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_nbk_foil" "NBK- (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_nbk_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Nathan Schmitt playing for Team EnVyUs at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_nbk_gold" "NBK- (Gold) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_nbk_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Nathan Schmitt playing for Team EnVyUs at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_b1ad3" "B1ad3 | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_b1ad3" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Andrey Gorodenskiy playing for Flipsid3 Tactics at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_b1ad3_foil" "B1ad3 (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_b1ad3_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Andrey Gorodenskiy playing for Flipsid3 Tactics at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_b1ad3_gold" "B1ad3 (Gold) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_b1ad3_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Andrey Gorodenskiy playing for Flipsid3 Tactics at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_bondik" "bondik | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_bondik" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Vladyslav Nechyporchuk playing for Flipsid3 Tactics at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_bondik_foil" "bondik (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_bondik_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Vladyslav Nechyporchuk playing for Flipsid3 Tactics at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_bondik_gold" "bondik (Gold) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_bondik_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Vladyslav Nechyporchuk playing for Flipsid3 Tactics at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_shara" "Shara | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_shara" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Oleksandr Hordieiev playing for Flipsid3 Tactics at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_shara_foil" "Shara (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_shara_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Oleksandr Hordieiev playing for Flipsid3 Tactics at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_shara_gold" "Shara (Gold) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_shara_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Oleksandr Hordieiev playing for Flipsid3 Tactics at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_markeloff" "markeloff | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_markeloff" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Yegor Markelov playing for Flipsid3 Tactics at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_markeloff_foil" "markeloff (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_markeloff_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Yegor Markelov playing for Flipsid3 Tactics at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_markeloff_gold" "markeloff (Gold) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_markeloff_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Yegor Markelov playing for Flipsid3 Tactics at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_worldedit" "WorldEdit | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_worldedit" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Georgy Yaskin playing for Flipsid3 Tactics at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_worldedit_foil" "WorldEdit (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_worldedit_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Georgy Yaskin playing for Flipsid3 Tactics at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_worldedit_gold" "WorldEdit (Gold) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_worldedit_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Georgy Yaskin playing for Flipsid3 Tactics at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_flusha" "flusha | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_flusha" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Robin Rönnquist playing for Fnatic at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_flusha_foil" "flusha (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_flusha_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Robin Rönnquist playing for Fnatic at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_flusha_gold" "flusha (Gold) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_flusha_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Robin Rönnquist playing for Fnatic at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_jw" "JW | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_jw" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Jesper Wecksell playing for Fnatic at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_jw_foil" "JW (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_jw_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Jesper Wecksell playing for Fnatic at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_jw_gold" "JW (Gold) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_jw_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Jesper Wecksell playing for Fnatic at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_krimz" "KRIMZ | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_krimz" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Lars Freddy Johansson playing for Fnatic at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_krimz_foil" "KRIMZ (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_krimz_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Lars Freddy Johansson playing for Fnatic at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_krimz_gold" "KRIMZ (Gold) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_krimz_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Lars Freddy Johansson playing for Fnatic at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_olofmeister" "olofmeister | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_olofmeister" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Olof Kajbjer playing for Fnatic at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_olofmeister_foil" "olofmeister (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_olofmeister_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Olof Kajbjer playing for Fnatic at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_olofmeister_gold" "olofmeister (Gold) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_olofmeister_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Olof Kajbjer playing for Fnatic at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_dennis" "dennis | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_dennis" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Dennis Edman playing for Fnatic at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_dennis_foil" "dennis (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_dennis_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Dennis Edman playing for Fnatic at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_dennis_gold" "dennis (Gold) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_dennis_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Dennis Edman playing for Fnatic at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_aizy" "aizy | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_aizy" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Philip Aistrup Larsen playing for FaZe Clan at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_aizy_foil" "aizy (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_aizy_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Philip Aistrup Larsen playing for FaZe Clan at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_aizy_gold" "aizy (Gold) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_aizy_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Philip Aistrup Larsen playing for FaZe Clan at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_fox" "fox | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_fox" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Ricardo Pacheco playing for FaZe Clan at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_fox_foil" "fox (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_fox_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Ricardo Pacheco playing for FaZe Clan at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_fox_gold" "fox (Gold) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_fox_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Ricardo Pacheco playing for FaZe Clan at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_maikelele" "Maikelele | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_maikelele" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Mikail Bill playing for FaZe Clan at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_maikelele_foil" "Maikelele (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_maikelele_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Mikail Bill playing for FaZe Clan at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_maikelele_gold" "Maikelele (Gold) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_maikelele_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Mikail Bill playing for FaZe Clan at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_rain" "rain | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_rain" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Håvard Nygaard playing for FaZe Clan at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_rain_foil" "rain (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_rain_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Håvard Nygaard playing for FaZe Clan at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_rain_gold" "rain (Gold) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_rain_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Håvard Nygaard playing for FaZe Clan at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_jkaem" "jkaem | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_jkaem" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Joakim Myrbostad playing for FaZe Clan at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_jkaem_foil" "jkaem (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_jkaem_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Joakim Myrbostad playing for FaZe Clan at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_jkaem_gold" "jkaem (Gold) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_jkaem_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Joakim Myrbostad playing for FaZe Clan at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_fnx" "fnx | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_fnx" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Lincoln Lau playing for Luminosity Gaming at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_fnx_foil" "fnx (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_fnx_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Lincoln Lau playing for Luminosity Gaming at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_fnx_gold" "fnx (Gold) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_fnx_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Lincoln Lau playing for Luminosity Gaming at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_coldzera" "coldzera | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_coldzera" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Marcelo David playing for Luminosity Gaming at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_coldzera_foil" "coldzera (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_coldzera_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Marcelo David playing for Luminosity Gaming at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_coldzera_gold" "coldzera (Gold) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_coldzera_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Marcelo David playing for Luminosity Gaming at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_fallen" "FalleN | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_fallen" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Gabriel Toledo playing for Luminosity Gaming at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_fallen_foil" "FalleN (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_fallen_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Gabriel Toledo playing for Luminosity Gaming at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_fallen_gold" "FalleN (Gold) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_fallen_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Gabriel Toledo playing for Luminosity Gaming at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_fer" "fer | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_fer" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Fernando Alvarenga playing for Luminosity Gaming at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_fer_foil" "fer (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_fer_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Fernando Alvarenga playing for Luminosity Gaming at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_fer_gold" "fer (Gold) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_fer_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Fernando Alvarenga playing for Luminosity Gaming at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_taco" "TACO | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_taco" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Tacio Filho playing for Luminosity Gaming at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_taco_foil" "TACO (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_taco_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Tacio Filho playing for Luminosity Gaming at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_taco_gold" "TACO (Gold) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_taco_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Tacio Filho playing for Luminosity Gaming at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_chrisj" "chrisJ | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_chrisj" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Chris de Jong playing for mousesports at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_chrisj_foil" "chrisJ (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_chrisj_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Chris de Jong playing for mousesports at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_chrisj_gold" "chrisJ (Gold) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_chrisj_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Chris de Jong playing for mousesports at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_denis" "denis | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_denis" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Denis Howell playing for mousesports at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_denis_foil" "denis (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_denis_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Denis Howell playing for mousesports at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_denis_gold" "denis (Gold) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_denis_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Denis Howell playing for mousesports at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_spiidi" "Spiidi | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_spiidi" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Timo Richter playing for mousesports at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_spiidi_foil" "Spiidi (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_spiidi_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Timo Richter playing for mousesports at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_spiidi_gold" "Spiidi (Gold) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_spiidi_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Timo Richter playing for mousesports at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_nex" "nex | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_nex" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Johannes Maget playing for mousesports at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_nex_foil" "nex (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_nex_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Johannes Maget playing for mousesports at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_nex_gold" "nex (Gold) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_nex_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Johannes Maget playing for mousesports at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_niko" "NiKo | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_niko" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Nikola Kovač playing for mousesports at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_niko_foil" "NiKo (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_niko_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Nikola Kovač playing for mousesports at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_niko_gold" "NiKo (Gold) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_niko_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Nikola Kovač playing for mousesports at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_edward" "Edward | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_edward" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Ioann Sukhariev playing for Natus Vincere at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_edward_foil" "Edward (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_edward_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Ioann Sukhariev playing for Natus Vincere at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_edward_gold" "Edward (Gold) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_edward_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Ioann Sukhariev playing for Natus Vincere at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_flamie" "flamie | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_flamie" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Egor Vasilyev playing for Natus Vincere at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_flamie_foil" "flamie (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_flamie_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Egor Vasilyev playing for Natus Vincere at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_flamie_gold" "flamie (Gold) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_flamie_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Egor Vasilyev playing for Natus Vincere at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_guardian" "GuardiaN | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_guardian" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Ladislav Kovács playing for Natus Vincere at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_guardian_foil" "GuardiaN (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_guardian_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Ladislav Kovács playing for Natus Vincere at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_guardian_gold" "GuardiaN (Gold) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_guardian_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Ladislav Kovács playing for Natus Vincere at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_seized" "seized | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_seized" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Denis Kostin playing for Natus Vincere at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_seized_foil" "seized (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_seized_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Denis Kostin playing for Natus Vincere at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_seized_gold" "seized (Gold) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_seized_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Denis Kostin playing for Natus Vincere at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_zeus" "Zeus | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_zeus" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Danylo Teslenko playing for Natus Vincere at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_zeus_foil" "Zeus (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_zeus_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Danylo Teslenko playing for Natus Vincere at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_zeus_gold" "Zeus (Gold) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_zeus_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Danylo Teslenko playing for Natus Vincere at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_pyth" "pyth | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_pyth" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Jacob Mourujärvi playing for Ninjas in Pyjamas at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_pyth_foil" "pyth (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_pyth_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Jacob Mourujärvi playing for Ninjas in Pyjamas at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_pyth_gold" "pyth (Gold) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_pyth_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Jacob Mourujärvi playing for Ninjas in Pyjamas at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_forest" "f0rest | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_forest" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Patrik Lindberg playing for Ninjas in Pyjamas at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_forest_foil" "f0rest (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_forest_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Patrik Lindberg playing for Ninjas in Pyjamas at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_forest_gold" "f0rest (Gold) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_forest_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Patrik Lindberg playing for Ninjas in Pyjamas at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_friberg" "friberg | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_friberg" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Adam Friberg playing for Ninjas in Pyjamas at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_friberg_foil" "friberg (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_friberg_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Adam Friberg playing for Ninjas in Pyjamas at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_friberg_gold" "friberg (Gold) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_friberg_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Adam Friberg playing for Ninjas in Pyjamas at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_getright" "GeT_RiGhT | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_getright" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Christopher Alesund playing for Ninjas in Pyjamas at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_getright_foil" "GeT_RiGhT (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_getright_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Christopher Alesund playing for Ninjas in Pyjamas at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_getright_gold" "GeT_RiGhT (Gold) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_getright_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Christopher Alesund playing for Ninjas in Pyjamas at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_xizt" "Xizt | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_xizt" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Richard Landström playing for Ninjas in Pyjamas at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_xizt_foil" "Xizt (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_xizt_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Richard Landström playing for Ninjas in Pyjamas at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_xizt_gold" "Xizt (Gold) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_xizt_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Richard Landström playing for Ninjas in Pyjamas at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_jasonr" "jasonR | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_jasonr" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Jason Ruchelski playing for Splyce at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_jasonr_foil" "jasonR (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_jasonr_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Jason Ruchelski playing for Splyce at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_jasonr_gold" "jasonR (Gold) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_jasonr_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Jason Ruchelski playing for Splyce at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_arya" "arya | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_arya" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Arya Hekmat playing for Splyce at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_arya_foil" "arya (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_arya_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Arya Hekmat playing for Splyce at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_arya_gold" "arya (Gold) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_arya_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Arya Hekmat playing for Splyce at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_professorchaos" "Professor_Chaos | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_professorchaos" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Andrew Heintz playing for Splyce at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_professorchaos_foil" "Professor_Chaos (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_professorchaos_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Andrew Heintz playing for Splyce at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_professorchaos_gold" "Professor_Chaos (Gold) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_professorchaos_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Andrew Heintz playing for Splyce at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_davey" "DAVEY | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_davey" "This sticker was autographed by professional player David Stafford playing for Splyce at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_davey_foil" "DAVEY (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_davey_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player David Stafford playing for Splyce at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_davey_gold" "DAVEY (Gold) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_davey_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player David Stafford playing for Splyce at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_abe" "abE | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_abe" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Abraham Fazli playing for Splyce at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_abe_foil" "abE (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_abe_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Abraham Fazli playing for Splyce at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_abe_gold" "abE (Gold) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_abe_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Abraham Fazli playing for Splyce at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_adren" "adreN | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_adren" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Eric Hoag playing for Team Liquid at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_adren_foil" "adreN (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_adren_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Eric Hoag playing for Team Liquid at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_adren_gold" "adreN (Gold) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_adren_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Eric Hoag playing for Team Liquid at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_elige" "EliGE | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_elige" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Jonathan Jablonowski playing for Team Liquid at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_elige_foil" "EliGE (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_elige_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Jonathan Jablonowski playing for Team Liquid at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_elige_gold" "EliGE (Gold) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_elige_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Jonathan Jablonowski playing for Team Liquid at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_s1mple" "s1mple | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_s1mple" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Oleksandr Kostyliev playing for Team Liquid at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_s1mple_foil" "s1mple (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_s1mple_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Oleksandr Kostyliev playing for Team Liquid at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_s1mple_gold" "s1mple (Gold) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_s1mple_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Oleksandr Kostyliev playing for Team Liquid at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_hiko" "Hiko | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_hiko" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Spencer Martin playing for Team Liquid at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_hiko_foil" "Hiko (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_hiko_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Spencer Martin playing for Team Liquid at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_hiko_gold" "Hiko (Gold) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_hiko_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Spencer Martin playing for Team Liquid at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_nitro" "nitr0 | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_nitro" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Nicholas Cannella playing for Team Liquid at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_nitro_foil" "nitr0 (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_nitro_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Nicholas Cannella playing for Team Liquid at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_nitro_gold" "nitr0 (Gold) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_nitro_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Nicholas Cannella playing for Team Liquid at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_ex6tenz" "Ex6TenZ | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_ex6tenz" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Kévin Droolans playing for G2 Esports at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_ex6tenz_foil" "Ex6TenZ (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_ex6tenz_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Kévin Droolans playing for G2 Esports at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_ex6tenz_gold" "Ex6TenZ (Gold) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_ex6tenz_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Kévin Droolans playing for G2 Esports at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_rpk" "RpK | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_rpk" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Cédric Guipouy playing for G2 Esports at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_rpk_foil" "RpK (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_rpk_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Cédric Guipouy playing for G2 Esports at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_rpk_gold" "RpK (Gold) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_rpk_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Cédric Guipouy playing for G2 Esports at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_scream" "ScreaM | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_scream" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Adil Benrlitom playing for G2 Esports at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_scream_foil" "ScreaM (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_scream_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Adil Benrlitom playing for G2 Esports at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_scream_gold" "ScreaM (Gold) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_scream_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Adil Benrlitom playing for G2 Esports at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_shox" "shox | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_shox" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Richard Papillon playing for G2 Esports at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_shox_foil" "shox (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_shox_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Richard Papillon playing for G2 Esports at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_shox_gold" "shox (Gold) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_shox_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Richard Papillon playing for G2 Esports at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_smithzz" "SmithZz | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_smithzz" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Edouard Dubourdeaux playing for G2 Esports at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_smithzz_foil" "SmithZz (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_smithzz_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Edouard Dubourdeaux playing for G2 Esports at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_smithzz_gold" "SmithZz (Gold) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_smithzz_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Edouard Dubourdeaux playing for G2 Esports at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_cajunb" "cajunb | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_cajunb" "This sticker was autographed by professional player René Borg playing for Astralis at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_cajunb_foil" "cajunb (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_cajunb_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player René Borg playing for Astralis at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_cajunb_gold" "cajunb (Gold) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_cajunb_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player René Borg playing for Astralis at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_device" "device | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_device" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Nicolai Reedtz playing for Astralis at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_device_foil" "device (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_device_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Nicolai Reedtz playing for Astralis at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_device_gold" "device (Gold) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_device_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Nicolai Reedtz playing for Astralis at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_dupreeh" "dupreeh | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_dupreeh" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Peter Rasmussen playing for Astralis at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_dupreeh_foil" "dupreeh (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_dupreeh_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Peter Rasmussen playing for Astralis at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_dupreeh_gold" "dupreeh (Gold) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_dupreeh_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Peter Rasmussen playing for Astralis at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_karrigan" "karrigan | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_karrigan" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Finn Andersen playing for Astralis at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_karrigan_foil" "karrigan (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_karrigan_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Finn Andersen playing for Astralis at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_karrigan_gold" "karrigan (Gold) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_karrigan_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Finn Andersen playing for Astralis at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_xyp9x" "Xyp9x | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_xyp9x" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Andreas Højsleth playing for Astralis at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_xyp9x_foil" "Xyp9x (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_xyp9x_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Andreas Højsleth playing for Astralis at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_xyp9x_gold" "Xyp9x (Gold) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_xyp9x_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Andreas Højsleth playing for Astralis at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_waylander" "wayLander | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_waylander" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Jan Peter Rahkonen playing for Gambit Gaming at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_waylander_foil" "wayLander (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_waylander_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Jan Peter Rahkonen playing for Gambit Gaming at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_waylander_gold" "wayLander (Gold) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_waylander_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Jan Peter Rahkonen playing for Gambit Gaming at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_dosia" "Dosia | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_dosia" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Mikhail Stoliarov playing for Gambit Gaming at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_dosia_foil" "Dosia (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_dosia_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Mikhail Stoliarov playing for Gambit Gaming at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_dosia_gold" "Dosia (Gold) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_dosia_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Mikhail Stoliarov playing for Gambit Gaming at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_hooch" "hooch | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_hooch" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Dmitry Bogdanov playing for Gambit Gaming at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_hooch_foil" "hooch (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_hooch_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Dmitry Bogdanov playing for Gambit Gaming at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_hooch_gold" "hooch (Gold) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_hooch_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Dmitry Bogdanov playing for Gambit Gaming at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_mou" "mou | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_mou" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Rustem Telepov playing for Gambit Gaming at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_mou_foil" "mou (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_mou_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Rustem Telepov playing for Gambit Gaming at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_mou_gold" "mou (Gold) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_mou_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Rustem Telepov playing for Gambit Gaming at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_adrenkz" "AdreN | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_adrenkz" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Dauren Kystaubayev playing for Gambit Gaming at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_adrenkz_foil" "AdreN (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_adrenkz_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Dauren Kystaubayev playing for Gambit Gaming at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_adrenkz_gold" "AdreN (Gold) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_adrenkz_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Dauren Kystaubayev playing for Gambit Gaming at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_byali" "byali | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_byali" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Pawel Bielinsky playing for Virtus.Pro at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_byali_foil" "byali (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_byali_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Pawel Bielinsky playing for Virtus.Pro at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_byali_gold" "byali (Gold) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_byali_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Pawel Bielinsky playing for Virtus.Pro at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_neo" "NEO | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_neo" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Filip Kubski playing for Virtus.Pro at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_neo_foil" "NEO (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_neo_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Filip Kubski playing for Virtus.Pro at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_neo_gold" "NEO (Gold) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_neo_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Filip Kubski playing for Virtus.Pro at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_pasha" "pashaBiceps | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_pasha" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Jarosław Jarząbkowski playing for Virtus.Pro at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_pasha_foil" "pashaBiceps (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_pasha_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Jarosław Jarząbkowski playing for Virtus.Pro at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_pasha_gold" "pashaBiceps (Gold) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_pasha_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Jarosław Jarząbkowski playing for Virtus.Pro at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_snax" "Snax | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_snax" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Janusz Pogorzelski playing for Virtus.Pro at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_snax_foil" "Snax (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_snax_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Janusz Pogorzelski playing for Virtus.Pro at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_snax_gold" "Snax (Gold) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_snax_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Janusz Pogorzelski playing for Virtus.Pro at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_taz" "TaZ | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_taz" "This sticker was autographed by professional player Wiktor Wojtas playing for Virtus.Pro at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_taz_foil" "TaZ (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_taz_foil" "This foil sticker was autographed by professional player Wiktor Wojtas playing for Virtus.Pro at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_columbus2016_signature_taz_gold" "TaZ (Gold) | MLG Columbus 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_columbus2016_signature_taz_gold" "This gold sticker was autographed by professional player Wiktor Wojtas playing for Virtus.Pro at MLG Columbus 2016.\n\n50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"CSGO_crate_columbus2016_promo_de_dust2" "MLG Columbus 2016 Dust II Souvenir Package"
"CSGO_crate_columbus2016_promo_de_mirage" "MLG Columbus 2016 Mirage Souvenir Package"
"CSGO_crate_columbus2016_promo_de_inferno" "MLG Columbus 2016 Inferno Souvenir Package"
"CSGO_crate_columbus2016_promo_de_cbble" "MLG Columbus 2016 Cobblestone Souvenir Package"
"CSGO_crate_columbus2016_promo_de_overpass" "MLG Columbus 2016 Overpass Souvenir Package"
"CSGO_crate_columbus2016_promo_de_cache" "MLG Columbus 2016 Cache Souvenir Package"
"CSGO_crate_columbus2016_promo_de_train" "MLG Columbus 2016 Train Souvenir Package"
"CSGO_crate_columbus2016_promo_de_nuke" "MLG Columbus 2016 Nuke Souvenir Package"
// ======================================
// MLG Columbus 2016 Strings Block End
// MLG Columbus 2016 Strings Block Begin
// ======================================
// Strings for all team stickers and capsules for Cologne 2016
"StickerKit_cologne2016_team_esl" "ESL | Cologne 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_cologne2016_team_esl" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included organizations."
"StickerKit_cologne2016_team_esl_holo" "ESL (Holo) | Cologne 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_cologne2016_team_esl_holo" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included organizations."
"StickerKit_cologne2016_team_esl_foil" "ESL (Foil) | Cologne 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_cologne2016_team_esl_foil" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included organizations."
"StickerKit_cologne2016_team_esl_gold" "ESL (Gold) | Cologne 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_cologne2016_team_esl_gold" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included organizations."
"StickerKit_cologne2016_team_nip" "Ninjas in Pyjamas | Cologne 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_cologne2016_team_nip" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cologne2016_team_nip_holo" "Ninjas in Pyjamas (Holo) | Cologne 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_cologne2016_team_nip_holo" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cologne2016_team_nip_foil" "Ninjas in Pyjamas (Foil) | Cologne 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_cologne2016_team_nip_foil" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cologne2016_team_nip_gold" "Ninjas in Pyjamas (Gold) | Cologne 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_cologne2016_team_nip_gold" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cologne2016_team_optc" "OpTic Gaming | Cologne 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_cologne2016_team_optc" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cologne2016_team_optc_holo" "OpTic Gaming (Holo) | Cologne 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_cologne2016_team_optc_holo" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cologne2016_team_optc_foil" "OpTic Gaming (Foil) | Cologne 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_cologne2016_team_optc_foil" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cologne2016_team_optc_gold" "OpTic Gaming (Gold) | Cologne 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_cologne2016_team_optc_gold" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cologne2016_team_clg" "Counter Logic Gaming | Cologne 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_cologne2016_team_clg" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cologne2016_team_clg_holo" "Counter Logic Gaming (Holo) | Cologne 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_cologne2016_team_clg_holo" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cologne2016_team_clg_foil" "Counter Logic Gaming (Foil) | Cologne 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_cologne2016_team_clg_foil" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cologne2016_team_clg_gold" "Counter Logic Gaming (Gold) | Cologne 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_cologne2016_team_clg_gold" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cologne2016_team_gamb" "Gambit Gaming | Cologne 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_cologne2016_team_gamb" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cologne2016_team_gamb_holo" "Gambit Gaming (Holo) | Cologne 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_cologne2016_team_gamb_holo" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cologne2016_team_gamb_foil" "Gambit Gaming (Foil) | Cologne 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_cologne2016_team_gamb_foil" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cologne2016_team_gamb_gold" "Gambit Gaming (Gold) | Cologne 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_cologne2016_team_gamb_gold" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cologne2016_team_flip" "Flipsid3 Tactics | Cologne 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_cologne2016_team_flip" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cologne2016_team_flip_holo" "Flipsid3 Tactics (Holo) | Cologne 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_cologne2016_team_flip_holo" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cologne2016_team_flip_foil" "Flipsid3 Tactics (Foil) | Cologne 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_cologne2016_team_flip_foil" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cologne2016_team_flip_gold" "Flipsid3 Tactics (Gold) | Cologne 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_cologne2016_team_flip_gold" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cologne2016_team_liq" "Team Liquid | Cologne 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_cologne2016_team_liq" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cologne2016_team_liq_holo" "Team Liquid (Holo) | Cologne 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_cologne2016_team_liq_holo" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cologne2016_team_liq_foil" "Team Liquid (Foil) | Cologne 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_cologne2016_team_liq_foil" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cologne2016_team_liq_gold" "Team Liquid (Gold) | Cologne 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_cologne2016_team_liq_gold" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizations."
"StickerKit_cologne2016_team_mss" "mousesports | Cologne 2016"
"StickerKit_desc_cologne2016_team_mss" "50% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker support the included players and organizatio
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