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Created March 2, 2016 13:43
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auacm-cli is a command line tool that can be used to interact with the api through the terminal. The general command is auacm will subcommands for interacting with particular facets of the site.


  • [none] for general information
  • login/logout
  • problem
  • submit
  • comp[etition[s]]
  • blog

Story list

User management

  • whoami I can run a command that will tell me if I am logged in, and if so who I am logged in as

  • login I can run a command that will log me in as a user. My password will not display as I type it in

Problem management

  • problem [-v/--verbose [-i/--id]] [-a/--all] I can run a command that will return information about a problem given it's PID or (part of) it's name

    • If part of the name is given, the command will extrapolate which problem I am referring to. If it cannot, I will be informed.
    • If multiple matches for part of a problem name are found, the program will prompt me to narrow the results (limiting how much are displayed, with most relevant first).
  • problem info I can run a command that will return detailed information about a problem: the description, input/output, sample cases, etc. Follows same provisions as above

  • problem init I can run a command that will initialize a directory for a problem. The directory will have a title similar to the problem.

    • problem init -v/--verbose Optionally, I can have the command also create a readme file with the full problem description and directory containing the sample cases.
  • problem test file.sol I can run a command that will test my solution against the sample cases, be they downloaded in the current directory or pulled from the API.

Submission Management

  • problem submit file.sol [id/name] I can run a command that will submit my solution to the API, and I will receive the results of the submission (initially through API requests, though eventually via a socket connection)

Competition Management

  • comp[etition[s]] [-a/--all] I can run a command that will list recent and ongoing competitions

    • By default, only competitions in the past 2 months will be listed, though older competitions can be allowed by additional arguments
  • comp[etition[s]] info [cid]I can run a command that will list general info about a competition (participants, problems, time, etc.)

  • scoreboard [cid] I can run a command that will display the scoreboard of a competition at that given moment

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