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Last active January 4, 2016 15:39
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BrandonJS.xhr - Provides a helper which mimicks the WinJS.xhr interface but uses WinRT's new HttpClient under the hood if available.
// This file is part of the Brandon Library for JavaScript (BrandonJS)
// Original author: Brandon Paddock,
// Published under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License
// BrandonJS.xhr
// Provides a helper which mimicks WinJS.xhr but using WinRT's new HttpClient if available.
// If WinRT is not available, it falls back to WinJS.xhr.
// This mimicks enough for common usage scenarios, but you may need to extend it for some cases.
var hasWinRT = false;
(function (global) {
hasWinRT = !!global.Windows;
(function () {
"use strict";
// NOTE! By default, HttpClient doesn't send a UA string.
// By default we'll use what XHR would have used.
// You can change this here or per-request/client via options.userAgent.
var defaultUserAgent = navigator.userAgent;
// If we don't have WinRT, bail out and wire up to WinJS.xhr
if (!hasWinRT) {
WinJS.Namespace.define("BrandonJS", {
xhr: WinJS.xhr,
var Scheduler = WinJS.Utilities.Scheduler;
var winhttp = Windows.Web.Http;
var utf8 = Windows.Storage.Streams.UnicodeEncoding.utf8;
function schedule(f, arg, priority) {
Scheduler.schedule(function () {
}, priority, null, "BrandonJS.xhr");
// A mock XHR object we'll return in place of the real one you'd get from WinJS.xhr
var FakeXMLHttpRequest = WinJS.Class.define(function () {
this.readyState = 0;
this.response = null;
this.responseBody = null;
this.responseText = null;
this.responseType = null;
this.responseXML = null;
this.status = 0;
this.statusText = 0;
this.timeout = 0;
this.withCredentials = false;
}, {
abort: function () {
// Not implemented
getAllResponseHeaders: function () {
// Not implemented
getReponseHeader: function (name) {
var value = null;
if (this._httpResponse) {
value = this._httpResponse.headers.lookup(name);
return value;
open: function () {
// Not implemented
overrideMimeType: function () {
// Not implemented
send: function () {
// Not implemented
setRequestHeader: function () {
// Not implemented
_setReadyState: function (state) {
if (state != this.readyState) {
this.readyState = state;
WinJS.Class.mix(FakeXMLHttpRequest, WinJS.Utilities.eventMixin);
WinJS.Class.mix(FakeXMLHttpRequest, WinJS.Utilities.createEventProperties("readystatechanged"));
var namedClients = {};
var xhr = function (options) {
/// <signature helpKeyword="BrandonJS.xhr">
/// <summary locid="BrandonJS.xhr">
/// Wraps calls to HttpClient in a promise mimicking XmlHttpRequest.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="options" type="Object">
/// The options that are applied to the XMLHttpRequest object. They are: type,
/// url, user, password, headers, responseType, data, and customRequestInitializer.
/// </param>
/// <returns type="WinJS.Promise">
/// A promise that returns the XMLHttpRequest object when it completes.
/// </returns>
/// </signature>
if (options.responseType) { debugger; } // Not implemented
var sendPromise;
return new WinJS.Promise(
function (reportComplete, reportError, reportProgress) {
/// <returns value="reportComplete(new FakeXMLHttpRequest())">
var priority = options.priority || Scheduler.currentPriority;
var fakeRequest = new FakeXMLHttpRequest();
var httpClient;
// The sessionName option tells us to cache and reuse the HttpClient, and optimizaton for related requests.
// See HttpClient documentation for details about client reuse.
if (options.sessionName) {
httpClient = namedClients[options.sessionName];
if (!httpClient) {
// We must create HttpBaseProtocolFilter so we can disable UI.
// This is important because HttpClient gives weird error behaviors when used from a WebWorker if you don't do this.
// That is, it mangles error messages (i.e. returns an HWND error instead of 401) even in cases where it would never show UI.
var filter = new winhttp.Filters.HttpBaseProtocolFilter();
filter.allowUI = false;
httpClient = new winhttp.HttpClient(filter);
if (options.sessionName) {
namedClients[options.sessionName] = httpClient;
var headers = httpClient.defaultRequestHeaders;
headers.acceptEncoding.parseAdd("gzip, deflate");
if (options.userAgent || defaultUserAgent) {
// Note: If you don't specify this, no UA will be sent!
headers.userAgent.parseAdd(options.userAgent || defaultUserAgent);
var uri = new Windows.Foundation.Uri(options.url);
var method = winhttp.HttpMethod[options.type ? options.type.toLowerCase() : "get"];
var request = new winhttp.HttpRequestMessage(method, uri);
var contentType;
Object.keys(options.headers || {}).forEach(function (k) {
request.headers.tryAppendWithoutValidation(k, options.headers[k]);
if (k.toLowerCase() == "content-type") {
contentType = options.headers[k];
if ( {
if (typeof == "string") {
request.content = new winhttp.HttpStringContent(, utf8, contentType);
else {
// Unfortunately I didn't see a way to support JS multipart objects here.
// So callers must update to HttpMultipartFormDataContent.
request.content =;
else if (options.multipartData) {
request.content = options.multipartData;
if (options.customRequestInitializer || options.user || options.password) {
// Not supported! (at least not yet - feel free to add!)
sendPromise = httpClient.sendRequestAsync(request, winhttp.HttpCompletionOption.responseHeadersRead);
sendPromise.then(function (response) {
fakeRequest._httpResponse = response;
fakeRequest.status = response.statusCode;
fakeRequest.statusText = response.reasonPhrase;
schedule(reportProgress, fakeRequest, priority);
response.content.readAsStringAsync().then(function (text) {
fakeRequest.status = response.statusCode;
fakeRequest.statusText = response.reasonPhrase;
fakeRequest.responseText = text;
if (response.isSuccessStatusCode) {
schedule(reportComplete, fakeRequest, priority);
else {
schedule(reportError, fakeRequest, priority);
}, function (error) {
schedule(reportError, fakeRequest, priority);
}, function (error) {
if (error.message) {
if (error.number == -2147023728) {
debugger; // Should be fixed now.
// Really annoying but HttpClient gives these for 401s on background threads.
fakeRequest.status = 401;
fakeRequest.statusText = "Unable to authorize your account. Ensure your PC's clock is set correctly.";
if (!fakeRequest.statusText) {
// For some reason the actual error messages all have this string appended to the front, so lop it off.
// TODO: Handle this for other languages...
fakeRequest.statusText = error.message.replace("The text associated with this error code could not be found.\r\n\r\n", "");
else {
fakeRequest.message = error.message;
schedule(reportError, fakeRequest, priority);
}, function (progress) {
if ((fakeRequest.readyState == 2) && (progress.stage > 80)) {
fakeRequest.httpProgressStage = progress.stage; // Not an XHR thing, but may be useful.
schedule(reportProgress, fakeRequest, priority);
function () {
WinJS.Namespace.define("BrandonJS", {
xhr: xhr,
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pke commented Mar 29, 2014

Why are you schedule the call of the promise handlers instead of directly calling them?

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@pke Just saw your comment. Two reasons:

  1. This is what WinJS.xhr does :-)
  2. This allows the callbacks to be fired with the desired priority by the WinJS task scheduler.

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