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Petting cats

BrandonT42 BrandonT42

Petting cats
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clear && pikachu=$(echo "H4sIAJ/FUGIAA+1VOw7CMAzduUa2TEYZGDgKWThAunF/PrVo409wY1QqFQ9R1fr5Pb+4SYaULnBOqYRn5CHkG8AV5msYP7H3/1X2Kg/4zE3cl5Fav2+HKp/CPLYg39O0qXGh7231LisTu2h2ZItPZZ0US8p7CVfj6iWaCuiM0m+5mK4ulvG6OZUYq9z6GuIqVKAKd0s1b44l0zvbxvGw0Tzy0LAjGtbwnxDUQIoz8lN6qwCOo8DvGjBlRQxx0qiqPlfU8WIiRBUE1D39DWbDJrnPI3OseZz/gO5ldTncAda1k4WgCwAA"| base64 -d | gunzip) && echo -e $pikachu
echo -e $pikachu
clear && echo -e $(echo "H4sIAJ/FUGIAA+1VOw7CMAzduUa2TEYZGDgKWThAunF/PrVo409wY1QqFQ9R1fr5Pb+4SYaULnBOqYRn5CHkG8AV5msYP7H3/1X2Kg/4zE3cl5Fav2+HKp/CPLYg39O0qXGh7231LisTu2h2ZItPZZ0US8p7CVfj6iWaCuiM0m+5mK4ulvG6OZUYq9z6GuIqVKAKd0s1b44l0zvbxvGw0Tzy0LAjGtbwnxDUQIoz8lN6qwCOo8DvGjBlRQxx0qiqPlfU8WIiRBUE1D39DWbDJrnPI3OseZz/gO5ldTncAda1k4WgCwAA"| base64 -d | gunzip)
block mode:

Pinvoked (All correct)

Seed: 0100fb8e8ac805899323371bb790db19218afd8db8e3755d8b90f39b3d5506a9abce4fa912244500000000ee8146d49fa93ee724deb57d12cbc6c6f3b924d946127c7a97418f9348828f0f02

Slow Hash V0: 1b606a3f4a07d6489a1bcd07697bd16696b61c8ae982f61a90160f4e52828a7f
Slow Hash V1: c9fae8425d8688dc236bcdbc42fdb42d376c6ec190501aa84b04a4b4cf1ee122
Slow Hash V2: 871fcd6823f6a879bb3f33951c8e8e891d4043880b02dfa1bb3be498b50e7578
Lite Slow Hash V0: 28a22bad3f93d1408fca472eb5ad1cbe75f21d053c8ce5b3af105a57713e21dd
Lite Slow Hash V1: 87c4e570653eb4c2b42b7a0d546559452dfab573b82ec52f152b7ff98e79446f
Lite Slow Hash V2: b7e78fab22eb19cb8c9c3afe034fb53390321511bab6ab4915cd538a630c3c62
// Copyright (c) 2018-2019 Canti, The TurtleCoin Developers
// This is but a piece of a larger codebase, please see the following license for more information:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
// Copyright (c) 2018-2019 Canti, The TurtleCoin Developers
// This is but a piece of a larger codebase, please see the following license for more information:
using System;
namespace Canti

There are a number of objects within the CryptoNote protocol packets that don't follow the standard serialization scheme. On this page, I will attempt to layout what they types are an how to deserialize them.

Peer List


The peer list sent in a few packets is an array of individual peer list entries, each of which contain the following information:

  • ip: The network ip of the peer, serialized as an unsigned integer
  • port: The network port of the peer, serialized as an unsigned integer
  • id: A unique identifier given to each peer, represented by an unsigned long value
  • last_seen: A unix timestamp of the last time this peer communicated with the node, represented by an unsigned long value

Below, I will attempt to explain each packet's purpose, and break down an example packet. Stay close, make sure you have a working lantern, because we're diving in...



A handshake request is sent when first connecting to another node. This packet serves to deliver information on where our node is at on the blockchain, as well as serving to prove we are a valid node in general. Without this packet, we will be ignored by another node, as we won't be seen as a valid node on the network. If a valid response isn't received in a specified amount of time, this peer connection is killed. This amount of time is 5 seconds by default, and is defined by P2P_DEFAULT_HANDSHAKE_INVOKE_TIMEOUT in the cryptonote config file.


  • node_data: An object containing basic data about the node that is attempting to connect
    • network_id: The network's hex-string identifier, as defined by CRYPTONOTE_NETWORK in the cryptonote config file
  • version: The version of the con


This is a request chain packet, sent directly after handshaking with another node.

This is what the OG source says about it: /*IDs of the first 10 blocks are sequential, next goes with pow(2,n) offset, like 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 and so on, and the last one is always genesis block */

Received a [NOTIFY_REQUEST_CHAIN] packet:
BrandonT42 / Extra Data
Last active May 12, 2019 23:30
I am *onto you*...

First Data Set - 832 bytes

// Gets a user's balance from the database
public static decimal GetBalance()
// Connect to Database
SqliteConnection Database = new SqliteConnection("Data Source=" + databaseFile);
// Create Sql command
SqliteCommand Command = new SqliteCommand("SELECT balance FROM users WHERE paymentid = @paymentid", Database);
BrandonT42 / Genesis Block Hashing
Last active November 12, 2018 02:28
Notes and links on creating a genesis block and obtaining a block hash

Working on researching block serialization to work on genesis block creation and hashing... Taking notes:

Create genesis block and make a cached block of it

Get block hash from genesis block using this

Somehow needs to use this to serialize the header and transactions