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Last active September 21, 2020 14:24
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A PostgreSQL cascading streaming replication setup with failover in a PowerShell script
# Warning! Only start this in an empty directory as it creates and deletes files and directories
# This is tested on Windows and Linux.
# The PostgreSQL bin directory has to be in your PATH and you need a modern PowerShell (> 6.0)
$port = $mainServerPort = 5433
$mainServerId = 1
$mainServerName = "cluster " + $mainServerId
$mainServerPath = "cluster" + $mainServerId.ToString("000")
$previousPort = -1
$numberOfClusters = 3
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $numberOfClusters; $i++)
$clusterId = $i + $mainServerId
$clusterName = "cluster " + $clusterId
$clusterPath = "cluster" + $clusterId.ToString("000")
$nextClusterPath = "cluster" + ($clusterId + 1).ToString("000")
$slotName = $nextClusterPath + "_slot"
Write-Host "Initializing $clusterName..."
if ($clusterId -eq 1) # The main cluster
Write-Host "Preparing $clusterName as main cluster..."
pg_ctl initdb -D $clusterPath -o '-A trust' -s
Write-Host "Preparing postgresql.conf..."
(Get-Content -Path $clusterPath/postgresql.conf -Encoding utf8NoBOM) `
-replace "#?cluster_name = '[^']*'","cluster_name = '$clusterName'" `
-replace "#?update_process_title = off","update_process_title = on" `
-replace "#?wal_level = [a-z]+", "wal_level = logical" `
-replace "#?unix_socket_directories = '[^']*'", "unix_socket_directories = ''" `
-replace "#?port = [0-9]+","port = $port" | `
Set-Content -Path $clusterPath/postgresql.conf -Encoding utf8NoBOM
Write-Host "Starting $clusterName..."
pg_ctl -s -D $clusterPath -l "`"$clusterName.log`"" -s start
Write-Host "Creating replication slot $slotName..."
psql -h localhost -p $port -d postgres -Atq -c "SELECT * FROM pg_create_physical_replication_slot('$slotName');" > $null
else # the replicas
Write-Host "Preparing $clusterName as replica..."
pg_basebackup -D $clusterPath -p $previousPort -h localhost
Write-Host "Preparing postgresql.conf..."
(Get-Content -Path $clusterPath/postgresql.conf -Encoding utf8NoBOM) `
-replace "#?cluster_name = '[^']*'","cluster_name = '$clusterName'" `
-replace "#?primary_conninfo = '[^']*'", "primary_conninfo = 'host=localhost port=$previousPort'" `
-replace "#?primary_slot_name = '[^']*'", "primary_slot_name = '${ClusterPath}_slot'" `
-replace "#?port = [0-9]+","port = $port" | `
Set-Content -Path $clusterPath/postgresql.conf -Encoding utf8NoBOM
Write-Host "Creating a standby.signal file in the backup directory..."
New-Item -Path "./$clusterPath" -Name "standby.signal" -ItemType "file" -Force > $null
Write-Host "Starting $clusterName..."
pg_ctl -s -D $clusterPath -l "`"$clusterName.log`"" start
if ($clusterId -lt $numberOfClusters)
Write-Host "Creating replication slot $slotName..."
psql -h localhost -p $port -d postgres -Atq -c "SELECT * FROM pg_create_physical_replication_slot('$slotName');" > $null
$previousPort = $port
$insertValue = "Test 1"
Write-Host "Inserting data into $mainServerName..."
psql -h localhost -p $mainServerPort -d postgres -c "CREATE TABLE test (value text, point_in_time timestamp with time zone DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)" -q
psql -h localhost -p $mainServerPort -d postgres -c "INSERT INTO test (value) VALUES('$insertValue')" -q
$port = $mainServerPort
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $numberOfClusters; $i++)
$clusterId = $i + 1
$clusterName = "cluster " + $clusterId
Write-Host "Retrieving data from $clusterName... " -NoNewline
$selectValue = psql -h localhost -p $port -d postgres -Atq -c "SELECT value FROM test ORDER BY point_in_time DESC LIMIT 1"
If ($selectValue -ne $insertValue)
Write-Error "ERROR: We expected `"$insertValue`" but found `"$selectValue`" on $clusterName!"
exit 1
Write-Host "success!"
# Now let's kill the main server and fail over to the immediate replica
Write-Host "Stopping $mainServerName..."
pg_ctl -D $mainServerPath -m immediate -s stop
$mainServerName = "cluster " + ++$mainServerId
$mainServerPath = "cluster" + $mainServerId.ToString("000")
$port = ++$mainServerPort
Write-Host "Promoting $mainServerName as new main server..."
pg_ctl promote -D $mainServerPath -s
$insertValue = "Test 2"
Write-Host "Inserting data into $mainServerName..."
psql -h localhost -p $mainServerPort -d postgres -c "INSERT INTO test (value) VALUES('$insertValue')" -q
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $numberOfClusters; $i++)
$clusterId = $i + $mainServerId
$clusterName = "cluster " + $clusterId
$clusterPath = "cluster" + $clusterId.ToString("000")
Write-Host "Retrieving data from $clusterName... " -NoNewline
$selectValue = psql -h localhost -p $port -d postgres -Atq -c "SELECT value FROM test ORDER BY point_in_time DESC LIMIT 1"
If ($selectValue -ne $insertValue)
Write-Error "We expected `"$insertValue`" but found `"$selectValue`" on $clusterName!"
exit 1
Write-Host "success!"
for ($i = $numberOfClusters; $i -gt 0; $i--)
$clusterId = $i + ($mainServerId - 1)
$clusterName = "cluster " + $clusterId
$clusterPath = "cluster" + $clusterId.ToString("000")
Write-Host "Stopping $clusterName..."
pg_ctl -D $clusterPath -m smart -s stop
Remove-Item cluster* -Recurse -Force > $null
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