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Last active March 21, 2024 18:21
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Love Live! School idol paradise Research

Love Live! School idol paradise Research

These are various notes for extracting data from "Love Live! School idol paradise" for the PS Vita. There were three variants of this game with the three subgroups, but every game baiscally contains the same data.

Because the game uses middleware from CRI a lot of tools are already available.

Tool overview

  • CriPakGUI: Extracting and patching CPK files
  • DereTore: Used for unpacking and converting various audio files
  • ffmpeg: Converts audio and video files and can merge them
  • VGMToolbox: Unpacks various common audio files
  • YACpkTool: Extract, patch and update CPK files


/media/sound/ contains various sounds, voices and music files as "HCA" files. These are contained in an AWB file with an "Atom CueSheet Binary" (ACB) directly next to it. Therefore you need both the AWB and ACB file to get the HCA files out of the AWB.

Unpacking AWB files

The DereTore developers advise against using ACB Unzipper with seperated ACB & AWB files, so we will use VGMToolbox.

Navigate to Misc. Tools -> Extraction Tools -> Common Archives -> CRI ACB/AWB Archive Extractor and drop your ACB or AWB file here. This will output many "BIN" files in a new folder which are actually "HCA" files.

Converting BIN (HCA) files to WAV

NOTE: You can also use DereTore's acb2wavs.exe to directly convert all HCA files in an ACB to WAV files. You could also use Foobar2000 with the VGMStream plugin installed.

HCA files can be converted via DereTore and the excellent HCA Decoder. This command will suffice:

hca2wav.exe path\to\file.bin

The hca2wav.bat batch script will iterate over every BIN file in the current directory - just edit the path to your hca2wav.exe.


/media/movie/ contains all movie files as USM which also is a standard CRIWare format.

Extract USM

To extract the audio and video stream from a USM, use VGMToolbox, navigate to Misc. Tools -> Stream Tools -> Video Demultiplexer and select "USM (CRI Movie 2)". Finally, drag and drop your USM file onto VGMToolbox and it will create two files:

  • m2v which contains the video and can be played with a good video player like MPC-HC or mpv
  • adx which contains the audio (if there is audio)

Convert ADX to WAV (optional)

The ADX can be converted to WAV with ChipAmp and WinAmp. For instructions, check It is NOT neccessary to convert the ADX to a WAV for merging!

Combine ADX and M2V to MKV

To recombine both of them, use ffmpeg:

ffmpeg -i video.m2v audio.adx -c copy -map 0 output.mkv


/media/afs/ contains various CPK files which can be unpacked via VGMToolbox under Misc. Tools -> Extraction Tools -> Common Archives -> CRI CPK Archive Extractor.

The following paragraph is work-in-progress!

There are a few BIN files with text inside of them which can be edited via e.g. Notepad++ but it's kinda annoying... The CPK can be repacked with either one of the two CPK editors linked in the overview, but CriPakGUI is annoyingly buggy and incomplete. It seems that the edited BIN file has to be the EXACT same size as the unedited one or else the game WILL crash.


  • There is a file in sce_sys\livearea\contents mistakenly named "contents_bunner.png".
@echo off
:: Only edit this line below with the path to your hca2wav.exe. Put quotation marks around it!
set HCA2WAV="D:\PS Vita\Tools\deretore-toolkit-v0.8.1.176-alpha-b176\Release\hca2wav.exe"
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
for %%f in (*.bin) do (
echo "Converting %%f..."
%HCA2WAV% %%f
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