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Last active April 4, 2024 21:58
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UserScript - ExtremeReach auto-login
// ==UserScript==
// @name ER auto-login
// @namespace
// @version 1.4.1
// @description Automatically login to ER using Google providor
// @author
// @match*
// @match*
// @icon
// @updateURL
// @downloadURL
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
// To unset the user name, run this in the console:
// localStorage.removeItem("erAutoLoginUserName");
(async function() {
'use strict';
const setTimeoutP = ms => new Promise(r => { setTimeout(r, ms); });
const setStatus = (status) => {
console.log(`ER_AUTO_LOGIN: ${status}`);
// Page as of 2024-04-04
try {
document.querySelector(".ceros-experience").parentElement.innerText = `ER auto-login ${status}`;
} catch (e) {}
// Page in dev as of 2024-04-04
try {
document.querySelector(".xr-login-form-container").children[0].innerText = `ER auto-login: ${status}`;
} catch (e) {}
// Read user name from local storage
let userName = localStorage.getItem("erAutoLoginUserName");
// If no username found, show a prompt, asking for the user name
if (userName) {
setStatus("found user name in local storage");
} else {
setStatus("no user name found in local storage");
userName = prompt("ER auto-login: enter email you with to login with");
// Validate the user name ends with
if (!userName.endsWith("")) {
alert("ER auto-login: invalid user name, must end with");
setStatus("invalid user name, must end with To try again, reload this page.");
localStorage.setItem("erAutoLoginUserName", userName);
// Set the user name in the input box
document.getElementById("userName").value = userName;
await setTimeoutP(250);
setStatus("user name set, clicking nextButton...");
// Click the button
setStatus("nextButton clicked");
// This is needed if there are multiple providers configured (not just defaulting to Google)
while (true) {
await setTimeoutP(250);
setStatus("looking for providers");
let found = false;
try {
// Iterate children, finding the Google button
const { children } = document.getElementById("providers");
setStatus(`found ${children.length} providers`);
if (children.length === 0) {
for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
const child = children[i];
const textContent = child.textContent;
if (textContent === "Google") {
// setStatus(`${i} "Google" === ${textContent}`);
//"background-color", "#3b5368", "important");;
found = true;
} else {
// setStatus(`${i} "Google" !== ${textContent}`);
if (found) {
setStatus("Awaiting login");
} catch (e) {
setStatus("login... no providors");
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