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Last active April 18, 2020 18:57
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
## Uses batch testing and divide-and-conquer to optimize the number of 'test' runs
## Based on the premise that test runs are a bottleneck, as appears to be the case for COVID-19 testing
## assumptions:
## - Test is 100% accurate (incl. precision, recall)
## - Test batching doesn't increase per-test costs very much (big if)
## concerns:
## - Specimen dilution is proportional to test size
import random, math
import numpy as np
def test(subsamples,batch):
testcount, positivecount = (1,0)
positive = np.logical_or.reduce(subsamples)
if positive and len(subsamples) > 1 and batch > 0:
for i in range(batch):
s = len(subsamples)//batch
a = s*(i+0)
b = s*(i+1)
c, d = test(subsamples[a:b],batch)
testcount += c; positivecount += d
else: return testcount, 1 if positive else 0
return testcount, positivecount
def trial(saturation,batch,levels,simulations):
size = pow(batch,max(1,levels)) ## levels=0 is special-case with no divide-and-conquer
for i in range(simulations):
samples = np.array(random.choices( [False,True], weights=[1-saturation/100,saturation/100], k=size ))
(a,b) = test(samples,batch if levels>0 else 0)
c = len(np.where(samples)[0])
testcount += a
positivecount += b
actualpositivecount += c if levels > 0 else (0 if c==0 else 1)
efficiency = math.trunc(simulations*size/testcount*100)/100
efficient = ("!" if efficiency > 1 else "")
print("saturation:",saturation,"%, batch:",batch,", levels:",levels,", positiveavg:",positivecount/simulations,", size:",size,", testavg:",testcount/simulations,", efficiency=",efficiency,efficient)
print("Simulations per trial:",simulations)
for saturation in range(0,30,2): trial(saturation,batch,levels,simulations)
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