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Convenience methods for converting any async sequence into an async stream
fileprivate extension AsyncStream {
init<Base: AsyncSequence>(from sequence: Base, file: StaticString = #filePath, line: UInt = #line) where Element == Base.Element {
var iterator = sequence.makeAsyncIterator()
// FIXME: In later swift versions, AsyncSequence protocol will likely have an associated error type.
// FIXME: For now, produce an assertionFailure to let developer know to use an AsyncThrowingStream instead.
self.init {
do {
return try await
} catch {
assertionFailure("warning: Base AsyncSequence threw an error. Use AsyncThrowingStream instead", file: file, line: line)
return nil
fileprivate extension AsyncThrowingStream {
init<Base: AsyncSequence>(from sequence: Base) where Element == Base.Element, Failure == Error {
var iterator = sequence.makeAsyncIterator()
self.init {
try await
extension AsyncSequence {
/// Type erases the `AsyncSequence` into an `AsyncStream`
/// - Returns: An `AsyncStream` created from the base `AsyncSequence`
/// - Note: AsyncSequences do not expose their error type.
/// So this function is available for both throwing and non-throwing `AsyncSequences`.
/// It will produce an `assertionFailure` at runtime if the base sequence throws.
func asAsyncStream(file: StaticString = #filePath, line: UInt = #line) -> AsyncStream<Element> {
AsyncStream(from: self, file: file, line: line)
/// Type erases the `AsyncSequence` into an `AsyncThrowingStream`
/// - Returns: An `AsyncThrowingStream` from the base `AsyncSequence`
func asAsyncThrowingStream() -> AsyncThrowingStream<Element, Error> {
AsyncThrowingStream(from: self)
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