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Last active March 31, 2020 02:32
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Graph of coorespondance #graphviz
digraph {
node [shape=circle fontsize=16]
edge [length=100, color=gray, fontcolor=black]
/* sephira */
Keter -> Chokhmah [ label="א" ];
Keter -> Binah [ label="ב" ];
Keter -> Tiferet [ label="ג" ];
Chokhmah -> Binah [ label="ד" ];
Chokhmah -> Tiferet [ label="ה" ];
Chokhmah -> Chesed [ label="ו" ];
Binah -> Tiferet [ label="ז" ];
Binah -> Gevurah [ label="ח" ];
Chesed -> Gevurah [ label="ט" ];
Chesed -> Tiferet [ label="י" ];
Chesed -> Netzach [ label="כ,ך" ];
Gevurah -> Tiferet [ label="ל" ];
Gevurah -> Hod [ label="מ,ם" ];
Tiferet -> Netzach [ label="נ,ן" ];
Tiferet -> Yesod [ label="ס" ];
Tiferet -> Hod [ label="ע" ];
Netzach -> Hod [ label="פ,ף" ];
Netzach -> Yesod [ label="צ,ץ" ];
Netzach -> Malchut [ label="ק" ];
Hod -> Yesod [ label="ר" ];
Hod -> Malchut [ label="ש" ];
Yesod -> Malchut [ label="ת" ];
/* four worlds */
Atziluth -> Keter [ label="1"];
Atziluth -> Binah [ label="1"];
Atziluth -> Chokhmah [ label="1"];
Atziluth -> Fire
Briah -> Gevurah [ label= "2" ];
Briah -> Chesed [ label= "2" ];
Briah -> Tiferet [ label= "2" ];
Briah -> Water
Yetzirah -> Hod [ label="3"];
Yetzirah -> Yesod [ label="3"];
Yetzirah -> Netzach [ label="3"];
Yetzirah -> Air
Assiah -> Malchut [ label="4" ]
Assiah -> Earth
/* Tarot Suits */
Fire -> Wands
Water -> Cups
Air -> Swords
Earth -> Pentacles
Aether -> Trumps
/* Tarot Attributes */
Swords -> Reason;
Cups -> Emotion;
Wands -> Creativity;
Pentacles -> Material;
/* Pentagram */
tm -- lu [length = 100];
tm -- ru [length = 100];
ll -- lu [length = 100];
rl -- ru [length = 100];
ll -- rl [length = 100];
lu -- rl [length = 161];
lu -- ru [length = 161 ];
tm -- rl [length = 161];
tm -- ll [length = 161];
ll -- ru [length = 161];
lu -> Air
ru -> Water
rl -> Fire
ll -> Earth
tm -> Aether
/* cardinal directions */
east -- northeast [length=1000];
northeast -- north [length = 1000];
north -- northwest [length=1000];
northwest -- west [length=1000];
west -- southwest [length=1000];
southwest -- south [length=1000];
south -- southeast [length=1000];
southeast -- east [length=1000];
Air -- east [length=500];
Water -- west [length=500];
Fire -- south [length=500];
Earth -- north [length=500];
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