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Created April 29, 2016 10:06
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Save BriSeven/a85bb72f5c2cc6be3b4e5da99c11e8d3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
reusable Gruntfile that loads external JSON.
module.exports = function (grunt) {
function to_entries (object,prefix){
// convert object to array of key/value objects, emulating jq.
// for working around mustache limitation
// for heirarchical objects, flatten
// into key.subkey/value form, until a string, number or boolean is encountered
// this is super convenient for rendering json to shtml variables
var a=[];
Object.keys(object).forEach(function to_entry(i){
if(typeof object[i] === "object") {
a.push.apply(a, (,object[i],i+".")));
} else {
a.push({key: prefix+i,value: object[i]});
return a;
// 1. Load base configuration file
var config = grunt.file.readJSON('build-config.json') ;
// 2. recursively replace strings of the form <json:filename.json>
// and <json:entries:filename.json> with their cooresponding
// json object and transformed json object respectively.
Object.keys(config).forEach(function subclude (i) {
var rx=/<json:(.+?)>/;
var rxe=/entries:(.+)/;
var r,e;
var config = this;
function recurse (config) {
if(typeof config[i] === "string") {
if(e=rxe.exec(r[1])) {
config[i] = to_entries(grunt.file.readJSON(e[1]));
} else {
config[i] = grunt.file.readJSON(r[1]);
} else if(config[i] instanceof Array) {
} else if(typeof config[i] === "object") {
// 3. Where we tell Grunt we plan to use the grunt plugins listed in package.json
// so long as the package starts with "grunt-"
Object.keys(config.pkg.devDependencies).forEach(function (i) {
if (/^grunt-/.test(i)) {
// 4. Where we tell Grunt what to do when we type "grunt" into the terminal.
// and all the variious subcommands as defined in the "tasks" property of the build config
Object.keys(config.tasks).forEach(function (i) {
grunt.registerTask(i, config.tasks[i]);
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