#!/usr/bin/bash |
# Discord webhook address base. |
discordWebhookBase="https://discord.com/api/webhooks" |
# Import secret variables. |
source discord-variables.sh |
# Discord secret variables. |
discordToken=${DISCORD_TOKEN} |
discordID=${DISCORD_ID} |
discordUsername=${DISCORD_USER} |
discordAvatarURL=${DISCORD_AVATAR_URL} |
discordRoleID=${DISCORD_ROLE_ID} |
# Icon added to the message. |
# Downloaded and hosting this (https://materialdesignicons.com/icon/heart-pulse) |
discordMessageIcon=${DISCORD_MESSAGE_ICON} |
# Get date. |
currentDate=$(date +%s) |
# Declare the array to store ZFS pools. |
declare -a pools |
# Initialize pool number. |
poolNumber=0 |
# Initalize JSON report string. |
poolDiscordJsonReport="" |
# Define keyword signifying unhealthy condtion. |
unhealthyConditions='(DEGRADED|FAULTED|OFFLINE|UNAVAIL|REMOVED|FAIL|DESTROYED|corrupt|cannot|unrecover)' |
# Define max capacity (%). |
maxCapacity=85 |
# Define scrup expiration time (days). |
scrubExpirationDays=36 |
# Populate the array with system ZFS pools. |
while read line; |
do |
pools+=($line) |
done <<< "$(/sbin/zpool list | awk -F" " '{print $1}' | grep -v NAME)" |
# Get total number of ZFS pools. |
totalPools="${#pools[@]}" |
# Check each pool. |
for pool in "${pools[@]}" |
do |
# Initial issues flag. |
poolIssues=0 |
# Current pool name. |
poolName=${pool} |
# Increment pool number. |
poolNumber=$((poolNumber+1)) |
# Set initial condition text. |
poolConditionSubText="No unhealthy states found from pool status." |
# Search for any term signifying an uhealthy condition. |
poolCondition=$(/sbin/zpool status ${pool} | egrep -i ${unhealthyConditions}) |
# Set flag on any hits. |
if [ "${poolCondition}" ]; then |
poolIssues=1 |
poolConditionSubText="There might be an issue with the pool health. Run "\`"zpool status ${pool}"\`" for details." |
fi |
# Get the overall pool state and set notfication text. |
poolOverallCondition=$(/sbin/zpool status ${pool} | grep state | awk '{print $2}') |
poolConditionText="${poolConditionSubText} Overall state is reporting as **${poolOverallCondition}** for this pool." |
#### CAPACITY ##### |
# Set initial condition text. |
poolCapacitySubText="The pool spare capacity is within limits." |
# Get current capacity used. |
poolCapacity=$(/sbin/zpool list ${pool} -H -o capacity | cut -d'%' -f1) |
# Set flag if over max capacity. |
if [ $poolCapacity -ge $maxCapacity ]; then |
poolIssues=1 |
poolCapacitySubText="The pool spare capacity is **low**. Run "\`"zpool list ${pool}"\`" for details." |
fi |
# Set notfication text. |
poolCapacityText="${poolCapacitySubText} The used capacity at current is **${poolCapacity}%** for this pool." |
#### ERRORS ##### |
# Set initial condition text. |
poolErrorsSubText="No errors found in read, write or checksum fields." |
# Set no errors text. |
poolErrorStatus="No known data errors" |
# Search for error codes or text. |
poolErrors=$(/sbin/zpool status ${pool} | grep ONLINE | grep -v state | awk '{print $3 $4 $5}' | grep -v 000) |
poolErrorReport=$(/sbin/zpool status -v ${pool} | grep errors: | awk '{$1=""; print $0 }' | grep -v "${poolErrorStatus}") |
# Set flag if any errors found. |
if [ "${poolErrors}" ] || [ "${poolErrorReport}" ]; then |
poolIssues=1 |
poolErrorsSubText="Errors were found in the read, write or checksum fields. Run "\`"zpool list -v ${pool}"\`" for details." |
poolErrorStatus=${poolErrorReport} |
fi |
# Set notfication text. |
poolErrorsText="${poolErrorsSubText} The pool status reports **${poolErrorStatus}**." |
#### SCRUB ##### |
# Set initial condition text. |
poolScrupSubText="The pool scrub date has not yet been exeeded." |
# Get any special conditions. |
if [ $(/sbin/zpool status ${pool} | egrep -c "none requested") -ge 1 ]; then |
poolScrupWarningText="No status to report. A "\`"zpool scrub ${pool}"\`" command must be run before this script can monitor the scrub expiration time." |
fi |
if [ $(/sbin/zpool status ${pool} | egrep -c "scrub in progress|resilver") -ge 1 ]; then |
poolScrupWarningText="A pool scrub or resilver is currently in progress." |
fi |
# Check if any special condition. |
if [ "${poolScrupWarningText}" ]; then |
# Set notfication text. |
poolScrubText=${poolScrupWarningText} |
else |
# Get the last scrub date. |
poolScrubRawDate=$(/sbin/zpool status ${pool} | grep scrub | awk '{print $11" "$12" " $13" " $14" "$15}') |
poolScrubDate=$(date -d "$poolScrubRawDate" +%s) |
# Convert expiration to seconds. |
scrubExpirationSeconds=$(expr 26 \* 60 \* 60 \* ${scrubExpirationDays}) |
# Check if next scrub date has expired. |
if [ $(($currentDate - $poolScrubDate)) -ge $scrubExpirationSeconds ]; then |
poolIssues=1 |
poolScrupSubText="The pool scrub date is overdue. Check the scrub cron jobs in */etc/cron.d/zfsutils-linux* or run "\`"zpool scrub ${pool}"\`" to initialte a manual scrub." |
fi |
# Set notfication text. |
poolScrubText="${poolScrupSubText} Last scrub was performed on **${poolScrubRawDate}** for this pool." |
fi |
#### POOL JSON STRING #### |
# Set JSON notification color. |
if [ ${poolIssues} -eq 0 ]; then |
discordNotficationColor=166160 |
discordDescription="No issues found for this pool." |
else |
discordNotficationColor=15606820 |
discordDescription="There are issues detected for this pool. Actions required by <@&${discordRoleID}>" |
fi |
# Build pool JSON string for Discord notification. |
poolDiscordJsonReport=''${poolDiscordJsonReport}' |
{ |
"title": "**Health Summary**", |
"author": { |
"name": "Pool #'${poolNumber}' ('${poolName}')", |
"icon_url": "'"${discordMessageIcon}"'" |
}, |
"description":"'"${discordDescription}"'", |
"color":"'"${discordNotficationColor}"'", |
"fields": [ |
{ |
"name": "Condition", |
"value":"'"${poolConditionText}"'" |
}, |
{ |
"name": "Capacity", |
"value": "'"${poolCapacityText}"'" |
}, |
{ |
"name": "Errors", |
"value": "'"${poolErrorsText}"'" |
}, |
{ |
"name": "Scrub", |
"value": "'"${poolScrubText}"'" |
}] |
},' |
done |
# Complete the Discord JSON string. |
discordJson='{ "username":"'"${discordUsername}"'", |
"content":"Report from ZFS health check script on **'$HOSTNAME'** server. The script checked **'${totalPools}'** pools.", |
"avatar_url":"'"${discordAvatarURL}"'", |
"allowed_mentions": { |
"roles": [ "'"${discordRoleID}"'" ] |
}, |
"embeds": [ '${poolDiscordJsonReport%?}' ] |
}' |
# Send Discord notification. |
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "$discordJson" ${discordWebhookBase}"/"${discordID}"/"${discordToken} |