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Created September 5, 2019 19:55
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WP-E-Signature (Approve Me) admin permissions.
* Sets/overwrites the super-admin user-id in the e-signature cache.
* Allows editing documents and saving documents as PDF,
* but not previewing documents in draft or viewing signed documents in the browser.
function bh_set_esig_super_admin() {
* Seems to be done as the plugin files are loaded, so this is just precautionary.
* @see WP_E_Digital_Signature::setup_constants()
if ( ! defined( 'ESIG_CACHE_GROUP' ) ) {
define( 'ESIG_CACHE_GROUP', 'esig' );
* Get the current user so we can check are they an administrator.
* @var WP_User $user The currently logged in user.
$user = wp_get_current_user();
* If we're in the admin UI and the user is an administrator.
if ( is_admin() && in_array( 'administrator', $user->roles, true ) ) {
* Set/overwrite the cache entry for the e-sig super-admin to the current user's user-id.
* @see WP_E_User::esig_get_super_admin_id()
wp_cache_set( 'esig_superadmin_user', $user->ID, ESIG_CACHE_GROUP );
add_action( 'init', 'bh_set_esig_super_admin' );
* Uses User Switching plugin to change the My Documents / Signed link to switch into the super admin's profile first.
* @see WP_E_DocumentsController::index() $template_data['manage_signed_url']
* @param array $template_data
* @return array
function bh_user_swithing_signed_docs_url( $template_data ) {
if ( ! class_exists( 'user_switching' ) ) {
return $template_data;
if ( ! class_exists( 'WP_E_Digital_Signature' ) ) {
return $template_data;
$current_user = wp_get_current_user();
if ( is_admin() && in_array( 'administrator', $current_user->roles, true ) ) {
// Clear the cache so the correct user id is returned.
wp_cache_set( 'esig_superadmin_user', false, ESIG_CACHE_GROUP );
* E-Sig doc comment suggests this is void but the function returns $_instance.
$esig = WP_E_Digital_Signature::instance();
* The e signature user helper class.
* @var WP_E_User
$esig_user = $esig->user;
$super_admin_user_id = $esig_user->esig_get_super_admin_id();
if ( $super_admin_user_id !== $current_user->id ) {
$super_admin_user = get_user_by( 'id', $super_admin_user_id );
$super_admin_login_url = user_switching::maybe_switch_url( $super_admin_user );
$redirect_to = get_admin_url() . $template_data['manage_signed_url'];
$super_admin_login_manage_signed_docs_url = add_query_arg( 'redirect_to', $redirect_to, $super_admin_login_url );
$template_data['manage_signed_url'] = $super_admin_login_manage_signed_docs_url;
// Set the super-admin to the current user.
return $template_data;
add_filter( 'esig-document-index-data', 'bh_user_swithing_signed_docs_url' );
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