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Combine commands on the ProseMirror undo stack
* Given two commands (commandA and commandB), returns a new command that when applied
* to a ProseMirror state that uses the prosemirror-history plugin applies commandA and
* then commandB so that both commands are undone with a single undo action.
const combineCommands =
(commandA: Command, commandB: Command) =>
(state: EditorState, dispatch?: (tr: Transaction) => void): boolean => {
return commandA(state, (transactionA: Transaction) => {
const { state: stateA } = state.applyTransaction(transactionA)
commandB(stateA, (transactionB: Transaction) => {
transactionB.setMeta('appendedTransaction', transactionA)
if (dispatch) {
import { Command, Transaction } from 'prosemirror-state';
* Combine a number of command functions into a single function (which
* calls them one by one until one returns false).
* All commands are undone with a single undo action.
export function runAllCommands(...commands: readonly Command[]): Command {
return function (state, dispatch, view) {
let prevState = state;
const tx: Transaction[] = [];
for (let i = 0; i < commands.length; i++) {
const dispatchInner = (transaction: Transaction) => {
if (i > 0) transaction.setMeta('appendedTransaction', - 1));
const { state: newState } = prevState.applyTransaction(transaction);
prevState = newState;
if (!commands[i](prevState, dispatchInner, view)) return false;
// Only dispatch transactions if all succeed.
if (dispatch) {
return true;
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