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Last active August 9, 2023 21:40
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  • Save BrianHung/9c41f039aec465abe9293b5533545174 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save BrianHung/9c41f039aec465abe9293b5533545174 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Compressing JSON Patches Without State
* Compresses JsonPatches using a Radix Trie.
* @param patches
* @returns
export function compressPatches(patches: Patch[]) {
const trie = new PatchRadixTrie(patches);
return trie.getPatches();
const patches = []
onPatch(state, patch => patches.push(patch))
const compressed = compressPatches(;
import { applyPatches, enablePatches, Patch, produceWithPatches } from "immer";
import { joinJsonPath, splitJsonPath, type IJsonPatch, isStateTreeNode, getSnapshot } from "mobx-state-tree";
export const getImmerPatch = ({ path, ...patch }: IJsonPatch) => ({ path: splitJsonPath(path), ...patch });
export const getMSTPatch = ({ path, ...patch }: Patch) => ({ path: joinJsonPath(path as string[]), ...patch });
* Compresses JsonPatches using immer. Requires snapshot of previous state.
* @param prevState
* @param patches
* @returns
export function compressImmerPatches(prevState: IEditorState, patches: Patch[]) {
const snapshot = isStateTreeNode(prevState) ? getSnapshot(prevState) : prevState;
const [next, compressed, inverse] = produceWithPatches<IEditorState>(snapshot, draft => applyPatches(draft, patches));
return compressed;
const patches = []
onPatch(state, patch => patches.push(patch))
const lastSnapshot = state.toJSON();
onSnapshot(state, snapshot => {
const compressed compressImmerPatches(lastSnapshot,
lastSnapshot = snapshot
/* eslint-disable max-classes-per-file */
import { applyPatches, Patch } from "immer";
import invariant from "tiny-invariant";
class TrieNode {
children: Map<string | number, TrieNode>;
label: Patch["path"];
patch: Patch | undefined;
// eslint-disable-next-line default-param-last
constructor(label = [""], patch?: Patch) {
this.children = new Map();
this.label = label;
this.patch = patch;
* Finds index at which arrays differ. Returns -1 if they are equal or one contains the other.
function splitIndex(partsA: Patch["path"], partsB: Patch["path"]) {
const maxLength = Math.min(partsA.length, partsB.length);
for (let i = 0; i < maxLength; i++) {
if (partsA[i] !== partsB[i]) {
return i;
return -1;
export class PatchRadixTrie {
root: TrieNode;
constructor(patches: Patch[] = []) {
this.root = new TrieNode([""]);
patches.forEach(patch => this.insert(patch));
insert(patch: Patch) {
let node = this.root;
let depth = 0;
if (patch.path.length === 0) {
node.patch = patch;
node.children = new Map();
while (depth < patch.path.length) {
// Get path that is currently being processed, and unprocessed path parts.
const path = patch.path[depth];
const pathSuffix = patch.path.slice(depth);
if (!node.children.has(path)) {
node.children.set(path, new TrieNode(pathSuffix, patch));
const parent = node;
node = node.children.get(path)!;
// Check if existing path contains incoming path or vice versa.
let index = splitIndex(pathSuffix, node.label);
if (index === -1) {
// Incoming patch should replace existing node as paths are equal.
if (pathSuffix.length === node.label.length) {
const other = node.patch;
if (other) {
if (other.op === "add" && patch.op === "remove") {
node.patch = undefined;
if (other.op === "add" && patch.op === "replace") {
node.patch = { ...patch, op: "add" };
// This can only happen when the parent value is an array.
// Re-insert existing patch at next index.
if (other.op === "add" && patch.op === "add") {
node.patch = patch;
const index = Number(;
invariant(!Number.isNaN(index), `Index should be a number if parent value is array.`);
const nextPath = other.path.slice(0, -1).concat(index + 1);
this.insert({ ...other, path: nextPath });
if (other.op === "remove" && patch.op === "add") {
node.patch = { ...patch, op: "replace" };
// This can only happen when the parent value is an array.
// Re-insert existing patch at next index.
if (other.op === "remove" && patch.op === "remove") {
node.patch = patch;
const index = Number(;
invariant(!Number.isNaN(index), `Index should be a number if parent value is array.`);
const nextPath = other.path.slice(0, -1).concat(index + 1);
this.insert({ ...other, path: nextPath });
// This can only happen when the parent value is an array.
if (other.op === "remove" && patch.op === "replace") {
const index = Number(;
invariant(!Number.isNaN(index), `Index should be a number if parent value is array.`);
const nextPath = patch.path.slice(0, -1).concat(index + 1);
this.insert({ ...patch, path: nextPath });
// This can only happen when the parent value is an array.
if (other.op === "replace" && patch.op === "add") {
node.patch = patch;
const index = Number(;
invariant(!Number.isNaN(index), `Index should be a number if parent value is array.`);
const nextPath = other.path.slice(0, -1).concat(index + 1);
this.insert({ ...other, path: nextPath });
if (other.op === "replace" && patch.op === "remove") {
node.patch = { ...patch, op: "remove" };
if (other.op === "replace" && patch.op === "replace") {
node.patch = patch;
} else {
node.patch = patch;
node.children = new Map();
// Incoming patch should be parent of existing node as incoming path is shorter.
if (pathSuffix.length < node.label.length) {
const prefix = pathSuffix;
const prefixNode = new TrieNode(prefix, patch);
const suffix = node.label.slice(prefix.length);
node.label = suffix;
// If patch is parent, discard child patch as its redundant.
// prefixNode.children.set(suffix[0], node);
parent.children.set(path, prefixNode);
// Incoming patch should be child of existing node as incoming path is longer.
if (pathSuffix.length > node.label.length) {
index = node.label.length;
} else {
// Incoming patch splits existing node into two.
const prefix = node.label.slice(0, index);
const suffix = node.label.slice(index);
node.label = suffix;
const prefixNode = new TrieNode(prefix);
prefixNode.children.set(suffix[0], node);
parent.children.set(path, prefixNode);
// Insert incoming patch as child of prefix node in next iteration.
node = prefixNode;
depth += index;
find(patch: Patch) {
let node = this.root;
let depth = 0;
while (depth < patch.path.length) {
const path = patch.path[depth];
if (!node.children.has(path)) {
return node.patch && node;
node = node.children.get(path)!;
const pathSuffix = patch.path.slice(depth);
const index = splitIndex(pathSuffix, node.label);
if (index !== -1) {
return undefined;
depth += node.label.length;
return node;
getPatches() {
return this.traverseTrie(this.root);
traverseTrie(node: TrieNode) {
const { patch, children } = node;
const iter = this.traverseTrie.bind(this);
const childPatches: Patch[] = Array.from(children.values()).flatMap(iter);
if (patch) {
if (children.size) {
if (patch.op === "remove") throw RangeError("Patch with op remove cannot have children patches.");
// Normalize child patches relative to patch.path.
const patches = => ({ ...p, path: p.path.slice(patch.path.length) }));
return [
value: applyPatches(patch.value, patches),
return [patch];
return childPatches;
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