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Last active October 16, 2021 05:34
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Bare-bones example of using the Dialogue Designer Unity package (
using UnityEngine;
// Include the DialogueDesigner namespace
using DD;
/// <summary>
/// Complete example that plays a Dialogue Designer dialogue in the unity debug console.
/// Use the number keys to make choices.
/// </summary>
public class DialogueDesignerExample : MonoBehaviour
// The dialogue to play
// Drop the conversation file asset in here using the Inspector
public TextAsset DialogueFile;
// The conversation, parsed and loaded at runtime
private Dialogue m_loadedDialogue;
// A player that can track progress through the dialogue
private DialoguePlayer m_dialoguePlayer;
void Start()
// load the dialogue
m_loadedDialogue = Dialogue.FromAsset(DialogueFile);
// create a player to play through the dialogue
m_dialoguePlayer = new DialoguePlayer(m_loadedDialogue);
// set up your unique code to display dialogues
DialoguePlayer.GlobalOnShowMessage += OnShowMessage;
DialoguePlayer.GlobalOnEvaluateCondition += OnEvaluateCondition;
DialoguePlayer.GlobalOnExecuteScript += OnExecuteScript;
// if you want to handle a particular dialogue differently, you can use these instead
//m_dialoguePlayer.OverrideOnShowMessage += OnShowMessageSpecial;
//m_dialoguePlayer.OverrideOnEvaluateCondition += OnEvaluateConditionSpecial;
//m_dialoguePlayer.OverrideOnExecuteScript += OnExecuteScriptSpecial;
m_dialoguePlayer.OnDialogueEnded += OnDialogueEnded;
// start playing the dialogue
private void OnDialogueEnded(DialoguePlayer sender)
Debug.Log("[Dialogue Ended]");
void Update()
// don't forget to update all players every frame if you want to use Wait nodes
// wait for player input on any Show Message Node, then advance
ShowMessageNode showMessageNode = m_dialoguePlayer.CurrentNode as ShowMessageNode;
if (showMessageNode != null)
ShowMessageNodeChoice choiceNode = showMessageNode as ShowMessageNodeChoice;
if (choiceNode != null)
// the player must make a choice with the number keys
int numberInput = GetAlphaNumberDown();
if (numberInput >= 1)
m_dialoguePlayer.AdvanceMessage(numberInput - 1);
// the player must press 1 to proceed to the next node
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha1))
private void OnShowMessage(DialoguePlayer sender, ShowMessageNode node)
// display the text of the node
ShowMessageNodeChoice choiceNode = node as ShowMessageNodeChoice;
if (choiceNode != null)
// choice nodes have multiple choices for the player to choose from
for (int i = 0; i < choiceNode.Choices.Length; i++)
Debug.LogFormat("{0}.) {1}", i + 1, choiceNode.GetChoiceText(i, "ENG"));
// non-choice nodes only have one option
Debug.Log("1.) Continue");
private bool OnEvaluateCondition(DialoguePlayer sender, string script)
// You may parse and evaluate a condition string however you like
// This is left as an exercise for the reader
return false;
private void OnExecuteScript(DialoguePlayer sender, string script)
// You may parse and execute a script string however you like
// This is left as an exercise for the reader
/// <summary>
/// Helper function - returns the number key the player just pressed down, or -1 if none.
/// </summary>
private int GetAlphaNumberDown()
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha0 + i))
return i;
return -1;
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FMastro commented Aug 3, 2020

It's super minor but Line 37: ONEvaluateConditionSpecial should be OnEvaluateConditionSpecial

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It's super minor but Line 37: ONEvaluateConditionSpecial should be OnEvaluateConditionSpecial

Thanks! Fixed it.

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