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Last active October 12, 2019 18:46
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Trying out using full form value and meta generics throughout, this is pretty gross
declare module 'react-form' {
import {
} from 'react'
type SerializableObject = { [key: string]: Serializable }
interface SerializableArray extends Array<Serializable> {}
type Serializable =
| string
| number
| boolean
| null
| SerializableObject
| SerializableArray
type Debounce = <T>(fn: () => T, wait: number) => Promise<T>
type ValidatorReturn = string | false | undefined
type OptionalPromise<T> = Promise<T> | T
type ValidationError = string | false | null | undefined
interface FormMeta {
error: ValidationError
isSubmitting: boolean
isDirty: boolean
isSubmitted: boolean
submissionAttempts: number
isValid: boolean
fieldsAreValidating: boolean
fieldsAreValid: boolean
canSubmit: boolean
type SetFormMeta<C> =
| Partial<FormMeta & C>
| ((previousMeta: FormMeta & C) => FormMeta & C)
interface FormInstance<TValues, CustomFormMeta> {
Form: ComponentType<Omit<HTMLProps<HTMLFormElement>, 'onSubmit'>>
values: TValues
meta: FormMeta & CustomFormMeta
formContext: FormInstance<TValues, CustomFormMeta>
reset: () => void
setMeta: (value: SetFormMeta<CustomFormMeta>) => void
handleSubmit: FormEventHandler<HTMLFormElement>
debounce: Debounce
setValues: Dispatch<SetStateAction<TValues>>
runValidation: () => void
getFieldValue: <V = unknown>(fieldPath: keyof TValues) => V
getFieldMeta: <M = unknown>(fieldPath: keyof TValues) => FieldMeta & M
setFieldValue: <V = unknown>(
fieldPath: keyof TValues,
updater: SetValue<V>,
options?: { isTouched: boolean }
) => void
setFieldMeta: <M = unknown>(
fieldPath: keyof TValues,
value: SetFieldMeta<M>
) => void
pushFieldValue: <T extends SerializableArray>(
fieldPath: keyof TValues,
value: T extends (infer U)[] ? U : never
) => void
insertFieldValue: <T extends SerializableArray>(
fieldPath: keyof TValues,
insertIndex: number,
value: T extends (infer U)[] ? U : never
) => void
removeFieldValue: (fieldPath: keyof TValues, removalIndex: number) => void
swapFieldValues: (
fieldPath: keyof TValues,
firstIndex: number,
secondIndex: number
) => void
interface FormOptions<TValues, CustomFormMeta> {
defaultValues: TValues
onSubmit: (
values: TValues,
instance: FormInstance<TValues, CustomFormMeta>
) => OptionalPromise<void>
validate: (
values: Partial<TValues>,
instance: FormInstance<TValues, CustomFormMeta>
) => OptionalPromise<ValidatorReturn>
validatePristine?: boolean
debugForm: boolean
export function useForm<
TValues extends {} = SerializableObject,
CustomFormMeta extends {} = Record<string, any>
options?: Partial<FormOptions<TValues, CustomFormMeta>>
): FormInstance<TValues, CustomFormMeta>
export function useFormContext<
TValues extends {} = SerializableObject,
CustomFormMeta extends {} = Record<string, any>
>(): FormInstance<TValues, CustomFormMeta>
interface FieldMeta {
error: string | false
isTouched: boolean
isValidating?: boolean
type SetValue<S> = S | ((prevState: S) => S)
type SetFieldMeta<C> =
| Partial<FieldMeta & C>
| ((previousMeta: FieldMeta & C) => FieldMeta & C)
interface FieldInstance<
> {
form: FormInstance<TFormValues, CustomFormMeta>
fieldName: string
value: TValue
meta: FieldMeta & CustomFieldMeta
FieldScope?: ComponentType<Provider<any>>
debounce: Debounce
runValidation: () => void
getInputProps: (
value: Partial<HTMLProps<HTMLInputElement>> &
Pick<HTMLProps<HTMLInputElement>, 'onSubmit'> &
Pick<HTMLProps<HTMLInputElement>, 'onBlur'>
) => {
value: TValue
onChange: ChangeEventHandler<HTMLInputElement>
onBlur: FocusEventHandler<HTMLInputElement>
} & Partial<HTMLProps<HTMLInputElement>>
setValue: (
updater: SetValue<TValue>,
options?: { isTouched: boolean }
) => void
setMeta: (value: SetFieldMeta<CustomFieldMeta>) => void
pushValue: (value: TValue extends (infer U)[] ? U : never) => void
insertValue: (
insertIndex: number,
value: TValue extends (infer U)[] ? U : never
) => void
removeValue: (removalIndex: number) => void
swapValues: (firstIndex: number, secondIndex: number) => void
interface FieldOptions<TValue, CustomFieldMeta, TFormValues, CustomFormMeta> {
defaultValue?: TValue
defaultError?: string
defaultIsTouched?: boolean
defaultMeta?: FieldMeta & CustomFieldMeta
validate?: (
value: TValue,
instance: FieldInstance<
) => OptionalPromise<ValidatorReturn>
filterValue?: (
value: TValue,
instance: FieldInstance<
) => TValue
validatePristine?: boolean
export function useField<
TValue = Serializable,
CustomFieldMeta extends {} = Record<string, any>,
TFormValues extends {} = SerializableObject,
CustomFormMeta extends {} = Record<string, any>
fieldPath: string,
options?: FieldOptions<TValue, CustomFieldMeta, TFormValues, CustomFormMeta>
): FieldInstance<TValue, CustomFieldMeta, TFormValues, CustomFormMeta>
interface FieldOptionProps<
TValue = Serializable,
CustomFieldMeta extends {} = Record<string, any>,
TFormValues extends {} = SerializableObject,
CustomFormMeta extends {} = Record<string, any>
> extends FieldOptions<TValue, CustomFieldMeta, TFormValues, CustomFormMeta> {
onSubmit?: (
value: TValue,
instance: FormInstance<TFormValues, CustomFormMeta>
) => OptionalPromise<void>
defaultValues?: TFormValues
debugForm?: boolean
export function splitFormProps<
P = {},
TValue = Serializable,
CustomFieldMeta extends {} = Record<string, any>,
TFormValues extends {} = SerializableObject,
CustomFormMeta extends {} = Record<string, any>
props: FieldProps<TValue, CustomFieldMeta, TFormValues, CustomFormMeta> & P
): [
typeof props['field'],
FieldOptionProps<TValue, CustomFieldMeta, TFormValues, CustomFormMeta>,
export interface FieldProps<
TValue = Serializable,
CustomFieldMeta extends {} = Record<string, any>,
TFormValues extends {} = SerializableObject,
CustomFormMeta extends {} = Record<string, any>
extends FieldOptionProps<
> {
field: string
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