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Created May 18, 2014 06:13
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  • Save BrianWeinstein/b7317c5e4f56a9a12cdb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save BrianWeinstein/b7317c5e4f56a9a12cdb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
x1[t_] := R1*Sin[\[Theta]1[t]]
y1[t_] := (-R1)*Cos[\[Theta]1[t]]
x2[t_] := R1*Sin[\[Theta]1[t]] + R2*Sin[\[Theta]2[t]]
y2[t_] := (-R1)*Cos[\[Theta]1[t]] - R2*Cos[\[Theta]2[t]]
v1[t_] := Sqrt[D[x1[t], t]^2 + D[y1[t], t]^2]
v2[t_] := Sqrt[D[x2[t], t]^2 + D[y2[t], t]^2]
T1[t_] := (1/2)*m1*v1[t]^2
T2[t_] := (1/2)*m2*v2[t]^2
U[t_] := m1*g*y1[t] + m2*g*y2[t]
L[t_] := T1[t] + T2[t] - U[t]
Simplify[D[LB[t], \[Theta]1B[t]] == D[D[LB[t], Derivative[1][\[Theta]1B][t]], t]];
Simplify[D[LB[t], \[Theta]2B[t]] == D[D[LB[t], Derivative[1][\[Theta]2B][t]], t]];
\[Theta]10 = Pi/2;
\[Theta]1d0 = 0;
\[Theta]20 = Pi/2;
\[Theta]2d0 = 0;
g = 9.8;
R1 = 0.7;
R2 = 0.7;
m1 = 1;
m2 = 1;
sols =
{R1*(g*m1*Sin[\[Theta]1[t]] + g*m2*Sin[\[Theta]1[t]] +
m2*R2*Sin[\[Theta]1[t] - \[Theta]2[t]]*Derivative[1][\[Theta]2][t]^2 +
(m1 + m2)*R1*Derivative[2][\[Theta]1][t] +
m2*R2*Cos[\[Theta]1[t] - \[Theta]2[t]]*Derivative[2][\[Theta]2][t]) == 0,
m2*R2*(g*Sin[\[Theta]2[t]] - R1*Sin[\[Theta]1[t] -
\[Theta]2[t]]*Derivative[1][\[Theta]1][t]^2 + R1*Cos[\[Theta]1[t] -
\[Theta]2[t]]*Derivative[2][\[Theta]1][t] + R2*Derivative[2][\[Theta]2][t]) == 0,
\[Theta]1[0] == \[Theta]10,
Derivative[1][\[Theta]1][0] == \[Theta]1d0,
\[Theta]2[0] == \[Theta]20,
Derivative[1][\[Theta]2][0] == \[Theta]2d0
{\[Theta]1, Derivative[1][\[Theta]1], Derivative[2][\[Theta]1],
\[Theta]2, Derivative[1][\[Theta]2], Derivative[2][\[Theta]2]
{t, 0, 490},
MaxSteps -> 100000
\[Theta]1n[t_] := Evaluate[\[Theta]1[t] /. sols[[1,1]]]
\[Theta]2n[t_] := Evaluate[\[Theta]2[t] /. sols[[1,4]]]
\[Theta]d1n[t_] := Evaluate[Derivative[1][\[Theta]1][t] /. sols[[1,1]]]
\[Theta]d2n[t_] := Evaluate[Derivative[1][\[Theta]2][t] /. sols[[1,4]]]
x1n[t_] := R1*Sin[\[Theta]1n[t]]
y1n[t_] := (-R1)*Cos[\[Theta]1n[t]]
x2n[t_] := R1*Sin[\[Theta]1n[t]] + R2*Sin[\[Theta]2n[t]]
y2n[t_] := (-R1)*Cos[\[Theta]1n[t]] - R2*Cos[\[Theta]2n[t]]
{{x1n[t], y1n[t]}, {x2n[t], y2n[t]}},
{t, 0, tf},
PlotStyle -> {{Red}, {Blue}},
AspectRatio -> Automatic,
PlotRange -> {{-R1 - R2, R1 + R2}, {-R1 - R2, (R1 + R2)/3.5}},
Axes -> True,
GridLines -> Automatic, GridLinesStyle -> Directive[LightGray]
{AbsoluteThickness[2], Red, Line[{{0, 0}, {x1n[tf], y1n[tf]}}]},
{AbsoluteThickness[2], Blue, Line[{{x1n[tf], y1n[tf]}, {x2n[tf], y2n[tf]}}]},
{PointSize[Large], Red, Point[{x1n[tf], y1n[tf]}]},
{PointSize[Large], Blue, Point[{x2n[tf], y2n[tf]}]}
{tf, 0.01, 14, 0.1}
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