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Created February 8, 2018 20:01
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bootstrap_ci <- function(data, sample_size_pct = 0.50, samples = 100, conf_level = 0.95){
# Computes a bootstrapped confidence interval
# data: a numeric vector
# sample_size_pct: the percentage of the input data to be used in each bootsrapped sample
# samples: the number of samples
# conf_level: the desired confidence level
# a bootstrapped conf_level confidence interval
num_data_points <- length(data)
sample_means <- list()
for(i in 1:samples){
sample_means[i] <- mean(sample(x = data, size = floor(num_data_points * sample_size_pct), replace = TRUE))
sample_means <- unlist(sample_means)
ci <- sd(sample_means) * qnorm(p = conf_level+((1-conf_level)/2))
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