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Simple table with header

First name Last name
John Doe
define( 'SVG_instapaper', '<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 23.9356 24.0002"><title>Add to Instapaper</title><path d="M495.2844,421H481.78a5.2379,5.2379,0,0,0-5.2158,5.23v13.54a5.2384,5.2384,0,0,0,5.2158,5.23h13.504a5.2384,5.2384,0,0,0,5.2158-5.23V426.23A5.2379,5.2379,0,0,0,495.2844,421Zm-3.5324,5.9654c-1.2172,0-1.5871.4194-1.5871,0.9633v9.8825c0,0.5445.37,0.9645,1.5871,0.9645v0.8025H485.39V438.776c1.2169,0,1.5871-.42,1.5871-0.9645V427.929c0-.5439-0.37-0.9633-1.5871-0.9633v-0.8019h6.3617v0.8019Z" transform="translate(-476.5646 -421.0003)" fill="#36f"/><path d="M495.2844,421H481.78a5.2379,5.2379,0,0,0-5.2158,5.23v13.54a5.2384,5.2384,0,0,0,5.2158,5.23h13.504a5.2384,5.2384,0,0,0,5.2158-5.23V426.23A5.2379,5.2379,0,0,0,495.2844,421Zm-3.5324,5.9654c-1.2172,0-1.5871.4194-1.5871,0.9633v9.8825c0,0.5445.37,0.9645,1.5871,0.9645v0.8025H485.39V438.776c1.2169,0,1.5871-.42,1.5871-0.9645V427.929c0-.5439-0.37-0.9633-1.5871-0.9633v-0.8019h6.3617v0.8019Z" transform="translate(-476.5646 -421.0003)" fill="#36
//basic for loop
for (var i = 0; i < Things.length; i++) {
return; //breaks out
//Array.forEach version
let things = [1,2,3];
// ==UserScript==
// @name Universal GitHub Tasks
// @namespace
// @version 0.1
// @description try to take over the world!
// @author
// @match*
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
fetch(url, fetchOptions)
return fetchResponse.json();
} else {
console.log(url + " failed");
"id": 1820116214,
"authorIds": ["5876237249237788313"],
"authors": [{
"id": "5876237249237788313",
"screenName": "bshatzer",
"displayName": "Brice's Display Name",
"defaultBlogId": 1636458960,
"defaultBlog": null,
"avatar": {
BriceShatzer / facebook-contact-info-summary.rb
Created March 23, 2018 18:16 — forked from dylanmckay/facebook-contact-info-summary.rb
A Ruby script for collecting phone record statistics from a Facebook user data dump
#! /usr/bin/env ruby
# This script can be used to parse and dump the information from
# the 'html/contact_info.htm' file in a Facebook user data ZIP download.
# It prints all cell phone call + SMS message + MMS records, plus a summary of each.
# It also dumps all of the records into CSV files inside a 'CSV' folder, that is created
# in whatever the working directory of the program is when executed.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<h1>My First Heading</h1>
<p>My first paragraph.</p>
import com.kinja.mantle.model.BlogSalesMetadata
final case class Standard(
blogSalesObj: Option[BlogSalesMetadata])(implicit request: RequestPlus[_]): Standard = {
object Standard {
2 Abrade
2 Aether Hub
2 Chandra, Torch of Defiance
2 Field of Ruin
1 Fling
7 Forest
2 Ghalta, Primal Hunger
2 Hashep Oasis
3 Heart of Kiran
2 Heroic Intervention