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Created December 4, 2021 17:44
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Save Brin-o/dce146ad94ad64805a463abd7daedf53 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A godot utility script. Should be used as an autoload and provides a load of handy functions that I use in my style of programming.
extends Node
# ---------------
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# stops the node from functioning for a certian amount of time
func hit_stop(_node, _time):
set_pause_scene(_node, true)
yield(get_tree().create_timer(_time), "timeout")
set_pause_scene(_node, false)
func set_pause_node(node : Node, pause : bool) -> void:
# Ignored childs is an optional argument, that contains the path of nodes whose state must not be altered by the function
func set_pause_scene(rootNode : Node, pause : bool, ignoredChilds : PoolStringArray = [null]):
set_pause_node(rootNode, pause)
for node in rootNode.get_children():
if not (String(node.get_path()) in ignoredChilds):
set_pause_scene(node, pause, ignoredChilds)
var t : float = 0
var t_gate : float = 1
func _ready():
pause_mode = Node.PAUSE_MODE_PROCESS
func freeze(_seconds : float):
t = 0
t_gate = _seconds
get_tree().paused = true
func _process(delta):
if(get_tree().paused == true):
if(t >= t_gate):
t = 0
get_tree().paused = false
# -----------------
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# finds game objects that are common in my programming stlye :)
# no clue if this is smart but it works
func find_player():
var ply = get_tree().get_nodes_in_group("player")
if(ply.size() == 0):
#print("ERROR: Can't find player node!")
return null
print("player found!")
return ply[0]
func find_camera():
var cameras = get_tree().get_nodes_in_group("camera")
return cameras[0]
# -----------------
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# Normalizes any number to an arbitrary range
# by assuming the range wraps around when going below min or above max
func normalize_repeating(value:float, start:float, end:float):
var _width = end - start
var _offset = value - start
return (_offset - ((_offset/_width)*_width)) + start
# returns degs from a vector 2
func vector2deg(_vec : Vector2) -> float:
return rad2deg(_vec.angle())
# takes a vector and returns it rotated by _rot degrees
func vector2rotated(_vec : Vector2, _rot : float) -> Vector2:
return _vec.rotated(deg2rad(_rot))
#im not sure if this works lol? takes a deg. angle and returns it as a directional vector2. 0 returns Vector2.RIGHT
func angle2vector(_angle : float) -> Vector2:
var _x = cos(deg2rad(_angle))
var _y = sin(deg2rad(_angle))
return Vector2(_x, _y)
# sign function but if given 0 it returns 1
func sign_positive(_num : float) -> int:
var a = sign(_num)
if(a == 0): a = 1
return a
# sign function but if given 0 it returns -1
func sign_negative(_num : float) -> int:
var a = sign(_num)
if(a == 0): a = -1
return a
# returns 1 or -1 randomly
func rand_one():
var r = rand_range(0, 1)
if r > 0.5: return -1
else: return 1
# returns an integer from 0-A1 or from A1-A2
func rand_int(a1 : int, a2 = null):
if(a2 != null): return round(rand_range(a1, a2))
else: return round(rand_range(0, a1))
# lerp delta
# based on
# frame-rate indipendant lerp where t should be 0-1
func lerp_delta(delta, a, b, t):
var _t = 1 - t
return lerp(a, b, 1 - pow(_t,delta))
func round_decimal(number, decimal_count : int):
var tenner = pow(10, decimal_count)
return (float(round(number*tenner)/tenner))
func round_decimal_str(number, decimal_count : int):
return str(float(round_decimal(number, decimal_count)))
# Finds ANY node, children or not of other nodes
func find_node_by_name(node_name):
return get_tree().get_root().find_node(node_name)
# gets the node by name. Can NOT find any children
func get_node_by_name(node_name):
return get_tree().get_root().get_node(get_tree()"/"+node_name)
# Sends A towards B regardless if that requieres addition or substraction
func towards(a,b,rate):
if a+rate<b:return a+rate
if a-rate>b:return a-rate
return b
# Remaps the number from its old scale to new scale (eg. a 4 on a scale of 1-10 will become a 2 on a scale of 1-5). The value is clamped, with the min/max being new_bottom/new_top.
func remap(value : float, old_bottom : float, old_top : float, new_bottom : float, new_top):
return clamp(new_bottom + (value - old_bottom)*(new_top - new_bottom)/(old_top - old_bottom), new_bottom, new_top)
# Remaps the number from its old scale to new scale (eg. a 4 on a scale of 1-10 will become a 2 on a scale of 1-5)
func remap_unclamped(value : float, old_bottom : float, old_top : float, new_bottom : float, new_top):
return new_bottom + (value - old_bottom)*(new_top - new_bottom)/(old_top - old_bottom)
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# returns sin/cos waves
# pass in a time parameter, magnitude (how far do you want it to go), frequency in seconds, delay (how much should it start at
func wave_sin(t, magnitude, freq, delay = 0):
var new_freq = 1/freq
var wave = sin((t+delay)*new_freq)*magnitude
return wave
func wave_cos(t, magnitude, freq, delay = 0):
var new_freq = 1/freq
var wave = cos((t+delay)*new_freq)*magnitude
return wave
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# Changes the sacle of the node following Squash & Stretch aniamtion principle
# applied any time a nodes scale is not 1
# use inside of _process
func squash_to(delta, node : Node2D, squash_speed : float, target_scale : float):
var target_x = lerp(node.scale.x, target_scale, delta*squash_speed)
var target_y = target_scale/target_x
node.scale = Vector2(target_x, target_y)
func rotate_to(delta, node : Node2D, speed, target_rotation):
node.rotation_degrees = lerp(node.rotation_degrees, target_rotation, delta*speed)
func get_input_axis():
return Vector2(Input.get_action_strength("ui_right") - Input.get_action_strength("ui_left"), Input.get_action_strength("ui_up") - Input.get_action_strength("ui_down")).normalized()
func load_level(num : int):
get_tree().change_scene("res://Levels/Level"+ str(num)+".tscn")
# Restarts current scene
func restart():
## NOTES ##
# not actual code just notes of what i find confusing in godot and need to check in on every so often
# a shortcut for creating timers works like this
func note_timer(_time_to_wait):
# code that you want before the timer
yield(get_tree().create_timer(_time_to_wait), "timeout")
# code that you want after the timer
# I actually have no fucking clue how this works, thank ash the god of juice
func note_spring(delta, position = 0, speed = 0, target = 100, springiness = 15, excitement = 8):
speed = lerp(speed, (target - position) * springiness, delta * excitement)
position.x += speed * delta
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