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Last active September 11, 2017 12:30
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Introduction to WDI

Web Development Immersive

Welcome WDI 12!

Today's Agenda

  • Getting used to being back in the classroom
  • Student Handbook
  • Expectations + General Class Info
  • Ice Breakers
  • Installfest
  • What does "being a developer" mean?
  • Lunch!

Meet Your Instructors

  • Chris Johnson
  • Britney Jo Ludkowski

Class Culture

  • Collaborative, not competitive
  • Learning to learn vs. learning to memorize
  • Self guided learning; take the initiative
  • What you put into this course is what you get out of it
  • Be good to your classmates, they're part of your network
  • Participate! Public speaking and sharing your thoughts are a huge part of being a developer, practice now while you're in a safe environment with people who want to help you

The Emotional Cycle of Change

Don Kelley and Daryl Conner's model outlines the five emotional stages that most people go through during voluntary change.

Your Mindset

Growth mindset vs. fixed mindset

Self Reflection

Take 5 or so minutes and write down why you're here and what you want out of this course?. This won't be something you share with the class, but rather a place to gather your thoughts and goals. Maybe you'll look back at this throughout the course, maybe you'll never look back at it again, but take some time to really document what it is you want out of this course and what is driving you to be here right now.

Student Handbook

Graduation Requirements

You Must...

• Complete at least 80% of your homework over the whole course • Complete and present each of WDI's four projects • Not absent more than 3 days • Arriving late 3 times is counted as an absence

It’s imperative that you're in class and on time; everything we do in the course builds on itself, so missing even a little bit sets you back in the future as well.

In Order To...

• Attend the Student Showcase • Create a GA Profile on • Receive any Outcomes support • Participate in a group project during WDI • Be considered a graduate of this program

Student Expectations

  • Be Present
    • Attendance: You will check in on Garnet by 9am everyday
    • Let us know if you are running late
  • Be Persistent
    • Don't give up on a problem or if you don't understand something
  • Be Courteous
    • Don't let the stress get to you!
    • Treat everyone with the same attitude you expect from others
  • Be Independent
    • Don't follow the crowd
    • Don't be afraid to speak up if you don't get something
  • Be Thoughtful
    • Analyze everything!
  • Be Creative
    • this is not paint by numbers
  • Go Above and Beyond
    • talk to us if you're not feeling challenged

Messaging and Communication

  • For informal communication that doesn't need to be private, use Slack - even if you think it's a silly question, someone else probably has the same question.
  • If you need to talk to the instructors privately, please Slack the instructors in your private channel or bring it up during 1-on-1’s.
  • If you have a code question, make sure you've Googled the problem, you've tried to implement a couple of solutions, and you've asked another student; then, if it's not solved, come to the instructor with a well formed question
  • For jokes, memes, and all manner of nonsense, use the #wdi-atx-12-partytime room. Keep in mind that the Code of Conduct still applies. Absolutely have fun, but don't do anything that would get in the way of making this a positive learning environment for everyone.

Tools Used

  • Slack
    • Three channels
      • wdi-atx-12
      • wdi-atx-12-partytime
      • private channel with BOTH instructors
    • @username
      • sends a notification to a specific user
    • @channel
      • sends a notification to everyone
    • Direct messages are one on one messages nobody else sees
  • Github Class Repo
    • In-class exercises
    • Starter code
    • Instructor notes
  • Garnet
    • Attendance
    • Homework Tracking

Project Schedule + Curriculum

  • Unit 1: Front-end Development
  • Unit 2: Back-end Development
    • Project Week
    • Project Presentation
  • Unit 3: Front-end Frameworks
    • Project Week
    • Project Presentation
  • Unit 4: Python, SQL
    • Final Project Week
    • Project Presentation

Daily Schedule

  • 9:00 - 10:15 Morning Exercise
    • Outcomes on Wednesday mornings until 10:30
  • 10:15-10:30 Break
  • 10:30 - 1:00 Morning Lesson
  • 1:00 - 2:00 Lunch
  • 2:00 - 4:30 Afternoon Lesson
  • 4:30 - 5:00 Training Announced + Exit Tickets

Exit Tickets

  • We love feedback at GA
  • Exit tickets will be given daily
  • Use this opportunity to tell us how to improve

Office Hours

The format is informal: the instructors are "on duty" to help with homework or anything that you may have questions about in general from class. You are strongly encouraged to use these times to also work with fellow students on assignments and projects!

  • Tuesday 5 - 6:15pm // In-person office hours with Britney Jo
  • Thursday 7:30 - 9pm // Remote office hours with Chris

Excludes project weeks


September 11 - December 1

Days Off

  • Columbus Day // October 9
  • Thanksgiving // November 23 + 24



General Assembly takes academic honesty very seriously, and as such will not tolerate any student who plagiarizes in order to satisfy class requirements. Programs at General Assembly are intensive, require a lot of work on the part of the student, and students will occasionally not be able to complete work in a timely fashion.

Rather than rely on work that’s not your own to create the appearance of success, let your instructional team know as early as possible that you are not prepared for the work. It is much easier to come up with a plan, than it is to succeed if you’ve been removed from the program.


Plagiarism is the act of claiming that work that does not belong to you is in fact your own. It can take many forms, and each concentration at General Assembly will have a slightly different guideline to identify plagiarism in their field.

Generally it is safe to assume that if you are including work that does not belong to you in an effort to build on your own work — cite it. If you are using work that does not belong to you as a replacement for your own work, you’re probably plagiarizing.

Let's get to know each other!

Meet Your Classmates

  • Name
  • What were you doing before this?
  • What do you hope to do with your new skills in 12 weeks?
  • Guilty pleasure


Rock Paper Scissors Extreme


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