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General Assemblys Web Development Final Project

By Julien Deslangles and Britney Jo Ludkowski

Footsteps was created to encourage people to seek adventure and explore our amazing earth. It is an application that makes sharing and finding travel itineraries easy and beautiful. Users can create their very own travelling journeys and record each stop along the way. Footsteps utilizes the GoogleMaps API to allow users to upload text and photos directly to the map making each trip

BritneyJo / 0_reuse_code.js
Last active September 8, 2015 19:55
Here are some things you can do with Gists in GistBox.
// Use Gists to store code you would like to remember later on
console.log(window); // log the "window" object to the console

Interview Prep 101


Coming out of WDI we have an abundance of things on our side (passion, enthusiasm, ability to learn), but also a few things not in our favor (experience). This morning I want to go over all the other areas of our skillset that are going to help you get that job even if you're not the most experience developer.

You hate interviewing, but companies also hate it as well. The process for finding the right candidate is a time sink, it costs money and employee time to locate and interview potential candidates. On top of that, new employees have to be trained and will need time before they're making significant contributions.

That's why some companies use recruiters, they're supposed to filter out "qualified candidates" for companies to make it easier.

As you're going through this, remember - Your first development job will be the toughest one to get. You'll continue to develop your skills and experience and that will make it much easier for you to land jobs in the future.

BritneyJo /
Last active February 11, 2021 07:02

ES6 / ES2015

Learning Objectives

  • Understand what ES2015 is and how to use it
  • Exposure to and implementation of many of the most useful new features introduced in ES2015:
    • String Interpolation
    • Arrows
    • Let vs. Const vs. Var
    • Classes


Create a variable named wdiStudent and assign it to an object literal.

  1. Give your student at least three properties.
  2. One must have a key that contains a hyphen.
  3. One must contain an array or object.
  4. Update two properties, one of which is the hyphenated.
  5. Give your student a new property using dot or bracket notation.
  6. Delete one attribute.
BritneyJo /
Last active May 16, 2017 14:48
Technical Interview Questions

Technical Interview - Coding Questions

Create a string and assign it to a variable

var string = "string"

Reverse this string without using jQuery or any indigenous JavaScript methods

function reverse(s) {
 var o = ' ';

Practice Database Design


To practice modeling databases, you'll be tasked with designing an ERD for a hypothetical application. Think about what models you would need and what tables you'd create, including the associated attributes and how they would related to other tables.

Break into groups of three to create relationships in using crow's foot notation for one of the apps below.

At the end of class, we'll ask for volunteers (or pick some participants) to walk us through your thinking & explain your decisions.

BritneyJo /
Created May 16, 2017 17:09
Lab: Rock - Paper- Scissors Coding Challenge

“Rock – Paper – Scissors” Coding Challenge

Hope you know the rules for this game! If not, here is the gist – rock beats scissors, scissors beats paper and paper beats rock.

The objective of this project is to create a functional interface that will allow a user to play this game with a bot as many times as possible within a stipulated amount of time.

Create a page that will have the following:

  1. 2 input fields. One will take minutes and the other will take seconds.
  2. A block to show the timer.
  3. 3 buttons representing rock, paper and scissors. The user should be able to click on a button to indicate his/her choice.
BritneyJo /
Last active September 11, 2017 12:30
Introduction to WDI

Web Development Immersive

Welcome WDI 12!

Today's Agenda

  • Getting used to being back in the classroom
  • Student Handbook
  • Expectations + General Class Info
  • Ice Breakers
BritneyJo /
Last active June 28, 2018 19:29
Lab: High Card Front-End JS Challenge

Let's Play High-Card-Wins

Game time! You are being tasked over the next 2 days to build another JavaScript game, High-Card! The winner is whoever has the highest card.

Coding Rules

For this Front-End Challenge you will not be using any outside resources other than class lesson notes and your brain. This means you'll need to start small and break this challenge into tiny manageable pieces. You already know everything necessary to complete this game; the tricky part here is going to be problem solving. Do not work on any CSS until the game functions properly. If there is time left, you can add styles Bonus V.


  1. Build a deck of shuffled cards.