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Last active December 27, 2023 15:51
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Locomotive + ScrollTrigger
function loco(){
// Using Locomotive Scroll from Locomotive
const locoScroll = new LocomotiveScroll({
el: document.querySelector("#main"),
smooth: true
// each time Locomotive Scroll updates, tell ScrollTrigger to update too (sync positioning)
locoScroll.on("scroll", ScrollTrigger.update);
// tell ScrollTrigger to use these proxy methods for the "#main" element since Locomotive Scroll is hijacking things
ScrollTrigger.scrollerProxy("#main", {
scrollTop(value) {
return arguments.length ? locoScroll.scrollTo(value, 0, 0) : locoScroll.scroll.instance.scroll.y;
}, // we don't have to define a scrollLeft because we're only scrolling vertically.
getBoundingClientRect() {
return {top: 0, left: 0, width: window.innerWidth, height: window.innerHeight};
// LocomotiveScroll handles things completely differently on mobile devices - it doesn't even transform the container at all! So to get the correct behavior and avoid jitters, we should pin things with position: fixed on mobile. We sense it by checking to see if there's a transform applied to the container (the LocomotiveScroll-controlled element).
pinType: document.querySelector("#main").style.transform ? "transform" : "fixed"
// // --- RED PANEL ---
// gsap.from(".line-1", {
// scrollTrigger: {
// trigger: ".line-1",
// scroller: "#main",
// scrub: true,
// start: "top bottom",
// end: "top top",
// onUpdate: self => console.log(self.direction)
// },
// scaleX: 0,
// transformOrigin: "left center",
// ease: "none"
// });
// // --- ORANGE PANEL ---
// gsap.from(".line-2", {
// scrollTrigger: {
// trigger: ".orange",
// scroller: "#main",
// scrub: true,
// pin: true,
// start: "top top",
// end: "+=100%"
// },
// scaleX: 0,
// transformOrigin: "left center",
// ease: "none"
// });
// // --- PURPLE/GREEN PANEL ---
// var tl = gsap.timeline({
// scrollTrigger: {
// trigger: ".purple",
// scroller: "#main",
// scrub: true,
// pin: true,
// start: "top top",
// end: "+=100%"
// }
// });
// tl.from(".purple p", {scale: 0.3, rotation:45, autoAlpha: 0, ease: "power2"})
// .from(".line-3", {scaleX: 0, transformOrigin: "left center", ease: "none"}, 0)
// .to(".purple", {backgroundColor: "#28a92b"}, 0);
// each time the window updates, we should refresh ScrollTrigger and then update LocomotiveScroll.
ScrollTrigger.addEventListener("refresh", () => locoScroll.update());
// after everything is set up, refresh() ScrollTrigger and update LocomotiveScroll because padding may have been added for pinning, etc.
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