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Last active December 12, 2015 06:48
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DWBN Streaming 1.1 Technical Changelog
DWBN Streaming Update 1.1
Changelog - Tech Doc
Main Changes:
- Login Caching removed: Authentification of user login data takes place every time the application started
- Push Notifications: Push Notifications get send once the streaming schedule was updated.
Push Notifications will inform the user about new streaming dates available.
However it will not set an automatic reminder for the lecture which still has to be set by the user.
Automatic streaming reminder could be a userful feature for future releases.
User can enable/disable Push Notifications by the standard methods Apple provides to manage push notifications.
Minor Changes:
- Network communicatin now happens via AFNetworking.
- Email addess gets transformed to lower case letters before being send to authentification script.
- General code refactoring in almost all classes
- Translations are back
- Year of streaming dates can now be set by the API controllers as it is not included in the schedule initially.
- Table view background fixed (ios6)
- Update timer starts after user was verified.
- Spinner activity indicator in snapshot view now longer appears on the head of Lama Ole. Instead UIApplications network activity indicator is used.
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