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Last active October 21, 2021 09:56
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  • Save BruceChen7/1e003346b48f4394a602012d369f3980 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save BruceChen7/1e003346b48f4394a602012d369f3980 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
[#golang#log#flag] #log#flag#string#timer
import log
log.SetFlags(log.Lshortfile)   // config.go:46 xxxxx
log.SetFlags(log.Ldate)     // 2017/11/12 xxxx
log.Println("hello world") // 日志级别
log.Fatal("hello world")   // 终止还行

golang flag的使用

// 在init函数中设置
func init() {
	flag.StringVar(&httpMethod, "X", "GET", "HTTP method to use")
	flag.StringVar(&postBody, "d", "", "the body of a POST or PUT request; from file use @filename")
	flag.BoolVar(&followRedirects, "L", false, "follow 30x redirects")
	flag.BoolVar(&onlyHeader, "I", false, "don't read body of request")
	flag.BoolVar(&insecure, "k", false, "allow insecure SSL connections")
	flag.Var(&httpHeaders, "H", "set HTTP header; repeatable: -H 'Accept: ...' -H 'Range: ...'")
	flag.BoolVar(&saveOutput, "O", false, "save body as remote filename")
	flag.StringVar(&outputFile, "o", "", "output file for body")
	flag.BoolVar(&showVersion, "v", false, "print version number")
	flag.StringVar(&clientCertFile, "E", "", "client cert file for tls config")
	flag.BoolVar(&fourOnly, "4", false, "resolve IPv4 addresses only")
	flag.BoolVar(&sixOnly, "6", false, "resolve IPv6 addresses only")

	flag.Usage = usage

func usage() {
	fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Usage: %s [OPTIONS] URL\n\n", os.Args[0])
	fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "OPTIONS:")
	flag.PrintDefaults()  # 使用选项
	fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "")
	fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "ENVIRONMENT:")
	fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "  HTTP_PROXY    proxy for HTTP requests; complete URL or HOST[:PORT]")
	fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "                used for HTTPS requests if HTTPS_PROXY undefined")
	fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "  HTTPS_PROXY   proxy for HTTPS requests; complete URL or HOST[:PORT]")
	fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "  NO_PROXY      comma-separated list of hosts to exclude from proxy")
func main() {
    args := flag.Args()
	if len(args) != 1 {


package main

import (

func main()  {
    ch := make(chan int, 10)

    go func() {
        var i = 1
        for {
            ch <- i

    for {
        select {
        case x := <- ch:
        case <- time.After(3 * time.Minute):


package main

import (

func main()  {
    ch := make(chan int, 10)

    go func() {
        for {
            ch <- 100

    idleDuration := 3 * time.Minute
    idleDelay := time.NewTimer(idleDuration)
    defer idleDelay.Stop()

    for {

        select {
            case x := <- ch:
            case <-idleDelay.C:


31 // leak is a buggy function. It launches a goroutine that
32 // blocks receiving from a channel. Nothing will ever be
33 // sent on that channel and the channel is never closed so
34 // that goroutine will be blocked forever.
35 func leak() {
36     ch := make(chan int)
38     go func() {
39         val := <-ch
40         fmt.Println("We received a value:", val)
41     }()
42 }

像这种go routine泄漏非常明显,因为 val 从channel中读取,实际上channel不会有任何机会写,所以会泄漏。上面的版本比较容易看出,实际上,我们可以在生产环境中遇到类似的。

38 // result wraps the return values from search. It allows us
39 // to pass both values across a single channel.
40 type result struct {
41     record string
42     err    error
43 }
45 // process is the work for the program. It finds a record
46 // then prints it. It fails if it takes more than 100ms.
47 func process(term string) error {
49     // Create a context that will be canceled in 100ms.
50     ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 100*time.Millisecond)
51     defer cancel()
53     // Make a channel for the goroutine to report its result.
54     ch := make(chan result)
56     // Launch a goroutine to find the record. Create a result
57     // from the returned values to send through the channel.
58     go func() {
59         record, err := search(term)
60         ch <- result{record, err}
61     }()
63     // Block waiting to either receive from the goroutine's
64     // channel or for the context to be canceled.
65     select {
66     case <-ctx.Done(): // 如果超时了,那么,将会ch将不会有任何机会写入了,那么goroutine将会泄漏。
67         return errors.New("search canceled")
68     case result := <-ch:   // 这个地方,如果channel写入了,那么不会有问题。
69         if result.err != nil {
70             return result.err
71         }
72         fmt.Println("Received:", result.record)
73         return nil
74     }
75 }


53  // Make a channel for the goroutine to report its result.
54  // Give it capacity so sending doesn't block.
55  ch := make(chan result, 1)


  • 什么时候goroutine终止

  • 什么能够阻止其终止。

  • Never start a goroutine without knowing how it will stop,除非时明确用途的


5 // processRecords is given a slice of values such as lines
36 // from a file. The order of these values is not important
37 // so the function can start multiple workers to perform some
38 // processing on each record then feed the results back.
39 func processRecords(records []string) {
41     // Load all of the records into the input channel. It is
42     // buffered with just enough capacity to hold all of the
43     // records so it will not block.
45     total := len(records)
46     input := make(chan string, total)
47     for _, record := range records {
48         input <- record
49     }
50     // close(input) // What if we forget to close the channel?
52     // Start a pool of workers to process input and send
53     // results to output. Base the size of the worker pool on
54     // the number of logical CPUs available.
56     output := make(chan string, total)
57     workers := runtime.NumCPU()
58     for i := 0; i < workers; i++ {
59         go worker(i, input, output)
60     }
62     // Receive from output the expected number of times. If 10
63     // records went in then 10 will come out.
65     for i := 0; i < total; i++ {
66         result := <-output
67         fmt.Printf("[result  ]: output %s\n", result)
68     }
69 }
71 // worker is the work the program wants to do concurrently.
72 // This is a blog post so all the workers do is capitalize a
73 // string but imagine they are doing something important.
74 //
75 // Each goroutine can't know how many records it will get so
76 // it must use the range keyword to receive in a loop.
77 func worker(id int, input <-chan string, output chan<- string) {
78     for v := range input {
79         fmt.Printf("[worker %d]: input %s\n", id, v)
80         output <- strings.ToUpper(v)
81     }
82     fmt.Printf("[worker %d]: shutting down\n", id)
83 }

我们忘记对channel关掉,导致work routine得不到释放,对于buffered从channel,channel is only closed for sending, not receiving.

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