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Created May 9, 2021 07:42
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script for batch fixing image dimensions
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# author: bruno borges paschoalinoto
# no rights reserved
# written for my friend @LucasGiannella
import sys, os, math
from itertools import repeat
from PIL import Image
print("Pillow does not seem to be installed. Try running:")
print(" python3 -m pip install --upgrade Pillow")
print("to install it.")
EXTS = [
".jpg", ".jpeg", ".png", ".gif", ".tiff", ".tif", ".bmp", ".dib"
def fiximg(args):
fn, target_dim = args
img =
corrs = []
if img.size[0] < img.size[1]:
img = img.rotate(90)
w, h = img.size
wj, hj = target_dim
if w < wj:
corrs.append("stretch to fit width")
img = img.resize((wj, h*wj//w))
w, h = img.size
if h < hj:
corrs.append("stretch to fit height")
img = img.resize((w*hj//h, hj))
w, h = img.size
if (w, h) != (wj, hj):
left = (w - wj)//2
top = (h - hj)//2
right = (w + wj)//2
bottom = (h + hj)//2
img = img.crop((left, top, right, bottom))
corrs.append("center cut")
if len(corrs):
s = ", ".join(corrs)
print(f"Image {fn} required: {s}.")
return True
print(f"Image {fn} was already the right size.")
return False
def fixdir(dirpath, target_dim, num_threads=1):
print(f"Fixing images in {dirpath} with {num_threads} threads.\n")
isimg = lambda p: any([ext in p for ext in EXTS])
fs = map(lambda f: os.path.join(dirpath, f), os.listdir(dirpath))
imgs = list(zip(filter(isimg, fs), repeat(target_dim)))
if num_threads == 1:
my_map = map
from multiprocessing import Pool
my_map = Pool(num_threads).map
total = sum(my_map(fiximg, imgs))
print(f"\nDone! Saw {len(imgs)} images, {total} out of which were changed.")
return total
def main(argc, argv):
if argc < 4:
print("Specify directory, width and height.")
return 1
_, dirpath, wj, hj = argv[:4]
wj = int(wj)
hj = int(hj)
if wj < 1 or hj < 1:
raise ValueError("Width and height need both be POSITIVE integers.")
except ValueError as ve:
return 1
from multiprocessing import cpu_count
cc = cpu_count()
cc = 1
num_threads = (cc - 1) if cc > 1 else 1
fixdir(dirpath, (wj, hj), num_threads=num_threads)
return 0
if __name__ == "__main__":
from sys import argv, exit
exit(main(len(argv), argv))
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