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Last active May 13, 2016 13:15
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Converter to convert number of bytes to kB, MB, GB, TB or PB in C#
using System;
namespace CSharp
public static class BytesConverter
public static double ConvertBytesToKB(long bytes)
return bytes / 1024f;
public static double ConvertBytesToMB(long bytes)
return ConvertBytesToKB(bytes) / 1024f;
public static double ConvertBytesToGB(long bytes)
return ConvertBytesToMB(bytes) / 1024f;
public static double ConvertBytesToTB(long bytes)
return ConvertBytesToGB(bytes) / 1024f;
public static double ConvertBytesToPB(long bytes)
return ConvertBytesToTB(bytes) / 1024f;
public static string BytesToHuman(long size)
long Kb = 1 * 1024;
long Mb = Kb * 1024;
long Gb = Mb * 1024;
long Tb = Gb * 1024;
long Pb = Tb * 1024;
long Eb = Pb * 1024;
if (size == 0) return "0 Mb";
if (size < Kb) return FloatForm(size) + " byte";
if (size >= Kb && size < Mb) return FloatForm((double)size / Kb) + " Kb";
if (size >= Mb && size < Gb) return FloatForm((double)size / Mb) + " Mb";
if (size >= Gb && size < Tb) return FloatForm((double)size / Gb) + " Gb";
if (size >= Tb && size < Pb) return FloatForm((double)size / Tb) + " Tb";
if (size >= Pb && size < Eb) return FloatForm((double)size / Pb) + " Pb";
if (size >= Eb) return FloatForm((double)size / Eb) + " Eb";
return size.ToString();
public static string FloatForm(double d)
return Math.Round(d, 2).ToString("##.##");
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