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Last active November 9, 2018 02:29
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  • Save BrutalSimplicity/5fa28fc5be564b9b7d6e483c6a748bc1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<player name="Pam" >
<tile terrain="B" cost="1" />
<tile terrain="Z" cost="2" />
<tile terrain="N" cost="2" />
<tile terrain="M" cost="2" />
<tile terrain="P" cost="5" />
<player name="Dwight" >
<tile terrain="B" cost="3" />
<tile terrain="Z" cost="3" />
<tile terrain="N" cost="2" />
<tile terrain="M" cost="5" />
<tile terrain="P" cost="4" />
<player name="Jim" >
<tile terrain="B" cost="5" />
<tile terrain="Z" cost="1" />
<tile terrain="N" cost="1" />
<tile terrain="M" cost="7" />
<tile terrain="P" cost="6" />
<player name="Kelly" >
<tile terrain="B" cost="4" />
<tile terrain="Z" cost="1" />
<tile terrain="N" cost="5" />
<tile terrain="M" cost="4" />
<tile terrain="P" cost="4" />
<tile terrain="Q" cost="2" />
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Xml;
namespace PathSolver
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var game = LoadXml("Kory");
var winner = game.Players.OrderBy(x => x.TotalMoveCost).First();
Console.WriteLine($"Name: {winner.Name}, Cost: {winner.TotalMoveCost}");
static public Game LoadXml(string fileName)
var game = new Game();
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
XmlNodeList players = doc.SelectNodes("/root/players/player");
foreach (XmlNode player in players)
var domainPlayer = new Player();
domainPlayer.Name = player.Attributes["name"].Value;
foreach (XmlNode tile in player.ChildNodes)
var domainTile = new Tile();
domainTile.Terrain = Convert.ToChar(tile.Attributes["terrain"].Value);
domainTile.Cost = Int32.Parse(tile.Attributes["cost"].Value);
XmlNodeList rows = doc.SelectNodes("/root/map/row");
int irow = 0;
int icol = 0;
bool flag = false;
foreach (XmlNode row in rows)
string mapTiles = row.InnerText;
if (!flag)
game.Board = new char[row.InnerText.Length, row.InnerText.Length];
flag = true;
foreach (var tile in mapTiles)
game.Board[irow,icol++] = tile;
icol = 0;
return game;
public class Player
public string Name { get; set; }
public int TotalMoveCost { get; set; }
public List<Move> Moves { get; set; }
public List<Tile> Tiles { get; set; } = new List<Tile>();
public int GetCostForTile(char tile)
=> Tiles.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Terrain == tile)?.Cost ?? 1;
public string GetPath()
=> string.Join(Environment.NewLine, Moves.Select(m => $"=> ({m.Row}, {m.Col}), {m.Cost}"));
public class Tile
public char Terrain { get; set; }
public int Cost { get; set; }
public class Move
public int Cost { get; set; }
public int Row { get; set; }
public int Col { get; set; }
public Move(int row, int col, int cost)
Row = row;
Col = col;
Cost = cost;
public class Game
public List<Player> Players { get; set; }
public char[,] Board { get; set; }
private int _length;
public Game()
Players = new List<Player>();
public void CalculatePlayersCost()
foreach (var player in Players)
private void CalculateCost(Player player)
int length = Board.GetLength(0);
_length = length;
var previousPositions = new List<(int row, int col)>();
var bestPath = CalculateRecurse(player, previousPositions, 0, 0);
player.TotalMoveCost = bestPath.cost;
player.Moves = bestPath.moves.AsEnumerable().Reverse().ToList();
private (int cost, List<Move> moves) CalculateRecurse(Player player, List<(int row, int col)> previousPositions, int row, int col)
var positions = GetAvailablePositions(previousPositions, row, col);
var pos = positions.FirstOrDefault(x => x.tile == '@');
if (positions.Any(x => x.tile == '@'))
return (1, new List<Move> { new Move(pos.row, pos.col, 1) });
var costs = new List<(int, List<Move>)>();
var moves = GetBestMoves(player, positions.Select(x => x.tile).ToList());
foreach (var position in moves)
// update previous state so we don't visit again
previousPositions = previousPositions.Concat(new [] { (row, col) }).ToList();
// move to new position
var nextMove = positions.First(x => x.tile == position.tile);
row = nextMove.row;
col = nextMove.col;
// remove the selected move from the list of available positions
var pathCost = CalculateRecurse(player, previousPositions, row, col);
// add the costs for choices that end up succesfully completing the maze
if (pathCost.cost > 0)
costs.Add((pathCost.cost + position.cost,
pathCost.moves.Concat(new[] { new Move(row, col, pathCost.cost) }).ToList()));
if (costs.Count > 0)
return costs.OrderBy(x => x.Item1).First();
return (0, null);
private List<(char tile, int row, int col)> GetAvailablePositions(List<(int row, int col)> previousPositions, int row, int col)
int right = col + 1;
int up = row - 1;
int down = row + 1;
int left = col - 1;
List<(char title, int row, int col)> tiles = new List<(char title, int row, int col)>();
if (right < _length && !IsPrevious(previousPositions, row, right) && IsValid(Board[row, right]))
tiles.Add((Board[row, right], row, right));
if (left >= 0 && !IsPrevious(previousPositions, row, left) && IsValid(Board[row, left]))
tiles.Add((Board[row, left], row, left));
if (up >= 0 && !IsPrevious(previousPositions, up, col) && IsValid(Board[up, col]))
tiles.Add((Board[up, col], up, col));
if (down < _length && !IsPrevious(previousPositions, down, col) && IsValid(Board[down, col]))
tiles.Add((Board[down, col], down, col));
return tiles;
private bool IsValid(char tile)
=> tile != '*';
private bool IsPrevious(List<(int row, int col)> previous, int row, int col)
=> previous.Any(x => x.row == row && x.col == col);
private bool IsLastBacktracked(List<(int row, int col)> last, int row, int col)
=> last.Any(x => x.row == row && x.col == col);
private List<(char tile, int cost)> GetBestMoves(Player player, List<char> positions)
return positions.Select(pos => (tile: pos, cost: player.GetCostForTile(pos))).OrderBy(x => x.cost).ToList();
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Name: Pam, Cost: 19
=> (1, 0), 18
=> (2, 0), 16
=> (2, 1), 15
=> (2, 2), 14
=> (3, 2), 12
=> (4, 2), 11
=> (4, 3), 10
=> (4, 4), 9
=> (4, 5), 8
=> (4, 6), 7
=> (4, 7), 6
=> (4, 8), 5
=> (5, 8), 4
=> (6, 8), 2
=> (7, 8), 1
=> (8, 8), 1

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