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Created December 7, 2017 23:05
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  • Save BryanSWeber/bd876e52f4b1c54a0a3da84a0902e3b6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save BryanSWeber/bd876e52f4b1c54a0a3da84a0902e3b6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
; Paths and revisions for AI
; - Use commas to specify AI for multiple instances.
; - If there are more instances than the amount of
; DLLs specified, then the last entry is used.
; - Example: SomeAI.dll, SecondInstance.dll, ThirdInstance.dll
; - Absolute paths are acceptable.
ai = "C:/Users/Bryan/BWAPI_4.1.2/BWAPI/MeatAIModule/Release/MeatAIModule.dll", "C:/Users/Bryan/BWAPI_4.1.2/ualbertabot-master/UAlbertaBot/bin/UAlbertaBot.dll"
ai_dbg = "C:/Users/Bryan/BWAPI_4.1.2/BWAPI/MeatAIModule/Debug/MeatAIModule.dll"
; Used only for tournaments
; Tournaments can only be run in RELEASE mode
tournament =
; for replays, just set the map to the path of the replay file
auto_menu = LAN
; pause_dbg = ON | OFF
; This specifies if auto_menu will pause until a debugger is attached to the process.
; Only works in DEBUG mode.
pause_dbg = ON
; lan_mode = Same as the text that appears in the multiplayer connection list
; Examples: Local Area Network (UDP), Local PC, Direct IP
lan_mode = Local PC
; auto_restart = ON | OFF
; if ON, BWAPI will automate through the end of match screen and start the next match
; if OFF, BWAPI will pause at the end of match screen until you manually click OK,
; and then BWAPI resume menu automation and start the next match
auto_restart = ON
; map = path to map relative to Starcraft folder, i.e. map = maps/(2)Boxer.scm
; leaving this field blank will join a game instead of creating it
; The filename(NOT the path) can also contain wildcards, example: maps/(?)*.sc?
; A ? is a wildcard for a single character and * is a wildcard for a string of characters
map = maps/(?)*.sc?
; game = name of the game to join
; i.e., game = BWAPI
; will join the game called "BWAPI"
; If the game does not exist and the "map" entry is not blank, then the game will be created instead
; If this entry is blank, then it will follow the rules of the "map" entry
game = MeatAI
; mapiteration = RANDOM | SEQUENCE
; type of iteration that will be done on a map name with a wildcard
mapiteration = RANDOM
; race = Terran | Protoss | Zerg | Random
race = Zerg, Random
; enemy_count = 1-7, for 1v1 games, set enemy_count = 1
; only used in single player games
enemy_count = 1
; enemy_race = Terran | Protoss | Zerg | Random | RandomTP | RandomTZ | RandomPZ | RandomTPZ
; only used in single player games
enemy_race = RandomTPZ
; enemy_race_# = Default
; Values for enemy_race are acceptable, Default will use the value specified in enemy_race
enemy_race_1 = Default
enemy_race_2 = Default
enemy_race_3 = Default
enemy_race_4 = Default
enemy_race_5 = Default
enemy_race_6 = Default
enemy_race_7 = Default
game_type = MELEE
; save_replay = path to save replay to
; Accepts all environment variables including custom variables. See wiki for more info.
save_replay = maps/replays/%BOTNAME6%/$Y $b $d/%MAP%_%BOTRACE%%ALLYRACES%vs%ENEMYRACES%_$H$M$S.rep
; wait_for_min_players = #
; # of players to wait for in a network game before starting.
; This includes the BWAPI player. The game will start immediately when it is full.
wait_for_min_players = 2
; wait_for_max_players = #
; Start immediately when the game has reached # players.
; This includes the BWAPI player. The game will start immediately when it is full.
wait_for_max_players = 8
; wait_for_time = #
; The time in milliseconds (ms) to wait after the game has met the min_players requirement.
; The game will start immediately when it is full.
wait_for_time = 60000
; holiday = ON | OFF
; This will apply special easter eggs to the game when it comes time for a holiday.
holiday = ON
; shared_memory = ON | OFF
; This is specifically used to disable shared memory (BWAPI Server) in the Windows Emulator "WINE"
; Setting this to OFF will disable the BWAPI Server, default is ON
shared_memory = ON
; These values are saved automatically when you move, resize, or toggle windowed mode
; windowed = ON | OFF
; This causes BWAPI to enter windowed mode when it is injected.
windowed =ON
; left, top
; Determines the position of the window
left =1198
top =384
; width, height
; Determines the width and height of the client area and not the window itself
width =640
height =480
; Game sound engine = ON | OFF
sound = OFF
; Screenshot format = gif | pcx | tga | bmp
screenshots = gif
; Random seed override. This uses a fixed seed at the start of the game so that if played out the exact same way,
; the same occurrences will happen every time. This value must be a decimal integer.
; When this key is commented out, Starcraft will use the system time as a seed. This is the default behaviour.
; Note: This option affects both single AND multi-player modes (for game hosts only). This means that hosting a multi-player
; game with this option enabled will distribute this fixed seed to all other players in the game.
;seed_override = 123456789
; Speed override. This overrides the default game speed setting and prevents bots from changing the game speed.
; Enabling this option causes it to take effect. The value is the number of milliseconds per frame. A negative
; value uses the game's default speed value.
speed_override = 1
; drop_players = ON | OFF
; This specifies if BWAPI should drop other players from the game when the timeout dialog reaches 0. Players
; usually time out when there are connection issues or their client is not responding. Setting this to OFF
; will cause BWAPI to wait an infinite amount of time until the player reconnects.
drop_players = ON
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