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Created January 20, 2016 00:34
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LinqPad: Animation Study
void Main()
var xaml = @"
<Style TargetType=""{x:Type Button}"">
<Setter Property=""Height"" Value=""32"" />
<Setter Property=""Margin"" Value=""8"" />
<Setter Property=""Width"" Value=""128"" />
<StackPanel Name=""LeftStack"" Canvas.Left=""16"" Canvas.Top=""16"" Width=""160"">
<Button />
<Button Width=""96"" />
<Button />
<StackPanel Name=""RightStack"" Canvas.Left=""240"" Canvas.Top=""16"" Width=""160"">
<Button />
<Button Width=""96"" />
<Button />
<Rectangle Name=""Tangle""
IsHitTestVisible=""false"" Opacity=""0""
Width=""128"" Height=""32""
var view = (UserControl)XamlReader.Parse(xaml);
var leftStack = (StackPanel)view.FindName("LeftStack");
var rightStack = (StackPanel)view.FindName("RightStack");
var tangle = (Rectangle)view.FindName("Tangle");
view.Loaded += (s, args) =>
Action<StackPanel, Button> setupStackButton = (stack, button) =>
var canvasTopLeft = stack.GetTopAndLeftOfChildOnCanvas(button);
var canvasCenter = stack.GetCenterOfChildOnCanvas(button);
var index = stack.Children.IndexOf(button);
if((index == 0) && (stack.Name == "LeftStack"))
tangle.Opacity = .4;
button.Content = string.Format("center: ({0},{1})", canvasCenter.X, canvasCenter.Y);
button.Click += (s1, args1) =>
var duration = 450;
canvasTopLeft.X, duration,
(s2, args2) =>
tangle.SetDouble(Canvas.LeftProperty, canvasTopLeft.X);
canvasTopLeft.Y, duration,
(s2, args2) =>
tangle.SetDouble(Canvas.TopProperty, canvasTopLeft.Y);
button.Width, duration,
(s2, args2) =>
tangle.SetDouble(FrameworkElement.WidthProperty, button.Width);
leftStack.Children.OfType<Button>().ToList().ForEach(i => setupStackButton(leftStack, i));
rightStack.Children.OfType<Button>().ToList().ForEach(i => setupStackButton(rightStack, i));
public static class CanvasExtensions
public static Point GetTopAndLeftOfChildOnCanvas(this StackPanel panel, FrameworkElement child)
if(panel == null) return default(Point);
if(child == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("child", "The expected child element is not here.");
var stackTopLeft = new Vector(Canvas.GetLeft(panel), Canvas.GetTop(panel));
var canvasTopLeft = Point.Add(child.GetVisualOrigin(panel), stackTopLeft);
return canvasTopLeft;
public static Point GetCenterOfChildOnCanvas(this StackPanel panel, FrameworkElement child)
if(panel == null) return default(Point);
var canvasTopLeft = panel.GetTopAndLeftOfChildOnCanvas(child);
var center = new Vector(child.GetCenterX(), child.GetCenterY());
var canvasCenter = Point.Add(canvasTopLeft, center);
return canvasCenter;
public static void SetCenterOfChildOnCanvas(this FrameworkElement child, Point center)
if(child == null) return;
Canvas.SetLeft(child, center.X - child.GetCenterX());
Canvas.SetTop(child, center.Y - child.GetCenterY());
public static class DependencyObjectExtensions
public static double? GetDouble(this DependencyObject dependencyObject, DependencyProperty property)
if (dependencyObject == null) return null;
return (double)dependencyObject.GetValue(property);
public static void SetDouble(this DependencyObject dependencyObject, DependencyProperty property, double value)
if (dependencyObject == null) return;
dependencyObject.SetValue(property, value);
public static class FrameworkElementExtensions
public static double GetCenterX(this FrameworkElement element)
if (element == null) return default(double);
return (element.Width / 2);
public static double GetCenterY(this FrameworkElement element)
if (element == null) return default(double);
return (element.Height / 2);
public static class UIElementExtensions
public static void AnimateProperty(this UIElement element, DependencyProperty property, double toValue, double durationInMilliseconds, EventHandler completionHandler = null)
if (element == null) return;
var duration = new Duration(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(durationInMilliseconds));
var animation = new DoubleAnimation(toValue, duration);
if(completionHandler != null) animation.Completed += completionHandler;
element.BeginAnimation(property, animation);
public static void AnimateProperty(this UIElement element, DependencyProperty property, Thickness toValue, double durationInMilliseconds, EventHandler completionHandler = null)
if (element == null) return;
var duration = new Duration(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(durationInMilliseconds));
var animation = new ThicknessAnimation(toValue, duration);
if(completionHandler != null) animation.Completed += completionHandler;
element.BeginAnimation(property, animation);
public static void RemoveAllAnimationClocksFromProperty(this UIElement element, DependencyProperty property)
if (element == null) return;
element.BeginAnimation(property, null);
public static class VisualExtensions
public static Point GetVisualOrigin(this Visual visual, Visual ancestorVisual)
if (visual == null) return default(Point);
if (ancestorVisual == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("ancestorVisual", "The expected ancestor visual is not here.");
var transform = visual.TransformToAncestor(ancestorVisual);
var point = transform.Transform(new Point(0, 0));
return point;
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