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Forked from sergejusb/IIS-Functions.ps1
Last active August 29, 2015 14:23
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# shared functions for IIS
# based on “Basic Power-Shell cmdlets to work with IIS 7+”
Import-Module WebAdministration
function Add-PhysicalPath($PhysicalPath)
if(-not(Test-Path $PhysicalPath))
Write-Output "Path $PhysicalPath does not exist. Generating..."
New-Item -Force -ItemType directory -Path $PhysicalPath
function Add-WebApplication($Site, $AppName, $PhysicalPath, $ApplicationPool = "DefaultAppPool")
if ((Get-WebApplication -Name $AppName -Site $Site) -ne $null)
Write-Warning "Web application $AppName already exists. Removing..."
Remove-WebApplication -Site $Site -Name $AppName
if (Test-Path "$PhysicalPath\Web.config") { Remove-Item "$PhysicalPath\Web.config" }
Add-PhysicalPath $PhysicalPath
Write-Output "Adding web application $AppName..."
$webApp = New-WebApplication -Site $Site -Name $AppName -PhysicalPath $PhysicalPath -ApplicationPool $ApplicationPool
return Get-Item "IIS:\Sites\$Site\$AppName"
function Add-WebAppPool($PoolName, $Identity = "NetworkService", $RuntimeVersion = "v4.0", $PipelineMode = "Integrated")
if (Test-Path "IIS:\AppPools\$PoolName")
Write-Warning "Application pool $PoolName already exists. Removing..."
Remove-WebAppPool -Name $PoolName
Write-Output "Adding application pool $PoolName..."
$appPool = New-WebAppPool -Name $PoolName
$appPool.ManagedRuntimeVersion = $RuntimeVersion
$appPool.ManagedPipelineMode = $PipelineMode
$appPool.ProcessModel.IdentityType = $Identity
$appPool | Set-Item
return Get-Item "IIS:\AppPools\$PoolName"
function Add-Website($Site, $PhysicalPath, $ApplicationPool = "DefaultAppPool", $Port = 80)
if (Test-Path "IIS:\Sites\$Site")
Write-Warning "Web site $Site already exists. Removing..."
Remove-Website -Name $Site
if (Test-Path "$PhysicalPath\Web.config") { Remove-Item "$PhysicalPath\Web.config" }
Add-PhysicalPath $PhysicalPath
Write-Output "Generating web site $Site..."
$webSite = New-Website -Name $Site -PhysicalPath $PhysicalPath -ApplicationPool $ApplicationPool -Port $Port
$webSite.ServerAutoStart = $true
$webSite | Set-Item
return Get-Item "IIS:\Sites\$Site"
function Add-WebsiteDefaultDocument($Site, $Document)
$path = "IIS:\Sites\$Site"
$addFilter = "system.webServer/defaultDocument/files"
$getFilter = "$addFilter/*"
Write-Output "Adding default document, $Document, to $path..."
if(Get-WebConfiguration -Filter $getFilter -PSPath $path | Where-Object -Property value -EQ $Document)
Write-Warning "Default document, $Document, is already specified."
Add-WebConfiguration -PSPath $path -Filter $addFilter -Value $Document
function Add-WebsiteDefaultDocuments($Site, $Documents)
$a = $Documents.Split(',')
foreach ($i in $a) { Add-WebsiteDefaultDocument $Site $i.ToLower() }
function Add-WebVirtualDirectory($Site, $DirName, $PhysicalPath, $Application = $null)
if (-not(Test-Path "IIS:\Sites\$Site"))
Write-Warning "Web site $Site does not exist. Cannot add Virtual Directory."
return $null
if ((Get-WebVirtualDirectory -Name $DirName -Site $Site) -ne $null)
Write-Warning "Web virtual directory $DirName already exists. Removing..."
Remove-WebVirtualDirectory -Site $Site -Name $DirName
Add-PhysicalPath $PhysicalPath
Write-Output "Adding web virtual directory $DirName..."
$webDir = New-WebVirtualDirectory -Site $Site -Name $DirName -PhysicalPath $PhysicalPath -Application $Application
return Get-Item "IIS:\Sites\$Site\$DirName"
function Get-AspNetRegistrations()
$path = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ASP.NET"
if(-not(Test-Path $path))
Write-Warning "ASP.NET does not appear to be installed on this machine."
return $null
return Get-ChildItem $path | Get-ItemProperty
function Get-WebApplicationPowerShellPathMeta($PowerShellPath)
$a = $PowerShellPath.Split("\")
if($a.Length -gt 3)
$hash= @{ PSDrive = $a[0]; Root = $a[1]; Site = $a[2]; AppName = $a[3] }
return New-Object -Property $hash -TypeName psobject
return $null;
function Get-WebApplicationPowerShellPaths()
$sites = Get-Website
$apps = Get-WebApplication
$paths = @()
foreach($i in $apps)
$site = $sites | where { $i.PhysicalPath.StartsWith($_.PhysicalPath) }
$paths += "IIS:\Sites\$($site.Name)\$($i.path.Substring(1))"
return $paths
function Get-WebApplicationSummary($PowerShellPath, $IncludeAppPoolData = $false)
$meta = Get-WebApplicationPowerShellPathMeta($PowerShellPath)
if($meta -eq $null)
Write-Warning "PSPath for $PowerShellPath was parsed incorrectly. Cannot generate summary."
$element = Get-WebApplication -Site $meta.Site -Name $meta.AppName
$hash = @{}
$hash.Add("PowerShellPath", $PowerShellPath)
$hash.Add("PSPath", $element.PSPath)
$hash.Add("PhysicalPath", $element.PhysicalPath)
foreach($i in $element.Attributes)
$name = [string]::Concat($i.Name.Substring(0, 1).ToUpperInvariant(), $i.Name.Substring(1))
$hash.Add($name, $i.Value)
$name = "ConfigCompilationDebug"
$value = Get-WebConfigurationValue $PowerShellPath /system.web/compilation/@debug
$hash.Add($name, $value)
$name = "ConfigCompilationTargetFramework"
$value = Get-WebConfigurationValue $PowerShellPath /system.web/compilation/@targetFramework
$hash.Add($name, $value)
$name = "ConfigHttpRuntimeTargetFramework"
$value = Get-WebConfigurationValue $PowerShellPath /system.web/httpRuntime/@targetFramework
$hash.Add($name, $value)
$key = "ApplicationPool";
Write-Warning "Web Configuration Element attribute $key does not exist. Cannot read Application Pool."
$pool = Get-Item "IIS:\AppPools\$($hash[$key])"
#discover new properties:
#$pool.cpu.RawAttributes | oh
$hash.Add("AppPoolAutoStart", $pool.autoStart)
$hash.Add("AppPoolEnable32BitAppOnWin64", $pool.enable32BitAppOnWin64)
$hash.Add("AppPoolManagedManagedPipelineMode", $pool.managedPipelineMode)
$hash.Add("AppPoolManagedRuntimeVersion", $pool.managedRuntimeVersion)
$orderedHash = [ordered]@{}
foreach($i in $hash.Keys.GetEnumerator() | sort) { $orderedHash.Add($i, $hash[$i]) }
return New-Object -Property $orderedHash -TypeName psobject
function Get-WebConfigurationValue($PowerShellPath, $XPath)
$value = (Get-WebConfigurationProperty -PSPath $PowerShellPath -Filter $XPath -Name Value).Value
return $value
function Get-WebSiteById($Id)
return Get-Website | Where-Object -Property ID -Value $Id -EQ
function Restore-PermissionsForWebServerGroup($Path)
if(-not(Test-Path $Path))
Write-Warning "Path $Path was not found. Unable to restore permissions."
& TAKEOWN /f $Path /a
& ICACLS $Path /reset /t
& ICACLS $Path `
/grant IIS_IUSRS:(CI)(OI)(IO)(RX) `
/t /l /q
function Write-WebConfigFile($PhysicalPath, $TargetFramework="default")
if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($TargetFramework)) { $TargetFramework = "default" }
if($TargetFramework.StartsWith("v")) { $TargetFramework = $TargetFramework.Substring(1) }
if($TargetFramework.Equals("default") -or $TargetFramework.Equals("4.0")) { $TargetFramework = "4.5" }
$compilationTargetFramework = ""
$compilationTargetFramework = @"
$xml = @"
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
For more information on how to configure your ASP.NET application, please visit and
<compilation debug="false" $compilationTargetFramework />
<httpRuntime targetFramework="$TargetFramework" />
<defaultDocument enabled="true">
<add value="default.html" />
$xml | Out-File -FilePath "$PhysicalPath\Web.config" -Encoding utf8
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