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Last active July 19, 2024 21:19
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Steam Workshop Subscriptions Scraper

Steam Workshop Subscriptions Scraper


This is just something I whipped up to dump a listing of my own subscriptions for a particular game. Unfortunately Vavle/Steam doesn't do such a thing natively and I had to get really creative for my list of several hundred items so I could share with a friend.

So I made this little monstrosity over an evening.


It's expected that you already know how to use the JavaScript console in the Chrome web browser. If not, go get some help. We'll wait.

  1. Open Chrome (I haven't tested in any other browser so you're on your own trying others)
  2. Copy the source code contents of SWSSrape.js below. The file itself will do you no good. Don't download it and try to "run" it. That won't work. You need the text inside the file, not the file.
  3. In Chrome, navigate to your Steam Workshop subscriptions page for the game you want to export. You may want to make sure you have it set to show 30 items per page and that it's sorted the way you want before going further.
  4. Press [F12] to open the Chrome Inspector panel and go to the Console tab.
  5. Paste the source code you copied onto the console and press [ENTER].
  6. Wait and you'll automatically get forwarded to the next page. (No red text should show at the bottom of the console.)
  7. Hit the [UP] arrow or re-paste the code and hit [ENTER].
  8. Continue the above two steps until you see a box appear in the upper left hand side of the page with download links for your data.
  9. Click the link for what you want the data formatted as. Currently there's very basic HTML, CSV, JSON, and Plain Text.

If you screw up, it'll keep the data until you close your borwser. You can rescrape pages or regenerate the download links if you've scraped things already.

Here's a GIF of me exporting my Cities: Skylines subscriptions. Keep watching until the last (14th) page is scraped to see the links for saving the files get inserted. I took time to make it the code was (hackily) page aware and knows when to stop auto-navigating.

How it works

This is your most basic JS screen scraper. Since there's no big data source, I have to comb the rendered DOM (HTML) elements for data along with the url. From that data, I see where we are in the pagination of items. If there are more, I scrape the data, toss it in localStorage, and load the next page. If not, I add the download links to the page.

Even though it says "download", there' no network activity going on other than loading your steam pages. This code all runs locally and does not contact anything on the the internet. It strictly deals with the data you see on the page.


  • There's no way to automate the re-running of the code on each page. Even trying is a bit troublesome and something you probably shouldn't trust people doing. You're stuck running it manually. sorry.
  • If you think any of the HTML bits are ugly, I really don't care. See the section on "Fitness for use and Support" below for details.
  • If you have any bugs to report, also see "Fitness for use and Support" below.
  • If Valve changes the layout of the Steam Workshop pages, this may stop working and I may not care. ¯\(ツ)


Public domain baby! Have at it!

Fitness for use and Support

Hahahahahahaha. No. If you have a problem, you're pretty much on your own. If you find a bug with the code and have a patch to fix it, leave me a comment below and I may update.

Good luck! I hope you may get some use from my wasted evening!

(function() {
// --- SETTINGS ---
var autoNavigation = true;
var debugMode = true;
var pageWait = 2;
var timestampFileNames = false;
var lineEnding = '\r\n'; // '\n' for "Unix" newlines and '\r\n' for Windowss newlines
// --- END SETTINGS ---
function createFileLink (contEle, saveType, allData) {
const deets = getSaveDetails(saveType);
const upperName = deets.typeName.toUpperCase();
dbgMsg(upperName, 'file details:', deets);
const eleId = scriptName+'-'+deets.typeName+'-download';
let newEle = document.querySelector('#'+eleId);
if (newEle) {
newEle = document.createElement('a'); = eleId; = linkStyle;
newEle.innerText = 'Download '+upperName;
newEle.href = 'data:'+deets.type+';charset=utf-8,'+encodeURIComponent(dataToType(deets.typeName, allData)); = '_blank'; = deets.file;
dbgMsg('Created '+upperName+' link', eleId, newEle);
function dataFromStorage () {
const firstPage = 1;
const lastPage = getLastPage();
const prefix = getStoragePrefix();
let allData = [];
let currData = null;
for(var iter = firstPage; iter <= lastPage; iter++) {
let storageKey = prefix+iter;
dbgMsg('Checking storage for', storageKey);
currData = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(storageKey));
if (!currData) {
logMsg('Warning! No data found in storage for key', storageKey);
} => {
return allData;
function dataToCsv (data) {
dbgMsg('Generating CSV output for', data.length, 'items');
let output = [
'"Item Name", "Item Link", "Item Thumb"',
]; => {
return output.join(lineEnding);
function dataToHtml (data) {
dbgMsg('Generating HTML output for', data.length, 'items');
output = [
appName+' ('+appId+')',
'Subscribed Steam Workshop Items',
'for '+appUser,
'<body style="'+htmlBodyStyle+'">',
'<h1 style="'+htmlHeaderStyle+'">',
appName+' ('+appId+')',
'Subscribed Steam Workshop Items',
'for '+appUser,
'<table style="'+htmlTableStyle+'">',
]; => {
output.push('<tr style="'+htmlTrStyle+'">');
output.push('<td style="'+htmlTdThumbStyle+'"><a href="'+item.thumb+'" target="_blank"><img src="'+item.thumb+'" alt="'+item.title+'" title="click to view '+item.title+' thumbnail..." style="'+htmlThumbStyle+'"></a></td>');
output.push('<td style="'+htmlTdLinkStyle+'"><a href="''" target="_blank" style="'+htmlLinkStyle+'">'+item.title+'</a></td>');
return output.join(lineEnding);
function dataToJson (data) {
dbgMsg('Generating JSON output for', data.length, 'items');
return JSON.stringify(data, null, '\t');
function dataToTxt (data) {
dbgMsg('Generating TXT output for', data.length, 'items');
let output = [
'- Subscribed Steam Workshop Items',
'- '+appName+' ('+appId+')',
'- Steam User: '+appUser,
'- Total Items: '+data.length,
'', //empty newline
]; => {
itemDetails = [
'Name: '+item.title,
'Link: ',
'Thumbnal Link: '+item.thumb,
output.push(''); // extra newline
return output.join(lineEnding);
function dataToType (saveType, data) {
outputData = null;
switch (saveType) {
case 'csv':
outputData = dataToCsv(data);
case 'html':
outputData = dataToHtml(data);
case 'json':
outputData = dataToJson(data);
case 'txt':
outputData = dataToTxt(data);
return outputData;
function dbgMsg () {
if (debugMode) {
let args =;
logMsg.apply(this, args);
function getQueryStrings () {
let queryString = {};^\?/, '').split('&').map(chunk => {
let keyVal = chunk.split('=');
queryString[keyVal[0]] = keyVal[1];
return queryString;
function getAppId () {
return getQueryStrings()['appid'];
function getAppName () {
let navEles = document.querySelectorAll('.HeaderUserInfoSection');
return navEles[navEles.length - 1].innerText;
function getCurrPage () {
return parseInt(getQueryStrings()['p'], 10);
function getCurrSubscribed () {
const currElements ='.workshopItemSubscription[id^="Subscr"]'));
let currDetails = {
const titleEle = ele.querySelector('.workshopItemTitle');
const thumbEle = ele.querySelector('.workshopItemPreviewImage');
const titleLink = ele.querySelector('.workshopItemSubscriptionDetails > a');
return {
'title': titleEle.innerText,
'link': titleLink.getAttribute('href'),
'thumb': thumbEle.getAttribute('src').replace(/\?.*/, ''),
const details = currDetails.filter(item => {
if (!item) return false;
return details;
function getLastPage () {
// this is flimsy...
const pageLinks = document.querySelectorAll('.workshopBrowsePagingControls')[0].querySelectorAll('.pagelink');
const lastP = parseInt(pageLinks[pageLinks.length - 1].innerText, 10);
const currP = getCurrPage();
// Have to account for the selector missing the last page.
return currP > lastP ? currP : lastP;
function getSaveDetails (saveType) {
let fileExt = '.txt';
let fileType = 'text/plain';
let typeName = 'txt';
switch (saveType) {
case 'csv':
fileExt = '.csv';
fileType = 'application/csv';
typeName = 'csv';
case 'html':
fileExt = '.html';
fileType = 'text/html';
typeName = 'html';
case 'json':
fileExt = '.json';
fileType = 'application/json';
typeName = 'json';
fileName = appName.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9_\-]/, '')+' ('+appId+') Subscribed Workshop Items for '+appUser;
if (timestampFileNames) {
fileName += ' '+(new Date().valueOf());
fileName += fileExt;
return {
'ext': fileExt,
'type': fileType,
'typeName': typeName,
'file': fileName,
function getStoragePrefix () {
return scriptName+'-subscribed-'+getAppId()+'-p';
function getUser () {
return document.querySelector('#account_pulldown').innerText;
function goToNextPage () {
const currPage = getCurrPage();
const remaining = parseInt(getLastPage() - currPage, 10);
if (remaining > 0) {
if (!autoNavigation) {
logMsg('Automatic navigation is off. You must load the next page manually.');
const newUri = document.location.toString().replace('&p='+currPage, '&p='+(currPage + 1))
logMsg('Navigating in '+pageWait+' seconds. Reload the page to abort. Next page is located at "'+newUri+'"');
setTimeout(function() {
logMsg('Navigating to "'+newUri+'"');
document.location = newUri;
}, pageWait * 1000);
} else {
logMsg('Last page reached. Begining storage dump of pages.');
function logMsg () {
let args =;
args.unshift('# '+scriptName+':');
console.log.apply(console, args);
function processSubs () {
dbgMsg('Found AppId:', appId);
const currPage = getCurrPage();
dbgMsg('Current Page:', currPage);
const lastPage = getLastPage();
dbgMsg('Remaining Pages:', lastPage - currPage);
const pageSubscribedItemList = getCurrSubscribed();
dbgMsg('Subscribed Items Found:', pageSubscribedItemList);
const storageName = getStoragePrefix()+currPage;
dbgMsg('Saving workshop items page to localStorage as', storageName);
localStorage.setItem(storageName, JSON.stringify(pageSubscribedItemList));
if (pageSubscribedItemList.length > 0) {
function setupFinishLinks () {
const allData = dataFromStorage();
dbgMsg('Retrieved data from storage.', allData);
const contEleId = scriptName+'-container';
let contEle = document.querySelector('#'+contEleId);
if (!contEle) {
contEle = document.createElement('div'); = contEleId;
} = containerStyle;
contEle.innerHTML = '';
const headerEleId = scriptName+'-header';
let headerEle = document.createElement('span'); = contEleId;
headerEle.innerHTML = scriptName+' download links for:<br><strong>'+appName+'</strong>';
contEle.appendChild(headerEle); = headerStyle;
dbgMsg('Created container', contEleId, contEle);
createFileLink(contEle, 'html', allData);
createFileLink(contEle, 'csv', allData);
createFileLink(contEle, 'json', allData);
createFileLink(contEle, 'txt', allData);
var scriptName = 'SWSScrape';
var appName = getAppName();
var appId = getAppId();
var appUser = getUser();
var containerCsss = [
'display: block',
'min-height: 100px',
'min-width: 100px',
'margin: 10px',
'padding: 10px',
'text-align: center',
'border:5px solid blue',
'background: black',
'opacity: 85%',
var containerStyle = containerCsss.join(';');
var headerCsss = [
'display: block',
'margin: 0',
'padding: 0',
'padding-bottom: 5px',
'width: 100%',
'text-align: center',
'color: white',
var headerStyle = headerCsss.join(';');
var linkCss = [
'display: block',
'padding: 5px',
'margin: 5px',
'margin-bottom: 0px',
'text-align: center',
'background: red',
'color: black',
'font-weight: bold',
var linkStyle = linkCss.join(';');
var htmlBodyCss = [
'background: black',
var htmlBodyStyle = htmlBodyCss.join(';');
var htmlHeaderCss = [
'color: white',
'margin: 10px auto',
var htmlHeaderStyle = htmlHeaderCss.join(';');
var htmlTableCss = [
'margin: 10px auto',
var htmlTableStyle = htmlTableCss.join(';');
var htmlTdLinkCss = [
'background: rgba( 84, 133, 183, 0.2)',
'padding: 10px',
'padding-top: 0px',
var htmlTdLinkStyle = htmlTdLinkCss.join(';');
var htmlTdThumbCss = [
var htmlTdThumbStyle = htmlTdThumbCss.join(';');
var htmlTrCss = [
var htmlTrStyle = htmlTrCss.join(';');
var htmlLinkCss = [
'color: white',
'font-weight: bold',
var htmlLinkStyle = htmlLinkCss.join(';');
var htmlThumbCss = [
'max-height: 200px',
'max-width: 200px',
var htmlThumbStyle = htmlThumbCss.join(';');
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No, it doesn't look for deps but those should show up on your subscription list anyway.

Okay, thanks. I got a library that now has support for dependencies and works very well, it has been improving the library little by little and since I made the comment new features and bug fixes have been added.


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Did steam change something or does it not work because of localization? (did not find anything in the code that should break when the page is viewed in german)
I'm seeing this warning repeated for different keys all over the console:

# SWSScrape: DEBUG Checking storage for SWSScrape-subscribed-244850-p20
VM359:279 # SWSScrape: Warning! No data found in storage for key SWSScrape-subscribed-244850-p20

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e1uone commented Jul 25, 2023

You saved my life

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