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Written by Gildor, adapted by Aproydtix, further modified by Buckminsterfullerene
ActorX mesh (psk) and animation (psa) importer for 3ds Max
Created: September 18 2009
Author: Konstantin Nosov (aka Gildor)
Web page:
Revision History:
13.10.2019 v1.38
- implemented loading of vertex colors
28.08.2019 v1.37
- implemented loading of PNG textures
19.05.2018 v1.36
- using case-insensitive comparison when finding bones in scene for animation
06.12.2017 v1.35
- an attempt to make smoothing groups working
- renamed "recurse" option to "look in subfolders" to be less confising to new users
16.10.2017 v1.34
- added possibility to select and open multiple psk files at time
21.07.2015 v1.33
- saving bind pose information inside bone objects, this information will survive saving scene
to a max file
18.07.2015 v1.32
- allowing psa import to work with any mesh, i.e. without previously imported psk file
14.07.2015 v1.31
- trying to detect and repair bad vertex weights for imported psk file
01.02.2015 v1.30
- added animation import option "import at slider position"
- integrated patch by Ayrshi (,1925.0.html) intended to
improve mesh normals
02.12.2014 v1.29
- ActorX Imported now could be bound to toolbar, keyboard or menu - use "Customize user interface",
category "Gildor Tools", and then use "ActorX Importer" as you like
- reordered controls, separated some options to own rollouts for easy reordering etc
- preserving dialog position, scroll position and rollout "open" state during 3ds Max session (until
Max closed)
28.11.2014 v1.28
- added "mesh translation" options to settings
- "advanced settings" are not stored to the ini file anymore
16.12.2013 v1.27
- added option "Don't conjugate root bone"
10.06.2012 v1.26
- stability improvements
more info: MaxScript documentation, "Do not use return, break, exit or continue"
02.06.2012 v1.25
- fixed Max 2013 support; fix made by sunnydavis, check,1408.0.html for details
18.02.2012 v1.24
- fixed parsing psa config file with spaces in track names
07.02.2012 v1.23
- support for extra UV sets stored in standard psk format (ActorX 2010)
23.01.2012 v1.22
- fixed automatic loading of DDS textures for materials
06.12.2011 v1.21
- fixed "translation mode" checkbox to work with psa without config file
01.12.2011 v1.20
- implemented loading of DDS textures
26.11.2011 v1.19
- implemented support for loading pskx files with more than 64k vertices
- added option to control behaviour of animation with rotation-only tracks: you can let AnimSet
to decide which bones will use animated translation, you can force to use translation from the
animation (old, pre-1.18 behaviour) or force to not use animated translation at all; the option
is located in "Animation import" group
09.11.2011 v1.18
- implemented support for animation tracks without translation keys
- reading extended psa information from the .config file, removed psax ANIMFLAGS section support
06.11.2011 v1.17
- eliminated error messages when loading psk or psa file with unknown section name (SCALEKEYS etc)
- implemented support for pskx with 2 or more UV channels
03.05.2011 v1.16
- improved animation cleanup
01.01.2011 v1.15
- workaround for loading animation with the root bone name different than mesh root bone
- removed "Load confirmation" setting (not needed anymore because of functional "batch export")
29.12.2010 v1.14
- added "Batch export" tool
22.12.2010 v1.13
- mesh rotation formula is now identical to used in UnrealEd
- added "Clear scene" tool
15.12.2010 v1.12
- added mesh rotation settings
- added protection from errors appeared when updating this script while 3ds Max is running
09.09.2010 v1.11
- added "reorient bones" option
23.07.2010 v1.10
- implemented extended ActorX format (pskx and psax) support
- "tools" rollout with options to restore mesh bindpose and remove animations
24.04.2010 v1.09
- applying normalmap using correct technique (previously was a bumpmap)
14.04.2010 v1.08
- fixed loading of psk files with root bone parent set to -1 (usually it is 0)
20.02.2010 v1.07
- added "Load confirmation" setting to display message box after completion of operation
- added "Reposition existing bones" option
- fixed error when loading .mat files with missing textures
12.12.2009 v1.06
- fixed merging meshes on a single skeleton when previously loaded mesh is not in bind
- improved compatibility with Epic's ActorX Exporter (dropping trailing spaces from
bone names)
18.09.2009 v1.05
- implemented materal loading
- fixing duplicate bone names
29.09.2009 v1.04
- implemented support for loading non-skeletal (static) meshes
26.09.2009 v1.03
- fixed bug with interpolation between first two animation keyframes
- option to fix animation looping (duplicate first animation frame after last frame)
- added button to load all animations from psa file
- progress bar for loading animation with "cancel" capabilities
- option to not load mesh skin (load skeleton only)
- storing last used directory separately for psk and psa
25.09.2009 v1.02
- added option to scale mesh and animations when loading
- added options for texture search (path, recursive search)
- added option to ask for missing texture files when mesh is loading
24.09.2009 v1.01
- fixed bug in a vertex weighting code
- saving settings to ActorXImporter.ini (Max 9 and higher)
- saving last used psk/psa directory
- settings to change bone size for a new mesh
22.09.2009 v1.00
- first public release
- option to create separate materials, not submaterials
- do not create material when it is already exists - but how to find whether I need to get loaded material
or create a new one?
- setBoneEnable false 0:
This call is required. Without it, we will have numerous problems with imported skeleton. Note that FBX
importer will enable "bones" mode, however we can't use it in Max. Why "bone" mode could be useful: hiding
bones could not hide the skeleton when bones are off, and works well when they are on. Why "bone" mode should
be disabled - otherwise we've got problems with rotation/moving of particular bones, they behave like
connected objects. Also saw a bug with imported animation with "force AnimSet translation" - mesh could became
bronen in parts, but began to behave well when unlinked child bone of bad bone and relinked it back. So it's
easier to disable bone mode than to fight against all the bugs.
-- constant used to detect ActorX Importer updates during single 3ds Max session
g_axProfile = false
-- Global variables
global g_seeThru
global g_skelOnly
global g_updateTime
global g_playAnim
global g_animAtSlider
global g_animTransMode -- 1 = from AnimSet, 2 = force mesh translation, 3 = force AnimSet translation
global g_fixLooping
global g_lastDir1
global g_lastDir2
global g_texDir
global g_texRecurse
global g_texMissAction
global g_boneSize
global g_reposBones
global g_rotY
global g_rotP
global g_rotR
global g_transX
global g_transY
global g_transZ
global g_meshScale
global g_reorientBones
global g_dontConjugateRoot
global Anims -- array of AnimInfoBinary
-- Default settings
fn axDefaultSettings =
-- defaults settings
g_seeThru = false
g_skelOnly = false
g_updateTime = true
g_playAnim = false
g_animAtSlider = false
g_animTransMode = 1
g_fixLooping = false
g_lastDir1 = ""
g_lastDir2 = ""
g_texDir = ""
g_texRecurse = true
g_texMissAction = 1
g_boneSize = 0.5
g_reposBones = true
g_rotY = 0
g_rotP = 0
g_rotR = 0
g_transX = 0
g_transY = 0
g_transZ = 0
g_meshScale = 1.0
g_reorientBones = false
g_dontConjugateRoot = false
-- Configuration
configFile = undefined
if getSourceFileName != undefined then -- checking Max version (Max9+) ...
local s = getSourceFileName()
configFile = (getFilenamePath s) + (getFilenameFile s) + ".ini"
-- workaround for Max 8 and older
configFile = (getDir #scripts) + "\ActorXImporter.ini"
tmp_v = undefined -- global variable, helper for axDoSetting() (required for execute() ...)
g_isLoading = true -- axDoSetting() mode
fn axDoSetting name var =
local default = execute var -- value has the same type as var
if g_isLoading then
-- loading value
tmp_v = getINISetting configFile "Main" name -- get from ini as string
if (tmp_v != "") and (tmp_v != "undefined") then
local type = classOf default
-- format "reading % (%) = %\n" var type tmp_v
if (not isKindOf default String) then
execute (var + "=tmp_v as " + (type as string))
execute (var + "=tmp_v") -- no conversion
format "Reading %: %\n" name (getCurrentException())
-- saving value
setINISetting configFile "Main" name (default as string)
fn axSerializeSettings isLoading =
if configFile == undefined then return undefined -- could happen with old 3ds Max, where getSourceFileName() doesn't exist
if isLoading then
if not doesFileExist configFile then return undefined -- no config file
g_isLoading = isLoading
-- read/write settings
axDoSetting "LastUsedDir" "g_lastDir1"
axDoSetting "LastUsedDir2" "g_lastDir2"
axDoSetting "TexturesDir" "g_texDir"
axDoSetting "TexRecurse" "g_texRecurse"
axDoSetting "TexMissAction" "g_texMissAction"
axDoSetting "AutoPlayAnim" "g_playAnim"
axDoSetting "AnimAtSlider" "g_animAtSlider"
axDoSetting "AnimTransMode" "g_animTransMode"
axDoSetting "UpdateTime" "g_updateTime"
axDoSetting "FixLoopAnim" "g_fixLooping"
axDoSetting "SeeThru" "g_seeThru"
axDoSetting "SkelOnly" "g_skelOnly"
axDoSetting "BoneSize" "g_boneSize"
axDoSetting "ReposBones" "g_reposBones"
axDoSetting "MeshYaw" "g_rotY"
axDoSetting "MeshPitch" "g_rotP"
axDoSetting "MeshRoll" "g_rotR"
axDoSetting "MeshX" "g_transX"
axDoSetting "MeshY" "g_transY"
axDoSetting "MeshZ" "g_transZ"
axDoSetting "MeshScale" "g_meshScale"
-- axDoSetting "ReorientBones" "g_reorientBones"
-- axDoSetting "DontConjRoot" "g_dontConjugateRoot"
-- Service functions
fn ErrorMessage text =
local msg = ("ERROR: " + text + "\n")
format "%\n" msg
messageBox msg
throw msg
fn TrimSpaces text =
fn IsEndOfFile bstream =
local savePos = ftell bstream
fseek bstream 0 #seek_end -- compute file size
local fileSize = ftell bstream
fseek bstream savePos #seek_set
(savePos >= fileSize)
fn ReadFixedString bstream fixedLen =
local str = ""
local length = 0
local finished = false
for i = 1 to fixedLen do
local c = ReadByte bstream #unsigned
if c == 0 then finished = true -- end of line char
if not finished then -- has end of line before - skip remaining chars
-- not "finished" string
str += bit.intAsChar(c) -- append a character
if c != 32 then length = i -- position of last non-space char
substring str 1 length -- return first "length" chars
fn ReadVector2 bstream =
local v = point2 0 0
v.x = ReadFloat bstream
v.y = ReadFloat bstream
fn ReadFVector bstream =
local v = point3 0 0 0
v.x = ReadFloat bstream
v.y = ReadFloat bstream
v.z = ReadFloat bstream
fn ReadFQuat bstream =
local q = quat 0 0 0 0
q.x = ReadFloat bstream
q.y = ReadFloat bstream
q.z = ReadFloat bstream
q.w = ReadFloat bstream
-- Function used to determine bone length
fn axFindFirstChild boneArray boneIndex =
local res = undefined, notfound = true
for i = 1 to boneArray.count while notfound do
if (i != boneIndex) then
bn = boneArray[i]
if bn.ParentIndex == boneIndex-1 then
res = bn
notfound = false
fn axFixBoneNames boneArray =
-- Find and correct duplicate names
for i = 1 to (boneArray.count-1) do
local n = boneArray[i].Name
local dupCount = 1
for j = (i+1) to boneArray.count do
local n2 = boneArray[j].Name
if n == n2 then
dupCount += 1
n2 = n + "_" + (dupCount as string)
format "Duplicate bone name \"%\", renamed to \"%\"\n" n n2
boneArray[j].Name = n2
fn axFindFile path filename recurse:false =
local res = undefined
local check = path + "\\" + filename
if doesFileExist check then
res = check
else if recurse then
local dirs = getDirectories (path + "/*")
local notfound = true
for dir in dirs while notfound do
res = axFindFile dir filename recurse:true
if res != undefined then
notfound = false -- break the loop
fn axGetRootMatrix =
local angles = eulerAngles g_rotR -g_rotP -g_rotY
local m = angles as matrix3
m.translation = [g_transX, g_transY, g_transZ]
-- Reference:
fn getMultiOpenFilenames caption: "Open" filename: "" types: "All Files (*.*)|*.*" default: 1 =
local dlg = DotNetObject "System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog"
dlg.multiSelect = true
dlg.title = caption
local p = getFilenamePath filename
if doesFileExist p then
dlg.initialDirectory = p
-- MAXScript getOpenFilename uses trailing |;
-- OpenFileDialog filter does not.
if types == "|" then
dlg.filter = (substring types 1 (types.count - 1))
dlg.filter = types
dlg.filterIndex = default
local result = dlg.ShowDialog()
if (result.Equals result.OK) then
g_axProfileBeginTime = 0
fn axBeginProfile =
g_axProfileBeginTime = timeStamp()
fn axProfilePoint title debug:false =
if (not debug or g_axProfile) then
local current = timeStamp()
local delta = current - g_axProfileBeginTime
g_axProfileBeginTime = current
format "% took % s\n" title (delta/1000.0)
-- ActorX data structures
struct VChunkHeader
fn ReadChunkHeader bstream =
local hdr = VChunkHeader ()
hdr.ChunkID = ReadFixedString bstream 20
hdr.TypeFlag = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
hdr.DataSize = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
hdr.DataCount = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
-- format "Read chunk header: %\n" hdr
struct VVertex
U, V,
fn ReadVVertex bstream =
local v = VVertex ()
local pad
v.PointIndex = ReadShort bstream #unsigned
pad = ReadShort bstream
v.U = ReadFloat bstream
v.V = ReadFloat bstream
v.MatIndex = ReadByte bstream #unsigned
v.Reserved = ReadByte bstream #unsigned
v.Pad = ReadShort bstream #unsigned
fn ReadVVertex32 bstream =
local v = VVertex ()
v.PointIndex = ReadLong bstream #unsigned -- short -> long, no "pad"
v.U = ReadFloat bstream
v.V = ReadFloat bstream
v.MatIndex = ReadByte bstream #unsigned
v.Reserved = ReadByte bstream #unsigned
v.Pad = ReadShort bstream #unsigned
struct VTriangle
Wedge0, Wedge1, Wedge2,
fn ReadVTriangle bstream =
local v = VTriangle ()
v.Wedge0 = ReadShort bstream #unsigned
v.Wedge1 = ReadShort bstream #unsigned
v.Wedge2 = ReadShort bstream #unsigned
v.MatIndex = ReadByte bstream #unsigned
v.AuxMatIndex = ReadByte bstream #unsigned
v.SmoothingGroups = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
fn ReadVTriangle32 bstream =
local v = VTriangle ()
v.Wedge0 = ReadLong bstream #unsigned -- short -> long
v.Wedge1 = ReadLong bstream #unsigned -- ...
v.Wedge2 = ReadLong bstream #unsigned -- ...
v.MatIndex = ReadByte bstream #unsigned
v.AuxMatIndex = ReadByte bstream #unsigned
v.SmoothingGroups = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
struct VMaterial
fn ReadVMaterial bstream =
local m = VMaterial ()
m.MaterialName = ReadFixedString bstream 64
m.TextureIndex = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
m.PolyFlags = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
m.AuxMaterial = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
m.AuxFlags = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
m.LodBias = ReadLong bstream
m.LodStyle = ReadLong bstream
struct VColor
R, G, B, A
fn ReadVColor bstream =
local c = VColor ()
c.R = ReadByte bstream #unsigned
c.G = ReadByte bstream #unsigned
c.B = ReadByte bstream #unsigned
c.A = ReadByte bstream #unsigned
struct VBone
-- VJointPos
-- Computed data
fn ReadVBone bstream =
local b = VBone ()
b.Name = ReadFixedString bstream 64
b.Flags = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
b.NumChildren = ReadLong bstream
b.ParentIndex = ReadLong bstream
b.Orientation = ReadFQuat bstream
b.Position = ReadFVector bstream
b.Length = ReadFloat bstream
b.Size = ReadFVector bstream
struct VRawBoneInfluence
fn ReadVRawBoneInfluence bstream =
local v = VRawBoneInfluence ()
v.Weight = ReadFloat bstream
v.PointIndex = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
v.BoneIndex = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
fn InfluenceSort v1 v2 =
-- we just need to get influences sorted by vertex index
local cmp = v1.PointIndex - v2.PointIndex
-- add bone index sorting for sort stability
if (cmp == 0) then cmp = v1.BoneIndex - v2.BoneIndex
struct AnimInfoBinary
fn ReadAnimInfoBinary bstream =
v = AnimInfoBinary ()
v.Name = ReadFixedString bstream 64
v.Group = ReadFixedString bstream 64
v.TotalBones = ReadLong bstream
v.RootInclude = ReadLong bstream
v.KeyCompressionStyle = ReadLong bstream
v.KeyQuotum = ReadLong bstream
v.KeyReduction = ReadFloat bstream
v.TrackTime = ReadFloat bstream
v.AnimRate = ReadFloat bstream
v.StartBone = ReadLong bstream
v.FirstRawFrame = ReadLong bstream
v.NumRawFrames = ReadLong bstream
struct VQuatAnimKey
fn ReadVQuatAnimKey bstream =
local k = VQuatAnimKey ()
k.Position = ReadFVector bstream
k.Orientation = ReadFQuat bstream
k.Time = ReadFloat bstream
-- Bone attributes
AXBoneCustomDataDef = attributes AXBoneCustomData
attribID:#(0xF3DD7FCD, 0x4DB58449)
parameters BindPose
AX_RelMatrix type: #matrix3 -- matrix relative to parent bone
AX_WorldMatrix type: #matrix3 -- world matrix
-- Loading materials
fn axFindTexture texDir baseName =
-- DDS
foundTex = axFindFile texDir (baseName + ".dds") recurse:g_texRecurse
if foundTex == undefined then
-- TGA
foundTex = axFindFile texDir (baseName + ".tga") recurse:g_texRecurse
if foundTex == undefined then
-- PNG
foundTex = axFindFile texDir (baseName + ".png") recurse:g_texRecurse
fn axImportMaterial matName texDir =
local subMat = standardMaterial name:matName
local texFilename
local foundTex
-- try to file material file
texFilename = matName + ".mat"
foundTex = axFindFile texDir texFilename recurse:g_texRecurse
if foundTex != undefined then
texFilename = foundTex
format "Loading material %\n" texFilename
local matFile = openFile texFilename
while eof matFile == false do
local line = readline matFile
local tok = filterString line " ="
-- format "[%] = [%]\n" tok[1] tok[2]
local parm = tok[1]
local file = tok[2]
foundTex = axFindTexture texDir file
if foundTex == undefined then continue
local bitmap = bitmapTexture name:foundTex fileName:foundTex
if parm == "Normal" then
local normalMap = normal_bump name:foundTex normal_map:bitmap
subMat.bumpMap = normalMap
subMat.bumpMapAmount = 100 -- amount is set to 30 by default
if parm == "Diffuse" then subMat.diffuseMap = bitmap
if parm == "Specular" then subMat.specularMap = bitmap
if parm == "SpecPower" then subMat.specularLevelMap = bitmap
if parm == "Opacity" then subMat.opacityMap = bitmap
if parm == "Emissive" then subMat.selfIllumMap = bitmap
close matFile
return subMat
-- no material file found, try simple texture
-- get texture filename
texFilename = matName
foundTex = axFindTexture texDir matName
if foundTex != undefined then
texFilename = foundTex
if g_texMissAction == 2 then -- ask
local check = getOpenFileName caption:("Get texture for material " + matName) \
types:"Texture files (*.tga,*.dds,*.png)|*.tga;*.dds;*.png|All (*.*)|*.*|" filename:texFilename
if check != undefined then texFilename = check
if not doesFileExist texFilename then format "Unable to find texture %\n" texFilename
-- continue setup (even in a case of error)
local bitmap = bitmapTexture name:texFilename fileName:texFilename
subMat.diffuseMap = bitmap
-- return
-- MAX helpers
fn FindAllBones_Recurse bones parent =
for i = 1 to parent.children.count do
node = parent.children[i]
if isKindOf node BoneObj then
append bones node
FindAllBones_Recurse bones node
fn FindAllBones =
local bones = #()
FindAllBones_Recurse bones rootNode
fn RemoveAnimation =
bones = FindAllBones()
for i = 1 to bones.count do
b = bones[i]
deleteKeys b #allKeys
animationRange = interval 0 1
fn RestoreBindpose =
local rotMatrix = axGetRootMatrix()
-- note: should rotate every bone because we are not applying parent's rotation here
-- find bones
bones = FindAllBones()
for i = 1 to bones.count do
b = bones[i]
data = custAttributes.get b AXBoneCustomDataDef
if data != undefined then
b.transform = data.AX_WorldMatrix * rotMatrix
-- else
-- (
-- format "no info for %\n"
-- )
set coordsys world
format "ERROR!\n"
fn ClearMaxScene =
max select all
if $ != undefined then delete $
-- Loading PSK file
fn ImportPskFile filename skelOnly:false =
set coordsys world
local Verts = #()
local Wedges = #()
local Tris = #()
local Materials = #()
local MeshBones = #()
local Infs = #()
local Colors = #()
--------- Read the file ---------
local numVerts = 0
local numWedges = 0
local numTris = 0
local numMaterials = 0
local numBones = 0
local numInfluences = 0
local numVertColors = 0
local numTexCoords = 1
local extraUV = #()
file = fopen filename "rb"
if file == undefined then return undefined
-- First header --
hdr = ReadChunkHeader file
if (hdr.ChunkID != "ACTRHEAD") then
ErrorMessage("Bad chunk header: \"" + hdr.ChunkID + "\"")
while not IsEndOfFile(file) do
hdr = ReadChunkHeader file
local chunkID = hdr.ChunkID
-- check for extra UV set from latest ActorX exporter
-- note: data has the same format as pskx extension, so the same loading code is used
if (chunkID == "EXTRAUVS0") or (chunkID == "EXTRAUVS1") or (chunkID == "EXTRAUVS2") then
chunkID = "EXTRAUV0";
-- format "Chunk: % (% items, % bytes/item, pos %)\n" hdr.ChunkID hdr.DataCount hdr.DataSize (ftell file)
case chunkID of
-- Points --
numVerts = hdr.DataCount
Verts[numVerts] = [ 0, 0, 0 ] -- preallocate
for i = 1 to numVerts do Verts[i] = ReadFVector file
-- Wedges --
numWedges = hdr.DataCount
Wedges[numWedges] = VVertex () -- preallocate
if numWedges <= 65536 then
for i = 1 to numWedges do Wedges[i] = ReadVVertex file
for i = 1 to numWedges do Wedges[i] = ReadVVertex32 file
-- Faces --
numTris = hdr.DataCount
Tris[numTris] = VTriangle () -- preallocate
for i = 1 to numTris do Tris[i] = ReadVTriangle file
-- Faces32 --
numTris = hdr.DataCount
Tris[numTris] = VTriangle () -- preallocate
for i = 1 to numTris do Tris[i] = ReadVTriangle32 file
-- Materials --
numMaterials = hdr.DataCount
if numMaterials > 0 then Materials[numMaterials] = VMaterial () -- preallocate
for i = 1 to numMaterials do Materials[i] = ReadVMaterial file
-- Bones --
numBones = hdr.DataCount
if numBones > 0 then MeshBones[numBones] = VBone () -- preallocate
for i = 1 to numBones do
MeshBones[i] = ReadVBone file
-- format "Bone[%] = %\n" (i-1) MeshBones[i].Name
axFixBoneNames MeshBones
-- Weights --
numInfluences = hdr.DataCount
if numInfluences > 0 then Infs[numInfluences] = VRawBoneInfluence () -- preallocate
for i = 1 to numInfluences do Infs[i] = ReadVRawBoneInfluence file
-- Vertex colors --
numVertColors = hdr.DataCount
if numVertColors > 0 then Colors[numVertColors] = VColor () -- preallocate
for i = 1 to numVertColors do Colors[i] = ReadVColor file
-- Additional UV set --
numUVVerts = hdr.DataCount
if (numUVVerts != numWedges) then ErrorMessage("Bad vertex count for extra UV set")
local UV = #()
UV[numUVVerts] = [ 0, 0 ]
for i = 1 to numUVVerts do UV[i] = ReadVector2 file
extraUV[numTexCoords] = UV
numTexCoords = numTexCoords + 1
-- skip unknown chunk
format "Unknown chunk header: \"%\" at %\n" hdr.ChunkID (ftell file)
fseek file (hdr.DataSize * hdr.DataCount) #seek_cur
fclose file
messageBox("Error loading file " + filename)
format "FATAL ERROR: %\n" (getCurrentException())
return undefined
format "Read mesh: % verts, % wedges, % tris, % materials, % bones, % influences\n" \
numVerts numWedges numTris numMaterials numBones numInfluences
fclose file
axProfilePoint "File loading"
--------- File is completely read now ---------
-- generate skeleton
MaxBones = #()
local rotMatrix = matrix3 1
for i = 1 to numBones do
bn = MeshBones[i]
-- build bone matrix
q = bn.Orientation
if ((i == 1) and not g_dontConjugateRoot) then q = conjugate q
mat = (normalize q) as matrix3
mat.row4 = bn.Position * g_meshScale
-- transform from parent bone coordinate space to world space
if (i > 1) then
bn.Matrix = mat * MeshBones[bn.ParentIndex + 1].Matrix
bn.Matrix = mat
-- get bone length (just for visual appearance)
childBone = axFindFirstChild MeshBones i
if (childBone != undefined) then
len = (length childBone.Position) * g_meshScale
len = 4 -- no children, default length; note: when len = 1 has bugs with these bones!
if len < 4 then len = 4
-- create Max bone
newBone = getNodeByName bn.Name exact:true ignoreCase:true
if (newBone == undefined) then
if (g_reorientBones == false or childBone == undefined) then
-- create new bone
newBone = bonesys.createbone \
bn.Matrix.row4 \
(bn.Matrix.row4 + len * (normalize bn.Matrix.row1)) \
(normalize bn.Matrix.row3)
-- reorient bone matrix to point directly to a child
-- get world position of the child bone
local childPos = childBone.Position * bn.Matrix * g_meshScale
newBone = bonesys.createbone \
bn.Matrix.row4 \
childPos \
) = bn.Name
newBone.width = g_boneSize
newBone.height = g_boneSize
newBone.setBoneEnable false 0 -- this is a required thing, otherwise a lot of problems would appear
newBone.pos.controller = TCB_position ()
newBone.rotation.controller = TCB_rotation () -- required for correct animation
-- setup parent
if (i > 1) then
if (bn.ParentIndex >= i) then
format "Invalid parent % for bone % (%)" bn.ParentIndex (i-1) bn.Name
return undefined
newBone.parent = MaxBones[bn.ParentIndex + 1]
-- store bind pose in custom data block
custAttributes.add newBone AXBoneCustomDataDef
mat = (normalize q) as matrix3 -- rebuild 'mat', but without scale
mat.row4 = bn.Position
newBone.AX_RelMatrix = mat
newBone.AX_WorldMatrix = bn.Matrix
-- bone already exists
if g_reposBones then newBone.transform = bn.Matrix
MaxBones[i] = newBone
-- generate mesh
MaxFaces = #()
MaxVerts = #()
MaxFaces[numTris] = [ 0, 0, 0 ] -- preallocate
MaxVerts[numWedges] = [ 0, 0, 0 ] -- ...
VertList = #(); -- list of wedges linked for each vertex
VertList.count = numVerts -- preallocate
for i = 1 to numVerts do VertList[i] = #() -- initialize with empty array
for i = 1 to numWedges do
local vertId = Wedges[i].PointIndex + 1
MaxVerts[i] = Verts[vertId] * g_meshScale
append VertList[vertId] i
for i = 1 to numTris do
tri = Tris[i]
w0 = tri.Wedge0
w1 = tri.Wedge1
w2 = tri.Wedge2
MaxFaces[i] = [ w1+1, w0+1, w2+1 ] -- note: reversing vertex order
newMesh = mesh vertices:MaxVerts faces:MaxFaces name:(getFilenameFile filename)
-- texturing
newMesh.xray = g_seeThru
meshop.setNumMaps newMesh (numTexCoords+1) -- 0 is vertex color, 1+ are textures
meshop.setMapSupport newMesh 1 true -- enable texturemap channel
meshop.setNumMapVerts newMesh 1 numWedges -- set number of texture vertices
for i = 1 to numWedges do
-- set texture coordinates
w = Wedges[i]
meshop.setMapVert newMesh 1 i [ w.U, 1-w.V, 1-w.V ] -- V coordinate is flipped
for i = 1 to numTris do
-- setup face vertices and material
tri = Tris[i]
meshop.setMapFace newMesh 1 i [ tri.Wedge1+1, tri.Wedge0+1, tri.Wedge2+1 ]
setFaceMatId newMesh i (tri.MatIndex+1)
setFaceSmoothGroup newMesh i tri.SmoothingGroups
-- extra UV sets (code is similar to above!)
for j = 2 to numTexCoords do
format "Loading UV set #% ...\n" j
uvSet = extraUV[j-1] -- extraUV does not holds 1st UV set
meshop.setMapSupport newMesh j true -- enable texturemap channel
meshop.setNumMapVerts newMesh j numWedges -- set number of texture vertices
for i = 1 to numWedges do
-- set texture coordinates
uv = uvSet[i]
meshop.setMapVert newMesh j i [ uv.x, 1-uv.y, 1-uv.y ] -- V coordinate is flipped
-- vertex colors
if numVertColors > 0 then
format "Loading vertex colors ...\n"
setNumCPVVerts newMesh numVertColors true
defaultVCFaces newMesh
for i = 1 to numVertColors do
c = Colors[i]
setVertColor newMesh i [ c.R, c.G, c.B, c.A ]
axProfilePoint "Base import" debug:true
-- import materials
if g_skelOnly then numMaterials = 0 -- do not load materials for this option
-- setup path to materials and textures
local texDir
if g_texDir != "" then
texDir = g_texDir
texDir = getFilenamePath filename
-- create materials
newMat = multiMaterial numsubs:numMaterials
for i = 1 to numMaterials do
local subMat = axImportMaterial Materials[i].MaterialName texDir
newMat.materialList[i] = subMat
showTextureMap subMat true
-- format "Material[%] = %\n" i Materials[i].MaterialName
newMesh.material = newMat
axProfilePoint "Material import" debug:true
update newMesh
-- smooth vertex normals accross UV seams
max modify mode
select newMesh
normalMod = editNormals ()
addModifier newMesh normalMod
normalMod.selectBy = 1
for i = 1 to VertList.count do
if VertList[i].count > 1 then
local seamWedges = VertList[i] as bitArray
local n = #{}
normalMod.ConvertVertexSelection &seamWedges &n
normalMod.Average selection:n
VertList.count = 0
collapsestack newMesh
if numBones <= 0 then
return undefined
-- code above is common for SkeletalMesh (psk) and StaticMesh (pskx)
-- code below is executed only for SkeletalMesh
-- generate skin modifier
skinMod = skin()
boneIDMap = #()
if numBones > 0 then --?? checking not needed as we have numBones always > 0 here
addModifier newMesh skinMod
for i = 1 to numBones do
if i != numBones then
skinOps.addBone skinMod MaxBones[i] 0
skinOps.addBone skinMod MaxBones[i] 1
-- In Max 2013 the bone IDs are scrambled, so we look them up
-- by bone's name and stores them in a table.
local numSkinBones = skinOps.GetNumberBones skinMod
-- iterate all bones in the Max (could be more than in a mesh)
for i = 1 to numSkinBones do
local boneName = skinOps.GetBoneName skinMod i 0
-- compare with mesh bones by name
for j = 1 to numBones do
if boneName == MeshBones[j].Name then
boneIDMap[j] = i
-- format "MaxID[%]: %, OriginalID: %\n" i boneName j
j = numBones + 1 -- break the loop (faster than 'exit')
axProfilePoint "Preparing skin" debug:true
if skelOnly then
delete newMesh -- non-optimal way, may skip mesh creation
return undefined
-- redrawViews()
modPanel.setCurrentObject skinMod -- this operation takes a lot of time, and there's no way to move it or optimize
axProfilePoint "Selecting skin object" debug:true
-- setup vertex influences (weights)
/* -- verify if influences are sorted by vertex: sorting takes some time, so try to avoid it
local sorted = true
for i = 2 to numInfluences while sorted do
vert = Infs[i].PointIndex
if (vert < Infs[i-1].PointIndex) then
sorted = false
format "Sorting broken at index % point %\n" i nextPoint
axProfilePoint "Verify sort" debug:true
-- sort if required
if not sorted then */
qsort Infs InfluenceSort
axProfilePoint "Sorting influences" debug:true
-- build vertex to influence map
vertInfStart = #()
vertInfNum = #()
vertInfStart[numVerts] = 0 -- preallocate
vertInfNum[numVerts] = 0 -- ...
count = 0
for i = 1 to numInfluences do
v = Infs[i]
vert = v.PointIndex+1
count += 1
if (i == numInfluences) or (Infs[i+1].PointIndex+1 != vert) then
-- flush
vertInfStart[vert] = i - count + 1
vertInfNum[vert] = count
count = 0
axProfilePoint "Prepare influences" debug:true
-- progressStart "Setting weights ..." -- shouldn't call progress functions, causes crash in script
numRepairedVerts = 0
numBadVerts = 0
for wedge = 1 to numWedges do
vert = Wedges[wedge].PointIndex+1
start = vertInfStart[vert]
numInfs = vertInfNum[vert]
if numInfs == undefined then
numInfs = 0
format "Vertex % (wedge %) has no weights\n" (vert-1) (wedge-1)
-- This code uses SetVertexWeights
oldBone = skinOps.GetVertexWeightBoneID skinMod wedge 1
numWeights = skinOps.GetVertexWeightCount skinMod wedge
if numWeights > 1 then
skinOps.ReplaceVertexWeights skinMod wedge oldBone 1
for i = 1 to numInfs do
v = Infs[start + i - 1]
b = boneIDMap[v.BoneIndex+1]
-- format "Inf %(%) % : %\n" wedge vert MeshBones[b].Name v.Weight
skinOps.SetVertexWeights skinMod wedge b v.Weight
if b == oldBone then
oldBone = -1
if oldBone > 0 then
skinOps.SetVertexWeights skinMod wedge oldBone 0
-- This code uses ReplaceVertexWeights with arrays, a few times slower;
-- it is still here because of bugs with SetVertexWeights path (SetVertexWeights
-- sometimes adds influences using its own tricky logic)
infBones = #()
infWeights = #()
for i = 1 to numInfs do
v = Infs[start + i - 1]
append infBones boneIDMap[v.BoneIndex + 1]
append infWeights v.Weight
skinOps.ReplaceVertexWeights skinMod wedge infBones infWeights
-- NOTE: older Max versions after ReplaceVertexWeights call performed reset of infBones and
-- infWeights arrays, so we wasn't able to reuse them. At least Max 2015 doesn't do that.
-- Check is weights were set correctly
numWeights = skinOps.GetVertexWeightCount skinMod wedge
if numWeights != numInfs then
-- We've tried to set weights for this vertex, but MaxScript decided to keep
-- other bones as dependency (bug in ReplaceVertexWeights). Try to repair:
-- enumerate all current weights and set unwanted bone weights to 0 explicitly.
-- Note: it looks like this is not an issue for Max 2014, it appears in 2015:
-- format "Bad vertex: % bones(%) but %\n" wedge numInfs numWeights
for w = 1 to numWeights do
bone = skinOps.GetVertexWeightBoneID skinMod wedge w
found = findItem infBones bone
if found == 0 then
append infBones bone
append infWeights 0
skinOps.ReplaceVertexWeights skinMod wedge infBones infWeights
numWeights = skinOps.GetVertexWeightCount skinMod wedge
if numWeights != numInfs then
-- format "Bad vertex: %: bones(%) weights(%)\n" wedge infBones infWeights
numBadVerts += 1
numRepairedVerts += 1
-- progressUpdate (100.0 * wedge / numWedges)
-- progressEnd()
axProfilePoint "Import influences" debug:true
-- progressEnd()
if (numRepairedVerts > 0) or (numBadVerts > 0) then
format "Problems during skinning: % bad vertices, % repaired vertices\n" numBadVerts numRepairedVerts
-- apply mesh rotation
if numBones >= 1 then
MaxBones[1].transform = MaxBones[1].transform * axGetRootMatrix()
axProfilePoint "Mesh import"
-- Loading PSA file
fn FindPsaTrackIndex Anims Name =
local notfound = true, res = -1
for i = 1 to Anims.count while notfound do
if Anims[i].Name == Name then
res = i
notfound = false
fn FindPsaBoneIndex Bones Name =
local notfound = true, res = -1
for i = 1 to Bones.count while notfound do
if Bones[i].Name == Name then
res = i
notfound = false
-- UseAnimTranslation[] is array of flags signalling that particular bone should use translation
-- from the animation; when value is set to false, mesh translation will be used
fn LoadPsaConfig filename Anims Bones UseAnimTranslation AnimFlags =
-- allocate and initialize UseAnimTranslation array
UseAnimTranslation[Bones.count] = true -- preallocate
for i = 1 to Bones.count do UseAnimTranslation[i] = true
-- root bone is always translated, start with index 2 below
case g_animTransMode of
-- 1: - use from AnimSet, do nothing here
2: (
for i = 2 to Bones.count do UseAnimTranslation[i] = false
return undefined
3: (
for i = 2 to Bones.count do UseAnimTranslation[i] = true -- old behaviour - everything will be taken from the animation
return undefined
-- read configuration file
local cfgFile = openFile filename
if cfgFile == undefined then return undefined
local mode = 0
while eof cfgFile == false do
local line = readline cfgFile
-- process directove
case line of
"": continue -- empty line
"[AnimSet]": ( mode = 1; continue )
"[UseTranslationBoneNames]": ( mode = 2; continue )
"[ForceMeshTranslationBoneNames]": ( mode = 3; continue )
mode = 4
-- allocate AnimFlags array, usually not required (currently used for UC2 animations only)
local numKeys = Anims.count * Bones.count
AnimFlags[numKeys] = 0 -- preallocate
for i = 1 to numKeys do AnimFlags[i] = 0
-- process ordinary line
case mode of
0: ErrorMessage("unexpected \"" + line + "\"")
-- AnimSet
1: (
--!! ugly parsing ... but no other params yet
if line == "bAnimRotationOnly=1" then
for i = 2 to Bones.count do UseAnimTranslation[i] = false
else if line == "bAnimRotationOnly=0" then
-- already set to true
ErrorMessage("unexpected AnimSet instruction \"" + line + "\"")
-- UseTranslationBoneNames - use translation from animation, useful with bAnimRotationOnly=true only
2: (
local BoneIndex = FindPsaBoneIndex Bones line
if BoneIndex > 0 then
UseAnimTranslation[BoneIndex] = true
format "WARNING: UseTranslationBoneNames has specified unknown bone \"%\"\n" line
-- ForceMeshTranslationBoneNames - use translation from mesh
3: (
local BoneIndex = FindPsaBoneIndex Bones line
if BoneIndex > 0 then
UseAnimTranslation[BoneIndex] = false
format "WARNING: ForceMeshTranslationBoneNames has specified unknown bone \"%\"\n" line
-- RemoveTracks
4: (
-- line is in format "SequenceName.BoneIndex=[trans|rot|all]"
local tok1 = filterString line "=" -- [1] = SequenceName.BoneIndex, [2] = Flags
local tok2 = filterString tok1[1] "." -- [1] = SequenceName, [2] = BoneIndex
local SeqName = TrimSpaces(tok2[1])
local BoneIdxStr = TrimSpaces(tok2[2])
local Flag = TrimSpaces(tok1[2])
local SeqIdx = FindPsaTrackIndex Anims SeqName --?? can cache this value
if SeqIdx <= 0 then ErrorMessage("Animation \"" + SeqName + "\" does not exists" + "\nline:" + line)
FlagIndex = (SeqIdx - 1) * Bones.count + (BoneIdxStr as integer) + 1
if Flag == "trans" then
AnimFlags[FlagIndex] = 1 -- NO_TRANSLATION
else if Flag == "rot" then
AnimFlags[FlagIndex] = 2 -- NO_ROTATION
else if Flag == "all" then
AnimFlags[FlagIndex] = 3 -- NO_TRANSLATION | NO_ROTATION
ErrorMessage("unknown RemoveTracks flag \"" + Flag + "\"")
ErrorMessage("unexpected config error")
close cfgFile
fn ImportPsaFile filename trackNum all:false =
local Bones = #()
Anims = #()
local UseAnimTranslation = #()
local AnimFlags = #()
local numBones = 0
local numAnims = 0
local keyPos = 0
--------- Read the file ---------
file = fopen filename "rb"
if file == undefined then return undefined
-- First header --
hdr = ReadChunkHeader file
if (hdr.ChunkID != "ANIMHEAD") then
ErrorMessage("Bad chunk header: \"" + hdr.ChunkID + "\"")
while not IsEndOfFile(file) do
hdr = ReadChunkHeader file
-- format "Chunk: % (% items, % bytes/item, pos %)\n" hdr.ChunkID hdr.DataCount hdr.DataSize (ftell file)
case hdr.ChunkID of
-- Bone links --
numBones = hdr.DataCount
if numBones > 0 then Bones[numBones] = VBone () -- preallocate
for i = 1 to numBones do Bones[i] = ReadVBone file
-- Animation sequence info --
numAnims = hdr.DataCount
if numAnims > 0 then Anims[numAnims] = AnimInfoBinary () -- preallocate
for i = 1 to numAnims do Anims[i] = ReadAnimInfoBinary file
if trackNum < 0 then
-- information only
fclose file
return undefined
-- Key data --
-- determine chunk of the file to load later
if all then trackNum = 1
keyPos = ftell file
for i = 1 to trackNum - 1 do
keyPos += Anims[i].NumRawFrames * numBones * 32
if all then
numFrames = hdr.DataCount / Bones.count
numFrames = Anims[trackNum].NumRawFrames
-- skip this chunk
fseek file (hdr.DataSize * hdr.DataCount) #seek_cur
-- skip unknown chunk
format "Unknown chunk header: \"%\" at %\n" hdr.ChunkID (ftell file)
fseek file (hdr.DataSize * hdr.DataCount) #seek_cur
fclose file
messageBox ("Error loading file " + filename)
format "FATAL ERROR: %\n" (getCurrentException())
return undefined
if numBones < 1 then
format "Animations has no bones\n"
return undefined
if keyPos == 0 then
format "No ANIMKEYS chunk was found\n"
return undefined
-- find existing scene bones
MaxBones = #()
BindPoseInfo = #()
SceneBones = FindAllBones()
for i = 1 to numBones do
boneName = Bones[i].Name
local notfound = true
for j = 1 to SceneBones.count while notfound do
b = SceneBones[j]
if (stricmp boneName) == 0 then
MaxBones[i] = b
BindPoseInfo[i] = custAttributes.get b AXBoneCustomDataDef -- could be 'undefined'
notfound = false
if notfound then
format "WARNING: cannot find bone %\n" boneName
else if BindPoseInfo[i] == undefined then
format "WARNING: cannot get bind pose information for bone %\n" boneName
-- verify for found root bone
if MaxBones[1] == undefined then
messageBox ("WARNING: Unable to find root bone \"" + Bones[1].Name + "\"\nAnimation may appear incorrectly!")
set coordsys world
startframe = 0 -- can modify layer ...
if g_animAtSlider then
startframe = sliderTime
LoadPsaConfig ( (getFilenamePath filename) + (getFilenameFile filename) + ".config" ) Anims Bones UseAnimTranslation AnimFlags
format "[% trans % flags]\n" UseAnimTranslation.count AnimFlags.count
for i = 1 to UseAnimTranslation.count do
if UseAnimTranslation[i] then format "trans: % %\n" i Bones[i].Name
format "Loading track % (%), % keys\n" trackNum Anims[trackNum].Name (numFrames * Bones.count)
firstFrame = #()
firstFlag = (trackNum - 1) * numBones + 1
flagCount = AnimFlags.count
fseek file keyPos #seek_set -- seek to animation keys
animate on
progressStart "Loading animation ..."
for i = 1 to numFrames do
at time (startframe + i - 1)
flagIndex = firstFlag
for b = 1 to Bones.count do
-- get key
k = ReadVQuatAnimKey file -- read key from file
-- get bones
bone = MaxBones[b] -- scene bone to transform
BindPose = BindPoseInfo[b] -- for BindPose transform
-- get animation flags
flag = 0
if flagIndex < flagCount then flag = AnimFlags[flagIndex]
flagIndex = flagIndex + 1
-- when either scene or mesh bone is missing, skip everything (key was already read)
if bone == undefined then continue
local mat
if BindPose != undefined then
-- rotation
if (bit.and flag 2) != 0 then -- NO_ROTATION
-- rotation from mesh
mat = BindPose.AX_RelMatrix
-- rotation from animation
q = k.Orientation
if ((b == 1) and not g_dontConjugateRoot) then q = conjugate q
mat = (q as matrix3)
-- translation
if (bit.and flag 1) != 0 then -- NO_TRANSLATION
-- translation from the mesh
mat.row4 = BindPose.AX_RelMatrix.row4 * g_meshScale
else if not UseAnimTranslation[b] then
-- translation from the mesh
mat.row4 = BindPose.AX_RelMatrix.row4 * g_meshScale
-- translation from animation
mat.row4 = k.Position * g_meshScale
-- the BindPose object doesn't exists, use all data from the animation
q = k.Orientation -- rotation from animation
p = k.Position * g_meshScale -- translation from animation
-- build matrix
if ((b == 1) and not g_dontConjugateRoot) then q = conjugate q
-- build matrix
mat = (q as matrix3)
mat.row4 = p
-- modify bone
if bone.parent != undefined then
bone.transform = mat * bone.parent.transform
bone.transform = mat
-- remember 1st frame
if (i == 1) then firstFrame[b] = bone.transform
-- rotate animation
if MaxBones[1] != undefined then
MaxBones[1].transform = MaxBones[1].transform * axGetRootMatrix()
-- progress bar
progressUpdate (100.0 * i / numFrames)
if getProgressCancel() then exit
if g_fixLooping then
-- Add extra 2 frames for correct TCB controller work.
-- The second frame is not necessary if there is no keys after last frame
-- (may purge all keys before animation loading instead of adding 2nd key)
for i = 0 to 1 do
at time (startframe + numFrames + i)
for b = 1 to Bones.count do
bone = MaxBones[b]
if bone != undefined then
bone.transform = firstFrame[b]
-- finish loading
fclose file
sliderTime = 1
extraFrame = 0
if g_fixLooping then extraFrame = 1
if g_updateTime then
ar_start = startframe
ar_end = startframe + numFrames - 1 + extraFrame
ar_start = animationRange.start.frame
ar_end = animationRange.end.frame
if animationRange.start.frame > startframe then
ar_start = startframe
if animationRange.end.frame < startframe + numFrames + extraFrame then
ar_end = startframe + numFrames - 1 + extraFrame
if (ar_end == ar_start) then ar_end = ar_end + 1 -- avoid zero-length intervals
animationRange = interval ar_start ar_end
sliderTime = startframe
-- frameRate = track.AnimRate
if g_playAnim then playAnimation immediateReturn:true
-- User interface
-- layout
global axRolloutList
global axRolloutStates
global g_axScrollPos
fn axStoreLayout roll =
if axRolloutStates == undefined then axRolloutStates = #()
for i = 1 to axRolloutList.count do
axRolloutStates[i] = axRolloutList[i].open
-- sometimes 'roll' is non-null, but it's property 'scrollPos' is inaccessible
if roll.scrollPos != undefined then g_axScrollPos = roll.scrollPos
fn axRestoreLayout roll =
if axRolloutStates != undefined then
for i = 1 to axRolloutList.count do
axRolloutList[i].open = axRolloutStates[i]
-- when execing first time, layout will not be stored, and g_axScrollPos will be undefined
if g_axScrollPos != undefined then roll.scrollPos = g_axScrollPos
global MeshFileName
global AnimFileName
fn axLoadAnimation index =
if (index > 0) and (index <= Anims.count) then ImportPsaFile AnimFileName index
rollout axInfoRollout "ActorX Importer"
-- copyright label
label Lbl1 "Version 1.38"
label Lbl2 "\xA9 2009-2020 Konstantin Nosov (Gildor)"
hyperlink Lbl3 "" \
address:"" align:#center \
color:black hovercolor:blue visitedcolor:black
on axInfoRollout close do
format "Saving settings ...\n"
axSerializeSettings false
axStoreLayout axInfoRollout
rollout axMeshImportRollout "Mesh Import"
checkbox ChkSeeThru "See-Thru Mesh" checked:g_seeThru
checkbox ChkSkelOnly "Load skeleton only" checked:g_skelOnly
button BtnImportPsk "Import PSK ..."
-- event handlers
on ChkSeeThru changed state do g_seeThru = state
on ChkSkelOnly changed state do g_skelOnly = state
on BtnImportPsk pressed do
if DotNetObject == undefined then
-- older Max didn't have functionality for getMultiOpenFilenames
local filename = getOpenFileName types:"ActorX Mesh (*.psk,*.pskx)|*.psk;*.pskx|All (*.*)|*.*|" filename:g_lastDir1
if filename != undefined then
MeshFileName = filename
g_lastDir1 = getFilenamePath MeshFileName
if DoesFileExist MeshFileName then ImportPskFile MeshFileName skelOnly:g_skelOnly
local filenames = getMultiOpenFilenames types:"ActorX Mesh (*.psk,*.pskx)|*.psk;*.pskx|All (*.*)|*.*" filename:g_lastDir1
if filenames != undefined then
for filename in filenames do
MeshFileName = filename
g_lastDir1 = getFilenamePath MeshFileName
if DoesFileExist MeshFileName then ImportPskFile MeshFileName skelOnly:g_skelOnly
rollout axAnimImportRollout "Animation Import"
Group "Animation Import"
button BtnImportPsa "Import PSA ..."
listbox LstAnims "Animations:" height:13
checkbox ChkAnimTime "Update animation length" checked:g_updateTime
checkbox ChkFixLooping "Fix loop animation" checked:g_fixLooping tooltip:"Append 1st keyframe to animation\ntrack for smooth loop"
checkbox ChkPlayAnim "Play animation" checked:g_playAnim
checkbox ChkAtSlider "Import at slider position" checked:g_animAtSlider
dropdownlist LstTransMode "Translation mode" items:#("Use from AnimSet", "Force mesh translation", "Force AnimSet translation") selection:g_animTransMode
button BtnImportTrk "Load track" across:2
button BtnImportAll "Load all" tooltip:"Load all animations as a single track"
-- event handlers
on BtnImportPsa pressed do
local filename = getOpenFileName types:"ActorX Animation (*.psa)|*.psa|All (*.*)|*.*|" filename:g_lastDir2
if filename != undefined then
AnimFileName = filename
g_lastDir2 = getFilenamePath AnimFileName
if DoesFileExist AnimFileName then
ImportPsaFile AnimFileName -1
LstAnims.items = for a in Anims collect (a.Name + " [" + (a.NumRawFrames as string) + "]")
on BtnImportTrk pressed do axLoadAnimation LstAnims.selection
on BtnImportAll pressed do ImportPsaFile AnimFileName 1 all:true
on LstAnims doubleClicked sel do axLoadAnimation sel
on ChkAnimTime changed state do g_updateTime = state
on ChkFixLooping changed state do g_fixLooping = state
on ChkPlayAnim changed state do g_playAnim = state
on ChkAtSlider changed state do g_animAtSlider = state
on LstTransMode selected mode do g_animTransMode = mode
on axAnimImportRollout open do
-- fill LstAnims
LstAnims.items = for a in Anims collect (a.Name + " [" + (a.NumRawFrames as string) + "]")
rollout axTexturesRollout "Materials"
edittext EdTexPath "Path to materials" text:g_texDir width:180 across:2
button BtnBrowseTex "..." align:#right height:16
checkbox ChkTexRecurse "Look in subfolders" checked:g_texRecurse
label LblMissingTex "On missing texture:" across:2
radiobuttons RadMissingTex labels:#("do nothing", "ask") default:g_texMissAction align:#left columns:1
on EdTexPath changed val do g_texDir = val
on BtnBrowseTex pressed do
dir = getSavePath caption:"Directory for texture lookup" initialDir:g_texDir
if dir != undefined then
g_texDir = dir
EdTexPath.text = dir
on ChkTexRecurse changed state do g_texRecurse = state
on RadMissingTex changed state do g_texMissAction = state
rollout axToolsRollout "Tools"
button BtnReset "Reset to defaults" width:180
button BtnRestoreBindpose "Restore BindPose" width:180
button BtnRemoveAnimation "Remove animation" width:180
button BtnClearScene "Clear scene" width:180
button BtnBatchExport "Batch export" width:180
button BtnReloadScript "Reload importer" width:180
on BtnReset pressed do
if configFile != undefined then deleteFile configFile
-- reset controls
on BtnRestoreBindpose pressed do RestoreBindpose()
on BtnRemoveAnimation pressed do RemoveAnimation()
on BtnClearScene pressed do ClearMaxScene()
on BtnBatchExport pressed do fileIn ""
on BtnReloadScript pressed do
if getSourceFileName != undefined then -- checking Max version (Max9+) ...
axStoreLayout axInfoRollout
rollout axSettingsRollout "Mesh Settings"
spinner SpnBoneSize "Bone size" range:[0.1,10,g_boneSize] type:#float scale:0.1 align:#left across:2
spinner SpnMeshScale "Mesh scale" range:[0.01,1000,g_meshScale] type:#float scale:0.01 align:#right
checkbox ChkRepBones "Reposition existing bones" checked:g_reposBones
group "Mesh rotation"
spinner SpnRY "Yaw" range:[-180,180,g_rotY] type:#integer scale:90 fieldwidth:35 align:#left across:3
spinner SpnRP "Pitch" range:[-180,180,g_rotP] type:#integer scale:90 fieldwidth:35
spinner SpnRR "Roll" range:[-180,180,g_rotR] type:#integer scale:90 fieldwidth:35 align:#right
button BtnRotMaya "Maya" across:3
button BtnRotReset "Reset"
button BtnRotApply "Apply"
group "Mesh offset"
spinner SpnTX "X" range:[-10000,10000,g_transX] type:#float scale:0.01 fieldwidth:50 align:#left across:3
spinner SpnTY "Y" range:[-10000,10000,g_transY] type:#float scale:0.01 fieldwidth:50
spinner SpnTZ "Z" range:[-10000,10000,g_transZ] type:#float scale:0.01 fieldwidth:50 align:#right
-- event handlers
on SpnBoneSize changed val do g_boneSize = val
on SpnMeshScale changed val do g_meshScale = val
on ChkRepBones changed state do g_reposBones = state
on SpnRY changed val do g_rotY = val
on SpnRP changed val do g_rotP = val
on SpnRR changed val do g_rotR = val
on SpnTX changed val do g_transX = val
on SpnTY changed val do g_transY = val
on SpnTZ changed val do g_transZ = val
on BtnRotMaya pressed do
g_rotY = SpnRY.value = -90
g_rotP = SpnRP.value = 0
g_rotR = SpnRR.value = 90
on BtnRotReset pressed do
g_rotY = SpnRY.value = 0
g_rotP = SpnRP.value = 0
g_rotR = SpnRR.value = 0
on BtnRotApply pressed do RestoreBindpose()
rollout axAdvSettingsRollout "Advanced Settings"
label Lbl1 "WARNING: do not modify these settings"
label Lbl2 "unless you know what you are doing!"
checkbox ChkReorientBones "Reorient bones" checked:g_reorientBones
checkbox ChkDontConjRoot "Don't conjugate root bone" checked:g_dontConjugateRoot
-- event handlers
on ChkReorientBones changed state do g_reorientBones = state
on ChkDontConjRoot changed state do g_dontConjugateRoot = state
global axImportFloater
fn axShowUI =
-- request position of previous window, if it was already opened
local x = 30
local y = 100
local w = 250
local h = 700
if axImportFloater != undefined then
x = axImportFloater.pos.x
y = axImportFloater.pos.y
w = axImportFloater.size.x
h = axImportFloater.size.y
-- close old window
closeRolloutFloater axImportFloater
-- Create plugin window
axImportFloater = newRolloutFloater "ActorX Import" w h x y -- create a new window
-- init axRolloutList
axRolloutList = #(axInfoRollout, axMeshImportRollout, axAnimImportRollout, axTexturesRollout, axToolsRollout, axSettingsRollout, axAdvSettingsRollout)
-- add controls
for i = 1 to axRolloutList.count do
addRollout axRolloutList[i] axImportFloater
axRestoreLayout axInfoRollout
-- Plugin startup
global g_axImporterVersion
if (g_axImporterVersion == undefined) then
-- initialize plugin
heapSize += 33554432 -- 32 Mb; will speedup most tasks
Anims = #()
g_axImporterVersion = AX_IMPORTER_VERSION
if getSourceFileName != undefined then -- checking Max version (Max9+) ...
-- Add action handler (macro script).
-- Max will copy contents of macroScript() block to the "AppData/Local/Autodesk/3dsMax/*/ENU/usermacros".
-- To avoid copying of entire file we're generating string which will simply execute THIS file.
str = "macroScript GildorTools_ActorXImporter category:\"Gildor Tools\" buttontext:\"ActorX Importer\" tooltip:\"ActorX Importer\"\n" \
+ "(\n" \
+ " fileIn \"" + getSourceFileName() + "\"\n" \
+ ")\n"
execute str
if (g_axImporterVersion != AX_IMPORTER_VERSION) then
format "ActorX Importer has been updated while 3ds Max is running.\nReloading settings.\n"
-- copy-paste of code above
g_axImporterVersion = AX_IMPORTER_VERSION
ActorX batch converter for 3ds Max
Created: December 15 2010
Author: Konstantin Nosov (aka Gildor)
Web page:
Revision History:
06.12.2017 v1.07
- renamed "recurse" option to "look in subfolders" to be less confising to new users
20.09.2017 v1.06
- fixed error in fbx animation export when track has 0 frames
17.01.2017 v1.05
- fixed non-multitake animation export
- fixed length of exported animation
31.07.2016 v1.04
- option to save multiple animation is single FBX file (multi-take animation)
25.07.2016 v1.03
- saving animation name as FBX Take name (thanks Skykila)
21.07.2015 v1.02
- updated to match ActorX Importer 1.33 changes, improved appearance
29.12.2010 v1.01
- added output format selection (fbx, ase, max)
15.12.2010 v1.00
- first public release
- save settings to the ActorX Importer ini (using its API)
global g_axImporterVersion
global g_meshDir
global g_meshRecurse
global g_fbxSmGroups
global g_fbxSmMesh
global g_fbxMultiTake
global g_massExportAnims
global g_outFormat
global g_useDefaultFBXSettings
if (g_meshDir == undefined) then g_meshDir = ""
if (g_meshRecurse == undefined) then g_meshRecurse = false
if (g_fbxSmGroups == undefined) then g_fbxSmGroups = true
if (g_fbxSmMesh == undefined) then g_fbxSmMesh = true
if (g_fbxMultiTake == undefined) then g_fbxMultiTake = false
if (g_massExportAnims == undefined) then g_massExportAnims = true
if (g_outFormat == undefined) then g_outFormat = 1
if (g_useDefaultFBXSettings == undefined) then g_useDefaultFBXSettings = true
fn VerifyAXI =
if (g_axImporterVersion == undefined) then
messageBox "ActorX Importer is not loaded!"
return false
if (g_axImporterVersion < 133) then
messageBox "Your ActorX Importer script is too old, please update!"
return false
return true
-- configure FBX exporter
fn SetupFBX =
if g_useDefaultFBXSettings then return undefined
-- both commands should be used to ensure all commands are functional
pluginManager.loadClass FBXIMP
pluginManager.loadClass FBXEXP
-- FbxExporterSetParam "Geometries" true -- <bool>
-- Controls the state of the "Geometries" checkbox in the FBX Export dialog.
FbxExporterSetParam "NormalsPerPoly" true -- <bool>
-- Controls the state of the "Support normals per polygon vertex" checkbox in the FBX Export dialog.
FbxExporterSetParam "Cameras" false -- <bool>
-- Controls the state of the "Cameras" checkbox in the FBX Export dialog.
FbxExporterSetParam "Lights" false -- <bool>
-- Controls the state of the "Lights" checkbox in the FBX Export dialog.
FbxExporterSetParam "GeomAsBone" true -- <bool>
-- Controls the state of the "Geometries used as bones, exported as bones" checkbox in the FBX Export dialog.
FbxExporterSetParam "Shape" false -- <bool>
-- Controls the state of the "Shape (Morph modifier)" checkbox in the FBX Export dialog.
FbxExporterSetParam "Skin" true -- <bool>
-- Controls the state of the "Skins (Skin Modifier and Physique)" checkbox in the FBX Export dialog.
FbxExporterSetParam "Animation" true -- <bool>
-- Controls the state of the "Animation" checkbox in the FBX Export dialog.
-- FbxExporterSetParam "Resampling" -- <float>
-- Controls the value of the "Resampling rate (when necessary)" field in the FBX Export dialog.
FbxExporterSetParam "ShowWarnings" false -- <bool>
-- Controls the state of the "Show warnings" checkbox in the FBX Export dialog.
FbxExporterSetParam "EmbedTextures" false -- <bool>
-- Controls the state of the "Embed textures in export file" checkbox in the FBX Export dialog.
FbxExporterSetParam "SmoothingGroups" g_fbxSmGroups -- <bool>
-- True or false. See Smoothing Groups for an explanation of this setting.
FbxExporterSetParam "SmoothMeshExport" g_fbxSmMesh -- <bool>
-- True or false. See TurboSmooth for an explanation of this setting.
fn GetExportSubDir =
if (g_outFormat == 1) then
return "FBX"
if (g_outFormat == 2) then
return "ase"
if (g_outFormat == 3) then
return "max"
return "unknown" -- should not get here
fn SaveAXFile filename =
if (g_outFormat == 1) then
-- FBX
exportFile filename #noPrompt using:FBXEXP
return undefined
if (g_outFormat == 2) then
-- ASE
exportFile (filename + ".ase") #noPrompt
return undefined
if (g_outFormat == 3) then
-- MAX
saveMaxFile filename
return undefined
fn ExportFbxAnim givenPath:"" =
if (not VerifyAXI()) then return undefined
bones = FindAllBones()
if (bones.count == 0) then
messageBox "Mesh is not loaded!"
return undefined
if (Anims.count == 0) then
messageBox "AnimSet is not loaded!"
return undefined
-- configure ActorX Importer
local playAnim = g_playAnim -- save
g_playAnim = false
-- export all animations
if (g_fbxMultiTake == false) then
-- create target directory
local dir = getFilenamePath(AnimFileName) + "\\"
if givenPath != "" do
dir = givenPath
makeDir dir all:true
for i = 1 to Anims.count do
local track = Anims[i]
local trackName = track.Name
local filename = dir + trackName
local numFrames = track.NumRawFrames-1
if (numFrames == 0) then numFrames = 1
-- clear Take information before the export
FBXExporterSetParam "SplitAnimationIntoTakes" "-clear"
FBXExporterSetParam "SplitAnimationIntoTakes" trackName 0 numFrames
format "Exporting animation % (% frames) -> %\n" trackName numFrames filename
ImportPsaFile AnimFileName i
SaveAXFile filename
local dir = getFilenamePath(AnimFileName)
makeDir dir all:true
local filename = dir + "\\" + getFilenameFile(AnimFileName)
format "Exporting all animations -> %\n" filename
ImportPsaFile AnimFileName 1 all:true
for i = 1 to Anims.count do
local track = Anims[i]
local trackName = track.Name
local numFrames = track.NumRawFrames-1
if (numFrames < 1) then numFrames = 1
FBXExporterSetParam "SplitAnimationIntoTakes" trackName track.FirstRawFrame (track.FirstRawFrame+numFrames)
SaveAXFile filename
-- clear Take information after the export
FBXExporterSetParam "SplitAnimationIntoTakes" "-clear"
g_playAnim = playAnim -- restore
fn ExportFbxMesh psk_filename =
if (not VerifyAXI()) then return undefined
-- format "MESH: %\n" filename
-- create target directory
local dir = (getFilenamePath psk_filename)
makeDir dir all:true
local filename = dir + "\\" + getFilenameFile(psk_filename)
format "Exporting mesh % -> %\n" psk_filename filename
-- batch convert PSA inside of current dir
if (g_massExportAnims == true) then (
ImportPskFile psk_filename
MassConvertPSA dir true false
-- if the fbx mesh already exists in the directory, skip it
local fbxFilename = filename + ".fbx"
if (not FileExists fbxFilename) then
ImportPskFile psk_filename
SaveAXFile filename
fn ExportFbxMeshes path recurse =
if (not VerifyAXI()) then return undefined
-- format "EXPORT DIR % %\n" path recurse
local files = getFiles(path + "/*.psk*")
for file in files do ExportFbxMesh file
if recurse then
local dirs = getDirectories(path + "/*")
for dir in dirs do ExportFbxMeshes dir recurse
fn FileExists fname = (getfiles fname).count != 0
-- UI
fn CreateExporterWindow = ()
global fbxExportFloater
rollout fbxExportRollout "ActorX Batch Export"
-- copyright label
label Lbl1 "Version 1.07"
label Lbl2 "\xA9 2010-2020 Konstantin Nosov (Gildor)"
hyperlink Lbl3 "" \
address:"" align:#center \
color:black hovercolor:blue visitedcolor:black
group "Common"
label LblOutFormat "Output format:" across:2
radiobuttons RadOutFormat labels:#("fbx", "ase", "max") default:g_outFormat align:#left columns:1
checkbox ChkDefFbxSettings "Use default FBX settings" checked:g_useDefaultFBXSettings
group "Meshes"
label Lvl25 "Exports animations - Buckminsterfullerene" align:#left
checkbox ChkExportAnims "Mass export animations" checked:g_massExportAnims
label Lbl10 "This tool will convert all PSK meshes from" align:#left
label Lbl11 "selected directory to specified output format" align:#left
label Lbl12 ""
edittext EdMeshPath "Path to PSK" text:g_meshDir width:180 across:2
button BtnBrowseMesh "..." align:#right height:16
checkbox ChkMeshRecurse "Look in subfolders" checked:g_meshRecurse
checkbox ChkSmGroups "Smoothing groups" checked:g_fbxSmGroups
checkbox ChkSmMesh "Use FBX TurboSmooth" checked:g_fbxSmMesh
button BtnExportMeshes "Export meshes"
group "Animations"
label Lbl20 "Converts all animations from currently" align:#left
label Lbl21 "loaded PSA to FBX format. A mesh should" align:#left
label Lbl22 "be loaded too. If multi-take FBX is not" align:#left
label Lbl23 "selected, each animation track will produce" align:#left
label Lbl24 "a separate FBX file." align:#left
checkbox ChkMultiTakeFbx "Save multi-take FBX file" checked:g_fbxMultiTake
button BtnExportAnims "Export animations"
on RadOutFormat changed state do g_outFormat = state
on ChkDefFbxSettings changed state do g_useDefaultFBXSettings = state
on ChkMultiTakeFbx changed state do g_fbxMultiTake = state
on ChkExportAnims changed state do g_massExportAnims = state
on BtnExportAnims pressed do ExportFbxAnim()
on BtnExportMeshes pressed do ExportFbxMeshes g_meshDir g_meshRecurse
on EdMeshPath changed val do g_meshDir = val
on BtnBrowseMesh pressed do
dir = getSavePath caption:"Directory for mesh lookup" initialDir:g_meshDir
if dir != undefined then
g_meshDir = dir
EdMeshPath.text = dir
on ChkMeshRecurse changed state do g_meshRecurse = state
on ChkSmGroups changed state do g_fbxSmGroups = state
on ChkSmMesh changed state do g_fbxSmMesh = state
fn CreateExporterWindow =
local x = 300
local y = 100
local w = 250
local h = 560
if fbxExportFloater != undefined do
x = fbxExportFloater.pos.x
y = fbxExportFloater.pos.y
w = fbxExportFloater.size.x
h = fbxExportFloater.size.y
closeRolloutFloater fbxExportFloater -- close old window if visible
fbxExportFloater = newRolloutFloater "FBX Batch Export" w h x y -- create new window
addRollout fbxExportRollout fbxExportFloater
ActorX animation (psa) converter for 3ds Max
Created: May 22 2021
Author: Aproydtix
global fbxConvertFloater
fn GetDirs FolderPath Folders = ()
fn GetListFromString InputString = ()
fn SelectBones = ()
fn ConvertTranslation = ()
fn MassConvertPSA deformFix:false = ()
fn CreateConverterWindow = ()
rollout fbxConvertRollout "ActorX Batch Convert"
-- copyright label
label Lbl1 "Version 1.5.0"
label Lbl2 "Originally modified by Aproydtix for KH3 modding"
label Lb25 "Modified batch convert by Buckminsterfullerene"
label Lbl3 "Original Author: Konstantin Nosov (Gildor)"
hyperlink Lbl4 "" \
address:"" align:#center \
color:black hovercolor:blue visitedcolor:black
group "Convert"
label Lbl5 "WARNING!"
label Lbl6 "Make sure to import your PSK first!"
label Lbl7 "This can take a while..."
checkbox ConvertToOneFolder "Convert to one folder" tooltip:"Puts all converted animations in the same folder." align:#center
button BtnMassConvertPsa "Batch-convert PSA ..." tooltip:"Converts all PSA files to FBX in the chosen folder and all its subfolders."
on BtnMassConvertPsa pressed do
MassConvertPSA "" false false
group "Deformation Fix"
label Lbl8 "Use Skin Pose on bones:"
edittext ListOfParentBones text:"atama" tooltip:"Uses the shape of the original model over the animation. Add bones for areas that get deformed."
checkbox CheckSelectChildren "Select children of bones" checked:true align:#center tooltip:"Whether to skin pose only the given bones or also their children."
checkbox CheckCenterOffset "Auto offset height" checked:true align:#center across:2 tooltip:"Offsets height difference based on start frame. Takes a bone to find height difference between models.\nCan be empty, using ground level as reference."
edittext OffsetBone text:"R_ashi2" tooltip:"Defaults to ground level if empty or bone can't be found. Recommended using R/L_ashi2."
label Lbl9 "Retain transform of bones:"
edittext ListOfRetainTransforms text:"R_buki, L_buki" tooltip:"Retains relative position, scale, and rotation of bones from the original animation. Very useful for detached bones like weapons."
button BtnDeformFix "Fix deformations" tooltip:"Fixes the deformations on the given bones and their children."
button BtnMassDeformFix "Batch fix deform ..." tooltip:"While also fixing deformations, converts all PSA files to FBX in the chosen folder and all its subfolders.\nUses the same settings as Batch-convert."
on BtnDeformFix pressed do
undo on
if SelectBones() do
on BtnMassDeformFix pressed do
MassConvertPSA "" false true
fn GetListFromString InputString =
str = InputString
str = FilterString str ","
for s = 1 to str.count do
str[s] = trimLeft str[s]
str[s] = trimRight str[s]
return str
fn SelectBones =
str = GetListFromString fbxConvertRollout.ListOfParentBones.text
Max select none
for s = 1 to str.count do
objName = str[s]
objPath = execute ("$'"+ objName + "'")
if objPath == undefined then
messageBox ("'" + objName + "' was not found!")
return false
selectMore objPath
if fbxConvertRollout.CheckSelectChildren.checked do
selectMore (execute ("$'"+ objName + "'...*"))
return true
fn ConvertTranslation =
-- Set Translation Mode and get Skin Pose
if (g_animTransMode != 1) do
axAnimImportRollout.LstTransMode.selection = 1
g_animTransMode = 1
axLoadAnimation axAnimImportRollout.LstAnims.selection
for o in selection do o.setSkinPose()
-- Fix center position get values
centerPath = execute ("$'center'")
offsetObjPath = execute ("$'" + fbxConvertRollout.OffsetBone.text + "'")
isOffsetNull = false
if offsetObjPath == undefined do
isOffsetNull = true
startTime = animationRange.start.frame
endTime = animationRange.end.frame
posArr = #()
if isOffsetNull == false then
with animate on (at time startTime (centerOffset = centerPath.pos - offsetObjPath.pos))
with animate on (at time startTime (centerOffset = centerPath.pos))
for i=startTime to endTime do
with animate on (at time i (append posArr centerPath.pos))
-- Retain bone position and rotation
retainNames = #()
retainPaths = #()
retainPos = #()
retainRot = #()
retainScale = #()
str = GetListFromString fbxConvertRollout.ListOfRetainTransforms.text
for s = 1 to str.count do
append retainNames str[s]
append retainPaths (execute ("$'"+ retainNames[s] + "'"))
if retainPaths[s] == undefined then
messageBox ("'" + retainNames[s] + "' was not found!")
return undefined
tempPos = #()
tempRot = #()
tempScale = #()
for i = startTime to endTime do
with animate on (at time i
append tempPos ( in coordsys parent retainPaths[s].pos )
append tempRot ( in coordsys parent retainPaths[s].rotation )
append tempScale ( in coordsys parent retainPaths[s].scale )
append retainPos tempPos
append retainRot tempRot
append retainScale tempScale
-- Set Translation Mode and set Skin Pose
axAnimImportRollout.LstTransMode.selection = 2
g_animTransMode = 2
axLoadAnimation axAnimImportRollout.LstAnims.selection
for o in selection do o.assumeSkinPose()
-- Fix center position set values
if isOffsetNull == false then
with animate on (at time startTime (centerOffset -= centerPath.pos - offsetObjPath.pos))
with animate on (at time startTime (centerOffset -= centerPath.pos))
centerOffset = [0, 0, centerOffset.z]
if fbxConvertRollout.CheckCenterOffset.checked == false do
centerOffset = 0
for i = startTime to endTime do
with animate on (at time i (centerPath.pos = posArr[i+1] - centerOffset))
-- Retain position/rotation of Bones
for s = 1 to str.count do
for i = startTime to endTime do
with animate on (at time i
in coordsys parent retainPaths[s].pos = retainPos[s][i+1]
in coordsys parent retainPaths[s].rotation = retainRot[s][i+1]
in coordsys parent retainPaths[s].scale = retainScale[s][i+1]
fn MassConvertPSA PSKDir isBatchExportPSK deformFix =
bones = FindAllBones()
if (bones.count == 0) then
messageBox "Mesh is not loaded!"
return undefined
thePath = ""
if isBatchExportPSK then
-- take the "\" out of the end of the path
dir2 = trimRight PSKDir "\\"
thePath = dir2
thePath = getSavePath()
if thePath != undefined do
dirs = #();
GetDirs thePath dirs
for d in dirs do
theFiles = getFiles (d+"\\*.psa")
for f in theFiles do
AnimFileName = f
ImportPsaFile AnimFileName -1
g_lastDir2 = getFilenamePath AnimFileName
axAnimImportRollout.LstAnims.items = for a in Anims collect (a.Name + " [" + (a.NumRawFrames as string) + "]")
if deformFix then
local dir = getFilenamePath(AnimFileName) + "\\"
if fbxConvertRollout.ConvertToOneFolder.checked do
dir = thePath + "/FBX/"
makeDir dir all:true
local track = Anims[1]
local trackName = dir + track.Name
local filename = trackName + ".fbx"
exportFile (filename) #noPrompt
if fbxConvertRollout.ConvertToOneFolder.checked then
ExportFbxAnim givenPath:thePath
fn GetDirs FolderPath Folders =
for f in (getDirectories (FolderPath + "*")) do
append Folders f
GetDirs f Folders
fn CreateConverterWindow =
local x = 570
local y = 100
local w = 250
local h = 450
if fbxConvertFloater != undefined do
x = fbxConvertFloater.pos.x
y = fbxConvertFloater.pos.y
w = fbxConvertFloater.size.x
h = fbxConvertFloater.size.y
closeRolloutFloater fbxConvertFloater -- close old window if visible
fbxConvertFloater = newRolloutFloater "FBX Batch Convert" w h x y -- create new window
addRollout fbxConvertRollout fbxConvertFloater
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