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Created August 8, 2023 08:41
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Save Bungeetaco/445d7315d68b31413ece50dd9fab22a1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A powershell script to bulk decrypt files encrypted with SharpAESCrypt (Duplicati)
# Function to update the progress bar
function Update-ProgressBar {
param (
$RemainingFiles = $Total - $Completed - $FailedJobs # Subtract failed jobs from remaining files
$Progress = [math]::Round(($Completed / $Total) * 100, 3) # Calculate progress percentage rounded to 3 decimals
$ProgressBar = "[{0}{1}] {2,6:F3}% - Comp: {3}/{4} - Rem: {5}/{4} - Run: {6} - Fail: {7}" -f ('#' * ($Progress / 10)), (' ' * (10 - $Progress / 10)), $Progress, $Completed, $Total, $RemainingFiles, $RunningJobs, $FailedJobs
Write-Progress -Activity "Processing Files" -Status $ProgressBar -Id 1
# Set the paths and parameters - change the SourceDirectory and OutputDirectory paths to suit your needs
$ScriptDirectory = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
$SharpAESCryptPath = Join-Path $ScriptDirectory "SharpAESCrypt.exe"
$Password = "password"
$SharpTask = "d"
$SourceDirectory = "F:\backblaze-duplicati\SourceAES"
$OutputDirectory = "F:\backblaze-duplicati\DestZIP"
# Get a list of files to decrypt
$FilesToDecrypt = Get-ChildItem -Path $SourceDirectory -Filter "*.zip.aes" -File
$TotalFiles = $FilesToDecrypt.Count
$CompletedFiles = 0
$FailedJobs = 0
$MaxConcurrentJobs = 5
$JobResults = @{}
# Script block to decrypt a single file
$DecryptFileScript = {
param (
# Execute the decryption command
& $SharpAESCryptPath $SharpTask $Password $SourceFilePath $OutputFilePath
if ($LASTEXITCODE -eq 0) {
Write-Host "Successfully decrypted $SourceFilePath."
return $true
} else {
if ($result -match "Invalid password or corrupted data") {
Write-Host "Error: Invalid password or corrupted data occurred while decrypting $SourceFilePath."
} else {
Write-Host "An error occurred while decrypting $SourceFilePath."
return $false
$JobQueue = New-Object System.Collections.Queue
$RunningJobs = 0
# Start processing each file in the source directory
foreach ($File in $FilesToDecrypt) {
$OutputFile = Join-Path $OutputDirectory ($File.BaseName + ".zip")
# Start a new job to decrypt the file
$Job = Start-Job -ScriptBlock $DecryptFileScript -ArgumentList $SharpAESCryptPath, $SharpTask, $Password, $File.FullName, $OutputFile
# Update the progress bar
Update-ProgressBar -Completed $CompletedFiles -Total $TotalFiles -RunningJobs $RunningJobs -FailedJobs $FailedJobs
# Limit the number of concurrent jobs to $MaxConcurrentJobs
while ($RunningJobs -ge $MaxConcurrentJobs) {
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 500
$CompletedJob = $JobQueue.Dequeue()
$Result = Receive-Job $CompletedJob
if ($Result -eq $false) {
} else {
Stop-Job $CompletedJob
Remove-Job $CompletedJob
Update-ProgressBar -Completed $CompletedFiles -Total $TotalFiles -RunningJobs $RunningJobs -FailedJobs $FailedJobs
# Wait for any remaining jobs to complete
while ($JobQueue.Count -gt 0) {
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 500
$CompletedJob = $JobQueue.Dequeue()
$Result = Receive-Job $CompletedJob
if ($Result -eq $false) {
} else {
Stop-Job $CompletedJob
Remove-Job $CompletedJob
Update-ProgressBar -Completed $CompletedFiles -Total $TotalFiles -RunningJobs $RunningJobs -FailedJobs $FailedJobs
# Export summary to results.txt file
$Summary = @"
Decryption process completed.
Total Files: $TotalFiles
Successfully Decrypted: $CompletedFiles
Failed Jobs: $FailedJobs
Remaining Files: $($TotalFiles - $CompletedFiles - $FailedJobs)
$ResultsFilePath = Join-Path $ScriptDirectory "results.txt"
$Summary | Out-File -FilePath $ResultsFilePath
# Display completion message
Write-Host "" # New line after processing is complete
Write-Host "Decryption process completed."
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