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This is a list of questions we have been asked about the project. These are our best answers as of this moment. Things will likely change in small and large ways so don’t take these as binding. If you have more questions please post them in our question thread on the forum or give Bunsan a poke in the TFC-talk channel of our discord.

What is this exactly?

The goal of this project is to take the gameplay, mechanics and feel of TFC and recreate it in 1.12+. It is like a port in that we want it to feel like the 1.7.10 version, but it isn’t a true port as we are rewriting most of the code. This project was started by Dries007, the blessing of Bioxx, and is not associated with TFC2, nor is it associated with TFC+ or any other forks of TFC.

Is this 1.7.10 Terrafirmacraft fixed to work in 1.12?

Bunsan / gist:67c30da628f4d6fc7a9881e675f3406d
Created May 18, 2018 06:52
TFC 1.7.10 Mechanics - Storage
* Chests
* Barrel
* Large vessel
* Small vessel (inventory)
* Log pile
* Tool rack
* Ingot Pile
Bunsan / gist:b20c96695a8248641bc4b100bd24e8d3
Created May 18, 2018 06:49
TFC 1.7.10 Mechanics - Crafting
* 3x3 inventory/crafting table
* crafting with tools i.e. saw/knife/spindle (tools should be container items to deal with durability lose)
* Napping
- Rock
- Clay
- Leather
* Fire pit/Forge
* Pit kiln (fire clay and melt alloy)
* Mold Casting in hand
* Barrel/large vessel (fluid/fluid+item)