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Created May 31, 2020 13:44
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pulls s3 bucket usage per storage engine
import boto3
from datetime import timedelta, datetime
### Logic:
# this script will list all aws buckets, and will retrieve each bucket size per storage type,
# output will be displayed in mb, if output is 0Mb, the specific storage size is less than 1Mb.
# output will only display used storage types
class Aws:
def __init__(self, aws_region='us-east-1', profile='default'):
self.region = aws_region
self.session = boto3.Session(region_name=aws_region, profile_name=profile)
def get_bucket_stats(self, bucket_name, bucket_location, storage_type):
cw = self.session.client('cloudwatch', region_name=bucket_location)
response = cw.get_metric_statistics(
Namespace='AWS/S3', MetricName='BucketSizeBytes',
StartTime=datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(days=2),
EndTime=datetime.utcnow(), Period=86400,
Statistics=['Average'], Unit='Bytes',
{'Name': 'BucketName', 'Value': bucket_name},
{u'Name': 'StorageType', u'Value': storage_type}
if response:
ret = response['Datapoints'][0]['Average']
except Exception as e:
ret = 0
return ret
return 0
def get_bucket_location(self, req_bucket_name):
response = self.session.client('s3').get_bucket_location(Bucket=req_bucket_name)
bucket_loc = 'us-east-1'
if response['LocationConstraint'] is not None:
bucket_loc = response['LocationConstraint']
if response['LocationConstraint'] == 'EU':
bucket_loc = 'eu-west-1'
return bucket_loc
if __name__ == '__main__':
# us-east-1 - for api calls
# default - default profile in ~/.aws/config
aws = Aws('us-east-1', 'default')
buckets = aws.session.client('s3').list_buckets()
if buckets:
for bucket_list in buckets['Buckets']:
bucket_name = bucket_list['Name']
bucket_location = aws.get_bucket_location(bucket_name)
except Exception as e:
types = ['GlacierStorage', 'GlacierStorageOverhead', 'IntelligentTieringFAStorage',
'IntelligentTieringIAStorage', 'OneZoneIASizeOverhead', 'OneZoneIAStorage', 'ReducedRedundancyStorage',
'StandardIASizeOverhead', 'StandardIAStorage', 'StandardStorage']
print(f'region: {bucket_location}, bucket name: {bucket_name}:')
bucket_total_size = []
for storage_type in types:
bucket_size = aws.get_bucket_stats(bucket_name, bucket_location, storage_type)
bucket_size_in_mb = round(bucket_size / 1024 / 1024)
if bucket_size:
print(f' Storage type: {storage_type}, size in Mb: {bucket_size_in_mb}')
if bucket_total_size and len(bucket_total_size) > 1:
bucket_total = sum(bucket_total_size)
if bucket_total > 1048576:
bucket_total = round(bucket_total/1048576, 2)
print(f'Bucket total size in \033[1mTb\033[0m: {bucket_total}')
elif bucket_total > 1024:
bucket_total = round(bucket_total/1024, 2)
print(f'Bucket total size in \033[1mGb\033[0m: {bucket_total}')
print(f'Bucket total size in Mb: {bucket_total}')
print('Couldn\'t retrieve bucket list')
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