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Last active December 14, 2015 03:49
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An example of a Ruby-FFI and C file, where ruby segfaults/deadlocks, but C does not


  1. Download your application key from Spotify: You need the binary key for the ruby example, and the C-code for the C example, so get both. Save your C-code as “appkey.c”, and the binary as “spotify_appkey.key” in this folder.
  2. Runing the ruby code: SPOTIFY_USERNAME="username" SPOTIFY_PASSWORD="password" ./pure.rb
  3. Compiling the C code: gcc -lspotify appkey.c pure.c -o pure
  4. Runing the C code: SPOTIFY_USERNAME="username" SPOTIFY_PASSWORD="password" ./pure

Ruby example will segfault occasionally, and nowadays the C one will too. When using variables from the stack (instead of variables from malloc-allocated memory), libspotify appears to not segfault in C (for this simple example).

By the way, these tests are for ARM, i.e. raspberry pi (both soft and hard float).

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <libspotify/api.h>
#define ALLOC(type) ALLOC_N(type, 1)
#define ALLOC_N(type, n) ((type*) malloc(sizeof(type) * (n)))
#define printf(...) do { printf(__VA_ARGS__); fflush(stdout); } while(0)
extern const uint8_t g_appkey[];
extern const size_t g_appkey_size;
static char *
env(const char *name) {
char *value = getenv(name);
if (value == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "ENV['%s'] is not set\n", name);
return value;
main(void) {
sp_session **session_ptr = ALLOC(sp_session*);
sp_session *session = NULL;
sp_session_config *config = ALLOC(sp_session_config);
sp_error error;
int timeout = 0;
memset(config, 0, sizeof(*config));
config->api_version = 12;
char *cache_location = strdup(".spotify");
config->cache_location = cache_location;
char *settings_location = strdup(".spotify");
config->settings_location = settings_location;
uint8_t *application_key = ALLOC_N(uint8_t, g_appkey_size);
memcpy(application_key, g_appkey, g_appkey_size);
config->application_key = application_key;
config->application_key_size = g_appkey_size;
char *user_agent = strdup("spotify for ruby in c");
config->user_agent = user_agent;
config->callbacks = NULL;
char *tracefile = strdup("spotify_tracefile.txt");
config->tracefile = tracefile;
printf("Creating session.\n");
error = sp_session_create(config, session_ptr);
session = *session_ptr;
if (error != SP_ERROR_OK) {
fprintf(stderr, "error %s\n", sp_error_message(error));
return error;
printf("Created! Logging in.\n");
char *username = strdup(env("SPOTIFY_USERNAME"));
char *password = strdup(env("SPOTIFY_PASSWORD"));
sp_session_login(session, username, password, 0, NULL);
printf("Log in requested. Waiting forever until logged in.\n");
while (sp_session_connectionstate(session) != SP_CONNECTION_STATE_LOGGED_IN) {
sp_session_process_events(session, &timeout);
printf("Loading playlist container…\n");
sp_playlistcontainer *container = sp_session_playlistcontainer(session);
while ( ! sp_playlistcontainer_is_loaded(container)) {
sp_session_process_events(session, &timeout);
printf("Container loaded! Exiting…\n");
return 0;
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# encoding: utf-8
require 'ffi'
require 'logger'
module Spotify
extend FFI::Library
ffi_lib "spotify"
enum :sp_connectionstate, [ :logged_out, :logged_in, :disconnected, :undefined, :offline ]
attach_function :sp_session_process_events, [ :pointer, :pointer ], :int
attach_function :sp_session_create, [ :pointer, :pointer ], :int
attach_function :sp_session_login, [ :pointer, :pointer, :pointer, :bool, :pointer ], :int
attach_function :sp_session_connectionstate, [ :pointer ], :sp_connectionstate
attach_function :sp_session_playlistcontainer, [ :pointer ], :pointer
attach_function :sp_playlistcontainer_is_loaded, [ :pointer ], :bool
class SessionConfig < FFI::Struct
layout api_version: :int,
cache_location: :pointer,
settings_location: :pointer,
application_key: :pointer,
application_key_size: :size_t,
user_agent: :pointer,
callbacks: :pointer,
userdata: :pointer,
compress_playlists: :bool,
dont_save_metadata_for_playlists: :bool,
initially_unload_playlists: :bool,
device_id: :pointer,
proxy: :pointer,
proxy_username: :pointer,
proxy_password: :pointer,
ca_certs_filename: :pointer,
tracefile: :pointer
def process_events(session)
ptr =
ptr.autorelease = false
Spotify.sp_session_process_events(session, ptr)
return Rational(ptr.read_int, 1000)
def poll(session)
until yield
def env(name)
ENV.fetch(name) { raise "Missing ENV['#{name}']." }
config =
config[:api_version] = 12
appkey ="./spotify_appkey.key", encoding: "BINARY")
config[:application_key] = FFI::MemoryPointer.from_string(appkey).tap { |ptr| ptr.autorelease = false }
config[:application_key_size] = appkey.bytesize
config[:cache_location] = FFI::MemoryPointer.from_string(".spotify/").tap { |ptr| ptr.autorelease = false }
config[:settings_location] = FFI::MemoryPointer.from_string(".spotify/").tap { |ptr| ptr.autorelease = false }
config[:tracefile] = FFI::MemoryPointer.from_string("spotify_tracefile.txt").tap { |ptr| ptr.autorelease = false }
config[:user_agent] = FFI::MemoryPointer.from_string("spotify for ruby").tap { |ptr| ptr.autorelease = false }
config[:callbacks] = FFI::Pointer::NULL
puts "Size: #{Spotify::SessionConfig.size}"
Spotify::SessionConfig.members.each do |member|
puts "Offset of #{member}: #{Spotify::SessionConfig.offset_of(member)}"
config.pointer.autorelease = false
puts "Creating session."
session = nil do |ptr|
error = Spotify.sp_session_create(config, ptr)
abort "Error: #{Spotify.sp_error_message(error)}" if error != 0
ptr.autorelease = false
session = ptr.read_pointer
puts "Created! Logging in."
username = FFI::MemoryPointer.from_string(env("SPOTIFY_USERNAME")).tap { |ptr| ptr.autorelease = false }
password = FFI::MemoryPointer.from_string(env("SPOTIFY_PASSWORD")).tap { |ptr| ptr.autorelease = false }
Spotify.sp_session_login(session, username, password, false, FFI::Pointer::NULL)
puts "Log in requested. Waiting forever until logged in."
poll(session) { Spotify.sp_session_connectionstate(session) == :logged_in }
# This part is what makes the process crash at times.
puts "Loading playlist container…"
container = Spotify.sp_session_playlistcontainer(session)
poll(session) { Spotify.sp_playlistcontainer_is_loaded(container) }
puts "Container loaded! Exiting in 4…"
sleep 4
* Copyright (c) 2006-2012 Spotify Ltd
* The terms of use for this and related files can be read in
* the associated LICENSE file, usually stored in share/doc/libspotify/LICENSE.
* @file api.h Public API for libspotify
* @note All input strings are expected to be in UTF-8
* @note All output strings are in UTF-8.
* @note All usernames are valid XMPP nodeprep identifiers:
* If you need to store user data, we strongly advise you
* to use the canonical form of the username.
#ifndef PUBLIC_API_H
#define PUBLIC_API_H
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#ifdef _WIN32
#define SP_CALLCONV __stdcall
#ifdef _WIN32
#define SP_LIBEXPORT(x) x __stdcall
#define SP_LIBEXPORT(x) x
/* Includes */
#include <stddef.h>
#ifdef _WIN32
typedef unsigned __int64 sp_uint64;
#include <stdint.h>
typedef uint64_t sp_uint64;
/* General types */
#if !defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(__bool_true_false_are_defined)
typedef unsigned char bool;
typedef unsigned char byte;
* @defgroup types Spotify types & structs
* @{
typedef struct sp_session sp_session; ///< Representation of a session
typedef struct sp_track sp_track; ///< A track handle
typedef struct sp_album sp_album; ///< An album handle
typedef struct sp_artist sp_artist; ///< An artist handle
typedef struct sp_artistbrowse sp_artistbrowse; ///< A handle to an artist browse result
typedef struct sp_albumbrowse sp_albumbrowse; ///< A handle to an album browse result
typedef struct sp_toplistbrowse sp_toplistbrowse; ///< A handle to a toplist browse result
typedef struct sp_search sp_search; ///< A handle to a search result
typedef struct sp_link sp_link; ///< A handle to the libspotify internal representation of a URI
typedef struct sp_image sp_image; ///< A handle to an image
typedef struct sp_user sp_user; ///< A handle to a user
typedef struct sp_playlist sp_playlist; ///< A playlist handle
typedef struct sp_playlistcontainer sp_playlistcontainer; ///< A playlist container (playlist containing other playlists) handle
typedef struct sp_inbox sp_inbox; ///< Add to inbox request handle
/** @} */
* @defgroup error Error Handling
* All functions in libspotify use the same set of error codes. Most of them return
* an error code, and let the result of the operation be stored in an out-parameter.
* @{
* Error codes returned by various functions
typedef enum sp_error {
SP_ERROR_OK = 0, ///< No errors encountered
SP_ERROR_BAD_API_VERSION = 1, ///< The library version targeted does not match the one you claim you support
SP_ERROR_API_INITIALIZATION_FAILED = 2, ///< Initialization of library failed - are cache locations etc. valid?
SP_ERROR_TRACK_NOT_PLAYABLE = 3, ///< The track specified for playing cannot be played
SP_ERROR_BAD_APPLICATION_KEY = 5, ///< The application key is invalid
SP_ERROR_BAD_USERNAME_OR_PASSWORD = 6, ///< Login failed because of bad username and/or password
SP_ERROR_USER_BANNED = 7, ///< The specified username is banned
SP_ERROR_UNABLE_TO_CONTACT_SERVER = 8, ///< Cannot connect to the Spotify backend system
SP_ERROR_CLIENT_TOO_OLD = 9, ///< Client is too old, library will need to be updated
SP_ERROR_OTHER_PERMANENT = 10, ///< Some other error occurred, and it is permanent (e.g. trying to relogin will not help)
SP_ERROR_BAD_USER_AGENT = 11, ///< The user agent string is invalid or too long
SP_ERROR_MISSING_CALLBACK = 12, ///< No valid callback registered to handle events
SP_ERROR_INVALID_INDATA = 13, ///< Input data was either missing or invalid
SP_ERROR_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE = 14, ///< Index out of range
SP_ERROR_USER_NEEDS_PREMIUM = 15, ///< The specified user needs a premium account
SP_ERROR_OTHER_TRANSIENT = 16, ///< A transient error occurred.
SP_ERROR_IS_LOADING = 17, ///< The resource is currently loading
SP_ERROR_NO_STREAM_AVAILABLE = 18, ///< Could not find any suitable stream to play
SP_ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED = 19, ///< Requested operation is not allowed
SP_ERROR_INBOX_IS_FULL = 20, ///< Target inbox is full
SP_ERROR_NO_CACHE = 21, ///< Cache is not enabled
SP_ERROR_NO_SUCH_USER = 22, ///< Requested user does not exist
SP_ERROR_NO_CREDENTIALS = 23, ///< No credentials are stored
SP_ERROR_NETWORK_DISABLED = 24, ///< Network disabled
SP_ERROR_INVALID_DEVICE_ID = 25, ///< Invalid device ID
SP_ERROR_CANT_OPEN_TRACE_FILE = 26, ///< Unable to open trace file
SP_ERROR_APPLICATION_BANNED = 27, ///< This application is no longer allowed to use the Spotify service
SP_ERROR_OFFLINE_TOO_MANY_TRACKS = 31, ///< Reached the device limit for number of tracks to download
SP_ERROR_OFFLINE_DISK_CACHE = 32, ///< Disk cache is full so no more tracks can be downloaded to offline mode
SP_ERROR_OFFLINE_EXPIRED = 33, ///< Offline key has expired, the user needs to go online again
SP_ERROR_OFFLINE_NOT_ALLOWED = 34, ///< This user is not allowed to use offline mode
SP_ERROR_OFFLINE_LICENSE_LOST = 35, ///< The license for this device has been lost. Most likely because the user used offline on three other device
SP_ERROR_OFFLINE_LICENSE_ERROR = 36, ///< The Spotify license server does not respond correctly
SP_ERROR_LASTFM_AUTH_ERROR = 39, ///< A LastFM scrobble authentication error has occurred
SP_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT = 40, ///< An invalid argument was specified
SP_ERROR_SYSTEM_FAILURE = 41, ///< An operating system error
} sp_error;
* Convert a numeric libspotify error code to a text string. The error message is in
* English. This function is useful for logging purposes.
* @param[in] error The error code to lookup
SP_LIBEXPORT(const char*) sp_error_message(sp_error error);
/** @} */
* @defgroup session Session handling
* The concept of a session is fundamental for all communication with the Spotify ecosystem - it is the
* object responsible for communicating with the Spotify service. You will need to instantiate a
* session that then can be used to request artist information, perform searches etc.
* @{
* Current version of the application interface, that is, the API described by this file.
* This value should be set in the sp_session_config struct passed to sp_session_create().
* If an (upgraded) library is no longer compatible with this version the error #SP_ERROR_BAD_API_VERSION will be
* returned from sp_session_create(). Future versions of the library will provide you with some kind of mechanism
* to request an updated version of the library.
* Describes the current state of the connection
typedef enum sp_connectionstate {
SP_CONNECTION_STATE_LOGGED_OUT = 0, ///< User not yet logged in
SP_CONNECTION_STATE_LOGGED_IN = 1, ///< Logged in against a Spotify access point
SP_CONNECTION_STATE_DISCONNECTED = 2, ///< Was logged in, but has now been disconnected
SP_CONNECTION_STATE_UNDEFINED = 3, ///< The connection state is undefined
SP_CONNECTION_STATE_OFFLINE = 4 ///< Logged in in offline mode
} sp_connectionstate;
* Sample type descriptor
typedef enum sp_sampletype {
SP_SAMPLETYPE_INT16_NATIVE_ENDIAN = 0, ///< 16-bit signed integer samples
} sp_sampletype;
* Audio format descriptor
typedef struct sp_audioformat {
sp_sampletype sample_type; ///< Sample type enum,
int sample_rate; ///< Audio sample rate, in samples per second.
int channels; ///< Number of channels. Currently 1 or 2.
} sp_audioformat;
* Bitrate definitions for music streaming
typedef enum sp_bitrate {
SP_BITRATE_160k = 0, ///< Bitrate 160kbps
SP_BITRATE_320k = 1, ///< Bitrate 320kbps
SP_BITRATE_96k = 2, ///< Bitrate 96kbps
} sp_bitrate;
* Playlist types
typedef enum sp_playlist_type {
SP_PLAYLIST_TYPE_PLAYLIST = 0, ///< A normal playlist.
SP_PLAYLIST_TYPE_START_FOLDER = 1, ///< Marks a folder starting point,
SP_PLAYLIST_TYPE_END_FOLDER = 2, ///< and ending point.
SP_PLAYLIST_TYPE_PLACEHOLDER = 3, ///< Unknown entry.
} sp_playlist_type;
* Search types
typedef enum sp_search_type {
} sp_search_type;
* Playlist offline status
typedef enum sp_playlist_offline_status {
SP_PLAYLIST_OFFLINE_STATUS_NO = 0, ///< Playlist is not offline enabled
SP_PLAYLIST_OFFLINE_STATUS_YES = 1, ///< Playlist is synchronized to local storage
SP_PLAYLIST_OFFLINE_STATUS_DOWNLOADING = 2, ///< This playlist is currently downloading. Only one playlist can be in this state any given time
SP_PLAYLIST_OFFLINE_STATUS_WAITING = 3, ///< Playlist is queued for download
} sp_playlist_offline_status;
* Track availability
typedef enum sp_availability {
SP_TRACK_AVAILABILITY_UNAVAILABLE = 0, ///< Track is not available
SP_TRACK_AVAILABILITY_AVAILABLE = 1, ///< Track is available and can be played
SP_TRACK_AVAILABILITY_NOT_STREAMABLE = 2, ///< Track can not be streamed using this account
SP_TRACK_AVAILABILITY_BANNED_BY_ARTIST = 3, ///< Track not available on artist's reqeust
} sp_track_availability;
* Track offline status
typedef enum sp_track_offline_status {
SP_TRACK_OFFLINE_NO = 0, ///< Not marked for offline
SP_TRACK_OFFLINE_WAITING = 1, ///< Waiting for download
SP_TRACK_OFFLINE_DOWNLOADING = 2, ///< Currently downloading
SP_TRACK_OFFLINE_DONE = 3, ///< Downloaded OK and can be played
SP_TRACK_OFFLINE_ERROR = 4, ///< Error during download
SP_TRACK_OFFLINE_DONE_EXPIRED = 5, ///< Downloaded OK but not playable due to expiery
SP_TRACK_OFFLINE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED = 6, ///< Waiting because device have reached max number of allowed tracks
SP_TRACK_OFFLINE_DONE_RESYNC = 7, ///< Downloaded OK and available but scheduled for re-download
} sp_track_offline_status;
* Image size
typedef enum sp_image_size {
SP_IMAGE_SIZE_NORMAL = 0, ///< Normal image size
SP_IMAGE_SIZE_SMALL = 1, ///< Small image size
SP_IMAGE_SIZE_LARGE = 2, ///< Large image size
} sp_image_size;
* Buffer stats used by get_audio_buffer_stats callback
typedef struct sp_audio_buffer_stats {
int samples; ///< Samples in buffer
int stutter; ///< Number of stutters (audio dropouts) since last query
} sp_audio_buffer_stats;
* List of subscribers returned by sp_playlist_subscribers()
typedef struct sp_subscribers {
unsigned int count; ///< Number of elements in 'subscribers'
char *subscribers[1]; ///< Actual size is 'count'. Array of pointers to canonical usernames
} sp_subscribers;
* Current connection type set using sp_session_set_connection_type()
typedef enum sp_connection_type {
SP_CONNECTION_TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0, ///< Connection type unknown (Default)
SP_CONNECTION_TYPE_NONE = 1, ///< No connection
SP_CONNECTION_TYPE_MOBILE = 2, ///< Mobile data (EDGE, 3G, etc)
SP_CONNECTION_TYPE_MOBILE_ROAMING = 3, ///< Roamed mobile data (EDGE, 3G, etc)
SP_CONNECTION_TYPE_WIFI = 4, ///< Wireless connection
SP_CONNECTION_TYPE_WIRED = 5, ///< Ethernet cable, etc
} sp_connection_type;
* Connection rules, bitwise OR of flags
typedef enum sp_connection_rules {
SP_CONNECTION_RULE_NETWORK = 0x1, ///< Allow network traffic. When not set libspotify will force itself into offline mode
SP_CONNECTION_RULE_NETWORK_IF_ROAMING = 0x2, ///< Allow network traffic even if roaming
SP_CONNECTION_RULE_ALLOW_SYNC_OVER_MOBILE = 0x4, ///< Set to allow syncing of offline content over mobile connections
SP_CONNECTION_RULE_ALLOW_SYNC_OVER_WIFI = 0x8, ///< Set to allow syncing of offline content over WiFi
} sp_connection_rules;
* Controls the type of data that will be included in artist browse queries
typedef enum sp_artistbrowse_type {
SP_ARTISTBROWSE_FULL, /**< All information except tophit tracks
This mode is deprecated and will removed in a future release */
SP_ARTISTBROWSE_NO_TRACKS, /**< Only albums and data about them, no tracks.
In other words, sp_artistbrowse_num_tracks() will return 0
SP_ARTISTBROWSE_NO_ALBUMS, /**< Only return data about the artist (artist name, similar artist
biography, etc
No tracks or album will be abailable.
sp_artistbrowse_num_tracks() and sp_artistbrowse_num_albums()
will both return 0
} sp_artistbrowse_type;
typedef enum sp_social_provider {
} sp_social_provider;
typedef enum sp_scrobbling_state {
} sp_scrobbling_state;
* Offline sync status
typedef struct sp_offline_sync_status {
* Queued tracks/bytes is things left to sync in current sync
* operation
int queued_tracks;
sp_uint64 queued_bytes;
* Done tracks/bytes is things marked for sync that existed on
* device before current sync operation
int done_tracks;
sp_uint64 done_bytes;
* Copied tracks/bytes is things that has been copied in
* current sync operation
int copied_tracks;
sp_uint64 copied_bytes;
* Tracks that are marked as synced but will not be copied
* (for various reasons)
int willnotcopy_tracks;
* A track is counted as error when something goes wrong while
* syncing the track
int error_tracks;
* Set if sync operation is in progress
bool syncing;
} sp_offline_sync_status;
* Session callbacks
* Registered when you create a session.
* If some callbacks should not be of interest, set them to NULL.
typedef struct sp_session_callbacks {
* Called when login has been processed and was successful
* @param[in] session Session
* @param[in] error One of the following errors, from ::sp_error
void (SP_CALLCONV *logged_in)(sp_session *session, sp_error error);
* Called when logout has been processed. Either called explicitly
* if you initialize a logout operation, or implicitly if there
* is a permanent connection error
* @param[in] session Session
void (SP_CALLCONV *logged_out)(sp_session *session);
* Called whenever metadata has been updated
* If you have metadata cached outside of libspotify, you should purge
* your caches and fetch new versions.
* @param[in] session Session
void (SP_CALLCONV *metadata_updated)(sp_session *session);
* Called when there is a connection error, and the library has problems
* reconnecting to the Spotify service. Could be called multiple times (as
* long as the problem is present)
* @param[in] session Session
* @param[in] error One of the following errors, from ::sp_error
void (SP_CALLCONV *connection_error)(sp_session *session, sp_error error);
* Called when the access point wants to display a message to the user
* In the desktop client, these are shown in a blueish toolbar just below the
* search box.
* @param[in] session Session
* @param[in] message String in UTF-8 format.
void (SP_CALLCONV *message_to_user)(sp_session *session, const char *message);
* Called when processing needs to take place on the main thread.
* You need to call sp_session_process_events() in the main thread to get
* libspotify to do more work. Failure to do so may cause request timeouts,
* or a lost connection.
* @param[in] session Session
* @note This function is called from an internal session thread - you need to have proper synchronization!
void (SP_CALLCONV *notify_main_thread)(sp_session *session);
* Called when there is decompressed audio data available.
* @param[in] session Session
* @param[in] format Audio format descriptor sp_audioformat
* @param[in] frames Points to raw PCM data as described by \p format
* @param[in] num_frames Number of available samples in \p frames.
* If this is 0, a discontinuity has occurred (such as after a seek). The application
* should flush its audio fifos, etc.
* @return Number of frames consumed.
* This value can be used to rate limit the output from the library if your
* output buffers are saturated. The library will retry delivery in about 100ms.
* @note This function is called from an internal session thread - you need to have proper synchronization!
* @note This function must never block. If your output buffers are full you must return 0 to signal
* that the library should retry delivery in a short while.
int (SP_CALLCONV *music_delivery)(sp_session *session, const sp_audioformat *format, const void *frames, int num_frames);
* Music has been paused because an account only allows music
* to be played from one location simultaneously.
* @note When this callback is invoked the application should
* behave just as if the user pressed the pause
* button. The application should also display a message
* to the user indicating the playback has been paused
* because another application is playing using the same
* account.
* @note IT MUST NOT automatically resume playback but must
* instead wait for the user to press play.
* @param[in] session Session
void (SP_CALLCONV *play_token_lost)(sp_session *session);
* Logging callback.
* @param[in] session Session
* @param[in] data Log data
void (SP_CALLCONV *log_message)(sp_session *session, const char *data);
* End of track.
* Called when the currently played track has reached its end.
* @note This function is invoked from the main thread
* @param[in] session Session
void (SP_CALLCONV *end_of_track)(sp_session *session);
* Streaming error.
* Called when streaming cannot start or continue.
* @note This function is invoked from the main thread
* @param[in] session Session
* @param[in] error One of the following errors, from ::sp_error
void (SP_CALLCONV *streaming_error)(sp_session *session, sp_error error);
* Called after user info (anything related to sp_user objects) have been updated.
* @param[in] session Session
void (SP_CALLCONV *userinfo_updated)(sp_session *session);
* Called when audio playback should start
* @note For this to work correctly the application must also implement get_audio_buffer_stats()
* @note This function is called from an internal session thread - you need to have proper synchronization!
* @note This function must never block.
* @param[in] session Session
void (SP_CALLCONV *start_playback)(sp_session *session);
* Called when audio playback should stop
* @note For this to work correctly the application must also implement get_audio_buffer_stats()
* @note This function is called from an internal session thread - you need to have proper synchronization!
* @note This function must never block.
* @param[in] session Session
void (SP_CALLCONV *stop_playback)(sp_session *session);
* Called to query application about its audio buffer
* @note This function is called from an internal session thread - you need to have proper synchronization!
* @note This function must never block.
* @param[in] session Session
* @param[out] stats Stats struct to be filled by application
void (SP_CALLCONV *get_audio_buffer_stats)(sp_session *session, sp_audio_buffer_stats *stats);
* Called when offline synchronization status is updated
* @param[in] session Session
void (SP_CALLCONV *offline_status_updated)(sp_session *session);
* Called when offline synchronization status is updated
* @param[in] session Session
* @param[in] error Offline error. Will be SP_ERROR_OK if the offline synchronization
* error state has cleared
void (SP_CALLCONV *offline_error)(sp_session *session, sp_error error);
* Called when storable credentials have been updated, usually called when
* we have connected to the AP.
* @param[in] session Session
* @param[in] blob Blob is a null-terminated string which contains
* an encrypted token that can be stored safely on disk
* instead of storing plaintext passwords.
void (SP_CALLCONV *credentials_blob_updated)(sp_session *session, const char *blob);
* Called when the connection state has updated - such as when logging in, going offline, etc.
* @param[in] session Session
void (SP_CALLCONV *connectionstate_updated)(sp_session *session);
* Called when there is a scrobble error event
* @param[in] session Session
* @param[in] error Scrobble error. Currently SP_ERROR_LASTFM_AUTH_ERROR.
void (SP_CALLCONV *scrobble_error)(sp_session *session, sp_error error);
* Called when there is a change in the private session mode
* @param[in] session Session
* @param[in] isPrivate True if in private session, false otherwhise
void (SP_CALLCONV *private_session_mode_changed)(sp_session *session, bool is_private);
} sp_session_callbacks;
* Session config
typedef struct sp_session_config {
int api_version; ///< The version of the Spotify API your application is compiled with. Set to #SPOTIFY_API_VERSION
const char *cache_location; /**< The location where Spotify will write cache files.
* This cache include tracks, cached browse results and coverarts.
* Set to empty string ("") to disable cache
const char *settings_location; /**< The location where Spotify will write setting files and per-user
* cache items. This includes playlists, track metadata, etc.
* 'settings_location' may be the same path as 'cache_location'.
* 'settings_location' folder will not be created (unlike 'cache_location'),
* if you don't want to create the folder yourself, you can set 'settings_location' to 'cache_location'.
const void *application_key; ///< Your application key
size_t application_key_size; ///< The size of the application key in bytes
const char *user_agent; /**< "User-Agent" for your application - max 255 characters long
The User-Agent should be a relevant, customer facing identification of your application
const sp_session_callbacks *callbacks; ///< Delivery callbacks for session events, or NULL if you are not interested in any callbacks (not recommended!)
void *userdata; ///< User supplied data for your application
* Compress local copy of playlists, reduces disk space usage
bool compress_playlists;
* Don't save metadata for local copies of playlists
* Reduces disk space usage at the expense of needing
* to request metadata from Spotify backend when loading list
bool dont_save_metadata_for_playlists;
* Avoid loading playlists into RAM on startup.
* See sp_playlist_is_in_ram() for more details.
bool initially_unload_playlists;
* Device ID for offline synchronization and logging purposes. The Device Id must be unique to the particular device instance,
* i.e. no two units must supply the same Device ID. The Device ID must not change between sessions or power cycles.
* Good examples is the device's MAC address or unique serial number.
const char *device_id;
* Url to the proxy server that should be used.
* The format is protocol://<host>:port (where protocal is http/https/socks4/socks5)
const char *proxy;
* Username to authenticate with proxy server
const char *proxy_username;
* Password to authenticate with proxy server
const char *proxy_password;
* Path to a file containing the root ca certificates that the peer should be verified with.
* The file must be a concatenation of all certificates in PEM format. Provided with libspotify
* is a sample pem file in examples. It is recommended that the application export a similar file from
* the local certificate store.
const char *ca_certs_filename;
* Path to API trace file
const char *tracefile;
} sp_session_config;
* Initialize a session. The session returned will be initialized, but you will need
* to log in before you can perform any other operation
* Currently it is not supported to have multiple active sessions, and it's recommended to only call this once per process.
* Here is a snippet from \c spshell.c:
* @dontinclude spshell.c
* @skip config.api_version
* @until }
* @param[in] config The configuration to use for the session
* @param[out] sess If successful, a new session - otherwise NULL
* @return One of the following errors, from ::sp_error
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_error) sp_session_create(const sp_session_config *config, sp_session **sess);
* Release the session. This will clean up all data and connections associated with the session
* @param[in] sess Session object returned from sp_session_create()
* @return One of the following errors, from ::sp_error
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_error) sp_session_release(sp_session *sess);
* Logs in the specified username/password combo. This initiates the login in the background.
* A callback is called when login is complete
* An application MUST NEVER store the user's password in clear text.
* If automatic relogin is required, use sp_session_relogin()
* Here is a snippet from \c spshell.c:
* @dontinclude spshell.c
* @skip sp_session_login
* @until }
* @param[in] session Your session object
* @param[in] username The username to log in
* @param[in] password The password for the specified username
* @param[in] remember_me If set, the username / password will be remembered by libspotify
* @param[in] blob If you have received a blob in the #credentials_blob_updated
* you can pas this here instead of password
* @return One of the following errors, from ::sp_error
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_error) sp_session_login(sp_session *session, const char *username, const char *password, bool remember_me, const char *blob);
* Log in the remembered user if last user that logged in logged in with remember_me set.
* If no credentials are stored, this will return SP_ERROR_NO_CREDENTIALS.
* @param[in] session Your session object
* @return One of the following errors, from ::sp_error
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_error) sp_session_relogin(sp_session *session);
* Get username of the user that will be logged in via sp_session_relogin()
* @param[in] session Your session object
* @param[out] buffer The buffer to hold the username
* @param[in] buffer_size The max size of the buffer that will hold the username.
* The resulting string is guaranteed to always be null terminated if
* buffer_size > 0
* @return The number of characters in the username.
* If value is greater or equal than \p buffer_size, output was truncated.
* If returned value is -1 no credentials are stored in libspotify.
SP_LIBEXPORT(int) sp_session_remembered_user(sp_session *session, char *buffer, size_t buffer_size);
* Get a pointer to a string representing the user's login username.
* @param[in] session Your session object
* @return A string representing the login username.
SP_LIBEXPORT(const char *) sp_session_user_name(sp_session *session);
* Remove stored credentials in libspotify. If no credentials are currently stored, nothing will happen.
* @param[in] session Your session object
* @return One of the following errors, from ::sp_error
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_error) sp_session_forget_me(sp_session *session);
* Fetches the currently logged in user
* @param[in] session Your session object
* @return The logged in user (or NULL if not logged in)
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_user *) sp_session_user(sp_session *session);
* Logs out the currently logged in user
* Always call this before terminating the application and libspotify is currently
* logged in. Otherwise, the settings and cache may be lost.
* @param[in] session Your session object
* @return One of the following errors, from ::sp_error
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_error) sp_session_logout(sp_session *session);
* Flush the caches
* This will make libspotify write all data that is meant to be stored
* on disk to the disk immediately. libspotify does this periodically
* by itself and also on logout. So under normal conditions this
* should never need to be used.
* @param[in] session Your session object
* @return One of the following errors, from ::sp_error
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_error) sp_session_flush_caches(sp_session *session);
* The connection state of the specified session.
* @param[in] session Your session object
* @return The connection state - see the sp_connectionstate enum for possible values
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_connectionstate) sp_session_connectionstate(sp_session *session);
* The userdata associated with the session
* @param[in] session Your session object
* @return The userdata that was passed in on session creation
SP_LIBEXPORT(void *) sp_session_userdata(sp_session *session);
* Set maximum cache size.
* @param[in] session Your session object
* @param[in] size Maximum cache size in megabytes.
* Setting it to 0 (the default) will let libspotify automatically
* resize the cache (10% of disk free space)
* @return One of the following errors, from ::sp_error
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_error) sp_session_set_cache_size(sp_session *session, size_t size);
* Make the specified session process any pending events
* @param[in] session Your session object
* @param[out] next_timeout Stores the time (in milliseconds) until you should call this function again
* @return One of the following errors, from ::sp_error
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_error) sp_session_process_events(sp_session *session, int *next_timeout);
* Loads the specified track
* After successfully loading the track, you have the option of running
* sp_session_player_play() directly, or using sp_session_player_seek() first.
* When this call returns, the track will have been loaded, unless an error occurred.
* @param[in] session Your session object
* @param[in] track The track to be loaded
* @return One of the following errors, from ::sp_error
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_error) sp_session_player_load(sp_session *session, sp_track *track);
* Seek to position in the currently loaded track
* @param[in] session Your session object
* @param[in] offset Track position, in milliseconds.
* @return One of the following errors, from ::sp_error
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_error) sp_session_player_seek(sp_session *session, int offset);
* Play or pause the currently loaded track
* @param[in] session Your session object
* @param[in] play If set to true, playback will occur. If set to false, the playback will be paused.
* @return One of the following errors, from ::sp_error
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_error) sp_session_player_play(sp_session *session, bool play);
* Stops the currently playing track
* This frees some resources held by libspotify to identify the currently
* playing track.
* @param[in] session Your session object
* @return One of the following errors, from ::sp_error
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_error) sp_session_player_unload(sp_session *session);
* Prefetch a track
* Instruct libspotify to start loading of a track into its cache.
* This could be done by an application just before the current track ends.
* @param[in] session Your session object
* @param[in] track The track to be prefetched
* @return One of the following errors, from ::sp_error
* @note Prefetching is only possible if a cache is configured
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_error) sp_session_player_prefetch(sp_session *session, sp_track *track);
* Returns the playlist container for the currently logged in user.
* @param[in] session Your session object
* @return Playlist container object, NULL if not logged in
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_playlistcontainer *) sp_session_playlistcontainer(sp_session *session);
* Returns an inbox playlist for the currently logged in user
* @param[in] session Session object
* @return A playlist or NULL if no user is logged in
* @note You need to release the playlist when you are done with it.
* @see sp_playlist_release()
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_playlist *) sp_session_inbox_create(sp_session *session);
* Returns the starred list for the current user
* @param[in] session Session object
* @return A playlist or NULL if no user is logged in
* @note You need to release the playlist when you are done with it.
* @see sp_playlist_release()
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_playlist *) sp_session_starred_create(sp_session *session);
* Returns the starred list for a user
* @param[in] session Session object
* @param[in] canonical_username Canonical username
* @return A playlist or NULL if no user is logged in
* @note You need to release the playlist when you are done with it.
* @see sp_playlist_release()
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_playlist *) sp_session_starred_for_user_create(sp_session *session, const char *canonical_username);
* Return the published container for a given @a canonical_username,
* or the currently logged in user if @a canonical_username is NULL.
* When done with the list you should call sp_playlistconatiner_release() to
* decrese the reference you own by having created it.
* @param[in] session Your session object.
* @param[in] canonical_username The canonical username, or NULL.
* @return Playlist container object, NULL if not logged in.
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_playlistcontainer *) sp_session_publishedcontainer_for_user_create(sp_session *session, const char *canonical_username);
* Set preferred bitrate for music streaming
* @param[in] session Session object
* @param[in] bitrate Preferred bitrate, see ::sp_bitrate for possible values
* @return One of the following errors, from ::sp_error
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_error) sp_session_preferred_bitrate(sp_session *session, sp_bitrate bitrate);
* Set preferred bitrate for offline sync
* @param[in] session Session object
* @param[in] bitrate Preferred bitrate, see ::sp_bitrate for possible values
* @param[in] allow_resync Set to true if libspotify should resynchronize already synchronized tracks. Usually you should set this to false.
* @return One of the following errors, from ::sp_error
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_error) sp_session_preferred_offline_bitrate(sp_session *session, sp_bitrate bitrate, bool allow_resync);
* Return status of volume normalization
* @param[in] session Session object
* @return true iff volume normalization is enabled
SP_LIBEXPORT(bool) sp_session_get_volume_normalization(sp_session *session);
* Set volume normalization
* @param[in] session Session object
* @param[in] on True iff volume normalization should be enabled
* @return One of the following errors, from ::sp_error
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_error) sp_session_set_volume_normalization(sp_session *session, bool on);
* Set if private session is enabled. This disables sharing what the user is listening to
* to services such as Spotify Social, Facebook and LastFM. The private session will
* last for a time, and then libspotify will revert to the normal state. The private
* session is prolonged by user activity.
* @param[in] session Session object
* @param[in] enabled True iff private session should be enabled
* @return One of the following errors, from ::sp_error
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_error) sp_session_set_private_session(sp_session *session, bool enabled);
* Return True if private session is enabled
* @param[in] session Session object
* @return True if private session is enabled
SP_LIBEXPORT(bool) sp_session_is_private_session(sp_session *session);
* Set if scrobbling is enabled. This api allows setting local overrides of the global scrobbling settings.
* Changing the global settings are currently not supported.
* @param[in] session Session object
* @param[in] provider The scrobbling provider referred to
* @param[in] state The state to set the provider to
* @return error code
* @see sp_social_provider
* @see sp_scrobbling_state
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_error) sp_session_set_scrobbling(sp_session *session, sp_social_provider provider, sp_scrobbling_state state);
* Return the scrobbling state. This makes it possible to find out if scrobbling is locally overrided or
* if the global setting is used.
* @param[in] session Session object
* @param[in] provider The scrobbling provider referred to
* @param[out] state The output variable receiving the sp_scrobbling_state state
* @return error code
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_error) sp_session_is_scrobbling(sp_session *session, sp_social_provider provider, sp_scrobbling_state* state);
* Return True if scrobbling settings should be shown to the user. Currently this setting is relevant
* only to the facebook provider.
* The returned value may be false if the user is not connected to facebook,
* or if the user has opted out from facebook social graph.
* @param[in] session Session object
* @param[in] provider The scrobbling provider referred to
* @param[out] out True iff scrobbling is possible
* @return error code
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_error) sp_session_is_scrobbling_possible(sp_session *session, sp_social_provider provider, bool* out);
* Set the user's credentials with a social provider.
* Currently this is only relevant for LastFm
* Call sp_session_set_scrobbling to force an authentication attempt
* with the LastFm server. If authentication fails a scrobble_error callback will be
* sent.
* @param[in] session Session object
* @param[in] provider The scrobbling provider referred to
* @param[in] username The user name
* @param[in] password The password
* @return error code
* @see sp_session_set_scrobbling
* @see sp_session_callbacks#scrobble_error
* @return One of the following errors, from ::sp_error
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_error) sp_session_set_social_credentials(sp_session *session, sp_social_provider provider, const char* username, const char* password);
* Set to true if the connection is currently routed over a roamed connectivity
* @param[in] session Session object
* @param[in] type Connection type
* @note Used in conjunction with sp_session_set_connection_rules() to control
* how libspotify should behave in respect to network activity and offline
* synchronization.
* @see sp_connection_type
* @return One of the following errors, from ::sp_error
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_error) sp_session_set_connection_type(sp_session *session, sp_connection_type type);
* Set rules for how libspotify connects to Spotify servers and synchronizes offline content
* @param[in] session Session object
* @param[in] rules Connection rules
* @note Used in conjunction with sp_session_set_connection_type() to control
* how libspotify should behave in respect to network activity and offline
* synchronization.
* @see sp_connection_rules
* @return One of the following errors, from ::sp_error
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_error) sp_session_set_connection_rules(sp_session *session, sp_connection_rules rules);
* Get total number of tracks that needs download before everything
* from all playlists that is marked for offline is fully synchronized
* @param[in] session Session object
* @return Number of tracks
SP_LIBEXPORT(int) sp_offline_tracks_to_sync(sp_session *session);
* Return number of playlisys that is marked for offline synchronization
* @param[in] session Session object
* @return Number of playlists
SP_LIBEXPORT(int) sp_offline_num_playlists(sp_session *session);
* Return offline synchronization status. When the internal status is
* updated the offline_status_updated() callback will be invoked.
* @param[in] session Session object
* @param[out] status Status object that will be filled with info
* @return false if no synching is in progress (in which case the contents
* of status is undefined)
SP_LIBEXPORT(bool) sp_offline_sync_get_status(sp_session *session, sp_offline_sync_status *status);
* Return remaining time (in seconds) until the offline key store expires
* and the user is required to relogin
* @param[in] session Session object
* @return Seconds until expiration
SP_LIBEXPORT(int) sp_offline_time_left(sp_session *session);
* Get currently logged in users country
* updated the offline_status_updated() callback will be invoked.
* @param[in] session Session object
* @return Country encoded in an integer 'SE' = 'S' << 8 | 'E'
SP_LIBEXPORT(int) sp_session_user_country(sp_session *session);
/** @} */
* @defgroup link Links (Spotify URIs)
* These functions handle links to Spotify entities in a way that allows you to
* not care about the textual representation of the link.
* @{
* Link types
typedef enum {
SP_LINKTYPE_INVALID = 0, ///< Link type not valid - default until the library has parsed the link, or when parsing failed
SP_LINKTYPE_TRACK = 1, ///< Link type is track
SP_LINKTYPE_ALBUM = 2, ///< Link type is album
SP_LINKTYPE_ARTIST = 3, ///< Link type is artist
SP_LINKTYPE_SEARCH = 4, ///< Link type is search
SP_LINKTYPE_PLAYLIST = 5, ///< Link type is playlist
SP_LINKTYPE_PROFILE = 6, ///< Link type is profile
SP_LINKTYPE_STARRED = 7, ///< Link type is starred
SP_LINKTYPE_LOCALTRACK = 8, ///< Link type is a local file
SP_LINKTYPE_IMAGE = 9, ///< Link type is an image
} sp_linktype;
* Create a Spotify link given a string
* @param[in] link A string representation of a Spotify link
* @return A link representation of the given string representation.
* If the link could not be parsed, this function returns NULL.
* @note You need to release the link when you are done with it.
* @see sp_link_type()
* @see sp_link_release()
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_link *) sp_link_create_from_string(const char *link);
* Generates a link object from a track
* @param[in] track A track object
* @param[in] offset Offset in track in ms.
* @return A link representing the track
* @note You need to release the link when you are done with it.
* @see sp_link_release()
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_link *) sp_link_create_from_track(sp_track *track, int offset);
* Create a link object from an album
* @param[in] album An album object
* @return A link representing the album
* @note You need to release the link when you are done with it.
* @see sp_link_release()
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_link *) sp_link_create_from_album(sp_album *album);
* Create an image link object from an album
* @param[in] album An album object
* @param[in] size The desired size of the image
* @return A link representing the album cover. Type is set to SP_LINKTYPE_IMAGE
* @note You need to release the link when you are done with it.
* @see sp_link_release()
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_link *) sp_link_create_from_album_cover(sp_album *album, sp_image_size size);
* Creates a link object from an artist
* @param[in] artist An artist object
* @return A link object representing the artist
* @note You need to release the link when you are done with it.
* @see sp_link_release()
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_link *) sp_link_create_from_artist(sp_artist *artist);
* Creates a link object pointing to an artist portrait
* @param[in] artist Artist browse object
* @param[in] size The desired size of the image
* @return A link object representing an image
* @note You need to release the link when you are done with it.
* @see sp_link_release()
* @see sp_artistbrowse_num_portraits()
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_link *) sp_link_create_from_artist_portrait(sp_artist *artist, sp_image_size size);
* Creates a link object from an artist portrait
* @param[in] arb Artist browse object
* @param[in] index The index of the portrait. Should be in the interval [0, sp_artistbrowse_num_portraits() - 1]
* @return A link object representing an image
* @note You need to release the link when you are done with it.
* @see sp_link_release()
* @see sp_artistbrowse_num_portraits()
* @note The difference from sp_link_create_from_artist_portrait() is
* that the artist browse object may contain multiple portraits.
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_link *) sp_link_create_from_artistbrowse_portrait(sp_artistbrowse *arb, int index);
* Generate a link object representing the current search
* @param[in] search Search object
* @return A link representing the search
* @note You need to release the link when you are done with it.
* @see sp_link_release()
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_link *) sp_link_create_from_search(sp_search *search);
* Create a link object representing the given playlist
* @param[in] playlist Playlist object
* @return A link representing the playlist
* @note You need to release the link when you are done with it.
* @see sp_link_release()
* @note Due to reasons in the playlist backend design and the Spotify URI
* scheme you need to wait for the playlist to be loaded before you can
* successfully construct an URI. If sp_link_create_from_playlist() returns
* NULL, try again after teh playlist_state_changed callback has fired.
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_link *) sp_link_create_from_playlist(sp_playlist *playlist);
* Create a link object representing the given playlist
* @param[in] user User object
* @return A link representing the profile.
* @note You need to release the link when you are done with it.
* @see sp_link_release()
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_link *) sp_link_create_from_user(sp_user *user);
* Create a link object representing the given image
* @param[in] image Image object
* @return A link representing the image.
* @note You need to release the link when you are done with it.
* @see sp_link_release()
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_link *) sp_link_create_from_image(sp_image *image);
* Create a string representation of the given Spotify link
* @param[in] link The Spotify link whose string representation you are interested in
* @param[out] buffer The buffer to hold the string representation of link
* @param[in] buffer_size The max size of the buffer that will hold the string representation
* The resulting string is guaranteed to always be null terminated if
* buffer_size > 0
* @return The number of characters in the string representation of the link. If this
* value is greater or equal than \p buffer_size, output was truncated.
SP_LIBEXPORT(int) sp_link_as_string(sp_link *link, char *buffer, int buffer_size);
* The link type of the specified link
* @param[in] link The Spotify link whose type you are interested in
* @return The link type of the specified link - see the sp_linktype enum for possible values
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_linktype) sp_link_type(sp_link *link);
* The track representation for the given link
* @param[in] link The Spotify link whose track you are interested in
* @return The track representation of the given track link
* If the link is not of track type then NULL is returned.
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_track *) sp_link_as_track(sp_link *link);
* The track and offset into track representation for the given link
* @param[in] link The Spotify link whose track you are interested in
* @param[out] offset Pointer to offset into track (in milliseconds). If the link
* does not contain an offset this will be set to 0.
* @return The track representation of the given track link
* If the link is not of track type then NULL is returned.
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_track *) sp_link_as_track_and_offset(sp_link *link, int *offset);
* The album representation for the given link
* @param[in] link The Spotify link whose album you are interested in
* @return The album representation of the given album link
* If the link is not of album type then NULL is returned
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_album *) sp_link_as_album(sp_link *link);
* The artist representation for the given link
* @param[in] link The Spotify link whose artist you are interested in
* @return The artist representation of the given link
* If the link is not of artist type then NULL is returned
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_artist *) sp_link_as_artist(sp_link *link);
* The user representation for the given link
* @param[in] link The Spotify link whose user you are interested in
* @return The user representation of the given link
* If the link is not of user type then NULL is returned
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_user *) sp_link_as_user(sp_link *link);
* Increase the reference count of a link
* @param[in] link The link object
* @return One of the following errors, from ::sp_error
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_error) sp_link_add_ref(sp_link *link);
* Decrease the reference count of a link
* @param[in] link The link object
* @return One of the following errors, from ::sp_error
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_error) sp_link_release(sp_link *link);
/** @} */
* @defgroup track Track subsystem
* @{
* Return whether or not the track metadata is loaded.
* @param[in] track The track
* @return True if track is loaded
* @note This is equivalent to checking if sp_track_error() not returns SP_ERROR_IS_LOADING.
SP_LIBEXPORT(bool) sp_track_is_loaded(sp_track *track);
* Return an error code associated with a track. For example if it could not load
* @param[in] track The track
* @return One of the following errors, from ::sp_error
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_error) sp_track_error(sp_track *track);
* Return offline status for a track. sp_session_callbacks::metadata_updated() will be invoked when
* offline status of a track changes
* @param[in] track The track
* @return Stats as described by ::sp_track_offline_status
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_track_offline_status) sp_track_offline_get_status(sp_track *track);
* Return availability for a track
* @param[in] session Session
* @param[in] track The track
* @return Availability status, see ::sp_track_availability
* @note The track must be loaded or this function will always SP_TRACK_AVAILABILITY_UNAVAILABLE
* @see sp_track_is_loaded()
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_track_availability) sp_track_get_availability(sp_session *session, sp_track *track);
* Return true if the track is a local file.
* @param[in] session Session
* @param[in] track The track
* @return True if track is a local file.
* @note The track must be loaded or this function will always return false.
* @see sp_track_is_loaded()
SP_LIBEXPORT(bool) sp_track_is_local(sp_session *session, sp_track *track);
* Return true if the track is autolinked to another track.
* @param[in] session Session
* @param[in] track The track
* @return True if track is autolinked.
* @note The track must be loaded or this function will always return false.
* @see sp_track_is_loaded()
SP_LIBEXPORT(bool) sp_track_is_autolinked(sp_session *session, sp_track *track);
* Return the actual track that will be played if the given track is played
* @param[in] session Session
* @param[in] track The track
* @return A track
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_track *) sp_track_get_playable(sp_session *session, sp_track *track);
* Return true if the track is a placeholder. Placeholder tracks are used
* to store other objects than tracks in the playlist. Currently this is
* used in the inbox to store artists, albums and playlists.
* Use sp_link_create_from_track() to get a link object that points
* to the real object this "track" points to.
* @param[in] track The track
* @return True if track is a placeholder
* @note Contrary to most functions the track does not have to be
* loaded for this function to return correct value
SP_LIBEXPORT(bool) sp_track_is_placeholder(sp_track *track);
* Return true if the track is starred by the currently logged in user.
* @param[in] session Session
* @param[in] track The track
* @return True if track is starred.
* @note The track must be loaded or this function will always return false.
* @see sp_track_is_loaded()
SP_LIBEXPORT(bool) sp_track_is_starred(sp_session *session, sp_track *track);
* Star/Unstar the specified track
* @param[in] session Session
* @param[in] tracks Array of pointer to tracks.
* @param[in] num_tracks Length of \p tracks array
* @param[in] star Starred status of the track
* @note This will fail silently if playlists are disabled.
* @see sp_set_playlists_enabled()
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_error) sp_track_set_starred(sp_session *session, sp_track *const*tracks, int num_tracks, bool star);
* The number of artists performing on the specified track
* @param[in] track The track whose number of participating artists you are interested in
* @return The number of artists performing on the specified track.
* If no metadata is available for the track yet, this function returns 0.
SP_LIBEXPORT(int) sp_track_num_artists(sp_track *track);
* The artist matching the specified index performing on the current track.
* @param[in] track The track whose participating artist you are interested in
* @param[in] index The index for the participating artist. Should be in the interval [0, sp_track_num_artists() - 1]
* @return The participating artist, or NULL if invalid index
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_artist *) sp_track_artist(sp_track *track, int index);
* The album of the specified track
* @param[in] track A track object
* @return The album of the given track. You need to increase the refcount
* if you want to keep the pointer around.
* If no metadata is available for the track yet, this function returns 0.
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_album *) sp_track_album(sp_track *track);
* The string representation of the specified track's name
* @param[in] track A track object
* @return The string representation of the specified track's name.
* Returned string is valid as long as the album object stays allocated
* and no longer than the next call to sp_session_process_events()
* If no metadata is available for the track yet, this function returns empty string.
SP_LIBEXPORT(const char *) sp_track_name(sp_track *track);
* The duration, in milliseconds, of the specified track
* @param[in] track A track object
* @return The duration of the specified track, in milliseconds
* If no metadata is available for the track yet, this function returns 0.
SP_LIBEXPORT(int) sp_track_duration(sp_track *track);
* Returns popularity for track
* @param[in] track A track object
* @return Popularity in range 0 to 100, 0 if undefined.
* If no metadata is available for the track yet, this function returns 0.
SP_LIBEXPORT(int) sp_track_popularity(sp_track *track);
* Returns the disc number for a track
* @param[in] track A track object
* @return Disc index. Possible values are [1, total number of discs on album]
* This function returns valid data only for tracks appearing in a browse
* artist or browse album result (otherwise returns 0).
SP_LIBEXPORT(int) sp_track_disc(sp_track *track);
* Returns the position of a track on its disc
* @param[in] track A track object
* @return Track position, starts at 1 (relative the corresponding disc)
* This function returns valid data only for tracks appearing in a browse
* artist or browse album result (otherwise returns 0).
SP_LIBEXPORT(int) sp_track_index(sp_track *track);
* Returns the newly created local track
* @param[in] artist Name of the artist
* @param[in] title Song title
* @param[in] album Name of the album, or an empty string if not available
* @param[in] length Length in MS, or -1 if not available.
* @return A track.
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_track *) sp_localtrack_create(const char *artist, const char *title, const char *album, int length);
* Increase the reference count of a track
* @param[in] track The track object
* @return One of the following errors, from ::sp_error
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_error) sp_track_add_ref(sp_track *track);
* Decrease the reference count of a track
* @param[in] track The track object
* @return One of the following errors, from ::sp_error
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_error) sp_track_release(sp_track *track);
/** @} */
* @defgroup album Album subsystem
* @{
* Album types
typedef enum {
SP_ALBUMTYPE_ALBUM = 0, ///< Normal album
SP_ALBUMTYPE_SINGLE = 1, ///< Single
SP_ALBUMTYPE_COMPILATION = 2, ///< Compilation
SP_ALBUMTYPE_UNKNOWN = 3, ///< Unknown type
} sp_albumtype;
* Check if the album object is populated with data
* @param[in] album Album object
* @return True if metadata is present, false if not
SP_LIBEXPORT(bool) sp_album_is_loaded(sp_album *album);
* Return true if the album is available in the current region.
* @param[in] album The album
* @return True if album is available for playback, otherwise false.
* @note The album must be loaded or this function will always return false.
* @see sp_album_is_loaded()
SP_LIBEXPORT(bool) sp_album_is_available(sp_album *album);
* Get the artist associated with the given album
* @param[in] album Album object
* @return A reference to the artist. NULL if the metadata has not been loaded yet
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_artist *) sp_album_artist(sp_album *album);
* Return image ID representing the album's coverart.
* @param[in] album Album object
* @param[in] size The desired size of the image
* @return ID byte sequence that can be passed to sp_image_create()
* If the album has no image or the metadata for the album is not
* loaded yet, this function returns NULL.
* @see sp_image_create
SP_LIBEXPORT(const byte *) sp_album_cover(sp_album *album, sp_image_size size);
* Return name of album
* @param[in] album Album object
* @return Name of album.
* Returned string is valid as long as the album object stays allocated
* and no longer than the next call to sp_session_process_events()
SP_LIBEXPORT(const char *) sp_album_name(sp_album *album);
* Return release year of specified album
* @param[in] album Album object
* @return Release year
SP_LIBEXPORT(int) sp_album_year(sp_album *album);
* Return type of specified album
* @param[in] album Album object
* @return sp_albumtype
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_albumtype) sp_album_type(sp_album *album);
* Increase the reference count of an album
* @param[in] album The album object
* @return One of the following errors, from ::sp_error
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_error) sp_album_add_ref(sp_album *album);
* Decrease the reference count of an album
* @param[in] album The album object
* @return One of the following errors, from ::sp_error
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_error) sp_album_release(sp_album *album);
/** @} */
* @defgroup artist Artist subsystem
* @{
* Return name of artist
* @param[in] artist Artist object
* @return Name of artist.
* Returned string is valid as long as the artist object stays allocated
* and no longer than the next call to sp_session_process_events()
SP_LIBEXPORT(const char *) sp_artist_name(sp_artist *artist);
* Check if the artist object is populated with data
* @param[in] artist An artist object
* @return True if metadata is present, false if not
SP_LIBEXPORT(bool) sp_artist_is_loaded(sp_artist *artist);
* Return portrait for artist
* @param[in] artist The artist object
* @param[in] size The desired size of the image
* @return ID byte sequence that can be passed to sp_image_create()
* If the artist has no image or the metadata for the album is not
* loaded yet, this function returns NULL.
SP_LIBEXPORT(const byte *) sp_artist_portrait(sp_artist *artist, sp_image_size size);
* Increase the reference count of a artist
* @param[in] artist The artist object
* @return One of the following errors, from ::sp_error
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_error) sp_artist_add_ref(sp_artist *artist);
* Decrease the reference count of a artist
* @param[in] artist The artist object
* @return One of the following errors, from ::sp_error
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_error) sp_artist_release(sp_artist *artist);
/** @} */
* @defgroup albumbrowse Album browsing
* Browsing adds additional information to what an ::sp_album holds. It retrieves
* copyrights, reviews and tracks of the album.
* @{
* The type of a callback used in sp_albumbrowse_create()
* When the callback is called, the metadata of all tracks belonging to it will have
* been loaded, so sp_track_is_loaded() will return non-zero. The ::sp_artist of the
* album will also have been fully loaded.
* @param[in] result The same pointer returned by sp_albumbrowse_create()
* @param[in] userdata The opaque pointer given to sp_albumbrowse_create()
typedef void SP_CALLCONV albumbrowse_complete_cb(sp_albumbrowse *result, void *userdata);
* Initiate a request for browsing an album
* The user is responsible for freeing the returned album browse using sp_albumbrowse_release(). This can be done in the callback.
* @param[in] session Session object
* @param[in] album Album to be browsed. The album metadata does not have to be loaded
* @param[in] callback Callback to be invoked when browsing has been completed. Pass NULL if you are not interested in this event.
* @param[in] userdata Userdata passed to callback.
* @return Album browse object
* @see ::albumbrowse_complete_cb
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_albumbrowse *) sp_albumbrowse_create(sp_session *session, sp_album *album, albumbrowse_complete_cb *callback, void *userdata);
* Check if an album browse request is completed
* @param[in] alb Album browse object
* @return True if browsing is completed, false if not
SP_LIBEXPORT(bool) sp_albumbrowse_is_loaded(sp_albumbrowse *alb);
* Check if browsing returned an error code.
* @param[in] alb Album browse object
* @return One of the following errors, from ::sp_error
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_error) sp_albumbrowse_error(sp_albumbrowse *alb);
* Given an album browse object, return the pointer to its album object
* @param[in] alb Album browse object
* @return Album object
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_album *) sp_albumbrowse_album(sp_albumbrowse *alb);
* Given an album browse object, return the pointer to its artist object
* @param[in] alb Album browse object
* @return Artist object
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_artist *) sp_albumbrowse_artist(sp_albumbrowse *alb);
* Given an album browse object, return number of copyright strings
* @param[in] alb Album browse object
* @return Number of copyright strings available, 0 if unknown
SP_LIBEXPORT(int) sp_albumbrowse_num_copyrights(sp_albumbrowse *alb);
* Given an album browse object, return one of its copyright strings
* @param[in] alb Album browse object
* @param[in] index The index for the copyright string. Should be in the interval [0, sp_albumbrowse_num_copyrights() - 1]
* @return Copyright string in UTF-8 format, or NULL if the index is invalid.
* Returned string is valid as long as the album object stays allocated
* and no longer than the next call to sp_session_process_events()
SP_LIBEXPORT(const char *) sp_albumbrowse_copyright(sp_albumbrowse *alb, int index);
* Given an album browse object, return number of tracks
* @param[in] alb Album browse object
* @return Number of tracks on album
SP_LIBEXPORT(int) sp_albumbrowse_num_tracks(sp_albumbrowse *alb);
* Given an album browse object, return a pointer to one of its tracks
* @param[in] alb Album browse object
* @param[in] index The index for the track. Should be in the interval [0, sp_albumbrowse_num_tracks() - 1]
* @return A track.
* @see track
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_track *) sp_albumbrowse_track(sp_albumbrowse *alb, int index);
* Given an album browse object, return its review
* @param[in] alb Album browse object
* @return Review string in UTF-8 format.
* Returned string is valid as long as the album object stays allocated
* and no longer than the next call to sp_session_process_events()
SP_LIBEXPORT(const char *) sp_albumbrowse_review(sp_albumbrowse *alb);
* Return the time (in ms) that was spent waiting for the Spotify backend to serve the request
* @param[in] alb Album browse object
* @return -1 if the request was served from the local cache
* If the result is not yet loaded the return value is undefined
SP_LIBEXPORT(int) sp_albumbrowse_backend_request_duration(sp_albumbrowse *alb);
* Increase the reference count of an album browse result
* @param[in] alb The album browse result object
* @return One of the following errors, from ::sp_error
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_error) sp_albumbrowse_add_ref(sp_albumbrowse *alb);
* Decrease the reference count of an album browse result
* @param[in] alb The album browse result object
* @return One of the following errors, from ::sp_error
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_error) sp_albumbrowse_release(sp_albumbrowse *alb);
/** @} */
* @defgroup artistbrowse Artist browsing
* Artist browsing initiates the fetching of information for a certain artist.
* @note There is currently no built-in functionality available for getting the albums belonging
* to an artist. For now, just iterate over all tracks and note the album to build a list of all albums.
* This feature will be added in a future version of the library.
* @{
* The type of a callback used in sp_artistbrowse_create()
* When the callback is called, the metadata of all tracks belonging to it will have
* been loaded, so sp_track_is_loaded() will return non-zero. The same goes for the
* similar artist data.
* @param[in] result The same pointer returned by sp_artistbrowse_create()
* @param[in] userdata The opaque pointer given to sp_artistbrowse_create()
typedef void SP_CALLCONV artistbrowse_complete_cb(sp_artistbrowse *result, void *userdata);
* Initiate a request for browsing an artist
* The user is responsible for freeing the returned artist browse using sp_artistbrowse_release(). This can be done in the callback.
* @param[in] session Session object
* @param[in] artist Artist to be browsed. The artist metadata does not have to be loaded
* @param[in] type Type of data requested, see the sp_artistbrowse_type enum for details
* @param[in] callback Callback to be invoked when browsing has been completed. Pass NULL if you are not interested in this event.
* @param[in] userdata Userdata passed to callback.
* @return Artist browse object
* @see ::artistbrowse_complete_cb
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_artistbrowse *) sp_artistbrowse_create(sp_session *session, sp_artist *artist, sp_artistbrowse_type type, artistbrowse_complete_cb *callback, void *userdata);
* Check if an artist browse request is completed
* @param[in] arb Artist browse object
* @return True if browsing is completed, false if not
SP_LIBEXPORT(bool) sp_artistbrowse_is_loaded(sp_artistbrowse *arb);
* Check if browsing returned an error code.
* @param[in] arb Artist browse object
* @return One of the following errors, from ::sp_error
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_error) sp_artistbrowse_error(sp_artistbrowse *arb);
* Given an artist browse object, return a pointer to its artist object
* @param[in] arb Artist browse object
* @return Artist object
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_artist *) sp_artistbrowse_artist(sp_artistbrowse *arb);
* Given an artist browse object, return number of portraits available
* @param[in] arb Artist browse object
* @return Number of portraits for given artist
SP_LIBEXPORT(int) sp_artistbrowse_num_portraits(sp_artistbrowse *arb);
* Return image ID representing a portrait of the artist
* @param[in] arb Artist object
* @param[in] index The index of the portrait. Should be in the interval [0, sp_artistbrowse_num_portraits() - 1]
* @return ID byte sequence that can be passed to sp_image_create()
* @see sp_image_create
SP_LIBEXPORT(const byte *) sp_artistbrowse_portrait(sp_artistbrowse *arb, int index);
* Given an artist browse object, return number of tracks
* @param[in] arb Artist browse object
* @return Number of tracks for given artist
SP_LIBEXPORT(int) sp_artistbrowse_num_tracks(sp_artistbrowse *arb);
* Given an artist browse object, return one of its tracks
* @param[in] arb Album browse object
* @param[in] index The index for the track. Should be in the interval [0, sp_artistbrowse_num_tracks() - 1]
* @return A track object, or NULL if the index is out of range.
* @see track
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_track *) sp_artistbrowse_track(sp_artistbrowse *arb, int index);
* Given an artist browse object, return number of tophit tracks
* This is a set of tracks for the artist with highest popularity
* @param[in] arb Artist browse object
* @return Number of tophit tracks for given artist
SP_LIBEXPORT(int) sp_artistbrowse_num_tophit_tracks(sp_artistbrowse *arb);
* Given an artist browse object, return one of its tophit tracks
* This is a set of tracks for the artist with highest popularity
* @param[in] arb Album browse object
* @param[in] index The index for the track. Should be in the interval [0, sp_artistbrowse_num_tophit_tracks() - 1]
* @return A track object, or NULL if the index is out of range.
* @see track
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_track *) sp_artistbrowse_tophit_track(sp_artistbrowse *arb, int index);
* Given an artist browse object, return number of albums
* @param[in] arb Artist browse object
* @return Number of albums for given artist
SP_LIBEXPORT(int) sp_artistbrowse_num_albums(sp_artistbrowse *arb);
* Given an artist browse object, return one of its albums
* @param[in] arb Album browse object
* @param[in] index The index for the album. Should be in the interval [0, sp_artistbrowse_num_albums() - 1]
* @return A album object, or NULL if the index is out of range.
* @see album
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_album *) sp_artistbrowse_album(sp_artistbrowse *arb, int index);
* Given an artist browse object, return number of similar artists
* @param[in] arb Artist browse object
* @return Number of similar artists for given artist
SP_LIBEXPORT(int) sp_artistbrowse_num_similar_artists(sp_artistbrowse *arb);
* Given an artist browse object, return a similar artist by index
* @param[in] arb Album browse object
* @param[in] index The index for the artist. Should be in the interval [0, sp_artistbrowse_num_similar_artists() - 1]
* @return A pointer to an artist object.
* @see artist
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_artist *) sp_artistbrowse_similar_artist(sp_artistbrowse *arb, int index);
* Given an artist browse object, return the artists biography
* @note This function must be called from the same thread that did sp_session_create()
* @param[in] arb Artist browse object
* @return Biography string in UTF-8 format.
* Returned string is valid as long as the album object stays allocated
* and no longer than the next call to sp_session_process_events()
SP_LIBEXPORT(const char *) sp_artistbrowse_biography(sp_artistbrowse *arb);
* Return the time (in ms) that was spent waiting for the Spotify backend to serve the request
* @param[in] arb Artist browse object
* @return -1 if the request was served from the local cache
* If the result is not yet loaded the return value is undefined
SP_LIBEXPORT(int) sp_artistbrowse_backend_request_duration(sp_artistbrowse *arb);
* Increase the reference count of an artist browse result
* @param[in] arb The artist browse result object
* @return One of the following errors, from ::sp_error
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_error) sp_artistbrowse_add_ref(sp_artistbrowse *arb);
* Decrease the reference count of an artist browse result
* @param[in] arb The artist browse result object
* @return One of the following errors, from ::sp_error
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_error) sp_artistbrowse_release(sp_artistbrowse *arb);
/** @} */
* @defgroup image Image handling
* @{
* Image format
typedef enum {
SP_IMAGE_FORMAT_UNKNOWN = -1, ///< Unknown image format
} sp_imageformat;
* The type of a callback used to notify the application that an image
* is done loading.
typedef void SP_CALLCONV image_loaded_cb(sp_image *image, void *userdata);
* Create an image object
* @param[in] session Session
* @param[in] image_id Spotify image ID
* @return Pointer to an image object. To free the object, use
* sp_image_release()
* @see sp_album_cover
* @see sp_artistbrowse_portrait
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_image *) sp_image_create(sp_session *session, const byte image_id[20]);
* Create an image object from a link
* @param[in] session Session
* @param[in] l Spotify link object. This must be of SP_LINKTYPE_IMAGE type
* @return Pointer to an image object. To free the object, use
* sp_image_release()
* @see sp_image_create
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_image *) sp_image_create_from_link(sp_session *session, sp_link *l);
* Add a callback that will be invoked when the image is loaded
* If an image is loaded, and loading fails, the image will behave like an
* empty image.
* @param[in] image Image object
* @param[in] callback Callback that will be called when image has been
* fetched.
* @param[in] userdata Opaque pointer passed to \p callback
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_error) sp_image_add_load_callback(sp_image *image, image_loaded_cb *callback, void *userdata);
* Remove an image load callback previously added with sp_image_add_load_callback()
* @param[in] image Image object
* @param[in] callback Callback that will not be called when image has been
* fetched.
* @param[in] userdata Opaque pointer passed to \p callback
* @return One of the following errors, from ::sp_error
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_error) sp_image_remove_load_callback(sp_image *image, image_loaded_cb *callback, void *userdata);
* Check if an image is loaded. Before the image is loaded, the rest of the
* methods will behave as if the image is empty.
* @param[in] image Image object
* @return True if image is loaded, false otherwise
SP_LIBEXPORT(bool) sp_image_is_loaded(sp_image *image);
* Check if image retrieval returned an error code.
* @param[in] image Image object
* @return One of the following errors, from ::sp_error
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_error) sp_image_error(sp_image *image);
* Get image format
* @param[in] image Image object
* @return Image format as described by sp_imageformat
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_imageformat) sp_image_format(sp_image *image);
* Get image data
* @param[in] image Image object
* @param[out] data_size Size of raw image data
* @return Pointer to raw image data
SP_LIBEXPORT(const void *) sp_image_data(sp_image *image, size_t *data_size);
* Get image ID
* @param[in] image Image object
* @return Image ID
SP_LIBEXPORT(const byte *) sp_image_image_id(sp_image *image);
* Increase the reference count of an image
* @param[in] image The image object
* @return One of the following errors, from ::sp_error
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_error) sp_image_add_ref(sp_image *image);
* Decrease the reference count of an image
* @param[in] image The image object
* @return One of the following errors, from ::sp_error
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_error) sp_image_release(sp_image *image);
/** @} */
* @defgroup search Search subsystem
* @{
* The type of a callback used in sp_search_create()
* When this callback is called, the sp_track_is_loaded(), sp_album_is_loaded(),
* and sp_artist_is_loaded() functions will return non-zero for the objects
* contained in the search result.
* @param[in] result The same pointer returned by sp_search_create()
* @param[in] userdata The opaque pointer given to sp_search_create()
typedef void SP_CALLCONV search_complete_cb(sp_search *result, void *userdata);
* Create a search object from the given query
* @param[in] session Session
* @param[in] query Query search string, e.g. 'The Rolling Stones' or 'album:"The Black Album"'
* @param[in] track_offset The offset among the tracks of the result
* @param[in] track_count The number of tracks to ask for
* @param[in] album_offset The offset among the albums of the result
* @param[in] album_count The number of albums to ask for
* @param[in] artist_offset The offset among the artists of the result
* @param[in] artist_count The number of artists to ask for
* @param[in] playlist_offset The offset among the playlists of the result
* @param[in] playlist_count The number of playlists to ask for
* @param[in] search_type Type of search, can be used for suggest searches
* @param[in] callback Callback that will be called once the search operation is complete. Pass NULL if you are not interested in this event.
* @param[in] userdata Opaque pointer passed to \p callback
* @return Pointer to a search object. To free the object, use sp_search_release()
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_search *) sp_search_create(sp_session *session, const char *query, int track_offset, int track_count, int album_offset, int album_count, int artist_offset, int artist_count, int playlist_offset, int playlist_count, sp_search_type search_type, search_complete_cb *callback, void *userdata);
* Get load status for the specified search. Before it is loaded, it will behave as an empty search result.
* @param[in] search Search object
* @return True if search is loaded, otherwise false
SP_LIBEXPORT(bool) sp_search_is_loaded(sp_search *search);
* Check if search returned an error code.
* @param[in] search Search object
* @return One of the following errors, from ::sp_error
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_error) sp_search_error(sp_search *search);
* Get the number of tracks for the specified search
* @param[in] search Search object
* @return The number of tracks for the specified search
SP_LIBEXPORT(int) sp_search_num_tracks(sp_search *search);
* Return the track at the given index in the given search object
* @param[in] search Search object
* @param[in] index Index of the wanted track. Should be in the interval [0, sp_search_num_tracks() - 1]
* @return The track at the given index in the given search object
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_track *) sp_search_track(sp_search *search, int index);
* Get the number of albums for the specified search
* @param[in] search Search object
* @return The number of albums for the specified search
SP_LIBEXPORT(int) sp_search_num_albums(sp_search *search);
* Return the album at the given index in the given search object
* @param[in] search Search object
* @param[in] index Index of the wanted album. Should be in the interval [0, sp_search_num_albums() - 1]
* @return The album at the given index in the given search object
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_album *) sp_search_album(sp_search *search, int index);
* Get the number of playlists for the specified search
* @param[in] search Search object
* @return The number of playlists for the specified search
SP_LIBEXPORT(int) sp_search_num_playlists(sp_search *search);
* Load the playlist at the given index in the given search object
* @param[in] search Search object
* @param[in] index Index of the wanted playlist. Should be in the interval [0, sp_search_num_playlists() - 1]
* @return A playlist object. This reference is owned by the caller and should be released with sp_playlist_release()
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_playlist *) sp_search_playlist(sp_search *search, int index);
* Return the playlist at the given index in the given search object
* @param[in] search Search object
* @param[in] index Index of the wanted playlist. Should be in the interval [0, sp_search_num_playlists() - 1]
* @return The playlist name at the given index in the given search object
SP_LIBEXPORT(const char *) sp_search_playlist_name(sp_search *search, int index);
* Return the uri of a playlist at the given index in the given search object
* @param[in] search Search object
* @param[in] index Index of the wanted playlist. Should be in the interval [0, sp_search_num_playlists() - 1]
* @return The playlist uri at the given index in the given search object
SP_LIBEXPORT(const char *) sp_search_playlist_uri(sp_search *search, int index);
* Return the image_uri of a playlist at the given index in the given search object
* @param[in] search Search object
* @param[in] index Index of the wanted playlist. Should be in the interval [0, sp_search_num_playlists() - 1]
* @return The playlist image_uri at the given index in the given search object
SP_LIBEXPORT(const char *) sp_search_playlist_image_uri(sp_search *search, int index);
* Get the number of artists for the specified search
* @param[in] search Search object
* @return The number of artists for the specified search
SP_LIBEXPORT(int) sp_search_num_artists(sp_search *search);
* Return the artist at the given index in the given search object
* @param[in] search Search object
* @param[in] index Index of the wanted artist. Should be in the interval [0, sp_search_num_artists() - 1]
* @return The artist at the given index in the given search object
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_artist *) sp_search_artist(sp_search *search, int index);
* Return the search query for the given search object
* @param[in] search Search object
* @return The search query for the given search object
SP_LIBEXPORT(const char *) sp_search_query(sp_search *search);
* Return the "Did you mean" query for the given search object
* @param[in] search Search object
* @return The "Did you mean" query for the given search object, or the empty string if no such info is available
SP_LIBEXPORT(const char *) sp_search_did_you_mean(sp_search *search);
* Return the total number of tracks for the search query - regardless of the interval requested at creation.
* If this value is larger than the interval specified at creation of the search object, more search results are available.
* To fetch these, create a new search object with a new interval.
* @param[in] search Search object
* @return The total number of tracks matching the original query
SP_LIBEXPORT(int) sp_search_total_tracks(sp_search *search);
* Return the total number of albums for the search query - regardless of the interval requested at creation.
* If this value is larger than the interval specified at creation of the search object, more search results are available.
* To fetch these, create a new search object with a new interval.
* @param[in] search Search object
* @return The total number of albums matching the original query
SP_LIBEXPORT(int) sp_search_total_albums(sp_search *search);
* Return the total number of artists for the search query - regardless of the interval requested at creation.
* If this value is larger than the interval specified at creation of the search object, more search results are available.
* To fetch these, create a new search object with a new interval.
* @param[in] search Search object
* @return The total number of artists matching the original query
SP_LIBEXPORT(int) sp_search_total_artists(sp_search *search);
* Return the total number of playlists for the search query - regardless of the interval requested at creation.
* If this value is larger than the interval specified at creation of the search object, more search results are available.
* To fetch these, create a new search object with a new interval.
* @param[in] search Search object
* @return The total number of playlists matching the original query
SP_LIBEXPORT(int) sp_search_total_playlists(sp_search *search);
* Increase the reference count of a search result
* @param[in] search The search result object
* @return One of the following errors, from ::sp_error
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_error) sp_search_add_ref(sp_search *search);
* Decrease the reference count of a search result
* @param[in] search The search result object
* @return One of the following errors, from ::sp_error
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_error) sp_search_release(sp_search *search);
/** @} */
* @defgroup playlist Playlist subsystem
* The playlist subsystem handles playlists and playlist containers (list of playlists).
* The playlist container functions are always valid, but your playlists are not
* guaranteed to be loaded until the sp_session_callbacks#logged_in callback has
* been issued.
* @{
* Playlist callbacks
* Used to get notifications when playlists are updated.
* If some callbacks should not be of interest, set them to NULL.
typedef struct sp_playlist_callbacks {
* Called when one or more tracks have been added to a playlist
* @param[in] pl Playlist object
* @param[in] tracks Array of pointers to track objects
* @param[in] num_tracks Number of entries in \p tracks
* @param[in] position Position in the playlist for the first track.
* @param[in] userdata Userdata passed to sp_playlist_add_callbacks()
void (SP_CALLCONV *tracks_added)(sp_playlist *pl, sp_track * const *tracks, int num_tracks, int position, void *userdata);
* Called when one or more tracks have been removed from a playlist
* @param[in] pl Playlist object
* @param[in] tracks Array of positions representing the tracks that were removed
* @param[in] num_tracks Number of entries in \p tracks
* @param[in] userdata Userdata passed to sp_playlist_add_callbacks()
void (SP_CALLCONV *tracks_removed)(sp_playlist *pl, const int *tracks, int num_tracks, void *userdata);
* Called when one or more tracks have been moved within a playlist
* @param[in] pl Playlist object
* @param[in] tracks Array of positions representing the tracks that were moved
* @param[in] num_tracks Number of entries in \p tracks
* @param[in] position New position in the playlist for the first track.
* @param[in] userdata Userdata passed to sp_playlist_add_callbacks()
void (SP_CALLCONV *tracks_moved)(sp_playlist *pl, const int *tracks, int num_tracks, int new_position, void *userdata);
* Called when a playlist has been renamed. sp_playlist_name() can be used to find out the new name
* @param[in] pl Playlist object
* @param[in] userdata Userdata passed to sp_playlist_add_callbacks()
void (SP_CALLCONV *playlist_renamed)(sp_playlist *pl, void *userdata);
* Called when state changed for a playlist.
* There are three states that trigger this callback:
* - Collaboration for this playlist has been turned on or off
* - The playlist started having pending changes, or all pending changes have now been committed
* - The playlist started loading, or finished loading
* @param[in] pl Playlist object
* @param[in] userdata Userdata passed to sp_playlist_add_callbacks()
* @sa sp_playlist_is_collaborative
* @sa sp_playlist_has_pending_changes
* @sa sp_playlist_is_loaded
void (SP_CALLCONV *playlist_state_changed)(sp_playlist *pl, void *userdata);
* Called when a playlist is updating or is done updating
* This is called before and after a series of changes are applied to the
* playlist. It allows e.g. the user interface to defer updating until the
* entire operation is complete.
* @param[in] pl Playlist object
* @param[in] done True iff the update is completed
* @param[in] userdata Userdata passed to sp_playlist_add_callbacks()
void (SP_CALLCONV *playlist_update_in_progress)(sp_playlist *pl, bool done, void *userdata);
* Called when metadata for one or more tracks in a playlist has been updated.
* @param[in] pl Playlist object
* @param[in] userdata Userdata passed to sp_playlist_add_callbacks()
void (SP_CALLCONV *playlist_metadata_updated)(sp_playlist *pl, void *userdata);
* Called when create time and/or creator for a playlist entry changes
* @param[in] pl Playlist object
* @param[in] position Position in playlist
* @param[in] user User object
* @param[in] time When entry was created, seconds since the unix epoch.
* @param[in] userdata Userdata passed to sp_playlist_add_callbacks()
void (SP_CALLCONV *track_created_changed)(sp_playlist *pl, int position, sp_user *user, int when, void *userdata);
* Called when seen attribute for a playlist entry changes.
* @param[in] pl Playlist object
* @param[in] position Position in playlist
* @param[in] seen Set if entry it marked as seen
* @param[in] userdata Userdata passed to sp_playlist_add_callbacks()
void (SP_CALLCONV *track_seen_changed)(sp_playlist *pl, int position, bool seen, void *userdata);
* Called when playlist description has changed
* @param[in] pl Playlist object
* @param[in] desc New description
* @param[in] userdata Userdata passed to sp_playlist_add_callbacks()
void (SP_CALLCONV *description_changed)(sp_playlist *pl, const char *desc, void *userdata);
* Called when playlist image has changed
* @param[in] pl Playlist object
* @param[in] image New image
* @param[in] userdata Userdata passed to sp_playlist_add_callbacks()
void (SP_CALLCONV *image_changed)(sp_playlist *pl, const byte *image, void *userdata);
* Called when message attribute for a playlist entry changes.
* @param[in] pl Playlist object
* @param[in] position Position in playlist
* @param[in] message UTF-8 encoded message
* @param[in] userdata Userdata passed to sp_playlist_add_callbacks()
void (SP_CALLCONV *track_message_changed)(sp_playlist *pl, int position, const char *message, void *userdata);
* Called when playlist subscribers changes (count or list of names)
* @param[in] pl Playlist object
* @param[in] userdata Userdata passed to sp_playlist_add_callbacks()
void (SP_CALLCONV *subscribers_changed)(sp_playlist *pl, void *userdata);
} sp_playlist_callbacks;
* Get load status for the specified playlist. If it's false, you have to wait until
* playlist_state_changed happens, and check again if is_loaded has changed
* @param[in] playlist Playlist object
* @return True if playlist is loaded, otherwise false
SP_LIBEXPORT(bool) sp_playlist_is_loaded(sp_playlist *playlist);
* Register interest in the given playlist
* Here is a snippet from \c jukebox.c:
* @dontinclude jukebox.c
* @skipline sp_playlist_add_callbacks
* @param[in] playlist Playlist object
* @param[in] callbacks Callbacks, see #sp_playlist_callbacks
* @param[in] userdata Userdata to be passed to callbacks
* @sa sp_playlist_remove_callbacks
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_error) sp_playlist_add_callbacks(sp_playlist *playlist, sp_playlist_callbacks *callbacks, void *userdata);
* Unregister interest in the given playlist
* The combination of (\p callbacks, \p userdata) is used to find the entry to be removed
* Here is a snippet from \c jukebox.c:
* @dontinclude jukebox.c
* @skipline sp_playlist_remove_callbacks
* @param[in] playlist Playlist object
* @param[in] callbacks Callbacks, see #sp_playlist_callbacks
* @param[in] userdata Userdata to be passed to callbacks
* @sa sp_playlist_add_callbacks
* @return One of the following errors, from ::sp_error
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_error) sp_playlist_remove_callbacks(sp_playlist *playlist, sp_playlist_callbacks *callbacks, void *userdata);
* Return number of tracks in the given playlist
* @param[in] playlist Playlist object
* @return The number of tracks in the playlist
SP_LIBEXPORT(int) sp_playlist_num_tracks(sp_playlist *playlist);
* Return the track at the given index in a playlist
* @param[in] playlist Playlist object
* @param[in] index Index into playlist container. Should be in the interval [0, sp_playlist_num_tracks() - 1]
* @return The track at the given index
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_track *) sp_playlist_track(sp_playlist *playlist, int index);
* Return when the given index was added to the playlist
* @param[in] playlist Playlist object
* @param[in] index Index into playlist container. Should be in the interval [0, sp_playlist_num_tracks() - 1]
* @return Time, Seconds since unix epoch.
SP_LIBEXPORT(int) sp_playlist_track_create_time(sp_playlist *playlist, int index);
* Return user that added the given index in the playlist
* @param[in] playlist Playlist object
* @param[in] index Index into playlist container. Should be in the interval [0, sp_playlist_num_tracks() - 1]
* @return User object
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_user *) sp_playlist_track_creator(sp_playlist *playlist, int index);
* Return if a playlist entry is marked as seen or not
* @param[in] playlist Playlist object
* @param[in] index Index into playlist container. Should be in the interval [0, sp_playlist_num_tracks() - 1]
* @return Seen state
SP_LIBEXPORT(bool) sp_playlist_track_seen(sp_playlist *playlist, int index);
* Set seen status of a playlist entry
* @param[in] playlist Playlist object
* @param[in] index Index into playlist container. Should be in the interval [0, sp_playlist_num_tracks() - 1]
* @param[in] seen Seen status to be set
* @return error One of the following errors, from ::sp_error
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_error) sp_playlist_track_set_seen(sp_playlist *playlist, int index, bool seen);
* Return a message attached to a playlist item. Typically used on inbox.
* @param[in] playlist Playlist object
* @param[in] index Index into playlist container. Should be in the interval [0, sp_playlist_num_tracks() - 1]
* @return UTF-8 encoded message, or NULL if no message is present
SP_LIBEXPORT(const char *) sp_playlist_track_message(sp_playlist *playlist, int index);
* Return name of given playlist
* @param[in] playlist Playlist object
* @return The name of the given playlist
SP_LIBEXPORT(const char *) sp_playlist_name(sp_playlist *playlist);
* Rename the given playlist
* The name must not consist of only spaces and it must be shorter than 256 characters.
* @param[in] playlist Playlist object
* @param[in] new_name New name for playlist
* @return One of the following errors, from ::sp_error
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_error) sp_playlist_rename(sp_playlist *playlist, const char *new_name);
* Return a pointer to the user for the given playlist
* @param[in] playlist Playlist object
* @return User object
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_user *) sp_playlist_owner(sp_playlist *playlist);
* Return collaborative status for a playlist.
* A playlist in collaborative state can be modifed by all users, not only the user owning the list
* @param[in] playlist Playlist object
* @return true if playlist is collaborative, otherwise false
SP_LIBEXPORT(bool) sp_playlist_is_collaborative(sp_playlist *playlist);
* Set collaborative status for a playlist.
* A playlist in collaborative state can be modified by all users, not only the user owning the list
* @param[in] playlist Playlist object
* @param[in] collaborative True or false
* @return One of the following errors, from ::sp_error
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_error) sp_playlist_set_collaborative(sp_playlist *playlist, bool collaborative);
* Set autolinking state for a playlist.
* If a playlist is autolinked, unplayable tracks will be made playable
* by linking them to other Spotify tracks, where possible.
* @param[in] playlist Playlist object
* @param[in] link True or false
* @return One of the following errors, from ::sp_error
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_error) sp_playlist_set_autolink_tracks(sp_playlist *playlist, bool link);
* Get description for a playlist
* @param[in] playlist Playlist object
* @return Playlist description or NULL if unset
SP_LIBEXPORT(const char *) sp_playlist_get_description(sp_playlist *playlist);
* Get description for a playlist
* @param[in] playlist Playlist object
* @param[out] image 20 byte image id
* @return TRUE if playlist has an image, FALSE if not
SP_LIBEXPORT(bool) sp_playlist_get_image(sp_playlist *playlist, byte image[20]);
* Check if a playlist has pending changes
* Pending changes are local changes that have not yet been acknowledged by the server.
* @param[in] playlist Playlist object
* @return A flag representing if there are pending changes or not
SP_LIBEXPORT(bool) sp_playlist_has_pending_changes(sp_playlist *playlist);
* Add tracks to a playlist
* @param[in] playlist Playlist object
* @param[in] tracks Array of pointer to tracks.
* @param[in] num_tracks Length of \p tracks array
* @param[in] position Start position in playlist where to insert the tracks
* @param[in] session Your session object
* @return One of the following errors, from ::sp_error
* SP_ERROR_INVALID_INDATA - position is > current playlist length
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_error) sp_playlist_add_tracks(sp_playlist *playlist, sp_track *const*tracks, int num_tracks, int position, sp_session *session);
* Remove tracks from a playlist
* @param[in] playlist Playlist object
* @param[in] tracks Array of pointer to track indices.
* A certain track index should be present at most once, e.g. [0, 1, 2] is valid indata,
* whereas [0, 1, 1] is invalid.
* @param[in] num_tracks Length of \p tracks array
* @return One of the following errors, from ::sp_error
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_error) sp_playlist_remove_tracks(sp_playlist *playlist, const int *tracks, int num_tracks);
* Move tracks in playlist
* @param[in] playlist Playlist object
* @param[in] tracks Array of pointer to track indices to be moved.
* A certain track index should be present at most once, e.g. [0, 1, 2] is valid indata,
* whereas [0, 1, 1] is invalid.
* @param[in] num_tracks Length of \p tracks array
* @param[in] new_position New position for tracks
* @return One of the following errors, from ::sp_error
* SP_ERROR_INVALID_INDATA - position is > current playlist length
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_error) sp_playlist_reorder_tracks(sp_playlist *playlist, const int *tracks, int num_tracks, int new_position);
* Return number of subscribers for a given playlist
* @param[in] playlist Playlist object
* @return Number of subscribers
SP_LIBEXPORT(unsigned int) sp_playlist_num_subscribers(sp_playlist *playlist);
* Return subscribers for a playlist
* @param[in] playlist Playlist object
* @return sp_subscribers struct with array of canonical usernames.
* This object should be free'd using sp_playlist_subscribers_free()
* @note The count returned for this function may be less than those
* returned by sp_playlist_num_subscribers(). Spotify does not
* track each user subscribed to a playlist for playlist with
* many (>500) subscribers.
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_subscribers *) sp_playlist_subscribers(sp_playlist *playlist);
* Free object returned from sp_playlist_subscribers()
* @param[in] subscribers Subscribers object
* @return One of the following errors, from ::sp_error
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_error) sp_playlist_subscribers_free(sp_subscribers *subscribers);
* Ask library to update the subscription count for a playlist
* When the subscription info has been fetched from the Spotify backend
* the playlist subscribers_changed() callback will be invoked.
* In that callback use sp_playlist_num_subscribers() and/or
* sp_playlist_subscribers() to get information about the subscribers.
* You can call those two functions anytime you want but the information
* might not be up to date in such cases
* @param[in] session Session object
* @param[in] playlist Playlist object
* @return One of the following errors, from ::sp_error
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_error) sp_playlist_update_subscribers(sp_session *session, sp_playlist *playlist);
* Return whether a playlist is loaded in RAM (as opposed to only
* stored on disk)
* @param[in] session Session object
* @param[in] playlist Playlist object
* @return True iff playlist is in RAM, False otherwise
* @note When a playlist is no longer in RAM it will appear empty.
* However, libspotify will retain information about the
* list metadata (owner, title, picture, etc) in RAM.
* There is one caveat tough: If libspotify has never seen the
* playlist before this metadata will also be unset.
* In order for libspotify to get the metadata the playlist
* needs to be loaded at least once.
* In order words, if libspotify starts with an empty playlist
* cache and the application has set 'initially_unload_playlists'
* config parameter to True all playlists will be empty.
* It will not be possible to generate URI's to the playlists
* nor extract playlist title until the application calls
* sp_playlist_set_in_ram(..., true). So an application
* that needs to stay within a low memory profile would need to
* cycle thru all new playlists in order to extract metadata.
* The easiest way to detect this case is when
* sp_playlist_is_in_ram() returns false and
* sp_link_create_from_playlist() returns NULL
SP_LIBEXPORT(bool) sp_playlist_is_in_ram(sp_session *session, sp_playlist *playlist);
* Return whether a playlist is loaded in RAM (as opposed to only
* stored on disk)
* @param[in] session Session object
* @param[in] playlist Playlist object
* @param[in] in_ram Controls whether or not to keep the list in RAM
* @return One of the following errors, from ::sp_error
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_error) sp_playlist_set_in_ram(sp_session *session, sp_playlist *playlist, bool in_ram);
* Load an already existing playlist without adding it to a playlistcontainer.
* @param[in] session Session object
* @param[in] link Link object referring to a playlist
* @return A playlist. The reference is owned by the caller and should be released with sp_playlist_release()
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_playlist *) sp_playlist_create(sp_session *session, sp_link *link);
* Mark a playlist to be synchronized for offline playback.
* The playlist must be in the users playlistcontainer
* @param[in] session Session object
* @param[in] playlist Playlist object
* @param[in] offline True iff playlist should be offline, false otherwise
* @return One of the following errors, from ::sp_error
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_error) sp_playlist_set_offline_mode(sp_session *session, sp_playlist *playlist, bool offline);
* Get offline status for a playlist
* @param[in] session Session object
* @param[in] playlist Playlist object
* @return sp_playlist_offline_status
* sp_playlist_get_offline_download_completed() method can be used to query
* progress of the download
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_playlist_offline_status) sp_playlist_get_offline_status(sp_session *session, sp_playlist *playlist);
* Get download progress for an offline playlist
* @param[in] session Session object
* @param[in] playlist Playlist object
* @return Value from 0 - 100 that indicates amount of playlist that is downloaded
* or 0 if the playlist is not in the SP_PLAYLIST_OFFLINE_STATUS_DOWNLOADING mode.
* @see sp_playlist_offline_status()
SP_LIBEXPORT(int) sp_playlist_get_offline_download_completed(sp_session *session, sp_playlist *playlist);
* Increase the reference count of a playlist
* @param[in] playlist The playlist object
* @return One of the following errors, from ::sp_error
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_error) sp_playlist_add_ref(sp_playlist *playlist);
* Decrease the reference count of a playlist
* @param[in] playlist The playlist object
* @return One of the following errors, from ::sp_error
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_error) sp_playlist_release(sp_playlist *playlist);
* Playlist container callbacks.
* If some callbacks should not be of interest, set them to NULL.
* @see sp_playlistcontainer_add_callbacks
* @see sp_playlistcontainer_remove_callbacks
typedef struct sp_playlistcontainer_callbacks {
* Called when a new playlist has been added to the playlist container.
* @param[in] pc Playlist container
* @param[in] playlist Playlist object.
* @param[in] position Position in list
* @param[in] userdata Userdata as set in sp_playlistcontainer_add_callbacks()
void (SP_CALLCONV *playlist_added)(sp_playlistcontainer *pc, sp_playlist *playlist, int position, void *userdata);
* Called when a new playlist has been removed from playlist container
* @param[in] pc Playlist container
* @param[in] playlist Playlist object.
* @param[in] position Position in list
* @param[in] userdata Userdata as set in sp_playlistcontainer_add_callbacks()
void (SP_CALLCONV *playlist_removed)(sp_playlistcontainer *pc, sp_playlist *playlist, int position, void *userdata);
* Called when a playlist has been moved in the playlist container
* @param[in] pc Playlist container
* @param[in] playlist Playlist object.
* @param[in] position Previous position in playlist container list
* @param[in] new_position New position in playlist container list
* @param[in] userdata Userdata as set in sp_playlistcontainer_add_callbacks()
void (SP_CALLCONV *playlist_moved)(sp_playlistcontainer *pc, sp_playlist *playlist, int position, int new_position, void *userdata);
* Called when the playlist container is loaded
* @param[in] pc Playlist container
* @param[in] userdata Userdata as set in sp_playlistcontainer_add_callbacks()
void (SP_CALLCONV *container_loaded)(sp_playlistcontainer *pc, void *userdata);
} sp_playlistcontainer_callbacks;
* Register interest in changes to a playlist container
* @param[in] pc Playlist container
* @param[in] callbacks Callbacks, see sp_playlistcontainer_callbacks
* @param[in] userdata Opaque value passed to callbacks.
* @note Every sp_playlistcontainer_add_callbacks() needs to be paired with a corresponding
* sp_playlistcontainer_remove_callbacks() that is invoked before releasing the
* last reference you own for the container. In other words, you must make sure
* to have removed all the callbacks before the container gets destroyed.
* @sa sp_session_playlistcontainer()
* @sa sp_playlistcontainer_remove_callbacks
* @return One of the following errors, from ::sp_error
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_error) sp_playlistcontainer_add_callbacks(sp_playlistcontainer *pc, sp_playlistcontainer_callbacks *callbacks, void *userdata);
* Unregister interest in changes to a playlist container
* @param[in] pc Playlist container
* @param[in] callbacks Callbacks, see sp_playlistcontainer_callbacks
* @param[in] userdata Opaque value passed to callbacks.
* @sa sp_session_playlistcontainer()
* @sa sp_playlistcontainer_add_callbacks
* @return One of the following errors, from ::sp_error
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_error) sp_playlistcontainer_remove_callbacks(sp_playlistcontainer *pc, sp_playlistcontainer_callbacks *callbacks, void *userdata);
* Return the number of playlists in the given playlist container
* @param[in] pc Playlist container
* @return Number of playlists, -1 if undefined
* @sa sp_session_playlistcontainer()
SP_LIBEXPORT(int) sp_playlistcontainer_num_playlists(sp_playlistcontainer *pc);
* Return true if the playlistcontainer is fully loaded
* @param[in] pc Playlist container
* @return True if container is loaded
* @note The container_loaded callback will be invoked when this flips to true
SP_LIBEXPORT(bool) sp_playlistcontainer_is_loaded(sp_playlistcontainer *pc);
* Return a pointer to the playlist at a specific index
* @param[in] pc Playlist container
* @param[in] index Index in playlist container. Should be in the interval [0, sp_playlistcontainer_num_playlists() - 1]
* @return The playlist object
* @sa sp_session_playlistcontainer()
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_playlist *) sp_playlistcontainer_playlist(sp_playlistcontainer *pc, int index);
* Return the type of the playlist at a @a index
* @param[in] pc Playlist container
* @param[in] index Index in playlist container. Should be in the interval [0, sp_playlistcontainer_num_playlists() - 1]
* @return Type of the playlist, @see sp_playlist_type
* @sa sp_session_playlistcontainer()
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_playlist_type) sp_playlistcontainer_playlist_type(sp_playlistcontainer *pc, int index);
* Return the folder name at @a index
* @param[in] pc Playlist container
* @param[in] index Index in playlist container. Should be in the interval [0, sp_playlistcontainer_num_playlists() - 1].
* Index should point at a start-folder entry, otherwise the empty string is written to buffer.
* @param[in] buffer Pointer to char[] where to store folder name
* @param[in] buffer_size Size of array
* @return One of the following errors, from ::sp_error
* @sa sp_session_playlistcontainer()
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_error) sp_playlistcontainer_playlist_folder_name(sp_playlistcontainer *pc, int index, char *buffer, int buffer_size);
* Return the folder id at @a index
* @param[in] pc Playlist container
* @param[in] index Index in playlist container. Should be in the interval [0, sp_playlistcontainer_num_playlists() - 1]
* @return The group ID of the folder. Returns 0 on index out of range, pc being NULL or indexed item not being a folder
* @sa sp_session_playlistcontainer()
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_uint64) sp_playlistcontainer_playlist_folder_id(sp_playlistcontainer *pc, int index);
* Add an empty playlist at the end of the playlist container.
* The name must not consist of only spaces and it must be shorter than 256 characters.
* @param[in] pc Playlist container
* @param[in] name Name of new playlist
* @return Pointer to the new playlist. Can be NULL if the operation fails.
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_playlist *) sp_playlistcontainer_add_new_playlist(sp_playlistcontainer *pc, const char *name);
* Add an existing playlist at the end of the given playlist container
* @param[in] pc Playlist container
* @param[in] link Link object pointing to a playlist
* @return Pointer to the new playlist. Will be NULL if the playlist already exists.
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_playlist *) sp_playlistcontainer_add_playlist(sp_playlistcontainer *pc, sp_link *link);
* Remove playlist at index from the given playlist container
* @param[in] pc Playlist container
* @param[in] index Index of playlist to be removed
* @return error One of the following errors, from ::sp_error
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_error) sp_playlistcontainer_remove_playlist(sp_playlistcontainer *pc, int index);
* Move a playlist in the playlist container
* @param[in] pc Playlist container
* @param[in] index Index of playlist to be moved
* @param[in] new_position New position for the playlist
* @param[in] dry_run Do not execute the move, only check if it possible
* @return error One of the following errors, from ::sp_error
* SP_ERROR_INVALID_INDATA - If trying to move a folder into itself
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_error) sp_playlistcontainer_move_playlist(sp_playlistcontainer *pc, int index, int new_position, bool dry_run);
* Add a playlist folder
* @param[in] pc Playlist container
* @param[in] index Position of SP_PLAYLIST_TYPE_START_FOLDER entry
* @param[in] name Name of group
* @return error One of the following errors, from ::sp_error
* @note This operation will actually create two playlists. One of
* type SP_PLAYLIST_TYPE_START_FOLDER and immediately following a
* To remove a playlist folder both of these must be deleted or the list
* will be left in an inconsistant state.
* There is no way to rename a playlist folder. Instead you need to remove
* the folder and recreate it again.
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_error) sp_playlistcontainer_add_folder(sp_playlistcontainer *pc, int index, const char *name);
* Return a pointer to the user object of the owner.
* @param[in] pc Playlist container.
* @return The user object or NULL if unknown or none.
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_user *) sp_playlistcontainer_owner(sp_playlistcontainer *pc);
* Increase reference count on playlistconatiner object
* @param[in] pc Playlist container.
* @return One of the following errors, from ::sp_error
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_error) sp_playlistcontainer_add_ref(sp_playlistcontainer *pc);
* Release reference count on playlistconatiner object
* @param[in] pc Playlist container.
* @return One of the following errors, from ::sp_error
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_error) sp_playlistcontainer_release(sp_playlistcontainer *pc);
* Get the number of new tracks in a playlist since the corresponding
* function sp_playlistcontainer_clear_unseen_tracks() was called. The
* function always returns the number of new tracks, and fills the
* \p tracks array with the new tracks, but not more than specified in
* \p num_tracks. The function will return a negative value on failure.
* @param[in] pc Playlist container.
* @param[in] playlist Playlist object.
* @param[out] tracks Array of pointer to new tracks (maybe NULL)
* @param[in] num_tracks Size of tracks array
* @return Returns the number of unseen tracks
SP_LIBEXPORT(int) sp_playlistcontainer_get_unseen_tracks(sp_playlistcontainer *pc, sp_playlist *playlist, sp_track **tracks, int num_tracks);
* Clears a playlist from unseen tracks, so that next call to sp_playlistcontainer_get_unseen_tracks() will return 0 until a new track is added to the \p playslist.
* @param[in] pc Playlist container.
* @param[in] playlist Playlist object.
* @return Returns 0 on success and -1 on failure.
SP_LIBEXPORT(int) sp_playlistcontainer_clear_unseen_tracks(sp_playlistcontainer *pc, sp_playlist *playlist);
/** @} */
* @defgroup user User handling
* @{
* User relation type
typedef enum sp_relation_type {
SP_RELATION_TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0, ///< Not yet known
SP_RELATION_TYPE_NONE = 1, ///< No relation
SP_RELATION_TYPE_UNIDIRECTIONAL = 2, ///< The currently logged in user is following this uer
SP_RELATION_TYPE_BIDIRECTIONAL = 3, ///< Bidirectional friendship established
} sp_relation_type;
* Get a pointer to a string representing the user's canonical username.
* @param[in] user The Spotify user whose canonical username you would like a string representation of
* @return A string representing the canonical username.
SP_LIBEXPORT(const char *) sp_user_canonical_name(sp_user *user);
* Get a pointer to a string representing the user's displayable username.
* If there is no difference between the canonical username and the display name,
* or if the library does not know about the display name yet, the canonical username will
* be returned.
* @param[in] user The Spotify user whose displayable username you would like a string representation of
* @return A string
SP_LIBEXPORT(const char *) sp_user_display_name(sp_user *user);
* Get load status for a user object. Before it is loaded, only the user's canonical username
* is known.
* @param[in] user Spotify user object
* @return True if user object is loaded, otherwise false
SP_LIBEXPORT(bool) sp_user_is_loaded(sp_user *user);
* Increase the reference count of an user
* @param[in] user The user object
* @return One of the following errors, from ::sp_error
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_error) sp_user_add_ref(sp_user *user);
* Decrease the reference count of an user
* @param[in] user The user object
* @return One of the following errors, from ::sp_error
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_error) sp_user_release(sp_user *user);
/** @} */
* @defgroup toplist Toplist handling
* @{
* Toplist types
typedef enum {
SP_TOPLIST_TYPE_ARTISTS = 0, ///< Top artists
SP_TOPLIST_TYPE_ALBUMS = 1, ///< Top albums
SP_TOPLIST_TYPE_TRACKS = 2, ///< Top tracks
} sp_toplisttype;
* Convenience macro to create a toplist region. Toplist regions are ISO 3166-1
* country codes (in uppercase) encoded in an integer. There are also some reserved
* codes used to denote non-country regions. See sp_toplistregion
* Example: SP_TOPLIST_REGION('S', 'E') for Sweden
#define SP_TOPLIST_REGION(a, b) ((a) << 8 | (b))
* Special toplist regions
typedef enum {
SP_TOPLIST_REGION_EVERYWHERE = 0, ///< Global toplist
SP_TOPLIST_REGION_USER = 1, ///< Toplist for a given user
} sp_toplistregion;
* The type of a callback used in sp_toplistbrowse_create()
* When the callback is called, the metadata of all tracks belonging to it will have
* been loaded, so sp_track_is_loaded() will return non-zero. The same goes for the
* similar toplist data.
* @param[in] result The same pointer returned by sp_toplistbrowse_create()
* @param[in] userdata The opaque pointer given to sp_toplistbrowse_create()
typedef void SP_CALLCONV toplistbrowse_complete_cb(sp_toplistbrowse *result, void *userdata);
* Initiate a request for browsing an toplist
* The user is responsible for freeing the returned toplist browse using sp_toplistbrowse_release(). This can be done in the callback.
* @param[in] session Session object
* @param[in] type Type of toplist to be browsed. see the sp_toplisttype enum for possible values
* @param[in] region Region. see sp_toplistregion enum. Country specific regions are coded as two chars in an integer.
* Sweden would correspond to 'S' << 8 | 'E'
* @param[in] username If region is SP_TOPLIST_REGION_USER this specifies which user to get toplists for. NULL means the logged in user.
* @param[in] callback Callback to be invoked when browsing has been completed. Pass NULL if you are not interested in this event.
* @param[in] userdata Userdata passed to callback.
* @return Toplist browse object
* @see ::toplistbrowse_complete_cb
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_toplistbrowse *) sp_toplistbrowse_create(sp_session *session, sp_toplisttype type, sp_toplistregion region, const char *username, toplistbrowse_complete_cb *callback, void *userdata);
* Check if an toplist browse request is completed
* @param[in] tlb Toplist browse object
* @return True if browsing is completed, false if not
SP_LIBEXPORT(bool) sp_toplistbrowse_is_loaded(sp_toplistbrowse *tlb);
* Check if browsing returned an error code.
* @param[in] tlb Toplist browse object
* @return One of the following errors, from ::sp_error
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_error) sp_toplistbrowse_error(sp_toplistbrowse *tlb);
* Increase the reference count of an toplist browse result
* @param[in] tlb The toplist browse result object
* @return One of the following errors, from ::sp_error
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_error) sp_toplistbrowse_add_ref(sp_toplistbrowse *tlb);
* Decrease the reference count of an toplist browse result
* @param[in] tlb The toplist browse result object
* @return One of the following errors, from ::sp_error
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_error) sp_toplistbrowse_release(sp_toplistbrowse *tlb);
* Given an toplist browse object, return number of artists
* @param[in] tlb Toplist browse object
* @return Number of artists on toplist
SP_LIBEXPORT(int) sp_toplistbrowse_num_artists(sp_toplistbrowse *tlb);
* Return the artist at the given index in the given toplist browse object
* @param[in] tlb Toplist object
* @param[in] index Index of the wanted artist. Should be in the interval [0, sp_toplistbrowse_num_artists() - 1]
* @return The artist at the given index in the given toplist browse object
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_artist *) sp_toplistbrowse_artist(sp_toplistbrowse *tlb, int index);
* Given an toplist browse object, return number of albums
* @param[in] tlb Toplist browse object
* @return Number of albums on toplist
SP_LIBEXPORT(int) sp_toplistbrowse_num_albums(sp_toplistbrowse *tlb);
* Return the album at the given index in the given toplist browse object
* @param[in] tlb Toplist object
* @param[in] index Index of the wanted album. Should be in the interval [0, sp_toplistbrowse_num_albums() - 1]
* @return The album at the given index in the given toplist browse object
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_album *) sp_toplistbrowse_album(sp_toplistbrowse *tlb, int index);
* Given an toplist browse object, return number of tracks
* @param[in] tlb Toplist browse object
* @return Number of tracks on toplist
SP_LIBEXPORT(int) sp_toplistbrowse_num_tracks(sp_toplistbrowse *tlb);
* Return the track at the given index in the given toplist browse object
* @param[in] tlb Toplist object
* @param[in] index Index of the wanted track. Should be in the interval [0, sp_toplistbrowse_num_tracks() - 1]
* @return The track at the given index in the given toplist browse object
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_track *) sp_toplistbrowse_track(sp_toplistbrowse *tlb, int index);
* Return the time (in ms) that was spent waiting for the Spotify backend to serve the request
* @param[in] tlb Toplist object
* @return -1 if the request was served from the local cache
* If the result is not yet loaded the return value is undefined
SP_LIBEXPORT(int) sp_toplistbrowse_backend_request_duration(sp_toplistbrowse *tlb);
/** @} */
* @defgroup inbox Inbox subsystem
* @{
* The type of a callback used in sp_inbox_post()
* When this callback is called, the sp_track_is_loaded(), sp_album_is_loaded(),
* and sp_artist_is_loaded() functions will return non-zero for the objects
* contained in the search result.
* @param[in] result The same pointer returned by sp_search_create()
* @param[in] userdata The opaque pointer given to sp_search_create()
typedef void SP_CALLCONV inboxpost_complete_cb(sp_inbox *result, void *userdata);
* Add to inbox
* @param[in] session Session object
* @param[in] user Canonical username of recipient
* @param[in] tracks Array of tracks to post
* @param[in] num_tracks Number of tracks in \p tracks
* @param[in] message Message to attach to tracks. UTF-8
* @param[in] callback Callback to be invoked when the request has completed
* @param[in] userdata Userdata passed to callback
* @return sp_inbox object if the request has been sent, NULL if request failed to initialize
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_inbox *) sp_inbox_post_tracks(sp_session *session, const char *user, sp_track * const *tracks, int num_tracks, const char *message, inboxpost_complete_cb *callback, void *userdata);
* Check if inbox operation returned an error code.
* @param[in] inbox Inbox object
* @return One of the following errors, from ::sp_error
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_error) sp_inbox_error(sp_inbox *inbox);
* Increase the reference count of a inbox result
* @param[in] inbox The inbox result object
* @return One of the following errors, from ::sp_error
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_error) sp_inbox_add_ref(sp_inbox *inbox);
* Decrease the reference count of a inbox result
* @param[in] inbox The inbox result object
* @return One of the following errors, from ::sp_error
SP_LIBEXPORT(sp_error) sp_inbox_release(sp_inbox *inbox);
/** @} */
* Return the libspotify build ID
* This might be useful to have available for display somewhere in your
* user interface.
SP_LIBEXPORT(const char *) sp_build_id(void);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* PUBLIC_API_H */
* @example browse.c
* The browse.c example shows how you can use the album, artist, and browse functions.
* The example also include some rudimentary playlist browsing.
* It is part of the spshell program
* @example search.c
* The search.c example shows how you can use search functions.
* It is part of the spshell program
* @example toplist.c
* The toplist.c example shows how you can use toplist functions.
* It is part of the spshell program
* @example jukebox.c
* The jukebox.c example shows how you can use playback and playlist functions.
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