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Last active March 17, 2021 20:24
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Update/Install latest Powershell version
# Import the module in your profile so that you always have access to Update-Powershell in your session
Import-Module Pwsh.pms1
# In your session, you can now call Update-Powershell at any time
function Install-Powershell([string] $version)
# in case the version was specified with a prefix, strip it
$version = $version.Replace('v', '')
Write-Host "Downloading $version..."
$output = "PowerShell-$version-win-x64.msi"
$url = "$version/PowerShell-$version-win-x64.msi"
try {
$wc = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
$wc.DownloadFile($url, $output)
} catch [System.Net.WebException],[System.IO.IOException] {
throw "Couldn't download release: $($_.Exception.Message)";
Write-Host "Downloaded $output"
Write-Host "Running update $output..."
Start-Process $output
# Close current session as installer will need all pwsh.exe instances killed
$key = Read-Host "Close session (Y/n)?"
if(!($key.ToLower() -eq "n")) {
function Update-Powershell([bool] $includePreview = $false) {
# Get the latest release tag
$releasesUrl = ""
if($includePreview) {
$releases = (Invoke-WebRequest $releasesUrl | ConvertFrom-Json) | Where-Object { $_.tag_name -like "*preview*"}
} else {
$releases = (Invoke-WebRequest $releasesUrl | ConvertFrom-Json) | Where-Object { $_.tag_name -notlike "*preview*"}
$latestRelease = $releases[0].tag_name.Replace('v', '')
$installedRelease = $PSVersionTable.PSVersion.ToString()
if ($installedRelease -eq $latestRelease) {
Write-Host "You already have the latest version installed (v$installedRelease)"
Write-Host "You can run Install-Powershell <version> to force-install a specific version"
} else {
# Download the installer and run it
Install-Powershell $latestRelease
Export-ModuleMember -Function *
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