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Last active May 1, 2023 17:11
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  • Save Burry/7f6c2caa9cf645ca511ffefd697b3126 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Intercepts all links to Plex in Organizr and redirects to the Plex app on an iOS device
// Intercepts all links to Plex in Organizr and redirects to the Plex app on an
// iOS device. Plex for Android apparently does not support such URL schemes, and I
// can't find any alternative Android solution, so this script is iOS-only.
// Add to Organizr Settings > Customize > Appearance > Custom JavaScript.
// Credit to for finding Plex deep links
// Use Bowser to check if we're on iOS
var plexiOSCheck = bowser.osname === 'iOS';
// Override function tabActions() to intercept clicks on an Organizr tab named
// "Plex" and call the "plex://" URL scheme to open the Plex iOS app
function tabActions(event, name, type) {
if (event.ctrlKey)
popTab(cleanClass(name), type);
else if (event.altKey)
console.log('alt key');
else if (event.shiftKey)
reloadTab(cleanClass(name), type);
else if (plexiOSCheck && name === 'Plex')
window.location = 'plex://';
switchTab(cleanClass(name), type);
// Overrides the existing jQuery event listener for .openTab, gets the associated
// URL, uses regex to test & parse the URL into Plex's iOS URL scheme format if it
// contains the string "plex", and if it does then the function opens the new URL
plexiOSCheck && $(document).off('click', '.openTab').on('click', '.openTab', function() {
var url = $(this).attr('data-url'),
regex = /.*plex.*server\/(.+)\/.*\?key=([^&]+)/,
metadata = regex.exec(url);
if (metadata) window.location = 'plex://preplay/?metadataKey=' + metadata[2]
+ '&metadataType=1&server=' + metadata[1];
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