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Last active December 16, 2018 01:15
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using Priority_Queue;
internal class Program
private const int infinity = 999;
public static readonly Point[] offsets =
new Point(0, -1),
new Point(-1, 0),
new Point(1, 0),
new Point(0, 1)
public static readonly Dictionary<char, UnitType> unitTypes = new Dictionary<char, UnitType>
['E'] = UnitType.Elf,
['G'] = UnitType.Goblin
private static readonly HashSet<Unit> units = new HashSet<Unit>();
public static int width, height;
public static Cell[,] cells;
public static SimplePriorityQueue<Cell> queue = new SimplePriorityQueue<Cell>();
public static List<Cell> path = new List<Cell>();
public static bool Simulate(int elfPower)
var lines = File.ReadAllLines("input.txt");
height = lines.Length;
width = lines[0].Length;
cells = new Cell[height, width];
for (var y = 0; y < height; y++)
for (var x = 0; x < width; x++)
var position = new Point(x, y);
cells[y, x] = new Cell
position = position,
walkable = lines[y][x] != '#'
if (unitTypes.TryGetValue(lines[y][x], out var unitType))
units.Add(new Unit
cell = cells[y, x],
type = unitType
for (var round = 0;; round++)
foreach (var unit in units.OrderBy(u => u.cell.position.y).ThenBy(u => u.cell.position.x).ToList())
if (unit.hp <= 0)
var attackCell = units
.Where(u => u.type != unit.type)
.SelectMany(u => Neighbors(u.cell, unit.cell))
.OrderBy(c => c.distance)
.ThenBy(c => c.position.y)
.ThenBy(c => c.position.x)
if (attackCell == null)
if (unit.cell != attackCell && ReconstructPath(attackCell))
unit.cell = path[0];
var enemy = units
.Where(u => u.type != unit.type && (u.cell.position - unit.cell.position).Length == 1)
.OrderBy(u => u.hp)
.ThenBy(u => u.cell.position.y)
.ThenBy(u => u.cell.position.x)
if (enemy != null)
var damage = unit.type == UnitType.Goblin ? 3 : elfPower;
enemy.hp = Math.Max(0, enemy.hp - damage);
if (enemy.hp <= 0)
if (enemy.type == UnitType.Elf)
return false;
//Console.WriteLine($"after {round} rounds");
if (units.Count(u => u.type == UnitType.Goblin) == 0)
var sum = units.Sum(u => u.hp);
Console.WriteLine($"{round * sum} or {(round + 1) * sum}");
return true;
public static void Main(string[] args)
for (var elfPower = 4;; elfPower++)
if (Simulate(elfPower))
public static void ShowMap()
var rowUnits = new List<Unit>();
for (var y = 0; y < height; y++)
for (var x = 0; x < width; x++)
var point = new Point(x, y);
var unit = units.FirstOrDefault(u => u.cell == At(point));
if (unit != null)
Console.Write(unit.type == UnitType.Elf ? 'E' : 'G');
Console.Write(At(point).walkable ? "." : "#");
Console.WriteLine(" " + string.Join(", ", rowUnits));
public static Cell At(Point position)
return cells[position.y, position.x];
public static IEnumerable<Cell> Neighbors(Cell cell, params Cell[] allowedCells)
return offsets
.Select(o => o + cell.position)
.Where(p => 0 <= p.y && p.y < height && 0 <= p.x && p.x < width)
.Where(c => c.walkable && (allowedCells.Contains(c) || units.All(u => u.cell != c)));
public static void Traverse(Cell from)
foreach (var cell in cells)
if (cell.walkable && units.All(u => u.cell != cell))
cell.distance = infinity;
queue.Enqueue(cell, cell.distance);
from.distance = 0;
queue.Enqueue(from, 0);
while (queue.TryDequeue(out var cell))
foreach (var neighbor in Neighbors(cell).Where(n => n.distance > cell.distance + 1))
neighbor.distance = cell.distance + 1;
queue.UpdatePriority(neighbor, neighbor.distance);
public static bool ReconstructPath(Cell to)
if (to.distance >= infinity)
return false;
for (var cell = to; cell != null;)
path.Insert(0, cell);
cell = Neighbors(cell).FirstOrDefault(n => n.distance == cell.distance - 1);
return true;
public class Cell
public int distance;
public Point position;
public bool walkable;
public enum UnitType
public class Unit
public Cell cell;
public int hp = 200;
public UnitType type;
public override string ToString()
return (type == UnitType.Elf ? 'E' : 'G') + $"({hp})";
public struct Point : IEquatable<Point>
public readonly int x, y;
public Point(int x, int y)
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
public bool Equals(Point other)
return x == other.x && y == other.y;
public override bool Equals(object obj)
if (ReferenceEquals(null, obj))
return false;
return obj is Point other && Equals(other);
public override int GetHashCode()
return (x * 397) ^ y;
public static Point operator +(Point a, Point b)
return new Point(a.x + b.x, a.y + b.y);
public static Point operator -(Point a, Point b)
return new Point(a.x - b.x, a.y - b.y);
public int Length => Math.Abs(x) + Math.Abs(y);
public override string ToString()
return $"({x}, {y})";
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