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  • Save Buttonwood/11135363 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Buttonwood/11135363 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# FileName:
# Desc: A short script for using a maf tab file to draw a alignment block
# graph.
# Author: tanhao
# Email:
# HomePage:
# Version: 0.0.1
# LastChange: 2014-04-21 15:31:28
# History:
use Data::Dumper;
use SVG;
die("perl $0 >out.svg \n")unless(@ARGV==1);
my %tar;
my %que;
my %hash;
next if (/#/);
next if (/^$/);
my @t = split;
$tar{$t[0]} = $t[5];
$que{$t[6]} = $t[11];
push @{$hash{$t[0]}{$t[6]}}, [$t[2],$t[5],$t[8],$t[9],$t[5],$t[11],$t[10]];
close IN;
#print Dumper(\%hash);
my $width = 900;
my $height = 500;
my $reg = 3.5;
#my $svg= SVG->new(width=>500,height=>400);
my $svg = SVG->new('width', ($width+100), 'height', ($height+100));
my @t = values %que;
#print Dumper(\@t);
#print Dumper(\%tar);
#print Dumper(\%que);
my @col_tab = ("deepskyblue","aqua","bisque","blueviolet","gold",
my $len = &sum(\@t) + 10000;
my $blank = $#t + 5;
my $scale = (($width + 100) - ($blank * $reg ))/$len;
my $idx = 0;
my $tmp = 50;
foreach (sort{$tar{$b} <=> $tar{$a}} (keys %tar)){
my $y = $tar{$_} * $scale;
$tar{$_} = [$tmp,$y];
$svg->rect(x => $tmp, y => 200, width => $y, height => 10,
rx => 2.5, ry => 2.5, style => "fill:deepskyblue");
$tmp += $y + $reg;
$tmp = 10;
foreach (sort{$que{$b} <=> $que{$a}} (keys %que)){
my $y = $que{$_} * $scale;
$que{$_} = [$tmp,$y];
my $col = $col_tab[$idx];
$svg->rect(x => $tmp, y => 350, width => $y, height => 10,
rx => 2.5, ry => 2.5, style => "fill:$col");
$tmp += $y + $reg;
foreach my $t (keys %hash) {
my $tx = $tar{$t}->[0];
my $ty = $tar{$t}->[1];
foreach my $q (keys %{$hash{$t}}) {
my $qx = $que{$q}->[0];
my $qy = $que{$q}->[1];
#my $tg = $hash{$t}{$q};
#print Dumper($tg);
foreach my $tg (@{$hash{$t}{$q}}) {
#print Dumper($tg);
my $ts = $tg->[0];
my $te = $tg->[1];
my $qs = $tg->[2];
my $qe = $tg->[3];
my $tl = $tg->[4];
#print $tl,"\n";
my $ql = $tg->[5];
my $sd = $tg->[6]; # strand;
my $style = "";
if ($sd eq "+"){
$style = "stroke:rgb(70,130,180)"; # SteelBlue
$style = "stroke:rgb(255,20,147)"; # pink
$svg->line(x1 => $tx + ($ts/$tl) * $ty,
y1 => 210,
x2 => $qx + ($qs/$ql) * $qy,
y2 => 350,
"stroke-width" => 2,
style =>$style
$svg->line(x1 => $tx + ($te/$tl) * $ty,
y1 => 210,
x2 => $qx + ($qe/$ql) * $qy,
y2 => 350,
"stroke-width" => 2,
style =>$style
#style =>"stroke:rgb(255,20,147)"
print $svg->xmlify;
sub sum{
my $a = shift;
#print Dumper($a);
my $s = 0;
foreach (@$a){
$s += $_;
return $s;
# ============== Float like a butterfly! Stand like a buttonwood! ==============
# FileName:
# Desc: A short script for alignment statistics with non-overlap blocks.
# Author: tanhao
# Email:
# HomePage:
# Version: 0.0.1
# LastChange: 2014-04-22 08:44:16
# History:
use Data::Dumper;
die("Usage:\n\tperl $0 tar|que start end\n
Examples:\n\tperl $0 1 3 4
\n\tperl $0 7 9 10\n
my %hash;
my $ic = $ARGV[1] - 1 || 0;
my $sc = $ARGV[2] - 1 || 2;
my $ec = $ARGV[3] - 1 || 3;
while (<IN>) {
next if /#/;
next if /^$/;
my @t = split;
push @{$hash{$t[$ic]}{$t[$sc]}}, $t[$ec];
close IN;
#print Dumper(\%hash);
my $all = 0;
foreach my $sid (keys %hash) {
#print Dumper($hash{$sid});
$all += &stat($hash{$sid},$sid);
print "All:\t", $all, "\n";
sub stat{
my $rh = shift;
my $tg = shift;
#print Dumper($rh);
my $s = 0;
my $m = 0;
my $n = 0;
my @rk = sort {$a <=> $b} (keys %$rh);
#print Dumper(\@rk);
foreach my $x (@rk) {
my $ra = $rh->{$x};
my $y = $ra->[0];
if ($#$ra > 0) {
my @ra_rsorted = sort{$b <=> $a} (@$ra);
$y = $ra_rsorted[0];
#print $m, "\t", $n, "\t", $x, "\t", $y, "\t";# "\n";
print $tg, "\t", $m, "\t", $n, "\t", $x, "\t", $y, "\t";# "\n";
if ($m <= $x) {
if ($n < $x) { # m,n,x,y
$s += $y - $x;
print $s, "\tG\n";
$m = $x; $n = $y;
if($n < $y){ # m,x,n,y
$s += $y - $n;
print $s, "\tG\n";
$m = $n; $n = $y;
}else{ # m,x,y,n
print $s, "\tB\n";
print $s, "\tB\n";
#print $m, "\t", $n, "\t", $x, "\t", $y, "\n";
return $s;
#print "All\t", $s, "\n";
# ============== Float like a butterfly! Stand like a buttonwood! ==============
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