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Last active April 24, 2017 17:49
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Wiredelta challenge(version 1)
function CalculateAge(){
var birthYear = parseInt(document.getElementById('age1').value)
var currentYear = new Date().getFullYear();
var x = currentYear - birthYear;
var y=x-1;
if( x > -1)
document.getElementById('id1').innerHTML = "you are either " + y + " or " + x + " years old";
alert("invalid input")
function CalculateSupply() {
var Age = document.getElementById("age2").value;
var AmountPerDay1 = document.getElementById("AmountPerDay").value;
var Lifetimesupply = ((AmountPerDay1 * 365) * (100 - Age ));
if ( Age > 0 && AmountPerDay1 > 0)
document.getElementById('id2').innerHTML = 'You will need ' + Lifetimesupply + 'kg of it to last you until the ripe old age of 100';
// alert('You will need ' + Lifetimesupply + 'kg of it to last you until the ripe old age of 100' );
alert("Error - Entered values must be greater than 0.");
function CalcArea() {
var radius =
if ( radius > 0)
document.getElementById('id3').innerHTML = 'The area of the circle is ' + (radius * radius * Math.PI) + 'square m';
alert("Error - radius must be whole number greater than 0.");
return false;
function CalcCircumfrence() {
var radius =
parseInt(document.getElementById('txtRadius').value); //String Changes to Integer
if ( radius > 0)
document.getElementById('id3').innerHTML = 'The circumference of the circle is ' + (radius * 2 * Math.PI) + 'm';
alert("Error - radius must be whole number greater than 0.");
return false
function celsiusToFahrenheit() {
var temp=
var y =
temp * 9 / 5 + 32;
document.getElementById('id4').innerHTML = temp + '°C is ' + y + '°F';
alert("Please Enter a value");
/*alert("converted answer is " + y + "°F");*/
//String Changes to Integer
function fahrenheitToCelsius() {
var temp =
parseInt(document.getElementById("c").value) ;
var y = (temp - 32) * 5 / 9;
document.getElementById('id4').innerHTML = temp + '°F is ' + y + '°C';
alert("Please Enter a value");
</!DOCTYPE html>
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<title>WELCOME TO MY CHALLENGE!!</title>
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<!--<a href="#" onclick=" test()">Click Here to call first function</a>-->
<div id="div1">
<h4>Age is just a number!!</h4>
Enter your birth year:
<!-- <input type="number" min="1990" max="2017" step="1" id="age1" size="20" /></p>*/-->
<input type="number" min="1900" max="2017" step="1" id="age1" style="font-weight: lighter;" size = 20/>
<!--<input type="button" value="Know your age" id="btnn" onclick="CalculateAge()" >-->
<input type="button" class="btnn1" value="Know your age" id="btnn" onclick="CalculateAge()" >
<p id="id1"></p>
<!--<textarea id ="hello" value="null" cols="55" rows="2" wrap="virtual" style="height:24px;min-height:24px;" readonly="" >
<div id="div2">
<h2>Know your Food!! </h2>
<p> Enter age:
<input type ="number" id="age2" size="20" ></p>
<p>Enter Amount Per day:
<input type ="number" id="AmountPerDay" size="20" ></p>
<input type="button" class="btnn1" id="btnn" value="Your Lifetime Consumption" onclick="CalculateSupply()">
<p id="id2"></p>
<div id="div3">
<h2>Create a Circle!!</h2>
Enter the radius for your circle in m:
<input type="number" id="txtRadius" size="20" />
<input type="button" class="btnn1" id="btnn" value="Get circumference" onclick="CalcCircumfrence()">
<input type="button" class="btnn1" id="btnn" value="Get area" onclick="CalcArea()" >
<p id="id3"></p>
<div id="div4">
<h2>Its Hot Out!! </h2>
<p>Enter the temperature in °C or °F :
<input type ="number" id="c" size="20" ></p>
<input type="button" class="btnn1" value=" Convert To Farenheit" id="btnn" onclick="celsiusToFahrenheit()" >
<!-- <p>Enter in Farenheit:
<input type ="number" id="f" size="20" ></p> -->
<input type="button" class="btnn1" value="Convert to Celsius" id="btnn" onclick="fahrenheitToCelsius()">
<p id="id4"></p>
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